Way back at the dawn of time, I'd asked about
DropShuttle Bays and what they could carry, and the ruling at the time was that DropShuttle Bays could only carry DropShuttles, ie. DropShips that lack KF booms. The maximum capacity for any one ship carried was 5,000 tons, with two per bay. Since that time, it's also been ruled that
DropShuttle Bays can carry very small space stations.
In looking through my copy of Instellar Operations tonight (the first printing one in 2016 that's a single volume), I noticed this on page 118:
Game Rules: A DropShuttle bay may accommodate up to two DropShuttles or DropShips, each weighing no more than 5,000 tons, and with a combined weight that may not exceed 10,000 tons.
I believe this publication postdates the initial ruling by
Welshman and I wanted to get confirmation that it permits standard DropShips to be carried in addition to DropShuttles, so long as they meet the requirement of being no more than 5000 tons. Is that indeed the case?