I see lots of tanks and choppers being discused, but not much in the way of anything els, how about we do articles on some of the big blue water navy stuff? :)
We could start with the Wyrm SDS sub, love that thing, then the Rattler MK ll, the Triton Missil Submarine i always thought was a nice ship and would deff be a good addition to any water heavy planet, as would the nifty Lysander Carrier Submarine, then the serface ships like the huge Luftenburg SuperCarrier and Meabh Heavy Cruiser, Even some of the armed Trains are pretty cool, though i do not know if they would be worth there own articles at the moment :/
Then we have things like the Torrent Heavy Bomber, thats the FIRST plane in BT that i have heard in the terms of "BOMBER" and i feel this is worth exploring. Though the Air Ships i feel are just plain worthless as combat units, on the other hand some of the Wiges i feel are worth there own articles , some like the Koi / Ryu Transport Wiges are amazing to me and i would definitly use them to move flanking forces.
Can you emagine how bad ass cops are in BT are when they have such choppers as the Soar / Peacekeeper SWAT Carrier!? I mean CMON! cops with that kind of firepower! talk about overkill XD lol especialy when they have equipment like the SmoothDavid ll / SmoothGoliath ll PAL suits, cmon, COPS with PAL!? sheesh, i feel bad for bank robbers XD lol.
Most of these come from TR: Vehicle Annex and the First few from JHS: Terra, I can throw page numbers and other such info if you like. Hope that eventualy all these get there own articles, becouse when I look at them, even though some are impractical, on the modern battlefeild they can be vary dangerous units. And a few, like the Cops equipment i mentioned last would go great in the RPG aspect of BT.
Thanks for reading this long read and i Hope that all these requests can eventualy be filled. thx