Author Topic: Marian Hegemony Intelligence Directorate?  (Read 1971 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 223
Marian Hegemony Intelligence Directorate?
« on: 27 August 2011, 21:42:45 »
Talk to me about the Marian Hegemony Intelligence Directorate.  Is there anything in canon regarding their capabilities?  Style of operations? 

Drop Bear

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Re: Marian Hegemony Intelligence Directorate?
« Reply #1 on: 27 August 2011, 22:31:25 »
the Ordo Vigilis (OV) has a write up in the MW guide to covert opps, back in the day (under Marius) it had three focuses, Interrogation & "Interrogation", Protective detail and Info gathering that focused on piece work Freelancers and a Bribe network and was called the Directorate of Security Information (DSI), this was a reform implemented by Marius on the old Personal Guard, Dungeon and Bribe network from Sebastian day, the DSI was reformed in to the modern OV by Sean the DSI was broken up in to Internal (Section A) and External (Section B) Branches, the Palace Guard was expanded to interface with the Senate and Bureaucracy Guards, Military Intelligence and Special Operations Commands where transferred from the Legions to the OV and renamed  Sections C & D respectively, Section D took in the Freelance Black Opps crowd, when Julius took power he pardoned members of the Cohors Morituri and offered jobs in Section D to any that wanted them.

