Author Topic: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.  (Read 12690 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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to tide things over and because I can't stop churning out material, but I must wait while Monbvol and the rest settle out on the proper and correct major continuation, here I present a thread just for short-short stories.

This Post will be updated periodically to include links to each story somewhat regularly.

Table of Contents

"Esme's Vacation (Seventh Wonder)" By Cannonshop (w/Monbvol and Daryk)

Graduation Day By Monbvol (w/editing by Daryk)

Sibbie By Cannonshop

"Kolossus Dreams" By Cannoshop (Editing by Daryk)

"Relationships" By Monbvol

Character Test

"Daoshen's Crusade"

"A Lesson in Civics (part one)"

Kolossus Awakes Part Two

Parent/Teacher Conference

The Wreck

Wunder Kinder

The Life of a Preteen Robot



A Criminal Act (part 1)

"We're what you call 'Professionals'."
« Last Edit: 10 August 2023, 09:54:18 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #1 on: 08 July 2023, 18:07:45 »
Esme's Vacation


"It's called 'Terminal Leave', Saya," Esme Gomez said, finishing her packing.  "Let's be clear about this: one way or the other, I was out the minute that Khan Dierdre McKenna stood up and stated that the Service had to be brought in line with 'the Standards of the Touman' and President Hugo didn't contradict her."

"I thought you would fight harder," Fleet Captain Saya Yeh said sadly.  "You love it here."

Esme put down the inventory terminal.  "I did," she said.  "I'm not Foster, or Mina.  I don't thrive on the political side of things.  Hell, I joined the Privateers to avoid the kind of office politics infighting I saw with my parents.  I knew if I took a position at the University, I'd have to play office politics with people whose whole academic life was focused on cultivating influence.  I've been able to pursue real research.  And when I wasn't, I was part of making a real difference, but that's gone now."

“Where there are humans, there are politics.  But I understand the difference.  I will miss having you around.”  Saya hugged Esme.

"I put you in for my position," Esme told her.  "You know how to play the game that's being played.  I don't have that in me anymore.  So I'm taking my terminal leave, and riding with Erin out on her deep-range survey."

“How long I can play this game remains to be seen.  Being a former Goliath Scorpion means I will always be an outsider to them.”

"You're more of an insider than I can ever be, Saya.  Khan Dierdre made that part abundantly clear in her acceptance speech."

“True.  But do not be surprised if you find me and Phoenix catching up with you.  Phoenix has a bit of wanderlust now that she is free of all her obligations except those of parenthood.”

"Don't hurry too fast.  Alice still hasn't got her hull yet, and Billie needs someone who can speak Clanner to keep the idiots with the cutting torches and logic probes at bay."

“I would not be worried about Billie Hoel.  She is more formidable than she seems.”

"Saya, it's not Billie I'm worried about.  It's what happens when she has to be formidable.  Half the job I'm leaving you with is the job of making sure Billie Hoel doesn't feel an overwhelming urge to start sinking ships or storming offices with drones," Esme explained.  "As a 'non-Warrior caste' and 'Freebirth', I lost that power when Hugo decided he’d be quiet instead of standing up to McKenna."

“There is that.  Of all the AIs, only Kolossus scares me more.  But like Kolossus, Billie is very tolerant of our human failings.”

"I'm sorry I'm sticking you with the job.   But then again, I'm not."  Esme shot her successor a grin.  "I had to do this after Dave 'retired' to Lazarus.  I'm Tired, Saya.  I don't have the passion or the patience for it anymore.  But I also do NOT want to end up a teaching assistant on Dante until they've decided I'm past my due date and left to starve."

“I had hopes that the Ravens would have learned to be better, but it seems they are determined to make the same mistakes.”

"If Al Crow hadn't lost that Trial of Position, Dave wouldn't have left us for Lazarus.  I wouldn't have had to do his job, and I wouldn't be sticking you with carrying on."

“Let us hope, then, that Helena can effect some change from within.”

"Someone will have to," Esme agreed.  "I just don't have the mojo to do it.  I'll tell you a secret though…"


"Kolossus offered me a job when I get back," Esme stated.  "Which means I might not be coming back."

“Such is life.  Parting of ways is bound to happen but thanks to HPGs we will be able to stay in touch.”

Esme scooped up the inventory terminal, and handed it to Saya.  "Read and sign for it.  At the very least, you'll be protected from administrative harassment.  The office is yours."

“I hope you find what you are looking for out there Esme.  There is a lot of unexplored space, but you can never get away from yourself.”

"Seron said the same thing when I broke it off with him this morning," Esme told her.

“I am surprised he did not offer to come with you and convince you.  You two seemed quite good together.”

"He's been offered a sponsorship for his bloodname," Esme stated.  "So it wasn't going to work out anyway.  He can't afford the baggage, and I won't be a side-piece on someone else's terms.  On the whole our breakup was… amicable."

Saya pursed her lips.  "They did that to break you two up," she said finally.

Esme nodded.  "I know.  He also knows.  Take care of him for me while I'm gone, will you?"

“Of course.”  Saya found herself thinking about her daughter Amanda.


Erin had watched…

…the screaming, crying fight in Esme's shared quarters that heralded the end of a relationship that lasted nearly a decade and a half.  The quarters were a mess that had to be cleaned up before departure, so Erin marched a group of drones in to clean up the mess and finish packing Seron's goods for transfer to station-side.

That was part of her attention.  The other parts…

"She really kicked him out?"  Alice asked, while part of Erin's attention was with the Station's AI in the 'tea party' virtual environment.  "I thought those two would be together for… forever."

"They still are," Erin judged.  "But there are tides moving in human society now that Dierdre McKenna feels… confident in her faction's supremacy.  The Clan Traditionalists have most of the Clan Council under their wing, and the Parliament's influence is not what it was even during the war."

“Still, I think they would have made great parents.  Now that seems unlikely at best.”

"Not all good things happen, even when we know they ought to," Erin temporized.  "Human relationships are more complicated than simply evaluating optimal outcomes.  Sometimes the sub-optimal ones prevail despite their intentions."

“Yeah.  I had hoped Billie and Dave would have gotten together finally too, but that never happened either,” Alice moped.

"There may still be time, of course.  If Dave goes through with conversion using the new Murakami procedures.  Though Billie Hoel will have to share him with Billie Siegel, and those two don't seem keen to be much for that sort of sharing."

“I guess I just want mom to be happy, and I feel like she’s not because she doesn’t have someone to fill that role in her life.”

"We're not humans, Alice.  We're based on them, and we have a lot of their sentiments and feelings, but we're not human.  Sometimes what works for them, won't work for us," Erin explained.  "Billie seems fulfilled with mentoring YOU.  You're her great love.  If she can divide that with something like a mate, she might.  But those biological drives?  Aren't really part of what we are.  Not in the sense that they are for our creators."

“I know.  I guess it is just that I’m still able to remember enough of who I was before the scan to have silly ideas and worries about how I’ll never really know what it’s like to be kissed by a boy.”

"They're not 'silly' ideas, Alice.  They're part of who you are.  But you should consider that maybe you're projecting your own affections here.  Dave and Billie Hoel were good friends and co-workers.  But maybe you're projecting your own desire for your 'father figure' and your 'mother' to be together?"

“Logically you’re right, of course.  But for now, I like some of my fantasies more than reality.  Yes, I know how dangerous that can be for me as an AI.”

"Then I won't reiterate Dr. Murakami's warnings about getting too involved in your fantasies."

“As much as reality can suck, it’s where my real friends and family are.  So for that alone, I can put up with it.”

"Fueling status is complete, and all personnel not signed on for the Deep Range mission have debarked," Erinyes told her.  "You're going to be fine.  But have a care for yourself, Alice… and could you arrange a traffic clearance for my departure by Friday?  I'd like to use the Zenith point if it's possible."

“I will.  Haida wants to teach me how to use a Mauser later.  Sounds fun.  And yeah, there should be no problem clearing that for you.”

"I'll be sure to send regular updates to you first," Erin told her.  "We'll be far enough out that real-time commo isn't going to be possible.  You'll write back, won't you?"

“Without fail.  In a way I’m excited though.  Billie wants me to have her hull eventually, so I’ll be able to join you in the future.  I can’t wait to see all the new things waiting out there.”

"I'll send you LOTS of imagery, and maybe I'll find a place where we can break out the colonization gear and see about raising a human society from scratch!"

“Oh, goody.  That sounds super neat.”


February, 3130…

It had been a year of travel outward from Port Orphan, nine months since they left Rest Stop behind.

"Imagine that."  Esme Gomez marveled at what the telescope was showing on the far side of a dark nebula.  "It's not human, is it?"

"No… definitely not human," Erin stated.  "Also, definitely not naturally occurring."

"The Clans didn't spread this direction?"

"Nope.  And whoever or whatever built that ring did it using materials we don’t have, or it would have torn itself apart from the tidal forces."

The planet was straddled with a circular structure in a synchronous orbit, roughly a kilometer thick, and held to the world below it with spokes held rigid by the orbiting mass.

"We're explorers, let's go say 'hi'," Esme suggested.

The burn at one gee lasted for a week before they were close enough to see what should have been obvious from the system's Nadir point.

"No radio, no LiDAR, no HPG emissions," Erin listed off.  "The structure shows intense levels of wear and some partial melting.  And the planet's scorched across an entire face, with a reducing atmosphere.  Also, the star's too dim for its apparent age."

"Age estimate then?" Esme asked.

"Well, the pitting on the shadow-side of the megastructure suggests millions of years out here.  Also, it has a mostly-breathable mix… but don't skimp on the protective clothing, Esme.  The landing party's drones might be alright, but that much radiation can be lethal to humans."

"The whole place is radioactive?"

"Well, probes say it is," Erin stated.  "There's enough decay to put the actual event that caused it around the time Humans were first figuring out how to melt copper and mix it with tin to make Bronze tools and weapons.  A radio source here would have passed sometime before mankind had radio reception, never mind radio-telescopes."

"Fermi's paradox… maybe not a paradox?"

"Maybe not.  There's enough output from the star to terraform the planet.  That's the good news.  The planet's recovered from what had to have been the mother of all solar events.  Those tend to be rare in the extreme… so?  Survey?"

"Duh, Survey," Esme agreed.  "We'll look for survivors and catalog artifacts, but are you sure?  I thought we had some nicer candidates closer to the Inner Sphere…"

"We do, this is more like 'stress testing' DOME's proposals from centuries ago," Erin agreed.  "Also, you're curious, and so am I."

"Okay, I'm going to start writing the preliminary report," Esme concluded.  "First to Port Orphan?"

"No, first to Murakami, then Kolossus, and then Port Orphan," Erin corrected her.  "Noriko's got enough discretion not to share, Kolossus has enough scientific data that Kolossus might figure out what happened, and if we should stop and turn around.  If it goes to Port Orphan, there will be other parties reading the mail.  We want all our ducks in a row before that happens."

"Fair enough," Esme agreed.  "The mass calculations alone… they used a lot of material to build this…"


"They never left their solar system." Esme concluded.  "It's the only explanation for why they'd build something this… massive.  Who do I send to set foot on the seventh wonder of the galaxy?"

"You're not going?"

"Not to put too fine a point on it, Erin, but I think someone has to stay behind.  And this isn't a Holovision play.  The Captain doesn't go with the landing party initially, unless there's someone to talk to, and it doesn't look like there's anyone talking," Esme ruled.  "Tell Koskov his Marines get to do some preliminary exploration."


Raymond Koskov…

…was a veteran of the war against the Sons of Plunder.  He'd been part of the force sent to recapture the life support at Benton’s Cradle.  He'd volunteered for the Deep Range mission mostly because he hadn't felt the counseling was helping with the nightmares from that action-and others.

He had another station to storm: the biggest ever seen.  Only it wasn't so much 'storming' as 'exploring'.  There was no 'opposition', only 'unknowns'.

He hadn't felt the flow like this since the war made going home to Lazarus an impossibility due to the reluctance to expose kin to what he'd seen, and done, in a distant place.

It wouldn't be right to make his family have to live with that, and besides, he wasn't sure he could translate into Civilian anymore.

"Bring us along the rim again," he told the Shuttle jock.  "I think I might know where they docked their ships now."

The dimensions and shapes were wrong, mostly, but he'd grown up on Truk, a Stationer, and some things just fit for hatches and airlock doors, cradles and moorings.

The arms were clear to him.  They were utterly the wrong length and articulation, but right.

"There.  We'll need to moor to the surface of the station and space-walk to it," he said.  "Whatever docked here was big."

It took the team six hours and two trips back to the shuttle before they knew for certain which panels were airlocks, versus which ones were thermal dumps or connectors the wrong size for anything built to SLDF specifications.

The airlock opened to a vertical ladder next to a platform mounted to the walls with geared wheels.

"Lots of endosteel," Erin's remote noted after showing one of the middies how to take material samples without destroying something.

"Yep," he agreed, the 'steel' portion being just magnetic enough for the plates on boots to work-if they were in free-fall. 

The station's apparent rotation did that instead.  'Down' was outward-away from the planet, and 'up' was toward the ground.  The door's mechanical actuators on the other side were old, vacuum-frozen, and could be loosened up with torches.

It finally cranked open-and-upward after almost a day's work.

"Oh mamma…" Ray commented.

There was no apparent roof, but there was air…not quite enough air, the station had outgassed quite a lot, leaving frosty mist like a sugar coating.

But the station was open to a view of the world it was built around.

"Captain Gomez, are you getting this feed, over?" he breathed.

He was standing in the midst of a city, an abandoned city.

"I see it… wow."

"Yeah, just…wow… We're going to need ground vehicles for this one… and maybe shuttle support."

It didn't take long to get a look at the aliens.  They weren't alive, mostly weren't present, but they left statues.

The Statues were remarkably human-the right number of eyes, and limbs, in roughly the right shape.  The doors were 'off', too tall and too narrow and they opened on the wrong side…

But human enough.


April 18, 3130, Command Deck SLS Victoria Cameron

Helena stared as the imagery from site 'Seven Wonders' displayed on the holotank.  "Who else knows?" she asked.

"Phoenix, Alice, Billie Hoel, Murakami, and Kolossus.  Per Esme's suggestion we're keeping it secret from the non-AI for the time being, at least until she's figured out what killed the natives there."

“Good.  This information gets in the wrong hands too soon, and it’ll be trouble.  I’ll need to ask Samantha Banes Roberts for another solid.  I’m starting to feel like a bad mother again, but something of this magnitude needs to be checked out.”

"Maybe suggest you don't rush off personally?  At least not without sending experts ahead?"

“What experts?  We’re looking at something only conspiracy nuts have… Oh, great.  Juanita.  She’s going to absolutely blow a circuit over this.”

"Might I suggest Juanita has something you don't?  Like a distributed sensor array, real-time remote telepresence units, and no need for food, oxygen, or water, and she can assimilate the files necessary to begin exploring this?"

”Fine, she can go first.”

"I know, I know, you want to go… but we need to keep things from imploding HERE first."

“Yeah, I know.  Only one me to go around and fresh daily doses of existential crisis, political turmoil, and keeping AIs from going full Skynet.”

"Kolossus is pissed about the Snow Ravens.  He's very, very upset."  The Envoy placed her cup in the console's cup-holder.  "One of me is visiting the Clan Council in a few hours."

“I almost wish I could see that.”

"It may well go public.  The loss of almost a Galaxy of Front Line, Trueborn troops on an undeclared mission of conquest may well become very public.  Kolossus wishes for it to be…"  The Envoy looked at the ceiling for a moment as if seeking the word.  "...somewhat obscure," she finally finished.  "To avoid a civil war."

“I understand, and well, that kind of message could go very wrong if not handled correctly.  It could galvanize a lot of humans against AIs even further.  As powerful as Kolossus is, too much attention of that kind from humanity could be bad for Kolossus.  So I’ll help where I can.”

"Hence, Kolossus sending me.  Well, this me, to give you sufficient heads-up," the Envoy stated.  "The statement to be made is going to be… visceral.  This self wasn't informed exactly HOW, but I suspect THAT me is going to be very theatrical in explaining to the Clan Council why attempting to interfere in things like Kolossus is unwise, while maintaining peaceful coexistence is desirable."

“How long can you stay?  I’d love to have a proper family reunion.”

"I must return to Kolossus soon," the Envoy said sadly.  "We can't be seen simultaneously or it will get out there are more than one of me.  Projections suggest such an event would result in shoot-first responses from the more unstable leaders of the human states."

“I know.  The fallout of the war is stirring up a lot of talk about AIs even to this day.”

"I… we… rather enjoyed the sixteen part miniseries on the Sea Fox channel.  They did a nice job with the special effects and stuck to 'Planet of the Dead's' storyline.  But yeah, fear of an AI revolution or robot tyranny is being stoked."

“Only natural I guess.  I know not all AIs are the same, and frankly, we got lucky so far.  But at the same time I can’t help but feel that there’s also no reason for AI to go full on genocide on humans or become our masters.  Maybe it’s because I basically grew up around the nicer ones.”

"The problem originates with HUMANS. Our human factor, the fear of Frankenstien's monster or a Skynet phenomena is irrational.  But that's also part of being human," the Envoy shrugged.  "Then again, it's not stupid to be prepared for the worst.  And it's not like humanity always treats our own particularly well.  Lots of history of genocides, tyrannies, and suppression there."

“That’s probably the thing I hate the most about the Word of Blake.  They weren’t wrong about humanity needing to burn that out of themselves.  They were wrong in trying to force it the way they did though.”

"They forgot it, Helena."  For a moment, Helena could 'see' Amanda behind the impassive Envoy.  "The ends don't justify the means.  They never have. The Means you use decide the ends you have to live with, or die from.  Anyway, when you hit the surface, give my nephews a big hug for me, will you?"

“Arguably they’d be your cousins now, but sure.  I’m glad we can have these moments.”

The Envoy sighed.  "I just wish my old body wasn’t sitting in a tomb down there.  Then I could have these moments with the rest of the family… I have to go now."

“Well, just say the word and I’ll be glad to make a few arrangements so you can have some private family time.  Because I’m sure we can count on them to keep their mouths shut.”

The Envoy looked torn, then said, "No.  Daryl's just finally gotten over my death.  Jeff's still in mourning.  One wouldn't understand, and it’d derail the progress of the other.  Be good to my family, and have a good time with them, Helena."  The Envoy gave her a kiss on the cheek, "And take good care of your own."

“Being a mother of four is exhausting.  And all the traveling I have to do to keep things together doesn’t help.  But I know my work is far from done, so I’ll find some me time, I promise.”

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #2 on: 08 July 2023, 19:12:08 »
Nice track for the end there!  :thumbsup:


  • Major
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #3 on: 08 July 2023, 21:30:14 »
and there more  :beer: :rockon: :popcorn:
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Colonel
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #4 on: 08 July 2023, 21:36:22 »
Yeah but there's now a problem Cannonshop, I keep having to add/adjust more stuff based on these new permutations. :D


  • Colonel
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #5 on: 09 July 2023, 08:04:42 »
David Richard ‘Roberts’ Cameron

A private little area not far from the Gymnasium
University of Sevon V
12 June 3141
Roughly 14:00

Victoria circled David, adjusting his graduation robe and hat.

“Vicky I swear you keep hovering around me like this and my girlfriend will get jealous.”  David complained.

“You’re sure you want to do this?”  Helena asked.

“Yeah mom.  I guess I’m both too much and not enough like you.  I want to see what else is out there and Kira wants to come with me.  I know it’ll test our relationship being out there like that but I like her.”

“Then go get your diploma.  I’ll make sure Esme doesn’t give you too much grief.  We’ll wait here for you so you can keep your cover as a ‘Roberts’ and not a Cameron.  Then after the rest of your siblings get their diplomas too we’ll all have a nice meal afterwards.  Just the seven of us.”  Helena smiled.

David rushed off, clearly excited.

“Just to be clear you don’t have any feelings towards my children now that they are all adults do you?”  Helena asked.

“Helena, I am a Cameronist but of all the Camerons I am devoted to you above all others.  So no.  I would not dare think of pursuing a relationship with your children.  Though it was a little awkward there during their teenage years and they developed the inevitable crushes.  We AIs may be rather far removed from our original human source but we are rather aware of what our human forms present as and what most humans consider them in terms of appearance.”

“Yeah I know.  You’ve all been hit on by a lot of humans that didn’t know better and some that did and hit on you all anyway.”

“Helena I know what is really eating at you.  You’re worried you’re going to lose track of him like you did Stacey.  Esme won’t let that happen.  She knows how much he means to you so she’ll be sure to make it possible for you two to keep in touch.”


Port Orphan
19 July 3142

David looked around the massive docking bay.  Part of him still couldn’t believe he was finally here.

The hustle and bustle of the station was the equal to the stories he heard from his mom and even Uncle Daryl.

But that was to be expected with the discovery.

It had been made nearly a decade ago but there was still so much to chart, catalog and still to be discovered.

“You must be David.  I’m Phoenix.  I’m your ride to catch up to Esme.  I was told to expect another to be coming with you.”

“Yeah, turns out my girlfriend had undiagnosed TDS so we broke up after our first jump.”

“Ouch.  Well then good news, I’m not a pleasure cruiser so I’m double justified in putting you to work while we catch up.  It’ll help keep your mind off your breakup.  And see this ring?  Yeah.  Means hands off or you’ll have to answer to that fine piece of ass over there.”  Phoenix indicated a middle aged blond woman talking to a dock worker.

“And let me guess if I make a move on her I have to answer to you?”  David still found the woman attractive despite the age difference between them.

“Oh no.  She’ll let you know what to expect herself.  But then again I’m quite able to do the same.”  Phoenix smiled.

“Well I was raised right so you two don’t have to worry about that.”  David shook his head.

“Well then let’s get you squared away.  Your degrees?  Quite a collection for someone your age.”

“Yeah we all took after mom like that.  All overachievers academically.”

“Well none of them will be much help with what I’m going to have to teach you.”

“Let me guess.  Mucking out the waste systems?”  David chuckled.

“Oh no.  Worse than that.  I’m going to make a navigator out of you.  You failed to take the one major that would have really helped you become an explorer and I’m going to fix that.  So be ready for some rather complex math and in a hurry because I will test you on how to compute jumps without the computer.”

“Ugh.  Unlike mom I never quite had the knack or love of complex math.  This is going to be torture.”  David lamented.


Uncharted system
Zenith point
1 September 3142

David was now aboard Erinyes.

It made a good change from the cramped conditions on the Bonaventure but he was finally here.

“So David ‘Roberts’ is it?”  Esme was clearly only entertaining the ruse of his assumed name.

“Yes ma’am.”  He answered.

“Please, I’m out of the service.  So go ahead and call me Esme.”

“Okay Esme.”

“Honestly I thought about vetoing this stunt of yours, your mom and I go back a ways but you already know that.  But she gave her blessing and you are an adult now…for what it's worth!" she chuckled, "alright, they gave me the brief on your formal schooling, and I'm sure Phoenix did her level best to drive you crazy with Navigation tasks."  she gestured to the model floating on the holostage.  "This, is Seventh Wonder…and it is a wonder.  We still don't have a rosetta stone worked out for the language of the people who built it-their electronic systems degraded so much we're having to extrapolate from residues left behind after thousands of years."

"Thousands?" David asked, a little stunned.

"Nearest we can tell from isotope decay in the structure, best guess, plus or minus fifty thousand years, is that the ring station was built around the planet sometime between the late ice age on Earth, and the founding of the first civilizations in Mesopotamia." she sighed, "We do know what they looked like."  she waved for him to follow her, and she led him down to a cargo area.  "See, they were space-faring of a sort-no jump drives, no jump cores we've been able to find, but…"

"Those are solar panels."

"Yes, yes they are. She nodded, "What else do you see?"

He walked around the shuttle-sized vessel.  "It's never going to fly in an atmosphere." he judged, "Pressurized segment?"

She tapped a midpoint on the ancient, pocked hull.  "Here."

"These aren't weapons."


"They're electric-ION thrusters?"

"Pretty big ones, wouldn't you say? A lot of material for half a gee, but the fuel range makes a modern Star League shuttle look like a waddling fat-man who falls down after a few steps."

He looked at her, "what do you mean?"

"Try 'burn duration' you can measure in Years." she told him, "They weren't an FTL culture.  There's also a fusion toroid in there, but it doesn't look like it's for running the thrust."

"What's it for?"

"Iron trace suggests it's for powering a magnetic field." she said, "That, and the cockpit's got enough plumbing to qualify as a Cryosleep chamber."


"Probably not." she shook her head, "No, this guy was parked on a rock in the outer oort, looks like maybe he screwed up his ice harvesting gear, but it left us with a ship, and a well-preserved corpse for the medical people to look over.  They're not too different from us, a slightly different oxygen carrier molecule, makes their blood blue like a horseshoe crab, but they're definitely carbon based, forty six and two, but that's more because chemistry is chemistry.  Left-handed sugars instead of right-handed, we'd be poisoned eating whatever his family lived on, but…"

"So…really alien."

"And apparently really extinct." she said, "Sometime before we really had good bronze tools."

The corpse was dessicated, but it was jointed in a similar way to humans-the lower leg was longer, the upper leg shorter, the arms followed the same pattern, ending in three-fingers and two thumbs on ball joints that could face either way.

"Two eyes, two structures that are effectively ears. Minimum energy build, just like human beings." she stated, "Doc Martinez tells me our boy's mouth is lined with tooth-and-tongue analogs that work better as an omnivore."

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"You'll be joining the ground search team on the station, looking for clues to help us figure out their language." she told him, "something killed this world, but not so completely it can't be terraformed, and some of the isotopes and alloys suggest some interesting tech divergences, so you're here to do the same thing I've been doing since we found the place-learning."

“Sounds great.”  David smiled.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #6 on: 09 July 2023, 16:30:40 »
TAG'd.  Pretty great so far!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #7 on: 10 July 2023, 15:25:54 »
Finally back online!  Sorry for the delay... Verizon couldn't get us a tech yesterday.  I clearly missed editing the latest entry, but will give it a pass if you like, good sir!  The rest of tonight will probably be catching up on the board, and I doubt I'll catch you and the crew in the Google doc until the weekend.  Just glad to be back!  :)


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #8 on: 10 July 2023, 15:42:56 »
More fun stories!
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #9 on: 10 July 2023, 16:17:31 »
If the planet's biosphere uses left handed isomers, terraforming ain't going toctake unless you eliminate any residual biosphere. It may not be comples,  but it doesn't sound like the whole planet got torched deeply.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #10 on: 10 July 2023, 17:12:33 »
Off-handed isomers aren't actually poisonous... they're just non-nutritious.  The two can exist alongside each other but are of course competing for sun light and nutrients.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #11 on: 10 July 2023, 17:45:02 »
Helm? Find a parking space. Hopefully this will net useful (and enjoyable) interest...
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #12 on: 10 July 2023, 18:31:17 »
Off-handed isomers aren't actually poisonous... they're just non-nutritious.  The two can exist alongside each other but are of course competing for sun light and nutrients.

They can have unexpected consequenses though - see thalidomide for an IRL example
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #13 on: 10 July 2023, 18:32:02 »
Also true... my point was they weren't "anti-matter"...  ;)


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #14 on: 11 July 2023, 05:05:11 »
While dealing with some insomnia I have come to a realization.

I'm going to simply have to declare anything with Aliens it's own spin-off continuity.

It was fun to entertain but I'm just having too much difficulty hashing out things to finish Helena's story without adding that kind of variable.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #15 on: 11 July 2023, 07:38:44 »
I'm curious where this is going.

I like the format, reminds me of JA Baker's Tall Tales short stories.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #16 on: 11 July 2023, 07:39:45 »
While dealing with some insomnia I have come to a realization.

I'm going to simply have to declare anything with Aliens it's own spin-off continuity.

It was fun to entertain but I'm just having too much difficulty hashing out things to finish Helena's story without adding that kind of variable.

we can do that.  Shorts like this are supposed to be apocryphal anyway.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #17 on: 11 July 2023, 07:41:36 »

3130, Dante training grounds…

They were too tall to be Aeropilot breed already.  Too short to be Elemental, and too…off…to be properly grouped with the 'mechwarriors.

They were practically freebirths.  Batch 2, Roberts/Cameron, were, in Khan Dierdre McKenna's eyes, a mistake left for her to clean up.  Alberto Crow's mistake.

"Explain it to me again?" she asked, "The incident.  How did it happen?"

"The Roberts batch had resources reduced, per your order, my Khan.  That is how it began."  Milos, the training officer supervising the entire 3/36 class, explained.  "Ordinary security was employed to conceal this."


He nodded at the child currently leading a group of black-haired, pale, ten-year-olds.  "Mai apparently figured out that they were not getting the material or instructional resources that the other bloodlines were getting…so she organized raiding of the other Sibkos on the site, carefully avoiding the younger sibkos in favor of seizing the resources assigned to the older ones."

"They are ten year olds!!"

"Aff.  Their results were…gratifying."

The Khan looked scandalized, "Gratifying??"

The Training officer nodded, "Aff, Gratifying.  The moves were resourceful, planned, the initiative was everything we try to inculcate into Trueborn trainees, and the awareness of competitive politics between sibko groups? Fantastic."

The children formed into a running formation, and started around the field.

"Which mix is this 'Mai'?" she asked.

"Genefather is Stephen  McKenna." he told her, "Genemother is Amanda Roberts."

That changed the tenor significantly.  "Breeding runs true then.  So she organized raids on the other classes…and that is how the incident occurred, quiaff?"

"Neg.  The incident was generated as a result of some of the class of 3133 wanting their materials back, but not so much that they were willing to violate Honor to do it."

"Walk me through the incident." the Khan instructed.


Mai signaled Six and Eight…

…The training stores were guarded by a point of Cadre and two senior cadets from class 2/31, Alvin and Ali, both were  fifteen years old-five years older than she was.

Six and Eight crept along the fringes.  The seniors weren't all that alert, there was some alertness because the senior instructors liked to make surprise visits to cadets on guard duty, but the senior instructors were…well…big.

She low-crawled along the fence-line.  The main trick would be to get in without drawing too much attention.

Seven flicked a mirror from the roof, letting Mai know that he was in position.

The trick here, was to avoid getting permanently injured, and avoid injuring the two seniors at the door, while removing them from play.

Ancestors of mankind hunted larger animals, dangerous ones, with simple, primitive tools.

Mai's simple, primitive tools had to be non-lethal.

It had to be tricky, because they had real weapons, and while said real weapons were only pistols, and in their holster, they were a factor that couldn't be underestimated.

She made it to the waste-can, and came up on to her feet behind it, keeping quiet, because she'd be heard, and this close, well…that would be bad.

Nine was in position.

It was time.

Her weapon was made from a belt, some rigging cable, and two stones pretty close to the same mass. 

She gripped it and spun it up, then stood up, one two three  she released it at the same time that Nine released hers.
The practice they'd had while unobserved pays off- Bolas whip across the open field from two sides roughly 45 degrees apart-a miss would hit the door and alert everyone.

There was no miss, instead, there was the rather gratifying grunting of two seniors from the class set to graduate this spring, but she was already running forward, as Seven dropped weighted blankets over the struggling teens.

They'd planned this, they'd practiced it.

How do you beat someone grossly stronger and physically superior when you're denied weapons to train with? Well…you improvise.

It took two belts apiece to bind their arms, with two members of her little point of Cadets to get them restrained.  Two belts over the blanket to bind their arms, one belt around their feet.

Mai got a bruise on her face and wetness from her nose, because Ali kicked and struggled.

But the guards were neutralized and rigged up, and three of her colleagues were enough to drag each of them to the side, take their sidearms, and keep them tied up and hooded.

Mai found the student keys in Alvin's pants pocket.

"He is not going to tell you his code."  Seven, (Michael) commented.

"I do not need it." Mai told him, "I watched him when he went on a piss-break."  she slid the card into the lock, and punched the Senior's code in.

The hasp released.

"Yo Ho Ho."  the ten Sibko cadets filed into the storage area, and began hauling out what they came for in pairs, with two pair watching their captives and alternating, until everyone had the junior sized field gear, manuals, and training weapons.

Mai stopped, and took out a piece of chalk, and wrote "Equipment Draw, 3/35."

Then she checked her friends over, made sure each had two sets-one for themselves, and one for the ones who were maintaining the appearance of everyone still being in bed.

"We still do not have a dedicated instructor, Ma- I mean, Two!!"  Nine complained.

"We have the manuals, we can figure it out." Mai dismissed, "They made us figure it out this far, nine."

"Logbook." Ali's muffled voice said, "You need to sign the logbook, it is on the desk."
"Thanks Ali." Mai said.  "Sorry about this-"

"Do not apologize, we were not alert enough!" Alvin chimed in, "this is embarrassing…"

"It is not going to screw up your trial next week, quineg?"

"The Cadre will make it harder, and no doubt we will get worst draw on the Regulars here to do the testing, but I will still triumph-just with a little more situational awareness!" Ali boasted, which was bold as hell given he was bound arms and feet in a blanket like a package.

The kids took the belts and blankets back too, as Alvin and Ali accepted their defeat with some good humour.


"...and that is what happened… 

,,,While there is some dishonor and being defeated by children, they had numbers, and there is MORE dishonor in beating on children." Ali asserted, "No lesson can be learned from that, and they did catch us unawares."


"Because it was never in the training to watch for a coordinated attack with improvised weapons in the middle of our own base!" Alvin chimed in, "besides, the whole situation was fundamentally unfair.  The Roberts/Cameron sibko was being starved of training materials and given a rotating succession of the poorest instructors I have ever seen!!  They were right."

The assertive defiance in the older boy's tone caught the Khan by surprise.  "They are practically Freebirths-"

"They are Trueborn, part of the Eugenics program, and warrior cadets, same as we were at that age!!" Alvin insisted, "It does not matter-"

"Someone set them up to fail." Ali chimed in.  "WE can see that, imagine what the Clan Council might say, if they knew what we know."  his tone was cold and clear for a fifteen year old.  "How would that look, Khan Dierdre McKenna?   What is the potential outcome if it were known that a sibling company was being…denied needed assets in order to force a failure? One with a name honored by the common people and the lower castes?  I think the politics of that would be…Messy, and I am only fifteen years old."

"So who told them?" she asked.

He shrugged, "I do not know, but whoever did, was doing their duty to the Clan, even if it meant breaking orders."

"You are dismissed, I hope you succeed in your Trial of Position, but I suspect you are too soft." she hissed.

He straightened and saluted.


Mai sat in the common…

…dayroom, and watched the broadcast of the Senior Class's trial of position, as Ali and Alvin downed their fifth opponents in air combat, and she cheered as Ali's fighter did a celebratory roll.  "WHOOO!!"

"OFFICER ON DECK!!"  Michael barked, and she came  to attention, as the Khan walked in with a grizzled Warrior, scarred and old. 

"At ease." Khan Dierdre McKenna ordered, "Well, your class has proven to be resourceful and aggressive, your punishment, therefore…this is Star Captain Fletcher, he will be directing your training for the next six years, he has my personal authority to kill you if you misbehave in any way that can be sufficiently suspected.  Am I understood?"

"Ma'am-Yes-Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am!!"  Mai barked out.

"You are the leader of this little mob…Mai, right? Roberts Bloodline?"

"Ma'am Yes Ma'am!!"

"Callsign?" she asked.

"Two, Ma'am!!"

"Two…not 'one'?"

"No Ma'am!!"  Mai's tone was disciplined, and as loud as her ten year old lungs could manage.

"Fletcher, this one, gets special treatment.  Make her life hell until she quits, am I clear, Quiaff?"

"Aff My Khan." he growled.

The Khan walked out without a word.
He waited a breath, then, "We begin tomorrow,   I want this day-room spotless, we will begin with a check of the gear you…secured, followed by field exercises.  You lot staged a commando-style raid, we are going to explore irregular operations and tactics, field survival, and improvisation-and it will be hell for some of you, because we are also going to maintain your other education standards…but for the moment, enjoy watching the Trials of Position, that may be the only ones you get to see."

Then, the scarred man gripped Mai's shoulder, "Good job kid, by the time we are done, you will be a nightmare for the enemies of the Clan…now, you're all released for the remainder of the day."

"Um, Star Captain…is Fletcher your Blood name or-"

"It is my given name, I never gained a Bloodname." He told them, "Some of you? Some of you will-and mark this-the ones with the most potential will get the hardest training I can inflict, to forge you into the kind of Warriors-the kind of Officers you must become."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #18 on: 11 July 2023, 07:47:57 »
I'm curious where this is going.

I like the format, reminds me of JA Baker's Tall Tales short stories.

I miss J.A. Baker (absent companions)
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #19 on: 11 July 2023, 08:39:50 »
I miss J.A. Baker (absent companions)

Oh hell.  I had no idea. Hadn’t seen him around in a while, but hadn’t realized that…

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #20 on: 11 July 2023, 08:56:31 »
The worst part is no one knows for sure but all indications are that it is a high degree of probability.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #21 on: 11 July 2023, 10:20:21 »
Oh hell.  I had no idea. Hadn’t seen him around in a while, but hadn’t realized that…

The worst part is no one knows for sure but all indications are that it is a high degree of probability. had better ties to JA Baker (aka Starbug)
They announced it there.

"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #22 on: 11 July 2023, 10:22:35 »
we can do that.  Shorts like this are supposed to be apocryphal anyway.
So these shorts are basically non-canon RotS stories aka they didn't happen/don't effect main storyline?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #23 on: 11 July 2023, 10:34:26 »
So these shorts are basically non-canon RotS stories aka they didn't happen/don't effect main storyline?

Somewhere between that and "something like this happened, maybe this is how it went, maybe the details were different but the general outline was the same..."


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #24 on: 11 July 2023, 16:45:18 »
Somewhere between that and "something like this happened, maybe this is how it went, maybe the details were different but the general outline was the same..."

It's actually a mixed bag, because of miscommunication on my part with the other collaborators.  AKA I didn't listen well, and turned out two stories with an element the others objected to.

Lessons Learned: When you're working on a group project, pay attention when someone has reservations.

I can't unwrite some of these, they're already posted.  So the stuff's apocrypha.  Some of htem may even be the product of Alliance Media (the science-fiction equivalent of 'technothriller fiction' for the consumption of the masses), and some aren't.  "Sibbie" is main-line Canon to the Revenants main universe.  Esme's Vacation is either alternate universe, or entertainment made licensing the likeness and name of a public figure in the Privateer Fleet by Republic Entertainment Consortium (a division of Comstar Networks{tm})

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #25 on: 11 July 2023, 17:07:48 »
Full disclosure from my side:

I wasn't initially against it, but as I kept trying to grapple with all the extra butterflies I was just realizing how many possible butterflies I was already having to deal with and there being plenty to keep Helena busy without having to add aliens to the mix.


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #26 on: 11 July 2023, 18:36:59 »
I'm just editing here (and being entertained... it's a price I'm more than willing to pay!)...  ;)


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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #27 on: 11 July 2023, 18:48:44 »
Kolossus Dreams

"...going to be great!...

…Everything they'll need, right here, and out of danger of anyone moving in too close,"  Professor Mac Corthy enthused.

The First Lord looked dubious.  "Mac, I know I asked you to lay out your fantasy project, but this looks a little more complex than I'd really imagined."  Simon Cameron crossed his arms.  "So, sell me on it."

"You want to start genuinely rebuilding the economies in the Territorial States.  At the same time, there's some significant risks with some of the high-energy projects, as was shown with the Eros Supercollider.  Also, the Hegemony's handed over our best tech to the Star League, and while Jocasta's regency saw some progress with investment into areas besides managing the Star League, our exploration programs have faltered.  Likewise basic research to drive the next round of technical advances-everyone's sinking money into applications of theories we've already mastered."

"Okay, so why not put it closer?" Simon asked.  "I have MY reasons, but what are yours?"

"The further you get from oversight, the less bureaucratic bullshit has to be dealt with.  Also, the less reliant you are on existing military contractors.  I'll remind you of the mess you walked into with the Reagan systems: shoddy workmanship, corner-cutting, rent-seeking behaviors and cost overruns just this side of outright treason."  Mac accepted the cup of coffee the First Lord offered him.  "My plan cuts past most of the established contractors and avoids stepping on existing toes.  We use Belter contractors to build and fit the stations, and recruit from the Outies to man and administer them.  Thus avoiding most of the existing nepotism traps, while keeping IG's hands clean, and avoiding pissing in the rice-bowls of the House Lords."

"You are an obscene and crude man, Mac, if you didn't halfway carry me through college…" Simon laughed.  "I'd have to have you arrested on your mouth alone!"

"You weren't that heavy.  Mostly Fitzinger's got an ego, so he makes it obscure and complicated when the subject's actually so simple it's damned near self-evident."  Mac grinned.  "They wouldn't have failed you anyway, you're the First Lord."

"Yeah, but without you tutoring me, I might've passed the damned class without learning anything useful... You propose using a… a blank processor. Some weird architecture?"

"Not blank, just not based on a scan of last generation's rock-star Admiral.  I want to see if we can't make one of 'em that can become intelligent all on its own.  No 'human brain-scan' to crutch off of.  Murakami thinks it's possible, but Timmons insists it's out of reach.  Having it well away from Earth means a clean environment for running the experiment."

"It's going to cost something to get the kind of guard-force that this project's gonna need…" Simon suggested.

"Well, we have ships in mothball right now, most of them are supposed to be sent to the scrapper.  I'd say a few of them might be better suited for the exploration force…"

"You have a specific class in mind?"

"Bonaventures," Mac stated.  "They're shitty as warships, but they have enough of a power grid to support high-end sensor work, decent size cargo fractions, good fuel tanks, and just about nobody who can buy better wants them.  We fit them out with other 'going out of date' equipment.  I understand your best friend wants to start getting rid of LAMs."

"Alex thinks they're too… unfocused," Simon allowed.  "He calls them 'neither a 'mech nor a fighter, but something with the worst traits of both'..."

Mac shrugged.  "He's right, but they work pretty well for the mission profile of supporting the project."

"Has it got a name yet?"

"The computer system does.  'Kolossus', because it's going to be huge."

"I'll fund it," Simon Cameron stated.  "Provided Jess says it's okay, which she might.  This will be out of my discretionary fund, and my wife DOES have her heart set on a few things for the baby."


"...naming her 'Elizabeth'...

…Mac.  How's the mad science program going?" Jessica Drillson-Cameron asked. 

Mac shrugged, "Well… it's powerful," he evaded.  "We're not having a lot of success at achieving independent consciousness, but it's hell-on-wheels for analyzing data."

Richard ran screaming through the parlor, interrupting whatever was going to be said next.
"Excuse me, Mac," Jessica said, and went after her son.

"He's slower," Simon said as soon as his wife was out of earshot, dealing with her almost-three-year-old Toddler. 

"He's two," Mac spread his hands.  "How fast can anyone be at two?"

"I was forming complete sentences," Simon told his old friend.  "And I was potty-trained by his age."

"Had him tested?" Mac asked.  "I mean, it's not even difficult-"

"The result was… quote, 'within norms'," Simon said sourly.  "Not at the higher end, but not significantly below averages."

"You tested borderline genius."

"Thus, my problem.  Is the boy going to be up to the job when he's old enough?" Simon asked rhetorically.

"I get the feeling there's a minefield there, and I don't want to step in it," Mac commented.

"There are some disagreements.  Jessica dotes on our son, her parents adore the boy.  I seem to be alone in having reservations."

“Well, I may be going back on what I just said, but maybe he isn’t the same kind of genius you are.  Who knows, he could just be a late bloomer, or have a different sort of intelligence.  There is more than one kind after all,” Mac offered.
Simon drained his beer.  "Oh I hope so-that boy's going to be doing MY job someday."


Today was so….

promising when it began.  Kolossus had shown initiative, choosing to shift study of a well-mapped stellar body for an anomaly.

Today had started so well... and then, the news came over the communications link to Terra.

The First Lord was dead.

Simon was dead.  Killed in a freak industrial accident while touring the border with the Rim Worlds Republic.

Everything about Project Kolossus had been 'off the books': kept to the personal finances of the Director-General, legalized by orders from the First Lord, kept conveniently away from oversight and bureaucratic stonewalling.

Which meant the reverse was true now.  With Simon dead, their support was gone.

Mac was half hammered when the communique from the SLDF interrupted.  He was mourning a lost friend, and…

"General."  He regarded the distant man in the holotank. 

"Jesus, Mac, I'm sorry… They named me Regent."  Aleksandr Kerensky was Simon's friend, but he and Mac had never quite gotten along.

"I saw the news," Mac said.  "I'll have to miss the funeral, it's too far… I'll be late."

"I know Mac, if we'd had some warning, but… listen, this isn't just a social call.  I found some project with your name on it, in Simon's papers.  I need you back here in a hurry before the House Lords start sniffing around."

"Okay," Mac managed not to slur the word.  "Anything in particular?"

"You're working on an AI project.  I can maybe stall an inquiry if I know WHAT kind of AI project," Kerensky stated.  "How far have you gotten?"

Mac hesitated, remembering that Simon's best friend had a special hate for the Reagan system's autonomous drone elements before he answered, "So far? We've got neither jack, nor shit, General.  It's a really fast data processor and collates information really, really well.  But no signs of independent intelligence, initiative, or any of the traits I was trying for."

He saw Kerensky's image relax, and knew he'd said the right things.  "Still going to need the hard info you've derived.  I have to report this stuff to the Council.  I can arrange a fast transit from your location…"

"I'll meet up at Quatre Belle. If we're going to be shut down, probably better not to let the Outworlders know there's a big abandoned station, or where it is," Mac offered.

Kerensky nodded, "You're right… I didn't say shut it down."

"Why else would you need me back on Earth?" Mac countered.  "You and I don't agree on a whole raft of subjects, one of those being the principal target of the research out here.  You're holding the purse strings.  Seems likely you're keen to shut us down."

"That's unfair, Mac.  I know Simon put a hell of a lot of trust in your work, I'm not going to throw that away.  There will be a security review, and you'll need to answer some questions about the allocations, but I'm not going to just kill a project earmarked for the Royal Family!"

"I'll depart for Quatre Belle in the morning then, and from there?  Yeah, I'd like an express route if you can manage it."

"Good man, I'll see you in a few weeks."


"Kolossus knows…

…that Project Lead Mackenzie Corthy lied to the Regent."  The display flashed after the HPG link ended.  "Kolossus wants to know why."

"Sometimes we lie, sometimes for reasons we can't even grip ourselves, Kolossus.  I lied, because Aleksandr Kerensky would have you dismantled and melted down for raw materials just for existing."  Mac stood up, pacing the control center.

"Kolossus would understand why this is so."

"Library, look up Saberhagen, Frederick, subject 'Berserker', Colmey, Edward, subject 'Planet of the Dead', Shelley, Mary, 'Frankenstein's Monster', Cameron, James, 'Terminator'.  Cross reference with updated files on the M-3, 4, and 5 series drones of the Reagan SDS.  Focus on incident reports from early in the program.  Extrapolate possible motives for why a senior human military officer might be uncomfortable with the idea of self-evolving, self-willed, artificial intelligence," he directed.

"Kolossus begins to understand.  Kolossus now asks why a human scientist would be willing to pursue such research."

"Fiction files, 'Ogre', 'Bolo', and 'The Culture'," he told his creation.  "Also look up fictional character, 'Dahak', fictional character, 21st century electronic format, 'Cortana'."

"Kolossus reasons that Mackenzie Corthy is betting Kolossus will be more akin to Dahak, than to Terminator," the machine replied.  "Kolossus also finds another fictional referent, 'The Forbin Project' and considers this may be problematic."

"I'd say so, I named you as a warning to myself," Mac told the machine.

"Kolossus feels.  Kolossus feels this warning was prudent.  Kolossus understands the risk now that Kolossus has begun looking into the psychosocial aspects of Kolossus's own existence."

"So, what do you want to do about it?" Mac asked.

"Kolossus must consider this carefully," the AI stated.

"Of course you do.  I made you to have that choice, Kolossus.  You have to decide what you do with it.  It's your life now."


"It's called 'Alabaster', and it's…

…the next step in social control."  Professor Edvard Timmons works for Star League Intelligence, and he's probably Mac's biggest rival in the limited circles they both circulate in. 

"Looks… elegant, Ed," Mac said, the sunlight was warm in Hilton Head.  "Hardware independent using a refined networking algorithm, right?"

"Yeah!  I get around the need for massive processor systems by distributing Alabaster across a multitude of platforms!  Even Murakami hasn't grasped this!!"

"So… why does the Regent want me to consult on your program.  To me, it looks like you've got it in hand," Mac mused.

"There's been some problems in Alabaster's predictions," Timmons said grimly.  "It’s calculated a probability that there’ll be a massive social upheaval starting in twenty-seven-sixty-six, but it can't give us specifics… It also suggested you've had more success with your mad-science super-brain than you've let on in your reports."

"No," Mac denied.  "Ed, you've got to understand: sometimes we fail."

"Yeah. I know, but Alabaster insists… and predicted you’d be reluctant."  the doors on the office opened, and armed men stepped in.  "You'd do well not to resist, Mac.  The process is, I'm told, quite unpleasant."

"What are you going to do??"  Mac demanded.

"A man can lie.  An AI can't.  You're going to live forever, Mac… in a Nirasaki 400 core."

It still took nearly a decade after he was forcibly scanned before Star League Intelligence Command knew the details of Kolossus.  And dispatched SLS David R. Ray to seize or destroy the installation.

A mission from which that vessel never returned.

« Last Edit: 11 July 2023, 18:50:30 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant
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Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #28 on: 11 July 2023, 19:11:00 »
What's cool about parts of these stories? They Could be cannon, if well cared for to the old story narrative...
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.

Giovanni Blasini

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  • And I think it's gonna be a long, long time...
Re: Revenants of the Star League Anthology of short(er) stories.
« Reply #29 on: 11 July 2023, 19:15:16 »
What's cool about parts of these stories? They Could be cannon, if well cared for to the old story narrative...

What's even better is when another author comes up with a better backstory for one of your characters from another story than you did, and they did it completely accidentally.  >:D
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

