Author Topic: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"  (Read 357 times)

Hazard Pay

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Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« on: 08 May 2024, 08:36:25 »
Idea I had forming in my head as a way to balance lasers (Standard/ER) for SuccWar games, if not beyond.

In the Mechwarrior games, Standard and ER Lasers fire a beam for a second or more, meaning it is actually difficult to keep the beam of light on a single location causing damage to be spread over. The majority of damage still goes to the intially hit location, and will "scatter" the rest into an adjacent location (Hit CT, die roll will send it to the Head, R/Left Torsos, or even the Legs as an example)

Not wholly sure on how to exactly do this, but Standard lasers are as follows:

Small: 2/1

Medium: 3/2

Large: 5/3

ERs follow the same profile, but the greater heat generated may make them less viable unless Clan Lasers.

cERSL: 3/2

cERML: 4/3 (or 5/2)

cERLL: 7/3 (or 6/4)

Pulse Lasers (all of them) act like in MW games, so all damage is in the one location instead of spreading out, this is balanced by the greater weight, heat and lowered range.

I understand many may not like this idea, more book keeping and all. An option I considered is that damage inflicted at full if firing at point blank range, to reflect the lack of "Time-on-target" given the short distance.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2024, 08:41:48 by Hazard Pay »


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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #1 on: 08 May 2024, 19:11:28 »
I think you need to include the chance the beam actually stays on target in your scatter table.  The other issue is that this idea messes with threshold values for aerospace...

Hazard Pay

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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #2 on: 08 May 2024, 19:21:21 »
On the first point, I figured that'd be influenced by Pilot Gunnery in some manner. I'm not game designer.

And I don't play Aerotech in any capacity, so I'm at a loss there.


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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #3 on: 08 May 2024, 19:27:50 »
Maybe tie scatter to Margin of Success/Failure?  That could also solve the threshold thing...


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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #4 on: 08 May 2024, 23:08:09 »
Something like this would be a good way to balance out cLPL+TC monsters!

Though as you said, this would mainly apply to Standard and ER lasers... And I guess also Heavy and Chemical Lasers. (Though let's be real, Chemical Lasers are bad enough as they are.)
« Last Edit: 08 May 2024, 23:10:11 by Lycanphoenix »

Hazard Pay

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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #5 on: 08 May 2024, 23:13:02 »
On Mechs they're bad, do Chem Lasers need heat sinks when used as handhelds?

On vehicles they're godsend.


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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #6 on: 09 May 2024, 09:07:49 »
Man, what if we did spread damage out damage?
-Many tiny bullets: I originally thought of this for autocannons, which can be one big bullet or many smaller ones. What if you roll on the cluster table for the AC and they do that result in damage to one location and the rest of their damage to another location. Bad for something like the AC/20 whose whole deal is one big lump of damage, but it's the concept I'm talking about here.
-2d6x2: The simplest way to determine what locations are hit is to roll twice. A laser might jump from right leg to left arm, but certain angles to allow that. We understand that 'mechs don't freeze every 30 seconds, but are instead moving throughout a turn. Besides, missiles and UACs don't sweat hitting adjacent locations so why bother? It does take two rolls.
-3d6 Adjacency Table: Roll 2D6 and then a third, visually different die. 2D6 gives hit location regularly, then you reference a location-by-location Adjacent Location Table with the 1d6 result and apply the secondary damage there. For example, a Torso Adjacent Location Table might read: 1-2 Arm; 3-4 Center Torso; 5 Leg; 6 Same Location. This is basically what you're suggesting, but it requires 5 new tables for 'mechs.
-Pilot Die: This is how I try to resolve all of my cluster hits, but roll a pilot die, plus a differentiated die for each cluster. Add the pilot die to each cluster die to see where that cluster of damage hits.
-Transfer: The main damage goes to the hit location and the secondary damage location is "outward," the reverse of the damage transfer diagram. If the primary location is the CT, the secondary damage goes to a side torso (which one is determined by ???). Hits to extremities will simply miss, or you could rule they're transferred "in."
-Templates: Lasers scatter in a set 'shape' that's applied in one direction of another. The template is applied to the hit location and the secondary damage is applied according to the template. 'Right' templates will scatter damage from the CT to the RT, or from the LL to the RL, or from the RA to...nothing. Templates could be set by default, but changed with annotation at the beginning of a scenario, depending on the options available.
-Margin of Success: For three and above, it all hits one location (is that one hit or two for the purposes of determining critical hits?). For 0-2, it will scatter, but it's hard to work in a gradual scatter. Maybe you could transfer that bonus to a Torso Adjacent Location Table and construct them such that a MOS of 3 will automatically hit the same location. Or maybe shift damage to the primary location. Or just pass/fail scatter so that damage concentration jumps at a MOS of 3.

I think this works better conceptually for pulse lasers or autocannons, but I get that intent is to take some edge off of the very very good basic lasers. It does mess with the already abysmal IS pulse lasers, but there's no lipstick for those pigs. Sounds interesting. The real trick is doing it without slowing down the game.
« Last Edit: 09 May 2024, 09:10:45 by VanVelding »
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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #7 on: 11 May 2024, 02:06:34 »
Instead of dealing split damage, which has its own benefit for crit seeking and could be a buff, you could use a modification of the glancing blow rules.

On a hit of exact number, a laser deals half damage as the pilot cant keep the laser focused.  If you already use glancing blow rules, lasers glance on exact, and exact+1.  So either way lasers will focus for their maximum damage less often then an autocannon or something, without needing to add a cluster chart or extra hit rolls.

Hazard Pay

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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #8 on: 11 May 2024, 08:47:43 »
I think that works much better than my own. I did consider the Crit Seekign on the first as an unintended benefit.


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Re: Mechwarrior-like Laser "Scatter"
« Reply #9 on: 13 May 2024, 13:34:33 »
Yeah, with one that can Scatter in to Crit-Seeking, it's probably better to design a whole new weapon system designed around that, ala the Rotaries.

Though, TacOps does have a rule for walking Autocannon fire, but that's for multiple targets...  Maybe it could be adapted for walking fire on a target, just keep the modifiers in place and treat the initial target as the secondary...
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