That unit may be parked/camped for most of the combat, but the other parts of my side are not. If you’re content with taking crappy shots at one unit while I maneuver to destroy your forces with the rest of my team I’ll let you make that mistake.
However the only reason I’ll park a unit like that is if it threatens you more than it threatens me - if it’s not in range to use its weapons on you then I’m advancing.
There's a lot of
getting super-specific with exceptions here.
GENERAL, as on NOT someone's uber-awesome super tacktix in that one game on megamek, the AC/2 is a useful and effective asset
when used correctly.
a lot of experienced players have already sounded off on that. Some of us have been playing this game longer than some others on these boards have been alive, seen all the rules changes, tech tree expanding, remember when 3025 tech was
all there was and the build rules could be found in the same paper book in the box set as the combat rules, and it was thinner than a modern comic book.
There are
always exceptions. No tactic is 100% guaranteed to win any given random match, there is no such thing as an 'I win' button.
No weapon is godlike.
not-being-godlike does not make it worthless. Proper employment, reading your opponent, and head-games at the table count for more than BV or statistical averaging. I've won matches the math says should have been one-sided for the other guy, and lost matches the math says I should've had in the bag, and I'm not alone in this. LOTS of other players can trot out stories where their Timberwolf Pryde got its crotch stomped in by a pair of urbies, or where they took a 3025 wasp and beat the snot out of a Dire Wolf. That those events happened does not make urbies or wasps super weapons, or Clan units pointless.
There's a lot that goes into evaluating a weapon, including how well you can envision and employ it, how well your opponent can counter it, and how well each of you can roll your dice to make your plan succeed.
Or, how well you can compensate for shitty dice. (*ask Helllbie).
General the concept that the AC/2 fills, is long range harassing fire, to inflict damages out to where they other guy can't readily inflict damage in turn, usually to degrade his protection when he reaches your 'hard boys' in the trooper 'mechs.
In this, it works pretty well, it outranges everything until you get to Clantech/3050's era, and it still works fairly well after that...for that job.
which is not the same as being an uberweapon that wins all your battles.