Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 327571 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #360 on: 09 October 2012, 16:28:55 »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #361 on: 10 October 2012, 18:38:52 »
Severn Leroux (Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser)
Varnay Shipyards, Varnay System
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
15th September 3082

   The Clan Nova Cat Flagship the Severn Leroux re-launches from the Varnay system shipyards boasting a refitted capital and standard weapons array along with a new command suite giving the Severn Leroux plenty of new capabilities.  With Star Admiral Anders McKenna, the ship’s usual commander the Severn Leroux is tasked with a shake down cruise through each of the Nova Cat’s Den star systems to ensure its new upgrades are working at full capacity.

World wide pandemic
Trondhemal, Marian Hegemony
1st October 3082

   Following weeks of illness, panic and despair the Marian Hegemony declared Trondhemal a quarantine area as a world wide pandemic grips the population killing hundreds by the day.  By the end of the first week long before any other nation can assist the world of Trondhemal is effectively a dead world with over 300,000 dead.  Marian Hegemony units blaming the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby attack their neighbouring state causing fighting on several worlds.  At almost the same time Katrina Ward’s Hunters strike six different Marian Hegemony worlds hurting several units.

Parley meeting
Illyria, Marian Hegemony
12th October 3082

   With Marian units on the losing side of battles on Hardisey’s Haven, Thadora’s Land, Blanteff and Maximillian and the Ward’s Hunters striking at worlds with the Marians unable to counter them Caesar Julius O’Reilly sent the Cyclops Station a message he wanted a meeting with Katrina Ward.  Katrina agreed to meet the Caesar on Illyria,

   Several days later the Hanse slipped into a high orbit over the world directly opposite the Marian’s MHS Lothario, a Galley-class Corvette.  Katrina Ward and almost an entire Cluster’s worth of Clan-built machines landed on the world in a single Overlord C-class DropShip.  As they set up defensive positions around their DropShips Katrina met with the Caesar.  “Welcome to Illyria, I am glad you agreed to meet with me.”  The Caesar greeted as Katrina approached the Caesar in neutral ground between the two positions Katrina immediately taking a seat opposite the Marian Hegemony leader.

   “Make your intentions known quickly so I can leave again.”  Katrina said her two Elemental armoured bodyguards standing almost five metres behind but no less intimidating.

   “I would like to come to an agreement between my nation and your hunters to end these destructive raids.  I am willing to offer…” Julius began but was cut off by a sonic boom as something thundered overhead looking up he could see a flaming object falling through the atmosphere increasing speed as it fell.  “What on earth?”  He muttered looking at Katrina who had a small smile across her face “What is the meaning of this?”

   “I’m sorry Caesar, I am not at fault, and perhaps your “WarShip” suffered a malfunction?  Don‘t worry you are not the only one who suffers these problems.”  Katrina said continuing to smile as her two Elementals levelled their weapons at the Caesar’s own Bodyguards and gunned them down “see that was my malfunctioning equipment.”  She said looking at the stunned Caesar “as you are the host however it seems only right I suffer twice as badly as you have” she said raising her hand closing it into a fist.  Moments later there was several deafening booms as Naval Autocannons were fired into the atmosphere soaring over the meeting place they smashed into the Caesar’s Legio I forces, the falling projectiles reaching nearly supersonic velocities as they smashed into the ground, a Union-class DropShip took a direct hit from one of the shots and was physically knocked over by the weapons fire exploding in a ball of flame as impacted awkwardly on the ground.

   “What is the meaning of this?  This is neutral ground a parley to end our differences not create new ones.  You will pay for this I promise you.”

   “Oh Julius, I already am, your attack on the Duchy of Tamarind has cost my nation plenty already and for no reason.”   

   “No reason?  They poisoned Trondhemal killing the world’s entire population.  Wait… your nation?  The O’Reilly’s rule the Hegemony not you.”

   “Wrong again Julius, my forces are hitting three separate worlds other than this one today.  Your remaining forces will be destroyed except your remaining forces on Alphard itself.  And soon they will fall as well.  Don’t worry young Rebecca will follow her father’s fate.”

   “You bitch!  Leave my daughter alone, she’s done nothing to threaten you!”  Julius screamed in anger.  I’ll kill you before you harm hair on her head.”  He screamed reaching for his sword which was still in his belt; this was enough for the two Elementals who both opened fire with their arm mounted machine guns cutting the Caesar down in a hail of fire.

   “Or maybe I’ll keep her around as a sign from her failed father.”  Katrina said her smile fading as she stood up “leave him to the crows.”  She said looking to the sky already seeing birds overhead she didn’t know their actual species but it was apt and she’d leave them to it.

Parliament Building
Oriente, Oriente Protectorate
Former Free Worlds League
18th October 3082

   When the Free Worlds League broke-up the Oriente Protectorate formed to protect the border with the Capellan Confederation Grand-Duke Christopher Halas was placed in charge of the Protectorate.  Under his and the Oriente Protectorate’s protection the fake Thomas Marik’s children had grown up and the eldest Duke Jonas had turned twenty years old.

   Under Christopher’s direction a direct copy of the Parliament building on Atreus.  From there each representative planet of the Protectorate was welcomed to the world to help form the direction of the Oriente Protectorate.  Sitting on the Captain-General’s chair at one end of the one hundred seat chamber Duke Christopher sat as young Jonas entered dressed in the captain’s uniform of the Oriente Protectorate Military.  “Welcome Jonas Halas, and how are you today?”

   “Well uncle, why did you ask me to come here?  This is your arena.”

   “Not anymore, son” Christopher said rising from his chair stepping down onto the room’s floor “Jonas Halas, as of today the position of Captain-General has passed from me to you.”

   “But, sir” Jonas protested respectfully “you are duke of Oriente, I am but a boy, I am not ready for this.”

   “You are correct Jonas I am Duke of Orient, but you are also wrong, you are ready for this job.  It is the end of my time.”

   “But I have only just begun to learn how to be a leader, an officer and a fighter.  I am not ready for this.”

   “You are Jonas, there is no reason you cannot remain an officer of our armed forces.  I will remain at hand here on Oriente to be an adviser however it is time that you took on this position.”  Christopher said forcefully.

   “Understood sir, I thank you for your confidence.”  Jonas said giving up on arguing with his uncle “I will intend on remaining with my unit, Politics will not take over my life.”

   “Ha, ha” Christopher said smiling “I can understand that” he said extending his arm towards Jonas who took it and gave it a solid shake “just remember you are not alone, Captain-General.”

   “Thank you, sir, I appreciate that.”  Jonas said shaking Christopher’s extended hand.  The older man then walked from the chamber leaving Jonas Halas alone with his thoughts.

Hanse (Lola III)
Alphard, Marian Hegemony
29th October 3082

   A distance from the Hanse floated the wreck of the MHS Caesar; the Dart-class Light Cruiser salvaged by the Marian Hegemony, the vessel had put up a fight against the Lola III-class Destroyer however it had little chance against the former Ice Hellion vessel.  Years of poor maintenance had cost the Caesar any chance of survival.

   Now in orbit over the Alphard Katrina took her full fury out on the Marian’s capital world “Target the city of Novo Roma, concentrate on the Caesar’s palace I want them isolated but not dead.”  She said looking at the gunner stations they followed her commands without question.  Weapons fire tore through the planet’s atmosphere slaming into the grounds around the palace cracking the ground opening massive craters hundreds would have died caught in the blasts from the Capital weapons but the palace still stood. “Now contact the palace, have they issue an immediate surrender or suffer the consequences.”  She said looking at the communications console.

   “A surrender demand?”  Sonja Cage asked

   “Hopefully the Caesar falling into the atmosphere will be encouragement enough.”

   “Caesar” the communications officer addressed Katrina using her newly claimed rank and title “the palace declares they do not recognize your authority.”

   “Main guns fire, eliminate the palace.”  She ordered from the Hanse forward guns naval lasers and missiles shot from the Lola III in a precision assault that wiped the marble palace off Alphard’s landscape blowing it to pieces.  “That’s my authority, now communications; find someone willing to surrender to us.”

   “I have the commander of the Cohors Morituri, willing to offer his immediate surrender, and the local city governor willing to surrender.”

   “Excellent.”  Deploy ground forces, Have my DropShip join us I want to join the ground forces.  Sonja if anyone else unexpected arrives use all assets to remove them.”

   “Understood, and congratulations.”  The Hanse commander said kissing Katrina’s cheek before taking her seat on the bridge.

   Three hours later the people of Novo Roma accepted Katrina Ward as their new Caesar, an hour after that eleven year old Rebecca O’Reilly was presented to Katrina after being found by Hunters personnel.  Katrina decided to spare her life instead naming her as her own daughter Rebecca Ward.  Over the course of the next week Katrina Ward executes the remains of the O’Reilly family and all supporters of the former Caesar installing her own supporters in place.  The Cohorts Morituri are allowed to stay within the nation’s armed forces as Katrina evaluates this disreputable unit.  Meanwhile survivors from the I and III Legios begin to return to the Hegemony as the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby claim four worlds during this uncertain time for the Marian nation.

LCS Flygia (Mjolinir-class Battle-cruiser), Secure Location
Tharkad System, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
30th October 3082

   Deep within the Tharkad system Archon Peter Steiner-Davion stood aboard the LCS Flygia, the Lyran Commonwealth’s mighty Mjolinir-class Battle-cruiser, however today was not about the powerful vessel or the DropShip squadron surrounding the area instead it was about a new type of vessel developed in the Lyran Commonwealth.  Until recently Lockheed/CBM had provided the Lyran Commonwealth with DropShips and Aerospace craft both civilian and military however they had never expanded into new territory now they claimed otherwise.  However so far Peter hadn’t seen much innovation or new toys instead things looked decidedly normal.

   “A Gazelle-class DropShip?  Not exactly a ground breaking design, I assume we could buy them from Federated Boeing if we needed to transport our ground forces.”  Peter said looking at the large screen which showed Lockheed’s new craft.

   “Yes Archon however that is not a Gazelle-class vessel.  In fact that vessel is completely incapable of atmospheric flight despite its wings and the apparent design configuration.”  The Lockheed developer said.

   “Doctor Queen” Peter said addressing the man directly “what exactly is this vessel’s intent then?  We do not need another assault craft.”

   “I understand” the man said looking at the LCAF naval officer hovering nearby “perhaps this will explain.”  He said raising a personal communicator to his lips “Queen to LCS Peter, execute directive omega one.”  He said the vessel did not move for several moments then in a moment the vessel flashed out of existence.

   “Oh my god, it disappeared?  A cloaking technology?”  The Archon asked looking at the man who smiled instead of answering Queen manipulated the view screen viewing out from local space showing the Peter at the outer edge of the Tharkad system.  “It jumped…” Peter whispered “but that ship is tiny it couldn’t weigh more than five thousand tons it’s impossible to jump something that small.”

   “No Archon we’ve unlocked the Star League’s Sub-Compact K-F Core that once powered the ancient Bug-Eye Surveillance Craft of the ancient Star League Defence Force.  The Peter-class Scout vessel is the first such modern craft you could hide it within an invasion force and have it jump clear reporting troop strengths, have it scout systems while posing as a standard DropShip.  Unfortunately it is incapable of fighting toe-to-toe with any other WarShip and would even struggle against a decently sized DropShip however combat is not its specialty.  Best of all we can build it on a planet’s surface and launch it aboard a cargo DropShip saving the need for an expensive Shipyard.  The Peter-class Scout, which we have named in your honour, is expensive however we have five already in production ready for immediate purchase by the LCAF.”

   “I’d like to have a closer look over the “Peter” the Archon said “see exactly what you have built in it.”

   “Of course Archon I’m sure we can arrange that.” Queen said.  Over the next few days Peter Steiner-Davion spent some time aboard the LCS Peter.  The scout ship was compact carrying very few amenities, firepower or a defence however that was not the designs intent, it was the ultimate deception a Jump Capable craft that looked like a DropShip Queen sure did know how to sell the craft.  Overall the Archon was impressed enough to order all five of the new class of craft.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #362 on: 10 October 2012, 18:44:45 »
Ninth Whitting Conference
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
14th November 3082

   Standing on Terra at the Whitting Conference Centre Captain-General Jeremy Brett brought the session to order as the standing First Lord.  He detailed the ongoing expansion of the Star League Defence Force and the reactivation of the Blake’s Strength, a ComStar Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, and the ship’s renaming as the SLS Truce of Tukayyid in honour of the ComGuard’s sacrifices on Tukayyid bringing the Inner Sphere fifteen years respite from Clan Invasion.  He went on to continue to to confirm the Capellan Confederation’s votes within the Star League before abjuring the meeting as the Draconis Combine leader Minoru Kurita was not yet present.

   An hour later each of the Succession Lords and the leaders of the fractured Free Worlds League states each received a message from Jeremy Brett stating that Minoru Kurita and his entire delegation would not be attending the Conference as the Draconis Combine continued to be ravaged by internal conflict.

Ninth Whitting Conference
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
15th November 3082

   The second day of the Star League Conference began with several small meetings behind the member states before First Lord Jeremy Brett called a general conference   Once each of the Succession Lords were seated Jeremy began to speak “Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow lords.  It appears our decision to allow Clan Sea Fox to trade within Inner Sphere has reached the other Clans.”

   “What actions do they plan against us?”  Chancellor Naomi Centrella questioned interrupting.

   “No Chancellor, in fact we have been approached by the Rasalhague Dominion requesting probationary admittance to this council.”  Jeremy said breaking the news.  Within moments the room was in uproar as each of the Succession Lords were screaming against and for the news.  Archon Peter Steiner-Davion pointed out that having a Clan join the reborn League only legitimized its standing even more, the Clans after all were descendants of the original Star League.  Naomi Centrella however screamed there would be consequences to the admittance of a Clan to the Council, despite the Capellan Confederation only just recently regaining its position.

   After a few moments of the out roar and rage Jeremy was able to regain order looking directly at First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion who had remained completely silent during the entire episode.  The conqueror of Clan Smoke Jaguar had obviously mellowed out since his early years perhaps the Federated Suns relationship with some Clans had changed his perspective.  “If those gathered would act like leaders of the Star League we can discuss this like adults.”  He said cutting at each of those who spoke “Prince Davion, you remained silent during this announcement I would hear your thoughts on the matter as one of the Inner Sphere’s experts on the Clans.”

   “Thank you First Lord” Victor said raising from his chair “I am torn both as a leader and personally over this matter. As a leader I know that having the Rasalhague Dominion join this Council would legitimize it far beyond the work we have done so far, This Star League was formed to face the Clan threat to have a Clan join it would show them that this Council is here to stay and can match them for forces, however remember no Clan Warrior, Leader or Civilian could ever stand in this room and properly join this council.”  He said looking at each of them, his brother Peter knew what he was speaking about but few others did “If a Clan Warrior was to stand on Terra as a leader and an equal then the Clan associated with them could declare themselves the ilClan, with the Clan’s Khan a new ilKhan, we could have an instantly renewed invasion this time from every single Clan.”  He said pausing briefly “I am also torn personally, I have seen the bad and the good sides of the Clans I have fought with them and I have dealt with them of all the Clans the Ghost Bears of the Rasalhague Dominion perhaps are the furthest along the path to joining us as an Inner Sphere state however they are also still a powerful voice within the Inner Sphere Clans and that makes them as dangerous as any of the others.”  He said sitting back down at his chair.

   “Thank you Prince Davion, does the Federated Suns have a vote with this analysis?”  Jeremy Brett said quietly continuing to look at Victor who again rose from his chair.

   “It does, the Federated Suns abstains from voting.” Victor said calmly others within the room looked surprised at him abstaining most of all from his brother and from the Star League Defence Force officers present, however Victor had made a choice for his nation and because he could not decide himself what was the right course he would not throw the Federated Suns into either vote.

   “Archon Steiner, could we have the Lyran Commonwealth’s vote?”  Jeremy asked Victor’s brother he’d intentionally shortened both men’s names to make it clear he considered them to be separate leaders as well as brothers.

   “The Lyran people and its leader vote against the Rasalhague Dominion’s inclusion.”  Peter said sitting down.

   “Thank you.”  Jeremy said moving around the table.  New leader Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao of the St Ives Compact and Chancellor Naomi Centrella of the Capellan Confederation voted against the inclusion of the Rasalhague Dominion.

   Next came Star League Protectorate leader Governor of Terra Gavin Dow  “Governor how would Terra and the Star League Protectorate vote on this matter knowing that their inclusion could bring further war?”  Jeremy Brett asked looking at the former ComStar Prmus and Precentor Tharkad.

   “We would vote for the Rasalhague Dominion’s inclusion into this Council.  Although First Prince Davion has had much experience with the Clans he knows as well as the rest of us that the joint invasion of all the Clans is something of the past each Clan is here now in the Inner Sphere, and the Periphery, for their own purposes.  This Council represents a chance for us to reconcile our differences with the Clans bring them to the table, this table, and sort out our differences.  Perhaps together we can bring a second Golden Age to all humanity.”  He said sitting down.  Immediately following Gavin Dow Captain-Generals Corrine Marik and Kiric Cameron-Jones both voted for the Rasalhague Dominion’s inclusion.  Jeremy Brett could not agree with his two fellow Free Worlds League leaders and voted against the inclusion of the Rasalhague Dominion, he did not wish a renewed Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere and that was a very real possibility if the Ghost Bears reached Terra.  This left only youthful Protector Erik Martens-Calderon of the Taurian Concordat to vote.

   “Protector Calderon, the vote is four votes against, three for and one abstains.  With the Draconis Combine not here to vote I will vote for them as a second abstain.  If you vote for this motion Commanding-General Christifori will have the deciding vote as head of the Star League Defence Force.  May I ask you for your choice?”  The young leader of the periphery realm rose to his feet.

   “I like Prince Davion have fought the Clans” he said looking for support from the Federated Suns leader and barely getting a notice “in the Periphery against the Nova Cats.  And what I saw terrified me, I believe the Clans are a threat to our very way of life.  I vote against this motion and propose a new joint operation between the Inner Sphere and Star League Defence Forces not only to stop further incursions into the Inner Sphere but also to rid the Nova Cats from their base the pirate hole of Tortuga.”

   “Protector, one issue at a time please.” Jeremy warned beating Victor Davion to his feet, would Victor defend the Clan at his back or join his ancient enemy in supporting an attack.  “Let the record show with the Taurian vote the Rasalhague Dominion’s interest in joining this council has been denied.”  Jeremy said seeing the Taurian Protector still standing.  “Protector, this Clan has not attacked the Inner Sphere and has sought to trade with the Inner Sphere why would we have an issue with them.”

   “They are Clan.”  The inexperience young man said, he may have the experience of fighting them on the battle field however he did not have the experience in this arena.

   “The Star League has grown beyond its founding Protector; we are no longer a purely anti-clan formation.  Request denied.”  Jeremy said he had no interest in a renewed Star League operation, affairs at home were bad enough.  “If there is nothing else?”  He asked looking around the room “this council meeting is abjured.”  He said folding his meeting book in front of him and leaving the room, Protector Erik Martens-Calderon stormed out shortly afterwards.

Taurian Delegation Quarters, Protector’s Suite
Whitting Conference Centre, Unity City
Terra, Star League Protectorate
16th November 3082

   “They turned down my suggestion without a single thought!” Erik spat in anger Baron Cham Kithrong and Comptroller Alexis Standoff stood in the room with him.  “They think our inclusion in this Star League is a joke, I could see it on Brett’s face before he even asked me to vote!”

   “Because the vote was over, Erik unless you voted for the Bear inclusion they were defeated, I have heard that Commanding-General Christifori is against the idea as well, the Bears had no chance unless there was overwhelming support.”

   “Victor Davion knows, he’s fought the Clans, he knows what they are like and he didn’t say a word!”  Erik continued on his rant barely noticing what Cham had said.

   “We know the Davions have made deals with the Nova Cats not to attack the Federated Suns.  Victor Davion has almost nothing to fear from them even though they are heavily involved in the Fronc Reaches and Filtvelt Coalition.”

   “How can they not fear them?”  Erik asked he thought it was ludicrous for anyone not to fear or hate the Clans.  “they are Clan.  I still have the scars in my shoulder where one of their Elemental‘s tore my armour to pieces and took a piece of me with him.” He stated as if that was enough to cause fear for all around him, although his armour was not impaired by the injury the scars were obvious to anyone who had seen him both physically and mentally.  Behind them the door creaked open Erik spun and saw a young secretary standing at the door “I said no interruptions!”  He said turning his anger now on her.

   “My apologies Protector however you have a visitor” the Star League administration staff said stepping to one side as Chancellor Naomi Centrella stepped into the room.  Dressed head to tow in a long ruffled black dress that tightened around her waist the Capellan leader looked stunning her hair rolled high in traditional Capellan style only added to her height and prowess.

   “Magestix, welcome to the Taurian Quarter.”  Erik said using her Canopian title stepping ahead of the other two men “it is a pleasure to see you.  How may I be of assistance?”  He said heading towards his visitor.

   “I would like to speak with you about your proposal at the Council Meeting.”  She said Erik momentarily did not know what she referred so Naomi prodded further “concerning the Nova Cats.”

   “Of course, you are most welcome please come in.”  He said guiding her into the room it was not at all Taurian style instead the neutral beige and whites of the Star League.

   “Perhaps we could speak alone?  One leader to another.”

   “Cham Kithrong is my greatest advisor…” Erik began “however I am sure whatever we decide he can learn from me.  Cham is you will please see that our other interests are being catered for.”

   “Of course Protector” he said saluting his leader “Chancellor” he said bowing respectfully to the Capellan leader Comptroller Alexis Standoff quickly followed suit closing the door behind them as they left.

   “And now we are alone.” Erik said seating himself on a sofa directly opposite the Capellan leader.

   “Yes we are” Naomi said picking at the fingers of her black gloves pulling them off to reveal her violet nail polish.  “But there is still so much distance between us.”  She said raising moving past the small coffee table to join Erik on his sofa.  “Much better” she said quietly Erik did not know where to look Naomi Centrella was a beautiful woman although she was nearly sixteen years senior to Erik’s twenty-seven years he couldn’t help but be attracted to her.

   “You wanted to discuss the Clans.”

   “Yes, Jeremy Brett was wrong when he said no Nova Cats had harmed any Inner Sphere world.  They interrupted the first St Ives Conflict between that state and they threatened Sian with one of their WarShips.”  Naomi explained quietly

   “But why did you not speak up at the Council, our voices could have turned the tide!”

   “No young one, we could not Victor Davion would have fashioned support for his beloved pets and we would have been defeated.  I have no proof of the Nova Cat involvement in the war quite simply it could have been anyone, ComStar, the Word of Blake even a Free Worlds Faction all had Aegis-class vessels at their disposal.”

   “So they can get away with whatever they want and we can do nothing.  This Council and its defence force are spineless!  I’m almost tempted to withdraw my nation.”

   “Better be with them than against them.” Naomi cautioned “instead I can think of another solution.”

   “Which is?”

   “Your nation has been directly aggrieved by the Nova Cats while mine as a more distant trouble with them.  I suggest you take the fight to the Nova Cats cause problems for them and the Capellans will provide you with the weapons you need to carry this fight.  In exchange you will provide us with sampling of all the technology and defences the Nova Cats have that will further Capellan development and in the long run support your Concordat.”

   “A revitalization of the Trinity Alliance?  My people remember how we were treated in a previous alliance with your people.”

   “That was Sun-Tzu Liao, he was the traitor to your people and mine, all he wanted from us was sponge units that would allow him to build up the CCAF while we lost good people in the bargain.”  She said quietly her voice full of venom but a tear running down her cheek.  Erik moved closer placing his arm around her “when I discovered his true intentions I used him like he’d used us.  He died because of how he treated us, I did what I did for your nation and mine.”  She said sobbing slightly “now there is only me, and my children.”

   “I have no family.” Erik said quietly both his mother and father were gone perhaps Cham Kithrong was the closest thing he had.

   “Sometimes that is better” Naomi said

   “I’ll do it, I’ll give the Nova Cats a black eye if you provide us with arms.  We will make them sorry they decided to make their home so close to ours.”  He said still holding Naomi

   “You will” she said looking up, she looked surprised, tears still on her cheek.

   “Yes dear lady anything to make you happy.”

   “I am so glad.”  She said stroking the side of his face “such a handsome young man.” She whispered leaning in kissing Erik, although he wanted to stop himself Erik found himself returning her kiss Naomi was after all a beautiful woman.   The kiss was passionate Erik was sure he could taste strawberry perhaps it was her lipstick Naomi was the one to break it off “I am afraid there is a requisite of any Canopian deal” she said reaching to the front of her dress she opened the first clip then moved to the second Erik’s hand moved to hers to stop her.

   “Not on my account dear lady, this is one clause I will not force you to go through.”  He said reassuring her, he’d show her that a Taurian man did not take advantage of any woman under any circumstance.  Naomi’s face blossomed as she smiled.

   “Dear handsome Erik” she said seriously opening the second clasp “ for once this is one duty I feel obliged to for fill tonight” she said as she moved to kiss him again the pair fell backwards onto the sofa locked in an embrace that would last the rest of the night.  Naomi may have been the older of the two but Erik showed her what a Taurian man was made of, the Capellan Chancellor left the Taurian suite early the next morning more than satisfied, both physically and mentally, her deal was made.

Ninth Whitting Conference
Main Hall, Whtting Conference Centre
Unity City, Terra, Star League Protectorate
17th November 3082

   The next day the Star League Conference met again for the last of their meetings and the all important vote for who would be the First Lord for the next three years.  “My fellow Lords I would like to begin the proceedings by voting for Victor Steiner-Davion.” Jeremy Brett said moments after he had stepped down “of all the lords here he is the one who has shown he puts his nation and the state of this Star League ahead of his personal feelings.”

   “It is highly irregular for an outgoing First Lord to nominate his successor however if First Prince Davion will not stand in the way of this nomination neither will the chair.”  Archer Christifori said, he was the only neutral voice in the room as standing Commanding-General.

   “I will accept Commanding-General.” Victor said.

   “Are there any other nominations?”  Archer asked looking at the assembled Lords Erik Martins-Calderon raised to his feel smiling he seemed very pleased with himself today.

   “I would like to nominate…” he said looking at Naomi Centrella who gave a scuttle shake of her head.

   “Yes, Protector you would like to nominate?  Anyone except Jeremy Brett as he has just held the position.”  Archer coaxed an answer from the stumbling Periphery leader.

   “I would like to nominate Captain-General Corrine Marik of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  As a former Succession State leader she has brought together elements of the shattered Free Worlds League and created stability between the war-torn states.”  He said continuing on.

   “Corrine Marik, do you accept this nomination?”

   “I do accept this surprising nomination.”  She said standing nodding in Erik’s position, the young Taurian leader going slightly red from his embarrassment.

   “With two nominations we can continue if there are no further nominations?”  Archer said continuing there were no more nominations.  “Corrine Marik and Victor Steiner-Davion are nominated to the position of First Lord there will be a short recess before the voting.”

   After fifteen minutes the council reconvened again Archer Christifori was the one to speak first “with the leaders of the Federated Suns and Marik-Stewart Commonwealth nominated I assume those nominations stand as votes?”  He asked looking at Jeremy Brett and Erik Martins-Calderon both nodded their agreement “as it stands both have one vote.”  Archer continued then looked at Governor Gavin Dow.

   “The Star League Protectorate will support Victor Steiner-Davion for the position of First Lord.”  he said the former ComStar man unwilling to support a Free Worlds League faction to the position.

   “Thank you” Archer said skipping over the vacant Draconis Combine table he moved to Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao “the St Ives vote?”

   “For the Federated Suns.”  Melissa said quietly her voice shaky belaying her nervousness.

   “Let the record show the vote stands at three votes to Victor Steiner-Davion and one to Corrine Marik.”  Archer said looking to Chancellor Naomi Centrella “the Capellan vote?”

   “We will abstain from voting at this time.”  She said formally she fancied neither to be in the position if she was honest.

   “Thank you” Archer said turning to the Regulan Fiefs leader Duke Kiric Cameron-Jones. “your vote.”

   “I will also abstain from voting.” Kiric said bluntly.

   “Thank you” Archer said with the votes three to Victor, one to Corrine and two abstains there was no chance of Corrine’s victory but he continued onto Archon Peter Steiner-Davion “the Lyran Commonwealth’s vote.”

   “I will support Victor Steiner-Davion to the position.”  Peter said not even looking at his brother the two had obviously had a falling out but still he’d support the Federated Suns leaver over that of anyone from the Free Worlds League.

   “Thank you with four votes to one with two abstains and one non voter Victor Steiner-Davion is elected to the position of the Ninth First Lord of the Star League.  Unless there is further discussion? This conference is at an end.”   No-one said anything “then I wish you all a safe journey home.  Please remember no targeting scanners will be permitted within the Sol system or before your vessels leave our space.  Archer said standing down from the podium quickly the other Lords retreated to their own areas of the complex before leaving Terra for their own realms.

All Districts
Draconis Combine
10th December 3082

   Continuing the purges ordered by Minoru Kurita further arrests are made across Luthien, New Samarkand and Benjamin now by the Order of the Five Pillars, Internal Security Force and by the Sons of the Dragon led by Akira Tormark.  There is nowhere for the Black Dragons or those that oppose the ruling line to hide.  These actions cripple military movements across the nation and decapitate several regiments as senior officers are arrested and executed.  Across the nation the arrival of the Sons of the Dragon is met with fear and anger, the biggest out lash of this is on Luthien where a protest riot against the Sons actions are met with lethal force from ISF units, before the riots are quelled over two thousand civilians are dead in Black Luthien City.

AFFS March
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
25th December 3082

   In stark contrast to the actions in the Draconis Combine on Christmas Day there is a parade through Avalon City as the Four Battle Armour Regiments of the Royal Battle Armour Brigade of the First Davion Guards Regimental Combat Team, leads the unit through the capital as a show of the Federated Suns current prosperity.

End of 3082, hope you enjoyed
« Last Edit: 10 October 2012, 18:46:17 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #363 on: 11 October 2012, 02:11:58 »
Not the Space Romans.
Putting Katrina in the MH. Oh the shame. :o
Who's going to come to our rescue.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #364 on: 15 October 2012, 17:57:18 »
Not the Space Romans.
Putting Katrina in the MH. Oh the shame. :o
Who's going to come to our rescue.

Well you'll just have to keep reading for the answer to that one...


Zenith Recharge Station, Control Room
Brockway, Ridgebrook Combat Region
Capellan March, Federated Suns
4th January 3083

   The Brockway system was a tactically important world along the Federated Suns/Taurian Concordat border however for the most part the crew of its Nadir Recharge Station had little to worry about the Taurians hadn’t attacked the system in several years and pirate raids were few and far between.  As a result the station’s procedures were not as strict as on other stations with only three people in the Control Room that could be manned by more than twelve.  “Another quiet nightshift” Leftenant Alex Osagie said quietly sitting on the commander’s chair in the middle of the spherical room.  Around him facing the walls were the other stations.  On his left hand side sitting at the tactical and sensors station was Senior Technician Derek Smith while to his right at the main engineering console was Chief Matthew Lovie.

   “Well I plan on spending it productively” Matt said quietly from the Engineering section.

   “What was that Chief?”  Alex asked off handily opening a text document on his main screen, it was a novel he’d been working on for the last ten years, endless revisions and corrections had stopped him ever trying to publish it but he still held the faint hope.

   “Well LT, I plan on trying to get the main sensor resolution up to 90%”  The Chief stated intently which followed was a near instant roar of laughter from both his colleagues.

   “Chief, I have been assigned to this station for six years, I’ve never seen it over eighty-four percent.”  Alex said getting over his initial laughter.

   “I’ve got a bet with the “old man” he thinks it’s impossible as well.” the Chief said looking up from his screen the Chief was in his late forties and had been a spacer almost all his life born in space, grown up in space and worked there.  He’d been planet side, or dirt-side as he called it, a few times through his life but he couldn’t get used to things not moving.  Because of his time in space the Chief was thin lacking in regular gravity his bones were frailer than most but his mind was one of the sharpest on the entire station.  Alex turned away from his document.

   “Chief, no offence but I’ve heard you say that before.  What makes you think you’ve got it this time?”

   “Leftenant, Union Square control reports all shops and businesses have closed they are powering down for the night.”  Derek reported from tactical during the night all the posts covered more of the station’s controls than normal.  One of these was to monitor the various sections of the station as it closed down for the nightshift.  Union Square was the local name for the shopping mall within the recharge station, roughly one hundred small businesses on the station’s main gravity deck.  Because of the number of businesses in one space local control over their power allotments were controlled from a subsidiary control room.  The Station only logged when they signed out at night leaving the rest to local controls, there would still be people in those sections but only cleaners and essential security and maintenance workers.

   “Understood log it for the record 23:38 Brockway time, cross it with Ridgebrook time and send the report to the Duchess” the Leftenant said looking over at Derek who nodded and began, at the end of each night the station had to send Duchess Persephone Norinn’s office, on Brockway, a report of the business times which they did something interesting with which was beyond Alex’s pay grade.

   “Yes sir” Derek replied quietly

   “So Chief you’ve got my attention what have you done to make the sensors work so well?”

   “Now that would be telling Leftenant, you wouldn’t want me to tell you everything.” Matt said concentrating on his screens.

   “What do you expect to see out there with 90% sensors that we can’t see with 84%?”  Alex said looking at the current sensor efficiency before switching back to his novel, the Chief was fantasizing if he thought they’d see anything interesting in this backwater system.

   “You never know what’s out there that we can’t see.”  Matt replied cryptically, Alex turned back to look at the man for a moments seeing Matt’s small smile.

   “You think you’ll find The Legend.”  Alex stated, The Legend was a myth of the Brockway system that descended from the original Taurian inhabitants.  Legend was that during the Star League Defence Force’s Reunification War a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, one of the huge Star League WarShips of old, had been travelling through the system and suffered some sort of malfunction disappearing completely from the system.  Some theorized that it’s engines had locked on acceleration and sent the ship into deep space beyond the Brookway system.  According to the legend the crew had stayed aboard to try and fix the problem and neither them or their passengers had ever been heard of again.

   Alex had been told the story when he’d first been assigned to the system and laughed it off as another backwater Legend.  On one of his nightshifts he’d done some research into the Legend if the ship had continued to accelerate it would be light years from the system by now, the crew long dead killed by either exposure to a long duration in deep space or the stress of continuous acceleration.  There was one train of thought that the ship had been snagged by the biggest gas giant however hundreds of expeditions had never found anything the Legend was exactly that, for all anyone knew the ship could have just jumped away and not been logged correctly, or the Star League had intentionally faked the accident to hide the ship and unit from enemy intelligence.  Like all legends there were a hundred different possible explanations.

   “Leftenant, I don’t know what I’ll find.  That’s what is so much fun.”  Matt replied still with a small smile on his face.

   “Blake’s Blood!” Derek exclaimed from his tactical station “radiation surge, we have incoming traffic” he said looking up at Alex.  Alex looked directly at the main wall mounted view screen which was linked to cameras and sensors across the station, of course there was nothing there, they wouldn’t see anything until the JumpShip completed its jump.

   “What have we got?”  Alex said checking the schedule there was nothing planned for the next two days, a Starlord-class merchant from the St Ives Compact.

   “That’s impossible” Derek said staring at his sensors with disbelief.

   “Tech!” Alex shouted trying to break him out of it.

   “S-Sir” Derek stuttered looking at Alex then looked back at his sensor images “the computer reads it as a fully loaded Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser….”

   “Blake’s Blood” Alex said looking back at his sensors as suddenly with a blinding flash of light the huge 1.5million tonne Troop Cruiser flashed into existence, with a full complement of DropShips attached to its hull it really did look like a flying corn-cob just like the records said.  It’s deep green hull clearly showing a Cameron Star, the insignia of the Star League Defence force.  Alex looked at Matt who similarly was looking at the screen. “Legends” he whispered still stunned by the sight.

Nadir Recharge Station, Control Room
Brockway, Ridgebrook Combat Region
Capellan March, Federated Suns
4th January 3083

   Suddenly the station's control room was a hive of activity "Control to Commander Hayes, we need you up here ASAP, Code Red!"  Alex said rapidly into the communications system "Derek, set Code Red throughout the station all crew to duty stations, civilians to the shelters."  He ordered the young tactical tech who nodded and got to work, mobilizing the entire station at this late an hour could take a while but there was little else for it they needed everyone at their posts and the civilian personnel visiting and living on the station to be safe.

   "Matt, power defence weapons just in case I don't want to be caught with our pants down."

   "If that thing is active we're dead our guns can't stop them and our armour is nowhere strong enough." The engineer protested, it was a futile gesture.

   "I know but I want the records to show we at least tried something."  He turned to Derek "launch the distress buoy set it on a course for the planet."  At least someone would know what happened here.

   "Aye, sir" moments later "Communications from the Potemkin."

   "Movement from the Potemkin" Matt said "two DropShips detaching" he said looking at his screen "I don't know that class." The engineer said, identifying DropShips was a little out of the engineer's job description.

   "Derek, what does the Warbook say?"

   "Titan-class Carriers" Derek replied as the warbook identified the craft. "Only one that uses them now is the Clans" he warned "Potemkin still holding on channel one."

   "Alright put them through, hold our fighters in the tubes unless those DropShips close on us."  Alex said he heard doors open behind him as some of the dayshift arrived however Alex's attention was focused squarely on the main screen.  On the screen appeared a man in his late forties with a well trimmed goatee wearing the original Star League's uniform "Legends." Alex whispered under his breath.

   "I repeat this is Major-General Bannister Cameron to unidentified Recharge Station, please identify, we have encountered a failure in our main KF Drive."  The man said peering into the camera Alex was gob smacked he didn't know what to say, it was like looking into the past.  Behind the man there were other crewmen moving around all wearing SLDF uniform.

   "This is Leftenant Alex Osagie of the Federated Suns Armed Forces, welcome to the Brockway star system."

   "Brockway?"  The man said surprised, almost as if he hadn't expected to be in this system.

   "Listen son, I don't know what kind of game you are playing.  Brockway light years from here, this should be the Kathil system.  Now do some explaining or be considered hostile."

   "I'm sorry, sir, but this is the Brockway System has been since it was taken from the Taurian Concordat by the Federated Suns at the end of the Reunification War."  Alex explained in the barest of terms, there was so much more history to it than that but it was close enough.

   "Listen to me son I was there when this world fell don't give me history lessons its hasn't been that many years, since when did the Federated Suns have time to build a station here?" the man asked surprised to find anything here and still suspicious of Alex's words.

   Another deep voice broke in from behind Alex who turned to see his commander, Station Commander Bill Hayes "General, can I ask you the date please?" He said immediately getting on top of the situation before something else happened.

   "The date?" Bannister asked surprised "12th August 2784."  Bannister answered moments later.

   "General, I regret to inform you the year is in fact 3083."  Bill said stepping down to join Alex.

   "We will contact you further when it is required."  The Star League vessel's commander said logging off his image was replaced with an external camera view of the Potemkin with two smaller craft hovering just below it like fish feeding off a whale's back.

   "They've launched a CAP, six small craft unable to determine type.  They do not appear to be on attack vectors." Derek said moments later as more contacts appeared launched from one of the DropShips.

   "Keep an eye on them" Hayes ordered turning to Alex "so Leftenant, the short version please."  Alex explained everything that had happened during the night and what actions he and his colleagues had taken as events unfolded.  Hayes nodded "a bang up job Leftenant" he said Alex remained silent "if he calls back keep him talking, I'm going to speak with the Duchess."  He said turning heading back up the steps towards his office, Alex looked down at the consoles and smiled in pride in how he'd preformed "so much for your novel tonight" the commander said walking up the steps Alex felt his cheeks boil he thought he'd been so careful and his CO had known the entire time.

   Hours passed before the Potemkin communicated again with the station this time the station was a full readiness and the Control Room was fully manned.  Alex Osagie, Matt Lovie and Derek Smith had been allowed to remain on duty but little else had happened.  When the Potemkin communicated again the General asked to speak directly one on one with Commander Hayes "Understand Commander we are having a hard time across here understanding exactly what has transpired.  What if what you say is correct we have been missing for almost three hundred years, to us it was a blink of the eye one single jump."

   "I understand General but what I say is completely true, I can send you records of what has happened since then, I'm afraid it isn't all pretty reading."

   "I'd prefer if you didn't, not yet anyway, my people need time to adjust.  I would ask does the Star League still stand?  I know Amaris destroyed my family but what of our Legacy?"  He asked as a member of the Cameron dynasty he no doubt hoped the League was still strong and he could have a place in it.

   "The Star League you know has fallen" Hayes said "and risen anew from the ashes, reformed its blade to fight again."
   "My god, in a blink of an eye."  he repeated Hayes guessed he was in shock.

   "Sir, may I suggest you come over to the station, we can discuss this further in person and I can show you the history you have missed.  Perhaps clean up some of the mysteries."

   "I've heard worse ideas in the last twelve hours, Commander; I would be delighted to come over there.  Also a request if I may?"  the General said "that Leftenant who I spoke with at the start I'd like to meet him an impressive young man."

   "Of course" Hayes said severing the link, raising he headed out of his officer back into the Control Room "Leftenant Osagie, best dress uniform for you."

   "Sir?"  the tired young officer asked his face a picture of horror and surprise.

   "You've outdone yourself Leftenant, The General wants to meet with you."  Hayes said Alex's horror melted away into a smile of joy as he realized what his commander was saying.

   "Yes, sir" he said saluting with pride before leaving the control room.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #365 on: 15 October 2012, 17:57:59 »
Nadir Recharge Station
Brockway, Ridgebrook Combat Region
Capellan March, Federated Suns
5th January 3083

   At a little after 02:00 hours local time the shuttle from the Potemkin docked with the recharge station at docking bay Alpha Three the best looking of the station's guest berths.  After both ships matched their pressure the doors opened, from the Station Commander Bill Hayes, Leftenant Alex Osagie, Leftenant Michael Stewart and two armed marines stood at attention as a welcoming committee.  Surprising them all the first two people to leave the shuttle were fully dressed in Nighthawk XIX Power Armour suits and carrying compact laser pulse rifles the suits were genesis behind the Battle Armour developed by the Clans and although not up to matching full Battle Armour in combat they were easily capable of taking on twice their number of regular marines.

   Moments later Major-General Bannister Cameron followed.  He was quite a tall man lean built and appeared to be quite athletic even using magnetic boots in the micro gravity of the docking bay.  Behind the General came two aides one a young female with dark hair and another an older man in a non-commissioned officer uniform.  "Party from the SLS Wasp, requesting permission to come aboard."  He called as he crossed to threshold from shuttle to station.

   "Crew of Recharge station granting permission to board.  Wary travelers you will find rest here." Bill Hayes replied completing the traditional welcome to a far traveled vessel's crew.  Bill hadn't used it in over twenty years and only knew the words because his father had done the same job during Bill's childhood.  The three Star League officers snapped to perfect Star League fashioned salutes which the three AFFS crewmen replied with their own salutes.

   "Commander, I thank you for your welcome, you honour us.  I think we have much to discuss."  Bannister Cameron said extending his hand which Bill Hayes shook.

   "Of course allow me to introduce two of my officers, Leftenant Michael Stewart is my head of Security" Bannister shook the man's hand firmly "and Leftenant Alex Osagie, our nightshift duty officer from last night."

   "Leftenant a pleasure to meet you in person."  He said shaking the young Leftenant's hand Alex smiled back.

   "Normally my shifts are so quiet." Alex said quietly.

   "Commander allow me to introduce my own party, my personal aide, Lieutenant Sally Roberts" the young officer nodded to the station personnel.  "And Senior Sergeant-Major Able Parker, my own chief of security."

   "Welcome both to our station, if you will please follow me we'll head up to the conference room."  Hayes said leading the way out followed by Alex then the three SLDF officers and finally Lt Stewart the two Nighthawk suits remaining at the dock.  It was not the easiest thing to traverse the micro gravity of a Space Station and have a conversation at the same time so they remained silent instead concentrating on making the trip quickly.

   Almost twenty minutes later and several decks above they were onboard one of the station's gravity deck within one of the biggest conference rooms.  "General I am sorry our facilities are not better."  Hayes said pouring several glasses of water one for each of them.

   "Quite alright Commander, I would have expected things to be better even here on the rim after so many years."

   "The fall of the Star League and the Succession Wars saw to it that things would be no better,  Continuous raids by the Taurian Concordat and border wars with the Capellan Confederation have kept resources geared towards military assets instead of luxuries.

   "The fate of the League, I knew of Kerensky's Exodus, we were on our way out of the Inner Sphere.  But there was still so many Star League units remaining within the Inner Sphere and Terra still held strong."  Bannister said informing them of what he'd known of.

   "With your permission sir?"  Alex said quietly Hayes nodded "following the departure of Kerensky's armed forces the remains of the Terran Hegemony had little chance the First Succession War began and so many worlds were destroyed, billions were destroyed."

   "My god, Terra?"  Sally Roberts asked in almost a whisper.

   "Terra was protected by ComStar" Alex explained "the Department of Communications.  They bargained for Terra's neutrality in exchange they maintained the communication grids."

   "While the rest of humanity blasted itself to kingdom come."  Able Parker muttered in a disgusted tone.

   "And what of Kerensky's army?"  Bannister Cameron asked obviously interested in his comrades in arms "were they ever heard from again?"

   "They have returned..." Alex began before Bannister's personal communicator beeped surprising all the AFFS personnel; none had seen a personal communicator with that kind of range.

   "Excuse me" Bannister said activating his comm.  "Wasp to Cameron, respond."

   "Go ahead Commodore."

   "Sir, a new ship just jumped in definitely a WarShip but nothing like we've ever seen.  I would suggest you return to the Wasp immediately."

   "Stand-by" Cameron said glaring at Hayes "what is this?" instead of answering straight away Hayes activated a control on the desk a wall mounted screen activated and showed an external camera image showing a red painted vessel.

   "That is the FSS Melissa Davion, an Avalon-class Cruiser." Hayes said in admiration "planet side commanders called on their back up following your arrival."

   "I think we should perhaps cut this meeting short we will return to our vessel and communicate with you further soon."  Cameron said raising from his chair, knowing there was little chance of going back Hayes and the others rose as well ready to lead them back through the station.

   Back at the dock Bannister Cameron turned around and saluted he noticed the disappointment on their faces "Commander I would ask that perhaps you could forward those reports you offered previously?"  he asked "perhaps it would help us understand exactly what has happened to the Inner Sphere."  He turned to Leftenant Osagie "Leftenant, perhaps you would like to see your "Legends" up close?  With the commander's permission" Alex was embarrassed that the General had heard his "Legends" quote but Hayes looked at the young man with both admiration and envy and nodded "how about it Leftenant?"

   "Yes, sir most interested."  He said following the Star League troopers aboard the shuttle soon the craft was heading back to the SLS Wasp across the space between the Wasp and the FSS Melissa Davion.

Onboard SLS Wasp (Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser)
Brockway, Ridgebrook Combat Region
Capellan March, Federated Suns
5th January 3083

   By the time the shuttle had crossed the void between the Recharge Station and the SLS Wasp it was 04:00 hours Alex was approaching a full eighteen hours awake and although he hadn't said a word Bannister Cameron had noticed.  Instead of giving Alex a grand tour of the massive Potemkin-class vessel he had insisted Alex rest and ordered Lt. Sally Roberts to take Alex to guest quarters with a promise that after some rest he would see more of the Troop Cruiser.

   He did not know how long he'd slept or exactly where on the star ship he was but Alex was awakened a few hours later by Sally Roberts.  She informed him that the Major-General was busy in meetings and planning sessions with the Calvary's commanders and Alex would be seen shortly.  Instead of business she'd taken him on a tour of the massive 1.5 million ton vessel, although judging from his initial look of the vessel it was no passenger ship.  Corridor after corridor room after room each packed with equipment Sally explained that some sections of the Wasp were still battle damaged, from an unarmed battle, and inaccessible making moving around more difficult and the ships commander had ordered that only senior officers from its attending DropShips were allowed on board the WarShip giving for slightly risen temperatures between the ground forces and the WarShip crew.

   Eventually they made their way onto the ship's single 95metre gravity deck in one of the mess halls they got some standard SLDF MRE (Meals Ready to Eat or Meals Rejected by Everyone) and sat at one of the tables, the room was mostly empty but Alex's AFFS uniform gained plenty of looks.  "So, Combat Rations?" Alex said looking at his meal, they were not his favourite meal ever a year ago the Recharge Station had failed a total power failure causing all the food to go off for six days all they ate were combat rations until re-supply arrived.

   "We couldn't trust local Taurian suppliers to supply us with sufficient supplies that wouldn't be contaminated.  The Exodus had been called but the McKenna Shipyards in orbit of Kathil had agreed to provide us with supplies before turning fully over to the Federated Suns, the General said he was ordered a favour or two."

   "I don't understand Major-General Cameron" Alex said looking overhead at the lights then back to Sally's petite face "he's a Cameron! Why wasn't he First Lord after the Usurper was gone?  Why out here, the back-end of nowhere, how did you guys miss the Liberation?"  He said asking rapid fire questions, he could see Sally thinking about her response.

   "In regards to General Cameron all I know is the job we were given was only being entrusted to him he had some major backing, it was his project.  As to why he wasn't recalled to be First Lord, I honestly don't know, something to do with a family disagreement, this project was suited to him, but it also got him out of the way a sort of Exile.  When the Exodus was called he was more than ready to follow Kerensky but we never made it that far."  She said quietly looking at the table toying with her ration "what did they say about us?  We just disappeared..."

   "I haven't read the history on the Wasp specifically; the only name we knew you by was The Legends."

   "The Legends, how romantic" Sally said pulling her legs up onto her chair under her "tell me the story"

   "Well I know now some of our details are off" Alex said quietly but Sally remained silent still looking at him waiting for the story "from our perspective it was still the Reunification War, a big Star League ship had been at the Nadir point recharging its drives when something happened, its engines locked on accelerate.  The crew stayed aboard trying to repair the damage and turn around the ship, it simply disappeared never heard of again, some said the Legends of old were safeguarding the ship in deep space until they were needed again.  Others said it had been swallowed by the Gas Giant."

   "Didn't anyone ever look for us?"

   "Plenty of times there were even a couple of ships a few years that jumped into deep space between the systems deploying sensor drones searching for a sign.  But now I know there was no chance of finding you."

   "No chance at all." Sally said quietly "we were just gone stuck in limbo, for us one hour was missed for you and the rest of humanity almost three hundred years."  She said shivering; Alex reached over the table putting his hand on hers reassuringly.

   "I bet the Inner Sphere is completely different now." she whispered quietly turning her hand linking it with his.

   "In places, I wonder if Brockway will ever change."

   "From what I've seen the people are friendlier now." She said with a smile.

   "Bridge to Roberts, get our guest up here on the double, something's happened."  Both immediately got up and headed off the deck as quickly as possible.  The Wasp was a huge vessel just over fifteen hundred metres long with multiple decks each with near identical layouts of long corridors connecting port to starboard and ventral to dorsal hulls.  Huge pressure doors which could close were positioned ever ten metres or so to contain any potential hull breaches.  In the zero-gravity it took nearly forever to travel deck to deck, most were not connected directly to each other meaning you had to go up and across a deck instead of straight along.

   After nearly twenty minutes they arrived on the main command deck.  Built similarly to the Recharge Station's Control Room the main room was an edged oval shape with the command deck at the lowest beside a huge table.  As Alex entered the room he could see the table was in fact a huge Holo-tank displaying the Wasp in the centre, the recharge station off to one side, the FSS Melissa Davion nearby and now several more contacts.  Beside the tank stood Bannister Cameron and another man dressed in white wearing Commodore insignia.

   "Taurians" Bannister spat seeing Alex enter, "welcome aboard Leftenant."

   "Thank you sir, problem?"  He enquired looking at the holotank and the Commodore.

   "Taurian Concordat forces just jumped in demanding the Wasp's immediate and unconditional surrender."  The Commodore said.

   "Why?"  Alex asked not understanding, the Wasp and her crew had only just gotten here.

   "We don't know but they want the Wasp and her crew, identified us by name.  Seems good news passes quick."

   "Appears they follow their history as well." Bannister said quietly

   "Sir?"  Alex asked hearing the General.

   "Nothing Leftenant, do you know do the Taurians have any authority here at all."

   "Not with the Melissa Davion here, the Taurians have nothing that can manage her firepower, this is a Federated Suns system.  But the Taurians are part of the reborn Star League, so I don't know if they can pull political pressure on Prince Steiner-Davion."

   "Steiner-Davion?"  Bannister asked the Steiner realm was the Lyran Commonwealth half a sphere away.

   "Long story, bad experiment, paid our price for it now on our own again. Mostly." Alex added looking at the Holo-tank, the Melissa Davion was moving towards the Taurians although it hadn't gone weapons hot the Avalon-class Cruiser was trying to bully the five Taurian DropShips into leaving.  "She's the Federated Suns Flagship her crew know what they are doing, haven't seen one this close though."  He said with interest.

   "Radiological alarm, one of those Taurians has nukes!"

   "Sir, there are four hundred Federated Suns sailors aboard that Cruiser, you have to make sure they know about the Taurians."  Alex pleaded watching as the Avalon accelerated towards the DropShips.

   "They know." The Commodore promised recognizing the Avalon's movement profile, the vessel wasn't just warning them off.  Suddenly all six of the Cruiser's forward facing AR-10 Multi-Purpose Capital Missile Launchers fired as one engaging each of the DropShips all at once.  Two of the Taurian DropShips exploded into pieces a third, what appeared to be a Buccaneer Civilian cargo carrier lost its entire wing section spinning out of control before exploding, while the remaining two craft received heavy damage.  "Wasp Actual, Hornet deploy fighters attack Taurian DropShips."  From behind and below the Wasp one of the Titan-class DropShip had been moving forward steadily during this unnoticed by Alex.

   "Sir, with respect they will never have time to intercept those DropShips before they are in range of the Melissa Davion, the human body can't take that kind of acceleration."

   "No it can't" he said knowingly.  The Titan-class Carrier was joined by six fighters then a second six and finally a third six an entire aero wing.  the fighters were all identical Alex didn't recognize the design but all shot forward at almost four G acceleration straight away and continued to accelerate as they closed on the battle site.  "Wasp Actual, Hornet, extreme prejudice."  The Commodore said into the communication system, there was no return from the Titan however the fighters continued to accelerate.

   "They are going to rip themselves apart."  Alex remarked focusing on the fast moving fighters "those pilots are insane."  He remarked suddenly the first flight of fighters broke into three pairs of two.  The first two sets of fighters headed straight for the remaining two Taurian craft.  "A flying pass at that speed isn't going to do much damage, fighters travelling at those speeds can't carry that much firepower?"  He asked looking at the Commodore, the Star League fighters approach was brute force no tactics at all.

   "No, but then the fighter can act as a weapon."  The Commodore stated plainly as the first fighter followed closely by the second slammed into the Taurian Overlord-class DropShip.  Alex involuntarily stepped back from the holo-tank as it showed the DropShip spin out of control.  "Damage assessment" the Commodore calmly said.

   "100/100, target completely destroyed Black One and Two lost, no recognizable wreckage remains."  One of the bridge crew said.

   "As expected, we'll have to build more."  The Commodore said turning back to the screen Alex was almost blind with rage how could he be so callous with his people's lives.  "There go the second two" the Commodore remarked almost off hand as the second pair of fighters struck an Excalibur-class DropShip the first catching the DropShip head on the second slamming into the hull about half the way down.  "Damage assessment"

   "Vessel appears to still have power, no movement, radiation readings still lingering."

   "Commit final pair first squadron, commit second squadron for Battlefield assessment."  The Commodore ordered the crew moving about their duties.  Moments later two more fighters intentionally plouged themselves into the remaining crippled DropShip tearing the remains of the vessel to pieces.  "Damage assessment" the Commodore ordered for a final time, this time the sophisticated holo-tank detected three "Excaliburs" then turned into a debris field.

   "100/100, sir mission completed."

   "Good job people, Hornet, second squadron Battlefield assessment, third to CAP relief.  Don't worry we'll replace those losses."  The Commodore said smiling turning to Bannister.

   "Well done Commodore, a good mission..." the Major-General started before Alex screamed in anger and disbelief.

   "What the hell does that mean?  Good mission?  You lost six pilots, six fighters completely destroyed for two DropShips!  The last two sacrificed against a target that was no threat!"  he shouted "what's worse you" he said pointing at the Commodore "you, ordered them to do that without a single shot fired!  No tactics just brute force smash them.  You callous bastard how could you ever raise in the ranks, you should have stayed in your damned time warp, we don't need your kind in this universe!"  He shouted running out of breath.

   "Leftenant, please some respect."  Bannister said quietly

   "No General, I can understand combat losses, I've seen combat losses friends killed fighting the Taurians, the Capellans.  Hell I've even heard of entire wings killed in major engagements but what you just did..." he said "you never even gave them a fighting chance." He was speechless, he just looked at the expanding DropShip debris which at that point disappeared as the debris dispersed too much to be considered to be a ship.

   "Leftenant, perhaps I can explain."  The Commodore said manipulating the holo-tank's controls suddenly an aerospace fighter was displayed.  "You see Leftenant, not a single SLDF pilot was killed in that engagement.  In fact not a single aerospace fighter pilot flies an aircraft for the Wasp or the Second Royal Armoured Calvary."  He said as the holo image of the fighter rotated slowly, Alex couldn't see a cockpit just solid aeroframe all round.

   "No pilots." Alex whispered still looking at the fighter.

   "A drone Leftenant, the SLS Wasp is aptly named for this mission, this is the Mk.30AM Blackwasp Fighter (Advanced Model), this is one of the reasons this entire unit came into being."  Bannister Cameron said stepping beside Alex who hadn't stopped looking at the craft, "I fit with this unit because I brought the funding and the name not because I am a fantastic commander.  I know this Leftenant, in many ways I came to accept it, now in this 'new-world' maybe I can make a difference."  He said the Melissa Davion had successfully moved away and the fighters were moving over the wreckage Alex quietly wondered what he'd fallen into by being involved here, maybe the station's nightshift was boring but sometimes "Legends" didn't play out in reality like you expected them.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #366 on: 15 October 2012, 17:58:27 »
Onboard SLS Wasp (Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser)
Brockway, Ridgebrook Combat Region
Capellan March, Federated Suns
7th January 3083

   Over the next couple of days Alex had gotten to know the crew of the SLS Wasp far better and began to unlock some of their secrets.  From what he could gather the four regiments of the Second Royal Armoured Calvary were permanently assigned to the SLS Wasp at some point after the Reunification War.  The unit garrisoned a set of three worlds ensuring they remained loyal to the Star League up to the very end of the Star League-era.  From what Alex could gather many of the people aboard the Wasp enjoyed their time in the Taurian Concordat and held fond memories of their tour there.  Alex also found out that the SLS Wasp held more crew than most other Potemkin-class vessels with dozens of guest quarters, when he'd asked around most just said it was additional maintenance crews for the Drone fighters, which so far he'd been refused any access to see, Alex remained suspicious as there were nearly two hundred of them.

   One area where Alex was making headway was with Major-General Cameron and Commodore Rae, since the SLS Wasp had emerged from its jump the crew had been stuck with emergency battlefield rations as the ship was due to restock with food at Kathil in the past, a long over due appointment.  Alex had been able to convince the two commanders that they could accept food from the system and Commodore Rae had accepted some Federated Suns engineers to come aboard and check the Wasp's K-F Drive, to ensure no further miss jumps occurred, and some pre-existing structural damage from classified combat.  As a result of this influx of visiting personnel Alex had been appointed, by the General, as the "AFFS liaison officer to the Wasp", if there were any problems with AFFS personnel on the Wasp Alex got called.  As a result in this the Wasp's crew had begun to call him "Mr Ambassador" and Lt Sally Roberts had jokingly offered him "diplomatic" quarters, just to annoy her he'd accepted and instead of quarters near the aft section of the vessel he'd been moved to the front closer to the bridge otherwise his new quarters were no different from his old.

   "Leftenant Osagie, report to the bridge, Leftenant Osagie to the bridge."  A voice announced across the ship.  Alex moved quickly from his quarters heading towards the nose of the ship.  Now after three days with these people his AFFS uniform didn't stand out as much however they still provided him with the courtesy allowing him past in the corridors.  Alex floated into the bridge and pulled himself down to the deck slipping into a pair of magnetic slippers as that sat at the entrance.  The slippers allowed a wearer to "stand" upright in the zero gravity bridge and allowed them to concentrate on work instead of just staying upright.  "Sir, how can I help?"

   "I wondered if you knew that ship?"  The Commodore said gesturing to the holo-tank, Alex hadn't even noticed it was on from the amazement he'd felt when first encountering it after just a few days he it was normal for it to be there.  Alex looked at the display looking over the newly arrived contact sitting just above and to the left of the FSS Melissa Davion, it was just under seven hundred and fifty metres long and seven hundred-and-ninety tons in weight.  It also carried the Cameron Star on its bow, there was only one craft of its entire class.

   "That's the SLS Covenant."  Alex said he'd never seen the craft but knew its story originally a Kirishima-class Cruiser vessel had been given to the SLDF for the SLDF's actions that destroyed the Smoke Jaguar Clan and ended the Clan War.  At New Syrtis Shipyards the Star League had modified it and it had become the Covenant-class Heavy Cruiser.  "The Commanding-General's personal WarShip."  Alex explained as the vessel began to unveil its jump sail.

   "Signal from Covenant, sir, they have a DropShip prepped and asking to be allowed to dock.  They say they have the Commanding-General of the Star League Defence Force aboard."  The Communications officer said, Commodore looked at Alex who nodded.

   "Allow them to dock."  Rae said smirking as he looked at Alex "Mr Ambassador, perhaps you should join me.  Call out for General Cameron we'll meet him at the docking bay."  The Commodore said pushing off the deck he headed out of the bridge Alex followed moments later.  Nearly twenty minutes later an Excalibur-class DropShip docked with the Wasp.  Almost a carbon copy of the Wasp crew's arrival at the Brookway Recharge Station two Purifier Battle Armoured troopers marched from the DropShip into the Wasp's dock their armour changing colour and texture as they moved, they were followed by Commanding-General Archer Christifori and two aides.

   The Commanding-General saluted crisply as he approached Bannister Cameron who returned the salute "Permission to come aboard."

   "Granted, Commanding-General, it's an honour to meet you" he said extending his hand which Archer met "Major-General Bannister Cameron."  He said introducing himself.

   "So it is true."  Archer said smiling "Archer Christifori."  He said nodding slightly.

   "Lyran?"  Bannister asked noticing Archer's slight accent.

   "Thorin in the Isle of Skye region."  Archer confirmed "General, I think you and I need to have a talk.  Much has changed since your disappearance."

   "I agree, please come this way."  Bannister said leading the way.  At the back of the line Alex followed in silence, he was not only the most junior officer present but also not his position was of little importance, this was purely a Star League matter now.  The two Purifier armoured troopers remaining at their posts at the entrance to the DropShip.

   Some time later they were sat in one of the Wasp's Conference rooms the Wasp party on one side the Commanding-General's on the other.  Alex was allowed to sit in as an official representative of the AFFS, just before he'd entered the meeting Admiral Napier aboard the FSS Melissa Davion had sent him a meeting to observe and report as much as possible, with the continued Taurian threat and the Wasp's robotic fighters still in system she'd decided to remain aboard her Cruiser.  "Welcome to the 31st Century, Major-General, although I am sure this experience has not been the most pleasant on you or your people but the SLDF is very happy to see you and welcome you with open arms."

   "Commanding-General, we do not yet know where we belong; perhaps the SLDF is not our home anymore."  Bannister admitted recently he'd read of all the things that had happened to the Inner Sphere, some from Alex others from the records provided by Commander Hayes.  He'd also heard of what had happened to the SLDF of old and the coming of the Clans, he wished... Bannister had wished many things in the last week not that he could have done much either way.

   "Where would you go if not with us?"

   "It is not something I have wished to think about."  Bannister said quietly looking at the Commanding-General, the Successor to Aleksandr Kerensky wearing the exact uniform of old even though Archer was probably the youngest Commanding-General Bannister had ever seen he knew that in the last couple of hundred years officers, leaders and victims had become far younger than in his time. "Sir" he said respectfully "what do you know of this vessel?"

   "The SLS Wasp was built in 2780 one of the last Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers completed, she was instantly assigned to the Taurian Region where she was assigned to an anti-insurgency command.  The final entry we have for the vessel is its acknowledgement of Kerensky's recall message from coordinates unknown."  Archer said reciting what he'd read over the last few days about the ship, Bannister laughed lightly so the Wasp's history had been accounted for if not accurately.

   "Commanding-General, have you ever heard of CASE OMEGA BLACK?"  Bannister asked looking at the Commanding-General it was a simple question with a far complicated answer.

   "CASE OMEGA BLACK."  Archer pondered glancing at his colleague who had been introduced as General Caradoc Trevena "Doc?"

   "Nothing I am aware of sir, either in ComStar's records or those we've recovered from Unity City."  The Intelligence chief said after a moments thought.  "But there was many records lost During Amaris Occupation of Terra, the Liberation and the following Succession Wars."

   "Then there is your answer General, no we don't."

   "Then perhaps we should not talk further." Bannister said raising from his chair

   "Sit down, General!"  Archer said sternly raising from his chair "your a member of the Star League Defence Force, grow a pair and act like it."  He said Bannister stared at Archer for several moments as if ready to challenge him however he sat down again.  “Now General I may not know much about your operation or OMEGA BLACK but I do know something about you.  A degree in Military Law by the age of twenty you became an aerospace fighter pilot, you served with three separate units before finally accepting command of the Twenty-second Royal Interceptor Wing which you commanded throughout the Reunification War.  Finally just before Amaris took over Terra you were listed as being transferred to the Taurian Periphery.”  Archer said.

   “Operation Memory” Bannister said nodding, “I was assigned to the Periphery region and command over the Second Royal Armoured Calvary Division.  We were assigned to the protection of three worlds and under orders to stop all incursions into these systems by any means.”

   “Operation Memory?”  Trevena asked.

   “The Star League’s research into memory armour on BattleMech, Armoured Vehicles and Aerospace Fighters.”  one of Bannister’s aides said she wore Colonel insignia on her uniform.  “In effect armour that would repair itself after every hit allowing an army to stay in combat longer.”

   “I’ve read the Star League’s research on this, it didn’t work”  Trevena said quietly the idea of a self repairing battlefield unit had long been on many scientists wish lists however few had came to pass.

   “Unfortunately you are correct General, our scientists attempts failed.  However our standing orders remained and we enforced them.”

   “CASE OMEGA BLACK?”  Christifori said quietly Bannister nodded.

   “The scientists did their job and we did ours, dissuade any interest in our operations by military and civilian targets by any and all available means.”  Bannister said looking to the table, he knew his unit had done things he wasn’t proud of.  “Our Mechs and our infantry remained out of the combat zone instead the Wasp would jump in and deploy Blackwasp fighters with set orders before jumping clear.  Several JumpShips and over one hundred DropShips were destroyed in operations such as this.  The Blackwasps would kamikaze run into a target before being discovered.  The Taurians knew it was our people but they were unable to repay us for the fighting.”

   “How did you replace your losses, surely your forces did not have unlimited Blackwasps” Trevena asked confused losing fighters in every attack must have meant the unit went through hundreds of the craft, not to mention system defences.

   “One of our planets had a full production facility and the Wasp can manufacture limited amounts of craft to replace combat losses.  We mothballed our facilities when we left relying on those aboard Wasp to maintain us until we arrived with the rest of the SLDF.”

   “Manufacturing facilities aboard this vessel.  How extensive?”   Trevena asked seeing the potential of having a mobile production facility and automated combat units.

   “Limited but we have plans for larger facilities.”

   “Back on track.”  Christifori said looking at the General “So your people were not directly involved in harming the Taurians?”

   “Only on rare occasions when they penetrated our defences, a swarm of Blackwasp AM models is a formidable force however it is possible to avoid them.  When that happened the Second Armoured was called to defend our territory.”

   “Against military targets?”

   “Of course Civilians had little interest in our systems only one had a habitable world and there wasn’t a significant civilian population there. Both others are dead worlds which we used as cover.”

   “So the Taurians are angry because you got away from them and they couldn’t hit back.”  Christifori said slowly piecing it together “and the Wasp’s combat damage?”

   “When Exodus was called by General Kerensky we answered unfortunately the Taurians took issue with this.  We were attacked three times during our trip through the Concordat.”  Bannister explained “the rest you know, sir.”

   “And now your plans?”  Christifori asked neutrally.  “There can be a place within the Star League for you.”

   “We have missed much.”  Bannister said quietly

   “And there is much still to happen.  Rejoin the Star League help us make a difference.”

   Hours later Leftenant Alex Osagie was stood on the shuttle dock waiting for his transport back to the Recharge Station.  Major-General Bannister Cameron and Lieutenant Sally Roberts both approached him at the bay.  “General, I regret my time aboard the Wasp was so short.”

   “Yes Leftenant, it was enlightening for us both I am sure.”

   “So you’re headed for Kittery?”  Alex asked Christifori had offered to take them to Kittery at the first meeting but he’d missed the second meeting as the Federated Suns was closed out of the negotiations.

   “Aye, the Commanding-General has extended our decision time.  Commodore Rae appears to be inclined to join the rebuilt League, however we will see how things pan out.”

   “Sir, it was an honour to meet you and your people.”  Alex said saluting Bannister instead extended his arm and shook Alex’s hand.

   “Leftenant, the honour was ours.”  He said stepping back allowing Sally Roberts to step forward.

   “Take care of yourself.”  She said wrapping her arms around Alex’s neck giving him a small peck on the cheek before stepping back saluting Alex who returned her salute with a smile.

   “Legends salute, there is an officer disembarking.”  Bannister said raising his arm in salute joining Sally, all around the bay crewmen joined the General saluting, Alex smiled embarrassed before ducking into the shuttle.  Soon after he was aboard the small craft heading back towards the Recharge Station, behind the shuttle the SLS Wasp finished pulling in its jump sail.

   “Legends departing.” Alex said quietly looking at the rear facing monitor as the 1.5million ton Troop Cruiser vanished in a flash, some Legends were solved in the end.  Perhaps after today he’d change things in his life.  The Legends of old would certainly be changing other peoples lives.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #367 on: 15 October 2012, 17:59:35 »
Royal Palace, Nationwide announcement
New Samarkand, District of Midway
Draconis Combine
12th January 3083

   Sitting behind a wooden desk Warlord of the Draconis Combine Minoru Kurita looked at the Tri-Vid camera he took a deep breath and nodded to the camera person to begin the broadcast which would be transmitted across the nation.  “People of the Draconis Combine, I Minoru Kurita would like to announce as of today the Twelfth of January 3083 that all our foreign borders have been reopened to guests.  There will be continued high security at the Snow Raven and the Ghost Bear borders however I am pleased to say that this dark time has passed.”  He paused looking at his hands then back at the camera “all our people have suffered recently now it is time for us to move forward to mend the wounds caused and to grow as a nation.  I am proud to serve as our nations Warlord, I will hope you will support me as we move forward.”  He said looking at the camera man he nodded and the feed cut, today officially the investigation was over however Akira Tormarks Sons of the Dragon still had a couple of investigations to complete these shouldn’t affect the borders being opened or not, it was time for the economy to heal.

Iran BattleMechs Unlimited
Iran, Rousset-Marik Alliance
Former Free Worlds League
21st January 3083

   With the growing Star League Defence Force the need for further combat units was beginning to show fortunately the Star League Protectorate had grown as well and with fifteen worlds contributing to the continued strengthening of the Star League Defence Force.  Although much of this funding went towards the continued growth of the Battle Armour Corps and the reactivation of damaged WarShips the Star League sees the need for new BattleMech units as well commissioning Iran BattleMechs for three production runs of a new Heavy Cavalry BattleMech unit capable of independent operations.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #368 on: 15 October 2012, 20:25:15 »
 :)  So will the 2nd Royal Armored Cavalry get to see the Top secret drone warship in the Sol System?    Keep it up!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #369 on: 15 October 2012, 22:07:28 »
man i'm looking forward to more

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #370 on: 16 October 2012, 15:42:07 »
:)  So will the 2nd Royal Armored Cavalry get to see the Top secret drone warship in the Sol System?    Keep it up!

When the time comes...

man i'm looking forward to more

More coming...

Marian Hegemony Raids
Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
2nd February 3083

   Supported by the Hanse, a Lola III-class Destroyer, Marian Hegemony flagged units raid the Duchy of Tamarind Abby.  The Marian Hegemony BattleMechs and armour forces are supported by a newly debuted Battle Armour unit named the Ravager.  This assault class suit is capable of dealing heavy armour to infantry forces and threaten the armoured vehicles of the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby.  Although unable to make jumps the unit can take heavy damage and appears to carry some sort of rockets and a Heavy Recoiless Rifle.  The Duchy of Tamarind-Abby Militia forces are taken by complete surprise and are forced back.

Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division HQ
Kittery, Capellan March
Federated Suns
10th February 3083

   With clearance from Commanding-General Archer Christifori the entire Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division had landed on Kittery twenty-five DropShips in all, eleven Regiments of Mechs and Infantry had been given a full five square kilometres of ground.  It still didn’t seem much, with the units carrying about dependents as well as the troopers and officers.  Directly above them the SLS Wasp was stationed in high orbit providing the ultimate protection while flying constant Combat Air Patrols (CAP).  Commanding-General Christifori had guaranteed their safety however Major-General Cameron planned on ensuring there were no surprises from this resurgent SLDF, the Federated Suns or Capellan Confederation.  Upon request Commanding-General Christifori also provided historical information from the time the Wasp disappeared to its return with this information at hand the Second retreat into a state of discussion about their situation and their options they allow no-one from the outside world in for three weeks with BattleMech and Blackwasp patrols keeping all interest back.

Asteroid Impact
Copper Sea, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
18th February 3083

   The sky over Luthien, the Draconis Combine’s capitol world is lit up by a huge nuclear explosion as the Raven’s Roost; an Inazuma II-class Corvette explodes just outside Luthien orbit.  Many wonder if one of the Clans or the Black Dragons have returned to cause ruin to their lives however these fears are shattered by the realization that it is something much worse.  Less than one hour later the first great meteor shower of Luthien begins with impacts across the Hokkaido continent many massive shards striking in and around Luthien City.  The shower lasts hours with the people of Luthien powerless to resist.

        As the people’s population head for the emergency shelters not used since the Clan Invasion however the true extent of the disaster unfolds as the Elite Second Genyosha Regiment is obliterated by as its base is torn off the face of the planet by an asteroid impact.  The planet continues to reel from the impacts as a second and third shower bombard the planet over the course of three days.

        Finally after mere hours of peace, just as the population think their nightmare is over, the final massive blow is struck as a three kilometre wide asteroid thunders into the atmosphere with a massive explosion is seen and felt across the globe.   The huge asteroid cruises through the atmosphere breaking into several large shards as Luthien's atmosphere tried and fails to consume it, the final piece still over a kilometre in diametre slams into the Copper Sea.  Massive explosions and tsunamis follow with nearly none of Luthien left untouched Skytower City and Buda Weapons Sector on the Aichi Island Continent are vaporized almost instantly, while other sections of the planet are flooded and would remain so for weeks to come.

   Hundreds of tons of rocks are thrown up by the impact tainting the atmosphere, almost as soon as the showers have ended scientists begin to report massive storms crossing the planet and huge temperature drops that go against all historical trends.  Warlord Minoru Kurita emerges from his bunker under the Imperial Palace and immediately orders all available transports to travel to Luthien to render aid to the stricken population.  Hours later as seismic activity, tsunamis and major volcanic eruptions continue to tear the planet apart causing unthinkable damage Minoru issues another message to the people of the Combine, this time it is little more than a plea, to all transports to evacuate his dying world.

Corporate Raid
Lth, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
21st February 3081

   The Wild Geese Mercenary Regiment was beginning to think the “DMI” employers were not completely on the level.  Their most recent contract was a raid against Achernar BattleMechs plant on New Avalon, the Wild Geese connection to Achernar was not a broadcasted fact however anyone within the DMI would have know of the connection.  Brigadier General Alisande Faulkner agreed to conduct the raid against her sub-commanders objections however she also sent word along on back channels to Achernar BattleMechs warning them of the impending attack this resulted in Achernar complaining directly to the DMI and the First Prince’s officer regarding the planned attack.

   The Department of Military Intelligence was taken completely unaware by the revelation of the attack as to their knowledge the Wild Geese were not under the employ of any Federated Suns Agency and had not been since they disagreed with treatment by the Quartermaster’s office.  Instead the DMI agree to help Achernar take damage during the attack from the Wild Geese.  Achernar send back information to the Wild Geese about specific targets to attack and ways around the “thick” defences.

   When the Wild Geese attack there is much commotion, damage, and impressive fireworks with dozens of AFFS “bodies” the Wild Geese powered down weapons hurting but not killing a single person.  The Wild Geese strike team capture two brand-new Grenadier Battle Armour suits before escaping.  No AFFS pursuit lasts more than a couple of kilometres from the planet.

   Away from New Avalon Alisande Faulkner presents her units prize to her employer however behind the scenes both the Wild Geese and the DMI begin investigations into who actually holds the Wild Geese Contract.

Bondsman’s Quarters
Alpha Galaxy Command
Csesztreg, Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone
29th February 3083

   “Star Colonel Jake Kabrinski, you are defeated I claim you as a bondsman to Clan Hell's Horses."  The words echoed in Jake's mind his unit had been taken by surprise by a Hell's Horses unit he knew that Star Commander Lita his Mech Commander had been killed in the fire fight as had much of his nova however some how he had been defeated and now was a bondsman.  He hadn't even seen his bondmaster yet instead the Hell's Horses Intelligence staff had given him the once over and he'd been thrown into a small room.  Jake was, had been, a Star Captain of Clan Ghost Bear and a bloodnamed warrior, he deserved more than what he'd received.

   Finally after what seemed like hours the doors opened "This way please."  One of the two armoured Elementals said at the door Jake was confused why would they need two armoured Elementals for him, sure he'd killed the previous Hell's Horses Khan Malavei Fletcher in 3063 but that was ancient history, twenty years ago.  They were the Clans he was Ghost Bear now he was Hell's Horses the two did not like each other much but he'd learn to adapt and with hope fight again.

   Jake was led down the corridors typical Clan corridors missing of much in the way of decoration or distraction finally he was led past a reception desk with a freeborn woman sitting behind it "He is waiting for you."  She said as they passed.  The lead Elemental opened the door and stepped to one side the second Elemental followed Jake in and stepped to the other closing the door behind them.

   "Jake Kabrinski, welcome to Csesztreg capital of the Hell's Horses."  Jake was slightly taken aback he was light years from his previous posting, no doubt the Watch staff playing tricks with drugs he silently cursed.  "I am Khan James Cobb."

   "My Khan, an honour" Jake said inclining his head slightly, despite his previous position as a Ghost Bear and enemy of the Horses he knew his new place.

   "I am sure Jake, I am sure that you would also gladly end my existence just as you did Malavei."

   "I did what was required of me as a warrior of Clan Ghost Bear.  I am now a Hell's Horse quiaff?"

   "Aff, you are Jake."  Cobb said looking at the Elementals "leave us, wait outside."  He ordered firmly Cobb was an Elemental himself but his weight of words certainly brought more to bare than just his size also his standing.  Both Elementals saluted and stepped out of the room.

   "Jake I wonder do you know the story of Phelan Ward?"  Cobb asked moving around the table to stand in front of Jake.

   "The Freebirth surat” Jake cursed “captured by Clan Wolf during the opening days of Revival, aff, now Phelan Kell of the Exiles."

   "Very good, I wonder if you knew the exact way of his capture?"  Jake remained silent "MechWarrior Vlad, who would later become Vlad Ward Khan of the Wolves would capture Phelan but Ulric Kerensky as Khan of the Wolf Clan claimed Phelan as his own because he believed that Phelan had more use to him than just Vlad's bondsman."

   "My Khan, what difference does this make to me?"  Jake asked confused "Phelan was an Inner Sphere Freeborn, I am a Clan trueborn Elemental, a Bloodnamed warrior like yourself."  Jake said confidently, reminding his new Khan exactly what the Hell's Horses had captured.  "I have no interest in splitting the Clans I want to be a Warrior for my Clan."

   "I know that Jake, which is why I have decided that you will be my bondsman.  Just as Phelan Kell became Ulric’s bondsman, someone who helped the Wolf Clan win the most victories in Operation Revival now you will help me settle the Hell's Horse in its new home.  We will do great things Jake Kabrinski, and perhaps you will be a warrior again, far faster than you are expecting."  James Cobb said raising Jake's left arm he cut the first white cord around his wrist, Jake smiled perhaps his new life would be even better than his last.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #371 on: 17 October 2012, 16:13:24 »
Border skirmish
Marian Hegemony/Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
10th March 3083

   Marian Hegemony aerospace fighters and DropShips ambush the SLS Maker, a Carrack-class Light Corvette/Transport, in the Cerillos system.  The Maker had been delivering supplies to a new SLDF base that had just been brought online on Abby and was returning to Dieron for further supplies.  The Maker although primarily a transport craft is still a WarShip and is more than a match for the aerospace fighters and their carriers however the SLDF withdraw the vessel from the area.  The Marian troops return home with tales of their victory however the Star League have other ideas.

Second Royal Armoured Calvary Division HQ
Kittery, Star League Base
Capellan March, Federated Suns
20th March 3083

   Following weeks of seclusion the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division had sent word to Commanding-General Archer Christifori that they were ready to talk about their future.  Almost at the same time Archer had received word of a Conquistador-class DropShip call sign "Revenant One" inbound to the Star League base's main landing field.  Archer knew exactly who it was even before his comm. officer had said anything, he'd been a Revenant when the Regiment fought in the Clan War the DropShip was First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion's personal ship.  No doubt if they checked the space around Kittery they'd find at least one Federated Suns WarShip, this close to the Capellan border there could be more.

   "Signal from DropShip sir, single Company BattleMechs disembarking."

   "Understood allow it” Archer said this may be a Federated Suns world but the territory controlled by the SLDF was considered to be SLDF sovereign territory "I'll meet them at the guest BattleMech bay."  he said grabbing his uniform jacket heading for a Rotunda Armoured Car.

   Nearly twenty minutes later Archer was in the Mechbay looking up at twelve BattleMechs including two that stood out from all the others.  The first was a Clan built Dire Wolf OmniMech painted in Lyran Commonwealth colours of deep blue and silver piping with the Federated Sun sword-and-sunburst on the side and on the right knee and the no. "1" on the left knee.  The second was a seventy-five ton Falconer, the squat Inner Sphere design had a long Gauss Rifle barrel at the end of one hand and a "hand-gun" look-alike Extended Range Particle cannon on the other its paint scheme similar to the first however it had the crest of the First Canopian Guards instead of the Federated Suns.  Archer knew both Mechs from the Clan War and their pilots despite having a Division of troops waiting for him he decided to wait patiently at the front of the Mechbay for the pilots, it was a dangerous enough place at the best of times without high level visitors holding a meeting there.  Within a few minutes of the two Mechs powering down First Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion and his wife Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion were approaching the booth.  Despite his many years with the SLDF Archer Christifori still considered Victor Davion to be his liege lord and with him the current First Lord the two mated together well Archer snapped to a traditional Lyran salute as Victor approached "Sire, it's my honour to welcome you to Kittery."  He said out of respect both Victor and Danai returned his salute Victor with a small smile.  When Victor had commanded the Tenth Lyran Guards RCT - The Revenants - during the Clan War he'd never forgotten any of his troopers or missed returning their salute it was a mark of respect and discipline he'd installed in the Regiment which had lasted the entire war and eventually brought the unit to the Federated Suns.

   "It's an honour to be here Commanding-General" Victor said extending his hand which Archer shook.  "I've come to meet Bannister Cameron and his troops.  I am the First Lord after all” he said "perhaps I can swing their decision process over to rejoining the SLDF."

   "Sire, I think they have decided."  Archer said leading Victor and Danai to the waiting Rotunda "just yesterday Major-General Cameron sent me a message asking to see me at my earliest convenience.  I was just away to meet him when your DropShip announced its arrival."

   "What timing."  Victor remarked Archer quietly thought that Victor had probably known of the message from Cameron already but there was no way to travel from New Avalon to Kittery in less than a day unless he was already in the area.
   Forty minutes later the Rotunda escorted by a heavy SLDF BattleMech lancer approached the border of the area controlled by the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division.  As per the agreement made between Archer and Bannister none of the new SLDF Mechs or aerospace units had crossed the line.  Ahead along the road stood a lance of SLDF Mechs an assault type Highlander, a pair of heavy Shootist BattleMechs and a Thug Assault Mech.  "We're being past to local control sir."  The driver said looking at Archer who nodded, despite this being a Federated Suns world and Victor's current position as First Lord these things meant very little on the front-line, Archer's position on the other hand meant a lot to these people.

   "Understood, have our escort join the Fist Royal BattleMech Regiment; they should be on exercise in the area."  Archer ordered turning back to face Victor "coincidence, sire" Archer said with his own mischievous smile Victor Steiner-Davion wasn't the only one with cards to play, although locally the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry had numbers if need be both Archer and Victor could call overwhelming numbers onto their positions, although that wasn't the favoured course of action.

   The Rotunda with its new escort snaked past the DropShips that made up the Division's outer inner perimeter, an army alone would be needed to get past the twenty-three grounded vessels.  Two of the DropShips had returned to orbit after a few days on the ground the Titan-class Carriers and their crews better suited for space operations, instead they had become the unit's rapid response unit deploying Blackwasp AM fighters on patrol.  Inside the inner perimeter the SLDF troops had erected a tent city for their personnel and their dependants’ nearly ten thousand people on the ground.  In the centre a marquee-styled tent had been erected and it was there their BattleMech support stopped Archer Christifori stepped out of the vehicle first followed by Danai Centrella-Davion and finally Victor Steiner-Davion they were met by one of Major-General Cameron's aides who escorted them into the tent.  At the door two sentries snapped to salute as they saw Archer's uniform and the Cameron Star on Victor's AFFS uniform, Archer, Victor and Danai returned the salute as they entered the tent.

   Inside the structure it didn't feel like a tent at all instead solid flooring covered the ground and walls divided the area into dozens of rooms.  As they moved through Archer could see rooms from floor to ceiling full of computer equipment.  They were led through the complex of rooms to a single more open space and a long table at the centre of it with Bannister Cameron and his most senior officers standing at their positions.  Each saluted as Archer entered "Commanding-General Christifori, welcome to the command hub of the Star League Defence Force's Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division" Bannister welcomed as Archer Victor and Danai took their places at the table, their escort Colonel moving to her position.

   "Thank you Major General, allow me to introduce First Prince of the Federated Suns, Duke of Tharkad, and current Star League Defence Force First Lord Victor Ian Steiner-Davion."  Archer said proudly using all of Victor's official titles.  Around the table the SLDF officers all took higher note of Victor.  "And with him, his wife, Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion, the Duchess of Canopus, Magestix in Exile."  Archer continued using Danai's own rarely used Magestix title, even Danai looked slightly unsettled with its use.

   "Welcome" Bannister said "I did not realize you were bringing such honoured guests, we would have mustered for parade."  He apologized looking slightly annoyed.

   "No need, General, our visit was not scheduled."  Victor said "I thought it only right that the First Lord meet you here on the first Star League soil you have touched since your disappearance."  Victor said continuing "as I am the First Lord it was my duty to ensure that you continued to enjoy the security and hospitality of the Federated Suns."  He said welcoming them all the best he could Victor hadn't planned on meeting them all today only Bannister Cameron, already word of his arrival back in the Inner Sphere was spreading and as eleventh in line for the original Star League throne many were asking when a Cameron would retake the position.

   "We have indeed First Prince Steiner-Davion, the Federated Suns has been a most welcoming host however we..." he said raising his arms to engulf all his command staff "...have made a decision about our place in this future."  He said "we are Star League Defence Force, there isn't a place for us in Exile and I am sorry to say we couldn't serve any of you Succession Lords."  He said looking at Victor "instead we want to re-enlist, the Star League is and always will be our home."

   "You are very welcome" Archer Christifori said proudly "the Star League has taken great strives to rebuild its defence force and its standing in the Inner Sphere.  Your inclusion within my forces brings great pride."  This brought smiles from all around the table, we will arrange a base of operations for your unit shortly.  We will do our utmost to keep the Second together however combat loss may result in transfers in and out."  Archer said moving on he was the senior SLDF officer present these people were now his.

   "That is one of things sir" Bannister said respectfully "my unit has dependants and numbers that are more than likely greater than any other unit in the Inner Sphere.  We'd like to stay together build our own city, I've spoken to the civilian scientists that occupied the research facility and they have agreed they would prefer to stay with us."

   "I'm not sure what I can promise you General..."

   "Perhaps this would be more my area Arch" Victor said quietly "Major-General Cameron as the sitting First Lord I can pull political and financial pressure on the other Succession Lords, and there are positions within the Star League Protectorate that may be suitable.  I cannot guarantee you somewhere today however I will do my best to make sure you all have a home before my term is over.  In the meantime as First Prince of the Federated Suns I will ensure the Capellan March supplies this Division with anything it requires, consider yourselves our guests."  Around the table he saw nods from each of the officers including Bannister Cameron who rose to his feet and saluted both Victor and Archer.

   "Cavaliers you are dismissed, pass the word we're staying for a while."  Bannister said looking at his subordinates each nodded stood and saluted Archer before leaving the room leaving only Bannister and his aide, the Colonel that had guided them to the room in the first place.  "Gentlemen, I thank you for your kind words, it is good to feel welcome again.  I am glad we emerged from our jump when we did but I also know that the Inner Sphere has changed there are factors within the Inner Sphere that may react..." he paused "hostilely to our appearance.  I wanted you both to know that we will stand by you and your decisions.  I have no ambitions for anything other than the protection of the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry."

   "Thank you General, we will do our best to ensure that support is not misplaced."  Archer said raising from his chair.

   "And I will do my best to shield you from undue attention."  Victor said also standing up the three men exchanged nods then handshakes before being led from the tent by the Colonel once again.

   "Thank you Colonel" Archer said reaching the Rotunda "I'm sorry I didn't catch the name?"

   "Colonel Andrea Kincaid"

   "Kincaid not related to..." Victor began overhearing the name.

   "The same sire” she said respectfully “much removed on my side but the family certainly traces its steps through Charles Kincaid."  She said naming her famous ancestor the first pilot of a BattleMech Colonel Charles Kincaid.  "I was good meeting you I hope to see you all again."  She said as Archer, Victor and Danai climbed into the Rotunda and were escorted out of the encampment.

   “Archer I was thinking we may stay a few days.”  Victor said quietly it had been a long time since he’d spent time on the Capellan border and he wouldn’t mind seeing some of the Star League facilities, also he’d be able to keep an eye on the Second Armoured Cavalry.

   “Of course.”  Archer replied

   "So they were the Legends."  Danai whispered "An interesting day" Danai said, both men nodded their silent agreement, every day would be an interesting day for a while.

Nadir Jump Point
Evacuation Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
22nd March 3083

   Ever JumpShip and available WarShip were transporting DropShips and small craft from the Luthien system as the planet became more and more unstable even these actions were not enough still people were dying on the planet's surface as the after affects of the asteroid impact continued to be felt.  At the jump point the DCS Omi Kurita, the lead vessel of the Omi Kurita-class Carrier sat laden with civilians and civilian DropShips, they were pushing the vessel's life support limits and still behind schedule.  "Sir, we have radiation signatures.  There are more ships in bound, many of them!"  The sensor operator shouted although he was tired the sensor readings could not be wrong there was a group of ships incoming.

   Moments after the radiation wave was detected a huge Leviathan 2-class Battleship jumped into the system, across its nose the Ghost Bear insignia of the Rasalhague Dominion and the name Rasalhague.  "God have mercy" someone whispered on the bridge as the ship deployed DropShips, on a closer examination they looked like Mule-class Cargo haulers.

   "They attack our bones as we lay wasting away."  The Captain said "battle stations."  He said knowing it was almost impossible the Omi Kurita could even make battle stations currently holding so many civilians.

   "Sir, incoming from the Rasalhague audio only."

   "Draconis Combine vessels this is Khan Bjorn Jorgensson of Clan Ghost Bear we come in peace, our people are here to assist in the evacuation of Luthien, we wish to help defeat your enemy... Time.  We have resources to assist."

   "Can it be..." the captain whispered before hitting the communication button on his console "this is Captain Jiri Moto, how can one ship help a dying world of billions."  he transmitted even a ship the size of the Leviathan-class would struggle with the disaster that had befallen Luthien.

   "It cannot, but this can."  The Ghost Bear Khan said moments later two Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers, both carrying the Diamond Shark insignia that was almost becoming common in the Draconis Combine, jumped in deploying DropShips all were civilians cargo haulers and civilian personnel transports.  Moments after this arrival two more dark painted ships appeared the first the Captain recognized as a Fredasa-class Corvette the second he couldn't make out.  "We the Clans will help defeat your enemy.  The Ghost Bears and Diamond Sharks await your orders.  Clan Nova Cat's Sandra Rosse and Swift Strike will secure these points and allow you to travel away.  All of our warriors have pledged to assist you to defeat this enemy, no one should face mother nature on their own."

   Applause erupted on the Omi Kurita's bridge as the crew realized the miracle they'd been waiting for had arrived but the Captain remained quiet "Can we trust you?"  He asked as the room calmed down.

   "You have little choice, and if you try to engage us you will have no chance.  Allow us to help, we can fight on another day."  The captain looked around the room and saw the hopeful faces of his crew and a couple of civilians who had somehow reached the bridge.

   "I will contact Luthien to confirm your clearance, remain out with a days travel of the planet until this is cleared or you will be considered hostile."  He said still guarded then realized probably for the first time what they were doing "than... thank you Khan Ghost Bear." He stuttered out a tear breaking his hard exterior "thank you all for this."  He said as the Leviathan and the two Potemkins headed in system with their DropShips, perhaps they'd help save more lives.  At the jump point Nova Cat DropShips and fighters not equipped for civilian transport were already taking over and assisting Draconis Combine Admiralty forces in organizing the Jump Points amazingly no one had opened fire Jiri guessed everyone was as surprised as him.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #372 on: 19 October 2012, 15:01:06 »
Fort Winson
Dieron, Dieron Military District
Draconis Combine
5th April 3083

   Despite security measures to contain the information within the SLDF the arrival of the Second Armoured Cavalry Division from its "time-jump" had spread like wildfire reaching Dieron and the Eridani Light Horse.  Still attached to the Nineteenth Cavalry Regiment as a liaison force the Clan Goliath Scorpion Second Trinary of the Third Seeker Cluster of Chi Galaxy hears of these arrivals from the distant past.  Star Captain Rufus tracked down Lieutenant-General Edwin Amis, commander of the Eridani Light Horse Brigade who was coordinating the loading of supplies into a large DropShip.

   "Leiutenant-General Amis" Rufus said respectfully approaching, they'd been here for so long now and been no trouble so the Eridani no longer bothered posting a guard with the Goliath Scorpion personnel.  It appeared that these Clansmen really were more interested in learning about the Eridani Light Horse and Fort Dieron than causing trouble both were holy relics according to Rufus and they had to find a way to show the other Clans this fact showing the Clans were not beyond redemption.

   "Yes Star Captain, how can I assist?"

   "We have heard stories..."  He began

   "Concerning Luthien? Yes we have heard the same an asteroid slammed into the planet.  We are preparing relief supplies right now, it appears the evacuation is well under way.  According to reports Clans Ghost Bear and Diamond Shark have stepped in and declared themselves the new age Interstellar Red Cross providing evacuation transport Pro-bono, would you believe.  Quineg?"

   "Aff General, I would, many times in Clan history two Clans have put their differences aside to avert a natural disaster, and the Homeworlds are far harsher than some of the Inner Sphere's worlds."  Rufus paused for a moment "Sir, with respect that was not what I referred to."  He said quietly not wanting to distract the General too much "there is a rumour that a true relic of the Star League, living and breathing has returned missing in a jump for nearly three hundred years since the Exodus.  We would very much like to meet them."

   "You have as much information as I do, they are in seclusion on Kittery by all accounts there is a near blackout on all information coming out."

   "General, my people are keen to learn more, we are Seekers it is our calling."

   "When I learn more I will assist.  For now Luthien needs our help."

Azemi High Council
Alegdi, Benjamin Military District
Draconis Combine
15th April 3083

   The Azemi High Council detected an incoming asteroid on Alegdi and called for DCMS assistance.  Unfortunately operations were still ongoing to evacuate Luthien and there was no reply.  The Azemi ordered their hidden stockpile of nuclear weapons used to engage the asteroids.  Six aerospace fighters rose from the atmosphere engaging the asteroid each carrying a nuclear warhead.  Four caused hits were caused against the asteroid causing heavy surface damage but little else, the last fighter flew directly into the asteroid with its nuclear warhead however even this did little overall damage.

   The asteroid entered the atmosphere at 1800hrs exploding as it entered the upper atmosphere sending smaller asteroids all across the desert of Alegdi before finally coming to rest.  With no return message from the DCMS the Azemi recalled the Arkab Legions to the planet to help with aid but even then they struggled.

Graduation Ceremony
Nagelring Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
20th April 3083

   Commander of the Kell Hounds Colonel Daniel Allard watches as his eldest son Patrick Allard graduates from Nagelring Officer Candidate School on Tharkad.  Dan is filled with mixed emotions of pride as a father and concern for his sons health as he takes the bars of an LCAF Leutenant.  He will serve with the First Royal Guards RCT for five years before transferring his commission to the Kell Hounds.

Border Raids
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
28th April 3083

   The Silver Hawks Regiment of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth raid the Lyran Commonwealth's Isle of Skye raiding several worlds before landing on Murphid.  There they are met by the First Hesperus Guards Regiment in their first combat assignment.  In three days the assault Mechs of the Hesperus Guards smash and drive the Silverhawks from the planet proving they are more than a show unit.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #373 on: 19 October 2012, 17:26:39 »
Silverdale (Conqueror-class Battle-crusier)
Radstadt, Ghost Bear Dominion
3rd May 3083

   "Three, two, one and jump!"  The Jump officer ordered as the Silverdale fired its K-F Drive the ship disappeared from the Nadir point above Radstadt's sun.  After a few minutes the Battle-cruiser reappeared at the Zenith point below the sun, the ship completing the exact same jump as originally done by the TAS Pathfinder the first ever JumpShip.

   "Sirs, jump complete.  Sandra Rosse and escorts on sensors.  We have returned to the Radstadt system.  Full functionality."  He said looking at the two Star Admirals at the centre of the bridge one in Ghost Bear uniform the other in Nova Cat uniform.

   "Congratulations Star Admiral McKenna your people have done an incredible job."  Star Admiral Daniel Gilmour the commander of the Silverdale said finally his ship would be free to leave the system.

   "Well I think it was worth it."  he said looking at the holotank image of his Clan's newest Conqueror-class Battle-cruiser, the Ghost Bears payment for the Nova Cat's help in repairing the damaged Silverdale.  Star Admiral McKenna also saw the Aesir and Vanir-class DropShips attached to his WarShips collars recently delivered by the Ghost Bears in payment for the Nova Cat's assistance during the evacuation of Luthien.

   "I would very much like to know the price of the Sovereign’s services on a permanent basis."

   "We are not merchants, Quineg?"

   "Neg, but the Bears could have use for such a craft."

   "I could say with quiet confidence that it would be impossible to predict how much that craft is worth to the Nova Cats."  Anders said honestly "though we could trade the design layouts so you could build more."

   "Now who is the merchant?"  Gilmour asked teasing the Nova Cat, the two Clans had never been allies but their politics always seemed to run closely together making this exchange easier than most.

   "For what price?"

   "Ten Ostrogoth OmniFighters."  Anders said quietly "and permission from the Bears to manufacture more."

   "The Ostrogoth is a brand-new Heavy OmniFighter that is quite valuable in itself."

   "And the Legacy-class can maintain your fleet indefinitely."  Anders reminded the Ghost Bear.

   "Well bargained and done, Star Admiral" Gilmour said after a moment offering his hand.

   "Selya" Anders agreed taking Gilmour's forearm they held this pose for several moments before releasing honouring the agreement made.

   "We will transfer the fighters to your ships before you leave the Dominion.  It will include full schematics."

   "And we will have the Legacy's sent to you as soon as I return to the Sandra Rosse."  Anders promised, without another word he left the Ghost Bear bridge heading for his own DropShip one of the newly acquired Aesir DropShips before heading back to the Sandra Rosse, yes this year long trip had been well worth the Nova Cat's time.

Classified Location
Federated Suns
14th May 3083

   "I was the one that agreed to the contract with this fake DMI, I will be the one that prosecutes our revenge against them.  We have tracked them to Norfolk a planet deep within the former Free Worlds League.  I have already booked us passage on a Clan Sea Fox Invader-class JumpShip this will allow us to cross the borders without questions asked.  We will drop on Norfolk take back the honour that has been stolen from us and return.  I need volunteers to crew our Fortress-class DropShip.  Have them meet me at 0600 tomorrow morning, we will boost to meet the AFFS JumpShip and begin our journey. Questions?"  There were none "good, speak to your men.  Make sure they all know the risks I don't expect anyone to go on this mission without knowing."  Brigadier General Alisande Faulkner said briefing her people with the help of the true Davion DMI the Wild Geese had secured the location of their contract holders deep within the Free Worlds League Alisande felt her honour had been taken and that she wanted revenge she knew that many within the Regiment felt the same so a strike was the only way.

   The next morning they had nearly half the Regiment volunteer for the mission Alisande was forced to take lots to decide who would go and who would stay.  At 0630 the DropShip took off rendezvousing with a JumpShip that would take then to the Sea Fox vessel that would allow them to cross the Successor State borders.

Star League Advisory Council
Star League Compound, Defiance
Crucis March, Federated Suns
29th May 3083

   It had been several months since the senior officers of the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division had met with First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and Commanding-General when Bannister Cameron had been summoned to Defiance deep in the Crucis March of the Federated Suns.  Joining Commanding-General Archer Christifori aboard the SLS Covenant Bannister had been told that Defiance was the home to the Star League Advisory Council and the Martial Olympiad grounds.  When he arrived he could see exactly what the Commanding-General had meant when he said "a city has grown up around the place."  The Martial Olympiad grounds and the Advisory Council Hall were now surrounded with training ranges, guest quarters, a growing space port and in more recent years a growing civilian population in the area had fostered communities forming around the area, the expanse of buildings covered a quarter of the main continent's land mass.

   On landing Commanding-General Christifori had headed off to make preparations of their meeting leaving Bannister to his own devices within the local spaceport.  Archer had told him that the local air was tainted and it wasn't best to go outside but the local spaceport visitor area had plenty to keep someone occupied.  Reaching the bazaar area Bannister realized exactly what Archer had meant there was stalls from almost everyone one of the Successor States, each of the periphery states and even the MRBC held an information stand.  It felt strange to be here alone away from the rest of the unit during their time on the Taurian Periphery it had been almost exclusively Second Armoured personnel or SLDF afflicted scientists then since their leap in time the unit's only contact had been with SLDF and AFFS personnel.  Now at Defiance although definitely a Davion world it was all completely different for Bannister as civilians, mercenaries and military personnel moved along.  Bannister could see that fashion had taken a nose dive in the last three centuries instead things looked on the whole more functional, the goods for sale ranged from Periphery slums to exotic Clan manufactured items to general riff-raff he'd seen time and again.  Much of it was functional goods but seemed to be of a low quality, easily manufactured nature.

   "Excuse me, Major-General, the council will see you."  A young Lieutenant said approaching Bannister laid down the piece he was looking at and turned to face the young man.

   "Lead on."  He said the officer nodded and smartly turned around briskly walking from the area heading deeper into the enclosed facility.  Bannister knew the atmospheric scrubbers were beginning to clean up the atmosphere across the globe however it was years if not decades away from being safe for human life all the time.

   They walked silently through the facility before reaching a large pair of wooden doors with polished silver handles.  At either side of the door a pair of SLDF Sergeants dressed in their dress uniform holding laser rifles with bayonets attached, both stood to attention as Bannister and the Lieutenant approached.  The Lieutenant stood at attention at the door for a moment and in a well practiced move the two Sergeants opened the doors as one revealing a large internal room with a raised semi-circle of seats each with a person sitting in front of a national flag in front of them a single podium sat facing the others.  In the centre First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion stood dressed in the full uniform of an AFFS Marshal behind him the Cameron Star hung.  "Announcing Major-General Bannister Cameron." the Lieutenant said as Bannister moved forward to the central podium.

   "Welcome to Defiance Bannister Cameron."  Victor Steiner-Davion greeted "As I'm sure you have worked out General we have been discussing your unit's future and your request for the unit to have a homeworld to call its own."

   "Yes sir."

   "Unfortunately we have not found a world you can call solely your own without placing you in the Periphery far from any support or civilization."

   "I understand First Lord, what is to become of us?"  Bannister said resigned he'd read about the Inner Sphere and the Succession Wars he knew many of the gems of the Star League were now burned to ash.

   "Although I cannot offer you a planet how would an island sound?"   

   "An island?"

   "Yes, on the world of Liberty, which you likely know as Carver V, isolated from the rest of the planet we have selected three suitable islands that have been all but abandoned since the fall of the Star League.  You may have some of the local wild life to contend with however there is little else."

   "Sir, remind me if I am wrong but the Star League's Marines Administration bases were on Car... Liberty."  He said stumbling over the name recognizing it for things other than what Victor had suggested.

   "Indeed Camp Pendleton, within the Quantico Marine Fortification, we have yet to establish it as a base the fortification is long over grown, Kerensky's army took all the important pieces with them."

   "Perhaps once we have re-established our own people on this world the Second Armoured would be allowed to restore the remains?  It would give my people something to drive towards and somewhere to house our Drone facilities."

   "I am afraid that will take a backseat General."  Commanding-General Archer Christifori said stepping in from the side "you will be allowed to keep the drones manufactured and the personnel required to keep them in operation however all construction facilities are to be handed over to SLDF R&D pending an inquiry."

   "Inquiry?"  Bannister said trying not to sound hostile.

   "The Taurian Concordat has logged an official complaint against the Second Royal Armoured Calvary Division for their actions during the Star League periods."

   "You cannot be serious?"  Bannister asked feeling angry "we were at war with them.  My people followed their orders and their Rules of Engagement."

   "General, you have my support and the Support of the First Lord regarding your actions however the Taurian Leader is new and trying to flex muscles he more than likely does not have.  We will beat this charge."  Archer said in a quieter voice so the delegates could not hear.  "Your orders stand General." Archer said.

   "Yes sir" Bannister said saluting the Commanding-General turning back to the First Lord "First Lord Davion, I thank you for the offer, we will take it.  By your leave, sir."  Bannister said saluting.

   "Granted."  Victor said returning the salute.  Bannister did a perfect point turn and marched from the room.  Commanding General Christifori also salute Victor before following the Major-General, Bannister had just had his first taste of Inner Sphere politics and Archer was sure he hadn't like it.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #374 on: 20 October 2012, 13:50:41 »
Marian Hegemony/FWL border
Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
12th June 3083

   In response to the Marian Hegemony attack on the SLS Maker the Tharkad-class Battle-cruiser SLS Invincible is redirected by the SLDF to the Marian Hegemony border with orders to interdict and destroy any military unit launching attacks from the rogue periphery state.  The Duchy of Tamarind-Abby welcomes the addition of the ancient Battle-cruiser to their nation showering the crew with gifts at almost every port despite its Lyran origin.

Trade Agreement
Nova Cat Embassy, Avalon City
Crucis March, Federated Suns
18th June 3083

   For several years the Nova Cats had been trading older models of vehicles to the Federated Suns and other periphery nations in exchange for natural resources and intelligence reports on various Inner Sphere nations and the Clan Factions.  In an extension of the deal the Nova Cats agree to continue to supply the AFFS with at least two hundred Clan tech vehicles a year in exchange for natural resources, all the technology traded in this deal are 3050-era tech as before with the Nova Cats ensuring none of the new and experimental tech developed in recent years is included.

   While most of the Technology and units are sent to line AFFS units samples of the are also sent to the NAIS and all major AFFS suppliers for study and possible reproduction.

Azami Brotherhood High Council
Algedi, Azemi Brotherhood
Draconis Combine
20th June 3083

   Following the failure of the DCMS to act in response to the asteroid strike against Algedi the Azami declare themselves independent from the Draconis Combine taking with them the worlds of Algedi, Rukbat, Shitana, Danih and Alebit they set themselves up as an independent nation.  The Arkab Legions support this by refusing all commands from Regional bases.  To reinforce this claim they send word to Benjamin, Dieron, New Samarkand, Terra and Defiance informing the Draconis Combine and the Star League Defence Force of the birth of this new nation.

   With continued troubles in rebuilding their government the Draconis Combine does nothing in regards to the claim while the SLDF issue a strict "No comment" answer when asked by the press.  On the Azami worlds they begin planetary drafts intending on reinforcing the current and building more Arkab Legions.

22nd June 3083

   After fleeing Hope in the Nova Cats Den renegade elements of the Brotherhood Cluster, renamed the Brotherhood Randis after the original unit before it was taken by the Nova Cats, land on Astrokaszy under the leadership of Knight Amy Frews, daughter of a previous Grand Knight.  The unit made up of fifteen battered Clan and Star League quality Mechs, ten Nighthawk XIX Power Armour troopers and five Trojan ProtoMechs lands outside a small southern region town.  Quickly overwhelming the local pirate defences the Brotherhood of Randis take over the town and set up defences around the area ready to oppose any who were to come into conflict with them.

Tenth Star League Games
Solaris VII, Star League Protectorate
25th June 3083

   The Tenth Star League Games on Solaris VII takes place at the Star League Stadium.  The open event sees twenty-four BattleMechs fight in one grand melee.  Jade Falcon warrior Yemi takes the crown defeating all challengers in his customized Bane (Kraken) BattleMech.  The Mech carrying more experimental technology than most regiments stuns the competition able to take and deal insane amounts of damage from its Rotary Autocannons, Streak Long Range Missiles and Extended Range Lasers.

Clan Nova Cat Mining Operation
Fronc, Fronc Reaches
29th June 3083

   Through the years Clan Nova Cat had made deals with the Fronc Reaches for their natural resources this resulted in the Nova Cats deploying both civilian and military personnel to the Fronc Reaches.  This isolated weak link in the Nova Cats supply chain was the same as every supply chain through history.  A trinary of isolated Clansmen and some civilians workers both local and from the Nova Cat’s Den.

   Struck in the middle of the night the Nova Cats were hit from close range and multiple angles it quickly became apparent that they were using Capellan made stealth armour.  Two SM1 Hover tanks from the second star are able to make it to the Fortress-class DropShip assigned to the unit and pass on information about the attack unfortunately the DropShip is hit by an air strike before it can transmit back to the Nova Cat’s Den with its HPG.  None of the Nova Cats make it clear of the battle site with every Nova Cat civilian and all Fronc Reaches civilians assisting them are massacred and left to lay where they fall.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #375 on: 21 October 2012, 10:58:05 »
Clan Nova Cat Mining Operation
Fronc, Fronc Reaches
29th June 3083

   Through the years Clan Nova Cat had made deals with the Fronc Reaches for their natural resources this resulted in the Nova Cats deploying both civilian and military personnel to the Fronc Reaches.  This isolated weak link in the Nova Cats supply chain was the same as every supply chain through history.  A trinary of isolated Clansmen and some civilians workers both local and from the Nova Cat’s Den.

   Struck in the middle of the night the Nova Cats were hit from close range and multiple angles it quickly became apparent that they were using Capellan made stealth armour.  Two SM1 Hover tanks from the second star are able to make it to the Fortress-class DropShip assigned to the unit and pass on information about the attack unfortunately the DropShip is hit by an air strike before it can transmit back to the Nova Cat’s Den with its HPG.  None of the Nova Cats make it clear of the battle site with every Nova Cat civilian and all Fronc Reaches civilians assisting them are massacred and left to lay where they fall.

Booking Hall, NAIS
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
2nd July 3083

   The NAIS welcome a new celebrity name to their student body Duchess Jaylen Davion, the second child of First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion and Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion. As her elder brother Burton had gone to Albion Victor had chosen NAIS for his daughter to keep New Avalon’s two premier schools balanced and happy.  Unlike Burton’s arrival at Albion Academy Jaylen arrives with very little fanfair, although like her brother she is accompanied by plenty of Davion Royal Guard Protection officers.  These officiers have been ordered to ensure Jaylen is kept completely safe, and be wary of a repeat of the assault on Burton at Albion.

Landing Sequence
Equatorial Island Chain
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
12th July 3083

   There is great media attention as the SLS Wasp, SLS Covenant and twenty-five Star League DropShips carrying the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division.  Escorted through the atmosphere by Blackwasp AM Robotic Fighters the unit is led by three DropShips one that lands on each of the three islands ceded to the Division.

   On board the SLS Wasp Major-General Bannister Cameron faces the media for the first time.  He confirms the story of the Second Armoured Cavalry Division and his lineage however he says that his first concern is the welfare of his unit.  Commanding-General Archer Christifori confirms that the unit had been given control over three Islands on Liberty and that there is a no-fly zone in place around theses island.  He also warns the media and all others that there will be no visitors to the Islands unless the Division welcomes them.

   When asked about this reaction to what happened to the rest of the Exiled SLDF which became the Clans and about the Clans view point.  Bannister is diplomatic in his answer saying that the troops of the SLDF (in-Exile) experienced harsh conditions that no-one but they could deal with and that the formation of the Clans saved thousands of Civilians who would otherwise have died, he says that although he cannot support the Clan’s manner in which they returned to the Inner Sphere or some of their actions he could understand why they were formed and how they behaved.

Lt. General Edwin Amis Office
Fort Winson, Dieron
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
18th July 3083

   It was times like this Edwin Amis hated taking command of the Eridani Light Horse following Ariana Winson’s death during the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar in the Clan Homeworlds.  He also hated agreeing to allow the Goliath Scorpions to come to Fort Winson.  The Goliath Scorpion Seekers were by and large harmless, Clan warriors yes but they were not interested in causing trouble instead more fascinated in the Eridani’s history and their SLDF traditions that had held over since the fall of the SLDF.  Now however they had words of a new SLDF “ artifact” and Star Captain Rufus Myers the Goliath Scorpions trinary commander stood in his officer wearing a simple Goliath Scorpion adorned Jumpsuit.

   “No Star Captain your unit cannot travel to Liberty, you cannot travel to Liberty alone you can also not fight a trial to win a place with Eridani personnel because quite simply no-one, not SLDF, not civilian not Clan is being allowed on those Islands.  The Commanding-General has made it clear there is a no-fly zone over the area and that it will be enforced with lethal force if the Second Armoured Division deems it necessary.”

   “But they are living breathing ancestors of the Clans; they should have been with us but were delayed and now have returned.  They answered the Great Father’s call but were denied their place in the Clans.”

   “And in the SLDF Civil War.”  Amis reminded Rufus who had explained the history of the Clans in quite detail in the last year or so.
   “Yes, but some of them would have had a place in the Clans, they could have changed everything for the Clans.  A Cameron among them!  We need to talk to them.”  Rufus said passionately.

   “I cannot allow you to violate a no-fly zone Rufus, I am sorry but orders are orders.”

   “Can we still use the HPG?”  Rufus said since their arrival the Scorpion unit had been given unlimited use of the HPG to keep in contact with the Clan Homeworlds.

   “Your unit has done nothing to revoke those privileges, I will not stop you.”  Amis confirmed knowing that the Clans would soon learn of the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry’s return anyway.

Testing Grounds
Midway System
Midway Military District, Draconis Combine
20th July 3083

   On a routine test of their transit drives the DCS Vincent Kurita and the DCS Shiro Kurita two under construction Omi Kurita-class Carriers were tasked with travelling the length of the Midway Shipyards then returning to their original positions.

   Onboard the two huge vessels however things were not completely going to plan the skeleton engineering crews had been incapacitated by commando marine troopers wearing full body DEST styled Sneak Suits.

   Instead of turning once the ships were clear of the shipyards in open space both star ships lit their K-F Drives and jumped clear of the system without a single communication towards the shipyards for all intensive purposes the vessels were gone.  A bitter blow to the DCMS Admiralty.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #376 on: 23 October 2012, 12:01:51 »
Archon’s Throne Room
The Triad, Thakad
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
5th August 3083

   The brisk footsteps of a pair of combat boots at marching pace could be heard echoing through the huge building that housed the Archon’s throne room.  Peter knew of his guest’s arrival far beyond seeing him.  Soon Khan Phelan Kell, leader of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) marched into the room stopping a respectful distance from Peter’s chair.

   “Khan Kell, welcome to Tharkad, how can I help the Wolf Clan today?”  Peter said greeting the Clan leader, his cousin.

   “Thank you Archon Steiner.”  Phelan said formally “I wish to propose an extension of the Arc Royal Accords signed by Clan Wolf and by you representing the Lyran Commonwealth.”

   “An extension?”  Peter asked confused the Arc-Royal Accords already gave the Exiled Wolf faction free travel throughout the Commonwealth and complete military autonomy within the nation.

   “Aff, perhaps you are aware Lupis Major, the space station we brought with us from Clan space can produce any type of armour we need from an Elemental Battle Armour suit to the Werewolf.”  He said naming the Exiled Wolf Clan’s McKenna-class Battleship flagship.  “We are able to produce Clan weapons and other materials thanks to factories we claimed from Clan Ghost Bear in 3060.”  Peter nodded he was aware of the Wolf raid against one of the Ghost Bear “Arks” during the Bear transit from Clan space to the Inner Sphere.  “However our position on the Jade Falcon border has resulted in damage we cannot full repair ourselves, weapons that need removed before repairs or replacement, engine parts etc.”

   “I’m sure that Alarion Shipyards could accommodate your ships.”  Peter said knowing that seeing the insides of a McKenna or a Black Lion could not hurt future Lyran Commonwealth WarShip designs.   

   “Neg, we can maintain our own ships we just need the facilities.”

   “Alarion is our primary shipyards; unfortunately the Commonwealth has no other shipyard facilities capable of WarShip maintenance.”  Peter said quietly, not entirely a lie or a whole truth.

   “Not entirely true Archon” Phelan said coyly “my watch operatives have informed me that there are facilities within the Ruins of Gabriel that have…”

   “Stop there Kell!” Peter said standing up stepping towards Kell behind him one of the two Hauptmann Assault OmniMechs tracked the Archon’s movements if Phelan had moved to attack.  Unfortunately if it fired Peter would have more than likely died too as the blast radius of Assault Mech’s weapons would more than likely have destroyed the room.  “That facility is still under lock and key, has been for nearly ten years.  It hasn’t been decided what to do with Gabriel, or the other Clans reaction to it.”

   “I believe they wouldn’t care much for it, the facilities are too deep within the Lyran realm for them to be able to secure and hold before you, my Clan Wolf or the Star League could reinforce and counter attack.”

   “So what of it, there is a habitat built into an asteroid but little else.”

   “We are willing to help renovate the Star League facilities there, making all the habitat available for use, we are willing to assist in the construction of the shipyard facility, maintain it and secure it.”

   “How your Clan isn’t exactly brimming with resources?  The reason you are here after all.”

   “Aff, we can provide security.  I am willing to assign the Full Moon, our Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, as a base of operations for the construction crews and to hold resources.  I will also provide a trinary of aerospace fighters for area defence.”

   “You would do this in exchange for?”  Peter asked looking for the cost.

   “Once Gabriel is renovated Clan Wolf gain an entire construction slip for ourselves, we can use it to maintain our units and possibly look at further ships.”

   “So the Wolf Clan can rebuild its strength.”  Peter pondered the Wolves were his allies but too much strength could be dangerous.  “I don’t think an extension of the Arc-Royal Accords will cover this agreement if we made it.”  Peter stated, they simply didn’t cover anything like this “instead perhaps the Wolf Accords, a new agreement for a new future for us all?”

   “Well bargained and done” Phelan said extending his hand Peter extended his own meeting Phelan In a firm handshake “seyla” Phelan muttered quietly.  He was too Inner Sphere to be truly Clan, but too changed by the Clans to ever be truly an Inner Sphere citizen again.

Reprisal Strikes
Algedi, Azami Brotherhood
Draconis Combine
8th August 3083

   With Luthien secured DCMS units turn their eyes towards the Azami Brotherhood’s rebellious worlds.  The Azami Brotherhood leadership feels betrayed by the DCMS following the devastation on Algedi and refuse aid from the DCMS or to return to the Combine fold.  With no further discussion on the matter Warlord Minoru Kurita orders the Dieron Warlord to breach the Brotherhood’s territory.  The order alone leads to the world of Arkab experiencing further unrest.

   August 10th the Eighth Dieron Regulars, Third Sword of Light, First Amphigean Light Assault, Seventh Ghost and the Sixteenth Legion of Vega Regiments all hit the Arkab formations on the Azami Brotherhood worlds engaging the four Arkab Regiments almost at the same time.

   On the 14th August Warlord Minoru Kurita personally lead the Third Genyosha Regiment to Arkab he experiences no resistance at all as he speaks with local leaders within an hour the world leaders agree to return to Draconis Combine rule without further trouble.

   On the 18th August the Third Sword of Light Regiment was confirmed destroyed on Algedi the Second Arkab Legion still at full strength.  Dieron releases the DCS Draconis Drift, a Kyushu-class Frigate, and the Third An Ting Legion Regiment to act on the planet moving from their reserve status in the system.  Dropping directly through the atmosphere the Arkab landing in the middle of the capital city, almost immediately the An Ting Legion Mechs come under fire from civilians and Arkab Legion forces, as the An Ting Legion fight close quarters over half of the city is ablaze in hours however the Arkab units continuously move into civilian areas and are supported by the population.  The An Ting Legion’s commander Erik Schmidtt is killed by a sniper aerospace commander Randi Olsen takes command calling in air strikes and orbital strikes across the city, not experienced in ground combat or landmarks Randi’s strikes destroy almost the whole city however strikes continue from an elusive mobile enemy.  Unable to counter this Olsen orders all his ground forces to retreat from the city and orders the DCS Draconis Drift to glass the city behind his retreating people.  In a bombardment that continues for nearly ten hours the entire capital city of Algedi is wiped off the face of the planet taking with it 90% of the civilian population and the Second Arkab Legion.  With this shocking defeat the fighting dies down on Algedi almost completely, the population unable to comprehend further resistance.  Across the Inner Sphere reactions to these actions vary from revulsion to neglect.

   With Algedi pacified the resistance on Rukbat ends, the Fourth Arkab Legion have been destroyed by forces loyal to the Draconis Combine leadership.  Within hours of this announcement the Seventh Arkab Legion surrender to DCMS guns on Shitina, the regiment is given one hour to disarm and leave their firebase.  When the hour elapses infantry and Battle Armour forces storm into the base finding nearly two Battalions of the Seventh Arkab Legion laying dead each member committing seppeku, ritual suicide.

   With all other resistance on Alebit the remaining Arkab Legion regiment, the Sixth, surrenders without another shot fired on the 25th August, unwilling to resist further.  The Arkab forces are taken as common criminals and imprisoned across the Draconis Combine.  The surrender of the Sixth Arkab Legion ended the Azami Brotherhood’s nation brining the rebellious state under control.

   As a final twist to the fate of the Azami on the Third An Ting Regiment based on Algedi trying to help the world recover from the asteroid strike and the orbital bombardment are found by DEST and ISF operatives dead within their bases across the globe each man and woman’s head has been removed with a single blow their bodies displayed in the middle of their bases with no sign of their destroyers.  Following the unrest command of the Algedi Prefecture is passed to Alya with the entire Prefecture renamed after its new capital.  Alya another Azami world did not join the Brotherhood and is seen by the Draconis Combine as maintaining the balance within the Azami/Draconis Combine relationship.

Royal Hospital
Forbidden City, Liao
Liao Commonality, Capellan Confederation
21st August 3083

   Behind closed doors within the Forbidden Palace Chancellor Naomi Centrella gives birth to Aleisha Centrella, named for the architect of the Ares Conventions.  On presenting the child as a legitimate heir to her she claims she was artificially inseminated by cells from her deceased husband Sun-Tzu Liao.  However anyone who sees the baby sees no Liao ancestry at all however none are willing to say this publicly.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #377 on: 24 October 2012, 20:35:06 »
Clan Grand Council Chambers
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
5th September 3083

   The Clan Council Chamber was a buzz with noise as the Khans and saKhans of each Clan entered and took their place in total there were twenty-six men and women the respective leaders of the thirteen remaining Clans.  For once even the Khans of all the Invading Clans were in Clan space, they were all together for perhaps the first time in twenty years but today was special.  Grand Council Loremaster Dagmar Lahiri of Clan Star Adder brought the council to his attention with two taps to his podium “We have been brought together today by Clan Goliath Scorpion’s Khan, Ariel Suvorov, who has information we should all be aware of and act according to.  Khan Suvorov, you have the floor.”  He said sitting down the Goliath Scorpion Khan rose from her chair.

   “My fellow Khans, we bring you information from the Inner Sphere.”  She said smiling lightly few of them knew of her seekers within the Inner Sphere “a few months ago a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser appeared in the Davion Outback Region, this vessel was adorned with the insignia of the Star League Defence Force.”  She said there was a murmur around the room some had heard the rumour some had not.  “A group of my Seekers have confirmed this unit is one of the Great Father’s Star League Defence Force crewed by individuals from that era.”  She could see absolute shock around the room, “these individuals were to join the Exodus however a failure in their jump drive lost them to reality until now.  They have approached and have agreed to join the newly formed Star League in the Inner Sphere.”

   “They belong with us.”  Khan Brett Andrews of Clan Steel Viper said

   “They have chosen otherwise they are now our enemy.  Why is this relevant to us at all?  We now have another enemy, little new the Inner Sphere is still ours for the taking.”  Khan Nathan Feltladral of Clan Wolf said not bothering to even rise.

   “I agree” Khan Marthe Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon said, “I do not understand what was so important to call us here to council…”  She said allowing her voice to trail off, she was the oldest of the Khans at seventy-three years but she still had huge influence among her fellow Khans.

   “It is relevant to us all because these people are led by a Cameron a direct descendant of Lieutenant General Nicholas Cameron, a hero of the Reunification War.  He was destined to join us; we are missing of his blood, our direct link to the Star League of old.”

   “Khan Suvorov, do not take this wrongly but we are all links to the Star League Defence Force, the Clans are the direct link to the Star League.  What you say of this unit could be the same as any of our Clankin or even the Eridani Light Horse Brigade.”  Khan Canin Rosse of Clan Nova Cat said “we are all links to the Star League.  A Cameron or not it lives through us.”

   “Perhaps we each have a different reverence for the original League.” Ariel said quietly

   “We do indeed” Dagmar Lahiri said “this information will affect us all in different ways I thank the Khan of Goliath Scorpion for this information.”  He said acknowledging the Khan “without further business this Council is adjourned.”

Nova Cat Territory
Barcella, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
11th September 3083

   Days after the Grand Council meeting Clan Star Adder Clusters pushed onto Barcella the holding of Clan Nova Cat in the Homeworlds, declaring a series of Trials of Possession.  Clan Nova Cat met them at each losing two of the initial four trials losing twenty percent of the planet.  Star Captain Grayson of the 450th Assault Cluster won his initial trial protecting the Nova Cat’s ownership over an OmniMech factory however almost immediately Star Adder units broke the trial engaging in open combat.  Grayson and his unit immediately continued the fight continuing their defence beyond the death of their leader Star Colonel Franklin Drummond.  Claiming temporary lead over the Cluster Grayson led counter attack after counter attack even after his OmniMech had been destroyed from under him.  Claiming a Star Adder Blood Asp as his own Canin’s 450th Assault Cluster was able to push through to Star Colonel Elson West’s 449th Assault Cluster.  The two elite units together soon made short work of several Star Adder units.

   By September 19th Clan Nova Cat reassert full control over Barcella two Star Adder Clusters the 362nd Adder Sentinels and the 428th Adder Sentinels both of the Star Adder’s Tau Galaxy lie destroyed.  A day after Star Colonel Elson West supports Star Captain Grayson as he fights for and wins command over the 450th Assault Cluster and the rank of Star Colonel.

SLDF Firebase
Abby, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
14th September 3083

   With continued Marian Hegemony raids the SLDF deploy the Fourth Sirian Lancers Brigade to Abby to protect their new firebase.  On the planet former First Lord Captain-General Jeremy Brett presents the former Free Worlds League Sirian Lancers Regiment with an entire Regiment’s worth of local troops and equipment the First Abby Guard Regiment, newly deputized to the SLDF.  Commanding-General Archer Christifori confirms the application of the Regiment to the SLDF and tasks the Fourth Sirian Lancers to begin training these troops.

   Supporting actions of the SLDF to strengthen the area the LCAF deploys the First Royal Guards RCT to the Region intending stopping the raids with a show of force.  This puts young Leutenant Patrick Allard into his first combat assignment.

Clan Trials
Clan Occupation Zones
20th-26th September 3083

   In a series of trials over six days Clan Hell’s Horses claim three Wolf Occupation Zone and one Jade Falcon Occupied world in a series of trials.  It begins when the Jade Falcon world of Evciler falls with a one on one battle between two BattleMechs, the Jade Falcons put up resistance but it was half hearted at best and the warrior was defeated.

   Spurred on by this success the Hell’s Horses continue onto the Wolf worlds of Vantaa, Ridderkerk and Planting.  They find each sparsely populated except for Vantaa which they find a minor training facility and the Sixth Wolf Cavalry Guard Cluster of Omega Galaxy.  In a brief trial a Hell’s Horses binary defeat a Wolf Trinary to claim the world.

Trading Post
Filtvelt, Filvelt Coaltion
28th September 3083

   The Nova Cat trading post was not much to look at nor was it very defensible six prefabricated buildings two placed one above the other to provide a vantage point.  Two Mech repair bays set into the wall of one of the buildings provided the means for basic repairs for the Mech star while the vehicles had trampoline tents that protected their engineers from the elements.  The Star of Battle Armour had five separate maintenance bays around the base one for each of their points.

   In the centre of the trade post there was one large building used as a warehouse and as a trading area for visiting merchants. Star Captain Steven hated the assignment however Star Colonel Bel had pointed out this was the Twelfth Nova Cat Regulars best chance at gaining combat experience and reclaiming its place within Tau Galaxy.  Unfortunately so far the assignment had been very quiet, which had caused a couple of discipline problems in itself.  Steven was on patrol with his Elemental point around the perimetre the sun beating down on the post.  There was some locals in the trade post with Nova Cat merchants making some deal, little of interest to Steven and his men.

   “In coming!”  Someone shouted over the comm. before a huge explosion wiped out the main guard post “artillery keep your heads down!” Another call came over, Steven had no intention on keeping his head down looking at his sensors he could see a company of enemy Mechs loitering at long range and one big ugly Mech at the rear with two massive cannons over its shoulder, his target.   

   “This is Star Captain Steven, Battle Trinary on my position, Elementals man the defences, armour plug any gaps.”  He ordered as another artillery barrage hit the base Steven could see the first of his Mechs.  “MechWarrior Briggs meet me at point alpha.”  He said indicating a navigation point for Brigg’s thirty ton Adder.

   The OmniMech ran past Steven’s position and his Elemental point launched leaping up onto Briggs OmnIMech.  “MechWarrior close on those Mechs, what’s your load out?”

   “Echo Star Captain, all close in”  He said accelerating his Mech back up to nearly ninety kilometres an hour from memory Steven knew the Adder carried a group of pulse lasers and two ATM launchers.  By Briggs words he assumed that meant High Explosive ammo on the ATMs.

   “All Mechs follow MechWarrior Briggs. Elementals meet at point Alpha, we target the rear most Mech.”  Steven ordered as more artillery hit the trade post.  The Adder closed the distance quickly “Briggs ignore Zellbrigen, they deserve no honour after using artillery on us.”  He ordered if the warrior came out of this alive Steven would ensure he was rewarded for this bravery.

   “Aye” the MechWarrior said dodging long range fire from the enemy Mechs Steven dug his battle armour’s claw into the hand hold on the Adder ensuring he wouldn’t fly off the OmniMech as it dodged.  Briggs cut in his pulse lasers as he ran past the first Mech then volleyed missiles into the next two Mechs taking small hits in return.  Steven watched an enemy Wasp wearing what appeared to be Taurian insignia be devoured by high explosive missiles, its cockpit exploding under several hits.  Off to the Adder’s right another enemy Mech exploded as it turned to track Briggs Adder and was hit in the back by lasers from more incoming Nova Cat forces.

   “Armour released from defence support Mechs.”  Steven said making a snap choice there were only ten enemy Mechs left however that was still twice the Nova Cat’s number. The Nova Cat armour force a mix of Joust Battle Tanks, Shoden Tactical Tanks and SM1 Tank Destroyers could be a game changer, when they arrived.  Steven turned to his own battle Briggs was still closing on the big enemy Mech his own Adder taking damage all the time “Thank you Briggs”  Steven said launching his Elemental suit off the Adder’s shoulder his point mates following moments later.

        As they leapt the distance each fired their SRM backpacks ten missiles shot through the sky only for them to be shot out of the sky by the enemy Mech’s head mounted laser defence system.  Elemental Mack was smacked out of the air by a swinging left arm stump which smashed his power armour suit into the ground tearing the suit and man to pieces.  Steven avoided the swinging arm and landed on the huge Mech’s shoulder firing his laser into one of the huge over shoulder barrels then at the point it connected with the Mech he swung his battle claw at the weapon raking his claw through the barrel before pulling back bending it another way he could see Karen do the same on the other shoulder, neither destroyed the weapons however they were distracting the MechWarrior.  The two other Elementals climbed over the huge Mech’s chest, something exploded in the chest spraying Elemental Nichola with what looked like coolant fluid but doing little damage.

   Looking around Steven could see more and more Nova Cats arriving in the area cutting down more of the enemy Mechs.  Climbing over the shoulder past the shoulder weapons Steven reached the tiny cockpit entrance he wondered how anyone ever got through the door.  Firing his laser once at the top then once again at the bottom he reached out and tore the door open.  There were three large bangs from inside as his suit’s torso armour was hit by three gauss projectiles from a powerful pistol. One penetrated the armour Steven felt a ping of pain for a moment then it was gone as his body was filled with painkillers.  Immediately his suit began to spurt out black HarJel material.  Steven wasted no more time firing his laser into the cockpit twice, one of the blasts hit the cockpit window blowing it out showering Steven’s Pointmates with glass but little else important.  Three more shots fired at Steven one impacting the others going wide, an explosion rocked the front of the BattleMech as one of Nicholas SRMs tore the cockpit off the front of the BattleMech killing the pilot.  Steven jumped clear as the huge pondering Mech fell forward.  He could see Nicola and his other remaining point mate also jump clear he was annoyed he hadn’t killed the pilot himself however his point had claimed the kill together which made up the difference.

       Around him he could see his forces were destroying the rest of the enemy company they’d lost two Elementals, one Mech and one SM1 Tank Destroyer in the battle looking back at his trade post Steven could see three buildings on fire another flattened perhaps a dozen or more casualties in total.  “Elementals get out here, search the battle site, find evidence we need to know who attacked us.”  He ordered.  Looking around he saw Briggs Adder laying on the ground ablaze its cockpit caved in, whoever had conducted this attack would pay.

   Six hours later they’d identified three Mechs all carrying Taurian Concordat insignia of the Taurian Nomads Regiment and one Mech, the large design that Steven had engaged carried Capellan Confederation markings marking its construction inside the Inner Sphere.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #378 on: 25 October 2012, 19:26:55 »
Field Posting
New St Andrews
Bolan Province, Lyran Commonwealth
10th October 3083

   The First Royal Guards RCT is hit by a mysterious virus which effectively disabled the entire BattleMech Regiment and vast amounts of the infantry and support personnel.  The unit is combat ineffective for more than a month.

   Medical teams sent to the world to assist the unit believe a biological agent was introduced into their water supply.  Although none of the unit die the majority of the unit is unable to complete their duties for many months afterwards.  Leutenant Patrick Allard is among some of the most ill personnel.  Both LIC and SLIC agents investigate the origin of the biological attack.

Star League Recon in Force
Valerius, Marian Hegemony
24th October 3083

   Following an intensive investigation on the biological attack on the First Lyran Royal Guards the Fourth Sirian Lancers Brigade launches an assault on the world of Valerius.  Recently colonized by the Marian Hegemony the barely habitable world is a military camp used as a POW camp for captured Cirincus Federation fighters, former mercenaries and uncooperative members of the Free Worlds League.

   The Sirian forces find elements of the Marian’s Legio IV on the planet which almost immediately attack them attempting to repulse the attack.  The Marian troops are hopelessly outgunned by the SLDF troops and quickly beaten.  On the planet the SLDF find the POWs being used as slaves by the Marian occupiers of the planet to build a sprawling complex of palaces within the complexes they find evidence of biological weapons storage on the planet.  Instead of pulling back from the planet the SLDF troops officially annex the world from the Marians releasing the prisoners held as slaves.

Caesar’s Palace
Alphard, Marian Hegemony
31st October 3083

   On learning that SLDF troops have seized control of Valerius and charged the Marian Hegemony with the use of weapons of mass destruction Caesar Katrina Ward realizes she has to act fact to nip this charge before it grows more troublesome.  Instead of fighting the SLDF’s control over Valerius she instead releases the world and all its prisoners from Marian Hegemony rule officially allowing the SLDF to remain based on the planet.  She claims that rouge commanders of the IV Legio ruled the world and controlled the Biological weapons which had been stored there by the previous Caesar.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #379 on: 26 October 2012, 01:37:51 »
Nuke that fake Caesar.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #380 on: 26 October 2012, 20:45:09 »
Nuke that fake Caesar.

Her time comes... soon enough...

Trade Mission
Itabiana, Sea Fox Space
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
5th November 3083

   Over Itabiana in the Draconis Combine the Sea Fox vessel Cyclone appears brining supplies from outside the Inner Sphere.  Inner Sphere intelligence sources are sure the Cyclone was formally the ComGuard vessel Vision of Truth recently released to Clan Sea Fox control by the SLDF.  The Sea Foxes officially designate the vessel as a Sea Fox-class ArcShip no longer using the previous Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser designation for their largest vessels.

Parliament Buildings
Gillifillians Gold, Rim Collection
12th November 3083

   Following a series of damaging tax rises and little in return from the Lyran Commonwealth Central Government of the former Rim Collection worlds and those of the Lyran worlds of Langhorne, Ormstown and Hinckley break clear from the Lyran Commonwealth declaring their independence and the reformation of the Rim Collection.  From the Government buildings President-elect Hunter Flack announces that the First Distant Rim Lancers - Able’s Own have already declared their intention to defend the planet although General Jeremy Able announces that he will be retiring from the LCAF and will not be joining the Rim Collection’s reborn military.

   The other three Distant Rim units suffer some deserters from their units who reinforce the Able’s Own Regiment however the majority remain steadfast behind the LCAF.  Archon Peter Steiner-Davion announces his intention to travel to the Rim Collection to find the reasons behind this breakaway state’s formation.

Security Patrol
Keystone, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Free Worlds League
1st December 3083

   Following reports of a strange looking Tramp-class JumpShip named Lucretia being in the Keystone system the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth deploy the WarShip Marik’s Pride, a Zechitinu II-class Corvette to the system to confirm the sighting.  The vessel arrives and discovers the vessel left two days before, from sensor records it appears the vessel was the Lucretia the Interconnectedness Unlimited vessel had not been seen for sixty-one years before and it appeared the secretive vessel still did not want to be seen.

Capellan Investigation
Lopez, Andurien Commonality
Capellan Confederation
30th December 3083

   After two weeks of no communications the Capellan Confederation send a JumpShip to Lopez in the Andurien Commonality.  From orbit of the planet they discover at least eight craters where asteroids stuck including one on the outskirts of Orton the planetary capital.  Flybys over the planet confirm no power signatures and no signs of human survivors with the planets unstable volcanic activity becoming extremely active since the asteroid strikes.

And so ends 3083, I hope you enjoyed

feel free to comment
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #381 on: 26 October 2012, 22:19:02 »
More asteroid hits.... :o

that must break some kind of galactic record with so many happening in such a small amount of time.

Unless....they are artificial in nature...  >:D
Made by HikageMaru

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #382 on: 27 October 2012, 16:14:20 »
More asteroid hits.... :o

that must break some kind of galactic record with so many happening in such a small amount of time.

Unless....they are artificial in nature...  >:D

Lopez is a canon event, I was just using it to flush out the timeline  [wildandcrazy] [brew] I'd never have a rogue super-weapon flying around  :o


Star League Advisory Council
Defiance, Crucis March
Federated Suns
10th January 3084

   Following the discovery of biological weapons on Valerius by the Sirian Lancers Brigade the SLDF Advisory Council officially announce that the planet will be known as an official Star League Protectorate World forwards.  They also announce there will be random stops of ships leaving the Marian Hegemony by SLDF vessels to ensure that further biological weapons are not sent out of the system.  Almost everyone reads this as every Marian ship leaving the Hegemony will be stopped if encountered by they SLDF.

Pirate raids
Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Free Worlds League
8th February 3084

   Within the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby there are several instances of a new type of small craft being detected.  Designated the UD-4L Raider the “DropShip” appears to be around one hundred tons, more like an aerospace fighter, and appeared to be armed with multiple rocket launchers.  After making it to the planet the craft deployed a single APC carrying before returning to space.

   Over the following week each of the four targeted worlds suffers a series of terrorist/sabotage attacks carried out by conventional infantry supported by an APC.  Then in each recorded instance a Gazelle-class Troop DropShip arrives to collect the APC and the supplies captured by the infantry.  Tamarind military officials register this new “DropShip” as a pirate produced and deployed craft.

SIS Candice Allard-Liao, Newgrange-class Yardship
St Loris, St Ives Compact
10th February 3084

   Hidden within the St Loris system of the St Ives Compact the SIS Candice Allard-Liao, a Newgrange-class Yardship found by Dr David Lear, hung silent in space its engines dead only the station keeping drive keeping the vessel in its hidden area of the system.

   On board seven thousand crew and construction engineers begun to construct the first Kai-class Destroyer.  Although not designed to act as a construction facility the Yardship was more than capable of carrying the sufficient parts needed for the job and as St Ives lacked Shipyards capable of producing a WarShip the crew would make do.  The Kai-class Destroyer was a design based on the Davion III-class Destroyer operated by the AFFS, lacking in the Rotary Autocannons and Screen Launchers used by the Federated Suns vessel the leaders of the St Ives Compact hope the vessel and its sister ships will secure the Capellan Confederation/St Ives border in future years.

Trial of Possession
Quatre Belle, Outworlds Alliance
22nd February 3084

   Sent by her Khan to secure a new Snow Raven design Star Captain Katrine stood tall within her Griffin IIC7 BattleMech, it was nowhere near as good a Mech as the OmniMech she’d lost to Grayson Nova Cat on Barcella however it was a very solid if battered design.  She flicked her communications switch “Star Captain Rachel you are defeated, I claim you as my bondsman and your Mech as my isorla.”  She said looking at the ruined but repairable Demos Assault OmniMech, a new Snow Raven design it would easily put her on par with Grayson the next time they encountered each other and her assault Mech would overpower his Huntsman.

   “Star Captain Katrine, I surrender this trial and your prize the Scytha XR will be transferred to your command for transport off planet.  I will be your bondsman, Nova Cat.”  her opponent said Katrine was not sure if she was injured or not but Rachel was certainly defeated.  Katrine flicked off the comm. and laughed she relished the next time she met with Grayson Nova Cat, he’d bested her once never again.
« Last Edit: 27 October 2012, 18:03:26 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Taron Storm

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #383 on: 27 October 2012, 17:20:20 »
I wondered when you were going to put the UD-4L Cheyenne into your story.  Please, continue on.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #384 on: 27 October 2012, 18:18:09 »
A rogue super weapon.
Sounds like a Dragon Cat special to me. ::) }:) ;D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #385 on: 28 October 2012, 06:03:56 »
I wondered when you were going to put the UD-4L Cheyenne into your story.  Please, continue on.

Had to be used

A rogue super weapon.
Sounds like a Dragon Cat special to me. ::) }:) ;D


Marik Palace, Marik
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Former Free Worlds League
7th March 3084

   Rarely wining awards for its beauty the windswept Marik Ancestral Palace was a hive of activity although much of the politics had moved from Marik to Atreus since the formation of the Free Worlds League the world still wielded much influence.  Even today when the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth stood alone from its other member states the world was still influential throughout the Free Worlds.

   Today the Palace was a hive of activity not because of a great visitor instead for a departure today nine year old Duke Joseph Marik was heading for his first true trip off the world.  Heading out alone into the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth on orders of his mother he would travel to the world of Washburn little more than a rest stop for the rest of the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth it was also home to the greatest concentration of Mormons in the entire Free Worlds League and Joseph’s mother had enrolled him in school there intent on allowing him to learn wisdom and enlightenment from the religious order the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints a small but influential part of the Christian Faith within the Free Worlds League.

   “I still do not understand…”  Joseph protested looking at his mother at the entry gantry to his DropShip “I will learn nothing from them that I cannot learn from you.”

   “Unfortunately as much as I would love that to be the case, I have our nation to teach as well as you and I will not sacrifice your education and youth just because my duties call me in opposite directions.”  She said kneeling down in front of him “I love you my son however this is a better path for you than the one with me” she said wiping away a tear from her son’s face “you are my son, I expect you to behave yourself and listen to your teachers.  Come back to me and your sister and prove my decision correct.”  She said wiping her own face clear of tears, unfortunately there was little choice than what she was doing today with her Joseph would be a target from within and outwith the Commonwealth.  Giselle had already been targeted twice in her short life, Corrine hoped that sending Joseph to little known Washburn with his bodyguard would hide him from eyes wanting to harm him or her and perhaps give him an education he could use in the future to help Giselle and the greater Commonwealth.  She hated herself for sending him away however in the long run it would be for the best.  “Now be the man I need you to be, that our nation needs, be a Duke of the Free Worlds League and show all these people you are a Marik and proud of this duty.”

   “I will mother, I will make you proud” he said bringing himself to attention he mimicked a military salute before giving his mother a kiss on the cheek “I love you mother, I will do you proud.”  He said stepping back nodding towards his mother before turning heading down the gantry entering his DropShip.  Captain-General Corrine Marik remained at the spaceport until the DropShip was ready for take off and watched the vessel fly through the atmosphere and away from her homeworld, she silently hoped her choice was the right one for her young son.

Archer Christifori’s Officer
The Fort, Thorin
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
14th March 3084

   “Sir, have you seen this?”  Major Katya Christifori said entering her husbands officer within the Fort on Thorin, her official start immediately alerted the Star League Defence Force’s Commanding-General to trouble he glanced over the order.

   “It looks like the Department of Communications is expanding its influence.”

   “By rights sir the money spent on that should be spend on the SLDF.  The SLDF was reformed as a deterrent against the Clans now they want us to become a construction firm?”

   “Broadening their influence and standing within the Inner Sphere, my presence here is a testament to that as well.”  He said Thorin was still officially a Lyran world however day by day more of it was taken over by the SLDF, Archer had already been sounded out by several local officials who were waiting for the day that the world became a Protectorate world.  “Gavin Dow was ComStar he no doubt holds education higher than most things, information and knowledge are just as powerful as a gun.”

   “Even if it means less resources for your military.”

   “Yes, I cannot really complain, with the inclusion of the Second Royal Armoured Division, the Second Black Watch coming to full strength and the Second Knights forming.”  He paused and smiled briefly "and Katya, it's not my military, I purely serve as it's General."

   “Of course sir, but what happened to you can never have enough resources?”

   “Well quality is better than quantity and I think our people are very well trained and equipped.  And that I won’t complain about.  When the Prefect is complete we will have a heavy Cavalry unit as well.”

   “How far along is its testing?”

   “First prototype is complete so we shall soon see.”  Archer said the SLDF was hedging much of its resources on the success of the design and as soon he’d seen the prototype he was confident on its strength.  “Let Dow have his schools we have all that we need for now.”

LCS Yggdrasil (Mjolinir-class Battle-cruiser)
Gillifillian’s Gold, Rim Collection
21st March 3084

   Within the main meeting room of the LCS Yggdrasil Archon Peter Steiner-Davion stood in front of the gathered press.  “Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Lyrans, today I have agreed with President Flack Hunter that the Rim Collection will return to be an independent Periphery state.  This decision I have not taken to lightly however after speaking to the people of the Rim Collection I can understand where this choice has come from and in many ways I can support it.  The Rim Collection will remain a close ally of the Lyran people however change comes in many forms and sometimes making a change is an important time for many people.  If the Collection ever sees the need to return to the Lyran fold they will be more than welcome.”  Peter said stepping back from the waiting press he hated to lose the worlds of the Rim Collection however he also hated the idea of holding and insignificant territory against their will.

Mission: Revenge
Norfolk, Regulan Fiefs
Former Free Worlds League
24th March 3084

   As their DropShip approached the planet of Norfolk Brigadier-General Alisande Faulkner entered the Mechbay around her the other eleven MechWarriors, twelve vehicle crews and the assorted infantry that had accompanied her.  “We are on final approach to the planet of Norfolk and our target, we believe they are a subsidiary of Free Worlds Industries working under an assumed name and their entire reason for hiring the Wild Geese was to undermine Federated Suns companies and assets which would allow them to buy shares at rock bottom prices.”  She explained briefly they had all looked at the information provided and knew the data “they used the Wild Geese to forward there plans now we will use them for target practice.  We will land one kilometre inside the Park of Mechs the FWL Militia defending the planet do not patrol inside the park because of cultural and tourism bills.”

   “Can we waste it too?”  One of the Mechwarriors asked

   “No, the Park of Mechs is of historical and cultural significance to the world of Norfolk and to the general Free Worlds League it still brings millions of visitors each year.  We are not here to start another Succession War, if it makes you feel any better it has a couple of famous Federated Suns battles…”

   “But none of ours” one of the infantry said “although I admit the idea of Mechs being as small as us is an appealing concept” he said the Park of Mechs had stone statues of Mechs 1/8th their normal size making them approximately the size of most adults, they were highly detailed and attracted much interest.

   “Join the Clans their ProtoMechs are not much bigger than PBIs”  Bondsman Tamara said she’d volunteered for this mission despite her non-warrior status, her Mech was in the bay as well, probably Faulkner requiring the Wild Geese’s best equipment.

   “They will have a battle of ours” Alisande said cutting the discussion short “after today.” she added with a smile.  “Once on the ground we will proceed to the Whyme Weapons Plant, we believe our employers reside in a bunker under the north eastern quarter of the plant.  Once our Mechs and armour have secured the outside the DropShip will land and drop off our infantry who will proceed into the facility.  Any resistance gets put down, anyone who surrenders we capture and all papers we can recover we do so.  We owe the Federated Suns for trusting in us and allowing us to try and make good on our mistakes no mess ups and we all go home.”  She said looking at the couple of dozen faces they all knew the stakes “lets get to it.  Tamara stay a moment.”  She said allowing the others to leave “raise your wrist.”  She said Tamara did so.  “You have come a long way since Corporal Cooper brought you to us from Clan Nova Cat, now you have another step to take” Alisande said severing the cord “become a Wild Geese and honour Cooper’s memory.” Tamara nodded a tear running down the former Nova Cat’s face Corporal Jasper Cooper had died in a raid on Victoria since his death Tamara’s time with the Wild Geese had been more difficult until Alisande had accepted her as her own Bondsman.

   “I will” Tamara vowed “was this always the plan?  Why my Mech is here?”

   “There’s no-one else here that can pilot it.”  Alisande said smiling looking at the Sphinx “she is a beauty though, now go get ready.”  The General said heading for her own Highlander BattleMech.

   An hour later the DropShip was burning through the atmosphere turning as it came down towards the surface “Bridge to Wild One.”

   “Go ahead” Alisande said trust something to go wrong already

   “We are receiving a call from the planet Priority One, their authentication clears.”

   “Put them through.”  She said wondering who even knew the Wild Geese were enroute.

   “I repeat this is Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha, Priority One Comm. for Wild One.  Authorization 672-Foxtrot-Delta.”

   “Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha from Wild One. Authentication authorized.  State business.”

   “We want to join the party orders of Foxtrot-Sierra-Victor-Sierra-Delta.”  The voice said naming the initials of the First Prince of the Federated Suns, this mission had just become an official one of the Federated Suns.  “You are late, we have been here a week.”

   “JumpShip trouble.  Your mission?”  Alisande asked checking the comm. was a secure one.

   “Support you anyway we can, if you chose to do nothing we stand down, we will not prosecute business your show Wild One.”  The trooper confirmed Alisande smiled, the Federated Suns were still supporting them despite recent events.


   “We’re at two positions alpha team eight thousand metres high aboard a Poseidon Mobile Engineering Platform bravo team heading east past the Park of Mechs aboard a Hector Road Train, twelve souls.”  Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha replied although twelve did not sound like much the authorization code that had been given told Alisande that those twelve were members of the AFFS Elite Rabid Fox teams no doubt equipped with the best Battle Armour suit’s the Federated Suns could produce.

   “Understood we are broadcasting coordinates for our area of operations do what you can and must.  We are going in.”

   “Understood General, we’ll be there.”  The voice said signing off

   “Six minutes from landing, no contacts at landing zone.”  The DropShip commander announced throughout the Fortress-class DropShip.

   Nearly ten minutes later the Wild Geese Mechs and Vehicles were on the ground heading for the Whyme Weapons Plant as their DropShip ascended back into the atmosphere staying out of reach by ground forces, it could "hop" around quicker than them by moving into orbit and landing again it would hopefully limit the fire directed at the ship.  As the ground forces moved towards their objective they were joined by a Hector Road Train with two trailers attached, this eighty ton vehicle could travel huge distances across rugged terrain, this particular vehicle carried a six man Rabid Fox team each equipped with an Infiltrator III Heavy Battle Armour suit a not so insignificant asset for the Wild Geese's raid.

   Thirty minutes later they engaged the defenders at the Thyme Weapons Plant a mixed company of Mech and armour supported by nearly fifty infantry troops.  The Wild Geese Mechs quickly overpowered the local defenders allowing the DropShip to come in for a second landing.

   "Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha to Wild One, we're inbound."  The Rabid Fox commander said Alisande sat in her Mech looking at the screen as six further Infiltrator III Heavy Suits paragliding through the air towards their position firing magshot gauss fire into the back of a twenty-ton Marik Stinger as they glided under black para-foils.  The light Mech suddenly losing nearly a ton of armour from its back and legs toppled forward and fell as the Rabid Fox team fired at its front armour and head.

   "Nice to have you guys on our side."

   "We will go in first create a beachhead - Wild PBI follow us."  Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha replied still completely calm as his team detached their para-foils "Sierra-Zero-One-Bravo sit-rep."

   "All accounted for."  The female leader of the second replied like her counterpart the Rabid Fox commander seemed unfazed by the combat.

   "Wild One to Romeo and Sierra Callsigns, We have the perimeter, remember we want leaders of this little group and any information you can capture.  We were set up, we want to know who pulls the strings."

   "Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha, Wild One, this is why we are here ma'am."  The Rabid Fox commander acknowledged as his six man team led the Wild Geese infantry into the bunker.  The complex was more extensive than it appeared even from the sophisticated BattleMech sensors of the Wild Geese ground units.  Alisande knew this was not her area of expertise and she couldn't do much about what was going on underground despite how confused it sounded she knew the people she had in place were professionals.

   "Wild One, Wild Twelve" Tamara called "I have incoming group of Mechs at long range, possibly a cluster I mean Battalion, they appear to have Regulan colours."

   "Not militia?"

   "Negative, my Mech has the speed and weapons to keep them on edge."  Tamara suggested her Sphinx was a Clan built machine and was faster than most Inner Sphere heavy Mechs and far faster than Alisande's own Highlander.

   "No risks Tamara, Heavy lance follow Wild Twelve's lead she has the firepower and speed for the encounter."  She said she knew Leftenant Nicholas Lockhart was the commander of the lance but she also knew that he'd understand Alisande's reasoning it also gave Tamara a chance to show her worth for the Wild Geese.  The four Mechs accelerated forward Tamara's Sphinx and the lance's Falconer powering ahead of the others Alisande could do little more than martial her troops and prepare for the incoming Regulan forces.  She moved the Rabid Fox's Hector in front of the Fortress turning it towards the Wild Geese forces at each end making a makeshift wall a not particularly strong one but perhaps it would bring them a salvo or two from the incoming Regulans.  All Alisande could do was listen and wait.

   "...turn left ninety degrees"

   "Watch behind you."

   "Tamara, we need to retreat"

   "Neg, one moment, Heavy lance fall back by numbers I have rearguard, Wild One confirmed single Battalion BattleMech.  Older designs.  Regulan colours.  We are falling back, light damage two Mechs."  She said over the comm.

   "That's the final room cleared... Sierra-Zero-One-Bravo All clear repeat all clear.  We are evacuating."  Another voice announced from the facility.

   "Wild One all callsigns PBI and support pulling back to DropShip, Mechs and armour cover fire.  Heavy Lance retreat directly to DropShip.  Main gun, fire at will full cover fire."  Alisande ordered in rapid succession the four Mechs of heavy lance were nearing their location with long range sensors rapidly filling with contacts.  Alisande braced herself for heavier combat behind and above her the massive Long Tom III Artillery Cannon housed in the Fortress' nose thundered into action firing several rounds in rapid succession.  About a minute later behind the retreating heavy lance the Regulan forces were hit by the first salvo of weapons fire several contacts fell under the fire buying the heavy lance some more room Tamara's Sphinx continued to walk backwards firing its lasers taking damage at most turns but dealing out three times as much in return.  Alisande added her own Gauss rifle and Long Range Missiles to Tamara's fire leveling another Regulan Mech.

   "Wild One, Romeo-Zero-One-Alpha, infantry and packages secure, my people will hold the entrance."  The Rabid Fox commander said Alisande glanced at her sensor display noticing the twelve Infiltrator III Battle Armour suits standing at the entrance of the Fortress.

   "Understood heavy lance first, then armour, command will load next."

   "Got you covered Ma'am"

   "Stop calling me that" she complained with a small smile firing her weapons at another Regulan Mech, Tamara and the other four Mechs of heavy lance were approaching the Hector just as the Fortress' Long Tom fired again keeping the Regulans further back.  "Tamara get your Mech inside."  Alisande ordered stepping up to the Hector the Clan Mech was badly damaged but Tamara continued to fire her weapons.

   "Moving, sir" she said her seventy-five ton Mech seemed to skip over the Hector placing Mech's humanoid hands on the rear trailer and skipping over the low area it was an amazingly fluid movement that almost looked like a human skipping a wall.  Moments later an autocannon tore through the rear of the Hector tearing open the rear of the Road Train "surat!" Tamara shouted raising her left arm just ahead of her Mech's arm mounted laser the hand actuator was completely missing torn clear of the BattleMech.

   "Forget it Tamara, we need to go, that's an order get inside!"  Alisande said returning fire from the Regulans was intensifying.  Tamara fired her weapons into the incoming enemy forces reversing her Mech into the Fortress-class DropShip as she continued to fire.  "Armour next our job's done we need to get out of here, people no go slow today.  Bridge begin launch prep T-minus three minutes."  She ordered as Regulan fire tore into the forward section of the Hector, the vehicle exploded in a ball of fire showering Alisande's Mechs with shrapnel.

   "Command lance continue firing, hold them back, Long Tom control are you empty?"  She asked the Main Gun hadn't fired for a while.  "Perimeter guns defensive fire."

   "Bridge, Wild One, we could hit you with accidental fire."

   "Understood if you don't fire we could be overrun" she said seeing one of her Mechs an Albatross explode from internal missile detonations.  "Command lance continuous fire, all call signs retreat Rabids get inside nothing else you can do."  She said seeing a Challenger MBT disappear into the DropShip.  Overhead the main Long Tom Artillery piece fired again and again.

   "Main Gun, Wild One, we're clean and empty."  The DropShip's Long Tom gunners replied after firing several more salvos keeping the Regulan force busy.

   "Understood store the gun."  She said looking around only her Highlander, a Shootist and a Shadow Hawk BattleMech remained "Command Lance inside, I'm last Corporal Thomas you're first, Hernandez you're next."

   "General, my Mech is a bodyguard Mech I should be last."

   "Negative I'm the heaviest and this hail-mary was my idea, I pay for it."  She said firing all her weapons at four targets.  The Fortress' own guns were now also firing Thomas' Shadow Hawk disappeared into the DropShip followed by the Shootist leaving only Alisande's Mech.  She turned her back on the DropShip and walked backwards slowly taking hits from four direction.  "Control, boost off planet as-soon-as-possible."

   "Get on board General" a distorted voice said Alisande however was struck by more fire tearing what was left of her Gauss rifle off.

   "Not much chance of that..." Alisande whispered as something else hit her forward torso armour the Highlander staggered turning it to the left by the blow.  "Control, this is an Omega order leave."  She said the Highlander was stuck again this time on the torso destroying her main missile launcher.  Behind her there was a rumble, the bridge had followed orders the Omega order as the Fortress began to take off "Go..."  She whispered looking at her aft screens the back blast of the engines began to force her Mech forward but Alisande didn't care she typed her personal ID code into the keypad on her left hand side followed by 000X.  Alisande didn't even bother to try and control her Mech or fire its weapons she only looked at the rapidly escaping DropShip and smiled "...with my blessing soar."  she whispered before the Highlander exploded from its heart, the ninety ton Mech's 270 rated fusion engine let go all containment by her order and exploded in a huge fireball that engulfed almost the entire Regulan force around it.  Most of the remains of the Battalion were surrounded in fire, some would survive, some wouldn't, the Wild Geese had their revenge... but was it worth it?  Only time would tell, time gained by this mission.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #386 on: 30 October 2012, 18:51:28 »
Phillip Drummond Spaceport
New Barcella, Nova Cat's Den
5th April 3084

   Standing in front of the massive doors of an Overlord C-class DropShip flanked by two Elemental Battle Armour suits Khan Canin Rosse watched the doors open and a small group of individuals walk down towards them "Welcome to New Barcella, Prince Davion."  Canin said extending his hand which Burton Davion met in a firm shake.

   "Thank you, I bring the First Defiance Training Battalion to your grounds for training and myself as your Liaison."  Burton said "this is Major Everett Gray commander of the Battalion."

   "Major, welcome to New Barcella."

   "Thank you Khan Rosse, our DropShip was not good enough for transport on a Clan vessel?"  He asked gruffly their own Overlord-class vessel had been left on Tortuga where they had arrived.  The Nova Cats still held the location of New Barcella a close secret.

   "Neg, it was not only Nova Cat vessels may land on our world and travel within this system."  Canin said equally bluntly

   "So we are at your mercy for travel?"  Gray asked accusingly

   "You were at our mercy the moment you entered our space and will continue to be for the next year..."

   "Something we all knew when you were given this chance Major, the Nova Cats caution is acceptable."  Prince Davion said

   "Aye, Leftenant."  The Major said reminding his Prince his military rank.  Something Canin Rosse hoped to see more of over the next year.  The faster Burton Davion understood his noble blood meant nothing here the better.

   "We have barracks ready for your people Major near Alpha Galaxy's primary base outside the capital.  Prince Davion, we have an embassy in the city centre alongside the one for the Star League when we are all ready to make that step."  Canin said Burton was surprised to hear the Nova Cats had build such a place considering the plans of most Clans to re-establish their own Star League.

   "Thank you Khan Rosse, I'm sure we will be very comfortable there.  When does the training begin?"  Burton asked

   "Leftenant Davion, it has already begun."  Canin said "lesson number one mind your contractions."  The Nova Cat said laughing.

Prometheus (Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser)
Unnamed system, Rasalhague Dominion border
12th April 3084

   They hung silently in the depths of space orbiting a small sun recharging their KF Engines two mighty vessels of Clan Goliath Scorpion the larger vessel a huge Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser known as Prometheus, escorting it the smaller more compact Lola III-class Destroyer Sagitta between them some fighters flew CAP however for the most part nothing was happening.

   In the black there was a single flash of light as an Invader-class JumpShip entered the system, deploying a single Broadsword-class DropShip the vessel carrying Goliath Scorpion colours was allowed to pass through the CAP fighters and dock with the Prometheus.  From the DropShip Star Captain Rufus Myers boarded the WarShip "Welcome home to The Eternal Quest Galaxy Star Captain."  Galaxy Commander Dean Flam said as Rufus entered the huge vessel.

   "Thank you, Galaxy Commander, may I ask why I was recalled?"

   "Your Trinary is to be transferred to the newly formed Fourth Seeker Cluster and I thought you would wish to have a say in its leadership, Quiaff?"

   "Aff, surely this is not the only reason, Quineg?"

   "Neg, the other Clans do not respect our belief the return of the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Cluster is a sign of change.  We have come to verify their existence, test their resolve and show the Clans the reborn League is now worthy of support."

   "We will be Abjured for such talks."  Rufus warned to be thrown out of Clan society could kill a Clan, especially if there was no other home."

   "We will seek answers as is our calling, your time with the Eridani Light Horse will be invaluable to us.  Do not die in the trials for command."

   "I will not, I will however succeed."

   Over the course of the next six days Rufus fought the other three Star Captains looking to win command of the Fourth Seeker Cluster.  In both simulated Mech and physical battles Rufus defeated all three to become Star Colonel of the newly formed Cluster.  Galaxy Commander Dean Flam also announced the Goliath Scorpions had won a trial against Clan Ghost Bear for right of passage for both WarShips and the Galaxy through the Rasalhague Dominion to the system of Toffen right on the edge of the Draconis Combine border.

Near Orbit FSS Intrepid (Fox Block III-class Repair Ship)
Byrant, Capellan March
Federated Suns
18th April 3084

   After months of work and study by the NAIS and top SLDF engineers and scientists the FSS Intrepid was involved in a delicate operation with two Behemoth-class DropShips.  The two huge DropShips had been specially built to open huge doors that ran the length of the vessels, as the FSS Intrepid approached the first vessel the doors open to reveal half of a Storm Inhibitor.  The Storm Inhibitor was a Star League-era technology that during the original Star League had helped lessen the massive storms that raked the world of Byrant.  Now with the Star League reborn, the technology recovered and the Federated Suns financing the plan was to re-launch these huge Inhibitors and make Byrant a more pleasant place to live.

   As the FSS Intrepid's forward docking arms grabbed the Storm Inhibitor the Behemoth remained perfectly still as the modified Fox-class vessel backed off to reveal half of the two hundred diameter sail.  Positioning it several kilometres from any object two small craft keeping it in position the FSS Intrepid approached the second Behemoth and followed the same procedure pulling out the second half of the sail.

   With small craft keeping the sails at station keeping positions and orientated the same direction engineers from the FSS Intrepid were able to connect the two halves of the sail through the central spine.  Then with the gentlest of movements the sail was nudged into a suitable orbit over Byrant's capital city although the Inhibitor alone would do little plans were in place to build further Inhibitors possibly as many as the original twenty Star League-era.

Steiner Council Rooms
The Triad, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
21st April 3084

   "Archon, could you explain how the Lyran nation can go from having the worlds of the Rim Collection as part of its Commonwealth to losing not only those worlds but also three other worlds of the Donegal Province.  These worlds have been stolen from our number and you support their breaking away.  What is to stop other worlds following suit or even Skye breaking from the Commonwealth."

   "Mr Speaker, I supported their decision because the worlds of the Rim Collection still hold independence and Democracy at their heart.  These words and ideas have already spread across the Commonwealth due to the expansions of the Rim Regiments.  I have no interest in the Lyran nation becoming a second Free Worlds League."  He warned the former Marik state had fractured into many small nations now as strong as the whole."  Peter warned "by releasing these worlds we quell their voice and reduce their dependency on the rest of our worlds."

   "Skye fully supports the Archon, we will not be leaving the Commonwealth as long as our Accords are stood by."  Duke Robert Ryan Kelswa-Steiner the Duke of Skye said "we will stand by you Archon Peter."  Many around the table had expected Robert to say the complete opposite had been Skye's tradition.

   "I will also stand by the Archon as will the worlds of Alarion" the Duke of the Alarion Province said, quickly the Donegal Duke was being isolated and the Speaker had little else to say.

   "This Commonwealth is as strong now as it has ever been.  We still have the Clans, an unstable FWL border and the growing Marian Hegemony as potential threats against nation.  I am confident in every since Province of the Commonwealth and in every Lyran solider we hold together each and every one of us. The Collection has its own path, we continue on."  The Archon said there was little argument, Peter with the assistance of Skye remained completely in control.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #387 on: 31 October 2012, 20:39:48 »
Field Command Base
Tamarind, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
8th May 3084

   Following dozens of raids throughout the Lyran Commonwealth, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby and the Marian Hegemony the Star League Intelligence Command officially take interest in the UD-4L Raider Special Operations craft being seen throughout the region.  The SLIC confirm the UD-4L is not a Marian Hegemony product leading to many believing that there is a secret factory somewhere in the periphery producing them for raider forces.  The SLIC task several Battle Armour teams from the SAS Division to multiple Duchy of Tamarind-Abby and Lyran Commonwealth worlds intending on capturing members of the UD-4L Raider teams and closing in on their base planet or on the construction world.

Intelligence Command
Fox's Den, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
13th May 3083

   Following the breaking of a new level of Free Worlds League encryption House Davion's analysts, surveillance and espionage unit the MI2 and MI3 were working on a wealth of information until they found references to the discovery of the Lucretia in a FWL system.

   House Davion begins investigating their own Lucretia Incident looking over information that was gathered the last time the Lucretia was encountered in the New Syrtis system when it disappeared from the Shipyards there following a K-F Drive failure.  House Davion begin to wonder if the secretive vessel intentionally set up the "accident."

Security Patrol
Silver, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
15th May 3084

   As his increasingly ill father Jeremy Brett took a more honorary leadership role of the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby his son Duke Photon Brett-Marik took the public leadership position although he continued to regard his father to be the leader.  With this public role Photon had taken to tours of the Duchy's worlds keeping the public face of security.  During one such trip onto the world of Silver while spending some time with the local farmers of one small town the company from the First Tamarind Militia escorting Photon was overwhelmed in a shower of incendiary and inferno missile fire while Photon himself was caught in a building fire and missing presumed lost.  The next day further Tamarind Militia forces searched the area but found no sign of survivors as the entire township burned, there was also no sign of Photon Brett-Marik's body.

Military Base
Gillifillian's Gold, Rim Collection
22nd May 3084

   Following the breaking of the Rim Collection from the Lyran Commonwealth the LCAF High Command chose to fold the Distant Rim Lancer units into the Lyran Regulars forming two new units from these three units.  From the three folded units however and from the First Distant Rim Lancers which had joined the Rim Collection wholly there were those who did not like these two options and instead ended their links to both nations.

   Hearing a call of a new unit forming on Gillifillian's Gold these troops with family owned, salvaged equipment and equipment purchased from the Lyrans the unit formed the reborn Able's Aces a new reinforced Mercenary Battalion.  Standing apart from the Able's Own Regiment these Able's Aces stood under the command of Major Karen Able, grand daughter of original Able's Aces commander and now retired General Jerry Able.  The unit is almost immediately snapped up for a contract in the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby although far from home it seen as a perfect break from Lyran and Rim Collection politics.

Border Dispute
Denbar, St Ives Compact
23rd May 3084

   Capellan Confederation forces raid the St Ives Compact pinning down the Second St Ives Lancers regiment.  The battle rages for three days before the St Ives Lancers push the Capellans off the planet following a charge by the Lancers commander Colonel Sao Feng.  Following the Capellan withdrawal however Sao Feng is no where to be found on the planet nor is there a sign of a body.

Trials of Possession
Dell, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
28th May 3084

   For his first offensive action as a Clan Hell's Horses officer and commander Star Colonel Jake Kabrinski, an Elemental formerly of Clan Ghost Bear, launches an invasion on the Wolf world of Dell.  Unlike the Wolf invasion of the world during the initial invasion Jake decided a decisive move against the planetary capital of Cosmopolis.  Leading nearly a full trinary of Elementals Jake drops at various points across the capital declaring the world for Clan Hell's Horses.  Local Wolf garrison forces scramble to resist the incoming Hell's Horses Elementals however as they turn to face the Elementals in the city BattleMechs enter from behind them hitting the Wolves from behind.  The Clan dueling rituals are forgotten almost immediately with both Clan forces ignoring all tenants of combat, multiple units combine fire and buildings become legit targets for both Clans.

   After a lengthy battle both Clan forces are heavily damaged with the Hell's Horses winning through.  Star Colonel Jake Kabrinski enjoying his position as a conqueror over Clan Wolf looks to further conquests.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #388 on: 03 November 2012, 22:46:57 »
Royal Residence
Tamarind, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
1st June 3084

   Entering the family residence of his grandfather Duke Anthony Brett-Marik headed to the main sitting room where his grandfather liked to sit beside the main fire.  "Welcome Anthony" Marshal Jeremy Brett said looking up at the young man, Jeremy was two weeks from his one hundred-and-fifth birthday and his health was steadily failing.

   "Thank you, grandfather; it is good to see you are well."

   "And it is good to see you have practiced your lies."  Jeremy said smiling "Anthony please sit down."  Jeremy said the young man took a seat "since your father was lost to us" Jeremy said quietly Photon Brett-Marik was still listed as missing but many thought he was dead. "Reginald has again refused to take his place as heir, neither I or your grandmother are in a fit state to continue to lead our nation."

   "Sir, you can't mean?"

   "I do."  Jeremy said "as of today Anthony I am officially naming you as mine and as your grandmother's successors.  You will lead the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby for now and until the day you die."

   "Sir, I... don't know what to say."

   "Anthony you are your father's son, you will do us all well."  Jeremy said confidently smiling the old man still had his pride and his determination which had served the Free Worlds League and later the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby so well.

Family Quarter
Imperial Palace, New Samarkand
Midway Military District, Draconis Combine
8th June 3084

   As he entered the room Duke Kitsune Kurita felt strange rarely had he been welcomed into the Imperial Palace either on Luthien or New Samarkand.  "Welcome Kitsune-sama" Minoru Kurita said smiling looking at his nephew.  "I hear you had quite a fanfare when you arrived."

   "Aye, there is quite a following for you."

   "Most see me as Theodore reborn."

   "If only they knew" Minoru said few knew his true birthright most thought he was an illegitimate son of Minoru or of Hohiro however his true heritage was far more complex.  During the Clan War Minoru's sister Omi and Victor Steiner-Davion had been close friends by the consent of their parents, great enemies a generation before, Theodore Kurita and Hanse Davion.  The two had been far closer than perhaps common sense had ever suggested and Kitsune had been conceived just before Victor left to pursue Clan Smoke Jaguar to their homeworld when he had returned home over a year later both he and Omi had agreed their relationship could not continue with his position as leader of the Federated Suns, Omi had however refused to inform him of her pregnancy and Hohiro Kurita had agreed to keep the birth a secret.  Kitsune had been cared for by close friends of the Kurita family always watched Kitsune's Kurita name had only been revealed a month before at his twenty-first birthday.

   "I have already been approached by those who think I would be better placed than Vincent for leadership."  He said seeing Minoru's reaction "I have already said my support remains with Vincent and yourself."  Kitsune assured his uncle.

   "Your mother would be very proud."  Minoru answered honestly, he knew that Omi would have been happy with her son's development whatever he had done.

   "Thank you uncle."

Vehicle Proving Grounds
New Haiti, Nova Cat’s Den
12th June 3084

   Debuting a the BE700 Joust Main Battle Tank Clan Nova Cat gain a capable medium tank for use in cavalry operations and in city fighting with its decent speed, capable main weapons of an Extended-Range Large Laser and an Advanced Tactical Missile Launcher and multiple machine guns.  Unlike other newly built Nova Cat vehicles the Nova Cats also produce a “lower tech” version of the Joust named the BE701 although this vehicle still has Clan tech it is a more easily obtained Large Pulse Laser and Long Range Missile Launcher.

Eleventh Star League Games
Solaris VII, Star League Protectorate
Lyran Commonwealth
20th June 3084

   “Welcome back to the Eleventh Annual Star League Games here with me your commentator Larry Stewart.  Our Games have played out with a few surprises this year and we are down to two Mechs.  Most surprising of everything is Emilio Rodriguez piloting a custom Quickdraw.  This Mech is a variant by Earthwerks Incorporated and Emilio has surprised his opponents with a variety of customized carried weapons, the last round he eliminated Sara Santos in her Awesome with a carried machine gun and flamer array raising the Awesome’s heat beyond its capacity to return fire.”  The commentator said as the two Mechs entered the arena the Quickdraw carried a large auto cannon “it appears that Emilio has gone with a repeat of the first round’s weapon a light autocannon supplementing his Mech’s weapons.”

   Below Emilio’s Quickdraw began to fight with the other Mech a ninety ton Orochi BattleMech.  The Orochi’s massive Thunderbolt missiles backed by Streak Short Range Missiles engaged the Quickdraw with Emilio returning fire with a particle cannon, medium lasers and Short Range Missiles.  “So far Emilio hasn’t used his autocannon which has surprised many” the commentator said when suddenly the Quickdraw raised its arm bringing its hand held weapon to bear the weapon roared to life not a light autocannon instead a far more deadly Rotary Autocannon, bringing the weapon in line with the Orochi the autocannon was set to fully automatic fire it tore into the Orochi’s right torso tearing into holes in the armour created by the particle cannon.  From the Quickdraw’s torso short range missiles struck out blowing more armour away the Orochi’s own Thunderbolt missiles causing little more than armour damage to the Quickdraw.  “That cannon is certainly a surprise armament for the Quickdraw its opponent has little in the way of a counter.”  The commentator said then “wow!” He shouted in surprise as the Orochi exploded “and there goes the weapons bay, Emilio Rodriguez will be our champion as the opponent’s ammo bays give way.  No CASE on that assault Mech is a death sentence” he said as the Orochi rocked and exploded from multiple missiles cooking off its pilot sent high into the sky.  “Unfortunately for all of you a short game but a thrilling Game as always.  I‘m Larry Stewart see you next time.”

Grounding Base
New Port Royal, Nova Cat’s Den
28th June 3084

   From the massive DropShip a single massive Blood Asp Assault OmniMech stepped from the cargo bay and marched strongly towards the assembled Trinary still painted in Alpha Galaxy colours it would soon be repainted, the Mech stopped just short of the Trinary and the pilot wearing an all black outfit they stopped at the foot of the Mech for several moments before moving towards them.  The Trinary’s commander stepped forward and greeted him “I am Star Captain Katrine Nova Cat, this is the Eighth Guard Trinary, Alpha Galaxy we are yours to command.”

   “I thank you Star Captain” Star Colonel Grayson Nova Cat said “Warriors of the Eighth Guard Trinary I welcome you to the 450th Assault Cluster.  We have much to learn about each other, and the 450th has much to learn about its new place within Delta Galaxy.  We will begin our first exercises this afternoon” Grayson continued looking over Katrine’s shoulder at the waiting ninety ton Demos “yours, Quiaff?”  He asked looking at the Star Captain.

   “Aff, Star Colonel” she answered formally neither liked each other but they would remain on civil terms at least outwardly.

   “A mighty looking design”

   “Aff Star Colonel” Katrine answered crisply.

   “I look forward to its performance.”

   “Aff, Star Captain as I do with your Mech.”  She said looking at Grayson’s own Blood Asp “two possibly unique Mechs in our Touman together in one unit.”

   “Aff, it should be interesting Katrine, very interesting.”  Grayson thought remembering their last time together in the same command.
« Last Edit: 04 November 2012, 18:52:24 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Pa Weasley

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #389 on: 04 November 2012, 07:32:43 »
Vehicle Proving Grounds
New Haiti, Nova Cat’s Den
12th June 3084

   Debuting a the BE700 Joust Main Battle Tank Clan Nova Cat gain a capable medium tank for use in cavalry operations and in city fighting with its decent speed, capable main weapons of an Extended-Range Large Laser and an Advanced Tactical Missile Launcher and multiple machine guns.  Unlike other newly built Nova Cat vehicles the Nova Cats also produce a “lower tech” version of the Joust named the BE701 although this vehicle still has Clan tech it is a more easily obtained Large Pulse Laser and Long Range Missile Launcher.
Bit of wishful thinking, quiaff?  :D Keep expanding the AU Dragon Cat.  O0