Author Topic: Aircraft and Booby traps  (Read 3950 times)

Red Pins

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Aircraft and Booby traps
« on: 02 March 2024, 02:06:07 »
This is a question I found here I'm interested in.

According to Tac Ops, pg. 297

Airborne units that employ a Booby Trap inflict no damage to other units unless another airborne unit is in the same hex on the Low Altitude map (or, if a non-aerospace airborne unit, within 3 hexes and elevations of the exploding Booby Trapped unit). In such an event, the other airborne unit must make a Control Roll/Piloting Skill Roll when the Booby Trap explodes.

Definitions of "ground unit" and "aerospace unit" appear on page 20 of TW. Since aerospace units include conventional fighters, fixed-wing support aircraft, and airships, I can only assume that "non-aerospace airborne unit" must refer to VTOLs and WiGEs. If so, that last quoted sentence about the "other airborne unit" suggests that a VTOL/WiGE with a booby trap can only damage other airborne units unless it lands in front.

In this situation, I want to attack a Mech or ground vehicle with a VTOL, WiGE or Fixed-Wing Drone.

So, since a VTOL cannot Charge (Total Warfare, pg. 148; "vehicles: All vehicles except VTOLs, WiGEs, Airships and Fixed-Wing Support Vehicles may make charging attacks.) it must detonate the Booby trap at the end of the Weapon Attack or Physical Attack phase within three hexes or elevations.  (I assume that means any combination of hexes or levels that adds up to three.)

Can a VTOL, WiGE or fixed-wing aircraft  Drone with a booby trap damage a ground unit without having to land first?
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Red Pins

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Re: Aircraft and Booby traps
« Reply #1 on: 28 March 2024, 00:29:14 »
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder

