I am in the process of constructing a character who uses a CattleMaster for farm work. According to Tech Manual, page 63:However! In ATOW, page 295, it says in a footnote:
My question is... IMechs, does the pilot need a NH or not?
Best we can answer is "sometimes", I think. I'm not aware of any Tech Readout or sourcebook that expressly spells out which IndustrialMechs require neurohelmets and which ones do not, at least not directly.
I searched Tech Readout: Vehicle Annex, and couldn't find any mention of the word "neuro", so no help there.
Tech Readout: Irregulars on page 36, under the Inquisitor's entry, mentions that Corporal Elishin Luwin repainted an Inquisitor named the "Blue Boy", and then suffered near-fatal neurohelmet feedback that ended his career. So, we can presume that the Inquisitor needs a neurohelmet, which kind of makes sense, since it's a SecurityMech. That's the only mention of the word in the book. With that said, I don't think the helmet the Exo pilot is wearing on page 17 looks like a neurohelmet or, if it is, it's a fancy one, but YMMV.
Personally, I'd probably argue that any IndustrialMech with Advanced Fire Control requires a neurohelmet, and that it's probably optional on all the others, but that's just me.