So stats. Power armor would be PA(L) in btech terms. That covers sisters and such, basically everything that needs that backpack to function. Scouts, with 4+ armor, are not in power armor (3+ save), so would use normal armored infantry rules. Marines would have the max 2 armor, while sisters with fewer wounds in the same power armor would have 1 point.
Speed would be 1 MP, the PA(L) and the marine/sister power armor isn't 2x faster then infantry on foot. However, you can add a jump pack and jump 2 MP in your PA(L).
Terminators and other 'heavy' infantry would be Light/medium BA. More armor, but still operate like normal infantry with 1 MP except for the jump pack versions. So basic Gravis would be 3-4 points, terminators 8 armor+1 for trooper, and centurions would be 10+. Centurions qualify for heavy battle armor as they had more health/guns then a terminator.
Dreadnaughts would be assault BA, just because the Kanazuchi is already a thing. I'll note, the listed weights for lots of battle armor is flat out wrong, but thats an art/BA rule disconnect. But the as pictured massive Kanazuchi and as pictured Dreadnaughts are pretty interchangeable. The larger dreadnaughts/invictor warsuits appear to function like protomechs though, just slow versions. I wouldn't use protomechs for any unit with less then 10 wounds, as 10 wounds was the bracket point where the unit could degrade (and protos degrade as locations get destroyed)
A dreadnaught would have 18 total health, mapping off bolters.
For weapons, that's a whole other ball of wax. It takes 6 hits to drop a marine, so if using my suggested 2 armor PA(L), thats a reasonable .5-.6 personal weapon bolter. Totally reasonable, they do not do more then this as they dont have blast/AP bonus dice.
It takes a heavy bolter 2 salvos that all hit to drop a PA marine, so heavy bolters do 1.5 damage rounded to 2 as support weapons, with a range of 2, and are heavy so 1E weapons. Las cannons need a bit more then 1 hit, so about 1.73 damage, call it 2. Range 3. Missile launchers are a bit weaker but have blast/1d6 burst. So 1.39 damage for Krak, rounded to 1, but with burst versus infantry. Both las and krak would have the extra BA damage rule, for dealing +1d6 damage to battle armor like when using rules for bearhunters and such.