Author Topic: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator  (Read 50695 times)


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’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« on: 23 March 2012, 15:17:12 »
’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator

The Annihilator. One of the most peculiar designs that Wolf’s Dragoons reintroduced to the Inner Sphere. When they were first seen, they were odd, having less armor than a Thunderbolt. Even ComStar was confused by them. There were records of the design from the Star League period. But no record of where they had been built. All wondered about the ghosts in this design’s past.

Then someone showed that past, and those ghosts turned out to be full-fledged oni from Jigoku.

The tale of the Annihilator begins with it being conceived and designed in the final year of the Liberation of Terra. Unfortunately, in the events of the Liberation and the years leading up to the Exodus, it appears that the design never entered production. Even the SLDF-in-Exile didn’t start producing them until the last days before the Pentagon Civil War and the Second Exodus.

The old adage of balancing firepower, defense, and speed to best effect shows up in rather extreme form in the ANH-1X. Designed as an urban assault and defense ’Mech, speed was not a prime concern. This lead to the use of a 200-rated standard engine, giving it the iconic Annihilator speed, equivalent to that of the UrbanMech. On the other hand, offensive firepower and defensive protection were. The original design mounts as much armor as an Atlas. (Frankly, the only difference being one center torso point being on the rear, not the front of the Annihilator.) Aside from the head, each front location can absorb two Gauss slugs, with the legs able to take four Class-10 autocannon shots, and the center three Gauss rounds. Each rear torso can take a PPC blast, and the center rear a Gauss shot.

As for firepower, the ANH-1X is built around four Class-10 LB-X autocannons, with six tons of ammunition feeding all of them. The CASEd side torsos help in case of a lucky crit, though it is possible to cascade three ammo bins at one time. Two centerline mediums, a head-mounted small, and another medium and small pulse in each arm supplement the main guns. Ten double heat sinks allow for some leeway, though a full Alpha while running will put you at seven heat.

After the Pentagon Campaign (more commonly known as Operation: Klondike), Clans Coyote and Star Adder took some of the lessons they learned and put them into practice in a model designated the ANH-1G. This variant stripped out all the weapons, and a half ton of armor (making it equivalent to the first Berserker), and replaced them with three Gauss Rifles with two tons of ammunition for each gun, and a single ER PPC. Both variants soldiered on into the Golden Century, where they then became the subject of upgrades to Clan technology.

The first is the Annihilator C, which uses the ANH-1X as a basis. It uses an endo-steel chassis, a 300-rated standard engine, which gives this model the same speed as that of the Atlas, and twelve double heat sinks. The autocannons have been replaced with four Ultra models, with two tons of ammunition for each. The lasers have been replaced with four extended range mediums. The downside to all of this upgrading is the removal of a lot of armor, leaving it with about a half ton more than a Shogun. This allows it to sustain two Class-10 shots to any front location, with three to the legs, and four to the center torso. The rear torsos can take a medium pulse, with the center protected from two such shots.

The second Clantech model, the Annihilator C 2, uses the ANH-1G as its basis. While using the same endo-steel chassis and armor set-up as the C model, the engine is a 200-rated model, giving it the same speed as the original variants. There is a head-mounted small laser. The rest of the armament makes this model one of the most frightening things to ever stalk the battlefields. Four Gauss Rifles with ten tons of ammunition and a single ER PPC. That’s right, five headcappers. Eleven double heat sinks make the design nearly heat neutral.

The next model is the personal ride of one Bryan Kabrinski, and makes canon the previously apocryphal Gausszilla design, which was created by one of the makers of the much maligned BattleTech cartoon. From the C 2 model, the ER PPC, one heat sink, and two tons of ammunition were removed to install a fifth Gauss Rifle. Well, and three and a half tons of armor. This reduces the armor protection to being able to only withstand two Class-10 autocannon blasts to the front locations (though the center torso is only one off taking three). The center rear can now only withstand one Class-10 blast itself. This is definitely a dueling machine, and while still frightening, I’d actually fear the C 2 more.

Even as the design soldiered deep into the Golden Century, the advent of the OmniMech signaled the end of its usefulness to the Clans. Many ended up in Brian Caches, or scavenged for spare parts. That is, until the Dragoon Compromise. Having forgotten that the design had never seen service in the Inner Sphere, a number were taken out of storage and given downgrades.

The resulting ANH-1A is rightly called a bastardization in the Operation: Klondike book. First arriving in 3009, this model mounts an underwhelming 12.5 tons of armor, or 200 points. Each front location can withstand one Class-20 blast, with the rear torsos able to take a large laser, and the center rear a PPC shot. Four standard Class-10 autocannons, each with its own ton of ammo are the main armament. Four medium lasers provide close-in back-up. Eighteen single heat sinks allow you to fire six of the weapons without overheating.

Then came the Fourth Succession War. During the events covered by Operational Turning Points: Death to Mercenaries, a field refit variant termed the ANH-1E appeared. This variant replaces the autocannons with four PPCs. A full ton of armor was added which basically ends up being one or two points to most front locations, save the side torsos which got five each. And perhaps most importantly, forty-one single heat sinks. You can walk forward and continually fire the PPCs until you get to their minimums, and trade one for three of the medium lasers. Personally, I’d love to see an upgrade to this variant (or two).

With the rediscovery of Star League technologies, and the gift of Outreach to the Dragoons, the mercenaries started to produce upgraded versions of the -1A. Designated the ANH-2A, these machines swap the autocannons for LB-X models, add CASE to the side torsos, and replace the medium lasers with pulse models. One heat sink was sacrificed for the weight needed. This remained the main model known until the Jihad hit Outreach.

After the destruction of Outreach, those Dragoons who were rescued and brought to Arc Royal managed to bring with them a few copies of their technical data. Among those were the specs on the Annihilator. Two new variants have since shown up in Dragoon and Exile service. A third has been seen in the prototype stage.

The first of the new variants is the ANH-3A, which is also the most armored of all the variants, as it carries the maximum in light ferro-fibrous. Armor placement is like the ANH-1X, with one extra point on each leg and the center rear. A compact gyro and compact engine are used as well. Four extended range mediums back up the eight Class-2 Light autocannons, all of which are tied into a targeting computer. Five tons of ammunition are allocated to the autocannons, all placed in the CASEd left torso. Twelve double heat sinks are used to moderate the heat output.

The other operational variant is the ANH-4A, which uses a compact gyro, but maintains the standard engine. The armor is now 14.5 tons, which gives a little more protection for the legs and chest. Two Class-10 LB-X autocannons are torso mounted, and two Class-2 Light autocannons are head and center torso mounted. One ton of Light-2 and two tons of LB-10 ammo is placed in each torso, which are without CASE. Rounding out the armament are twin Heavy PPCs, one in each arm. Fifteen double heat sinks help with the heat load, though both Heavies would use all of them.

The final variant to be seen (so far) is the experimental ANH-2AX model from Experimental Technical Readout: Mercenaries. First, it mounts as much armor as the ANH-1X model, though in this case the armor is Laser Reflective, which helps somewhat in energy-rich environments, but could prove dangerous when dealing with psychotic axe-wielding mad men. A compact engine and gyro were used to help with survivability. Ten single heat sinks are more than adequate for the heat load. Armament consists of twin Improved Heavy Gauss Rifles, one in each side torso. Each Rifle has four tons of ammunition, which is placed in the adjacent arms. The torsos are also CASEd. Finally, the life support systems, sensors, and cockpit have been armored to help the pilot survive (though since those only take effect upon breeching of the head, it might be a little late). Come to think of it, I believe the Improved Heavies still require a PSR check, so clumsy pilots should not be assigned to this one.

Using one of these machines is a bit simple. Only the Annihilator C has moderate speed. Most of the variants are somewhat armor deficient (at least when compared to most assault-class machines). Frankly, one should start with using them in the role they were designed for: guarding cities and bases. Find a good firing point, and use it to bring Hell upon those who would try to take it from you. That said, good back-up should be found. Anyone that does get behind you can probably keep himself in your rear. So having little surprises like a Demolisher or even an UrbanMech would help. Also remember, that if you are defending a city, pavement does wonders for your movement problems.

Do watch your heat dial. Some of the models aren’t exactly heat efficient. But also remember that you are a big guy standing on a hill (or on a tower or in a pass). Hundred ton BattleMechs tend to attract fire like cats to catnip. Double so if you happen to be a machine recognized for having low armor values. So make use of cover, if you can. That said, if you are in a Clan match, with full honor rules, walking out into the middle of the field and going, “Bring It,” may not be a bad choice either. That is what made Gausszilla such a mark in BattleTech history. (Though toting around five Gauss Rifles didn’t hurt.)

Fighting one of these is also simple. Stay out of range of those not using Gausses or ER PPCs, and pound the crap out of them. As for those carrying the aforementioned weapons, bring everything you got (including aerospace) and destroy them. Artillery is also good, since most Annihilators don’t exactly have the movement to get out of the way. And if you happen to have eight artillery pieces…

(One for the hex he’s in, six for the hexes around that one, and one for the hex two hexes in front of him.)

Outside of that, bring something big, nasty, and able to take a beating, and just keep firing until one of you isn’t moving. Against that prototype monster, this means a TSM Berserker, and hope that luck is on your side. If you can get next to one of those, follow the Eagles: Kick ’em when they’re up, Kick ’em when they’re down. Since Reflective hates melee, and hates hitting the floor…

Aside from that, if your opponent brings an entire company of Annihilators, you may have only one recourse: Orbital Fire.

Seriously, the Dragoons beat the crap out of the Kuritans, and nearly wore out the Blakists at the beginning of the Jihad… I have to wonder if having a bunch of these guys didn’t help there.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #1 on: 23 March 2012, 16:37:03 »
easily one of my fav mechs of all time :)  The 1A is just evil on lvl 1 fights ware there is lots of cover or close quarters. Still remembure the first time i used one and my opponents watched in horrer as i gutted almost a entire lance of heavys with it  >:D


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #2 on: 23 March 2012, 17:07:52 »
Slow and ugly.
Clearly not one of my favorites...
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #3 on: 23 March 2012, 17:32:01 »
I must say that thin armor has me a little worried.  You can generally get comparable firepower without trading out the armor so badly so I would be concerned about someone bringing another assault and outlasting the thin skinned Annihilator.  That said, the firepower on most variants is excellent so you can probably overhwelm most opponents before the thin armor does you in.

One other thing that has me amused is the fact that the -1G and C 2 both look very similar to a pair of Thunder Hawk variants I made a while back with the biggest difference being the larger LFEs/XLEs I used.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #4 on: 23 March 2012, 18:32:03 »
The ANH always gets mentioned sneeringly when we discuss minimum speeds but to be honest I don't mind that, (well, it isn't like that is what the design is for anyway...) I mind the thin armour. I always feel that I could get more out of the 'mech if only it were a bit thicker skinned. Alas, what could have been a favourite is relegated to the pile for 'mechs that don't suite my level of skill.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #5 on: 23 March 2012, 20:00:23 »
When i first read up these 'Mechs way back when in the original 3050 came out,  I was little put off due to its speed.

Operation Klondike showcasing all those lovely Clan variants made me change my mind.  Wow, what murder machine.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #6 on: 23 March 2012, 20:56:27 »
I still dream of a 4 - x Plasma Rifle Cappellan variant... with baby Urbies and Firestarters to capture overheated enemies.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #7 on: 23 March 2012, 23:16:22 »
The next model is the personal ride of one Bryan Kabrinski, and makes canon the previously apocryphal Gausszilla design, which was created by one of the makers of the much maligned BattleTech cartoon.

I'm pretty certain that Bryan Nystul (hence "Khan Bryan Kabrinski"), the FASA BattleTech line developer back in the early to mid-90s, designed Gausszilla.  Although the designer was not an anonymous cartoon maker, Bryan did create Gausszilla for a tongue-in-cheek Trial of Refusal against Camille Klein over the cartoon.  Camille was a rabid fan of the game who was loudly critical of the cartoon on the old usenet group.  For fun, she challenged Bryan to a Trial of Refusal over the cartoon to take place during a visit to FASA HQ. in Chicago.  Bryan was kind enough to accept the challenge, and he and Gausszilla won the Trial. 

For what it's worth...
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #8 on: 23 March 2012, 23:59:36 »
These might not be the most elegant Battlemechs to ever grace the board, but they do have a hammer to the teeth quality that makes them work. Speed and maneuverability are nice, and more armor is never a bad thing, but an enemy that is smashed in one volley isn't a threat to anyone.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #9 on: 24 March 2012, 01:02:32 »
The classic ones arn't perticularly great, given problematic armor and neglegable speed, but that's what makes them great and lovable.  An Annihilator at anything but 3/5 is like a fast Urbie, an abomination, not the real deal.  Being problematic is just part of the package.

Quad weapons are the traditional package, so I do tend to like thouse the best.  But, the 4A is once that has a very nice suite of weapons that can truely lay down some hurt.

The main problem is that for being such a slow mech, it only rarely mounts weapons that really take its range to extreem levels.  I always liked the LGR swap, which works very well.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #10 on: 24 March 2012, 01:51:18 »
I'm pretty certain that Bryan Nystul (hence "Khan Bryan Kabrinski"), the FASA BattleTech line developer back in the early to mid-90s, designed Gausszilla.  Although the designer was not an anonymous cartoon maker, Bryan did create Gausszilla for a tongue-in-cheek Trial of Refusal against Camille Klein over the cartoon.  Camille was a rabid fan of the game who was loudly critical of the cartoon on the old usenet group.  For fun, she challenged Bryan to a Trial of Refusal over the cartoon to take place during a visit to FASA HQ. in Chicago.  Bryan was kind enough to accept the challenge, and he and Gausszilla won the Trial. 

For what it's worth...
Happen to remember what Camille piloted in that challenge?
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #11 on: 24 March 2012, 06:26:53 »
Wonderful article on a truly iconic 'Mech, Kotetsu! You nicely describe it in an in-universe chronology. In terms of the game, the ANH-1A was obviously the first one to appear, next to Marauder II and Imp. Before that, the Atlas was the only 100-tonner and thus the ANH-1A was a do-or-die juggernaut that presented horrific firepower unmatched until the King Crab was released (which admittedly happened soon after).

Yup, the King Crab will generally beat up the Annihilator... At least in our test games.

Another reason the Annihilator is ICONIC WITHOUT PARALLEL: I first started BT when MW2: GBL was brand new, and board game, PC game and novels were all played/read by me simultaneously in an encompassing fashion. Well, the Annihilator scared the bejeezus outta me when I encountered it in the first mission of GBL. And while I figured out to beat it with speed very quickly, there was no way around it:

The Annihilator was the first miniature I ever bought. Boo yah!

Happen to remember what Camille piloted in that challenge?

The Gausszilla was not part of the ToR. Both sides used a star each, IIRC with identical designs (2x Mad Cats, 3x smaller units) except one used a Hellhound and the other an Omni equivalent (Ryoken or Black Hawk).

Nystul passed the Gausszilla draft around the table, adding insult to injury, if you will. I remember reading a transcript of the Trial many years ago and the one thing that stuck to mind was Camille being described as literally spluttering.
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3055 rocks! Did so when I was a n00b, does so now.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #12 on: 24 March 2012, 19:33:51 »
I love the Annihilator.  It's quirky but in the right hands is a monster.  I used a Fafnir and an Annihilator in a city fight and watched as the two of them chewed up 8 mechs in relatively quick succession. 


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #13 on: 24 March 2012, 19:36:58 »
ah, the Annie. Little orphan Annie, ignored and abandoned by its original family, only to find a home among clan warbucks, growing up into a truly impressive killer in its new family. Later would come a new lease on life and new stories among the barbarians of the Inner Sphere :D

um, yeah. more flavor than the bacon explosion, and about the same effect on its users
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #14 on: 26 March 2012, 10:07:24 »
I'm pretty certain that Bryan Nystul (hence "Khan Bryan Kabrinski"), the FASA BattleTech line developer back in the early to mid-90s, designed Gausszilla.  Although the designer was not an anonymous cartoon maker, Bryan did create Gausszilla for a tongue-in-cheek Trial of Refusal against Camille Klein over the cartoon.  Camille was a rabid fan of the game who was loudly critical of the cartoon on the old usenet group.  For fun, she challenged Bryan to a Trial of Refusal over the cartoon to take place during a visit to FASA HQ. in Chicago.  Bryan was kind enough to accept the challenge, and he and Gausszilla won the Trial. 

For what it's worth...

And of course, the original thread being Usenet, it was archived and...

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #15 on: 26 March 2012, 11:12:23 »
Holy crap. Nineteen-ninety-five? I was like six when that happened.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #16 on: 26 March 2012, 11:44:00 »
Holy crap. Nineteen-ninety-five? I was like six when that happened.

My moment of Battletech "wow, lookit me" fame was being on the front page of the Baltimore Sun at Nystul's Solaris demo (yes, the original 2.5 second, 1/4 scale rules) at Origins 1991.

At that point you were likely still learning about life outside diapers. ^^


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #17 on: 28 March 2012, 12:38:02 »
My first experience with it was in Mechwarrior 3.  Having to fight that monster in an underground cavern sucked, then again getting behind it and alpha-striking into its six was a pleasant experience.  "Die clanner." 

It is a slow and deadly hammer.  Too slow for my preference, but it does have its uses.  If I knew a couple were in a city I would probably not go near that city.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #18 on: 30 March 2012, 08:03:02 »
I always picture a lance consisting of an annihilator and 3 urbies waddling around a city as the mother mech demonstrates what her children need to look out for so they can grow up big and strong like her.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #19 on: 30 March 2012, 11:39:36 »
Technically I would say Urbies decend from the Imp family.  Just sayin...   :)


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #20 on: 30 March 2012, 11:41:08 »
Papa Imp and Momma Annihilator appeared in the same book. One happy family. O0
On CGL writing: Caught between a writer's block and a Herb place. (cray)

Nicest writing compliment ever: I know [redacted] doesn't like continuity porn, but I do, and you sir, write some great continuity porn! (MadCapellan)

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #21 on: 30 March 2012, 15:04:28 »
oh jeez, thats so true!  ;D


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #22 on: 31 March 2012, 12:02:00 »
And the Hoplite is the older brother/sister...  Again same book   O:-)
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #23 on: 01 April 2012, 22:48:13 »
The ANH-3A makes me think someone wanted their own version of the Bane/Kraken 1


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #24 on: 02 April 2012, 09:59:32 »
Like Jymset, I first became aware of this 'Mech thanks to MW2:  GBL, and was immediately sold on its looks (I only found out about its backstory later).  It epitomizes what I call the "classic SLDF" look shared by many TR:2750 'Mechs--the Mercury, Hussar, and Champion come to mind, with that streamlined, almost Art Deco aesthetic.  However, once I found out about its true stats (the GBL version was actually an upgrade!), then I just couldn't square those with its appearance.
And, since more variants have since appeared in-universe, the factions who field it IC obviously agree.  ;D  I do still think it's one of the coolest-LOOKING 'Mechs in the game, I just wish it had some stats truly worthy of that appearance.  Even with Clan tech, it seems you can't quite have the cake and eat it too.

Having said all that, I'll still never forget having a Nexus (the improved one with the ER MLs) pulverized by one of these things.


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #25 on: 02 April 2012, 11:14:29 »
The ANH-3A makes me think someone wanted their own version of the Bane/Kraken 1
Nonono... It's meant to be Krakenbane! :D

but yeah, similarity is there. Also, wouldn't want to be the Vee or Fighter unit commander who finds this one doing Overwatch for the opfor. My arm'd really hurt from all those letters I'd need to write.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #26 on: 04 April 2012, 08:19:40 »

The main problem is that for being such a slow mech, it only rarely mounts weapons that really take its range to extreem levels.  I always liked the LGR swap, which works very well.

Unfortunately, there isn't a canon Light Gauss variant.  The poor speed and sub-par armour of the Inner Sphere variants mean the ANH really has to be able to reach out and touch someone, and the Light Gauss fits that bill perfectly.  In the old days, the -1A could be worked over by LRM boats before closing to effective range for its AC/10s; Light Gauss allows the ANH to outrange said LRM boats.  (You do, however, need to connect with three of them to force a PSR.)

Once the discussion heads this way, though, shouldn't somebody start an upgrade thread on the design forums?  ;D


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

TERRAN SUPREMACY DEFENSE FORCE.  For when you want to send the SLDF, but couldn't afford the whole kit and kaboodle.

Iron Mongoose

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #27 on: 04 April 2012, 09:55:14 »
Its been done a few times over the years, and requires comperitively little imagination, given the similarities between AC10s and LGRs, so I didn't think I needed to bother.

"For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,
Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century..."


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #28 on: 04 April 2012, 11:04:58 »
I still prefer IS-Gausszilla: ES chassis, 4 GRs. It ends up with just 14 rounds per gun and no backup weapons, but considering how much fire it draws if it's still alive when the guns run dry all you want to do is get away! :D


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: ANH-** Annihilator
« Reply #29 on: 04 April 2012, 22:28:48 »
OK, an upgrade thread is now at:,17861.0.html


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

TERRAN SUPREMACY DEFENSE FORCE.  For when you want to send the SLDF, but couldn't afford the whole kit and kaboodle.

