Nu Galaxy was a Homeworld defense force during the 3050s, responsible for securing four of the five Steel Viper holdings in the Clan Homeworlds, including enclaves on Marshall and Homer, as well as New Kent. In the years following 3060 the Galaxy was proactive in fighting Trials for former Clan Smoke Jaguar, Clan Nova Cat and Clan Ghost Bear possessions. Medium and heavy-weight 'Mechs comprised most of their 'Mech assets, with light and assault 'Mechs restricted to specialist units.
In the 3050s the 5th Viper Regulars was equipped with front line machines but the warriors lacked the experience to use them effectively. During engagements the Regulars would go onto the offensive attempting to place their opponents in a corner with their aggressive maneuvers. Depicted is a reinforced Binary.
The Head (Command) Star is led from a Dire Wolf Prime, supported by a Gargoyle A, Warhawk Prime, Gargoyle Prime and Timber Wolf Prime.
The Boa (Striker) Star consists of a Summoner Prime, Hellbringer M, Hellbringer Prime, Mad Dog Prime, and Stormcrow Prime
The Binary has been reinforce by a Krait (Assault) Star for forthcoming Trials on New Kent against Clan Coyote and their heavier designs. The lead unit is a Marauder IIC, accompanied by a Stone Rhino, Supernova, Warhammer IIC, and Crockett CRK-5003-1.
So, last unit for 2024 - everything else I have is waiting on KS fulfilment, and a Black Friday IWM order (which will certainly beat the KS to Australia.)
My second Slap-Chop unit. Like the earlier Goliath Scorpions, same prep - black prime, drybrush light grey, highlight with white. Then hit with Nighthaunt Gloom contrast. Unlike the earlier sand, the Nightgaunt Gloom covered the panel lines completely, but peeled back from the panel edges showing the white highlight underneath. Here's a in-progress shot.
Not what I was expecting, but I rolled with it. Yellow trim was a couple of layers of Lifecolour Chrome Yellow, with yellow shade lowlighting (painting the middle, leaving the edges lighter.) Metallics, a bit of trim, and cockpits - red metallic, then parts covered in yellow shade & less again with orange contrast, in the hope of getting some depth. Nice and simple!
Anyway, good luck to us all in our painting next year - have fun, it's the only point in painting!