Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury  (Read 7968 times)

Giovanni Blasini

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'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« on: 02 December 2011, 00:32:51 »
’Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury

No, your eyes do not deceive you:  I’m actually writing about something that doesn’t fly, lacks a self-aware AI, doesn’t have a transit drive, nor can go FTL: a BattleMech.  In fact, a BattleMech without jump jets.

This week’s ‘Mech of the Week topic is a lowly little 20-ton BattleMech that, in its own way, is as significant as the Mackie:  the MCY-series Mercury.  The opening line of the MCY-99 Mercury entry in Technical Readout 2750 states “The unveiling of the Mercury was heralded as the dawn of a new age in BattleMech design.”  They weren’t kidding.

Debuting in 2742, the Mercury was stated to be a replacement for the Wasp and Stinger, which, at first glance, seems more than a little bizarre:  the Mercury has much more in common with the Locust than it does with the “Bug Twins”.   Both the LCT-1 series of Locusts and the Mercury share the same 160-rating engine, granting the Mercury a top running speed of 130 kph (ie. 8/12 movement).  Armament is even remarkably similar to the LCT-1E, with a pair of medium lasers backed by two small lasers, with only the placement different: the Mercury mounts a medium laser in the right arm and left torso (rather than one in each arm), and while it has one of its small lasers in the center torso, the other is mounted in the head.  This does, in some ways, limit its field of fire when compared to the LCT-1E though, in theory, it’s less likely to lose the torso-mounted medium laser, thanks to slightly better armor than a Locust’s arm.

Speaking of armor, the three tons of ferro-fibrous armor are one of only two advanced technology items found on the original Mercury.  While the resulting 54 points of armor is indeed thicker than the Wasp and Stinger it’s meant to replace (though, notably, not the STG-3Gb Royal Stinger), it’s still thinner than the Locust.

The Mercury’s second advanced-technology item is a MASC system, our introduction to the system, and the only ‘Mech in Tech Readout 2750 to use it.  MASC is a…risky choice for a BattleMech, potentially crippling your ‘Mech for its burst of speed but, used carefully, you can mitigate the risk.  When running, the Mercury can double its walk speed while running, kicking it up to 16 MP (172 kph), making it the fastest ‘Mech, over short bursts, in the game prior to the introduction of the Dasher/Firemoth in Tech Readout 3050.  At one ton, the MASC system is the Mercury’s answer to jump jets: it provides that extra burst of four MP for those occasions where you really, really need it.

All that, though, is not what made the Mercury one of the most important BattleMechs ever built.  That distinction comes from the Mercury’s modular weapon replacement system, which Clan engineers would eventually evolve into the OmniMech system (first with the Mercury II scaling up the design, then the Coyotl turning it into a true OmniMech).  Weapons on the Mercury, especially its small lasers, were basically slipped into place, bolted down, and connected to three connectors, a system is almost identical to that described for OmniMech pods. 

While the Mercury seems an ideal candidate for the Modular Weapons trait from StratOps (though, inexplicably, doesn’t get mentioned, with the O-Bakemono getting the honors), really, from the sound of it, the only thing the Mercury is lacking to make it a full OmniMech is the Omni’s more advanced software and adaptable gyroscope.  Keep that in mind: we’re going to revisit that later.

The Succession Wars were not kind to the Mercury.  The ‘Mech was built by Mitchell Vehicles on Graham IV, a Terran Hegemony world that eventually ended up in FWL space, but close enough to the Lyran border that, after getting beat down during the Star League Civil War, was squabbled over during the First Succession War, resulting in Mitchell’s headquarters and factories getting good and blowed up and picked clean – it would be the Word of Blake to finally reopen Mitchell’s factories.  The majority of the MCY-99 Mercurys built for the SLDF took off with Kerensky on his Wagnerian death ride into the Periphery, with the largest concentration of Mercurys to remain behind consisting of the Eridani Light Horse’s whole company of Mercurys, which they lost on Sendai in 2798.

The few Mercurys left in the Inner Sphere, obviously, were at a shortage for advanced-technology ferro-fibrous armor, MASC systems, and their specialized myomers.  The end result of this was the MCY-98, which took the Mercury back a step.  With the one ton of the MASC system now free, the MCY-98 packs an additional ton of armor, giving it maximum armor protection everywhere but the legs (each a point shy) and head (which only has 6 points of armor).  Obviously, there’s less distinguishing the MCY-98 from the LCT-1E now: your legs and head are a bit weaker, your arms a bit tougher, your weapon placement is different (and replacement easier), and you’ve got hands.  That’s…about it.  Perhaps not surprisingly, with no replacement parts available, thanks to Graham IV’s factory being out of commission and ComStar not sharing anything the secondary factory on Terra produced, the MCY-98 Mercury would reportedly end up extinct by the end of the Succession Wars.

That didn’t spell the end for the Mercury, though.  Thanks to the Com Guards, the Mercury lived on in their forces as the MCY-97.  This is where things get…weird.  After stating it was, undoubtedly, the inspiration for the OmniMech, the ComStar author of original edition of Technical Readout 3050 Mercury entry makes the following statement:

Using a basic structure, power plant, and main torso, the Mercury can support many combinations of weapon systems and other equipment.  The most obvious advantage of this modular construction is the ease of maintenance and repair.  Recovery from battle damage is a simple matter.  Of almost equal importance is the ability to vary the ‘Mech’s weapon mix, tailoring it for a specific mission and keeping the enemy guessing about the Mercury’s abilities.

Um…what?  Isn’t that, like, an OmniMech?  In fact, it goes on to call the MCY-99 the “Equipment Package 99”, versus the Com Guard MCY-97, which drops the head-mounted small laser and torso-mounted medium laser for a Beagle Active Probe, for use as a recon ‘Mech.  Tech Readout 3050 appears to take a slightly different tack with this, though, calling each one a “Model” (ie. “Model 97”, “Model 99”, etc.).  While it refers to both the MCY-97 and MCY-99 in Com Guard forces, it states the Model 97 was “largely discarded” after the Battle for Tukayyid, its armament simply being too light.  TR3050U also backs off on the previous statements, instead talking about the ease of repair of the Mercury, thanks to its modular system, and not the ease of which you can alter its armament.  Curiouser and curiouser.

Tech Readout 3050 Updates also presents us with two Word of Blake upgrades to the Mercury.  The first, the MCY-102, upgrades the standard internal structure to Endo Steel, freeing up another ton.  Combined with the removal of the Beagle probe from the MCY-97, it now has enough room for a C3i system, which means that, rather than kill you itself, Mr. Bond, it will have its five henchmen do that for it.  That said, the remaining lasers have been upgraded to an ERML and ERSL, giving it a bit more reach with each.

Along with the MCY-102, we were introduced to the MCY-104, the preferred ride of Omega Precentor Terrence Harris (LOL), which he named “Insane God” (heehee), and whom is infamous for the 20 million Kroner bounty put on him by Peter Steiner-Davion for calling in surgical strikes of orbital support fire from the LCS Invincible  (laughing…so…hard…right…now…).

Building on the MCY-102, the MCY-104 adds an XL engine to the mix, a TAG system, another ERML and more armor.  The good news here is that the second ERML appears to be mounted in the left arm, affording good arc coverage.  The bad news is that, like all other Mercurys, this one mounts single heat sinks, making it actually possible to overheat should it try to get down with its bad self in combat.  Make sure you actually manager your heat on this one, folks.

So, how do you use a Mercury?  Simple:  speed is life.  Keep that in mind.  You don’t have anti-infantry guns, so don’t bother trying to engage them if you can at all help it.  The MCY-98, MCY-99 and MCY-104 can, for their eras, dance to the tune of the lightweight fast strike ‘Mech, but all Mercurys are better suited for the scout role.  Stay moving, but be careful of overusing your MASC.  Nothing gets a 20-ton ‘Mech killed faster than being completely immobile ‘cause you blew a MASC roll.

How do you kill a Mercury?  Easy:  hit it.  Honestly, armor placement here, for the most part, is a bit sub-par compared to the Locust, which tries to concentrate its armor where it’s needed most:  head, front center torso, and legs.  The Mercury tends to be a bit more even in its placement, which can leave it a bit thin at times, especially over the cockpit.  Find ways to negate its speed advantage, whether with trying to bog it down in terrain (even with MASC, this can be done), or with weapons that make the most of to-hit modifiers.  Pulse lasers, LB-X cluster rounds, even snub-nose PPCs can be useful for this.

References: The MCY-99 and its cousins are, with the exception of the MCY-98, up on the Master Unit List.  The MCY-98 is in Tech Readout 3025 Revised, and was confirmed to have existed by Herb, despite later being removed from Tech Readout 3039, on account of the Mercury not making it through the Succession Wars.  The miniature is available from Iron Wind Metals.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #1 on: 02 December 2011, 00:52:08 »
This is the smallest AT2R unit you've ever reviewed. What? It's not a AT2R unit? The mechs in space rules say otherwise!

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #2 on: 02 December 2011, 01:00:07 »
This is the smallest AT2R unit you've ever reviewed.

No, it's not:  I've reviewed the lifeboat and escape pod.

What? It's not a AT2R unit? The mechs in space rules say otherwise!

Actually, those rules indicate it has 0 thrust points, 0 fuel points and 0 hexes of range.  It would need to add a disposable jump pod to be able to function in space.

On the other hand, performing TAG duties for orbit-to-surface fire support?  That's just all kinds of cool.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #3 on: 02 December 2011, 05:37:03 »
No, it's not:  I've reviewed the lifeboat and escape pod.

Actually, those rules indicate it has 0 thrust points, 0 fuel points and 0 hexes of range.  It would need to add a disposable jump pod to be able to function in space.

On the other hand, performing TAG duties for orbit-to-surface fire support?  That's just all kinds of cool.


I'm kinda surprised the mercury didn't actually become a hidden omnimech.  The inner sphere powers (except comstar) didn't understand what it could do until the clans returned; to them it was an easy to fix mech.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #4 on: 02 December 2011, 07:55:36 »
Probably due to what was said: Lion's share of Mercuries went with the Exodus, those thta remained were mostly in ELH's hands (and ComStar's) and ELH lost theirs early in 1st SW.

With Mech production taking hits left, right and center during the Succession Wars, no one really had the time and resources to take a working mech apart to see how it wokred so that they could make improvements.

And to be honest, Omnis, while useful, do require different kind of technology basic structure than what IS could provide during the Succession Wars.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #5 on: 02 December 2011, 13:30:05 »
I really need to try out 'my' variant sometime. With the TAG, I might actually hit something!
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Giovanni Blasini

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #6 on: 03 December 2011, 02:04:19 »
Quote from: blitzy
I'm kinda surprised the mercury didn't actually become a hidden omnimech. The inner sphere powers (except comstar) didn't understand what it could do until the clans returned; to them it was an easy to fix mech.

Personally, I suspect the Com Guard ones probably did end up, in essence, OmniMechs, based on the original Tech Readout 3050.  The Successor States, though, had a hard enough time just keeping them running, thanks to parts shortages and lack of production.  Kludging them together to keep them running meant that modular ability was probably one of the first things to fall by the wayside.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #7 on: 03 December 2011, 02:35:10 »
Hmmm. As has been mentioned repeatedly above, an Omni requires a specialist gyro and software. Just being able to accept a wide variety of weapons doesn't cut it. That is true of any 'Mech, though with varying degrees of mechanical adjustment. For example it is doubtful that you could swap a Mercury's Medium Laser for an ER and drive away half an hour later.

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #8 on: 03 December 2011, 13:19:12 »
Hmmm. As has been mentioned repeatedly above, an Omni requires a specialist gyro and software. Just being able to accept a wide variety of weapons doesn't cut it. That is true of any 'Mech, though with varying degrees of mechanical adjustment. For example it is doubtful that you could swap a Mercury's Medium Laser for an ER and drive away half an hour later.

In general, I would agree, and the early Mercury undoubtedly couldn't.  On the other hand, being able to swap between a medium and small laser in two locations to a Beagle probe in one makes me wonder if ComStar was pretty much on the edge of the OmniMech breakthrough themselves around the time of the Clan invasion.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #9 on: 03 December 2011, 13:39:07 »
That's a C refit.  It's really not that big a deal.  On the other hand, we do know the development path to the OmniMech now: Mercury -> Mercury II -> Coyotl.  It's possible someone in ComStar discovered the long-forgotten idea of standardized APIs and put it into practice.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #10 on: 03 December 2011, 22:48:35 »
Great and amusing article, Giovanni Blasini!

I wish TPTB would considered to sneak in new forgotten prototype Mercury OmniMech like they did with the Battle Cobra.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #11 on: 04 December 2011, 02:22:48 »
Well, fast swapping of components isn't just the only thing that makes an Omni; you also need the gyro and control software to handle the mass shifting.  That may not have been doable on the old Merc, and required a new chassis itself.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #12 on: 04 December 2011, 03:09:50 »
Great and amusing article, Giovanni Blasini!

I wish TPTB would considered to sneak in new forgotten prototype Mercury OmniMech like they did with the Battle Cobra.

There kinda is a Mercury based Omnimech out there....*Glances at ED Golden Century and the Coyotl*
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #13 on: 04 December 2011, 04:43:50 »
Great and amusing article, Giovanni Blasini!

I wish TPTB would considered to sneak in new forgotten prototype Mercury OmniMech like they did with the Battle Cobra.

Is this the long-rumored Inner Sphere tech Battle Cobra?  Where was it finally slipped in ?


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #14 on: 04 December 2011, 06:12:37 »
Is this the long-rumored Inner Sphere tech Battle Cobra?  Where was it finally slipped in ?



RS3058 Unabridged.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #15 on: 04 December 2011, 08:36:58 »
Great and amusing article, Giovanni Blasini!

I wish TPTB would considered to sneak in new forgotten prototype Mercury OmniMech like they did with the Battle Cobra.

I thought the IS tech Battle Cobra was a Comstar design based on the clan Battle Cobra. Is that the case or is the IS tech Battle Cobra an ancestor of the clan Battle Cobra?

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #16 on: 04 December 2011, 09:08:17 »
I thought the IS tech Battle Cobra was a Comstar design based on the clan Battle Cobra. Is that the case or is the IS tech Battle Cobra an ancestor of the clan Battle Cobra?

TRO 3058 Upgrade mentions/rumors in the Deployment section that ComStar captured number of Battle Cobras and was working on similar model.  Thus RS:3058 Upgrade Unabridged is the resulting Inner Sphere copy of the Battle Cobra.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #17 on: 04 December 2011, 11:00:47 »
Pretty nice bugger, too. Hits HARD for a 40-tonner...
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #18 on: 04 December 2011, 14:15:18 »
whats the IS copy of the battlecobra called?


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #19 on: 04 December 2011, 14:17:47 »
The Battle Cobra.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #20 on: 04 December 2011, 19:00:30 »
Personally, I suspect the Com Guard ones probably did end up, in essence, OmniMechs, based on the original Tech Readout 3050.  The Successor States, though, had a hard enough time just keeping them running, thanks to parts shortages and lack of production.  Kludging them together to keep them running meant that modular ability was probably one of the first things to fall by the wayside.

I somehow doubt this, given that Comstar never was able to come up with even one homegrown Omnimech design  post-Tukkayid, even with Mercurys to work from as a starting point and having at least one salvaged Battle Cobra on hand.  By the time the Manei Domini showed up with their Celestials, Omni technology was sufficiently widespread and well-understood across the Inner Sphere that it's not such a mystery.


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: MCY-series Mercury
« Reply #21 on: 04 December 2011, 19:41:16 »
honestly, i'd have loved to have seen a 'partial-omni' mercury in canon. the canon mercury basically uses a variation on the rapid replacement modular design that was going to included in the real world Comanche helicopter, and did get included in the swedish JAS-39 Gripen fighter. where the hardware basically bolts into place with a few connectors and can be pulled out and replaced rapidly. the swedes have been leveraging this advantage in their sales of gripen, both hyping up it's ease of maintence, as well as the ease by which the plane can be upgraded to new engines, avionics, and defensive countermeasures by just pulling the the old hardware, adding in the new, and installing some new software patches.

the star league mercury seems to be an application of the same kind of 'hardpoint' principle, albeit with weapons instead of engines and avionics. one would expect that someone would have at least figured out that you could quick swap out the existing weapons for a different ones of the same mass and crits, with just some software upgrades. so a mercury could swap out it's medium lasers with small pulse lasers by unbolting the ML and installing the SPL pod, for example.

using such a method you could replace the mediums with SPL's, iOSSRM4's, iOSLRM5's, RL-15's, ERmediums, or any other single ton single crit weapon. the small lasers could be swapped with ERsmalls, RL-10's, iOSSRM2's...

and upgrading to clantech lasers would be a snap..

all you would need is record sheets to cover the more useful loadouts, and fluff about how the mech can be changed between these loadouts in the span of a couple of hours.

