Author Topic: Planning a local AS escalation league and am looking for rules feedback  (Read 1301 times)


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A lot of the core has been adapted from the official BTCC rules packet, but naturally a lot of things had to be changed to fit the event format. Here's a link to the doc. I'd love some feedback if yall have the time!
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  • Posts: 3698
Skimmed it, here’s my initial thoughts.

4x4 is pretty small, especially for the last couple rounds.

For placing terrain is it d3 pieces per player, per quadrant, or per game? That doesn’t sound like enough terrain. Unless it’s d3 per player and they roll high, even on the 4x4 boards.

For BSP rules you say you get one support in round one. Is that one BSP or any one selection from the BSP options.

Starting round not allowing more than skill 5 seems just annoying. When you build a list it defaults to 4. It’ll be easy to make a mistake. And skill 5 kinda sucks.
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