Author Topic: (Answered) WiGe movement  (Read 1408 times)


  • Scientia Bellator
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(Answered) WiGe movement
« on: 31 August 2024, 18:26:48 »
Couple questions I've gotten about WiGE's elsewhere that I'm going to post here as well.

Do WiGE's get elevation changes for free (is the always staying at 1" free)?
No. WiGE are always at 1" above the ground, but they pay for going over/down elevation changes (thus the movement costs for elevation changes for WiGEs).  If you go from 0" elevated ground (where the WiGE is then at elevation 1"), and move to a 1" elevated hill (where the WiGE is then at elevation 2"), you have to pay the +1" elevation movement cost.

WiGE jump. Does a unit using WiGE movement (g) have to land before using jump movement?
No. A WiGE that ended last turn airborne can use its jump jets this turn without having to land first.