Slightly off topic, or at least veering somewhat from a straight course, but the Catalyst site release dates show Force Manual Davion for May of 2024…so unless my calendar is just a tad bit off, shouldn’t it be available now? I’ve been trying to understand that/keep checking the site (for my own convenience, I try to order straight of CGL instead of other online sellers. Either that or from a LGS). Good to know doing that means that the creators/contributors are getting their part from my purchase, too. You guys have all put in really awesome work; it’s awesome to see Battletech where it is now.
Crazy thing is I’ve had a strong dislike for Davion for most of my Battletech history, but suddenly with this Force Manual coming out and my HUGE pile of gray plastic, it’m actually excited to start painting up a Davion force as my first stab at painting minis in years (feeling like Deneb Light Cavalry, or Crusis Lancers, but waiting to see what the Force Manual has for unit info/description/who’s still around in 3150ish before I make my final decision).