Author Topic: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)  (Read 21448 times)


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #90 on: 07 June 2023, 16:40:56 »
had to hit reply before I read more.

Stone is striking me as a Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan type. ... Possibly even a Nathan Fillion as a dignified Malcom Reynolds.

What??? he's a frackin' "skin job"? ? ? ? (well, kind of)

So ... flipping ... cool.

And the saboteur ... I'm rooting for the good guys to take care of everything with extreme prejudice (maybe Major Payne will show up).
« Last Edit: 07 June 2023, 17:14:05 by Wolf72 »
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #91 on: 07 June 2023, 17:37:06 »
Pretty sure you meant awesome surprise.   ^-^

That assassin might get a nasty surprise with a Desmond in the room..


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #92 on: 07 June 2023, 18:10:40 »
Stone has a Desmond.
Or rather, a Desmond IS Stone...  ^-^


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #93 on: 07 June 2023, 18:43:10 »
Sounds like there a wolf among the sheep of the station....
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #94 on: 07 June 2023, 19:21:02 »
More like there's a wolf among the sheep DOGS at the station!  ;D


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #95 on: 07 June 2023, 19:28:20 »
he's a wolf trying to swim with orcas.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #96 on: 07 June 2023, 19:36:35 »
That analogy works too!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #97 on: 08 June 2023, 00:50:09 »
Hmmm, pretty interesting twist having Stone be basically a cyborg that hides under a very, very thin veneer of a character he used to be in the past somewhat. And he's so successful at that, that even his closest friends haven't figured that out yet.

I somewhat mislike the fixation on the Cameron House here, but, eh, what can you do. ::)


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #98 on: 08 June 2023, 03:27:18 »
It's how all those AIs were built...  8)


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #99 on: 08 June 2023, 07:53:08 »
Hmmm, pretty interesting twist having Stone be basically a cyborg that hides under a very, very thin veneer of a character he used to be in the past somewhat. And he's so successful at that, that even his closest friends haven't figured that out yet.

I somewhat mislike the fixation on the Cameron House here, but, eh, what can you do. ::)

And Helena actually doesn't much like it either and is already developing a plan in the back of her head to make sure that if people really cannot accept a Star League without a Cameron, well that's exactly what they will get.  After a fashion.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #100 on: 08 June 2023, 08:45:34 »
Speaking in Person

"I will negotiate…

…in good faith," Daoshen explained.  "Of course, it will be carefully."

Stone grimaced, "I find your warning ahead of time to be troubling, Chancellor."  The party last night was over and today was, between the breaks for tours and presentations, about business.  "You're basically saying you'll rules-lawyer your ass off if you can."  Admiral Foster was sitting in an observer seat, as moderator.

"You knew that already, Exarch Stone, saying it out loud, means it goes into the public record, and nobody can claim perfidy later.  This will all be above board.  Also, I expect YOUR government will attempt to find 'loopholes and workarounds'.  They would be catastrophically negligent not to."

Devlin Stone chuckled with Liao at the shared joke.  "We could have done this somewhere closer."

"Then you wouldn't have come!  You couldn't, honestly, or I wouldn't be able to.  I, because of my long-standing national hostility with the Haseks or Andurien.  YOU, because the only way you'd trust meeting ME is either in irons on Terra, or here, on a guaranteed neutral with no prior history to muddy the issues."

"You know they're borrowing money from the Republic at an astonishing rate.  What makes this 'neutral', Chancellor?" Stone asked.  "I think your father would've already termed the Alliance a 'client state' and rejected it."

"I am… not my father," Daoshen stated.  "Perhaps that means I am less than he was, to be willing to discuss peace so easily, under such conditions.  Though my argument might be more on the lines of 'How are you ever going to foreclose?' on the Alliance, if they default?  The answer is that the Outworlds are too distant for you to do so, and you would have to get in line behind three Clans and a number of merchant banking institutions in three more states.  If you were to seek to do something like that, such an extended war, so far from your home lines, would be catastrophic for your nation.  Much as it would be for us.  Your advisors, Devlin, agreed to this because you're safe from my advisors here… and mine agreed because I told them to."


"Because, I prefer the RAF to be watching and supporting a distant foreign war, instead of planning your next conquest of the Capellan Confederation, of course.  Had my grandmother had the same foresight, she would have been offering Rasalhague as many shipments of arms as could come out of our factories in the thirty-fifties 'at cost'.  Because it would have kept the Steiner-Davions and their Hasek lackeys focused on a distant foreign war instead of on finishing the conquest of the Confederation.  Let me be perfectly clear for you, and for history… Everyone else owed you for what you did during the Blake War.  But we fought them off ourselves and you demanded a slice of my realm anyway… and my father fell defending it.  The usual pattern is, you'll want a buffer next.  So maybe another 'limited' invasion, to create a buffer state will happen.  And of course, then you'll have the ready-made excuse of pre-emption.  And before anyone realizes it, you're sitting in the Magistracy and the Confederation is merely a province of your 'Republic'."  Daoshen closed his hand.  "Which I don't want.  The alternative, is we start attacking you.  Because History is what History is, and millions end up dead.  We might win, we might lose.  But the survivors will envy the dead in either case… OR… we establish a sustainable detente and peace, and your aggression is focused where it may actually do some good."

"And yours?"

"I have a nation to rebuild," Liao stated.  "Between the 'Capellan Crusades' (nice name by the way, Devlin, very…catchy) and the damage done to us in the last four centuries before the Blakists tried to drive all mankind into the dirt?  We have a lot of rebuilding to do, and more than enough outright work to do.  Plus, unlike you, I have an open border into unclaimed space.  All we need is enough breathing room, and we will eventually surpass you.  It may be that, in a few generations, one of your successors will be applying to join the Confederation… as a member-state.  A good few steps involve encouraging you into these extended foreign activities far from our borders.  They're a good tap for your more aggressive followers, and pose no threat to our interests."

"You wouldn't be interested in 'participating' then?" Stone asked.

"The CCAF could learn a lot from the operations out here.  We have Tortuga and someone will have to eventually do something about the Marians," Liao stated.  "So, I am not averse to providing support to the Alliance, as neutrals, of course.  We are a bit…distant… to try and claim to be full allies of anyone in this area as of yet.  But money does transfer and it transfers more easily if it doesn't have to filter through war zones to go where it is being sent."

"So you are playing for influence."

"I'd be an idiot not to," Daoshen shot back.  "I have intentions, and plans.  And most of them work better if I’m not digging in to resist yet-another-invasion myself.  That possibility reduces if my friends are also the friends of the people most likely, in their naked envy and avarice, to attempt something they would not, if their friends were watching."

"And you have other reasons for this conflict in particular, right?" Stone asked.  "Because there are closer ones you could have brought up…"

"Inevitably," Daoshen stated.  "Just as you have ulterior motives for your government's support of it.  If you didn't, you would… be catastrophically negligent.  And maybe more than a bit incompetent, and the record doesn't show that.  We both have ulterior motives, additional goals, and secret objectives, none of which are broken by negotiating a sustainable armistice and detente between our respective nations."

Then, Daoshen waved.  "Look around you, Stone," he said.  "Look at what they've done here.  What they can do here.  And think about what it means when there are artificial sentients, and they are not… brainwashed monsters.  Of course I have an interest!  How long has it been, since anyone's interstellar navy acted like a Navy instead of alternating between a transport service and a mobile atrocity factory?  Hmm?"

The timer clicked over, and Foster struck a Gavel.  "Gentlemen, it's time for recess.  Followed by a presentation at two."


"He didn't sugarcoat…

…that at all, did he?" Helena asked as the two heads of state headed for their respective diplomatic residences on the Station.

"I do not think he needed to," Foster stated.  "I imagine Liao knows the reputation of his… 'House' well enough he's going to want to be in front of any accusations of impropriety, and the best move he could make is…?"

“Be sincere.  As much as everyone will doubt him, he’s telling the truth.”

"Or be openly insincere but legalistic," Foster said.  "There are more than a few Bloodhouse leaders in the Touman who use the same sort of 'brutal honesty' to cover their covert moves."

“Yes.  We all bend the truth in some form to suit our agendas.  But in this case, he is expertly cutting off most counters.  Helps make him look like the good guy, too.  So that’s what he’s doing.”

Foster nodded along.  "It's in his interest, as he said… repeatedly.  Makes me think his real endgame is something complicated.  But then, that is how it ends up being within the Touman when the Bloodnamed play politics."

“Agreed.  I never got the same education in interstellar politics Elizabeth did, but in navigating my way through so many wars, I’ve still picked up a few things.  Stone can refuse.  He has enough political pull to do so.  But what it would cost him while supporting us at the same time may be too high of a price in the long term.”

"Hence, why he's here: if the talks collapse, it's not his fault; and if they succeed, it brings in additional capital," Foster agreed.

“All we need to do now is find out what Daoshen really wants.  I have some guesses but most of them are paranoid fantasies.”

"So, let us be paranoid fantasists.  I assigned Roberts to give the tour this afternoon.  She is about as subtle as a mining sledge, so I asked her to find out."

“Option one and the most basic: he’s after some Cameron genes to make a real claim at being the real First Lord.  Or more specifically, his children will be.”

"Something to watch for… but here is option two: Daoshen's been asking about the AIs, a lot.  And he stayed awake and alert, according to Jonah and Cossack, for the entire trip here from the jump point.  He is looking for tech exchange."

“Yeah.  That’s occurred to me, too.  He may be looking to be the true Mandate of Heaven and Celestial Wisdom.  Thankfully, I think we’ve kept the details of that under wraps enough for that to be real paranoid thinking.”

"Option three: we are jumping at shadows.  He actually means it, and it does not invalidate options one and two," Foster noted.

“Possibly.  The scariest part, is that’s the one I believe the most.”

"So does Howe," Foster said.  "Which means we really need to be watching, because… Hear me out here: 'It might be the best deal for US'."

“This is why I have grown to dislike hereditary rule…” Helena shook her head.

Foster shrugged.  "Helena, even the Clans were unable to completely remove it.  The whole Bloodname thing is really just a more flexible form."

“I know.  Names have power and meaning.  I guess I just have this hope that the experiments with Democracy of Terra’s past were not exceptions to the rule.”

"Heh, the 'rule' was that they failed.  Admiral McKenna had to put them down, and they failed even out this far: Avellar didn't have to run for his office, he was born to hold it."

“Yeah.  Just the thought of you can go from Jocasta to Simon to Richard to coup is hard for me to get around how much of a lottery the whole system is.”

"Lotteries are governed by odds, Helena.  What you're talking about is more of a rigged game.  Like the dealer dealing from a marked deck to blind players."

“I suppose that’s the better way to put it.  But I still don’t like how much people look to me for things they should be able to do on their own just because my name is ‘Cameron’.  But I still lead because someone has to, and I can at least try and make the next cog in the wheel of time better than this one.”

"I believe your sister tried it a different way recently, and she still wound up with people looking to her for things they should be doing themselves," Foster pointed out.  "Only in her case it was 'Drillson' and somehow, she still had to arrange to be thrown out of office."

"You don't really believe Elizabeth set that up!"

"I do," Foster asserted.  "She rigged it so they'd toss her out when it looked like nobody else would run for her seat in the next election."

“Almost sounds like something I’d do to duck becoming the real First Lord again.  I know my reluctance to seek power is why so many think I am so good with it.  But some days I’m sure I’m really more lucky than good.”

"To seek power, Helena, requires a certain level of certainty that you are right, and everyone else is wrong."  Foster glanced at the chronometer.  "Those who only do so reluctantly tend to be more aware that that is a fallacy.  I believe Amanda would suggest that such a person is ideal for actually governing, as opposed to merely seeking to rule."

“Which creates an interesting philosophical quandary.  Knowing that I know that, does my reluctance to power become a facade?”

"History might say, your opponents might say, you might even say, but as an absolute?" he shrugged.  "I don't know, to be honest.  But excessive humility in a leader in wartime is not a virtue.  Just as any other excess, it becomes a vice in its own right."
“Thankfully, I’ve had good teachers in that department.  I’m just glad we’re starting to close in on the end, slowly but surely.  I know there will be other wars, other problems.  But this one is going to be with me a long time.”


The Decisions we…

…make as teens often come to haunt us later on.  Amanda got the chance to rue this today, as she tugged at the costume that had become, for all useful purposes, the mess-dress uniform of the Privateers.

"At least you didn't experiment with wigs too," Lori commented, as they checked each other's 'surface dress' uniforms for violations of the regulations.

"What the hell was I thinking?" Amanda wondered

'You thought it looked cool, and the leadership obliged because… reasons?"

Amanda regarded her image in the mirror.  "It does look cool, doesn't it?"

"That's right, stoke your vanity in the impractically long coat, Amanda.  But be glad you didn't go for the wigs in some of those history romances you love."

"Well… here we go, it's almost time."


Amanda held up a portable, and then put it into the large cargo pocket of her jacket, just below the belt.

The walk down to the lift for fifteen took a few minutes.  The ride down the lift gave a steady increase in felt gravity as it moved away from the center core of the station to the mid-levels, where the wheel was large enough to have a full gee of spin gravity.  The outer levels were the docks, but her presentation would be in the Guest Facility's main hall, followed by a tour to the docking and maintenance levels.

Areas where normally, one wears a suit all the time.  And her 'underwear' was a skinsuit, one with an emergency hood because of the hat that would otherwise be in the way.

"Safety brief, short summary of the Service," Amanda muttered.  'A few jokes to lighten the mood… discussions of what we found…"
It was going to be a LONG day.

But not as long as the day was going to be for the guys in the Bannerhoft Occupation forces, or the guys on the front-lines, or the men and women manning system defense militias waiting for the next attack.

<Do you want me to handle it, Amanda?>

"No, Desmond, I have to do this one myself," she answered.  "Just help me keep my presentation straight, okay?"

<Will do.>


"I trust everyone…

…who is here, has at least an emergency skinsuit tucked under their clothing?" Amanda asked.  "Because if you don't, we'll wait.  The Docks are mostly pressurized, but accidents happen.  A space station is not like a planetary port.  If you feel the wind, it's a good idea to zip up."  She demonstrated by deploying her emergency head-cover, a flexible cloth and plastic mask connected to a small recycler, which she then rolled back after demonstrating the checks.  "A skin bag, like the one I'm wearing, will last up to half an hour on the inboard systems.  Long enough, hopefully, to get to a shelter, or into a beach-ball."  She re-seated her hat.  "We try not to have accidents, but in space, accidents are inevitable."

Regina was helping one of Stone’s men with his suit while Victoria was standing by waiting patiently as Daoshen’s men seemed either uninterested in her help or not in need of it.

Amanda was pretty sure it was the former but she couldn’t say anything more without creating an incident, as she actually could not be sure.

But something about Victoria did seem a bit off as she studied her.

<Something wrong Victoria?>  Amanda reached out.

<An aberration in my remote.  It is minor enough I can continue without interrupting the tour.>

<That remote lets you interact with people who don't have implants, Victoria.  If it's acting up, you might want to get that looked at before it fails somewhere or sometime it's critical.>

<Next opportunity I will speak to Esme about it.>

<We'll be down in her turf,> Amanda agreed.  <Alice, let Esme know Victoria's remote is acting up.  We'll have to have her stop in during the tour.>

<WOW, Captain Roberts!  Your interface is so clear today!!>  Alice replied.

<Desmond's focusing on running it instead of me,> Amanda replied.  <I have to do this without leaning on him, so it CAN be clearer.  Has Esme responded yet?>

<Erin's letting her know now.>

"Okay, is everyone ready?"  Amanda was trying to be genial.

Regina gave a thumbs up to indicate the last of Stone’s party was suited up properly.

"We're going to begin with the lifts you have all already taken, so I won't go into that topic.  Instead, we'll talk about my ship, OWS Evanescent.  Most of the Privateer Service's vessels are leased to the Service by the Outworlds Alliance Parliament, with half the lease funding provided by Clan Snow Raven as a reserve force.  I own mine, and she's one of our first stops, since my ship is the first ship in the Service, though not the flagship…"

“Oh?  That seems rather unusual,” Stone commented.

"When Evanescent became my ship, the Outworlds Alliance didn't have a Privateer service.  We didn't have the Letter of Marque and Reprisal, we didn't have official sanction," she explained.  "What I had was a damaged memory that led me to a Naval Coordination center that was set up before the Risings of the 28th century by the officially denounced Outworlds Resistance.  And that coordination center had an archive, which led me to where Evanescent had been laid up against the possible resumption of hostilities with the Star League."

"Resumption of hostilities?" Daoshen asked.  "You mean, your ancestors were planning to fight the Star League?"

"The first time through, Chancellor, we were occupied by Amos Forlough," Amanda spat the name.  "And we had generations of remembering what he did to us.  The Resistance had the intention to fight to the last man.  Because allowing it to happen again, and to have the war criminal given a medal and a… a title for it?  Was too much to stomach a second time."  Her tone dripped with ancient rage as she spoke, carefully suppressed, but palpably there.  "They didn't get the chance, of course.  They didn't know about Amaris and his relationship with SLIC in arranging the war they'd feared was coming.  If they had, they might've picked their allies a little better… But they didn't, and so, I got a ship!" she ended brightly.

"So you salvaged a two hundred forty thousand ton WarShip?"

"By myself, yeah.  They stocked her with everything before they laid her in the base I found her in.  And it got missed by Kerensky's forces, though they didn't miss the intended crew and officers on the planet… So she's mine.  I have legal title and everything."

"How much degradation did it have?" one of Daoshen's aides, a registered assistant in technical matters named Si Fu Lan, asked.  He was, in Amanda's eyes, fairly handsome in that quirky way she liked.  <Maybe see if he's busy later, Desmond?>

"Mostly pretty good shape, the… ah… food stocks weren't, and most of the medicines aboard were centuries past their 'dispose by' dates," she admitted.  "Which led to how I first got noticed."

"How was that?""

"I boarded a Clan supply vessel and stole the MRC's out of their emergency galley," she said.  "My big 'heist' as a 'pirate' was stealing food everyone tells me is among the most awful tasting in existence!"

The lift started down toward the ring.

"That got you a Letter of Marque?" someone scoffed from the Republic's group.

"No, destroying a Battalion of the Sons of Plunder in the Hala system got that ball rolling," Amanda stated.  "I got my first crew that way-they were about to take an old Invader class JumpShip, a trading ship.  I took them out, but couldn't save the Merchie hull.  I was able to save the crew, and I offered to make them my 'pirate crew'," she grinned impishly.

Regina gave a reassuring smile and a small wink.

"The Captain of that merchant vessel became my first executive officer, and the man who taught me…" Amanda hesitated, then plunged forward: "He taught me how to actually be a Captain, and what the reality of Pirates were, versus the stories and novels I grew up reading.  He's going to be missed for a long time… but Hala didn't get us the Letter either.  We took his cargo to Northsun, and sold them a shipment of weapons they wouldn't have been able to buy if we hadn't come looking to round out our numbers… And that didn't get us the Letter of Marque.  Though it did get me on the Clan Watch's radar, and they had agents in the recruited crew."

"So got it for you?"

"Devil's Breath," she said.  "The first real Liberation.  The Star League kept a facility there, and the Sons were using it.  About five hundred civilian victims inside.  A short company guarding them in a facility designed to hold political prisoners for the Camerons centuries ago, outfitted with their best security.  It was that action that got the President's attention.  And our plans for freeing Joan's Post got President Avellar to make the offer.  I was the first Outworlds Privateer.  And my crew from then are among the best leaders of the Service since it expanded."

“And what of the AIs?  What role do they play?”

"Pick a role," Amanda answered.  "When I freed Erinyes, she was being held in a state of near-catatonia in the hands of war criminals from the Word of Blake… the same men whose crime set me on my path," Amanda said.  "She helped me kill the man who made her a slave and instrument of mass murder.  I spoke with her.  We interacted.  I chose to free her, and maybe that's why some of my closest friends are Artificial Intelligences."

“And to be fair, our combat experiences and capabilities, while formidable, were built during the Golden Age of the Star League, when ships could be replaced as fast as they were destroyed.  We learned much from the Service about how to fight a War where such reinforcements were unavailable,” Regina added.

"That was mostly Admiral Foster and Larry Nichols.  They worked it out," Amanda added.  "I… I know I have a reputation, but the early part was being unaware that it wouldn't work.  Later, it was because of their teachings."

"Who is this 'Larry Nichols'?” one of the guests asked.  "Will we get to meet him?"

"He died," Amanda said, poorly hiding real grief.  "He died… and we're the poorer for it."

Regina noticeably shifted at the comments, giving away her own discomfort about the topic.

Mercifully, the lift stopped at their destination breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen on the group.

"So our first stop, is the first ship in the Privateer service!" Amanda's cheerfulness was so obviously faked that Regina noticed both leaders flinched a bit, but kept their peace.

To Be Continued
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #101 on: 08 June 2023, 08:48:09 »
Purely Mechanical

The Girl was a raw…

…nerve walking.  Daoshen could see it now, clearly, where her seeming awkward rudeness originated.

"Victoria…" he leaned in to his Liaison.  "...I would like to meet with someone who can discuss artificial intelligence questions: the more moral, ethical and political aspects."

“I will forward your request to Admiral Foster, but I imagine he will approve.”

The girl was explaining, with crewmen demonstrating, aspects of ship maintenance to military attachés from both groups.

"Does she actually know this stuff?" one of Daoshen's junior aides, a man named Si Fu Lan, asked. 

“Of course.  A crew this small, combined with her views that a Captain should know as much as possible about their own vessel, means even the jobs she’s not suited for she at least knows something about,” Victoria answered.  “One could say the bonds such an environment creates rival that of family.”

Daoshen could see it in how the crewmen responded to their Captain in what was probably something of a 'dog and pony' or 'shit detail', depending on which barracks the Maskirovka was bugging.  They reacted to her orders almost before she spoke.

It was a coordination that the Confederation tried to instill.  Daoshen approved of it.

"Is this one of the ships with an Artificial Intelligence?" Victor Steiner-Davion's voice carried.

“No.  Evanescent currently has no AI support system installed,” Regina answered.

"Why not?" Victor asked.

"Because she's MY ship, and I'm not a slaver," Amanda said.  "I won't have someone who can't leave the crew in port if they're so inclined.  A ship can only have one Captain.  The others, with AI support, have specific chains of command and those AIs are leasing the hulls, or were born into them."

“And there is no technical solution to allow a more responsive removal of an AI?” Daoshen asked.

"When they refit the Tenebrous, they had to section through the bow, basically cutting off the end and rearranging structure to make space," Amanda explained.  "It took months to do the installation."

“I had no idea the cores were that extensive.  I would have thought the wonders of the Star League combined with how automated Warships already are would make for a simpler process,” Si Fu Lan added.

"Shielding and power requirements.  An AI core has a separate, independent power supply.  The powerpack is a fusion engine that needs shielding.  The AI's themselves need protection from Environmental factors that don't hit people the same way. PLUS redundant feeds so the AI has full sensory and internal comms access independent of CIC or the Aux Control stations," Amanda recited.  "It's not as simple as plugging a TarCom into a battlemech, or so I’ve been told by our experts.  What I know is that it costs a lot of money and I'd have to mortgage the ship to pay for the work."

“I must admit my curiosity is piqued about this topic.  I hope an opportunity can be arranged soon where I can talk with your experts in more detail.”  Daoshen nodded.

"Illusive is in layup on the far side of the ring, and we'll be passing Erinyes on our way there, Mister Chancellor sir," she answered.  "They're not closed up yet, and Luther would probably enjoy the conversation, now that he's got a proper remote."

“Now that is most interesting.  Is there a shortage of remotes?  And an AI that is male when all the others are female?  I would most like to meet this Luther,” Daoshen carefully hid the true extent of his surprise.

"Most are female.  Luther's not a girl," Amanda quipped.  "So we had to have one custom-built to get the body and movement right, as well as presenting correctly.  Esme said it involved a heck of a lot more than cutting off the tits and spot-gluing a beard."

“And this Esme.  I would like to speak to her myself,” Si Fu Lan added.

"We'll see if she can give a short talk when we're in line with where Erin's docked," Amanda suggested.

<I’ve already multi-tasked and sent a request for meetings with Admiral Foster and added it would be a good opportunity for my remote to get serviced without breaching etiquette.> 

"One question, Captain Roberts… So, most of the Artificials are female?" Victor asked.

"Good question!" Amanda said, "Regina?"

“Yes.  Almost all of us present as female for two reasons.  One is because most of us are based off of scans of a terminal female Admiral of the SLDF.  The other factor is most of us were selected as part of an upgrade program to expand the scope of the SDS on the theory that if an enemy was strong enough to defeat the Star League Navy, a short term relief mission aspect could be added to our mission profiles.  Studies show that humans in such situations respond more favorably to female forms.”

"But this 'Luther' is male?  How did that happen?"

“Yes.  He is based on a different scan source.” 

"So you have the means to create new AI, then?" Daoshen asked.

<Drat Foster not being up for being part of the project.  I know we want to keep this information controlled, but how do I answer?>  Regina put on the FleetNet.

Victoria spoke up, "We had a limited ability, but that capacity is exhausted presently.  The ability to manufacture new cores is, so I'm told, a lost technology.  A lot of knowledge will have to be recovered before any experimentation to create new ship-core AI is possible."

"There's also the political aspect.  The Word of Blake lacked that ability as well, and they had the best access to the source materials," Devlin stone said easily.  "We looked… they couldn't do it, which is good for everyone, because they were TRYING."

“Yes, their implementation of the technology showed rather limited intelligence from what records from the war survive in the Confederation.  Still, it is a shame that no cores remain available for examination.  At least ones more accessible than their current dispositions,” Daoshen nodded.

"So you're working on a project, Chancellor?"

"I would not say anything so ambitious," Daoshen deflected.  "I can see the obvious benefits, but as Captain Roberts has suggested in her comments, there are certainly ethical pitfalls that would need to be avoided."

This got Victor's attention, at least. "Ethical pitfalls?" he frowned.

"I imagine political ones predominantly.  The individuals scanned would have to be exceptional, and that raises certain possible… objections.  Particularly since exceptional ability tends to come with exceptional ambition.  And few ambitious people would willingly submit to being removed from positions they've won through their work, even when it is in the best interest of the collective of the People."

“And there are certain concerns about the process and what it does to the source.  But that is all we can say until we get more clearance from Admiral Foster and the Loremaster,”  Regina added.

Amanda cleared her throat, "Actually, that 'more clearance' has to go through President Avellar too," she said.  "Three way security keys," was a lie.  "To prevent someone from releasing information termed 'critical to the war effort'."

"This war, you started it?" Si Fu Lan asked.

"No, the Sons started it.  I just started the process of fighting back.  They were invading and occupying the Outworlds for centuries.  And stealing our people for use and sale for almost as long.  And we didn't even KNOW we were at war until I started the process of shooting back."

“And that is what brought the other AIs and Helena Cameron out of hiding,” Daoshen observed.

"So, you kicked the proverbial football on this… whole thing?" Victor inquired.

"Yes sir.  Every death, every casualty on our side?  On my head," she said grimly.  "Because someone had to do it.  There were better qualified people than me, with better training, more knowledge, better temperaments, better equipment.  But I was there and they weren't.  It's how the Privateers really began…  It's all my fault, but maybe the enemy's got some of that blame for waging centuries of war on us before we finally hit back."

“I would damn well say that the blame is on them not you.”  Victor found himself suddenly more agitated.

She grinned.  "Tell the Peace Party in Parliament, they keep trying to cut our budgets out from under us.  And my tax bill from last year?  WHOO!!!"

Her sudden levity was… awkward.

"Tax bill?  You have to pay taxes??"

"I pay taxes," Amanda said.  "Fifty percent of the take on prize sales at auction, plus income taxes because a portion of my budget comes from foreign sources thanks to the war loans.  Then there's the transaction taxes for payroll, and benefits.  OH!  And my contribution to the retirement funds for my crew… death benefits…."

"How much?" someone asked.

"I cracked two billion in C-bills after the last deep recon," Amanda said.  "In taxes paid, but Speaker Di Lon thinks I'm not paying enough at fifty percent of gross.  I used C-bills because that's a unit you're familiar with.  In Escudos, it's a number easier to express using scientific notation."

“Bet you’re glad you became Precentor Martial Comstar instead of First Prince even more so now eh, Victor?” Devlin Stone chuckled.

"Okay, that I know… You're talking the taxes on your ship and crew…"  Delia Fischer was with Stone's people, the Dropship commander.  "How much do YOU take in?"

"Uhm… sixty-five thousand Escudos last year?  About?"

Fischer was a merchant shipper before she was a Republic skipper. She did the mental math.  "Wait, you're holding an O-6 position, and your take-home is Under fifteen thousand C-bills a year?"

"About that, yeah," Amanda nodded.  "At the last conversion rate, thanks to our currency being propped up…"

"I have Junior Lieutenants making more than that!!"

"They don't own a starship," Amanda shrugged.  "Duh.  When you're the owner, you pay your people or you don't keep them."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #102 on: 08 June 2023, 17:27:43 »
Heh... OWNING a ship that can jump is its own kind of "pay"...  ^-^


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #103 on: 08 June 2023, 17:34:35 »
Duh! ...


Not for nothin', but I hope the saboteur does not get the job done ... just one of those events would be heart wrenching.

Like if Ivanova were taken out in season 4 via station sabotage
« Last Edit: 08 June 2023, 19:31:56 by Wolf72 »
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #104 on: 08 June 2023, 18:49:07 »
How long has it been, since anyone's interstellar navy acted like a Navy instead of alternating between a transport service and a mobile atrocity factory? 

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #105 on: 09 June 2023, 09:54:30 »

"I knew they were broke…

…but Jesus," Victor muttered to himself as Captain Roberts led them to a tramway for the pass over to the dock holding Erinyes.  "Regina?"

"Yes sir?"

"She was kidding, right? That number is below poverty level in most of the civilized  galaxy.  Even a Merc would get paid more as a grunt…"

"No, that's what Captain Roberts takes home-her gross is in the billions but she pays out a lot.  The Captains with 'company ships' like Illusive, Tenebrous, Capricious?  They keep more of what they earn, because a lot of what Captain Roberts brings in ends up having to pay for things that can be requisitioned through government supply contracts… Though she pays her crew better than is absolutely required.  She's actually acting the intended way the Privateers were supposed to operate, aside from the taxes."

"It doesn't seem right," Victor shook his head.

"A lot of it isn't," Regina agreed.

The ring-tram stopped at a dock, and visibly, the 'bag' had been secured only to the end of the massive thing docked to the station.

A Newgrange hull is enormous.  Practically a station in its own right. Distance can be a little disorienting.

"She's huge," Victor said out loud.

"Big enough to swallow a Bonaventure whole," Regina agreed.  "Big enough to swallow my original ship-chassis and leave room for more.  I present, gentlemen, the Erinyes."

A curvy, raven-haired lady in a very practical spacer's skin-suit was striding from that enormous wall of haze-gray hull.

The visitors were getting a taste of scale.


"Victoria Cameron…

…someone told on you."  Esmerelda Gomez crossed her arms, which accentuated her bosom to a degree that would distract most men.

"It can wait," Victoria suggested.

Esme took in the visitors, then, "Erin can cover your duty for this.  As your medic, I Insist."

The remote for Erinyes had gotten some custom work done.  She looked older than most of the others, mostly in her posture, as she walked up, flanked by yard crew in hazard orange and yellow.  There were a few obvious artificial signs, unlike most of the others, including a slight chrome shading to her 'hair' and skin tone.  More of a metallic sheen than a human tone, like a polished statue wrapped in a jumpsuit, with a tool-belt.  Erinyes had, apparently, chosen to accentuate her true nature in her remote… at least, today.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the remote for OWS Erinyes.  She can assist you while I address a slight malfunction in Victoria Cameron's remote chassis."

""Introductions," Victoria stood firm, and shot a look to Captain Roberts.

The young woman flushed a little, then, "This is Senior Director Esmeralda Gomez, Chief Technical Officer here and Commander of Record for OWS Erinyes.  Which is to say, she doesn't give Erin orders so much as wrangle the technical crews for the Yard here on the station, and the human contingent aboard Erinyes."

"My position is a staff position.  Humans need doctors and medics, I'm the equivalent for our Warships and AI's.  So I'm pulling my medical role here, and taking Victoria in for a checkup."   Esmerelda's Spanish accent was a little more prominent.  "You might say I'm the 'Chief Medical Officer' for our AI personnel."  She eyed Victoria, "Now, If I have to call Helena…"

Victoria raised her hands, "Erin, you've got this?"

Erin spoke for herself, first in Mandarin: “My apologies, Celestial Wisdom, for any inconvenience.  Miss Gomez is quite dutiful and sometimes less politic than she might be, were she from a Military background rather than a technical one.  I will be pleased to answer your questions to the extent I am permitted by security or human decency."

"That is quite acceptable, Erin?" Daoshen answered in English.  "Your Mandarin is quite polished, Beijing accent?"

"Lingua files from the East Asian bloc were included in my original configuration, thank you for the compliment."  She smiled, as Esme led Victoria to a magnetic-wheeled deck-mover with a portable 'box'-basically a service truck built for operations in a Fleet-grade station's shipyard.

"You were the ship's computer during the Blakist wars," Daoshen observed.

"I try not to dwell on that time," she answered the unspoken question.  "My origin was as a heavy, deep range colony vessel.  We haven't yet been able to replace everything the Blakists stole from me when they turned my body into a tool of atrocity and death."

"So you have become… what?  What role do you play, docked here?" Si Fu Lan asked.

"Mister Si, I am currently playing a supplementary maintenance and logistical role for the base, as well as standby rescue and recovery for units disabled, but not destroyed, in the fighting.  In simplest terms, I'm the 'tow truck'.  Thus far, we've been fortunate and my recovery missions have been short and mostly practice.  Given the amount of fuel and other consumables involved, I spend the bulk of my time here, docked and providing support to the station and the Station's Intelligence."

"So, is that what you will do when the war is over?" Daoshen asked.  "Play 'tow truck'?"

"I'm getting help restoring my original purpose, Celestial Wisdom.  I intend to go out and found new colonies for humanity when I have finished the work I am doing now.  By then, everything stolen from me will have been replaced."

"An ambitious goal, indeed," the Chancellor said with just the right hint of admiration.  "What sort will it be?"

"That's the fun, seeing what grows," Erin told him.  "I have more examples now, than when I was first laid down at the yard, both of what to do, and what not to do when I do my true work."

“I feel so embarrassed Esme, this really is the equivalent of going to sick call for a sprained ankle.”  Victoria said quietly.

This Esme is one to keep note of for later.  She knows much about these AIs.  The way they carefully choose their words too indicates she could be quite valuable to me in completing my goal. Si Fu Lan carefully studied Esme without making it obvious he was studying Esme.


"OWS Illusive was…

…the second ship in the Privateer service, and the first one owned by a State Agency.  In particular, she was half-owned by the Outworlds Military Command and half-owned by Clan Snow Raven's Watch, the Security arm of the Touman," Amanda explained as they got off the tram.  "Illusive has battle stars from Johnson, Michtal, first and second battles of Grankum, and several reconnaissance flights in between.  Her first commanding officer later became the Chief of the Service.  Admiral Foster commanded her until only recently, but she's now the Flagship of the Service, and is currently going through her third refit."

“Third refit?  That seems rather unusual even for the pace of operations you have been sustaining,” Victor commented.

"We get into fights with bigger enemies."  Amanda didn't smirk.  "Sometimes 'repair' is more like 'rebuild'.  The Illusive was first recovered at Joan's Post in a non-functional condition.  The Snow Ravens designed her first refit, replacing much of the original weaponry with more modern, more flexible systems and added a carrier function.  We've kept that carrier function, but Illusive is gaining an Artificial Intelligence to… maybe reduce the number of times we have to bring her in for repair."

“Oh and which of the AIs are going in this vessel?  The brief seems to have all the lovely ladies accounted for,” Stone chuckled.

"Luther," she said.  "Who is not a lovely lady."

“Ah, yes.  There was mention of us meeting the rare male AI.  This should be quite fascinating to talk with one who broke from the mold that significantly,” Stone nodded thoughtfully.

She seemed distracted for a moment, then, "Here he comes."

At a distance, he looked like any mid-twenties to late thirties male officer from a professional background.  It was only when he got close that subtle tells that the man coming up the dock wasn't… human became apparent.

"Captain Roberts," he nodded to her.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Luther.  He's the Artificial Intelligence being installed in OWS Illusive..."

"We're still a couple of days out.  Esme's team says the ship's almost ready.  Now, for those of you familiar with the layout of a Bonaventure, my hull's got a few differences that should be immediately apparent…"

“Captain Luther Bedwyr is it?  I’m curious as to what you can tell me about your source.  The other AIs and Captain Roberts have hinted it’s not the same as the other AIs.  Did you also come from the same program as an alternate template?”  Daoshen asked, uninterested in the ship.

"I can't tell you much about the process, Mister Chancellor.  But I can assure you, I did NOT derive from a Terran," Luther stated.  "I'm an Outworlder.  My source was an Outworlder.  I don't have a 'Director General’, or an Exarch (no offense mister Stone).  I have a President, and his name is Avellar.  Going much past that, I'll have to get clearances.  There are details too classified about how my AI was made for me to know about, much less talk about… except my source died fighting for freedom."

“You must have an extremely fascinating service history then.”

"I can say that I've been in this since almost the beginning, if you count the man I was imprinted from," Luther agreed.  "I remember flying the landing on Devil's Breath, and the boarding of the Erinyes."

"Too… much… sharing!" Amanda muttered out loud.

“Oh my.  That is quite interesting,” Si Fu Lan commented quietly.

“Ah, so you are a new AI.  Seems the technology is not quite as lost as we were lead to believe.  I can forgive that, given it’s sensitive nature.  We all have national secrets,” Daoshen said warmly.

"Old core, new imprint.  There were a cache of them, but to my knowledge, we don't have an extra blank anymore," Luther stated.  "It's how we know we can't build more cores.  Esme tried to reverse engineer one, and we just don't have the industrial knowledge to do it."

“And none of the AIs have the capacity either.”  From the corner of his eye, Daoshen could see Amanda biting her lip in frustration.

<I thought I was going to be the one to ****** it up, Luther!!>

<I got permission, it was going to come out anyway.  Calm down, Amanda.>

<As long as we don’t say we actually have two cores left, we’re okay I think,>  Regina added.

"So… your original died," Daoshen looked thoughtful.  "How long was he dead before you were scanned?"

"I wasn't.  I was almost dead.  The process was more like a mercy shot," Luther said easily.  "See, a deep scan, and they knew this in the Old Days when they scanned Dharaval, kills the patient.  I was so almost-dead that even surviving would be worse than a death sentence.  So we took the risk and confirmed a few things, things like the scan is ludicrously dangerous for living people."

“Yes, I understand.  There are times when death is indeed a mercy,” Daoshen nodded.

"How does it feel?" Victor asked.

"Like being numb all the time.  Right now, anyway.  I'll have full sensory again once the install is complete, but in my current state, it's like interacting with everyone from the bottom of a well.   Everything's muted.  Colors aren't quite right, everyone sounds… dim-not mentally dim, but like I'm trying to hear through ears full of water."

“Esme has done some wonderful work improving what our remotes can sense on their own without a ship system to supplement, but they do have their limits,” Regina added.

"So… You mentioned yourself in both first and third person…"

"I don't know if I'm really 'me' or just a copy.  Is Luther Bedwyr sitting in the afterlife, or did it transfer over too?  I don't know," Luther shrugged.  "Some days I'm hoping my soul moved on.  Others, I'm hoping it's still here.  It varies, so I haven't really decided if my memories are MINE, or the memories and identity of a guy named Luther Bedwyr who took his ship too close to a nuclear strike and was too proud to admit he was getting sicker."

<Ask your partner in crime next chance you get.  She’ll give you all the answer you need,> Regina gave a reassuring smile.

<Part of my permission is to suggest there are reasons for them NOT to try and copy the tech, Reggie.  Trotting out philosophical arguments is part of that.  I KNOW who I am.>

<Odd… that wasn’t included in my brief.  Oh well.  At least I said it in private and not in front of our guests.>

“Ship of Theseus after a fashion then.  Quite an interesting philosophical quandary,” Daoshen rubbed his chin.

"Where I… My original grew up, it was called 'Granddaddy's axe'," Luther said with a chuckle.  "All original, the head's only been replaced twice, the handle three times.  Is it new, like new, or a genuine antique at that point?"

"So long as it still splits wood, does it matter?" Amanda asked.  Then quickly answered herself with, "Only to a collector."

“Yes.  I would agree.  In this case you are the embodiment of the memories, and that is the important part, no matter how many times the physical has been replaced,” Daoshen nodded.

"How… pardon, but how large is this 'core' then?  That it takes so long?"

"See those container-truck modules?" Luther gestured at an array of shipping containers.  "I'm one of them, the rest contain additional memory modules, the tech is not small or compact."

“The human mind is really a quite complex computer that people often underestimate.  That it requires so much computing power to make a sapient consciousness should be no surprise.”  Regina picked up on what Luther was doing.


<Operations Security.  Their spies will watch the container trucks, not the small module we're already mounting that's only the size of a compact car,> Luther reminded her.

<Yes.  Our cores are quite sizable by computer standards, but most of the bulk comes from support systems.  So making them think it requires a great deal of computing hardware would be wise.>

<Well, ******.  Somebody dropped the ball on briefing materials for this one.  Can’t have been Foster.  Helena?>  Amanda was trying her best to keep the scowl off her face.

<Possible.  She has had a lot on her plate lately, and only Simon to rely on.  I’m starting to worry that Simon may be breaking down faster this time.  With how much he has to always be on to help Helena with the side effects of her injury, and all the added pressures from this summit,>  Regina answered.

<Shit.  She makes it easy to forget she’s missing a good chunk of her brain too.>  Amanda felt sheepish.

<How the hell she survived the blast of a laser pistol powerful enough to decapitate a man is nothing short of a miracle.>  Luther couldn’t help but physically shake his head.

“Something the matter Captain Bedwyr?”  Victor caught the motion first.

“One of the downsides of being an AI is I’m now expected to multitask on a lot more things at once.  Just some mundane but annoying stuff that is of no consequence to guests such as yourselves.  Unless you’re really interested in fuel consumption logs and audits,” Luther covered himself.

<Nice save,> Regina smiled.

<Not really, I really am having to do those right now too.  Just convenient timing.>

Not everyone was fooled by their rather basic deceptions.  Si Fu Lan knew better, but kept his peace.

“Shall we continue our tour gentlemen?” Regina broke the latest uncomfortable silence first.


Si Fu Lan…

…was glad to have gotten the opportunity to break away from the delegation again.  It gave him an opportunity to start stalking his prey.

The rumors of Esme’s preferred activities were easy enough to pry out of the various station crew and workers.

So he’d followed her to a bar.  Her proclivities towards alcoholic beverages would make it easy enough to subdue and isolate her when the time was right.

But now he needed one more target and fate had provided.

She was perfect.  Tall, powerful, and had just enough asian features to not be questioned.

And how Esme greeted and reacted to her, he did not need his extensive training in reading body language to know there was a connection there.  It would have been better if there was a more intimate relation between the two but by his estimation, they were close enough for her to serve as leverage as well as be a perfect host for the true Celestial Wisdom.  Which was doubly fortuitous as it reduced the number of people he would have to control when the time was right.  He may have been given celestial gifts but every extra person he needed to bring into his schemes increased the risk of them not working out the way he hoped.

There was now just one more thing he needed to do before he could collect them.  He needed to learn where the machines they were protecting were.  For that he would have to turn to technology.  During the next meeting between Stone and Daoshen would be his best opportunity.

To Be Continued
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #106 on: 09 June 2023, 14:42:19 »
It seems a bit odd to call 16,000 C-bills below poverty level. IIRC, that would translate to about $80,000, which I think is a pretty comfortable wage. Not excessive, and less than a US Army colonel makes as far as I can tell (varies with specific circumstances but $92,000 is about base and it can be up to around another 60%)
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #107 on: 09 June 2023, 14:54:29 »
It seems a bit odd to call 16,000 C-bills below poverty level. IIRC, that would translate to about $80,000, which I think is a pretty comfortable wage. Not excessive, and less than a US Army colonel makes as far as I can tell (varies with specific circumstances but $92,000 is about base and it can be up to around another 60%)
But need to add on a thousand years of inflation & 16k will maybe be enough for a coffee at Star League Bucks 😁
OK the C-Bill is probably worth a lot  more than inflation adjusted dollars


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #108 on: 09 June 2023, 14:56:18 »
I've seen comparisons that based upon what you use for a price comparison the C-Bill can actually be less than a current $1USD to as high as $8USD.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #109 on: 09 June 2023, 15:05:33 »
How much is a Big Mac in 3119?  ???
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #110 on: 09 June 2023, 15:47:48 »
Not sure.  AToW says 120 C-Bills can feed one person for a month but that's probably grocery/cooking for oneself.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #111 on: 09 June 2023, 16:43:29 »
Not sure.  AToW says 120 C-Bills can feed one person for a month but that's probably grocery/cooking for oneself.

USDA publishes four different food budget averages per month, which work out to $250 to $415 per adult person, depending on age and sex.  That would set a C-Bill equivalent at anywhere from $2 to almost $4.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #112 on: 09 June 2023, 16:53:55 »
honestly, 16K cbills being below poverty level would certainly help explain the weirdness of Fasanomics.

and i think what Victor needs to realize about Amanda is that she's basically operating as a mercenary command attached to the Privateers, not the auxiliary-military set up that the majority of the rest of the privateers have been operating under. a merc unit with a large staff and a lot of expensive hardware to maintain.
« Last Edit: 09 June 2023, 16:56:02 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #113 on: 09 June 2023, 17:00:48 »
 I used 11 C-bills to the dollar when I was doing all my math for my story, which some day I hope to have time to get cracking on again.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #114 on: 09 June 2023, 17:38:12 »
When I did my Rations thread, I assumed the "Emergency Rations" on page 312 of AToW were daily, not per meal.  Even if they were per meal, that would only be 6 C-Bills per day (~180/month).  Later in that thread, I provide a link to Natick knocking on the lower limits of TL C rations.  I think it really can be done in that small (and cheap) of a package.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #115 on: 09 June 2023, 18:00:08 »
The 120 C-Bills is for Cheap, with a progression of 240 and 480 for Quality and Luxury.  So that's probably about right for Emergency rations.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #116 on: 09 June 2023, 18:32:07 »
120 is probably about right for cheap, non-preserved food on a local market.  :thumbsup:


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #117 on: 09 June 2023, 20:35:22 »
Oi, you guys are making me think of Traveller again!
M. T. Thompson
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #118 on: 09 June 2023, 20:59:30 »
Well all this C-Bill stuff should go in it's own thread.  While Cannonshop's been(somewhat failing) to sleep today I did get a little writing done to help him out.

I don't know why I'm so amused by people not being able to pick the sections I write out from his but I am.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #119 on: 09 June 2023, 21:12:35 »
It seems a bit odd to call 16,000 C-bills below poverty level. IIRC, that would translate to about $80,000, which I think is a pretty comfortable wage. Not excessive, and less than a US Army colonel makes as far as I can tell (varies with specific circumstances but $92,000 is about base and it can be up to around another 60%)

I tried to keep it unspecific given currency volatility.  In FY 3118, the Escudo was trading to the C-bill at around ten to one.

That is, ten Escudoes for every C-bill.  (3118 was a good year) this is only an average, which means their discussion comparing her wages, is only hitting on averages.

FY 3119 has seen inflation continue and the Outworlds is literally living on debt with regards to their currency due to damage from the fighting and 'enhanced' military spending to replace destroyed equipment and repair damaged units on all those fronts we're NOT showing you.

In actual, direct terms, as of the day that they were doing the tour and Amanda gave her little civics lesson, the Escudo was trading at fifteen point seven five to one against the C-bill, meaning one C-bill equals fifteen point seven five Escudoes, and that's up from earlier in the year when the rate was closer to twenty to one.

The lowest point was right after the Sons of Plunder launched their massive, multiplanetary assault on the Outworlds' rear areas.  at the end of 2nd Quarter 3118, the Escudo was (thanks to infrastructure damage and lives lost) trading at somewhere close to 50 Escudoes for each they've recovered a Lot.

The average for the current timeframe, is closer to six thousand, than sixteen...but thanks to external forces propping up the Escudo, it's not as bad as it could be, and the economy CAN recover...eventually.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."