Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 328040 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1050 on: 11 February 2015, 17:50:29 »
A quick question, we've not seen any sign of a mad Malvina yet, too early for her to be born or has she suffered some suitably nasty death to get that nutter out of everyone's hair?

She'll appear at some point in some way

Command Deck, LCS Archon's Pride (Alliance-class Cruiser)
Tharkad System, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
5th July 3096

   On board the LCS Archon's Pride Duchess Jessica Steiner marries Admiral Patrick Doyle the commander of the Archon's Pride WarShip Group.  Doyle, almost fifteen years Jessica's senior, was considered to be one of the best naval strategists in the LCAF had been a long term acquaintance of Jessica Steiner having previously commanded the LCS Snow Fire during her time on board the vessel.

Northern Forests
Helen, Alya Prefecture
Military District of Dieron, Draconis Combine
12th July 3096

   All through the thick forests of Helen McCarron's Armoured Cavalry Mechs dodged and returned fire against their Draconis Combine pursuers.  The McCarron's Armoured Cavalry had coome to the planet expecting the Twenty-fourth District of Dieron Regulars Regiment but instead had encountered the Second Genyosha Regiment with its support assets.  The mercenaries were now in a continuous retreat as their DropShips attempted to find a landing zone nearby to evacuate them.  “Assault Three to Command, continue Evac I'm going to delay them.”

   “Leftenant, that's suicide” Elizabeth McCarron replied

   “Negative McCarron it's what's needed done” she replied turning her Warhawk Assault OmniMech towards the enemy “Assault Lance continue to fall back” she ordered her lance filling the air with autocannon, laser and missile fire.  Before taking another step she launched another savage attack on another Genyosha Mech.  “Assault Lance I gave you an order fall back”

   “Negative Assault Three, we're on your six, we'll hold the back door open when you're ready.”  One of her lance mates replied Ariana smiled engaging another enemy Mech with her weapons.  “Just don't wait too long boss we've got quite a few moving in.”

   “I see them” Ariana said “Twelve and Six break east target the forests if you can't see the Dracs set as many fires as you can and head for the DropShips.”  She said firing on another Mech “go now guys!” she called out as her Mech was hit by a tightly group of missiles that ripped into her Warhawk's armour.  Two of her lancemates turned and began to move away from them leaving Ariana and her lancemate in an Seven Atlas II BattleMech.

   “That leaves us boss” he said blanketing the enemy with missiles and autocannon fire as Ariana fired again.

   “We're going west same routine if you can't see them you set a fire got it?”

   “Yup” he replied hitting the enemy again “ready when you are”

   “Go” she called out both Mechs immediately started moving through the trees crushing the smaller trees as they went firing their weapons into the forest setting several fires.  As the Combine units continued to close the McCarron Mechs set several more fires causing masses of smoke to obscure the field.

   “Assault Three to Crypt Hammer do me a favour and tell me you have that big gun online?”  Ariana asked

   “You're lucky day, Assault Three, you have a target?”  The Fortress-class DropShip commander asked.

   “Nothing specific Crypt Hammer I want you to fire on my position drop the heavy hits”

   “You're looking at danger close fire Assault Three?”

   “Confirmed do it” she ordered continuing to move and fire at the enemy Mechs she counted no less than six enemy designs in close proximity to her and Seven.  Several moments later several artillery rounds slammed into the ground near them.  “Seven, forget taking shots go.”  She ordered backing up she fired the last of her autocannon ammunition.

   “Only if you are coming as well, Three, we both need to go” he said as the Atlas was hit by a gauss rifle shot.

   “Let's go” Ariana agreed falling back as more artillery shots landed all around them.  There was far more artillery than she thought the Crypt Hammer had available as they crashed through the trees Ariana saw nearly a platoon of artillery vehicles had set up near the DropShip.

   “Get on board” Elizabeth McCarron ordered “you're the last Leftenant let's get off this rock.”

   “I'll hold for the artillery” Ariana offered

   “Negative they are on automated controls once they have finished firing they are done.”  McCarron reported the loss of four artillery pieces would hurt but Ariana didn't stop to think further about it instead boarding the Fortress.  Immediately she was directed towards a Mechbay as was her lancemate followed her, before they were even fully secure in their Mechbays, she felt a rumbling in the ship as it's engines began to fire.

   The six McCarron's DropShips and their attending aerospace fighters fought up through the atmosphere of Helen engaging the Genyosha aerospace fighters as they went.  The ships continued to raise away from the planet and out of orbit heading into the system.  As they escaped Ariana Steiner moved through the ship reporting to Colonel Elizabeth McCarron's quarters “Colonel” she reported saluting to her regiment commander.

   “Leftenant Steiner, more performances like that and I might need to promote you.”  She said the Colonel was covered covered in dirt from the recent fighting.

   “We lost an entire platoon of artillery, the mission was a bust...” she said

   “But that was all beyond your control Leftenant, you stuck to your people and did your job I've very pleased with your performance.”

   “Thank you Colonel” she said saluting again before leaving the room.

Contract negotiation
Lockheed/CBM of Tharkad, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
15th July 3096

   Following the success of the Star League Defence Force in negotiating with Lockheed/CBM of Tharkad for several Peter-class Scout vessels the Federated Suns negotiate for four vessels.  With the funds gained from this purchase Lockheed/CBM are able to expand their construction facilities to four slips while also expanding their development offices and hiring addition staff.  With the company already tasked by the LCAF High Command to produce a new class of vessels the construction of these vessels for the SLDF and AFFS is seen as an effective way of keeping their construction crews at the top of their profession constructing and maintaining the Sub-compact cores that are at the heart of the vessels.

   With the Federated Suns already in possession of a Bug Eye-class Surveillance Craft which the FSN have been using as a training craft in the Hadrian's Command system these Peter-class Scouts will be operational vessels of the Federated Suns Navy.

Royal Allard-Liao Spaceport, Tian-tan
St Ives, St Ives PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
20th July 3096

   Not long after the Union-X class DropShip had landed at the Royal Allard-Liao Spaceport on St Ives four Battle/OmniMechs painted in the colours of the Royal Brigade of Davion Guards raced towards the primary planetary base.  On the back of a Stealth OmniMech four Infiltrator III Heavy Battle Armour suits rode as extra security.  Entering the base the four Mechs were rapidly escorted to a nearby reinforced hanger since the attempt against Duchess Kym Hasek's life no-one was taking chances.

   After parking her Mech in the designated bay the pilot moved down the ladder from her Stealth OmniMech's cockpit to the ground.  The trip had been a short one and with no expected combat Leftenant-Colonel Jaylen Davion had worn her duty uniform in the cockpit meaning she was ready to get started when she hit the tarmac.  She'd been assigned by the DMI to investigate the recent renegade St Ives attack on the Capellan Confederation.  As an officer approached she was very aware of the four Infiltrator III Battle Armoured Bodyguards who had arrayed themselves around her the Heavy Battle Armour suits were hardly invisible despite their attempts at keeping their distance.

   “Leftenant-Colonel Davion, welcome to St Ives” the officer, a Major she noted, said as he saluted her.  Jaylen returned the salute silently looking over his uniform noticing the insignia of the First St Ives Lancers RCT she knew his face she thought.

   “You're Tristan Allard-Liao?”  She said suddenly her memory kicked in.

   “Correct” he said curtly he was the only child of Kuan-Yin Allard-Liao the youngest child of Candice Liao.  Kuan-Yin had worked for almost her entire life keeping the people of the St Ives Compact going ensuring supplies reached the planets that needed them as a result Tristan had been born late in his mother's life meaning he was only a couple of years older than Jaylen.  “I have been assigned to assist you in anyway possible.”  He continued the last thing she really needed was a St Ives noble helping her she thought.

   “Thank you Major, I'll try not to keep you away from your unit for too long”

   “Of course Duchess, we have quarters set up waiting for you for the duration of your stay.”

   “Get this straight Major, while I wear this uniform my name and title don't matter just like yours don't.  I am a Leftenant-Colonel in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns and will be addressed as such.”  She stated possibly a little too harsh on the man but she wanted something set straight Burton and Fredrick were not the only children of the First Prince who served their nation's military.

   “Understood” he replied curtly taking the dressing down remarkably well she thought “we have also set aside an office for you.”

   “Very good, I'm ready to get started, lead on Major.”  She said the St Ives officer turned and headed off into the command complex as Jaylen followed.  Across the hanger she was very aware of the squad of Infiltrator IIIs matching their pace but keeping their distance.  The St Ives command base had been built before Battle Armour was introduced to the military forces of the Inner Sphere so as she entered the base the troopers could not follow further.  A little freedom Jaylen thought for a moment unfortunately her advanced team had prepared for this restriction as she and Tristan entered the complex two suited bodyguards fell into step behind her.  Jaylen recognized both as she stepped past them “Chris, Lawrence, no getting away from you guys is there?”

   “No mam” Chris replied she wondered silently if her brothers had ever suffered the feeling of being suffocated by their bodyguard complements.

Launching ceremony, High Orbit
Orbital Facilities, Free-flight Limited/Hellraiser Productions
Oriente Protectorate, Former Free Worlds League
31st July 3096

   After three years of hard work the first three vessels produced at the Orbital Facilities over Fletcher are launched by the the Free-flight Limited/Hellraiser Productions engineers.  To everyone beyond those in the shipyard and a select few on Fletcher and Oriente the shipyards had been producing Monolith-class JumpShips.  It had been planned for these three ships to be pulled clear of the shipyards and to the system's nearest jump point so it comes to a surprise to everyone when the three vessels move clear of the facilities under their own power.

   The three vessels are revealed to be of a new type of WarShip the Monolisk-class Destroyer.  Sharing the same four hundred and thirty thousand ton displacement and matching the Monolith's nine DropShip collars that is where the similarities end with the Monolisk hulls featuring a far sturdy hull capable of taking the punishment WarShips were expected to, WarShip grade Ferro-carbide armour, a maneuvering drive capable of a maximum thrust of two point five gravities, aerospace fighter bays for up to forty aerospace fighters and room for twelve small craft.  Already these vessels featured extensive conventional weapons bays made up of long range missile, heavy particle cannon and light gauss rifle arrays these weapons sneaked into the shipyard mixed in with other cargo to disguise them.  With the vessels true nature now revealed Hellraiser Productions planned to mount a number of Sub-Capital Missile Launchers, Naval Lasers and Naval autocannons to the hulls along with anti-missile and screen launcher systems for defence to complete the hull a process that the shipyards expected to take no more than a year.

   The Oriente Protectorate announced soon after the initial launch of the three vessels that they had purchased all three vessels from Hellraiser Productions naming them the OPS Monolisk, OPS Oriente and OPS Fletcher.  They also announced that the Oriente Protectorate had purchased the next three productions runs planned at the facility for a total of nine vessels.
« Last Edit: 14 February 2015, 07:05:37 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1051 on: 12 February 2015, 02:52:31 »
Preferably being kicked by a mech...and great update, yay for a wedding and that battle was tense! Magnificently written stuff.  Interesting that the Oriente are making what sounds like a Q-Jumpship which is afaik quite illegal and sets a dangerous precident.  But then again this is the Oriente...who are so nuke happy they make the Bulls sit up and go "Steady on old chap..."
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1052 on: 12 February 2015, 04:36:02 »
Hmm, building a warship based on a jumpship... hmm, it probably is fairly noticeably a warship and not a Monolith.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1053 on: 12 February 2015, 05:00:58 »
NOt when it is jumping in. The jump signatures would be the same according to FASA FizziX
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1054 on: 12 February 2015, 07:25:49 »
Interesting, developments.  I love this AU, specially for it's lively events and Warships action.

 Monolisk-class Destroyer is confusing to me, so it's using same tonnage as the Monolith, having nine drop collars is beyond usual. Heck Destroyers traditionally have them due to reduced speeds they usually experience.  I'd like see the tonnage of this thing, it could classified as a Destroyer-Transport hybrid verse say a Cruiser type vessel. 

Thanks for long most welcomed update, Dragon Cat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1055 on: 12 February 2015, 07:30:12 »
Preferably being kicked by a mech...and great update, yay for a wedding and that battle was tense! Magnificently written stuff.  Interesting that the Oriente are making what sounds like a Q-Jumpship which is afaik quite illegal and sets a dangerous precident.  But then again this is the Oriente...who are so nuke happy they make the Bulls sit up and go "Steady on old chap..."

It's a WarShip I'll post stats when I get the chance

Hmm, building a warship based on a jumpship... hmm, it probably is fairly noticeably a warship and not a Monolith.

Looking at it yes you'll know its not a Monolith

NOt when it is jumping in. The jump signatures would be the same according to FASA FizziX

One advantage the other being it can be built at a Monolith yard should one be available and should there be enough spare capital engines and weapons that can be shipped in
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1056 on: 12 February 2015, 10:10:34 »
It's all fun and games untill someone with an itchy trigger finger shoots up an innocent Monolith the moment it jumps-in  #P
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1057 on: 12 February 2015, 11:53:38 »
NOt when it is jumping in. The jump signatures would be the same according to FASA FizziX

Yeah, but an Avalon has the same issue with a Star Lord. Same for a York/Congress/Whatever and Merchant. This is nothing new.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1058 on: 14 February 2015, 09:22:04 »
It's been in the AU for a while but I finally got the fluff sorted

The Peregrine Corvette

I'm working on the Monolisk which at present is being a bit of a pain to get the layout right.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1059 on: 20 February 2015, 17:03:44 »
There, I just spent a month binge reading this from start to finish.

I am very impressed with the scope of this AU. It is interesting to see the results when more of the leadership are rational actors instead of raving loonies.


Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1060 on: 22 February 2015, 05:12:55 »
There, I just spent a month binge reading this from start to finish.

I am very impressed with the scope of this AU. It is interesting to see the results when more of the leadership are rational actors instead of raving loonies.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, the timeline would not be where it is without the support from the timeline, the parts written by others and the units designed for it, or just for fun, that I've used to expand it.

My thank's to James Tanaga for the Cauldron of Blood

Royal Birth, Halas Palace
Oriente, Oriente Protectorate
Former-Free Worlds League
3rd August 3096

   The Halas family welcome two further members into their family as Captain-General Jonas Halas wife gives birth to twin sons Ralph and Javier following Sophie Halas to continue the family line.  The two sons like the rest of the Halas family are placed under Le Grande Belle's protection.

“Cauldron of Blood”
Repair Base 77, Periphery
13th August 3096

   Captain Canin McKinnon, the commander of Delta Company, looked out across the battlefield. The entire area was bathed in blood, bodies, and broken Mechs gaining it the name Cauldron of Blood. Yesterday’s battle had nearly destroyed the combined Federated Suns/Rim Collection force on the planet.

   It had started with explosions throughout the cauldron, hidden in wrecked vehicles and Mechs, while the Elementals and Salamanders of the Rim Clanners that were set on the crests in the north and south were suddenly engaged in heavy fire from Stone Spirit forces.  Quickly the forces at the north embankment were overwhelmed while the south fought for their lives. By the time the forces in the cauldron had collected themselves, they had Nicholas Lyndhurst themselves mostly surrounded by the Spirits in the crest lines of the cauldron, effectively creating a kill zone on the joint allied force.

   It would have been a disaster if not for Captain David McKinnon and the Rim Collection’s Fourth Rim Regulars, Canin knew, thinking of his cousin.  David McKinnon and the men and women he commanded were the first ones to recollect themselves turning on the threats all around them. Forming a line made up of what survivors of his Fox’s Teeth detachment and what Rim Clanners that were around them, David McKinnon led a charge up the southern crest line, reaching it just as it was about to fall and continued to hold the line despite heavy casualties.

   At the same time, the Fourth Rim Regulars, the only Rim Collection cluster outside the cauldron, picked up its pace and circled around the Spirit’s forces in the north while the forces in the cauldron, including his own Delta Company detachment, slowly forced their way to engage the Spirits in the north. All this happened without any of the promised air support something had gone wrong which Canin was still waiting for an answer. If they had the air support promised by the Collection, and their pet clanners, Canin knew the entire battle would have been different they would have been able to roll over the Stone Spirits and maybe secure Repair Base 77.

   Yet they didn’t have the promised air support and now, while the Rim Collection had its first major victory against the Spirits, it was a Pyrrhic victory, one that cost each side greatly. The Spirits of the north crest line ended up being torn apart as they were slowly sandwiched by the forces inside the cauldron and the fourth Rim Regulars, while the Spirits in the south were held just below the crest line. The battle lasted for hours, until the Spirits on the north crest line were finally destroyed, just as the promised air support, with large numbers of Clanner Elementals and Salamanders, had arrived, concentrating entirely in the south, encircling the Spirits there. By the time the joint forces moved to support the south crest line, the entire battle had finally ended.

   Yet, Canin grieved, it had cost the Davion forces, including his own, greatly. Of the twelve MechWarriors and three squads of Battle Armour that had made up the Fox’s Teeth David led in attacking the southern crest, only two lances of Mechs and six Infiltrator III Heavy Battle Armour suits several of them were still in surgery.  Rumors had David McKinnon dying of radiation poisoning from his Black Knight BattleMech’s fusion engine being cracked, he must have known his Mech was damaged but he had continued to the end, just as the Collection’s pet monkeys had arrived Canin thought angrily.

   Of the Rimmers, it had cost them large portions of the monkey’s Third Battle Cluster and a smaller portion of the Fourth Rim Regulars, and the entire ground component of the First Striker Cluster, including Star Colonel Lopez.

   But they had won in the end, he thought grimly, if this was the cost for every battle…Canin shook those thoughts away, refusing to allow them to even enter into his mind. For where doubt exists, death follows soon after, a saying his father, Ross McKinnon, had told him shortly before he had died.

   His radio came to life “Captain McKinnon,” he recognized the voice belonging to Leftenant Sandy Hill, an assistant to General Redburn, the overall commander of the Davion forces in the Rim Collection. “Campfire roundup at the Crazy Horse in thirty mikes. Acknowledge.”

   “Roger that, Control. Save me a seat, will you? I suddenly feel like having some fried monkey steak tonight at the campfire. Over.” As he waited for the Leftenant to confirm the last, Canin didn’t care if the general rebuked him for saying that loud and clear. After today, he was beyond caring if the monkeys heard him.

   “This is Redburn,” he was shock to hear General Redburn come into his radio and was himself monitoring the comms. “The monkey steaks are already on the grill. See you at the campfire. Redburn out.” Canin allowed himself a small shrug after Redburn ended the radio connection on his end. It really shouldn’t have surprised him, really.

   An hour and a half later, the battle reports from the battle had finally ended. The cause of why the air support was so late was reported by the lone Rim Collection warrior, the star colonel of the Fourth Rim Regulars, an Able no less and apparently the highest ranking Rim Collection officer planet side at the moment. A solar storm in system had reportedly caused much havoc in the atmosphere. While ground radio still worked, it meant radio contact in orbit was sketchy at best. Canin found this excuse to be just too laughable if they couldn't communicate by radio why the hell hadn't they sent down recon patrols, and was about to comment on that, yet General Redburn had seemingly acquiesce to the Rim Collection warrior at least publicly accepting their reasons.

   Only after she left did Redburn speak openly to Canin and the other Davion commanders. “If they expect us to believe that pile of horse manure that woman just fed to us, they’re crazy,” he loudly stated. Turning his head to Light Commodore Matthew Davion, who was reporting via HPG, he continued. “Commodore, I want answers, not the Rim’s excuses. Understand?”

   “Yes sir,” Canin heard the Victorian Davion report to their commander. “You want me to use the proper channels or do some side checking?” Canin didn’t know what he was talking about.

   “The back door if you trust the source. The front door if you don’t.”

   “Understood Sir,” the Light Commodore responded back to Redburn.

   “Get to it. Redburn out,” Redburn grunted out before shutting down the comm station, shutting down communication with the commodore. “I need everyone’s opinions. Can our forces maintain combat effectiveness after today?” He asked everyone around the comm table.

   As everyone else reported their opinion on that matter, Canin himself stayed quiet, listening to each one and all basically said the same thing. The AFFS ground forces needed weeks to refit and wait for reinforcements from the Federated Suns.

   “I believe we can still maintain our commitment to the Collection sir,” he advised the general. As the others in the room looked around each other as if he lost his head, Canin continued. “I need to travel to Arc-Royal.”  He said “there are a couple of my family contacts there, I think I can convince them to re-up with the AFFS.”

   “If we want them to re-enlist?”

   “We do, sir, they should have never left” Canin reported “they were handed a short stick back home but with your authority I can convince them.”  He said

   “That's an interesting position to put your CO in Captain” he said sternly

   “Sir these people are very good at what they do and would be worthy additions.”

   “Okay what about the rest the Fox's Teeth and Delta Company we all took losses?”  Captain Olivia Foreman commander of Delta Company's second company.

   “We will need to recruit from the Collection, though I believe after today, the Collection will give us the leeway to do so, sir.”  Canin said refocusing on Redburn

   “Why would the Rimmers do so, Captain McKinnon,” asked Leftenant Sandy Hill.

   Canin was about to answer when Redburn instead did so. “Because the Collection owes us, Leftenant. At the moment, we’re their only real allies and they know we’re pissed at what their incompetence after this last battle has cost us, especially after showing us how well they could operate with us since we have arrived here to aid them. They will do what they can to keep us here, so long as it doesn’t violate their military agreements with the monkeys and raptors.”  He said “if Canin is able to recruit who he wants we can supplement our lances with these new recruits and anyone from the Collection who wishes to join up with us.”

   “Yes sir,” Canin agreed with him.

   “And what if they don’t sir,” the Leftenant asked.

   “They won’t" Redburn assured them confident now after thinking over Canin's idea. "But if they do, we’ll decide then and only then on what to do. Am I clear?” General Redburn eyed the entire table as everyone, including Canin, acknowledged him with a yes sir. “Good. Get back to your units and keep calm around the monkeys. Captain McKinnon, stay behind.”

   After they were alone, General Redburn looked him up and down. “You look like you just went through hell, son.”

   “With respect, sir, you heard the battlefield reports, both ours and theirs,” he kept his anger just at bay as he reported to his superior.  Damien Redburn could see the turmoil in the man, maybe some time away from the Collection would do him well.

   “I did. Yet no one else under my command had a family member assigned to this mission,” Redburn reminded him. “I am sorry for your loss, son. And I will find out what the hell happened to our air support. However, I need your word as a soldier and an officer of the Federated Suns not to react violently against the Rimmers and their clanners.”

   So this is what this was about, Canin seethed, as he balled his hands. “You have my word I will not lash out at our supposed allies, sir. Yet I don’t make any promises not to demand a Trial of Grievance for whoever screwed us royally over in the battle. Sir.”

   Redburn nodded his head as he leaned against the comm table. “David was a good officer and a better soldier,” the general reminded him. “I won’t stop you from doing what you must, son. Just make sure you come to me so I can hammer out the details first to ensure no blow back comes your way from the Rimmers. Clear?”

   Canin instinctively stood at attention. “Is that an order, sir,” he asked his superior.

   “Only if it needs to be, captain.”

   “Yes sir. May I be excused, sir,” Canin asked.

   “In a moment son. With David’s death, our ground component no longer has a commander. You’re it. I would usually say congratulations are in order, Major, but not after what happened today.”

   “Yes, sir” Canin replied

   “Get yourself cleaned up, you ship out tomorrow for All Dawn, you'll hook up with the FSS Zibler and the Warsaw.  You'll transfer to a civilian transport at Halfway and be re-routed to Arc Royal from there.  We'll begin recruiting efforts here.”

   “Yes, sir” Canin replied curtly before heading off Damien would keep an eye on the young McKinnon officer as well as many of the other members of their command.

Border Reinforcement
Draconis March, Federated Suns
22nd August 3096

   With Sterling McKenna's defacto defection to the Federated Suns the Snow Ravens had communicated less and less with the Succession State and their traders had crossed the border far less.  To account for this cooling in the relationship between neighbours the AFFS had send four additional WarShips and three additional Regimental Combat Teams into the Draconis March stationing them within distance of worlds on the Raven Alliance border.  On top of this they assigned three more mercenary commands to the Crucis March worlds near by ready to jump to worlds attacked by the Ravens.  This additional firepower in the region had a by-product effect with  pirate raids in the region being far less effective.

Skada Ravine Memorial Centre
Megrez, Independent World
Former Free Worlds League
26th August 3096

   The world of Megrez had benefited from the break-up of the Free Worlds League in ways similar to that of Bowang.  Situated between the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey and the Lyran Commonwealth the system had become a place where the nations around it could meet, discuss their issues and trade goods.  Unlike Bowang the people of Megrez had no ambitions beyond their own world benefiting from the three nations around it being unwilling to make an offensive move on Megrez and those around it.

   On Megrez there were several beautiful places for people to enjoy and explore one such place was the Skada Ravine on the northern continent.  During 3018 during the Third Succession War the Ravine on the northern continent had been the sight of a battle between the Marik Militia and forces of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces.  As with many battles of the Third Succession War the Battle of Skada Ravine had turned into a deadly close quarters brawl as both sides ran low on ammunition several of the Mechs had been destroyed by physical blows before the end of the fight.  In the years since the end of the Fourth Succession War the Skada Ravine Memorial Centre had been built as a reminder to the world that Megrez had a brutal past.

   Unlike many worlds while Megrez past was brutal its present had been relatively peaceful leading to many visitors to the memorial centre especially through the planet's summer months, between July and October.  Making it the perfect target.  The Mauler BattleMech marched down the side of the grassed Ravine immediately missiles and autocannon fire slammed into the defenceless Memorial Centre.  A second and third salvo of fire slammed into the facility shattering walls and starting fire then as quickly as the Mauler had begun its attack the Mech executed a perfect turn and heading into the planet's countryside leaving the memorial centre to burn.

   Several hours later as the Mech continued away from the destroyed Memorial Centre a green Marauder II stepped out ahead of the Mauler.  “MechWarrior halt!” the Warrior called out because of the distortion the Mauler pilot could not tell if it was a man or woman on board the Marauder II.

   “Do you wish to die?” Gunther Dudsen asked looking over the Marauder it was bigger than his Mauler but the assault Mech was a tough Mech one that could take the beating that the Marauder could dish out.

   “That is a question that you should ask yourself, Mr Dudsen” the other MechWarrior replied as an Ebon Jaguar stepped out from the Mauler's left hand side while a Javelin walked out on the right and a VTOL buzzed overhead suddenly it was three Mechs and a vehicle against his Mech.

   “I have many times” he replied concentrating on the Marauder II he knew the Mech, who didn't “am I your Bounty?”  He asked

   “Not today, you haven't reached that level quite yet...”

   “Then why?”

   “I'd like to help you reach that level” the Bounty Hunter replied “it's simple, you join us today and tomorrow you fight across the Inner Sphere.”

   “And if I don't?”

   “Then we part ways with our best wishes for your future success.”  The pilot replied the Marauder II was not standing weapons ready to engage instead it simply blocked his path, the others were ready for a fight and in one the Javelin would easily be the best choice but then there was the offer.

   “What would be my cut?”  He asked

   “Equal share in what you are involved in”

   “And should there be... collateral damage?”

   “The more the merrier, Herr Dudsen.”

   “And I can go my own way if I choose at anytime?”

   “We'd prefer you stayed within our group but if you chose to leave you would not be stopped unless it was during a contract.”

   “Understood” Dubsen replied “deal” he replied a moment later agreeing to the Bounty Hunter's terms, perhaps now he could extend the body count.
« Last Edit: 22 February 2015, 12:29:05 by Dragon Cat »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1061 on: 22 February 2015, 22:58:23 »
Super Team Action Bounty Hunter GO!  Great update and jeeze that battle in the Cauldron of Blood was a..well..blood bath. 
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1062 on: 23 February 2015, 21:01:54 »
Royal Assignment
New Kyoto, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
3rd September 3096

   From Skye Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner announces that his eldest daughter had joined the Second Isle of Skye Guards on New Kyoto as a Kommandant and a MechWarrior.  The twenty-eight year old had been serving with serving on Skye with the Seventeenth Skye Guards Regiment few had expected the Duke to assign his child to a combat command.

Orbital Construction Galatea Station
Galatea Orbit, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
11th September 3096

   After months of intense negotiations construction begins in the Galatea star system of the “Galatea Station” a self contained community of civilian and military personnel sponsored by the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission, the Isle of Skye, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Star League Defence Force, Clans Mountain Wolf and Sea Fox.  The station, which will be built over the dead world of Galatea, is planned to be capable of housing a quarter of a million humans and will mass two and a half million tons, have a dozen kilometre wide gravity decks and a dozen DropShip collars.

   Although not built as a “battle-station” the station would have a defence force who would answer to the MRBC.  These weapons would be a mixture of Rotary and LBX-class Autocannons, Laser Anti-Missile Systems, AR-15 Multi-Purpose Sub-capital Missile Launchers and Killer Whale Capital Missile Launchers supplementing these defences would be up to sixty-four aerospace fighters, twenty-four small craft and up to four thousand marines for internal security and defence all of which will be hired and paid by the MRBC.  The Lyran Commonwealth and Isle of Skye Commands both have authority to base combat units on the station and oversee operations while the SLDF are invited to the station as advisers none of the three organizations plan to place permanent combat assets on the station or in the system.

   In the words of the leader of the Galatea survivors the station is “a dream given form.”  As part of the agreement made over the station any survivor from Galatea is welcome as a resident on the station while all of those who are involved in the building of the station will also be allowed a place on board it.

Border Raid
Nashur, St Ives PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
18th September 3096

   In a suspected Capellan Confederation raid Leftenant-Colonel Jaylen Davion and Major Tristen Allard-Liao join the defenders of Nashur in repulsing the invaders.  Their combined lance engage the defenders on multiple occasions turning away the aggressors.  Unfortunately none of the enemy pilots are captured by the AFFS units so the defenders origin is unknown.  Following the attacks Jaylen and Tristen continue the investigation into rogue St Ives forces attacking Sian.

Board Meeting
Corporate Offices, Gilmour MilTech
Talitha, Star League Protectorate
22nd September 3096

   It had taken months to get them together but now Director Edwin Manning sat across from Chairman Charlyn Li of LexaTech Industries of Irece.  “Our proposal is simple we work together to return LAM technology to the forefront of the Inner Sphere's weapons.”

   “I am unsure if House Kurita would want us sharing our information with a foreign nation's corporation they have invested a lot of money and personnel into our company.”  She explained the Kurita banks had kept the company afloat during its darker days.

   “Even if it meant gaining direct access to our Shadow Hawk LAM program and the information required to build it?”

   “Something that Tamarind already has access to.”  She said noting the recent deal with allowed the Tamarind based Anthony Brett-Marik Memorial Land and Air Mech factory to build the Shadow Hawk LAMs.

   “At a substantial cost” Edwin said Tamarind's banks were financing much of Gilmour MilTech's recent developments; more so than even the SLDF.  “We would also share development with you of future developing technologies are working on which Tamarind is not privy to.”

   “That would be of interest to us.”  She said improving LAM technology was important to both companies.

   “If you agree we will share costs of development, exchange notes on these developments and share the benefits and production rights for each others products and designs.”  Edwin said

   “Sharing everything could be an interesting sell to our shareholders” she replied thinking mostly of the Kurita family interests in the company “but I believe they are doable.”

   “Then you agree with our ideas?”  He asked raising to his feet

   “In principle, Mr Manning, certainly in principle.”  She said raising to her own feet. “We will talk again” she said shaking his hand in agreement.  Several weeks later the two companies agreed terms to work together into the future to improve LAM technology.

Author note

Don't do these often but just to keep you updated
The Galatea Station is another unit that I found on the forum a while ago (who made I can't remember but they have my thanks) I'll post the stats shortly as I've modded it a bit - unfortunately getting it to look right when modding a design by hand is a pain but I'm getting there.  The Monolisk is in the same boat I've almost got it sitting right I'll try to post both within the next few days.

Hope you enjoy
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1063 on: 24 February 2015, 05:43:53 »
And Babylon 5 has come to your AU.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1064 on: 25 February 2015, 13:55:34 »
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JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1065 on: 25 February 2015, 14:49:17 »
So, what's the soon-to-be Dutches Sterling McKenna-Davion up to anyway?

And will we get to see the wedding? Because I'd love to know who turns up from the brides family for a full state wedding  >:D
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1066 on: 25 February 2015, 15:39:31 »
Why do i suddenly get the Flash Gordon "movie" wedding song from Queen start playing in my head when i think of McKenna marrying Duke Davion?  Is it because she a Raven? :)
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1067 on: 25 February 2015, 17:24:08 »
Why do i suddenly get the Flash Gordon "movie" wedding song from Queen start playing in my head when i think of McKenna marrying Duke Davion?  Is it because she a Raven? :)
Okay, if the wedding doesn't include someone crashing a DropShip into the church and a Brian Blessed epoxy shouting all the time... I'm giving up on this AU.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1068 on: 25 February 2015, 20:09:46 »
Put the church on the Galatea Station.

TT [blank]
Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1069 on: 25 February 2015, 22:54:25 »
So, what's the soon-to-be Dutches Sterling McKenna-Davion up to anyway?

And will we get to see the wedding? Because I'd love to know who turns up from the brides family for a full state wedding  >:D

Update on what she's doing soon

Put the church on the Galatea Station.

TT [blank]

Wrong state

Steiner Royal Palace
Arcturus, Arc Royal Theatre
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
2nd October 3096

   House Steiner's public relations department announces that Duchess Jessica Steiner was leaving active service as a member of the LCAF to concentrate on her duties as heir to the Lyran Commonwealth.  Within a week of the announcement it is announced that the duchess is pregnant with her first child.

Colonization Effort
Son Hou Theatre, Alarion Province
Lyran Commonwealth
14th October 3096

   The Lyran Commonwealth announce the colonization of three systems between Son Hou and St Andrews, these worlds are named Cyteen, Belzagor and Amel.  The Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey take little interest in this region instead concentrating on ensuring they continue to hold Bolan and the worlds near it.  The Lyran's colonization efforts based on Son Hou plan to move onto six further worlds in the region further securing the Lyran links to St Andrews.

   Further into the periphery on the Briton family controlled Cyclops Station Pirate Queen Gabriela Briton calls on all the local pirate bands to allow this Lyran expansion and allow the new colonies to grow large enough before they are targeted by raids.

McCarron's Armoured Cavalry
Thestria, Sakhara PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
20th October 3096

   The McCarron's Armoured Cavalry had returned to Thestria from a patrol of the Draconis March's Periphery worlds during which the regiment had engaged multiple pirate raider forces and a probing attack by a Snow Raven Cluster.  During that attack recently promoted Captain Ariana Steiner had led a counter attack against the Ravens which had broken their attack on the McCarron's Armoured Cavalry saving the Third Battalion from heavy damage.

   “How go the repairs?”  Elizabeth McCarron asked approaching the Captain who was looking over her damaged Warhawk.

   “They will be done soon.” Ariana said not looking away from the Mech.

   “A gutsy move” Elizabeth said praising her initiative and bravery.

   “Thank you, Colonel”

   “You could have been killed” she said now sounding more concerned

   “Part of the job” Ariana said with little emotion.

   “Part that you have paid for a lot recently” Elizabeth said quietly “we've got some downtime, I think you should take some R&R.”

   “Is that an order Colonel?”

   “If it needs to be” Elizabeth said “you've proven yourself a capable warrior and officer, Ariana you need to live a little.”

   “I'm a competent killer so I should enjoy it a bit?”  Ariana said angrily

   “That's not what I mean, take some personal time, perhaps you could visit your brother.”

   “Is that an order, sir” Ariana asked coldly with the barest emotion regarding her brother.

   “Take the time, Captain” Elizabeth said walking off.  Several hours later Ariana booked flights for her and her OmniMech to Solaris, the Colonel wanted her to take time, how she spent her private time was up to her.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1070 on: 25 February 2015, 23:24:00 »
Great updates and yeah..B5 makes an apperance, you need a power duo of two politicians arguing who hate each other at first but become firm friends now. 
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1071 on: 26 February 2015, 09:51:42 »
The family tree is so advanced now, i'm having little trouble following it.   That's what this AU needs!  it's epic Battletech tale, yield old art of the Family Tree would bee neat to keep track, since i have no clue Captain Ariana Steiner brother is.

It can't be Brandon Burton Davion who marrying (Max) Stirling  8) McKenna, so who is it?
« Last Edit: 26 February 2015, 15:35:50 by Wrangler »
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1072 on: 26 February 2015, 11:33:44 »
The family tree is so advanced now, i'm having little trouble following it.   That's what this AU needs!  it's epic Battletech tale, yield old art of the Family Tree would bee neat to keep track, since i have no clue Captain Ariana Steiner brother is.

It can't be Brandon Davion who marrying (Max) Stirling  8) McKenna, so who is it?
Burton Davion,
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1073 on: 26 February 2015, 15:50:17 »
The family tree is so advanced now, i'm having little trouble following it.   That's what this AU needs!  it's epic Battletech tale, yield old art of the Family Tree would bee neat to keep track, since i have no clue Captain Ariana Steiner brother is.

It can't be Brandon Burton Davion who marrying (Max) Sterling  8) McKenna, so who is it?

Richard Steiner, her twin and only other sibling, a Colonel in the AFFS.  I'll work on a family chart
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1074 on: 27 February 2015, 04:40:01 »
Hope this makes sense and explains the Federated Suns royalty if there's interest I'll see about doing the other nations as well.  If you have a preference on who next let me know either in a post or PM
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1075 on: 02 March 2015, 04:59:40 »
Diplomatic Meeting, SLDF Command
Kittery Prefecture, Star League Protectorate
10th November 3096

   The SLDF had called representatives of the Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns to Kittery to discuss the continuing fighting between the two nations SLDF Peacekeepers remained on Vestallas and St Loris; two of the worst hit worlds by the fighting.  On one side of the table sat Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao, representing the Federated Suns, while Mandarin Nicholas Cin, represented the Capellan Confederation, sat opposite.  At the end of the table Commanding-General Archer Christifori sat with another man behind him.  The SLDF commander announces that the SLDF will permanently be remaining on St Loris and Vestallas, at those worlds request, and that those worlds including Kittery and Sharpe would form the Kittery Prefecture.

   Christifori informs both states that the “nation” would act as a buffer state for the SLDF between the Capellan Confederation and the St Ives PDZ it would be a self governed Prefecture from Kittery and be defended by the SLDF any act of aggression against the worlds of the Kittery Prefecture would be classed as an act of aggression against the SLDF.  Christifori goes on to say that the individual with him would Govern the Kittery Prefecture the man in his early fifties had dark brown hair and what appeared to be a near permanent scowl finally he had a well trimmed goatee the Commanding-General introduces him as Protector-General Devlin Stone someone who is clearly capable of taking care of himself and someone who would not take either state pushing him or the new Protectorate around.

Royal Birth, Cameron-Jones Palace
Regulus, Principality of Regulus
Former-Free Worlds League
17th November 3096

   The leader of the Principality of Regulus Lester Cameron-Jones becomes a father for the second time with the birth of his son, who is named Caden Cameron-Jones.  There is little to celebrate however as the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth launch a full attack on Sophie's World.  Defending the planet are the Blade Legion who take heavy damage defending the planet, the mercenary force successfully force the Marik-Stewart forces back off the planet.

Planetary landings
Astrokaszy, Independent world
28th November 3096

   The three Union class dropped into Astrokaszy's atmosphere landing at three points near Shervanis City home of the only civilization on the planet.  The three DropShips immediately disgorged their reinforced companies which charged into the capital city rapidly blasting their way through security check points.  Once in position around the defenders barracks the Tortugan Phalanx Moras opened fire bathing their barracks in fire eliminating nearly all the support troops and a significant portion of the Shervanis Caliphate's defenders.

   With the planetary garrison crippled by the attack the Phalanx turned on the remaining defenders cutting them and their supporters down.  For hours the Phalanx, a pirate band that was thought destroyed on Tortuga, cut down dozens of supporters to the Shervanis Caliphate declaring martial law in the city clearing a path of destruction and death for Polemarch Naxamander Anabasis to enter the city and declare ownership over the Caliphate and all its holdings.
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Dragon Cat

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My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1077 on: 02 March 2015, 10:08:42 »
Nice update!  Hmm.... finally introducing Devlin Stone and he is managing the Kittery prefecture.   Wondering what other (seeds of chaos) plans you have?  Keep it up   O0


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1078 on: 02 March 2015, 13:17:15 »
Nice update!  Hmm.... finally introducing Devlin Stone and he is managing the Kittery prefecture.   Wondering what other (seeds of chaos) plans you have?  Keep it up   O0

.... kill... with EXTREME prejudice.... yes, murder, skin alive, torture for weeks, salt in the eyes and into open wounds. message his organs with sand paper, scalp him SLOWLY with a rusty butter knife, yes.... slowly amputate his limbs inch by inch.... keep him hopped up on drugs so he never passes out.... oh yes.... id make a evile blake unit just to do all this to him and more cuz I HATE the man and would love to see Victor turn evil after his abduction by blake ... oh yes.... oh yes.... for the master of course  >:D ^-^ }:) >:D

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #1079 on: 03 March 2015, 09:07:51 »
Nice update!  Hmm.... finally introducing Devlin Stone and he is managing the Kittery prefecture.   Wondering what other (seeds of chaos) plans you have?  Keep it up   O0

Originally he was never appearing however as I got to the St Ives worlds joining the Federated Suns and the conflict that followed I thought that a "Kittery Prefecture" would be fun

.... kill... with EXTREME prejudice.... yes, murder, skin alive, torture for weeks, salt in the eyes and into open wounds. message his organs with sand paper, scalp him SLOWLY with a rusty butter knife, yes.... slowly amputate his limbs inch by inch.... keep him hopped up on drugs so he never passes out.... oh yes.... id make a evile blake unit just to do all this to him and more cuz I HATE the man and would love to see Victor turn evil after his abduction by blake ... oh yes.... oh yes.... for the master of course  >:D ^-^ }:) >:D

Similar to my initial reaction to the character but as time has gone on I've come to accept.  There's at least 4 active "evil" Blakist units out there in the AU that I can think of off the top of my head.  At least one Victor is completely safe the other one will have an interesting reaction when he arrives.  And the Master's dead as a doornail it wasn't grand or anything he just kicked the bucket years ago it sparked the Manei Domini Crisis.
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