Author Topic: Adepticon livestreams  (Read 5303 times)

Lorcan Nagle

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Adepticon livestreams
« on: 21 March 2024, 13:36:53 »
Live right now with Mike Stackpole, Bryan Young, Jason Hansa and Big Red playing BattleTech. Randall and Mike Ciaravella did an opening chat earlier on which I'll transcribe later.
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan

Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #1 on: 22 March 2024, 04:11:57 »

Intro with Randall and Michael Ciaravella
BattleTech game with Bryan Young, Mike Stackpole, Jason Hansa and Big Red
Start of Encounters playthrough with Bryan young, Russell Zimmerman, James Kirtley and Brent Evans
Part 2 of the Encounters game (the stream died)
Fiction discussion with Bryan Young and John Helfers
Discussion about making a successful and endearing game with Ray Arrastia, Brent Evans, and Bryn Bills
CGL Directors Q&A with Loren Coleman, Randall Bills, Brent Evans and Ray Arrastia

Stuff from the intro session with Randall and Michael Ciaravella:

-Randall half-joked that he's been banned from posting to Instagram because he keeps posting things he shouldn't like the Urbie LAM
-Shipping has been even more nightmarish recently.  The Star League Command Lance, 40th Anniversary box sets and UrbanMech LAM took 8 weeks to get shipped and they basically missed being at Adepticon by about a week.  All Kickstarter products are apparently on the water right now and they're still tentatively good for June.
-On the Wars of Reaving and Celestials forcepacks, this is part of an attempt to have some support for eras outside the ilClan.  The Jihad specifically was cited as one they have little intention to return to outside of fiction, but they did want to do era-specific minis too
-The kickstarter dice have been printed in massive numbers and they're setup to reprint in short order, the intention is to keep them in print
-"Some stuff that you guys are going to love" is coming for the Aurigan Reach.
-Work is progressing on the Brush Wars books, Randall doesn't have all the details though.
-There will be an update for late backers getting digital rewards soon.

From the Bryan and John chat:
-Without Question will be the Battle of Sudeten from the Jade Falcons' perspective and then is "uncharted territory with the Falcons charting their own path and Jiyi holding on for dear life.  Alexis might be in over her head and not ready for the rigors of command" Slated for May 15th release
-Voidbreaker follows up on what happened to Tucker Harwell.  Where he went and how he got into the hands of everyone he ends up in the hands of.  A BattleTech take on a spy thriller/escapade.  The idea came out of the last writer's summit, Ray said to Bryan that they need to figure out a plot point and they spent some time staring at the map to do it and Bryan thought "this would be a great spy thriller".  Bryan likened it to a Sea Fox James Bond novel.  Currently due out Q1 2025
-There's another Ghost Dogs novella on the way. It'll be about them fighting the Marians in the Free Worlds League
-Bryan wrote a short story for Hot Spots: Hinterlands
-Spotlight on: Fox Patrol is in fact check right now.  Bryan wrote the biography sections and came up with the scenarios, which Josh Perian then worked into playable material.
-Bryan would love to write the Terran Falcons and their identity crisis.  This will at least be touched on in Mike Ciaravella's Alaric novel
-In the chat, Craig Reed said he's still working on In the Shadow of the Dragon
-John talked a bit about the upcoming Tales of the Bounty Hunter anthology, the last story will be in the ilClan era
-They are still addressing the Shrapnel slushpile backlog.  Phil and John will be discussing it at the con, they might just add more slush readers as they only have one right now.  John apologised for the delay.
-Phil Lee had finished his editing pass on Letter of the Law (the follow-up to Hunting Season), it's going to John for editing soon and they're looking at Q3 2024 for release.

From the chat with Ray, Brent, Bryn and Mike:
-When asked about the hurdles to making a new aerospace game, Ray said the first one is that they would not be relying on an existing system, they need a ground-up game that is fun and engaging.  After that is making it work within BattleTech as a setting.
-On balancing metrics for forcepacks, it's more gut choice, working around a shortlist of what will go into a box but it's always themed around the formation special rules. Logistics and the restrictions around what they can put in (like the repose, reprint, variant, new mini paradigm of the Merc forcepacks)
-Someone asked about the Hexpacks returning - no, the skyrocketing cost of cardboard made them too expensive.  Also, Ray feels using the old map art hurt them the same way using the old designs hurt the prior lance packs
-They're considering putting more counter sheets into the map packs
-Liao and Marik Combat Manuals are planned, but way down the list
-A big part of CGL using Kickstarter as a marketing tool is to try and figure out how big to make print runs. It also lets them do things that would never work as commercial products like the Precentor Martial version of Universe
-They will redo the Solaris maps. It'll be more than just a redo of the art, they want to do it justice.  It'd be a big project and they don't have a schedule for it yet.
-Why redo the vehicle rules but not ’Mech ones?  Because ’Mechs are the core of the setting and other elements would be out of balance or take too much focus away from ’Mechs
-The Remembrance book might not get a general print release but may get a PDF at some point
-they confirmed the premium mini is the Vulture Prime
-The Raven Alliance will probably just get a Combat Manual entry as part of the PDF update to the general Clan Combat Manual.  But there will be more material for them in upcoming sourcebooks and fiction.
-If you want to pitch a game to CGL, reach out to them before a con and they will make time to meet you.
-What makes it hard to do LAMs properly?  They're too fast on the tabletop and it makes them hard to keep balanced.  Ray said it feels like they're not really fitting how LAMs work in the fiction too.
-Interest in tournament formats is effecting product development and organised play is becoming more important.
-Why are the logos all over the place on the spine?  It was too hard to keep them lined up because of the vaguaries of printing so they stopped trying.
-Will the UrbanMech IIc be getting plastic soon?  No plans yet.  Will the Albatross be in a Marik pack?  It's one of Ray's favourites and it nearly made a pack recently but lost out at the end.
-Will the Clan Protectorate be in the FWL or Clan ilClan update for their respective Combat Manuals? This is being determined soon
-Does WotC still own the card game?  They own the rules.
-Will we see Clan Vehicle minis? Yes, they're on the schedule they put out.
-When asked if they'd do BattleTech in TableTop Sim, it's been discussed but it'd be a lot of effort when MegaMek is already out there as a competing product.
-Favourite Light Mech?  Bryn: Jenner.  Brent: Wulfen, Dola, Gunsmith, Rokurokubi, Ray: Locust
-Why not better coordinate the release of products like minis and books?  They've tried and it's very hard to get it to line up for various reasons.
-If you have 12 months to get a dream product out, what would it be?  Bryn: Get Leviathans done and then move on to the rest of the factions and consider a card game that was pitched.  Ray: Aerospace, then Solaris (or just take more time for the current products). Brent: Facilitate an explosion of merc-centric products to help facilitate new players.
-Is there anything in Total Warfare that should be streamlined?  Ray: Total Warfare should be the BattleMech Manual.  Bryn: Vehicles and Aerotech as per the BSP rules.  Brent: Evolving the record sheets, add colour, especially to the heat scale, an RPG element, layout tweaks
-They considered doing fiction where the Black Thorns explicitly die.
-There will be Combat Engineers options in an upcoming RPG product and the BSP rules
-There are plans to release pre-made campaigns, no further details.
-There's a 3025 map in the Universe book that shows the Aurigan Coalition

From the Directors' Q&A
-Favourite obscure characters: Brent's is Tara Bishop, Loren's is Agent Curatis, Randall had a few, mostly the stronger but not typical female characters.
-Products they wanted to do but couldn't - most products they wanted to do happened eventually, like the old Clan box set eventually became Clan Invasion, the Combat Manuals was another example of a thing who's time probably has come.
-Marik and Cappelan forcepacks will come eventually. Randall noted at this point that the planned forcepack list is subject to change if a cool idea comes up and bumps the line
-Aces is going to start moving full steam ahead, hurdles have been cleared but no further details for now.  Randall says maybe an update in two months
-European Shipping Hub is "further along than it's ever been".  The biggest roadblock right now is VAT
-the Locust/Wasp/Stinger box idea is still being worked out, as they have 2 mechs to a mold and there's no guarantee that the Locust and Wasp are on the same mold, for example.  So they need to figure out what to do with the other minis that would be coming out of the mold.  Likely there wouldn't be any scope for reposes or variants.
-There was a point last year where they thought the Kickstarter would be shipping around December, and Barnes and Noble ordered Encounters based on that idea.  So when Encounters came in they saw a B&N order on the system and didn't cross-check to see if the street date had changed and it's out there now.  But there's no real way to fix the problem and B&N acted in good faith so they have to live with it.
-The Celestials are the ’Mechs Randall wants out in plastic the most.  He also has a soft spot for the Blood Kite though he has no idea if it'll ever appear.
-They still owe Loren a plastic Solitaire, Randall says they have it lined up somewhere.
-People should be getting warnings to lock in their address for the Kickstarter and we should be getting shipping charges soon.
-Kickstarter swag will be hitting the CGL store, but there are logistical issues around storage and picking (it's an obscene number of SKUs) which are being worked through.
-They're working on reprints of older books. They had to destroy three copies of Shadowrun 1st edition in order to scan it in different ways to get the text and art properly.
-Someone suggested a farmland map pack, and they guys loved it and it became a whole discussion.
-Randall is hoping to hit the East Coast as part of his tour, Ray and Aaron may do some appearances in his stead.
-Den of Wolves is still in progress, it's about 2/3 done on both Loren and Stackpole's side and they're going to have a chat to coordinate the ending.
-Force Manual Kurita is at the Printers, hopefully releasing late 2nd quarter/3rd quarter.
-BattleTech: COMMAND development stalled for a while but it back on track now.  They'll be playing it on-stream over the weekend.
-Vehicles they would have added to the Kickstarter if they could?  Randall: the Fulcrum or more VTOLs; Loren was happy with what they got in; Ray: Striker.
-There will be a map-scale Leopard DropShip in the future
-An IndustrialMech forcepack has been discussed
-Loren cannot comment on a DropShip carry case
-Silly forcepacks they'd like to do. Randall: Does the LAM not count? Ray: Critter-Tek
-The JES Missile carriers are on the list to do in plastic at some point.
-Someone suggested a pack of scatter terrain like cars, they liked it
-Someone asked about doing a third ComStar forcepack with the rest of the 2750 mechs, and they liked that idea too.
-They're looking at doing a booth at PAX Australia
-Loren was asked what was the biggest thing he wasn't allowed to talk about, and he talked about the Commander's Case, a grab and go box with space for a company of ’Mechs, some books, dice, record sheets and the like.  Should be out for Gencon.  This is the case we saw in some photos and that one video from KerenskyKon.
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #2 on: 22 March 2024, 09:10:11 »
When asked about the hurdles to making a new aerospace game, Ray said the first one is that they would not be relying on an existing system, they need a ground-up game that is fun and engaging.  After that is making it work within BattleTech as a setting.

English is my first language, and I still don't know any words that can properly convey my anger and despair at this, Aero's death certificate.

These words literally made me burst out sobbing.

Seriously, JUST. FIX. THE. LAYOUT.
« Last Edit: 22 March 2024, 09:26:10 by Weirdo »
My wife writes books
"Thanks to Megamek, I can finally play BattleTech the way it was meant to be played--pantsless!"   -Neko Bijin
"...finally, giant space panties don't seem so strange." - Whistler
"Damn you, Weirdo... Damn you for being right!" - Paul
"...I was this many years old when I found out that licking a touchscreen in excitement is a bad idea." - JadeHellbringer
"We are the tribal elders. Weirdo is the mushroom specialist." - Worktroll


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #3 on: 22 March 2024, 09:22:24 »
-Someone asked about doing a third ComStar forcepack with the rest of the 2750 mechs, and they liked that idea too.

I need some of those 'Mechs (Hussar, Champion and Bombardier) to finish off my Snord's Irregulars so that would be an instant buy for me  :smilie_happy_thumbup:


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #4 on: 22 March 2024, 09:22:41 »
GREAT transcription job!   :smilie_happy_thumbup: :drinking01: :smilie_happy_clapping:

(I didn't watch the video.  :grin: )

LOTS of Amazing Stuff in the works it sounds like!  While I don't care anything for CCGs, I noticed this.
-Does WotC still own the card game?  They own the rules.
So, New CCG, with New Rules?  :huh:

I'm guessing "Pre-Made Campaigns" are like the old Sourcebooks?  Like for GDL, WD and Snord's Irregulars (among others)?   :huh:
To me, Repros are 100% Wrong, and there's NO  room for me to give ground on this subject. I'm not just an Immovable Object on this, I'm THE Immovable Object. 3D Prints are just 3D Repros.

Something to bear in Mind. Defending the BT IP is Frowned upon here.

Remember: Humor is NOT Tolerated here. Have a Nice Day!

Hey! Can't a guy get any Privacy around here!

Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #5 on: 22 March 2024, 11:11:55 »
They're live again now, first up is a chat between Mike Stackpole and John Helfers

the schedule is: 

4:00 PM-5:00 PM - Interview: Mike Stackpole & John Helfers
5:00 PM-7:00 PM - Lunch Table Secrets: Michael Ciaravella & Ray Arrastia
7:00 PM-8:00 PM - Actual Play: ELH 2
8:00 PM-9:00 PM - Special Art Discussion: Brent Evans and Alex Iglesias
9:00 PM-10:00 PM - Interview: Randall Bills
10:00 PM-11:00 PM - Fiction Round Table: John Helfers & Phil Lee
11:00 PM-12:00 AM - Actual Play: BattleTech Command
12:00 AM-1:00 AM - Submission Q&A Fireside Chat

« Last Edit: 22 March 2024, 11:17:12 by Lorcan Nagle »
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan

Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #6 on: 22 March 2024, 13:37:46 »
The stream lived and died and lives again!
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #8 on: 23 March 2024, 04:04:16 »
-An IndustrialMech forcepack has been discussed

Heavy breathing intensifies..

Seriously, I'd love a ForcePack with a Raider and some IndustrialMech MODs.


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #9 on: 23 March 2024, 04:12:18 »
Huh, missed that line about industrial mechs. Okay they take spots 4-8 on my most wanted mechs list. (Viper VP-1 takes 3 first spots)

Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #10 on: 23 March 2024, 04:19:01 »
My problem is that a plastic Industrials box would probably be the Dark Age standard designs again, and I have all the IWM ones at least twice each.  I want PowerMans!  And Harvester Ants!
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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #11 on: 23 March 2024, 07:06:46 »
Thank you for the updates. When your there live sometimes you miss a lot.
Walking the fine line between sarcasm and being a smart-ass


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #12 on: 23 March 2024, 09:48:56 »
Thank you Lorcan Nagle for live stream transcripts and timestamps. Means a lot to us people with busy schedules and too little time at the moment.


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #13 on: 23 March 2024, 11:37:18 »
Q&A with Randall Bills, Loren Coleman, Ray Arrastia and Brent Evans

About half way through the segment there was discussion on BattleTech terrain, including making STLs available for the terrain as well.


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #14 on: 23 March 2024, 11:38:02 »
-Interest in tournament formats is effecting product development and organised play is becoming more important.

Lol, no.


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #15 on: 23 March 2024, 12:49:46 »
Yeah, that's horrible.
My wife writes books
"Thanks to Megamek, I can finally play BattleTech the way it was meant to be played--pantsless!"   -Neko Bijin
"...finally, giant space panties don't seem so strange." - Whistler
"Damn you, Weirdo... Damn you for being right!" - Paul
"...I was this many years old when I found out that licking a touchscreen in excitement is a bad idea." - JadeHellbringer
"We are the tribal elders. Weirdo is the mushroom specialist." - Worktroll

Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #17 on: 23 March 2024, 19:57:33 »
I mean, there was no way that rules and guidelines for tournament/organized play weren’t going to happen. The game has grown too much to just leave tournament scenes out entirely. 

Voidbreaker follows up on what happened to Tucker Harwell.  Where he went and how he got into the hands of everyone he ends up in the hands of.  A BattleTech take on a spy thriller/escapade.  The idea came out of the last writer's summit, Ray said to Bryan that they need to figure out a plot point and they spent some time staring at the map to do it and Bryan thought "this would be a great spy thriller".  Bryan likened it to a Sea Fox James Bond novel.  Currently due out Q1 2025

It’s not often that I get excited about new fiction, but that sounds really fun.

BattleTech: COMMAND development stalled for a while but it back on track now.  They'll be playing it on-stream over the weekend.

Super hyped for this. Will need to watch the live play.

They considered doing fiction where the Black Thorns explicitly die.


Does WotC still own the card game?  They own the rules.

That’s a tantalizingly specific answer…
« Last Edit: 23 March 2024, 20:01:54 by ActionButler »
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Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #18 on: 24 March 2024, 03:15:36 »
Transcript of Friday's Lunchtime secrets with RayERROR and Mike CiaravellaERROR:

-A plastic Urbanmech IIc is possible, never say never.
-The larger support vehicles are the least likely things to see a plastic release
-Plastic Omega is possible depending on if they revisit the Jihad more and how well the Celestials do. 
-Jihad mechs that Ray would like the see the most - Lightray and Legacy (He said the one on the cover of TRO:3058, but it's clear what he meant)
-when asked about an official UrbieLAM recordsheet as it's been reverse-engineered from the Alpha Strike cards?  "We'll see"
-Where is Arthur Steiner-Davion?  In the Deep Periphery with the other Manei Domini
-Plastic Grand Crusader?  Not any time oon
-More Aerospace minis?  Depends on a number of factors but Ray would like that
-Celestial LAMs are lower on the list of the classic LAMs
-Plastic Periphery mechs like the Pentheselia?  Not soon but they'd like to do them
-They're hoping to repackage the Alpha Strike space rules, possibly as a PDF
-Next Kickstarter has no solid plans, maybe not minis-based like the last two but nothing is set in stone
-They don't have a place in the near future to publish art of the Rhino
-They still haven't nailed down who did Grey Monday
-Ray thinks plastic OmniMechs with swappable parts would be very cool
-When asked about getting full TO&Es, Ray said the biggest we'll get in the future are the company/battalion sized units in Spotlight On...
-Ray thinks the Maelstrom is on the list for a rework
-The Imp has come close to getting redone but was cut twice
-The Solaris Mechs are nowhere on the list at the moment but they'd like to do them.  Same with IndustrialMechs
-The Matador isn't on the list to redo soon
-Ray thinks the Grey Death Standard Battle Armour might be on the list though
-Favourite product for 2024?  Unreleased is Universe, released is RecGuide ilClan volume 2.
-Campaigns for AtoW/Destiny? Not soon but something's in the works
-Will there be a system that bridges BattleTech and Alpha Strike Like Death From Above has made?  "Can't say at this time really... No"
-Plastic minis of Mad Cat Family?  "We're working on it"
-Plastic Atlas III?  Not in the next couple of years
-Alpha Strike Commander's Edition?  Should be this year.
-Plans to update old mapsheets?  Yes, but not a straight reissue of the old map packs.  They're being redone in the map packs little by little, ususally with the same name but not always.
-Star League Command Lance is held up in shipping
-The limitations on making modular OmniMech minis is more production than artistic.  The swappable weapons parts in some of the Kickstarter sets are an experiment in this
-Plastic Jupiter?  Ray says he doesn't think so, but I'm sure it's in one of the planned sets
-Plastic Blood Spirit?  Randall really wants it but it's low priority.
-Will we see a Mech-scale DropShip?  Yes
-The MechCommander's handbook will be a callback to the old Merc's handbook, you can create a unit (of any time) and run a narrative campaign with the same core system and different added flavour, like contracts generating missions in the merc's book.
-Selling the Visigoth outside of the Kickstarter is likely.
-ProtoMechs are largely relegated to the late Clan Invasion - Jihad era
-The MW5/MWO/HBSBT original Mechs are unlikely to appear in the tabletop
-Would there ever be a forcepack with the contents selected by vote?  Internet polls and votes rarely reflect sales so if they did that it would be based on a pre-order system.
-Campaign books for the ilClan era are planned
-The Mechcommander's handbook will be era-agnostic with optional era-based info.
-Plastic Rakshasa? Ray would like to see it but not any time soon.
-Any chance for more solaris stuff?  Yeah
-Do the Wolf's Dragoons have a Kerensky Honorname?  No
-Updated Solaris box?  Not any time in the future.  They have lots of plans, lots of brainstorming but they're not just going to redo the old box/revamp the old duelling rules.
-Any chance of a non-forcepack pilot card deck?  It's possible, they've talked about it.
-RPG-scale minis or Heroforge options?  It's been discussed but they need to figure out how they make it happen
-the periphery factions will be seen and do more, but the focus will remain on the Inner Sphere
-No more Battleforce planned but they do try and support it where they can.
-House Arano is not a rights nightmare, they're in the universe book.
-More GDL novels?  Probably
-Any app updates? Ray has no information
-Biggest channel for Ray's job?  Not enough hours in the day.
-Ray's pie in the shy product? Sooner or later they all get made.  The next thing Ray would love to see but is nowhere near starting is AeroTech
-Official Misisons and codified organised play is being worked on.
-We will see more of the Scorpion Empire, but they are a Deep Periphery state
-the RecGuides served a specific purpose, any may return but likely they'll use a new format for future unit releases.
-Weather/Planetary condition decks?  Would be neat, but Ray doubts there would be much call for it.
-3D printed buildings/terrain? Not much movement, they're looking for someone to partner with that would produce and ship and sell them. They do want to make use of all the renders they're generating.
-What's Ray proud of adding or influencing in BattleTech? He has tried to not insert anything of his into the IP, he sees himself as a custodian.  More broadly he's really proud of keeping the storyline moving and shepherding people into the new era.
-Interstellar Players 4 is planned
-Where would Ray place himself in the universe and do?  He'd work in production or gaming, on one of the Golden Five in a safe timeframe like the late succession wars.
-Plans for the New Jaguars?  Yes
-Is there a job at CGL Ray would like to create? Yeah, but more in production or support capacities rather than creative.
-There is movement in the canon character database but nothing that can be discussed yet?
-any plans for an artbook? Yes
-Target has been happy with the Essentials box.
-New Bounty Hunter?  Soon.
-New Black Marauder?  Lance has three or four more stories in the cycle, they're being worked on
-Will Kitsune Kurita and Victor's other kids show up in ilClan?  It's Possible.
-Can people adjust their canon characters?  When a call goes out. Aaron said in chat to not message the campaign about it.
-Will there be plastic updates of the other Dragoons Mechs? "Not specifically"
-Will we find out the fate of the Aurigan Reach?  Yes, they might be mentioned in ilKhan's Eyes Only
-Minnesota Tribe Revival?  No.  Forcebox?  No.
-Can the RecGuide PDF product listings get an update to list their contents?  Probably not on the store, Ray recommends the Sarna listings.
-Shattered Fortress reprint?  Probably not, it's high on the PoD list though.
-any possiblity of a Lindon's Battalion return?  No.  It was discussed but they were wiped out over Mars
-What would Ray show someone in the Universe book to wow a new player?  Depends on the person, show them the thing that reflects what they like
-Will there be more World-wide events?  They hope so.
-Will Record Sheets be added to the MUL?  There are plans, but no timeline.

More when I have the time!
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan

Richard S.

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #19 on: 24 March 2024, 10:32:52 »
-Is there anything in Total Warfare that should be streamlined?  Ray: Total Warfare should be the BattleMech Manual.  Bryn: Vehicles and Aerotech as per the BSP rules.  Brent: Evolving the record sheets, add colour, especially to the heat scale, an RPG element, layout tweaks

I really hope that Bryn just means that BSP would be added as an additional option, and isn't implying that a hypothetical TW rewrite would do away with the current vehicle rules. I can understand replacing Aerotech with BSP, even if I'm mostly in Weirdo's camp, but TW vehicles aren't anywhere close to being as complicated, and I disagree with the previously-mentioned idea that they infringe on mech dominance as-is.

Everything else mentioned seems really exciting.
« Last Edit: 24 March 2024, 10:35:08 by Richard S. »


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #20 on: 24 March 2024, 15:43:13 »
Minnesota Tribe Revival?  No. 

Very glad of that.  Best to let some questions remained unanswered.

Also hopeful for record sheets in the MUL printable out of force building just like AS.


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #21 on: 24 March 2024, 21:59:33 »
I really hope that Bryn just means that BSP would …
That stands for what? :undecided:
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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #22 on: 24 March 2024, 22:26:26 »
That stands for what? :undecided:

BSP = Battlefield Support Points?
« Last Edit: 24 March 2024, 22:33:37 by Ghaz »

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #23 on: 25 March 2024, 00:26:45 »
I'm glad somebody suggested the third ComStar pack and that the response was positive. It's a conceptual slam dunk in my opinion. Also good to know that the Imp is at least on deck, if currently getting passed over.

But the big news for me is the inclusion and possible fate of the Aurigan Reach! Never thought I'd see that in an official product, canonized or not.

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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #24 on: 25 March 2024, 01:12:16 »


-They don't have a place in the near future to publish art of the Rhino

-We will see more of the Scorpion Empire, but they are a Deep Periphery state...

Great to hear about getting more Scorpion Empire content

We all know they are Deep Periphery folks now so nobody expected them to interfere in the big game anyway

Just keep the sweet stuff coming

Now we just need to find something, anything to get that Rhino art published...


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #25 on: 25 March 2024, 01:45:27 »
I really hope that Bryn just means that BSP would be added as an additional option, and isn't implying that a hypothetical TW rewrite would do away with the current vehicle rules. I can understand replacing Aerotech with BSP, even if I'm mostly in Weirdo's camp, but TW vehicles aren't anywhere close to being as complicated, and I disagree with the previously-mentioned idea that they infringe on mech dominance as-is.

Everything else mentioned seems really exciting.

It is really sad that every single time a CGL rep speaks about the future of the rules, their answer seems fine-tuned to be the absolute worst-case scenario.

Total War needs serious work, but they're bound and determined to undo every single good thing it did for Battletech.
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"Thanks to Megamek, I can finally play BattleTech the way it was meant to be played--pantsless!"   -Neko Bijin
"...finally, giant space panties don't seem so strange." - Whistler
"Damn you, Weirdo... Damn you for being right!" - Paul
"...I was this many years old when I found out that licking a touchscreen in excitement is a bad idea." - JadeHellbringer
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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #26 on: 25 March 2024, 04:18:39 »
Friday's Q&A with Randall, Loren, Ray and Brent

-What mech would you like to see more love in the fiction: Loren: SAGGITAIRE! Ray: UrbanMech (somewhat deadpan), Brent: Saggitaire, Randall: Celestials/the Jihad in general
-Why is Ray wearing a Kurita cap?  Did he lose a bet? It's secret code
-Loren's favourite CGL game?  The Duke
-Someone asked about getting a PoD of Trian under Fire, the Battlecorps serial Loren wrote that roughly adapts MechWarrior 3.  There was some confusion originally, he'll have to check with John if it's thick enough to do a physical edition
-Faction flags?  They've looked into them, materials have been considered
-Will Loren be at Essen? Unsure, he's planning to do one of the international shows, probably Essen or PAX Asutralia.
-Why are a lot of items and clothes sized out of stock? Initial orders tend to be guesswork as to what to stock, leading to sell-outs at different rates.  Randall also said the Leviathans kickstarter sucked a lot of energy that would be used to fix these issues, I assume he meant mercenaries.  Either way a big T-shirt order is on the way.
-Hour of the Wolf Audiobook ETA? That's a John question
-What are you most looking forward to do?  Randall: All the travelling and meeting fans this year
-Will we ever go back to the old partial cover rules? No
-Are the Battlefield Support rules in the Mercs box?  Yes
-Will there be more high quality prints?  Brent hopes so, hopefully they ones they had at Kerenskykon and Adepticon proved popular enough.
-Does CGL have any con traditions?  Try to not let Randall hurt himself too badly, he pulled out a little patch that read CAUTION: I CAUSE SECURITY BRIEFS
-When will the UrbieLAM find its way to the webstore?  2-3 months
-Will there be more Alien Worlds maps?  Yes
-How heavy is the Precentor Martial Universe box, for beating the lore into people?  It's very heavy, but Ray prefers you read it to them
-When will the Star League forcepack be in the webstore?  About a month
-Will the high-end prints be on the webstore?  No plans as yet, they're concerned about damage during shipping.
-Will they do BattleTech 3D terrain?  They'd love to, whether they do it themselves or license it is to be detremined, they were having meetings the next day to figure it out. Randall's positive it'll happen.
-Mad Cat MK II and III when? They think the Mad Cat Mk II is still in but the III got cut very late in the decision process.
-Why are products like mugs allowed to sell out before the big kappas get their freebies?  It's a side-effect of their unexpected popularity, in some cases they're not hitting the warehouse at all on top of ensuring the warehouse can ship them out safely.
-Ideas for new BFMs?  There's a volcanic map pack coming, Randall really hopes it'll be one. There's a snow/arctic map planned too
-How would a cartoon/tv show/movie effect CGL?  Only in a good way
-Would you do STLs for printing? Some of the terrain discussions they were going to have were around STLs
-Will some of the new maps be refurbished versions of old ones?  Yes, the maps in the Mercs box and the Savannah map pack are new art and redesigns of old maps like river/delta and large lake to make them more playable.
-Favourite moment of Adepticon? Ray: Talking to everybody, Brent: When Mike Stackpole and Bryan Young convinced Big Red to betray Brent in their game on-stream. Randall: The size of the con, like he managed to get over to the historical games section which has to be in another hotel, and a bunch of them were BattleTech fans who came over to get patches.  Loren:  Seeing old friends and the energy and chaos, it helped especially with his recent tragedy.
-They showed Loren the shirtless Alaric pic Big Red commissioned.  Loren laughed and asked "why?"
-Any movement on PoD? It's a lot of work to prepare old books for PoD, they're hoping to do a video or blogpost to show the process they went through for the Shadowrun 1st edition reprint which would illustrate it.
-Someone asked about getting the MechWarrior's guide to Solaris VII PDF on the webstore?  It's in the queue somewhere.
-Any movement on the promised TRO: VA PoD?  Might still happen, it's stalled in editing
-Any chance of an update Thorn?  They've been talking about doing another ComStar pack to finish off the 2750 mechs.
-any updates on the last bits from the Clan Invasion Kickstarter like the beard-off? They haven't been forgotten about (and then the conversation drifted away)
-How is the cookbook coming?  It's on a ship right now.
-Everyone was asked to name a mech to make a forcepack tomorrow?  Loren: Solitaire, Ray: Albatross, Brent: Mad Cat Mk. II, Randall: most of what he wanted has made it back in, he said the Scarabus was the most recent one and they got that into a pack.
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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #27 on: 25 March 2024, 07:40:48 »
Thank you again for all the updates.
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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #28 on: 25 March 2024, 08:04:07 »
-Any chance of an update Thorn?  They've been talking about doing another ComStar pack to finish off the 2750 mechs.
Oh, cool, hope it happens.
I kinda want the existing ComStar packs (and Thug and Kintaro) but i don't want to get them until i know can get finished 2750 mech roster.


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Re: Adepticon livestreams
« Reply #29 on: 25 March 2024, 09:03:31 »
Awhile back I made a thread asking what the internal status of who caused grey Monday was. I find the idea of how settings handle mystery interesting
 It is cool to finally find out that even internally they haven't decided