Author Topic: The Broken Hand Mercenary Corps - History and current status (3064 updated)  (Read 6281 times)

Lord Ikka

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The Broken Hand Mercenary Corps
-Common Knowledge Background-
Initially formed in 3017 by "the Founder", the Broken Hand Mercenary Corps is an oversized, combined arms battalion as of 3025. The four reinforced companies are comprised of two Battlemech companies, a heavy tank company, and a mechanized infantry/light vehicle support company. As the years pass, the BHMC seems only to grow in size and experience.
The Broken Hand operates out of Hardcore, a deep periphery-edged planet in the Magistracy of Canopus. Hardcore is a known entertainment planet catering to the elite among both Periphery and Inner Sphere clientele. As such, the need for a dedicated combat unit stationed on the planet is low, though possible raids from Deep Periphery pirates is always a possibility.
The Broken Hands initial contract with the Magistracy was to keep the full unit on Hardcore to prevent any disruption of the planet's games and events from such pirate aggression. This was appropriate and worked well when the corps was only company sized. Through the years that the mercenaries were stationed on Hardcore, the contract has been updated and changed to allow the bulk of the corps to operate off-planet, either in support of Magistracy operations or with other polities that are currently aligned with the Magistracy. The typical garrison force left on Hardcore is a lance or two of BattleMechs, a demi-company of tanks, and a demi-company of infantry. These units oversee local defense and also of training up new recruits that have been found either through mercenary outposts or on worlds that the main Broken Hand force has been fighting on.
There are rumors that the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry (MIM) has hired/requested Broken Hand units for various purposes. These rumors have not been confirmed but may have some basis in truth- the length of time the Broken Hand has served the Magistracy and their loyalty to the Masgistrax are obvious, while keeping the unit as a mercenary group may allow for deniable actions as needed.  This reputation began with the mysteriousness of the BHMC's founding, as the group has never divulged the exact history of its formation nor the identity of the true commander- only calling him/her the Founder and having the current commanding officer designated as the Founder's voice in all matters. 

-True History-
In truth, the Broken Hand is a MIM operation gone rogue. Initially tossed around as a concept in 2995 among a small MIM/MAF think-group, the idea was to have a mercenary group able to be used exclusively for deniable operations and "black" missions. Later that year the think-group was disbanded, and the idea discarded due to economic infeasibility. With Kyalla Centrella's rise to the throne in 3012, two of the former group's members began to revive the idea. Now majors in their respective branches, one in the Royal Guard's Second Canopian Cuirassiers and the other a division leader in the Domestic Operations Corps, these two created the persona of "the Founder" and funneled certain discretionary funds towards the creation of the BHMC through investment in several industries. In 3017, enough funds had been acquired to begin the formation of the Broken Hand, and the Founder appeared on Galatea and hired several formations of infantry and armor. These forces were joined by a small core of "retired" or "green" MechWarriors from various Canopian units or allied mercenaries. The Broken Hand had formed. At this point (3025) the unit is considered - Company/Green/Reliable
Through the next ten years, former MIM personnel were recruited and began an intense vetting process of the BHMC's members. Interrogation and loyalty tests, under the guise of short-term, high-risk contracts, weeded out members who were unsuitable for the Corps' real purpose. This purpose was defined by the Founder- "We protect the Magistracy from all enemies, within and without."
This vetting process continues to this day, as each recruit lance/squad is sent on a "rookie contract" mission. The rate of failure on these missions has become much lower, as the Broken Hand is now able to recruit directly from Canopian sources rather than turn to more traditional mercenary fronts. Once determined loyal, a Broken Hand member is pledged to the Magistracy as a whole, not House Centrella or the Magistrix herself. This came to the fore when Emma Centrella took power from her mother, as several lances of the Broken Hand were sent covertly to support the daughter.
The Broken Hand command staff maintain a working relationship with both the MAF and MIM. MAF commanders understand that the BHMC is loyal to the Magistracy but want to remain independent from the official armed forces, so simply believes them to be "loyal mercs" that are deemed trustworthy and will fulfill any contract. The MIM on the other hand, view the Broken Hand as potential backup for Ebon Magistrate or Active Response Corps forces, the mercenaries being trusted enough for black-ops operations of the highest secrecy. Several of the Broken Hand's infantry units have also been used for MIM Domestic Operations or Foreign Affairs Corps missions.
Only the original two founders, and their heirs within each branch, know about the true origins of the Corps or the secrets to compel the Broken Hand to activate fully. Each Founder and heir have a set of code-words that will give complete control of the Corps to them- while the Corps commander has nominal unit control and clears potential longer-term contracts with "the Founder", if activated the Broken Hand will void all contracts and assemble to do the Magistracy's will.
As of 3050, the unit is considered - Battalion/Veteran/Fanatical. The Broken Hand is growing faster during this time period, as the Clan Invasion has sent Canopian thoughts towards the military and increased production of both equipment and soldiers. It will not be long before the Corps is regimental-sized or larger and will begin to increase its deployment contracts throughout the Inner Sphere, primarily accepting Capellan and Free Worlds League contracts, though occasionally operating as far as the borders of the Federated Commonwealth/Combine.

-Combat Tactics-

As a combined arms corps, the Broken Hand focuses on using all aspects of its units to achieve maximum combat efficiency. The combination of Light/Medium Mechs and "heavier" combat vehicles allows for a fast, nimble force that strikes with a surprising amount of force. Typical Broken Hand deployments are comprised of a heavy tank/combat vehicle element serving as the initial primary attacking/defending force, multiple elements containing BattleMechs, and faster combat vehicles used as scouts and mobile combat reserves, and a mechanized infantry section that can be used in several roles, from defensive lines to asset retrieval or saboteur activity.
While their reliance on combat vehicles instead of purely Mech forces may be seen as "Periphery Poor" or other such derision among Inner Sphere elites, the Broken Hand like the Magistracy Armed Forces, have found that properly used tanks and hovercraft can be instrumental in battle. While the conventional vehicles usually lack a Mech's ton-for-ton firepower and sheer agility, they are well armored and comparatively inexpensive to both purchase and repair. Rather than some armed forces that consider any non-Mech units as disposable cannon-fodder, Broken Hand tactics place a high priority on the integration of all combat units- heavy tank companies will engage and stall enemy advances while lighter Mechs and vehicles swing around and flank the foe. These tactics have surprised and confused multiple pirate and aggressor factions during the Broken Hand's tenure.

The Broken Hand, being long associated and based out of the Magistracy of Canopus, uses the Canopian ranking system with one modification. All full-fledged Mechwarriors are ranked as Ensigns, with lance leaders having the Broken Hand rank of Lieutenant (rank emblem is two small gold-edged green diamonds). The BHMC maintains its own private training, with trainee-Mechwarriors ranks as first ranker/lance corporal as appropriate during their years of training. BHMC infantry and vehicle crews follow standard Magistracy rankings.
Like the MAF, commissions can be bought in the BHMC, though they must be approved by the commanding officer. Typically, this will occur with Mechwarriors signing on to the unit with their Mechs, though occasionally conventional arms officers have bought commissions. 


As normal with most mercenary commands, the equipment of the BHMC can be as wide and varied as its personnel. Many of the corps' BattleMechs have come with their pilots from previous employment in various Inner Sphere or Periphery militaries, as well as those recovered as battlefield salvage or purchased from arms dealers. Given the Broken Hand's relative closeness to both the House Marik and House Liao, Mechs of those nations appear more frequently than others, though Light/Medium Mechs of all Inner Sphere nations have been utilized. Post Battle of Tukayyid, there are a surprising number of BattleMechs in the BHMC that were once thought lost to the Inner Sphere, indicating possible recruitment of former ComStar Mechwarriors.
While the Mechs of the Broken Hand are a varied, the combat vehicles are less so. Keeping their equipment to a uniform standard allows for ease of resupply and repair, always a possibly difficulty in the Periphery. Most vehicles tend to be commonly produced variants easily available to purchase/resupply from many factions, such as the Po/Rommel/Patton heavy tanks or LRM/SRM carriers, though some are specifically retrofitted for different roles than originally intended. One such refit is the Pike support vehicles the Broken Hand uses- the normal trio of AC2s have been replaced with dual AC5s, to make the vehicle used in less of an anti-aircraft support and more direct fire support role. Though even these refits are common among combat forces that use the Pike, their deployment as frequent support for mainline combatants is not. 
The Broken Hand maintains close ties with the Canopian arms producers and has several times been used as a test bed unit for trial equipment. These ties also lead to a steady supply of well-manufactured ammunition and spare parts.

-Notable Personnel-
Commander Katlyn "WildKat" Duncan
    Commander Katlyn Duncan, or WildKat, is the Broken Hand's BattleMech company commander. A native of Canopus IV, WildKat was born into a merchant dynasty, her family having prominent shipping and supply lines in the Magistracy. During her initial militia training WildKat was found to have good tactical instants and a natural ability with Mech piloting. Opting to not continue onto a Magistracy planetary academy, WildKat sought service with serval mercenary bands, first those providing security to her family's various businesses and then with more active battle-companies in the Magistracy. WildKat joined the Broken Hand in 3033, and has risen through the ranks to Commander and gain company command of the 1st BattleMech company. She pilots a Hunchback 4H, the slow but heavily armed and armored Mech providing a solid platform with which to direct her company's warriors.

Commander Elias “Priest” Erving
     Commander of the 2nd BattleMech Company, Elias Erving is in many ways the quintessential mysterious Mechwarrior of the Broken Hand. Nicknamed Priest for his quiet demeanor and calm under fire, Erving is a recent addition to the ranks of the Broken Hand. Recruited after the battle of Tukayyid, he came with a demi-company of Warriors and a complement of supposedly long-lost Mech chassis, mostly of a heavier class than the BHMC had previously used. These Mechs and MechWarriors have passed all the Broken Hand’s initiations and checks, giving them a potent force to protect the Magistracy. Priest pilots a Black Knight, an unusual Heavy Mech that uses only energy weapons.

Major Iva Santoiri
     Major Santoiri is the current overall commander of the Broken Hand. Answering only to the Founder, she leads the force in all tactical decisions and strategies. A Canopian from birth, Santoiri had a distinguished career in the MAF before being recruited for the Broken Hand. While not the best MechWarrior, she is a gifted commander and adept in the realms of political in-fighting. Spending time as the CO of the BHMC has increased her knowledge of the murky waters that surround the Magistracy. Her Mech is a brand-new Cyclops 11-A-DC, a Capellan variant of the classic command Mech that gives her the range to stay out of the main battle while still orchestrating her forces to the fullest.

-Current Battalion Organization-
1st Heavy Armored Company
1st Lance (Command Lance)
2x Rommel Heavy Tanks
2x Patton Heavy Tanks
2nd Lance (Battle-line Lance)
4x Po Heavy Tanks
3rd Lance (Battle-line Lance)
4x Po Heavy Tanks
Reserve Units
2x Patton Heavy Tanks

2nd Light Armored Company
(Mechanized Infantry/Support)
1st Lance (Mechanized Infantry)
4x Foot Platoons (regular/SRM armed)
2x Heavy Wheeled APCs
2nd Lance (Battle Armor)
4x IS Battle Armor
2x Heavy Wheeled APCs
3rd Lance (Fire Support Lance)
2x Pike Support Vehicles (AC5)
2x Schrek PPC carrier
4th Lance (Scout/VTOL)
4x Cavalry Attack Helicopters
Reserve Units
Mobile HQ
2x Foot Infantry (Regular/SRM)
2x IS Battle Armor
2x Pike Support Vehicle (AC5)

1st Battlemech Company
1st Lance (Sting Lance)
2nd Lance (Scythe Lance)
3rd Lance (Ember Lance)
4th Lance (Breaker Lance)
Hunchback (Commander Katlyn "WildKat" Duncan)

2nd BattleMech Company
1st Lance (Yorn Lance)
2nd Lance (Mardak Lance)
Shadow Hawk
Catapult (K2)
4th Lance (Oberon Lance)
Black Knight (Commander Elias "Priest" Erving)

3rd BattleMech Company
1st Lance (Krom Lance)
2nd Lance (Training Lance)
3rd Lance (Fortress Lance)
4th Lance (Pyrus Lance)
Cyclops (Major Iva Santoiri)
King Crab

-DropShip and Aerospace Assets-
The DropShip fleet of the BHMC is larger than may be expected of a group its size, as they have aggressively acquired their small fleet over the years. The Korvald, a Union-class DropShip, was the first major asset to be purchased by the Founder, swiftly followed by the breakers-yard rescue of the near-derelict Poor Faust. Both the Blue Lady and the Reveler were taken from pirate bands, while the La Carnivale was a war prize from a contract in the Free Worlds League. The final DropShip, the massive Mare Gaunt command ship, was commissioned for the Broken Hand by the grateful government of Hardcore after a particularly devastating series of Deep Periphery-launched raids were rebuffed by the mercenary force.
The Broken Hand does not currently possess any JumpShips, they rely on either the common practice of hiring merchant JumpShip captains or the MAF to transport their DropShips to contract areas.

Dropship Fleet
Korvald, Union-class DropShip – Transport for the 1st Battlemech Company
Mare Gaunt, Overlord-class DropShip (command variant) – Transport for the 2nd and 3rd BattleMech Companies, 1st Aerospace Squadron, and command/support elements
Poor Faust, Triumph-class DropShip – Transport for the 1st Heavy Armored Company and reserve vehicles (eventually 3rd Armored Company)
Blue Lady, Condor-class DropShip – Transport for the 2nd Light Armored Company
Reveler, Leopard CV-class DropShip- Transport for the 2nd Aerospace Squadron
La Carnivale, Leopard CV-class DropShip- Transport for the 3rd Aerospace Squadron

Aerospace Wing
The BHMC aerospace forces have two distinct functions: DropShip protection and ground support. During the transit from Jump Point to planet surface, the 2nd and 3rd Squadrons deploy with their Leopard CV DropShips to cover the fleet’s movement from enemy fighters; the heavier fighters of 1st Squadron directly attacks enemy DropShips. Once on the ground, the aerospace elements target enemy Mechs and vehicles and provide air cover for their own ground-based units.
1st Aerospace Squadron
4x Transgressor Medium Fighters
2x Chippewa Heavy Fighters
2nd Aerospace Squadron
2x Sparrowhawk Light Fighters
4x Thrush Light Fighters
3rd Aerospace Squadron
6x Stingray Medium Fighters

Feel free to let me know what you think!
« Last Edit: 22 March 2024, 19:00:57 by Lord Ikka »

ANS Kamas P81

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A lot of creativity put into that fluff, I like it.  The idea of their origin as an MIM operation is inspired, and I like the 'Mech component.  A lot of Jenners and Panthers, I wonder where they got those from across the Inner Sphere...


  • Major General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Agreed, interesting fluff!  I'd swap the Panther and Wolfhound in the 2nd and 3rd lances of the first company so 2nd is 2 Jenners, 2 Wolfhounds and 3rd is 2 Blackjacks, 2 Panthers.  That facilitates using the lances as maneuver elements.

As for the Founder's 'mech, while a 4H is interesting, I might recommend a Marik Civil War Special instead (especially if she has the Jumping Jack SPA)... ;)


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Agreed, interesting fluff!  I'd swap the Panther and Wolfhound in the 2nd and 3rd lances of the first company so 2nd is 2 Jenners, 2 Wolfhounds and 3rd is 2 Blackjacks, 2 Panthers.  That facilitates using the lances as maneuver elements.
Will second this idea.. 

As for the Founder's 'mech, while a 4H is interesting, I might recommend a Marik Civil War Special instead (especially if she has the Jumping Jack SPA)... ;)
Trying to convert a new person to the Cult of the Blazer huh???   :evil:

And by 3050 they have a lot of hardware from the DC/Lryan area..  I think I see where they have deployed mercs under contract.

So is the 2nd Mech Company just "partial" formed?

No Aerospace or Conventional Assets? 
No internal Dropships for Transport?

You Mention Infantry but don't have any listed.
might I suggest some types to "hid" within the roster
and if you ask Daryk nicely, he will I know help you turn this post 3050 units, into functioning 3050 era forces. 

He helped me put out a 5 person Scout/Sniper and Security team in Camo/IR sneaksuits that would make my old players group unhappy with them for my Mercs.
Able to reach out 6/12/18 hexes for 4 points damage and become much harder to find on the battlefield. 

(3 x AR++ = 3 * 1.01 = 3.03) + (2 x Thorshammer Sniper Rifles = 2 * 0.28 = 0.56) = 3.59 rounds to 4 damage per squad at 6/12/18 range and no mobility penalty; it's not clear if the Thorshammer's to-hit bonuses and penalties apply at TW scale.  Camo/IR sneaksuits were fortunately the example in AToW (page 298)

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Shrapnel's weapons are mostly available in the SW era too... ;)

Lord Ikka

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Thanks for all the comments- I'll try to get to them in order...

Bit 'o background, I'm a former MWO player who was a proud DCMS roleplayer- thus have a slight bias for Combine-produced Mechs, such as the Jenner/Panther/Hunchback, because those were the Mechs I piloted a lot. However, I wanted to create something new when my wargaming buddy and I started our BT journey (we're mainly 40k players but have been a bit burnt-out) and I've noticed that the Magistracy is a pretty interesting/unique faction that probably would be fun to play. My buddy wound up getting a bunch of Clan stuff while I stuck to IS. Our current BT gaming is Alpha Strike (love the AS rules) set in an alternative 3050 where a cluster of Jade Falcons ran all the way around the perimeter of the IS to strike through the Magistracy and to try to gut the Capellans.

The companies aren't finished at all - I'm gaining random Mechs through salvage boxes and occasional Lance Packs (2x Striker, Urban, Urbanmech, etc..), and planning on getting a 3d printer late this year to start rolling out some more armor/infantry (currently have some Etsy-purchased tanks). So the kind of slap-dash look to the force is really there is slapdash  :laugh:  Eventually I plan to switch out some of the Po Heavy tanks with a variety of other medium/heavy/assault tanks and to fill out the 2nd Armored Company with both mechanized infantry, scout/support hovercraft, and other support vehicles like SRM/LRM carriers. Aerospace assets will come as well as some DropShips. I don't think the Broken Hand wants the scrutiny that may come with owning a JumpShip, they want to stay under the radar as much as possible until the Jihad/after.

The 2nd BattleMech Company will fill out too- I've been making the BHMC a Light/Medium Mech force because those Mechs, while powerful, don't have the same impact on the Periphery as Heavy/Assault Mechs. So the 2nd will contain more Mediums with a smattering of Heavy and Assaults. I'm very aware that IS Lights and Mediums will have a hard time against Clan Mechs, especially with my buddy loving Heavy/Assaults, but I'm going for fun and themed rather than best for the points. Besides, my heavy tanks have annoyed him to no end so far...

I think the idea of switching up the Panthers/Wolfhounds is great and will do that. My original thought was to have some more balanced Lances rather than extremely specialized, but my last couple of campaign missions have made that less appealing. One of the Broken Hand's Command Abilities is Tactical Experts (Combined Fire), so having an entire lance moving as one and firing at the same target is essential.

Commander Duncan isn't the Founder, just the only named officer yet. Had to have a character in a Hunchback as it was my favorite Medium in MWO and the 4H variant is basically what I piloted as I enjoyed the flexibility of the AC10 over the sheer damage of the AC20 on the 4G. Granted, in AS they are basically the same, but the fluff fits my personal views. I do like that idea of a Binary Laser though, no ammo needed.


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That's definitely one of its attractions... :D

Lord Ikka

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Current state of the Corps, (imgur link)

Next I'm hoping to get a few more Medium Mechs to fill out the 2nd BattleMech Company, and then some infantry to make the 2nd Light Armored Company a bit more interesting than just a fire support lance.


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Very nice
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Lord Ikka

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Got some more units, updated the corps slightly. Managed to snag, for now, 4x APCs, 3x VTOLs, and some infantry (via igMakes on Esty, great seller), along with another Enforcer and Panther. So the 2nd Light Armored Company gets slightly bigger, the 2nd BattleMech Company expands and the second Stinger Mech I pulled from a Salvage box is now a training Mech for 1st Company.

Really enjoying Alpha Strike- running about 50/50 against my buddy's Jade Falcons in our campaign which has made me feel pretty good. Next week could be interesting, as the winner of the first two games could take a decisive advantage in the campaign if they manage to win three in a row.


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Nice write-up. Great fluff!

Lord Ikka

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Added in some Salvage box grabs and a Support Lance pack. 2nd BattleMech company is now full, though a bit heavier than I'd want- aiming for more Mediums but haven't got them yet. Still, happy to have them increasing, now just to paint them...

Lord Ikka

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Promoted my Black Knight's pilot to the Commander of the 2nd BattleMech Company, as he has been pretty darn good in the campaign, racking up 8 clanner kills with only 1 death himself. Also decided to put in the overall commander of the Broken Hand, Major Santoiri, who will be piloting a Cyclops in the heaviest lance I have so far.

Lord Ikka

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Cataphract added to my 2nd BattleMech Company's command lance, as well as some IS battle armor and regular infantry added to the 2nd Light Armor. Now the first four companies are completely filled and fully prepped for battle.

Looks like the Broken hand will be breaking into regiment size soon, as they are pushing the bounds of even a "reinforced" brigade. Probably won't add too much more until I can get a 3d printer, then the armored portion of the corps will probably change up and expand- as having 8 Po heavy tanks is a little too much for me (need some mediums and maybe even a Ontos or two).

Lord Ikka

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So, got an early Xmas present in the form of the Eridani Light Horse and Gray Death Legion boxes (minus the Regent/Gargoyle because I don't do Clan Mechs). So now I completely filled the 2nd BattleMech Company (reinforced). Eventually Pyrus Lance will move to the 3rd company, which will contain the majority of the heavier elements of the Broken Hand as well as the training/garrision units (such as the UrbanMech Fortress lance), while the 1st and 2nd will be the Light/Medium main battle companies.

Also added in the Broken Hand's Dropship/Aerospace assets. As of yet, no models for them but that doesn't really bug me, as my buddy and I are just incorperating infantry/battle armor into our AS games and it looks like adding in Aerospace stuff will increase the complexity some. Looking forward to getting some and blasting Clanners anyway!


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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Nice present! :)

As far as your conventional infantry, since the unit takes jobs in the FWL, you should be able to obtain Wolf-Barron Sunraker Laser Rifles.  They'll give your infantry longer range than SRMs (4 vice 3 short range) AND the Heavy Burst special without a movement penalty.  If you want to keep one SRM launcher per squad for flavor, it will also boost the damage per squad from 4 to 5, and platoon damage from 17 to 19 without impacting mobility (compared to 5 and 20 for a typical Auto-Rifle/SRM platoon, which is shoot or move).

Whatever you do with weapons, you should consider obtaining some kind of non-encumbering Divisor 2 armor.  Surplus Lyran (350) or Davion (450) armor jackets are the easiest to get in the Inner Sphere, but Ballistic Plate Vests (600) and Tanker Smocks (275) aren't restricted by faction.

Lord Ikka

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Interesting- since I'm playing Alpha Strike I don't think it has all the different equipment for the infantry, but it makes sense in a fluff perspective. I'll be increasing the infantry/APCs eventually, I'm looking at 2 regular/laser infantry platoons paired up with a MG platoon and a SRM/anti-Mech platoon in each lance element.


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Goblin tank variants are really handy... the Kurita MG version has 5 tons of capacity.

I don't play AS, so I really can't speak to how the variant gear translates.

Lord Ikka

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Its been really fun so far. AS seems to level everything out a bit due to how it calculates damage, so even Mechs or variants that are terrible in Classic aren't nearly as bad; you don't get as penalized for taking something that might be considered trash even though it is thematically accurate. It definitely isn't as realistic or simulation-based, but at the same time a company vs company battle will only take an hour instead of a day. Overall, I like it and it is a refreshing break from some of my more competitive games.

I'm looking at some lighter tanks like Goblins or Vedettes- the Po tanks are nice, but a little variety is good.

Lord Ikka

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Turns out the Dark Age packs for Death From Above have some interesting stuff in them. A pretty useless ConstructionMech- as the 30-ton industrial Mech is bigger than almost all of my current CGL Assault Mechs. So, while not really useful right now, it might serve as some scenery eventually. What was useful, however, was the Padilla Arty tank which is easily converted into a Mobile HQ, and the Cavalier Battle Armor actually matches up well to the igMakes standard IS BA when their head/crest thing was cut off. So I got some extra stuff from an impulse purchase that I didn't expect anything good from.
- includes an image of the DA BA and the igMakes BA for comparison
« Last Edit: 16 November 2023, 02:48:57 by Lord Ikka »

Lord Ikka

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Managed to find a Command Lance pack, which had been out in my area/Amazon for a while but I think just got a restock because three of the local Barnes and Noble stores each had 4 or 5 available last week. So, as always, the BHMC TO&E gets updated whenever I get new stuff. Moved some Mechs and Lances around, so both the 2nd and 3rd Companies wound up changing, with more of the heavier Lances heading to the 3rd along with a light "training" lance. I'm looking at getting more Mediums to fill out the 2nd and will wind up moving most of Mardak lance to the 3rd to be with the other Heavies.

Getting very close to breaking the Broken Hand into two Battalions, one a Combined-Arms force of tanks/infantry/VTOLs and the second of Mechs. What will also be interesting is moving forward in time, as the campaign vs my buddy is increasingly coming to a close, so we will move out of the Clan Invasion era and into either Dark Age or ilClan to see how the stuff there shakes out. Xmas is soon, so I'll probably get an influx of new Mechs and then work on my vehicles after. Need to get some new tanks to annoy my buddy!

Lord Ikka

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3063 Update
The Clan Invasion was a relatively peaceful time for the Magistracy of Canopus due to the Clans’ focus on reaching Terra and ignoring the southern Periphery realms. The Broken Hand spent the majority of the Invasion hired out to various House militaries, with most of their contracts coming from the Federated Commonwealth. While the mercenaries fought against the Clans several times, they were used mainly by the FedCom to garrison worlds that were attacked by ambitious forces from the Free Worlds League or Capellan Confederation. This time allowed for the BHMC to increase its ranks and season the warriors within without the large losses that occurred to many mercenary commands fighting against the Clan forces.

After Tukayyid, the Broken Hand fought in the Pirates War and sent several companies to aid the Capellans in the Xin Sheng campaign to reunify the St. Ives Compact with the Confederation. The Broken Hand units were deployed in secret, contracted by the MIM. All BHMC units that fought in the Capellan-St. Ives War did so under assumed names and colors, imitating Capellan or their allied Trinity Alliance forces as needed. Their deceptive measures were never broken, allowing the Confederation to deploy “more” of their better units to the front than the Compact was anticipating.

As the ceasefires start and the Capellan Confederation takes firm control of the former Compact worlds, the Broken Hand has returned to Hardcore to reorganize and rearm. Their success in both the Clan Invasion and the Xin Sheng campaign has given the Corps a wealth of experience, along with new soldiers, vehicles, and Mechs. The former battalion-sized group has now expanded into a light regiment, with two full battalions. The first is comprise of a selection of combined-arms companies, included an infantry company mainly composed of battle armor, along with a heavy tank company and light support/scouting company. The second battalion is a pure BattleMech force- three full battle-ready companies of Mechs (with a fully Company of Heavy/Assault units) and a fourth company currently organized into training lances for both Mechs and combat vehicles.

The BHMC is growing fast, using their connections to find both equipment and Warriors to add to the unit. Commander Erving has attracted even more of his former ComGuard fellows, as the ugly schism between secular ComStar and the fanatical Word of Blake has become more acrimonious, allowing for several lances-worth of units to be recruited. These units, along with domestic Magistracy recruited forces, have helped transform the Broken Hand into a startling large and seasoned force lurking in the Periphery.
The recent events, including the formation of the Trinity Alliance and the betrothal of Sun-Tzu Liao and Naomi Centrella have left the Founder(s) and the leadership of the Broken Hand wary. A resurgent Capellan Confederation as an ally of the Magistracy would be very useful but given the Chancellor’s mercurial nature it would be best to be on guard for any attempts to fold the Magistracy into the Confederation. The Broken Hand is posed, as they have been since their formation, to do what is best for the Magistracy.


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Great fluff that is what all units need, a story to go with it, it makes the game so much more fun.  Great job.
Current projects:

6th Federated Suns Armored Cavalry Regiment (Hillbillies with Guns) - 262 units - 66% assembled - 11% painted
Yeti Galaxy - 230 units - 13% assembled - 0% painted
333rd Comguard Level III - 56% assembled - 0% painted

Lord Ikka

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The current TO&E of the Broken Hand Mercenary Corps

-Current Regimental Organization (3063)-

1st Battalion (Combined Arms)
1st Armored Company (Heavy)
1st Lance (Command Lance)
2x Rommel Heavy Tanks
2x Patton Heavy Tanks
2nd Lance (Battle-line Lance)
1x Von Luckner Heavy Tank
3x Po Heavy Tanks
3rd Lance (Battle-line Lance)
4x Po Heavy Tanks
Reserve Units
1x Po Heavy Tank
2x Patton Heavy Tanks

2nd Armored Company (Light)
1st Lance (Scout)
2x Savannah Masters
2x Darter Scout Car
2nd Lance (Support/HQ)
1x Mobile HQ
2x Pike Support Vehicle (AC5)
3rd Lance (Fire Support Lance)
2x Pike Support Vehicles (AC5)
2x Schrek PPC Carrier
4th Lance (Scout/VTOL)
4x Cavalry Attack Helicopters

1st Infantry Company (Battle Armor and Mechanized)
1st Lance (Mechanized Infantry)
5x Foot Platoons (SRM)
1x Foot Platoons (Ballistic rifle)
2x Heavy Wheeled APCs
1x Blizzard Hover Transport
2nd Lance (Battle Armor)
4x Battle Armor squads
2x Heavy Wheeled APC
2x Heavy Tracked APC
3rd Lance (Battle Armor)
4x Battle Armor squads
4x Heavy Tracked APC
4th Lance (Battle Armor)
4x Battle Armor squads
4x Heavy Hover APCs
Reserve Units
1x Mobile HQ

2nd Battalion (BattleMech)
1st BattleMech (Scout) Company
1st Lance (Sting)
2nd Lance (Scythe)
2x Jenner
2x Wolfhound
3rd Lance (Ember) 
2x Panther
2x Blackjack
4th Lance (Breaker) 
Hunchback (Commander Katlyn "WildKat" Duncan)

2nd BattleMech (Battle) Company
1st Lance (Yorn)
2x Raven
2x Valkyrie
2nd Lance (Corras)
Phoenix Hawk
2x Shadow Hawk
3rd Lance (Felor)
4th Lance (Oberon)
Black Knight (Commander Elias "Priest" Erving)

3rd BattleMech (Battle) Company
1st Lance (Forai)
2x Centurion
2nd Lance (Hathor)

3rd Battalion (BattleMech)
4th BattleMech (Assault) Company
1st Lance (Mardak)
Catapult K2
2x Archer
2nd Lance (Krom)
Thunderbolt x2
3rd Lance (Artava)
4th Lance (Pyrus)
Cyclops (Major Iva Santoiri)
King Crab

5th BattleMech (Training) Company
1st Lance (Neophyte)
2x Stinger
2nd Lance (Initiate)
2x Locust
3rd Lance (Fortress)
3x UrbanMechs
4th Lance (Illor)
Marauder (Commander Mark Silvestri)

New Officer bio
- Commander Mark “Demon” Silvestri
Commander Silvestri began his MechWarrior training as a Deep Periphery brigand. A natural in the cockpit, Silvestri was born into the small reiver band known as the “Rim Raiders”, who operated out of a decrepit Union dropship and mainly assaulted smaller systems and trade caravans in the Magistracy and Taurian Concordat. When their raiding started to seriously impact the Magistracy’s citizens and, more importantly, the profits of various politically connected companies, the MAF issued a contract to the 1st BattleMech Company of the Broken Hand to destroy the upstart bandits. The Rim Raiders were ambushed and destroyed by the BHMC, with three of their five Mechs completely obliterated and the other two little more than walking scrap. The young Silvestri, piloting a salvaged Commando, managed to win the respect of the Broken Hand by doing significant damage to their own forces, fighting like “a demon in metal” as more than one veteran Warrior remarked. Given the chance of either death or enlistment (pending the loyalty test), Silvestri joined with the mercenaries. After years of proving that his natural talent was paired with a good tactical mind, Silvestri reached the rank of Commander and is now in charge of the training company of the Broken Hand, forging the latest members into smart, loyal soldiers of the Magistracy. Demon pilots a Marauder 5L, a Capellan variant with a massive swath of energy weapons.
« Last Edit: 13 January 2024, 20:44:42 by Lord Ikka »

Lord Ikka

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Great fluff that is what all units need, a story to go with it, it makes the game so much more fun.  Great job.

Thanks! I enjoy making up the fluff for all my various plastic armies.

Updated the TO&E for 3063 (see previous post) and added in the bio for my newest Commander. After Xmas gifts (Beginner/Alpha Strike/AGOAC boxes all received), I think the Broken Hand has truly become a force to be reckoned with in the Periphery. From here I'm looking at getting less Mechs and more infantry/vehicles, as I still need some more APCs for my 3rd Battle Armor lance and would like to diversify the heavy armor a little bit more- some other heavy tanks like Behemoth/Ontos and get some more support vehicles like SRM/LRM carriers. Still really enjoying the game- my latest battle was a 350 pt AS game with my 1st Infantry Company (minus the Heavy Wheeled APCs but with some Schrekk/Savannah Master support) against a Binary of Jade Falcon omni-Mechs. I lost, but man it was fun to swarm those Clanners with BA and infantry! Anyway, see you guys in the new year!
« Last Edit: 27 December 2023, 04:08:49 by Lord Ikka »

Lord Ikka

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Re-did the TO&E because of new purchases (Kell Hounds Striker Lance), so the BHMC now has 3 Battalions, though the third battalion is short a company and the 2nd battalion, 3rd company is short two lance (since the BHMC uses oversized companies). Just means I need to buy more Mechs! Of course, I still have to finish painting some 20 that are on my hobby desk right now...

In other news, finally decided to get some Clanners, mainly because I got the Alpha Strike box and decided not to trade them away, but rather than have them be actual Clan, they will be a WoB false flag unit- so Wobbies using salvaged/stolen/somehow found Clan Mechs and BA suits to stir up discord before/during the Jihad. The Mechs will be a mix of Omnis and second-line units, mostly Lights and Mediums but with a Heavy Star to back them up. The Lux Abscondi unit will probably get another thread here later when I have a paint scheme nailed down and some Mechs painted up.

Lord Ikka

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With the FedCom Civil War in full bloom, the BHMC went on a massive expansion, worried that the Xin Sheng campaign they had recently participated in may cause the Capellan March FedCom forces to retaliate against the Confederation and its Trinity Alliance allies. The mercenary regiment hired more infantry and armored forces, using these troops to effectively garrision it’s principal homeworld of Hardcore. Now comprised of four battalions of reinforced companies, the Broken Hand is among the larger mercenary groups in the Periphery. The BHMC is still utterly, though secretly, loyal to the Magistracy and keeps a decently-sized reserve/training force within Canopian space to provide rapid defense if needed, limiting their forces that will be hired outside of the nation. Still, with the amount of mercenary contracts up for grab in the Civil War, the Broken Hand has plenty of opportunities for salvage and recruitment.

-Current Regimental Organization (3064)-

1st Battalion (Armored)
1st Armored Company (Heavy)
1st Lance (Battle-line Lance)
2x Po Heavy Tank
2x Patton Heavy Tanks
2nd Lance (Battle-line Lance)
1x Von Luckner Heavy Tank
1x Bulldog
2x Po Heavy Tanks
3rd Lance (Battle-line Lance)
2x Po Heavy Tanks
2x Demolisher II Tanks
4th Lance (Command Lance)
2x Rommel Heavy Tanks
2x Patton Heavy Tanks

2nd Armored Company (Support)
1st Lance (Battle-line)
2x Po Heavy Tanks
2nd Lance (Support)
2x Pike Support Vehicles (AC5)
1x Schrek PPC Carrier
3rd Lance (Support)
2x Pike Support Vehicles (AC5)
1x Schrek PPC Carrier
4th Lance ()

3rd Armored Company (Scout)
1st Lance (Scout)
5x Darter Scout Car
2nd Lance (Scout)
5x Rotunda Scout Vehicle
3rd Lance (Scout)
1x Darter Scout Car
2x Rotunda Scout Vehicle
2x Savannah Masters
4th Lance (Scout/VTOL)
4x Cavalry Attack Helicopters

2nd Battalion (Infantry/Support)
1st Infantry Company (Mechanized)
1st Lance (Mechanized Infantry)
3x Foot Platoons (SRM)
1x Foot Platoons (Ballistic rifle)
2x Heavy Wheeled APCs
2nd Lance (Mechanized Infantry)
4x Foot Platoons (SRM)
2x Heavy Tracked APCs
3rd Lance (Mechanized Infantry)
4x Foot Platoons (SRM)
1x Heavy Tracked APC
1x Heavy Hover APC
4th Lance (HQ/Support)
2x Mobile HQ
2x Field Gun

2nd Infantry Company (Battle Armor)
1st Lance (Battle Armor)
4x IS Standard BA
2x Heavy Wheeled APCs
2x Heavy Tracked APCs
2nd Lance (Battle Armor)
4x IS Standard BA
4x Heavy Tracked APCs
3rd Lance (Battle Armor)
4x IS Standard BA
4x Heavy Hover APCs
4th Lance (BA HQ/Rapid Response)
6x IS Standard BA
2x Karnov UR Transport (BA)
1x Heavy Tracked APC

3rd Battalion (BattleMech)
1st BattleMech Company (Scout/Light)
1st Lance (Sting)
Commando – 5S
Mercury – 99
Mongoose – 66
Spider – 5V
2nd Lance (Scythe)
2x Jenner – 7d
2x Wolfhound – WLF2
3rd Lance (Ember) 
2x Panther – 10K
2x Blackjack – BJ3
4th Lance (Breaker) 
Crab – 27b
Enforcer – 5D
Hatchetman – 5S
Hunchback – 5S (Commander Katlyn "WildKat" Duncan)

2nd BattleMech Company (Battle)
1st Lance (Yorn)
2x Raven – 3L
2x Valkyrie - QD
2nd Lance (Corras)
Phoenix Hawk – 3D
Wraith – TR2
2x Shadow Hawk – 5M
3rd Lance (Felor)
Enforcer – 5D
Griffin – 3M
Wolverine – 7D
Vindicator – 3L
4th Lance (Oberon)
Cataphract – 3L
Grand Dragon – 5K
Exterminator – 4D
Black Knight – 12-KNT (Commander Elias "Priest" Erving)

3rd BattleMech Company (Battle)
1st Lance (Forai)
2x Centurion – 9D
Hatchetman – 5S
Nightsky – 4S
2nd Lance (Hathor)
Wolfhound – WLF2
Blackjack – BJ3
Griffin – 3M
Crusader – 5M

4th Battalion (BattleMech)
4th BattleMech Company (Assault)
1st Lance (Mardak)
Catapult – C4C
Catapult – K2
2x Archer – 5R
2nd Lance (Krom)
2x Thunderbolt – 9SE
Victor – 9D
Thug – 11E
3rd Lance (Artava)
Atlas – S2
Banshee – 5S
Battlemaster – 3S
Cyclops – 11-A
4th Lance (Pyru)
Awesome – 9M
Cyclops – 11-A-DC (Major Iva Santoiri)
King Crab - 001
Sagittaire – 8R

5th BattleMech Company (Training)
1st Lance (Neophyte)
2x Stinger – 3G
Panther – 10K
UrbanMech – R68
2nd Lance (Initiate)
2x Locust – 3M
Stinger – 3G
Wasp – 3M
3rd Lance (Fortress)
3x UrbanMechs – R68, R70, R70
Rifleman – 5CS
4th Lance (Illor)
Marauder – 5CS (Commander Mark Silvestri)
Warhammer – 7M
Grasshopper – 5N
Banshee – 5S
« Last Edit: 28 March 2024, 00:53:03 by Lord Ikka »

Lord Ikka

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Got a few more 3d-printed toys, including some Rotunda Scout Vehicles (dune buggies), some more BA/transports, and a few infantry. Re-arranged the overall regiment to make more organizational sense. Now there are 4 battalions- 1 armored (battleline/scout/support companies), 1 infantry (mechanized/BA companies), 2 Mech (1 light, 2 battle, 1 assault, 1 training companies). The armored support and one of the Mech battle companies are short some lances (since the BHMC use 4-lance reinforced companies), while the infantry/BA battalion and 2nd Mech battalion are short an entire company each. This gives me plenty of room to expand my force in the future, what with the mercenaries lance packs having several packs that look great for me- specifically the Pursuit and Security Lances being full of IS Mediums perfect for filling up my 3rd BattleMech company and the Heavy Recon/Recon probably providing the rest of the training battalions forces. I’ll probably grab some of the tanks as well to bring up the armored component, unless I get a 3d printer and start making my own. It looks like a good year for the BHMC.
I’ve also got a theme, name, and even potential paint scheme for my Clan-though-not-Clan force of WoB false flag bad guys. Should start painting them in the near future, as luckily my BT paint schemes are fairly easy to do and I don’t have a ton of 40k/Necromunda backlog to wade through.

