Author Topic: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?  (Read 6823 times)


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #30 on: 23 April 2012, 12:29:58 »
Dhs are the biggest game changer out there.  My new merc lance recently did a raid circa 3037, where we located a stash of SL era _____.  My item to chose, one advanced component, enough to outfit my 4 mechs.  Dhs was a no brainier.  Slapped a third ppc on my MAD, haven't had a chance to see what I'll do with my panther, hunchback and wolverine.

Destroy all foes easily and quickly?  >:D. If I may throw some ideas your way with DHS you can turn the Panther into a mini Griffin by switching out the three extra heatsinks and SRM 4 for a LRM 10.  The Hunchback drop two HS, and add 2 Medium Lasers so you can still run and Alpha and be heat neutral.  The Wolverine depending on the version, if it is a regular 6R drop 2 HS and add 2 ML, if its the 6M trade out some HS and the Large Laser for a PPC  >:D
SGT Mark McKinnon, Recon Lance McKinnon's Company, 7th Crusis Lancers, Federated Suns


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #31 on: 23 April 2012, 14:45:22 »
DHS basically removes one of the biggest crimps in Succession War-era design. Heat.

Realize that a old-fashioned -3N Rifleman can sit there and fire it's quad guns without a care in the world with DHS, for example- in fact, it cools it perfectly (16 + 2 +2 = 20 for a neutral running shot) and once it's dry of AC ammo, it still doesn't strain itself too badly (16 + 6 +2 = 24, +4 heat on a running shot with all four lasers).

Suddenly, it's a lot scarier when you don't have to worry about alpha strikes blowing you up or crippling you with overheat. Firepower per turn shoots up massively. The Warhammer that was having trouble with it's twin PPC's is now slapping you with both those and adding in the medium lasers + SRM rack without a care. Crusaders can dump all four missile launchers to target without a care (or the laser/SRM combo). And so on.


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #32 on: 23 April 2012, 23:18:27 »
A.  I don't munchkin.

B.  I like Scorpions.

 O0 ;)

 O0 :D :D :D Love it!

The DHS may be overkill for the Scorpion, but it's not that bad. It would be able to take an engine hit and not be in the red that much. Not a lot of 3025 mechs could do the same....... beats losing!

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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #33 on: 24 April 2012, 01:59:12 »
Heh...just think about the ARC-2R...can fire the LRMs all day long without heat buildup with doubles--give it an extra 2 tons of ammo--rock and roll!


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #34 on: 24 April 2012, 05:20:06 »
Heh...just think about the ARC-2R...can fire the LRMs all day long without heat buildup with doubles--give it an extra 2 tons of ammo--rock and roll!

Heh. The -4M was one of the simplest yet effective upgrades. DHS, endosteel, Artemis the launchers, max the armor and CASE. Done. But DHS alone wouldn't give you the tonnage to add extra ammo- you'd end up stripping something out to compensate, since it only had 10 sinks to begin with.

Designs like the Thunderbolt or Vindicator benefit greatly, though. The instant massive improvement on sinkage means you get tons of weight back, which would turn even the original models into high-grade nightmares.


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #35 on: 24 April 2012, 08:13:59 »
Essentially, the DHS "broke" the game.  The old designs were mostly heavily heat-constrained, with the remaining few either carrying limited armament in the first place, giving up armor or speed for heatsinks, or relying on low-heat autocannons.  The new advanced "toys" simply gave you more big guns, and the heat dissipation capability to use them continuously.  No more "hard choices" between firing that extra weapon this turn and moving more than a couple of hexes next turn, now you can have it all.

The DHS also rendered moot the sole reason for the AC/5: minimal heat buildup.

I see the SCP as a prime candidate for DHS: the ability to fire that big gun and move without building heat every turn, or fire both the main and secondary weapon in the same turn, is more than sufficient justification.  My choice for them would be the Jenner: 4ML plus SRM-4 every turn is something you don't just ignore on the battlefield, and when it moves 7/11/5, that's SCARY.  As mentioned earlier, when an otherwise basic "Whammy" or "Thud" suddenly starts unloading ALL of their armament at you every turn, rather than exercising "bracket fire" to coax the most out of their prolific weapons batteries and less-than-prolific heatsink sets, that's a HUGE increase in threat level.

It suddenly became a different game with the new heatsinks.  The ER and Pulse weaponry had noticable effects (the latter mainly on Light 'Mechs), but even those would have been relatively limited in usefulness due to their higher heat if not for the drastically increased ability to dissipate that heat.


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #36 on: 24 April 2012, 10:49:31 »
It suddenly became a different game with the new heatsinks.  The ER and Pulse weaponry had noticable effects (the latter mainly on Light 'Mechs), but even those would have been relatively limited in usefulness due to their higher heat if not for the drastically increased ability to dissipate that heat.

This. If the DHS had never been added to the game (or had significant drawbacks), heat would be far more of a factor. Instead, it often makes heat trivial for the average Battlemech and pushed the weapon balance far towards energy weaponry.

Jimmy B

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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #37 on: 24 April 2012, 11:05:14 »
Double heatsinks were a huge tech advance.

But that doesnt mean the old designs are out the door.

Newer models with Doubles in them tend to have higher BV
weapons and even more HS than ever before. So the cost
both in BV and in C Bills is vastly different.

Older Models still had their heat sinks set up based on the
weapons they carried. when compared they are much cheaper units.
Which means you can get more of them on the table.

So its kind of like the tank vs mech debate.  Only now
there is Single HS Mechs between the Armored Units,
and the high tech modern mechs.
James B. Hill Jr. aka Beatleguise
Battletech Collector and Miniature Gamer.


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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #38 on: 25 April 2012, 05:05:33 »
Essentially, the DHS "broke" the game.

 Nothing prevents a player from sticking to 3025 tech if they like, and since such games have my preference, I do that quite a bit. DHS, and new tech, more introduced a new game than they altered the old one IMO. I do not play old school the way I play the he modern stuff; a wholly different tactical palette IMO, with added bonus of keeping the same rules system.
This is indeed one of the reasons I like Battletech so much : a sensibly sized core rules book which can nonetheless insanely varied sorts of games.  ;)
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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #39 on: 25 April 2012, 07:49:34 »
Nothing prevents a player from sticking to 3025 tech if they like, and since such games have my preference, I do that quite a bit. DHS, and new tech, more introduced a new game than they altered the old one IMO. I do not play old school the way I play the he modern stuff; a wholly different tactical palette IMO, with added bonus of keeping the same rules system.
This is indeed one of the reasons I like Battletech so much : a sensibly sized core rules book which can nonetheless insanely varied sorts of games.  ;)

Foxbat I agree with you. I been with BT from the 80's. Still going. Yes the basic game is still there. Now we have eras we can play. Makes it so much fun. Could even "what if" type of games also. Yes BT is one of the best systems around.

Ian Sharpe

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Re: Double heatsinks on 3025 mechs-- how big of an impact?
« Reply #40 on: 25 April 2012, 19:03:53 »
Blackjack BJ-3.  DHS turn a 45 tonner with AC/2s into a jumpy pocket Warhammer.  The PXH-1 with DHS would have been brilliant.  The Avenging Angel Vindy would have armour.  List goes on and on...