Author Topic: SLDF Naval Squadrons Composition  (Read 861 times)


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SLDF Naval Squadrons Composition
« on: 24 November 2023, 10:48:39 »
I was re-perusing FM: SLDF and ended up reading over the different Navy Squadron types and what ships would be in each. I don't have the greatest familiarity with warships, past TRO:3057 and Sarna, so I wanted to get everyone's take:

What class of ships do you think would be in each type of squadron (line, escort, pursuit, interdiction, reconnaissance, fire support)?

I know McKennas and Texases (Texi?) would be line squadron, but the various cruisers and destroyers are lost to me. Love to get everyone's thoughts!


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Re: SLDF Naval Squadrons Composition
« Reply #1 on: 24 November 2023, 14:48:37 »
I could be wrong but I think there are some examples in the book.


Line = Battleships (2-6), Battle Cruisers (0-4) , & maybe some Heavy Cruisers (0-2) to fill out.

Escort = Destroyers w/o Docking Collars (Lolas/Essex)

Pursuit = 4/6 Speed & maybe a larger 3/5 Frigate at most (Lola, Vincent, York, Whirlwind, Congress, Kimagure)

Interdiction = 3/5-4/6 & having some Dropship Collars / Shuttle Bays for boarding ops.

Recon = Similar to Pursuit w/o Kimagure/York.  4/6 Smaller ships & Congress for Command/Sensors fluff.  (Corvette 2-6, Destroyer 0-4, Frigate 0-2)

FireSupport = Heavy Cruisers, LOTS of them.  Maybe toss in a Battle Cruiser or rare Battleship, but mostly HC class.  (HC 2-6,  BC 0-4,  BS 0-2)
« Last Edit: 24 November 2023, 14:51:27 by Hellraiser »
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Alan Grant

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Re: SLDF Naval Squadrons Composition
« Reply #2 on: 24 November 2023, 15:45:34 »
If you have Liberation of Terra I it provides a lot of the same info as FM: SLDF but provides some class examples for each squadron type on page 35.

For example for Line Squadrons it says McKennas were central, backed by the Texas and Farragut class, and escorted by Sov. Soyuz, Cameron and Riga II fleet escorts.

There's a lot of overlap, especially with a lot of the same destroyer classes appearing under multiple squadron types. Like the Riga II gets mentioned under escort, Line, Interdiction and transport (as escorts).

It's mostly what you'd expect. Though the Pursuit squadrons reference Black Lions, Avatars, Kimagures as the mainstays, with some "lighter" elements like the Aegis. That surprised me, I figured the pursuit squadrons would be fairly light and fast like faster destroyers and corvettes. But actually according to that book they rely on a core of heavier ships.

The Interdiction and Transport Squadrons get called out as being a mix of heavier and lighter vessels. The Transport Squadrons get the Potemkins and Carracks, with escorts.

Under escort squadrons it references destroyers and frigates and specifically notes the Riga II, Congress and Lola III as common.

They are definitely generalizing in that book, just providing some examples, with lots of room for actual individual squadrons to vary based on the hulls available and the unit's assignment.
« Last Edit: 24 November 2023, 15:50:30 by Alan Grant »

