Author Topic: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!  (Read 10378 times)

Iron Grenadier

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #150 on: 17 April 2024, 11:09:50 »

Ian Davion kills Yorinaga Kurita in 3013. With the combine beat back, for the moment, Ian and Hanse turn their attention to the Capellan Confederation. Michael Hasek's treachery is uncovered and is deposed as a result of this attention. Ian then places Hanse in charge of the Capellan March until Morgan comes of age. Hanse ends up marrying a member of the Hasek household (Michael's sister Rebecca maybe?)

Hanse suggests an alliance with the Free Worlds League to finally crush the CapCon. The FedSuns would claim Epsilon Eridani, Tikonov, Sarna, St. Ives, Grand Base, Menke, while the FWL would claim everything "west" of that line.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #151 on: 17 April 2024, 17:50:59 »
That could set up quite the Fifth Succession War, with the FWL selling weapons to Davion for firm borders.

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #152 on: 18 April 2024, 13:43:37 »

Thaddeus Marik II(?) catches wind of a Lostech prospector named Johan O’Reiley in the Periphery who stumbled upon an ungodly amount of Germanium.

The FWL decides to either annex the fledgling Bandit Kingdom as a tributary state or take over the area whole sale.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #153 on: 18 April 2024, 14:11:17 »

Maximilian Liao examines a plan to replace the First Prince of the Federated Suns...and rejects it as too complicated!

Instead, he focuses on a much more feasible plan for crippling his nation's long hated rivals-he focuses on industrial redevelopment efforts on the periphery border, as far from the Davions as possible, and economic and technology exports to the Taurians, along with a more-than-healthy dose of anti-Fedsuns propaganda.

This is a much more feasible strategy, than trying to physically replace an enemy leader with a half-assed duplicate.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #154 on: 18 April 2024, 15:44:36 »
Seems a bit far-fetched  :wink:
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #155 on: 18 April 2024, 17:43:07 »
Dang it, there used to be an emoji for "TOO FUNNY!"... I'm missing that one especially right now... ;D

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #156 on: 19 April 2024, 11:58:19 »

The clans who lost the bids to take part in the first waves of Operation REVIVAL are rather miffed, as their chances for glory and honor will be slim pickings by the time their time to invade comes. Hell, the invasion may be over within a year or two if the first wave is too successful.

So the remaining Clans clandestinely work to invade right after the first wave arrives, allowing them to roll the die for the chance at becoming Ilclan and reforming the Star League in their image.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #157 on: 04 May 2024, 01:46:10 »

The Federated Commonwealth Civil War, and the subsequent departure from the Star League of the two halves of that once great realm, marked the beginning of a new era for the Inner Sphere. Despite efforts by the Word of Blake to hold the Second Star League together through their influence over the Free Worlds League and (to a lesser extent) the Capellan Confederation, the end was in sight. Conflicts within the Free Worlds League erupted into their own civil war, with the Blakists as one faction, and the result was the collapse of the Star League.

House Steiner struggled to retain control of the Lyran Alliance, with new conflicts against the Jade Falcons and a new Skye Revolt straining what had once been the strongest economy in the Inner Sphere. House Davion's leadership was similarly lacking, with the border marches engaging in independent wars against their neighbours - the Draconis Combine, the Capellan Confederation, the Taurian Concordat and the newly forged Raven Alliance. While these were not without victories, these were the victories of Hasek and Sandoval, not Davion. And both the Free Worlds League and House Marik shattered, with provinces forming new alliances in a power struggle that was a microcosm of the larger strategic situation.

Three great houses had shown weakness and this undermined the entire order of the Inner Sphere.

House Kurita was the next to fall. The death of Hohiro Kurita facing Clan Ghost Bear in the Second Dominion War left a disputed succession. Clan Nova Cat supported Minoru Kurita, claiming the needs of stability, while Omi Kurita's son Kitsune narrowly avoided becoming a puppet of the Black Dragon Society. With such uncertainty, the Dragon's proud ambitions tore the Combine apart, with warlords calling on their own adherents to 'defend the frontiers' as they carved out private empires.

The Ghost Bears were in no position to exploit this, the divisions between Rasalhague and the Clan brought out during the war and leaving them in a position of retrenchment as they struggled to establish the identity of their new nation and to hold off probing raids from the Wolves, Horses and other neighbours - not to mention the brief invasion of the Ice Hellions as part of the larger War of Reavings that were similarly tearing apart the Clan Homeworlds.

Khan Vladimir Ward's ambitious attempt to establish a Wolf Empire tore into his distracted neighbours, coming close to taking Tharkad and further shaking Lyran stability, only for Ward to be dragged down by Jade Falcon, Diamond Shark and Hells Horses seizure of key industrial worlds for themselves, unwilling to see Wolf elevated above them by such victories.

House Liao stood as the last united Successor State and for over a decade they achieved much of which Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao hoped, reclaiming worlds lost for decades of centuries. However, with enemies on every flank there was always potential for disaster. That disaster finally emerged in the Terran front, fighting the Blakist Protectorate.

In an era of instability, the Blakists had continually picked up support from ComStar adepts who wanted something more certain than the limited visions of the Precentor Martials. By this point, ComStar had been forced to relocate from Tukkayid, much as they had once been driven from Terra, and their headquarters had been centred on Outreach with the mighty ComGuards shrunken to little more than a mercenary command. Fighting under Capellan colors, the Waco Rangers mercenary regiment struck at Wolf Dragoon and ComGuards forces that had been hired to protect some of the few independent worlds, right as the Word of Blake Militia made their own invasion. The result was a three-sided conflict that spiralled out of control to draw the Capellan March and the Orloff-Zion Pact into the fighting.

The Capellan Crusades killed Sun-Tzu Liao, Victor Steiner-Davion and many other leaders, further shattering the region. It also left the unstable and megalomaniac Daoshan Liao on the throne of Sian, rapidly alienating his mother and sister on Canopus, his cousins on St Ives and most importantly House McCarron, who were increasingly influential among the CCAF's forces on the frontlines. Insurrections broke out as Daoshan tried to roll back some of his father's reforms to take tighter control of the Confederation.

By the early 32nd century, the five Great Houses control perhaps a third of the Inner Sphere between them. In the spaces between them, smaller realms have splintered away. It is an age of chaos, an age of war. Far from a resurgence of prosperity and strength, the 31st century proved a false-start. The Succession Wars are over, the Secession Wars have gutted worlds over and over ago.

A new generation has arisen, the chance to emerge as regional hegemon is open to new and dynamic rulers from the Great Houses or from those who stand against them. It is an age of ideologues, mercenaries and explorers. Without any unifying force behind them, each HPG station is a hub of communications that must be protected because they are no longer inviolate, instead making them desirable targets to seize or destroy.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #158 on: 04 May 2024, 09:21:46 »
If HPGs aren't inviolate, I don't see how they survive outside of heavily defended core worlds.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #159 on: 04 May 2024, 10:47:58 »
Overall, I suspect this is going to devolve into a level of violence comparable to the First or Second Succession Wars in short order, what with the nascent WarShip fleets, introduction of Pocket WarShips, nuclear stockpiles, etc all being a thing in this era.

It’s going to be of critical importance what’s gong on with the  Homeworld Clans.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #160 on: 04 May 2024, 14:34:20 »

December 18th, 2776

A week before Amaris attempts to pull off his coup that Terra's HPGs pick up messages from General Kerensky from the Periphery. He claims he has made First Contact with an Alien polity that governs a sizeable portion of the Orion Arm. They overall appear to come in peace and will be sending an ambassadorial detachment to meet with the Star League Council for trade and a non-aggression pat and law enforcement cooperation.

To say Amaris is peeved would be an understatement.

« Last Edit: 04 May 2024, 14:37:50 by Hazard Pay »

idea weenie

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #161 on: 04 May 2024, 16:20:03 »
Not as big as the other changes, but how about a mercenary unit serving in the Rasalhague Republic and buying food from the locals.

But one week while there, a mudslide (or other natural disaster) happens and several families in a nearby town have damage to their homes.  As a kindness the mercenary unit donates some of the food they received from the local farmer.

The mercenary unit makes sure everyone in the dining hall knows who the food came from, and thanks to others the mercenary unit is able to prove that the food was not tampered with after the mercs received the food.

But before people can get in line to start getting a free hot meal, the farmer has to tell everyone to stop.  The farmer had put in an additive in the food that would cause the merc unit to get very sick because Rasalhagians don't like mercenaries.  Result is that all the hot food that was going to be served to hungry people now has to be secured as hazardous waste, the farmer is disliked by the crowd, and the mercs show that they can play dirty too.

(The mercenaries suspected something like that would occur, so had brought along a LOT of rations and testing supplies.  After the first few batches of food tested positive, the mercs knew what was going on.)


The Federated Commonwealth Civil War, and the subsequent departure from the Star League of the two halves of that once great realm, marked the beginning of a new era for the Inner Sphere. Despite efforts by the Word of Blake to hold the Second Star League together through their influence over the Free Worlds League and (to a lesser extent) the Capellan Confederation, the end was in sight. Conflicts within the Free Worlds League erupted into their own civil war, with the Blakists as one faction, and the result was the collapse of the Star League.

House Steiner struggled to retain control of the Lyran Alliance, with new conflicts against the Jade Falcons and a new Skye Revolt straining what had once been the strongest economy in the Inner Sphere. House Davion's leadership was similarly lacking, with the border marches engaging in independent wars against their neighbours - the Draconis Combine, the Capellan Confederation, the Taurian Concordat and the newly forged Raven Alliance. While these were not without victories, these were the victories of Hasek and Sandoval, not Davion. And both the Free Worlds League and House Marik shattered, with provinces forming new alliances in a power struggle that was a microcosm of the larger strategic situation.

Three great houses had shown weakness and this undermined the entire order of the Inner Sphere.

House Kurita was the next to fall. The death of Hohiro Kurita facing Clan Ghost Bear in the Second Dominion War left a disputed succession. Clan Nova Cat supported Minoru Kurita, claiming the needs of stability, while Omi Kurita's son Kitsune narrowly avoided becoming a puppet of the Black Dragon Society. With such uncertainty, the Dragon's proud ambitions tore the Combine apart, with warlords calling on their own adherents to 'defend the frontiers' as they carved out private empires.

The Ghost Bears were in no position to exploit this, the divisions between Rasalhague and the Clan brought out during the war and leaving them in a position of retrenchment as they struggled to establish the identity of their new nation and to hold off probing raids from the Wolves, Horses and other neighbours - not to mention the brief invasion of the Ice Hellions as part of the larger War of Reavings that were similarly tearing apart the Clan Homeworlds.

Khan Vladimir Ward's ambitious attempt to establish a Wolf Empire tore into his distracted neighbours, coming close to taking Tharkad and further shaking Lyran stability, only for Ward to be dragged down by Jade Falcon, Diamond Shark and Hells Horses seizure of key industrial worlds for themselves, unwilling to see Wolf elevated above them by such victories.

House Liao stood as the last united Successor State and for over a decade they achieved much of which Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao hoped, reclaiming worlds lost for decades of centuries. However, with enemies on every flank there was always potential for disaster. That disaster finally emerged in the Terran front, fighting the Blakist Protectorate.

In an era of instability, the Blakists had continually picked up support from ComStar adepts who wanted something more certain than the limited visions of the Precentor Martials. By this point, ComStar had been forced to relocate from Tukkayid, much as they had once been driven from Terra, and their headquarters had been centred on Outreach with the mighty ComGuards shrunken to little more than a mercenary command. Fighting under Capellan colors, the Waco Rangers mercenary regiment struck at Wolf Dragoon and ComGuards forces that had been hired to protect some of the few independent worlds, right as the Word of Blake Militia made their own invasion. The result was a three-sided conflict that spiralled out of control to draw the Capellan March and the Orloff-Zion Pact into the fighting.

The Capellan Crusades killed Sun-Tzu Liao, Victor Steiner-Davion and many other leaders, further shattering the region. It also left the unstable and megalomaniac Daoshan Liao on the throne of Sian, rapidly alienating his mother and sister on Canopus, his cousins on St Ives and most importantly House McCarron, who were increasingly influential among the CCAF's forces on the frontlines. Insurrections broke out as Daoshan tried to roll back some of his father's reforms to take tighter control of the Confederation.

By the early 32nd century, the five Great Houses control perhaps a third of the Inner Sphere between them. In the spaces between them, smaller realms have splintered away. It is an age of chaos, an age of war. Far from a resurgence of prosperity and strength, the 31st century proved a false-start. The Succession Wars are over, the Secession Wars have gutted worlds over and over ago.

A new generation has arisen, the chance to emerge as regional hegemon is open to new and dynamic rulers from the Great Houses or from those who stand against them. It is an age of ideologues, mercenaries and explorers. Without any unifying force behind them, each HPG station is a hub of communications that must be protected because they are no longer inviolate, instead making them desirable targets to seize or destroy.

This was an excellent read.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #162 on: 04 May 2024, 17:00:03 »

As the Dragoons are arriving in the Inner Sphere in 3005, Kerlin Ward dies in a Dropship accident. His replacement as Khan of Clan Wolf, while still a warden is either unaware of his secret plan or unwilling to carry it out. Thus after the battles on Misery the Wolf's Dragoons vanish like a fart in a fan factory, with none of it's members to be seen for over ten years.

As the Draconis Combine and the two halves of the Federated Commonwealth alliance are preparing to face off against each other in 3039 reports of an assault of Richmond led by the Black Widow - now claiming to be a "Galaxy Commander" - reach Luthien.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #163 on: 09 May 2024, 21:35:48 »

16, November, 3042, the place: Palace, New Avalon.  The event: Katherine's 10th Birthday.

the diversion: Little Katy Steiner-Davion gets a birthday present that changes her whole life.

"Doctor Wondertainment's Patented Chemistry Set!!"

triggering an obsession with science, medicine, and all things man was not meant to know...but Katherine will tell you, "It doesn't say woman shouldn't."

Instead of immersing herself, as her canon counterpart did, into politics, political activist causes, and fawning sycophants, Katherine changes, becomes socially awkward.  Her Birthday present in 3044 being a 'Build your own robot' kit from the now hunted-nationwide 'Doctor Wondertainment'.  in 3045, her birthday presents included a mysterious 'Doctor Wondertainment's Super-Science and Investigation Kit!! (with scale model HPG generator and working remote controlled jumpship model!!).

By 3047, it's clear that Hans and Melissa's oldest daughter and middle child is uninterested in anything except her mad science projects.  She discovered boys and decided she needed to build her own boyfriend...with Dr. Wondertainment's super-duper artificial intelligence lab and computer kit!tm it was easy.

so, how does the intrusion of SCP's change things for the coming Clan invasion, and what does a Mad Scientist tm Katherine Steiner-Davion look like?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #164 on: 09 May 2024, 22:15:53 »
I almost thought this was going to be a BT x GG (Girl Genius) crossover/fusion.


Someone in ROM switches out a software update that will be rolled out to all HPGs in 3020 with a near identical one. There version is effectively indistinguishable unless you know what to look for, and this close to crunch time no one wants to be the one to delay the HPG updates and send the Sphere into a recession.

This update secretly seeds encryptions in a variety of mail being transmitted across known space. Eventually, someone in ROM, ISF, SAFE, MIIO, Maskirovka, LIC etc. catch onto the encryptions and figure out what has been hidden for all these years.

And what has been found will shock Humanity...

Sir Chaos

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #165 on: 12 May 2024, 06:40:17 »
I almost thought this was going to be a BT x GG (Girl Genius) crossover/fusion.

"We are Clan Jade Falcon. What forces defend this world?"
"Hey dere, sveethot. Ve heard hyu iz fun to fight. Vant to come down and play?"
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #166 on: 19 May 2024, 12:26:43 »

It is 3052, and Sun-Tsu Liao is preparing for his ascendance to the Chancellorship. Everything is going according to plan, he takes a sip of his plum wine he had served with his Triple-F Triple-Stack quarter-pound patties burger with provolone, chili, romaine lettuce and red onion and fries (no tomatoes)... and starts to choke. Despite his staff attempts to save him, the would-be restorer of the Capellan Confederation dies of an apparent poisoning.

Who killed him? With the Capellan court, the list is endless...

idea weenie

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #168 on: 19 May 2024, 19:25:01 »

It is 3052, and Sun-Tsu Liao is preparing for his ascendance to the Chancellorship. Everything is going according to plan, he takes a sip of his plum wine he had served with his Triple-F Triple-Stack quarter-pound patties burger with provolone, chili, romaine lettuce and red onion and fries (no tomatoes)... and starts to choke. Despite his staff attempts to save him, the would-be restorer of the Capellan Confederation dies of an apparent poisoning.

Who killed him? With the Capellan court, the list is endless...

My money is on the previous poisons essentially interfering with each other, and one of the people poisoning him gave up and stopped.  This caused the other poisons to go to work.

I.e. one person giving rat poison to the chancellor, and another person giving them a massive dose of Vitamin K.  Rat poison thins out the blood to cause internal bleeding, and Vitamin K thickens the blood.  The sudden scares in the court room gave him a jolt of adrenaline to restart his heart fairly often.

Sir Chaos

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #169 on: 20 May 2024, 03:42:26 »
My money is on the previous poisons essentially interfering with each other, and one of the people poisoning him gave up and stopped.  This caused the other poisons to go to work.

I.e. one person giving rat poison to the chancellor, and another person giving them a massive dose of Vitamin K.  Rat poison thins out the blood to cause internal bleeding, and Vitamin K thickens the blood.  The sudden scares in the court room gave him a jolt of adrenaline to restart his heart fairly often.

That would be utterly hilarious.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #170 on: 20 May 2024, 07:47:57 »
Ah, just like Mr. Burns. Everything is in equilibrium until it wasn't.

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #171 on: 22 May 2024, 15:45:09 »
# 1112

A random idea: what if the Clans had made their Trial of Annihilation a little ‘less’ annihilating? Sure eradicating the Warrior Caste down to 0% is a requirement. But instead of annihilating everything instead under the IlKhan (or the Clan Grand Council) they are rebuilt over the course of two decades by decanting new warriors from the original Bloodnames. All others (unless taken by others in other Trials) would be reaved and basically a ‘reboot’ of the Clan back to factory settings. Maybe a decimation at random of the lower castes (any lower castes found liable in the annihilation offense are of course annihilated )

Let’s take the Wolverines as an example. They get annihilated, warrior caste gone. Nicholas has the Scientist Caste decant a bunch of new Wolverines raised by the Ebon Keshik (maybe an enhanced role as caretakers of Strata Mechty a proto-Clan modeled like the SLDF? Idk sub-idea within an idea) up to their Trials of Position. Then the first generation has their own Trials overseen by the IlKhan for Khans/Bloodnames and are forced to rebuild quickly or fall behind. Increases the need for an IlKhan… another thought within that thought is MAYBE the Ebon Keshik becomes the IlKhans CLAN: rotating warriors from all Clans but performing like the sibko trainers for the Clans as a whole. Loremaster and Oathmaster of the Clans as well would join them.

Absorbing a Clan is not really a thing anymore because of this but it keeps the original twenty. As time goes on this can be warped to say ‘Nicholas always wanted the twenty but was prepared to shatter and reforge at any time’

This could be done with any caste in addition to the Warrior Caste obviously.

Idk just random thoughts on the head based on Nicholas’s CENTRALIZED power ideas and other random ideas from BT.

Iron Grenadier

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #172 on: 25 May 2024, 08:33:10 »

Victor Steiner-Davion attends Albion Military Academy. After graduation, he reports as a Leftenant to the 2nd Albion Cadre stationed on Enchi(Warren PDZ of the Capellan March). Though clearly agitated at his posting at first, Victor uses the time to continue to hone his war fighting skills. The 2nd Albion also does a lot of civilian projects, and the need for a "date" for the future Archon-Prince was also apparent, and he hits it off with (someone). Once the Clan Invasion is known he studies everything that he can get on them, however he is not invited to Outreach for the Wolf Dragoon summit - though he does get a summary of the content, just not the "training". By May 3051, he is promoted to Hauptmann, and is set to join the 10th Lyran Guards serving under Kommandant Galen Cox, just in time for Wave 5 of the Clan Invasion

With the 10th Lyran, Victor engages the Clans on several worlds, loosing the first several battles on Alyina and Baker 3. On Sudeten, together with the Gray Death Legion, Victor and the FedCom win a decisive victory. Victor kills Vandervahn Chistu in single combat as well. Over the course of the next year, the 10th Lyran and other select units are successful in re-taking Graus and Antares. Victor is promoted to Kommandant, with Galen taking over as the unit XO.

After the Battle of Tokayyid, the 10th Lyran enjoys continued success against a weakened Jade Falcon, reclaiming Dompaire and Colmar. The Steel Vipers "leap frog-ed" over this line, hitting Blair Atholl, Benfled and others. The Federated Commonwealth had plans to take on Clan Wolf and free Tamar, however operations pause due to Hanse Davion's death late in 3052.

In 3053, Victor is again promoted to Leftenant General and transfers to the Davion Heavy Guards RCT, although he serves in a staff role here. During his time with the Heavy Guards, both Black Earth and Roadside are returned to the Federated Commonwealth. However his mother's assassination in June 3055 see's Victor assume the title and role of Archon-Prince.

And with that, a burning desire to find his mother's assassin.

(Inspired in part by "The Wolf Prince" by Michandre. I just like alternate takes on characters and the different paths that could be taken - )


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #173 on: 25 May 2024, 08:37:09 »
Very Nice Iron Grenadier.  I like the more rational career progression.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Iron Grenadier

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #174 on: 25 May 2024, 08:47:58 »
Very Nice Iron Grenadier.  I like the more rational career progression.

Thanks Cannonshop!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #175 on: 27 May 2024, 13:21:22 »

Mega Rump Star League Department Of Mega Engineering In Exile Mega Historical Society Quest

The Star League Department Of Mega Engineering, having seen the writing on the wall, decides to pick up and go walkabouts. It's not as big and flashy as the SLDF's departure, but in an era where people were focusing on acquiring big flashy big ticket items like the latest advanced battlemechs and warship shipyards, they weren't paying attention to people picking up and making off with a lot of the most mothballed equipment. The SLDOME quietly stole primitive jump core forges, primitive industrialmech machining equipment, manufacturing equipment for Jumbos, spare parts for water and air purification machines, etc.

Among all the equipment was a couple of data cores and an accompanying team of librarians.

When the First Succession War kicked off, the remainder of the once illustrious Star League Department of Mega Engineering, now reduced to a single 3 story office block in downtown Billings Montana packed up, turned out the lights, and left for their new homes out in the rimward deep periphery.

it's the year 2950 of the Current Era, and the Mega Rump Star League Department Of Mega Engineering In Exile Mega Political Steering Committee or (MRSLDOMEIEMPSC for short) has determined that it's time for the MRSLDOMEIE to make contact with the Inner Sphere, and hopefully through them, the rest of humanity. With the pitch made, the votes counted, resources allocated, and donated resources gathered from enterprises, it was determined that the ones who would be making first contact would be the MRSLDOMEIE Mega Historical Society rather than the MRSLDOMEIE Mega Defense Office in an effort to show that the MRSLDOMEIE desires peaceful relations first and foremost.

It will be up to the MRSLDOMEIEMHS to lead the way into a bold new era.

But first things first. Planning the first expedition.

How many ships?

[] [Fleet Size] 1 ship
[] [Fleet Size] 2 ships
[] [Fleet Size] 4 ships
[] [Fleet Size] 8 ships

And to determine the composition of those ships

-[] [Class] updated Aquilla (100 kilotons, 15ly jump range, 2 dropshuttles, 2 dropships, 8 smallcraft)
-[] [Class] mega Aquilla (200 kilotons, 15ly jump range, 2 dropshuttles, 2 dropships, 16 smallcraft)
-[] [Class] updated Connestoga (700 kilotons, 20 ly jump range, 6 dropshuttles, 6 dropships, 8 smallcraft)
-[] [Class] mega Connestoga (1.4 megatons, 20 ly jump range, 6 dropshuttles, 12 dropships, 24 smallcraft)

Since the MHS Mega Naval Construction Association is going be building these ships from scratch, you can either name them yourself, rely on the MHS Mega Naming Committee, or resign it to the chaos of the MRSLDOMEIE Mega E-Democracy which is bound to give you a headache.

[] Leave it to the MHSMNC
[] Let the citizens vote
-[] [Class]
--[] [Ship is Named] write in


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #176 on: 27 May 2024, 13:56:11 »
Hilarious!  I can only assume if left to the wild democracy, the ship (whatever it is) will be named "JumpyMcJumpFace"... ;D

Slightly more seriously, I can't see investing more than a single ship.  If they had an old Explorer stored somewhere, that would be the ideal (minimum) investment (i.e., no jump collars, bare minimum crew plus two (to make one) Small Craft).

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #177 on: 27 May 2024, 15:24:45 »
OMG, Ramblefire, that's brilliant, and would make a fantastic quest.

Daryk, two ships for redundancy.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #178 on: 27 May 2024, 15:33:35 »
The cost of a jump core is what crossed the threshold for me to go with only one JumpShip, but you have a good point Gio! :)

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 3: It's a Trilogy!
« Reply #179 on: 27 May 2024, 15:36:30 »
The cost of a jump core is what crossed the threshold for me to go with only one JumpShip, but you have a good point Gio! :)

It's the MRSLDOMEIE Mega Historical Society.  They probably sell Aquillas in their museum gift shop.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

