Author Topic: Design Challenge: Steiner Tillman  (Read 272 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 206
Design Challenge: Steiner Tillman
« on: 28 December 2023, 13:54:32 »
Continuing my Late Star League Arms Race series of design challenges, next on the list is the Lyran Commonwealth.

With the now exploding Naval Arms race and the implosion of the Council Edict of 2650, the Lyran Commonwealth found itself in an interesting position.

Due to the Total Border Exception, they were granted the right to a larger active and reserve fleet than the other Great Houses which with the arms race, had left them in a position of relative strength early on, however as the other Houses began spinning up their ship building industries, that lead would not last.

It was this fact which lead to both the Archon and the General of the Armies arguing against the Bean Counters within the Estates General to meet fire with fire which lead to the New Navy Act. The Centerpiece of which being a new class of "Super Battleships" to serve as the new flagships of the Lyran Navy.

To appease the Bean Counters within the Estates General though, an agreement was made. These ships were meant to be sufficiently big, powerful, and future proofed enough to maintain their position of individual supremacy for years to come.

The end result was that the design request had a minimum mass of 1,900,000 tones. However, while the theoretical maximum size of a WarShip was 2.5 million tones, the maximum size available to the Commonwealth was 2.4 million due to shipyard capacity.

Additionally, the Navy is mainly interested in designs on the extreme ends of the size range, wanting either smaller designs they can build more of or a relative handful of unstoppable juggernauts or potentially a High-Low mix.

