Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 327590 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #420 on: 05 December 2012, 21:00:26 »
Muster Hall
AFFS Training Base, Defiance
Crucis March, Federated Suns
16th August 3085

         The room was abuzz as members of the First Defiance Training Battalion mustered as ordered in the Hall on Defiance.  It had been over a year since they were in this together after being assigned to Prince Burton Davion during his time within the Nova Cat’s Den as an ambassador. Now they nerviously waited to find out what the results of their mission had been.  Normally a Training Battalion could last as long as three years however after a year out of the Federated Suns many of them were ready for some R&R none had taken any leave and had a year of wages to spend.  The commander of the unit Colonel Drake McMillian entered the room wearing a standard AFFS duty uniform.

        “ATTEN-SION!” someone called out and everyone saluted their commander.  He had commanded them throughout their time in the Nova Cat’s Den despite the lofty position Burton Davion had held as Prince and Ambassador to the Clansmen who occupied the pirate state.

       “At ease!” The Colonel called out so all could hear looking along the lines of warriors in front of him.  Thirty-eight MechWarriors and seventeen techs in the room stood waiting for his next words “Ladies and Gentlemen, in this hand I hold a letter from the Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner.”  He said raising his left arm “in this hand I hold a letter from Captain Burton Davion, of the First Davion Guards RCT, our trip was good for some?”  He said smirking everyone had known Burton would move on from the training Battalion to greater things, the First Davion Guards was the perfect unit for the heir to the Federated Suns.  “I will read the words of Prince Davion first” he said unraveling the piece of paper. “To the members of the First Defiance Training Battalion, it was an honour to serve with you on a mission important to the future of the Federated Suns and I am proud to call you my friends.”  McMillian started “you all exemplified the attitude and dedication to the Federated Suns and its First Prince that makes our nation truly great.  I thank you and look forward to watching your careers move from strength-to-strength.  Sincerely Captain Burton Davion” McMillian finished looking up “high praise from our Prince” he declared “and you deserve it, he is not the only one who is truly proud of this unit’s actions during its time within Clan territory.  You all preformed very admirably.”  He said raising the second piece of paper unfolding it “this is perhaps a more important notice” he said pausing smiling broadly “From Marshal of Armies Reinhart Steiner to the MechWarriors and Technicians of the First Defiance Training Battalion from reading reports filed by you, your commanding officer and by Prince Burton Davion I want to congratulate you all for your performances within the Nova Cat’s Den.  The Training Battalion concept was one created by Hanse Davion, The Fox’s personal project; you have proven that his belief in warriors who have fought their way into the AFFS was the correct one.  I hear-by grant promotion of a single grade in rank and pay to all members of the First Defiance Training Battalion and grant you the assignment of your choice, after returning from you extended personal leave.  Regards Reinhart Steiner” McMillian finished looking up at the beaming faces of his unit Drake McMillian felt very proud his eyes moist with un-shed tears.  “So ladies and gentlemen, I’ll give you one last order.  Dis-missed!”  He ordered the entire Battaion erupted into cheers, hugs and back slaps they would probably never come across as close a nit unit again but this was their time to enjoy.  Their actions had gotten them their rewards and McMillian was very proud he knew that when he returned to duty he would have different cadets to command and likely new staff, only his Senior Tech and Senior NCO would stay the rest would change and it would all start again.  But for now he allowed himself to enjoy the moment and what they had achieved.

Border Expansion
Rim Association
Former Free Worlds League
21st August 3085

   With the former Nova Cat Clansmen, the Liger Warriors settled into their new home the Periphery Free Worlds League nation begins looking at the independent worlds around it with envious eyes.  Forming strike teams the Rim Association chooses to act on its desires with mostly formed around a single Liger Warriors detachment supported by conventional militia and infantry forces drawn from the Rim Association’s home built forces.

   Within the space of a week four worlds formerly independent members of the Free Worlds League cut off when the central government fell come under the management of the Rim Association.  In a series of raids in force the Rim Association Strike Teams land on and secure government buildings on Romita, Goth Khakar, Corbeanka and Prato.  Although the worlds do not see any major changes in their citizens lives the worlds do pay a tax to the government of the Rim Association and their defence forces fall under the Rim Association Armed Forces Command.  For the most part these worlds don’t resist openly against the Rim Association’s arrival although there is some peaceful protests on Goth Khakar which pass without incident.

Kell Training Grounds
Arc Royal, Arc Royal Theatre,
Lyran Commonwealth
24th August 3085

   After years of redevelopment Clan Wolf (in-Exile) had almost completely rebuilt their Arctic Wolf OmniMech.  Faster the medium OmniMech was far closer related to the standard Arctic Wolf BattleMech the Mech was mainly based around a missile armament although being an OmniMech it could carry any weapon available to the Clans or the Inner Sphere.  The new OmniMech is welcomed into the small Wolf (in-Exile) Touman, in a show of the ongoing alliance between Clan Wolf (in-Exile) and the Kell Hounds an Arctic Wolf II is gifted to the Kell Hounds named the "Kell’s Promise" by Colonel Daniel Allard it is attached to his Regiment Command Unit.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #421 on: 07 December 2012, 15:21:56 »
Trial of Position
New Barcella, Nova Cat’s Den
3rd September 3085

   The final salvo flew and the targeted Mech fell to the ground confirming Sonja Nova Cat as a Star Captain within Clan Nova Cat once more.  There should have been no reason for a Trial but because of her time away from the Clan held in enemy hands without a chance to keep her skills current she had been challenged by several warriors on her return to the Nova Cat’s Den.  After a period of recovery Sonja had agreed to retake her Trial of Position which she had just won and been confirmed once more as a Clan warrior.  Inside herself Sonja was proud to once more be a warrior of the Nova Cats she knew her father, her Khan, would feel the same despite not being present but she also knew her heart belonged doing something else.

Independent World
Tapachulo, Former Free Worlds League
8th September 3085

   Given the recent aggressiveness of the Rim Association’s recent aggressiveness there was widespread fear on independent worlds of the former Free Worlds League.  On the small barely inhabited world of Tapachulo near the Regulan Fiefs they were less worried their planet was far from the Rim Association and other than a small mining operation they had little to offer anyone.
It was for that reason alone that everyone was surprised when the world found itself under attack from space in the form of a series of massive explosions that landed within one hundred kilometres of the planet’s main settlement in nearly a perfect circle.  No-one was hurt and other than a few new craters on the planet’s surface there was little changed for the inhabitants but fear is a greater motivator to change as a result within a week of the “attack” the world petitions to join the Regulan Feifs despite the additional taxes it will cost them.

       For the Regulans it is one more world to add to their territory and a successful trial run of their new Regulus-class Frigates Gibson and Clipperton.  Fitted with spinal mounted light mass drivers the two vessels had jumped into the Tapachulo system and launched kinetic weapons at the planet’s surface intentionally not looking to cause damage.  The Regulus-class was designed around the mass driver and to be a weapon of fear as well as power and pride for the Regulan Feifs, the first mission for the two vessels is classified at the highest levels on Regulus.

Draconis Combine Embassy
Tokyo, Japan
Terra, Star League Protectorate
16th September 3085

   Entering the Embassy Duke Kitsune Kurita felt like like he had been transported back to the Draconis Combine everything of the Embassy’s main entrance chamber reminded him of home.  It suited him just well Japan was the ancestral home of the Kurita family; he was perhaps closer to his routes here than he had ever been.  Given his dual Kurita-Davion heritage here was a better place for him than out in the Inner Sphere where people would likely try to make him a pawn in political games.  Instead he would remain here as the Draconis Combine’s Ambassador to the Star League Defence Force, he would serve his nation from afar without causing any issue or trouble for them.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #422 on: 07 December 2012, 15:26:37 »
Draconis Combine staging area
Yamarovka, Irece Prefecture
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
22nd September 3085

   Yamarovka was a backwater world of the Draconis Combine, there was little to call out about the world except that it was on the Draconis Combine/Clan Ghost Bear border and it was close to the Sea Fox holds on Itabiana.  It was also quite close to the ruined former capital of Luthien, as a result Coordinator Vincent Kurita had chosen to come here during his tour of the Ghost Bear border.

   “We have done much to improve security and our response to defend this planet.”  The commander of the First Ghost Regiment said as they walked around the base.  Suddenly there were sirens all around and a pair of Ryoken KU OmniMechs charged past accelerating as they moved.  The OmniMech was a recent addition to Luthien Armour Works production lines based on the the Clan Ryoken but built with Inner Sphere technology.  “Sire we need to get you to bunker”

   Entering the underground command bunker Vincent Kurita was led to the main room which was dominated by a large map table showing two fast moving red icons towards a small cluster of blue icons.  “What is it?”  The Coordinator asked looking at the map.

   “An unauthorized DropShip landing in Sector Seventy-three, sire, MechWarriors Tami Moto and Christina Cross are attending to investigate.”  Naming the pilots of the two Mechs that had ran past the Coordinator, two female MechWarriors surprised female warriors were more common in the Combine’s regiments now than in the past but still two to the same duty, Vincent then he remembered this was one of the Ghost Regiments nothing common about it.

   “You get landings such as this often?” Vincent asked

   “Sometimes it’s the Clans other times its… elements we do not like to advertise their movements.”  The commander said carefully he knew more about what he was saying but Vincent chose not to push it further.  The Ghost Regiments had been created from the Draconis Combine’s criminal underworld by his grandfather, for the last half century they had served the DCMS with distinction and shown their loyalty, but despite the loyalty shown they still held some links to their criminal underground origin.  “We haven’t detected any Clan presence so that only leaves the other.”

   “Ranger One to base, we have a group of Buffalo hover trucks unloading cargo from a Buccaneer-class DropShip.”  One of the MechWarriors reported Vincent could hear she was breathing heavily likely moving her Mech quickly.  “No weapons present, Ranger Two is closing on targets.  We are identifying as Ghost Regiment units…” she reported Vincent watched as one of the Mechs closed on the DropShip.

   “Base, Ranger Two, surrender message from the DropShip.  Moving to secure, we’re going to need some infantry to secure prisoners.”  The other pilot said as one of the icons on the map moved forward.

   “Ranger Two from base, we have two APC en route, eta six minutes…”  The controller reported but was broken off as four of the blue icons accelerated away from the DropShip.

   “Ranger One to base, we have four runners heading for the base in pursuit.  Ranger Two, secure that DropShip and both remaining Buffalos!”

   “Confirmed” the other pilot said as Ranger One accelerated after the four hovercraft that were heading directly for the base.

   “There after me” Vincent said quietly, he knew each Buffalo could carry about fifteen to twenty tons of cargo or several infantry platoons of infantry.  Someone was looking to eliminate the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine.

   “We should be secure here sire, and we have their DropShip we can track them down” the commander said quietly Vincent nodded but first they had to eliminate the four Buffalos speeding towards the base.  One of the blue icons representing the Buffalos suddenly disappeared.

   “Range One, one target down, these guys are not making any evasive moves I’m not sure if there is anyone even on them.”  Tami Moto reported as her Ryoken chased down the remaining three Buffalos.  Behind her position there was suddenly a massive explosion throwing rocks into the air “massive explosion Ranger Two’s position, Ranger Two report!”  She shouted as the Ryoken continued to chase down the remaining hovercraft.  “Ranger Two” she called as the icon representing Ranger Two disappeared from the map “Ranger Two!”  Tami Moto screamed but still no response as she targeted and destroyed the second Buffalo.

   “Base to Range One, Ranger Two and DropShip are both off scope, observers from base believe a sub-nuclear detonation.”  The controller said at least the detonation was not on a nuclear scale.

        “Understood” the pilot replied continuing her pursuit of the remaining two vehicles they were now within six kilometres of the base and closing rapidly.

       “Tai-sa, the Mechbay doors have been locked closed we cannot deploy any further forces!”  One of the other technicians reported the First Ghost Regiment’s commander rushed out of the room.

       “Can this facility withstand that kind of blast?”


       “Then I think I will go somewhere with a view, thank you for your service to your people and your nation.”  He said heading up to the main deck of the control tower looking across past the perimeter towards where the DropShip had landed.  He could see what was left of the explosion and smoke from the fires being thrown into the air.  Across the bases courtyard Vincent could see engineers trying to open the Mechbay doors, two of the Mechs were trying to pull the massive doors open from the inside.  Even from his position Vincent knew it would be all over before the remaining two Buffalos arrived.  There was another explosion as Tami Moto eliminated one more of the remaining hovercraft.  Vincent looked up and could see the last of the hovercraft now moving at high speed towards the base, the machine guns and short range missiles mounted in the towers around the base were trying to track the last vehicle but there were having no luck.  The Ryoken of Ranger One appeared a small distance behind the hovercraft there was no guarantee she would catch the speeding vehicle.  Weapons fire from the towers finally found the Buffalo and began to tear into the hovercraft’s lightly armoured hide but at the speed it was moving there was little chance of them stopping the vehicle now its kinetic energy would carry it into the command tower.

        As the hovercraft continued to close Vincent looked to the sky “Uncle it will be your time again.”  He whispered to his Uncle Minoru Kurtia, if Vincent fell the Warlord of Pesht would be the logical choice.  Suddenly the Ryoken of Ranger One appeared leaping through the air on jump jets the speeds involved were something to behold as the fifty-five ton Mech flew through the air smashing into one hundred ton hovercraft.  One foot of the OmniMech went straight through the roof of the lightly armoured hovercraft as the rest of the Mech came crashing down on the craft one of the Ryoken’s lasers fired tearing through the driving compartment of the hovercraft.

          Everything happened quickly as ammunition stored aboard the Mech or aboard the hovercraft cooked off and exploded the two intertwined vehicles flew through the air smashing into the ground several times before coming to rest less than three hundred metres from Vincent’s position. “But not today” he whispered to the air before turning on his bodyguards “get a medical team to that Mech, I want that pilot saved!”  He shouted two of the four bodyguards ran off to assemble the teams as Vincent turned back to the downed OmniMech and mangled vehicle, someone had tried to kill him today, they had killed at least one MechWarrior, they would pay the price for their actions.

Intensive Care Unit, Military Medical Facility
Yamarovka, Irece Prefecture
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
29th September 3085

   There was pain to her left from her shoulder to her foot but at least she felt something, which was more than she had expected before launching her OmniMech into the air.  Tami Moto opened her eyes slowly and was immediately aware of being in a room with white walls and there being someone sitting in the chair beside the bed.  From what Tami could make out he was a very young man probably younger than her own twenty-two years, he wore a military uniform of the DCMS but with no medals or any rank insignia. “Welcome back to the land of the living MechWarrior.”

   “I succeeded?” She whispered, her lips were dry as the words struggled out.  The man reached for a small glass and gently tipped water into her mouth.

   “You did, I thank you” he said his voice was reassuring despite his young age.

   “Did the Coordinator survive?”

   “Yes he did" the individual said before pausing Tami couldn't quite focus on him "he is very grateful" he continued "it appears to be the Black Dragons they have returned to scourge our worlds.”

   “What about MechWarrior Cross?”

   “She unfortunately died in the blast that destroyed the DropShip and consumed her OmniMech.”  He said continuing “MechWarrior you paid a great price…”

   “The Mech is replaceable I’m sure LAW has already built several more since I was unconscious.”  She said not understanding, she did her duty there was nothing else for it.

   “Not just that…” he said quietly looking down she followed his gaze and saw where he was looking her lower arm and hand on her left side were completely missing and the whole limb was wrapped extensively.  “Unfortunately the damage was too severe for it to be saved.”  He continued but Tami felt numb, being a MechWarrior had got her out of the gang life, now what was she.  “The Coordinator has arranged for you to be flown to a medical facility on Dieron, there you will receive more extensive treatment.  From what the doctors say your nerve endings were not badly damaged you should be able to take an artificial limb.  With the correct treatment and physio-therapy you should be able to pilot a Mech again.”  He explained

   “I’ll never be able to afford such things, the transport to Dieron alone would cost more than I make in a year?”

   “I can guarantee, every price incurred will be paid for by House Kurtia, you will receive the best care possible.  I promise you that.”  He said very sure of the Coordinator’s intentions “now you must rest, do not worry, everything will be taken care of.”  He said rising from his chair leaving the room, Tami looked at her arm then looked away disgusted by what she saw, she had donw her duty which was all that mattered.
« Last Edit: 08 December 2012, 12:36:11 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Lieutenant
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #423 on: 07 December 2012, 19:40:20 »
 O0  Nice to see that members of the 1st Ghost did thier duty!!!  Keep it up!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #424 on: 07 December 2012, 22:32:59 »
cool,,, maybe it's just the beginning for them


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #425 on: 08 December 2012, 02:00:14 »
Very good as always. I like how you do not over emphasis the combat scenes.
May no one ever know less then me......

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #426 on: 08 December 2012, 13:15:46 »
O0  Nice to see that members of the 1st Ghost did thier duty!!!  Keep it up!

2 members at least

cool,,, maybe it's just the beginning for them

Very good as always. I like how you do not over emphasis the combat scenes.

I write them as I see them, sometimes they go on a bit I think

First Annual Race of Noisiel
Southern Continent, Noisiel
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
3rd October 3085

   On screens broadcast across Noisel Duke Michael Alextep spoke at the beginning of the first ever BattleMech Race of Noisiel.  “Ladies and Gentlemen be prepared for a grand display of piloting skill and weapons marksmanship.  There are twelve competitors within this race each commanding the power of an Assault BattleMech.  Their goal is to reach the finish line before all others, but they will have to contend with the boiling plains” he said as a camera panned over a desolate region “the Triplet Rivers of Noisiel” the camera image now changed to show three rapidly moving rivers converging into a larger more potent river “and the specially built towns of Alextep Major and Alextep Minor” he announced the cameras showing dozens of buildings arranged in the pattern of two disorganized towns, these buildings were not real homes or businesses instead built for the crowds enjoyment.  “Like the games of Solaris there is one obstacle they will all have to face every step of the way – Each other – none of the weapons of these games have been disabled everyone is able to attack each other but warriors be warned if you decide to remain here and fight very soon your last obstacle will arrive” The Duke said as from behind him on the camera two massive hulking Battle Armour suits walked into camera shot “Allow me to introduce The Gorillas!”  He said both suits were the same painted black and grey they were both built like the massive Terran primates they were named after but both hands ended with Battle Claws capable of tearing apart BattleMech levels of armour while their mounted machine guns and anti-personnel weapons could worry warriors further.  The Duke had hired the Battle Armour Regiment known by the same name as their unique Battle Armour suit specifically to ensure the race did not turn into a standing battle, they were under orders to keep the battle moving forward towards the exit threatening the Mechs but only taking them out if they threatened the Battle Armour troopers directly.

   On the starting line was twelve Assault BattleMechs from around the Inner Sphere over one thousand tons of armoured giants each Mech was about thirty metres apart.  Any military unit in the entire Inner Sphere would be overjoyed to have in their TO&E first was long time king of the assault class a recent model AS7-S2 Atlas, beside it was an eighty-five ton Black Watch OmniMech produced on Northwind, next a Combine built Mauler, then a Liao built Emperor which was followed by a pair of Lyran built Mechs a one hundred ton Fafnir and a ninety-five ton Hauptmann OmniMech.  Next was a Word of Blake era Grand Crusader followed by a Star League manufactured ninety-five ton Highlander BattleMech.  Beside the Grand Crusader was a trio of Federated Suns designs an eighty-five ton Hanse BattleMech, a ninty-five ton Sagittaire and an eighty-five ton Templar OmniMech.  Finally there was an eighty-five ton Zeus an assault Mech that was as Lyran as any other in the world.

   “Ladies and gentlemen you all do the Alextep family honour by your attendance today.  I wish you all the best of luck” Duke Alextep said into the communications circuit.  Raising his hand to the control switch he changed the controls and pressed the fire button.  All around the starting line fireworks went off signifying the start of the race.  Almost immediately the Highlander turned on the Grand Crusader and fired a salvo of medium pulse laser and short range missile fire into the Mech.  The Templar, Hanse and Zeus all accelerated quickly ahead of the others using their superior speed to gain an advantage straight away, a double Heavy Gauss Rifle from the stationary Fafnir tore apart the Hanse blowing through the rear armour of the eighty-five ton BattleMech.  Immediately the Mech fell forward smashing into the ground face first down and probably out.

   Leaping into the air and to the right the Highlander began to make some distance between the others with the damaged Grand Crusader trying to follow it.  The Sagittaire appeared to completely disappear as it activated its Void Signature System, the adaptive armour system mimicking the surroundings behind it.  The Atlas completely ignoring all others charged forward trying to escape the bloodbath of the beginning quickly the Mech was caught by the Zeus which engaged it with LRM and laser fire, the larger Mech shrugging off most of the damage from the weapons fire.

   Still standing where it had started the Fafnir twisted its torso like a standing turret and fired two more Heavy Gauss Rifle slugs into its new target this time the already damaged Grand Crusader.  The other one hundred ton Mech chasing down the still jumping Highlander took one slug in the arm but the second went high and missed.  Turning the BattleMech the Fafnir pilot lined up two more shots ready to make the killing blow unfortunately the pilot was not paying attention to the group of Battle Armour that had joined the race.  Four Gorilla suits swarmed the Fafnir causing the pilot far more trouble than the other BattleMechs.  Elsewhere a squad of Elemental Battle Armour suits had reached the downed Hanse and secured the downed assault BattleMech.

   Far ahead of these actions the Highlander, Templar, Atlas, Hauptmann, Zeus, Black Watch and Sagittaire had reached the Triplet Rivers.  The three Jump Jet equipped Mechs, the Highlander, Templar and Sagittaire, all launched into the air crossing the first river as the Atlas, Hauptmann, Black Watch and Zeus waded into the water.  Seeing that their opponents were gaining ground on them the Black Watch raised its arm and fired its arm mounted assault Ultra Autocannon into the side of the Hauptmann.  At the same time the pilot made a physical attack with its arm mounted retractable blade crashing down on the Zeus severing one of the Mech’s arms.
   This brief combat had slowed the leaders slightly the Emperor, Mauler and Grand Crusader all reached the water.  The Emperor was a jump jet equipped Mech launching into the air while the Grand Crusader waded into the water firing weapons at the other engaged Mechs.  The Mauler stood on the edge of the water firing autocannon and particle cannon fire into its opponents targeting first the Black Watch and then the Hauptmann.  The two other pilots partially submerged by water were harder to hit but the Mauler was still an easy target.  Both Black Watch and Hauptmann pilots turned on the Mauler with autocannon, gauss rifle and plasma rifle fire, the massive amount of fire on one target was too much even for the Mauler pilot to handle.  Staggering backwards the Mech fell to the ground disabled at least for now.

   Up ahead the initial jumping group of Mechs continued to pull out a lead over the others crossing the third river they all broke into a run.  So far all three had avoided firing at each other keeping this as a clean race.  In the middle river the Grand Crusader and Emperor pilots engaged in a titanic dual as one pilot crossed the others path.  The lighter Emperor coming off worse than the larger Word of Blake design as the two pilots seemed to forget they were in a race.

   Pulling his Mech back to its feet the Mauler pilot began to wade into the water chasing the other Mechs it had fallen behind the others by a fair margin.  As the Mech reached the bottom of the river Battle Armour troopers of the Gorillas swarmed the Mauler, the Mech pilot obviously not experienced to Battle Armour attacks panicked and ejected from his Mech reducing the active Mechs to nine.

   The field started to spread out a bit as the jump jet equipped Mechs who had led from the start reached the forested area.  The Atlas, Hauptman and Zeus waded out of the water followed by the Black Watch.  Finally the Emperor and Grand Crusader exited the water still fighting their own battle.  Around them Battle Armour suits caught up with the two dueling Mechs and swarmed them both bringing down two more of the racers.  The Highlander, Sagittaire and Templar began to wade through the trees smashing their way clear using their jump jets to clear some of the smaller trees but for the most part they were restricted to the ground allowing the chasing pack to catch up with them firing weapons as they arrived.

   Weapons being discharged in a forested area led to one thing as stray weapons fire smashed into the trees a small fire spawned many others as the entire forest began to burn.  Each of the Mechs turned their thoughts away from the race and their individual duels to survival as the fire raised the temperature around them rapidly.  Fire and heat were deadly enemies to hot running BattleMechs, with the fire spreading throughout the forested area there was a real danger none of the pilots would escape with their lives.

   With a real danger of none of his competitors escaping the fire Duke Alextep deployed three Pion-Laurier Lama-Deux Firefighter VTOL aircraft.  Between them the three aircraft dumped nearly forty tons of fire ****** materials on the wooded area coating the Mechs and the trees obscuring almost the entire area in smoke as the fires continued to rage.  Staggering clear of the fire the Highlander followed by the Atlas, Templar and Zeus moved into the open and raced away from the forest.  Their armour burned and battered none of the pilots seemed interested in fighting instead they continued to run.  Behind them the Hauptmann, Black Watch and Sagittaire cleared the burning forests as the Pion-Laurier Lama-Deux Firefighter VTOL aircraft made a second run against the woods, coated in a second run of fire ****** materials the the Hauptmann pilot seemed to have lost all interest in racing instead shooting its Gauss rifle and missiles into the back of the Zeus knocking the lightest Mech of the leading group to the ground.  The Black Watch was barely operational its autocannon fused by the fire, it ammunition exploded gutting most of its left side only the OmniMech’s CASE had saved the Mech.  The Sagittaire Void Signature System burned out by the fire was still the most operational of the three charged forward chasing the leading pack.  As the Hauptmann pilot aimed a shot at the Sagittaire’s back the Mech was swarmed by Elemental Battle Armour forces from the Gorillas.  Behind the OmniMech the almost destroyed Black Watch OmniMech surrendered to a group of Gray Death Strike Battle Armour suits eliminating two more competitors to the race.

   Ahead the leading Highlander, Templar and Atlas reached the urban grounds of Alextep Minor, the first of two mock towns.  Behind them the Zeus pilot had gotten his Mech back onto its feet and was chasing them down the pack while the last Mech, the Sagittaire, was labouring along behind.  Reaching the town the Atlas pilot employed the “brute force” approach slamming into the small buildings forcing its way through.  It was a spectacular display with no chance of civilian casualties but it was also very slow.  The Highlander used its jump jets to clear the first couple of buildings while the Templar pilot avoiding using its own jump jets dodged the buildings entering the streets.  All three Mechs engaged each other and the buildings with sporadic weapons fire but for the most part the pilots concentrated on the race.  Next into the town the Zeus tried to follow the path of the Atlas ahead of it instead ran straight into a Heavy Gauss Rifle slug and several laser blasts, the lighter eighty ton Zeus took a beating as it staggered into a building.  Last but not least the Sagittaire followed closely by six Battle Armour squads reached the town.  The MechWarrior tried to follow the Highlander’s path using its jump jets but one of the jets had been damaged by the fire causing it to miss-fire.  The Mech spiraled into a building smashing through the brick building losing an arm as it crashed to a rest.  As Battle Armour swarmed the ninety-five ton Mech the MechWarrior realized the game was up and surrendered before their Mech was totally destroyed.

   The Templar blasted its way clear of the town using its assault autocannon as it continued to race.  The Atlas behind it smashed what was left of the last building in its own path of destruction as it also cleared the small mock up town.  Finally the half destroyed Zeus followed the other three Mechs clearing the town, the lightest of the three Mechs still racing fired its last functioning weapon a Defiance 1001 Extended Range Particle Cannon catching the Templar in the back staggering the Omnimech.  Surprisingly it was the Atlas, not the Templar, which turned and finished off the Zeus with a Heavy Gauss Rifle shot to the centre torso; the gauss slug penetrated the armour and smashed the fusion engine cradled below.  Containment failure followed the pilot’s ejection rapidly as the BattleMech’s beating heart consumed it in fire.

   The remaining three Mechs staggered into Alextep Major the mocked up buildings were too large to be jumped over so all three Mechs were restricted to a ground race.  Darting through the criss-crossed streets the three Mechs engaged in combat as they dueled for position.  Because of damage taken from the fire and from the Zeus attack the Templar’s ground speed was restricted putting the lighter Mech at a disadvantage over the other two.  As they cleared the mock city’s last building they were lined up Highlander, Atlas and Templar.  Still fighting all three continued on the last leg of the race low on ammunition the three Mechs were restricted to their laser weapons putting the Atlas in the fore with its twin Extended Range Large Lasers.

   Wanting a pure Mech race until the end Duke Alextep contacted Colonel Evilauthor, commander of the Gorillas, and ordered the mercenary commander to keep his Battle Armour troops within the Alextep Major settlement.  As the three MechWarriors pulled away from the mock city they approached the finish line in close formation all damaged too much to fire their weapons the Mechs just ran towards the end none able to out pace the other.

   To screaming crowds the HGN-641-X-2 Highlander piloted by MechWarrior Renee Walker crosses the finish line just ahead of the Templar and Atlas which were engaged in a running fist battle until the end to claim second place.  With a successful race completed and a winner rewarded Duke Michael Alextep announces that next year he would repeat the event and announces that Colonel Evilauthor had agreed for his Gorilla Regiment to remain stationed on Noisiel as a security force to support the local militia, to help construction crews make the course even more interesting and as Guardians for the next years games.

Inspired by a Tactical Challenge posted by Evilauthor so it get's its own post.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #427 on: 08 December 2012, 13:20:40 »
Throne Room, Davion Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
8th October 3085

   Standing near his family’s throne dressed in the uniform of a Federated Suns Marshal of Armies First Prince Victor Ian Steiner Davion could not feel anything other than pride.  His father had always said “Pride comes before a fall, watch for it” but today it didn’t matter.  Marching into the room dressed in his own uniform was his first born son Burton Davion; the almost new Captain insignia clear for all to see as were the neat row of medals on his uniform.

   Stopping short of the steps leading to the throne Burton snapped to a parade stance salute “Captain Burton Davion reporting as requested, sire!”  He said crisply as if there was an entire court stood watching him.  Burying his pride for a moment Victor came to his own parade stance straightening his legs and his back and returned the salute.

   “Welcome to New Avalon Captain” Victor said “at ease” he ordered.  Burton relaxed slightly but remained standing at attention as if on parade review.  “How is your assignment on Tikonov?”

   “Interesting” Burton replied crisply, so far he had exercised patrolled and drilled with and against the First Tikonov Cossacks RCT and they had proven to be his equal.  The First Davion Guards were overall showing they were better in many ways but the Cossacks had been very well trained.  Burton had also spent a near stupid amount of time with Countess Pamela Marie Achernar during his time there before being recalled to New Avalon, he also knew that since his recall Pamela had been recalled to her training on Kathil and he had no idea when they would see each other again.  He knew that his father would know all about both.

   “Well I am sorry for taking you away from assignment.  This is not purely a social visit” Victor warned “during your time with Clan Nova Cat I believe you encountered some Snow Raven forces?”

   “Aff” Burton replied immediately feeling heat rise in his cheeks “I mean yes sir, I did.”  He said quickly correcting his mistake.

   “The Snow Raven’s have approached us with an offer.”  Victor said coming down the steps to the same level of his son.  Victor was actually slightly shorter than his son, for which the First Prince was quite happy.  Although it had never bothered Victor he knew there were dozens if not hundreds of jokes aimed at “the little prince” one thing he was glad his son would not have to endure.  “When they joined with the Outworlds Alliance the Snow Ravens took four Federated Suns worlds they have offered them back to our realm.”

   “In exchange for?”  Burton asked his father knowing from experience that the Clans gave away nothing for free.

   “Well that is the question” Victor answered “they asked to speak with us privately travelling here secretly using civilian vessels, and they asked to speak with you.”

   “Me… why, I haven’t had any dealings with the Snow Ravens I am surprised they even know my name.”

   “Well let that be your first lesson, never be surprised about what your enemy knows.”  Victor said knowingly he’d been where his son was “perhaps the Snow Raven you encountered with the Nova Cats?”

   “Sterling” Burton said her name for the first time out loud in ages immediately her face came to mind.  “She was just a Colonel when we last me, what kind of sway would she have?”

   “Well we are about to find out” Victor stated turning towards the left hand side door off the Throne Room Burton followed closely.  Into the East Wing of the Davion Palace they entered a small group of rooms where three members of the Snow Raven Clan stood in the centre there was a tall woman with long dark hair highlighted with a blonde streak at the front.  She looked far different from the last time Burton had seen her he also noticed different rank insignia on her collar from the last time he had seen her.  “Welcome to New Avalon” Victor greeted “you wished to speak with us, Quiaff?”  Victor asked using the language of the Clans, he could see the disgust on the Clan warriors faces they remembered Victor Ian Steiner-Davion from the Clan War.  They remembered how he challenged them all to a Trial of Refusal and how he defeated the Crusader Clans in Battle against the Coalition forces led by Victor, a Coalition that had seen the rebirth of the Star League Defence Force which now controlled Terra and had reopened Unity City things that the Clans aspired to.

   “Aff, Prince Victor” Sterling said intentionally not using his full title or surname.  “Prince Burton, it is good to see you again, I wish to thank you because of your actions I am now a Galaxy Commander within the Snow Raven Clan.  A position that has allowed me to come here in the stead of my Khan, and has enabled me to thank you in person.”

   “I did my duty, which I believe you are here for?”  Burton asked not pushing to use the Clan interrogative like his father had, stepping slightly back Victor allowed his son to take the lead again feeling that thing his father had warned him of “pride.”

   “Aff, Clan Snow Raven is willing to return four worlds to the stewardship of the Federated Suns and House Davion.  I believe the populations would particularly enjoy a return to their previous rulers.”  Sterling said laying the Snow Raven offer on the table.

   “Something I am sure the First Prince would welcome, at what price?”  Burton asked

   “There are natural resources on these worlds we would like continued to have access to them” Sterling stated “we have put much effort into exploiting these resources.  The population knows how to work the equipment; we would like to have continued access to the resources that come from the world.”

   “Something we can work with, I a sure” Burton said careful not to agree to anything

   “We would also like to explore further relations with the Federated Suns; you have obviously found a way to work with Clan Nova Cat and are not averse to allowing Clan Sea Fox’s merchants to travel within your space.  The Raven Alliance would like to explore closer ties with the Federated Suns.”

   “The Raven Alliance and not Clan Snow Raven?”  Burton pushed asking the question he was sure his father would have asked.

   “We are one in the same young prince.” Sterling said smiling “just because our Clan name and our home are linked do not think us as pacifistic as any of Kerensky’s Clans or that Clan Snow Raven has taken any back seat in our state’s dealings.  We can match blow by blow anything you can throw at us.”  Sterling warned showing that Burton had pushed slightly too far and that despite House Davion’s valiant efforts to build up its naval forces they still could not match the Snow Raven’s might.

   “We would also like a closer relationship with your Suns; we wish to understand the Succession States more.  Unlike some of our fellow Clans we Ravens have always believed that working with the Inner Sphere to create the Star League should be our goal not conquest of the Crusaders.”

   “Unlike your invasion of the Outworlds Alliance?”  Burton pushed he could almost see his father shake his head at the push but Burton held firm.

   “We found kindred spirits in the Outworlds Alliance, and a nation happy for us to defend while they help us build.  We are a joint nation not a nation of the conquered and conquerors.”

   “And through extended contact with us you could confirm that?”  Victor asked stepping forward to join his son again.

   “Aff, Prince Victor we could, but I must warn you my people would find it an affront if anyone other than your son was assigned to us.  He was sent to the Nova Cats, he will be sent to us or there will be no deal.”  Sterling McKenna said looking from Victor to Burton.

   “Sir, I am willing if this brings peace along our borders.”  Burton said to his father, he knew the risks he also knew how Clanners behaved and what the price could be if he didn’t agree.

   “I agree Galaxy Commander; you have a deal in principle.  We will need to work out details for the future diplomatic efforts and the transition of power on the worlds you are returning to us.”

   “The worlds have already been abandoned by my people; you are free to land on them when you are ready.  We will return to these worlds every month to collect our agreed share of what is produced there, do not try and cut us from what we are due, we know what is in these worlds and we will be checking what we receive.”

   “Is there anything else?”  Victor asked

   “Aff, one more point” Sterling said this time looking at the First Prince directly “if the nations that make your Star League were to vote for the expulsion of Clan Snow Raven from the Outworlds Alliance.  You would vote against it” she demanded

   “We would vote in the best interest of the Federated Suns, of the Star League and of the Inner Sphere.  Your actions will demand the actions taken against it, not ours.”  Victor answered carefully he was not going to agree to never attack the Ravens but he would not order assault against them for nothing.

   “Deal with the Federated Suns honourably and we will deal with you the same” Burton finished speaking for his father thinking along the same lines.  The Snow Ravens Sterling especially seemed convinced by his words, while Victor Steiner-Davion was very happy with his son’s steps at representing his world and their nation.  Over the coming days Inner End, Hazelhurst, Bastrop and Kennard were returned to the Federated Suns Draconis March.  For the most part the people of the world had refused to adopt Clan ways and instead been dealt with by Outworlds Alliance citizens but there were small shows of the Clan’s conquest in other places throughout the worlds which would take more time to remove.

White Aerie (Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser)
Nadir Point, Sudeten
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
9th October 3085

   In a flash the Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser White Aerie jumped into the Sudeten broadcasting its Clan Nova Cat IFF signature, immediately four DropShips deployed from its belly two Raven-class Carriers and two Vanguard-class assault ships.  The system was the capital of Clan Jade Falcon’s Inner Sphere Occupation Zone but there were no WarShips at the jump point.  Instead aerospace fighters deployed from the Sudeten Jump Stations challenging the Nova Cat invaders.

   The Nova Cat force identifies themselves and their intention to hold a Trial of Possession for the newly produced Shadow Cat II Heavy BattleMech produced by the Jade Falcons.  Instead of replying the Jade Falcon fighters declare a Trial of Possession over the White Aerie itself a former Jade Falcon vessel.  The Nova Cats unwilling to lower their bid smaller than the Jade Falcon challengers eliminate two whole Stars of Jade Falcon aerospace fighters wining safcon for Nova Cat forces to travel in system and land on Sudeten.  One of the two Vanguards travels in system landing on Sudeten and challenges the Jade Falcons for a copy of the Shadow Cat II and manufacturing rights.  The Nova Cats fight with a combined arms trinary of one Mech Star, Two Vehicle Stars and one Battle Armour star against a Jade Falcon Mech/Battle Armour Trinary.  The fighting is brutal between the two Clans but the Nova Cats are victorious as requested the Nova Cats gain two Shadow Cat IIs and manufacturing rights for the BattlleMech.

   As the Vanguard rises from the planet a Jade Falcon WarShip, the Sarna Mercer a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, jumped into the system and declared a Trial of Possession for the Vanguard and everything onboard it.  The Nova Cats inform the Sarna Mercer of their previous two victories and the Jade Falcon agreement of Safcon.  The Sarna Mercer informs the Nova Cats they are not bound by any previous agreements made and give pursuit of the Nova Cat DropShip fortunately the Vanguard had already built up enough speed to keep it ahead of the Sarna Mercer all the way to the White Aerie.  As soon as the Nova Cat DropShip arrived at the WarShip it was rapidly docked and the Black Lion jumped out of the system into the Hell’s Horses claimed Occupation Zone beyond the Jade Falcons sphere of influence.

Fourth Royal BattleMech Regimental Brigade HQ
Epsilon Indi, Star League Protectorate
12th October 3085

   With the Third Royal Regimental Brigade fully operational on Fletcher the SLDF bring the Fourth Royal BattleMech Regiment online on Epsilon Indi based at a former AFFS base.  Although it lacks all support assets the unit will form the second Brigade of the SLDF’s Fourth Division Colonel William Dubaku takes command of the unit.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #428 on: 08 December 2012, 13:24:47 »
New Avalon News Service
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
14th October 3085

   “Good evening ladies and gentlemen I am Jennifer Martin bringing you the news from across New Avalon and beyond.  Today’s news has been dominated by a young prince and a mysterious date.  Just weeks after Burton Davion stole headlines on Tikonov with Countess Pamela Achernar as the First Davion Guards were welcomed to their new assignment now he is stealing headlines across New Avalon with a mysterious female.  Last night throughout New Avalon Burton and this female” she said showing a picture of Burton Davion dressed in a suit with a tall female with dark hair and a blonde streak at the front “according to witnesses the couple stole looks everywhere they went and Burton was seen buying drinks for everyone all night.”  She said the picture changed slightly to show only the female “we don’t know who Burton’s guest was only that she seemed uncomfortable when separated from Burton, perhaps they have served together so far no-one knows.  All I can say from this reporter to a happy Prince - good luck and don’t get into too much trouble.”

Commanding-General’s Office
Ecol City, Thorin
Star League Protectorate
16th October 3085

   Commanding-General Archer Christifori looked up at the officer who stood to attention in front of him Katya Christifori, his wife and fellow officer.  Standing up “ Lieutenant-General Katya Christifori, it is my honour to serve with you, and my pressure to confer this promotion to the rank of General in the SLDF and, on the recommendation of General Caradoc Trevena, I appoint you Head of Star League of Intelligence.”

   “I accept both responsibilities gladly, you do know this means you may have to look after Morgan more often.”

   “A duty I would gladly accept.  We do have more pressing concerns however, take a seat.”  He said changing a control the table a small starmap showing the Inner Sphere with the Star League Protectorate worlds highlighted.  Tomorrow the High Council will announce that both Oliver and Zosma have joined the Star League Protectorate and requested SLDF protection, after years of Lyran, Oriente and Marik interest they have chosen to come into our fold.  I’ve already cut orders for the Second Royal Regimental Brigade to transfer there.”

   “Vladimir will love that cadre duty, he was enjoying keeping the Capellans busy and the Federated Suns honest.”

   “Too much fun from some of the reports I have seen.  It’s time for a different pace for the Brigade.  Unfortunately I think they could get more trouble than they are bargaining for, the former FWL powers wanted Oliver and Zosma despite the damage done to them over the years.  They are still interested in both Castor and Devil’s Rock.”

   “As I understand it, certain SLIC elements have been deployed on both worlds over the years, especially Devil’s Rock, according to the last report I read because of the Free Worlds League’s collapse no-one has been willing to touch it because of the organized crime families that are there.  I’m not sure if its somewhere we would want to go, I would end up having to put an entire Special Operations Group on the planet just to keep it safe.”  She said, after several weeks reading over General Trevena’s notes in preparation for this posting she’d done some research.

   “I have a few units that could do with the practice however until we are “invited” my hands are tied.  Personally I’d give Devil’s Rock a wide berth but the Council has decreed that the Protectoate should do exactly that and protect people.  We’ve given the Free Worlds League plenty of time to get its self back together and its still a mess, we might need to start moving on some of these worlds.”

   “We just need to be careful the Free Worlds League nations are already pissed at us for the New Olympica situation.”

   “That was their own fault” Archer stated clearly he knew Katya felt the same but he wanted to make sure he’d said it out aloud within these four walls just so it was completely clear.  “What about out other operations?”

   “Altair is a none starter, they are more than happy with the Lyrans being in control and the Lyrans are happy to have a knife at Dieron’s throat.”

   “Lovely allies the Inner Sphere nations are” Archer commented about his home nation.

   “Indeed” his wife agreed “Thorin will do what Mulphrid does and so far Mulphrid isn’t interested in the Star League, in fact they seem to be closer to Freedom and Skye every year.”  She said finishing off the Lyran part of the brief.  The SLDF was now involved in nearly 75% of all operations on Thorin now with the University, Fort and new Spaceport all under Star League control but the people were still very Lyran.  “Keid, New Home and Byrant are all progressing very well, again freedoms within the Federated Suns are slowing our involvement with the populations largely allowed to go about their business it makes things difficult.  For the Federated Suns’ part they are happy as our border is seen as somewhat safe so New Avalon doesn’t seem fused either way they are happy with the taxes and an easy world to look after.”

   “Overconfidence from House Davion, never” Archer said sarcastically as Katya continued

   “We’ve had some feelers from Formalhaut but by in large Dieron is already feeling isolated so it’s a world I don’t think Warlord Dieron will want to lose.  It could cause major problems with the Combine if we pushed it.  The Capellans have abandoned all ideas of trying to sway New Canton back into the fold.”

   “So all in all secure enough?”

   “Quite, the only two areas I see major problems from is Wasat, Berenson and Menkalinan in the Former Free Worlds League.  Our people were forcefully removed off Berenson when we approached the government there, there’s high Capellan influence on the worlds and the Capellan March of the Federated Suns have shown interest.  Add in Augustine’s continued interest…”

   “Potentially a four way conflict fun” Archer mused quietly “and no doubt if they all ended up fighting over it, we’d get pulled in anyway?”  He said quietly which Katya nodded in reply.  “Maybe we could have a WarShip jump through the systems fly the flag get there attention?”

   “Could work, would certainly keep other powers on there toes.”  She agreed

   “You said two areas?”  He asked Katya nodded changing the map perspective showing the Lyran/Former Free Worlds League border between the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby and the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, there were at least two dozen worlds in that region that were no-mans land the recent acquisition of Epsilon and Nockatunga by the Duchy of Tamarind-Abby hadn’t helped tensions.

   “Between Colfax and McAffe is still a hotbed of trouble waiting to explode.” Katya warned

   “We don’t have the money to hire mercenaries to keep them quiet, or the resources of our own to garrison that area.  I’ll talk with the Archon see if I can make sure eyes are kept away from that region on the Lyran High Command, maybe we could have some Clan trouble that would keep everyone’s swords sheathed.”

   “For a while” Katya agreed

   “Dinner?” Archer asked changing the subject

   “Sure, you cooking?”

   “I thought we could eat out just the two of us?” Archer said smirking

   “I’m sure Darius and Catherine wouldn’t mind looking after Morgan a little longer.  According to Catherine it makes Darius feel like he’s in command of a Platoon again and at this rate Morgan will know how to march like a seasoned veteran before he’s ten years old.”  Katya said laughing

   “He does know that we plan on giving Morgan a choice about his future?”  Archer asked Darius Hopkins had trained him to be a solider and looked after him since his father had passed away.  When the Thorin Militia had joined the SLDF Darius had chosen retirement after many years of service to the Lyran Crown.  Archer’s part-time housekeeper/part-time babysitter Catherine Daniels had kept Darius busy in his retirement as had Archer’s young son.

   “According to Darius, the boy will know his place and how to take orders even if his uniform is a green one.  And that and I’ll quote “no son of the commanding-general will look sloppy on parade” Katya said giggling she’d served with Darius in the milita once apon a time before the time of the SLDF.

   “Maybe Andrea could look after Morgan for a while?” Archer suggested jokingly knowing that Andrea Christifori, his younger sister, was far too busy trying to keep up with the family business’ growing contract list.  “Then again there could be worse than Darius…”

   “Agreed, now what do you fancy, Italian?”  Katya said forgetting business becoming his wife once more.  It always amazed him how she could go all business to personal in an instant while he always found it difficult to forget Star Maps, Assignments and BattleMechs.

Deep Space
Strana Mechty System, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
21st October 3085

   Exiled to the darkest wastes of the Strana Mechty system since the founding of the Clans the Prinz Eugen was a Star League Navy Texas-class Battleship that none of the Clans were willing to accept into their Toumans.  During the Exodus between the Inner Sphere and what would become the Clan’s Pentagon Worlds the crew and passengers staged a mutiny against General Aleksandr Kerensky.  The leaders of the mutiny had been escorted after a brief battle against marines loyal to Kerensky but the Prinz Eugen was forever tainted in the eyes of the Clans.

   Instead the ship had been left damaged from the mutiny and turned into a massive prison ship devoid of weapons the ship was allowed to drift.  On board the prisoners were allowed to mingle freely while the guards controlling the bridge and engine room maintained critical equipment guarded by Elementals from the Clan’s Ebon Keshik.

   On the 21st October something happened aboard the vessel, exact information was unknown to the outside world but in a blink of an eye the ship was gone with no sign of where it had gone.  When the monthly prison shuttle arrived with three new prisoners all they found were three dead Elementals who had suffocated in their suits.  The Ebon Keshik not wishing this loss to be known to all Clan society quietly eliminated the shuttle and began an investigation without informing the Grand Countil however given their limited resources no sign of the Texas was found.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Captain
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #429 on: 08 December 2012, 16:51:11 »
The Prince Eugen becomming a raider if it can be refitted.
The Dark Caste here we come. }:)
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #430 on: 09 December 2012, 21:32:08 »
Anyone have a few NACs and HNPPCs to spare?
May no one ever know less then me......

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #431 on: 11 December 2012, 16:13:39 »
The Prince Eugen becomming a raider if it can be refitted.
The Dark Caste here we come. }:)

Or worse

Anyone have a few NACs and HNPPCs to spare?

Who said they haven't been working on it for a while in secret?  >:D

Martial Olympiad
Defiance, Crucis March
Federated Suns
3rd November 3085

   With the Starliner One, passenger cruise ship, arriving two days before the final events the Draconis Combine led by the enigmatic Warrior A go on to win the Martial Olympiad.  The MechWarrior, who refuses to appear in public without a specialist set of armour similar to that of the Bounty Hunter, pilots an Atlas II Assault Mech.  As the Draconis Combine does not manufacture this type of Mech many wonder if the pilot is a specialist hired in by the DCMS so the Draconis Combine could push for the victory.  Lyran Intelligence investigates all foreign sales of Atlas II BattleMechs from Hesperus II in an effort to track down the warrior not only because of the Martial Olympiad loss but to ensure they knew who this rogue assault Mech belonged to.  After coming up blank they then check all combat losses of Atlas II’s and find only one that fits the bill.  In 3080 the Seventeenth Isle of Skye Guards Regiment had been forced to retreat from Ko by Draconis Combine forces.  Their commander a Colonel Alex Hutchings had surrendered to the Combine to ensure his regiment was allowed to leave unmolested, he also piloted an Atlas II.  To the LIC it appears that the Draconis Combine has attempted a “Fredrick Steiner” with the Colonel turning the warrior once loyal to the Lyran nation into a weapon for someone else just like what ComStar did when Fredrick Steiner joined them after being a prisoner of the Draconis Combine.

   In space the Rasalhague Dominion’s bad luck ship the Silverdale, a Conqueror-class Battle-cruiser, dominates the competition supported by a group of Aesir and Vanir type Assault DropShips.  This is the debut of both types of DropShips and they impress many who look at them making the Inner Sphere even more wary of the Ghost Bear Military of the Rasalhague Dominion.  Passengers aboard Starliner One receive the best seats in the house as they are able to watch a magnificent light show put on by the competing WarShips.

Tenth Whitting Conference
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
6th November 3085

   Today was the beginning of a momentous occasion for the reformed Star League and for the SLDF the end of the Ninth First Lord’s term and the beginning of the Tenth, at the end of which would usher in 30 years of the reborn League.  Victor Steiner-Davion was leaving the office for the second time but already the day had been mired by claims of War Crimes being brought against the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry by Protector Erik Martens-Calderon.  Based on information which dated back as far as the Star League Civil War, but with nothing other than witness accounts that had “survived” since the times of the crimes before the Second’s miss-jump the claims are thrown out with the Taurian leader virtually laughed out of the Council.

   Unfortunately the day had gone from bad to worse.  As the vote had begun it was clear that the Capellan Confederation would be victorious despite the efforts of the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth and St Ives Compact efforts.  All three former Free Worlds League Realms, the Draconis Combine and the Taurian Concordat all voted for the Capellan Confederation and Naomi Centrella was sworn in as the new First Lord.

   Almost immediately she calls for a no confidence vote on Commanding-General Archer Christifori due to actions made against the Capellan Confederation and its allies when Christifori has been in charge.  Unfortunately unlike the support with votes that made her First Lord the former Free Worlds League states support Christifori’s position as First Lord as does the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth, St Ives Compact and Draconis Combine completely vetoing the First Lord’s order.

Tenth Whitting Conference, Unity City
North America, Terra
Star League Protectorate
9th November 3085

   The Office of the First Lord was a new Officer within the Whitting Conference Centre and Commanding-General Archer Christifori felt like a school child being called to the principal’s office.  The new First Lord had ordered him to attend her office after her embaracing defeat in the High Council “Commanding-General please come in” Naomi said as Archer entered.

   “Sir” Archer said formally standing at attention "he would carry out any lawful order but to hell with her if she thought he'd consider her to be anything like his liege lord.  Naomi rose from her chair she wore a figure hugging black dress which set off her dark skin and dark hair.  A single pair of diamond earrings sparkled as she moved around the table leaning on the edge of the table leaning forward towards Archer intentionally showing more of her body to the Commanding-General.

   “General, I do not trust you” she started “you have master-minded missions against my people and as a former officer of the Federated Commonwealth I am sure you are more loyal to the First Lord that has left this officer than the current one.”  She said smiling as she spoke Archer could smell Naomi’s perfume it smelled as poisonous as her attitude towards him.

   “I am loyal to the office of the First Lord, not the person.”

   “Good, I need you to do something for the First Lord.”  Naomi said smiling again “I need you, and the Head of Intelligence, to investigate House Davion’s extended contact with the Clans and ensure they have not compromised the Inner Sphere by this contact.”

   “As I understand it House Davion’s contact has been limited to some technology exchanges.”

   “You will investigate further” Naomi ordered.

   “Yes sir” Archer said accepting the order from the office.

Northwind Command
Northwind, Star League Protectorate
15th November 3085

   In their continued rotation of their regiments the Northwind Mercenary Command deploys the Stirling’s Fusiliers Regiment to the Clan Jade Falcon border.  While the Second Kearny Highlanders agree a contract with the Oriente Protectorate this Colonel James Cochranes last command before his retirement at age eighty-three.  They begin their contract by landing in force on the world of Wasat taking the world in the name of the Protectorate without a fight.

Steel Viper Assaults
Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
22nd November 3085

   In a week of rage Clan Steel Viper sets the Homeworlds on fire with a series of deadly attacks on the Clans that have invaded the Inner Sphere.  Starting on Tiber Clan Steel Viper assault Clan Wolf’s holdings there with the entire Rho Galaxy, four heavily under strength Clusters, defending are the Fourth and Sixth Wolf Regulars of the Wolf Tau Galaxy.  The Wolves make the Vipers pay for every square metre of Tiber’s territory eventually falling back completely from the war but completely destroying the Steel Viper Galaxy in the process.  The Steel Vipers hold the territory but the entire Rho Galaxy is stood down, the Wolves stand down the Sixth Wolf Regulars Cluster.

   Three Days after the assaults against the Wolves the Steel Vipers turn their attention onto the Snow Ravens based at Brim.  In total six ground Clusters and five WarShips enter the system immediately launching an assault on the three Snow Raven WarShips at the Jump Points and sending troops to the planet.  In a near three hour battle the Snow Raven vessels Vision of Terra and Cold Hunter, both Lola III-class Destroyers, and the Rook, a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser are “sunk” by Clan Steel Viper vessels.  The Rook had been carrying materials and infrastructure from the Snow Raven facilities on Brim.  Against them the Snow Ravens destroy the Ophidian, a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, and the Snake Leader, a Congress-class Frigate, two heavy losses for the Steel Viper Clan but it is clear the Steel Vipers control the field.  On Brim the Steel Vipers find all Snow Raven facilities near abandoned and stripped of useful material.

   Completing their week of strikes against the other Clans the Steel Vipers strike down the Jade Falcons on Hoard in a rapid series of attacks made by the Steel Vipers Beta Galaxy they wipe out the Seventh and Twelfth Falcon Regular Clusters of Rho Galaxy.  These troops have been all but abandoned on the world with vehicles and Inner Sphere Mechs making up the Clan Jade Falcon garrison forces.

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #432 on: 12 December 2012, 17:51:45 »
Very nice update, looks like we are heading for the bad old days again. I, for one, can hardly wait.
May no one ever know less then me......

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #433 on: 14 December 2012, 12:11:55 »
Very nice update, looks like we are heading for the bad old days again. I, for one, can hardly wait.

It could get a lot worse than the old days... just saying  }:)

Occupation Zones
Jade Falcon, Wolf, Hell’s Horse Territory
Inner Sphere
1st December 3085

       The trouble in the Homeworlds began by the Steel Vipers seems to travel the distance between the Homeworlds and the Occupation Zones.  Fires of trouble ignite when Clan Hell’s Horse assault the Jade Falcon worlds of Leskovik and Zoetermeer in brutal Trials that resort in the destruction of the Jade Falcon’s Eleventh Provisional Garrison Cluster and elements of the Pryde Eyrie Cluster both of Kappa Galaxy.

         Sensing an easy victory Clan Wolf then strikes at both the worlds of Dell and Severn eliminating the remains of the Pryde Eyrie Cluster on Dell and driving off elements of the 126th Striker Cluster on Severn securing both worlds.

Roche, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
14th December 3085

   As other Clans battle out their differences on the battlefield Clan Goliath Scorpion has other problems brought on by their own inquisitiveness.  The return home of Chi Galaxy was heralded as a momentous event in the development of the Clan.  The Galaxy which had been deployed with the Eridani Light Horse to study that unit’s development from the Star League-era and then continued its study by travelling through the Federated Suns to study the Kentares Massacre Monument and to meet with Star League Defence Force personnel from the time of the original Star League including a member of the Cameron family had finally completed its journey and come full circle.

   Unfortunately the Galaxy had also brought revelations that the Goliath Scorpion Leadership and people had never expected.  During the units time with the Eridani Light Horse they had learned of the unit’s past, its troubles and its triumphs and seen how different the unit was from what the Scorpions believed was a true Star League unit.  They had then learned of the troubles of the Inner Sphere, the Clans had always known of the massive deaths brought on during the Succession Wars and seen the lists of dead worlds but to see the results of the Massacre on Kentares first hand had changed many of the warriors of Chi Galaxy.  For them to see the faces of the people of that world who still hated the Kurtia family for the orders that nearly wiped their world from history had moved many of them.  While the meeting of Bannister Cameron had completely thrown their beliefs to question, a member of the ruling family of the original Star League had been cast out by his own people because his beliefs differed slightly from the rulers of House Cameron.  He had been exiled seen as a threat; there was no honour in his exile, no glory to be won and no chance of a warrior’s death.  For the family that had founded the Star League to treat on of their own in such a way was inconceivable for the Clansmen.  As was Bannister’s continued belief in the rebuilt Star League Defence Force, when asked if he had the choice would he have left to join the Clans when his unit had arrived in the modern age Bannister’s response was one of anger and disgust.  He openly hated what Nicholas Kerensky had done to the remains of the Star League when his father’s forces had fallen into Civil War.  To hear a member of the Cameron family talk down the Founder’s actions and the results of these actions had rocked the members of Chi Galaxy to their cores.

   Now the return of Chi Galaxy and their findings worried the Leaders of the Goliath Scorpions there was no way to “put a lid” on Chi Galaxy’s findings as soon as the unit had returned home its findings were for all to see.  A Trial of Annihilation would stop the members of the unit spreading their experiences further but the unit had done what the Khans had ordered.  Removing the Khans for their actions did not eliminate the results.  With no direction the Goliath Scorpions ordered all their forces into the defence of their enclaves as they tried to access their entire belief system.

Allard Residence
Arc Royal, Arc Royal Theatre
Lyran Commonwealth
20th December 3085

   The Allard Residence was dressed up like a massive Christmas tree as everyone prepared for the big day.  It was cold but not snowy outside Daniel Allard was well wrapped up as his wife Megan Kell continued to experiment for Xmas dinner.  His eldest child Mark was back from Tharkad home for the festive season while his other two children Patrick and Katrina were on assignment within the LCAF.  That wasn’t to say the family home was quiet, it wasn’t, Dan had been commander of the Kell Hounds Mercenary Command for several years and there was a near endless stream of well wishers at the door.

   The door knocked again for nearly the one hundredth time that day Dan got out of his seat “I’ll get it” he called at nearly the same time as his wife.  Shaking his head Dan headed for the door anyway reaching it at nearly the same time as Megan, neither said a word as they opened the door together standing there was Lt. Colonel Akira Brahe his dark eyes filled with a mix of anger, sorrow and regret.  “Akira” Dan greeted him neutrally

   “Colonel” He replied formally still using Dan’s rank despite being retired.  “Sir, there’s been an incident.”  Akira said his voice near breaking


   “Your son Patrick” Akira began “I’m sorry to inform you sir; he was killed in the line of duty serving with the Lyran Commonwealth on the Marian border.”  His words hit Dan like a ton of bricks but that wasn’t all that had hit him, the Mercenary Commander hand informed him of his loss not someone from the nation’s Armed Forces.

        “Why you?”

       “I heard of the death through the Military pipelines.  Given your continued connection to the Kell Hounds I asked if I could be the one to deliver this news.  Sir, from the bottom of my heart please accept my condolences and those of all the Hounds.”

        Thank you Colonel” Dan said quietly closing the door without further words turning he saw Megan was crying as she was held by Mark.  Crossing the space Dan’s arms enveloped them both sharing their support as well as their grief.  A father should never bury their children he thought quietly the life was a dangerous one that he had lived for so many years but this was something he had never expected to happen.

Nadir Point
Baker 3, Jade Falcon Territory
Occupation Zones
23rd December 3085

   After nearly a month of being on the back foot against strikes from both Clan Hell’s Horses and Clan Wolf all Jade Falcon forces were on high alert against further trouble.  Nothing came until a strike near the end of the year in the Baker 3 system when two Hell’s Horses WarShips entered the system.  “This is Star Commodore Henrik Cobb of the Hell’s Horse Clan commanding the WarShip Red Knight; we claim this system in the name of Clan Hell’s Horses.  Our ground forces are on their way to the planet to claim our possession.  Any interference will be met with deadly force.”  The communication from the Hell’s Horses attack force had been played throughout the system.  However Baker 3 was an important system for the Jade Falcons it was a link that maintained supply lines and the Jade Falcons had prepared for an attack.

   Charging from the Zenith Point the WarShip Night Talon rose to engage the Hell’s Horse vessels immediately Naval Autocannon and Laser fire from the ship lanced out turning four Hell’s Horse DropShips and two JumpShips into atoms eliminating the ground forces.  Two whole Clusters of Hell’s Horse troops dying in an instant.  A panicked reply from the Hell’s Horse commander was heard briefly as the Nightlord II-class Battleship moved into position “Jade Falcon naval commander you will engage in the tenants of Zellbrigen and initiate a Trial of Possession for this world.”  It had been a question that had sounded like a request the Jade Falcon reply was only one syllable.

   “Neg” followed by Naval Autocannon, Laser, Particle Cannon and Gauss Rifle fire.  The Lola III-class Destroyer that used to be the Red Knight ceased to be within minutes as the Jade Falcon battleship engaged them with everything they had.  The Hell’s Horse second vessel the Sharon, an Essex-class Destroyer, seeing the demise of its companion vessel and the Jade Falcon’s obvious capabilities quickly hot charged its Jump Drive and escaped the system.  With a vessel such as the Night Talon in the system there was little to no chance of a Hell’s Horses conquest of the system.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #434 on: 24 December 2012, 13:04:51 »
I was going to wait until the new year to start 3076, but it's Christmas Eve, the weather's atrocious and I wanted an excuse to post here so here it is the start of 3076.

I hope all the fans of this timeline have a very Merry Christmas


Border skirmish
Reykavis, Duchy of Tamarind-Abby
Former Free Worlds League
4th January 3086

   In the Reykavis system a simple border raid from the Marian Hegemony turns into a full our border skirmish as Marian Hegemony WarShips, the Hanse and Protector, battle against the Impavido-class Destroyer Jeremy Brett.  The Tamarind WarShip is outgunned and out maneuvered by the periphery vessels and is destroyed however further damage is caused to the Lola III-class Hanse while the newly built Protector is also destroyed in the conflict.

   With their new ships turned to dust in single engagements and the Hanse’s might continuously being downgraded by combat operations it’s clear to many within the Marian Hegemony they cannot hope to stand up to a concentrated Inner Sphere assault.  Unfortunately for the Marian people their leader Caesar Katrina Ward is still holding onto desires from her past and the warriors that traveled with her from the Clans keep her safely in power.

Clan Snow Raven Territory
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
12th January 3086

   After months of conflict Clan Snow Raven secure what remains of Lum in the Kerensky Cluster after incursions by Clans Steel Viper, Star Adder and Sea Fox.  The fighting had devastated much of the industry on the planet but the shipyards in orbit were mostly intact which was all the Snow Ravens were interested in.  With the shipyards they could produce plenty DropShips and JumpShips to transport the remains of their civilians to the Raven Alliance space in the Periphery.

Nadir Point
Baltazar III, Timbuktu Theatre
Bolan Province, Lyran Commonwealth
20th January 3086

   The shuttle from the planet joined the DropShip at the Nadir point “Welcome aboard Leiutenant, we should have you on Arc Royal in a few weeks assuming we get lucky with a couple of Jump point transfers.” the Captain greeted her at the airlock.

   “Thank you Captain” she said quietly “the timescale isn’t important only the journey.”

   “I understand, I’m sorry for you and your family’s loss” he said quietly “we have your brother in guest quarters.”  The Captain said “would you like me to escort you there?” He offered

   “That would be nice, thank you.”  She said quietly as they moved along the corridors, the zero-gravity made the travel slightly more difficult but it wasn’t new to her.

   “You can have all the time you need Leutenant.”  The Captain said as they reached the room.

   “Thank you, sir” she said entering the room.  The room was no different than any other guest quarters except for the coffin resting in the middle of the room strapped to a weighted trolley.  It was made of wood with a Lyran Commonwealth flag draped over the top section and a Kell Hounds symbol over the lower half.  “Together again Patrick” she said quietly moving over to a chair on the far side of the room staring at the box her brother was now contained in.  Katrina Allard felt it was her duty to escort her brother home to Arc Royal, she’d been granted compassionate leave by Colonel Butcher for the journey.

Circle of Equals
Sudeten, Jade Falcon Territory
Occupation Zone
22nd January 3086

   “Here lies Khan Marthe Pryde her time has come; now we must move forward.  I claim the position of Khan of Clan Jade Falcon.  Are there any challengers?”  Diana Pryde said looking around it was time to breath new life into the leadership of their Clan.  Diana had been saKhan since the death of Samantha Clees she was also a freeborn but she was sure she would have the support for the position; she had won her father’s bloodname that alone carried much support within the Jade Falcons.  No-one spoke up “I proclaim Uvin Buhallin hero of Operation Revival and commander of the First Strikers Cluster as our new saKhan.”  She said looking at the Star Colonel from her own Gamma Galaxy, well connected and respected within the Clan he was approaching sixty-three years old but didn’t look a day over forty.  “Are there any challengers?”  She asked looking around the circle of warriors, they had seen her kill the Khan none were willing to challenge her.  “Excellent, now clean up this mess.”  She ordered glancing at the dead Khan before marching from the room Uvin Buhallin following in her wake.

Hope you've enjoyed more in the new year
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #435 on: 24 December 2012, 13:27:52 »
 O0  A nice update for christmas!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #436 on: 24 December 2012, 17:04:15 »
A good note to finish the year on.
Have a Merry Christmas and hope the weather improves. [cheers]
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #437 on: 30 December 2012, 10:37:50 »
Now something for the New Year!

Contract Negotiations
Ionus Shipyards, Ionus
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
3rd February 3086

   The Star League enters negotiations with Ionus Shipyards within the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth for access to their Britannic-class Heavy Transport, a WarShip with more space dedicated to cargo than to weaponry.  As the Star League expands it is becoming clear to many within the higher levels that more HPG sites and Recharge Stations are required to meet the demand required.  The Britannic is seen as a perfect vessel to fill this gap in Star League transport needs and a way for the Star League to further solidify links to the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  By mid 3086 the Star League are granted permission to buy several vessels in the future as production catches up with demand.

Near Orbit
Galatea, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
8th February 3086

   With Outreach still closed as a mercenary world with only select commands allowed to land on that worlds Galatea was becoming the Mercenary’s Star once more.  However years of neglect in Outreach’s shadow had left the facilities on the world wanting.  In an effort to find a way to attract further interest in the world and help the commands that come to visit Duke David Nowakowski begins to investigate the possibility of building a Space Station in the system.

Interstellar News Network
New York, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
10th February 3086

   “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to a special edition of INN.  Today the Draconis March of the Federated Suns and many worlds within the Draconis Combine are ablaze with the fires of anger.  For once this is not related to one Succession Lord attacking the other and the ensuing counter attacks instead it has been brought by the revelation of one person’s origin” the broadcaster said quietly as a picture of Ambassador Kitsune Kurita was shown “this is Ambassador Kitsune Kurita, until a few months ago he was seen as a viable other option to Duke Minoru Kurita or Coordinator Vincent Kurita with many nobles within the Draconis Combine supporting him.  He informed everyone he was not interested in leadership instead he pursued the diplomatic approach to help his nation.  Surprisingly he became the first Kurita in many years to travel to New Avalon visiting in private with First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion” the broadcaster paused as a picture of the Federated Suns leader was shown beside Kitsune.

   “It is now clear that this visit was of a more personal nature than a professional one.  It appears that Kitsune Kurita is in fact Victor Steiner-Davion’s illegitimate son born to Duchess Omiko Kurita during the Clan War.  It is a well known fact that Victor and Omiko were involved during the Clan War, a relationship that began on Outreach during the secret meeting with the Wolf’s Dragoons and that continued as Victor helped save Hohiro Kurita and beat back the Clans cumulating in the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar.  It appears that Kitsune’s birth and his parentage were hidden from a select for many years, even his father did not know until the meeting on New Avalon.”
   “The news has caused ripples throughout the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns with much anger directed at Victor Steiner-Davion’s cavalier youth and at Coordinator Theodore Kurita and First Prince Hanse Davion who allowed the relationship to go on.  Kitsune has publicly said that he has no interest in leadership of either realm and is happy to serve the Draconis Combine as Ambassador to the Star League.  However, this has not quelled all voices that have come out against him or his father who still rules the Federated Suns from New Avalon.”

   “At this time we are aware of riots taking place on six worlds in the Federated Suns and an unconfirmed amount within the Draconis Combine.  Duke Tarncred Sandoval has ordered for AFFS troops to support local law enforcement forces on three of the six worlds experiencing riots.”  The broadcaster said as the worlds of Robinson, Kentares and Al Na’ir were highlighted on a map of the Federated Suns.  “With Ambassador Kitsune’s statement it is hoped that the troubles on these worlds and others will end and normality will return.  It is understood that the High Commands of the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine and Star League Defence Force are all taking an interest in the situation.”

Dig Site, Allied Aerospace Company
Southern Region, Pollux
Star League Protectorate
18th February 3086

   Sixty-four days into what was the strangest salvage operation in Skibinski’s Salvage Mercenary Command’s history.  The unit had struggled for the last fifteen years to win a single military action but they had become near experts in repairing the near destructible.  Their commander Edward Skibinski had no military training at all but loved technology; he’d been challenged by Gilmour Miltech of Talitha to salvage a military experiment from the radioactive ruins of Allied Aerospace Company on Pollux.

   They had searched the ruins for nearly a week before finding what appeared to be a launch tunnel that went nearly three hundred metres below the ground.  Skibinski’s Salvage worked through the tunnel finding artifacts from the Star League era the tunnel was wide enough for a BattleMech to walk up to the surface.  Skibinski’s Salvage’s IndustrialMechs had dragged more than three thousand tons of rock to the surface but Edward Skibinski wasn't ready to give up just yet, deep scans of the area had shown a hollowed out area at the end of the tunnel.

   Pushing through the last layer of rock the entire entrance to the cavern opened up to reveal a large cavern with various BattleMech cradles and support facilities recessed into the walls.  Most of the cradles were empty, some had BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters in their bays but these had been crushed over the years by cave ins and collapses.  Only one of the bays had anything that resembled an operational BattleMech standing as tall as most Medium BattleMechs the Mech had a strange almost aerospace fighter shaped cockpit.  Stumpy legs supported a long torso with what appeared to be large enhanced jump jets of some sort on the back.  Over one shoulder it had what looked like a Light Autocannon.  On the other shoulder was a missile launcher of some sort to the untrained eye it looked like a five-tube Long Range Missile weapon.  Finally a laser type weapon appeared on one of the Mech’s arms  Even to the untrained eye Edward Skibinski guessed it was some type of experimental Land Air Mech, Edward Skibinski knew that Allied Aerospace had produced one of the Early LAM designs known as the Shadow Hawk LAM.

   To the trained eye Skibinski’s Salavage had actually found one of the original three Shadow Hawk X1 LAMs the long lost Chassis 002 lost since the fall of the Star League and the destruction of Allied Aerospace.  Gilmour of Talitha reward the mercenary command well for their find while claiming the rights to the Shadow Hawk LAM from the defunct Allied Aerospace Company despite having no real idea how to produce a LAM design.

Medical Facility
New Samarkand, Midway District
Draconis Combine
20th February 3086

   Dressed in the uniform of a DCMS MechWarrior Tami Moto felt like a fraud, what was left of her arm was still heavily bandaged; ot was likely she would never pilot a Mech again.  By the Coordinator’s order she had reported to New Samarkand for treatment.  Arriving at the medical facility she had been taken through various rooms and given various tests.  According to the doctors her arm’s nerve endings were intact and the limb was in very good condition despite the damage done to it already.  They then announced that they would be able to give her a cybernetic enhanced limb in replacement, and with it return her to the battlefield, despite the costs involved they said that with the right treatment she could use the arm as she would her flesh and blood model.  As her treatments began Tami Moto could not help but wonder why she had been singled out for such special treatment.

General Katya Christifori Office
The Fort, SLDF Intelligence, Ecol City
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
26th Febryary 3086

   Deep within The Fort at the centre of Ecol City General Katya Christifori was reading over a particularly troublesome intelligence report.  On the periphery world of Astrokazsy Star League Intelligence Agents investigating claims of further caches of weapons and equipment on the world had witnessed two large BattleMechs fighting pirates on the planet.  These Mechs were of the heavy category with large shoulder plates, particle cannons on each arm and further lasers in the torso.  The description and pictures of these Mechs showed them to be nearly identical to the PRF-1 Prefect BattleMech produced by Irian for the Star League Defence Force.  Why such Mechs would be fighting on a periphery world?  And why Irian had sent an incomplete order to the Star League Defence Force raised serious flags towards Irians motives and their allocation of resources.  Katya decided to send additional SLIC resources to Irian to watch the corporation there.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #438 on: 30 December 2012, 10:56:11 »
 :)  Woo hoo nice update!  It would be nice to see what SLIC does in the future in regards to Irian.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #439 on: 30 December 2012, 17:43:15 »
Nice introduction for the Shadow Hawk LAM. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #440 on: 30 December 2012, 22:52:11 »
Very nice update. Good to see Irian Inc. up to their favorite hobby.
May no one ever know less then me......


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #441 on: 30 December 2012, 23:26:50 »
Hmmm....rumblings of dissent on the DC/FS border....I smell a border war in the making.

Nice updates once again.
Made by HikageMaru

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #442 on: 01 January 2013, 14:28:00 »
:)  Woo hoo nice update!  It would be nice to see what SLIC does in the future in regards to Irian.

lots of fun there

Nice introduction for the Shadow Hawk LAM. O0

They have returned in canon so a return here too

Very nice update. Good to see Irian Inc. up to their favorite hobby.

profit :)

Hmmm....rumblings of dissent on the DC/FS border....I smell a border war in the making.

Nice updates once again.

just a border war...
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #443 on: 01 January 2013, 14:31:42 »
Former Free Worlds League
Inner Sphere
2nd March 3086

   Following a successful test on the world of Tappachulo the Regulan Fiefs continue their expansion into the independent worlds of the Free Worlds League using blunt force.  Beginning with the worlds of Home and Ibarra both worlds join the Regulan nation without a single shot fired.  On the worlds of Aconcagua and Panjang the Regulans face more resistance, the RFS Clipperton and RFS Gibson arrive in orbit over both worlds, the Regulus-class Frigates with their Mass Drivers a threat that few could ignore.  On Panjang the RFS Gibson uses its Mass Driver to flatten a small inactive mining facility this act of open violence convinces the world’s leadership to join with the Regulan Feifs.

Trials of Possession
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
11th March 3086

   After securing all of Lum the Snow Ravens had continued to strip the world of everything useful to the Clans as they continued their transition to being the Raven Alliance.  The other Homeworlds Clans angered by the Snow Ravens continued movements to remove resources that they could use.  Jumping into the system the entire Alpha Star of Star Adder WarShips entered the system declaring a Trial of Possession for the shipyards and the system.  The Snow Raven’s three defending WarShips and seven stars of aerospace fighters along with several DropShips declare themselves in defence.

   As the battle continues across the star system the Snow Raven vessels Black Beard, a Fredasa-class Corvette and Ice Storm, a Cameron-class Battle-cruiser, are destroyed while the Star Adder vessels Divine Conquest, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser, the Admiral William S. Preston, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, and Yodan, a Lola III-class Destroyer.  The remaining Snow Raven vessel James McKenna, a McKenna-class Battleship, holds the field badly damaged but in control.  Snow Raven leaders accelerate their evacuation of the Lum system.

Trials of Possession
Lum, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
13th March 3086

   Barely two days after the Star Adder assault on the Lum Shipyards the Goliath Scorpion vessels Lei Wang, a McKenna-class Battleship, Corona Borealis, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, and the Garlon, a Congress-class Frigate jumped into the system “This is Star Admiral Caroline Shaffer of Clan Goliath Scorpion, Clan Snow Raven has betrayed all the Clans by removing resources from this system that all the Clans need.  We declare a Trial of Possession for this world and all the resources here.”

   “This is Star Commodore Jeremy Sukhanov commander of the James McKenna we and all Snow Ravens in this system refute your claim.”  The sole Snow Raven WarShip returned the challenge as aerospace fighters and DropShips moved in on the Goliath Scorpion force from both Jump points and the James McKenna, still damaged from the Star Addder attack assaulted them with Naval Particle Cannon fire.

   The Snow Ravens intentionally fought a retreating battle using the broadside weapons of the James McKenna to hurt all three Goliath Scorpion vessels as they pulled back deeper and deeper into the star system.  The Lei Wang a match for a fully operational James McKenna continuously tried to charge the James McKenna pulling it into a real duel of naval titans but the more experienced crew of Snow Ravens aboard the James McKenna were able to avoid the Goliath Scorpion vessel constantly causing a little more damage.

   Battling across the system for three days the WarShips fought through the system’s shipyards which claimed the Corona Borealis as an entire star of Carrier type DropShips descended on the Goliath Scorpion vessel overwhelming it at point blank range.  The remaining two Goliath Scorpion vessels began to target the shipyard installations in an attempt to draw out the James McKenna and any remaining Snow Raven defenders.  The lure worked as all remaining Snow Raven aerospace fighters and DropShips rose from the planet joining in the defence, the renewed vigor of the Snow Raven defence caused telling damage on the Lei Wang causing further and further damage to the Goliath Scorpion vessel but the attack also exposed the James McKenna to crippling damage.

   As the Goliath Scorpions put down the last Snow Raven defenders within the shipyards the reason for the delaying tactics became clear.  During the last moments of the battle in the heart of the Lum Shipyards the SLS Argus, a Newgrange-class Yardship that had been integrated into the Lum Shipyards following the foundation of the Clans blasted its way clear of the shipyards using its array of Naval Lasers.  As the Snow Raven controlled vessel accelerated the Goliath Scorpion vessel Garlon tried to close on it only to be met by the BattleMechs of the Fourth Raven Garrison Cluster.  With their Mechs refitted for space operations the forty-five Snow Raven Mechs landed all over the Congress-class Frigate and began firing weapons into the ship at point blank range.  As Goliath Scorpion Aerospace fighters diverted to engage the BattleMechs on Garlon’s hull the SLS Argus broke Lum’s gravity well and after fast charging its jump drive jumped clear of the system.

   Even after the Fourth Raven Garrison Cluster’s Mechs had been destroyed it was clear to the Goliath Scorpions that the Garlon was too badly damaged to be saved and that the Lum Shipyards were crippled possibly beyond repair.  On Lum there was still three Clusters of Snow Raven warriors, the Goliath Scorpions had declared no trials against them but the Snow Ravens had declared “all Snow Ravens” would defend the system.  From orbit over Lum’s capital the Lei Wang turned its broadside of Naval Particle Cannons on the planet and began a bombardment of all Snow Raven military installations.  Although the Goliath Scorpions did try to limit fire to military formations there was massive civilian casualties on the planet as massive cities were turned to ash under the weapons fire.
When the Goliath Scorpion ground forces landed on the world they find a destroyed world with little to answer for, instead of occupying the world they take what is left of value, along with the majority of the population and strip the remains of the shipyards.  The Goliath Scorpion actions effectively turned Lum into a dead world, the first Homeworld to be reduced to such by conflict, the Clan Council calls for all the Khans to convene for a meeting on Strana Mechty to discuss the events that had led to Lum’s loss.

National Elections
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
21st March 3086

   Across the Star League Protectorate worlds the populations of the world vote for who would represent them in the future Star League Council meetings and dealings of the Star League.  Every world within the Star League’s control, including the worlds Kittery, in the Federated Suns, New Olympica in the former Free Worlds League and Valerius, in the Marian Hegemony, are given equal votes.  The Star League represents each world in various ways and each should decide where its leadership would come from and would they wanted to represent them.

        Front runners are current leader Governor of Terra Gavin Dow, retired mercenary Colonel Andrea Stirling of Northwind and Major-General Bannister Cameron of the Second Royal Armoured Cavalry Division.  After the first day of the election and with the worlds of Valerius, New Earth and Fletcher declared it becomes very clear who would be victorious.  Five days later and with all twenty worlds declaring their individual winner Major General Bannister Cameron is declared victor and leader of the Star League Protectorate.

Meeting of Khans
Tukayyid, Rasalhague Dominion
Clan Occupation Zones
23rd March 3086

   Not since the early days of the Clan Invasion had so many Khans met within the Inner Sphere, on the very world that stalled the invasion Tukayyid now deep within the Rasalhague Dominion.  Leader of the Dominion Bjorn Jorgensson had drawn them together in the wake of news that a Cameron had ascended to a leadership position within the Star League Protectorate but also other matters.

   “My fellow Khans” he began Bjorn was an Elemental by birth although he flew an aerospace fighter into combat his deep voice echoed through the simple meeting room within the purpose build facility.  “Welcome to Tukayyid, it has been many years, I am glad you all honoured the Cease Fire and have traveled from far and wide to be here.”  He said looking around in the room there were seven Khans and saKhans, the leaders of each Clan that had ventured into the Inner Sphere and Periphery.  Some controlled huge swaths of territory carved from the Inner Sphere’s Succession Lords while others controlled periphery realms and individual worlds.  But as far as each was concerned they were all the others equal.  “I called you all here to discuss recent events within the Inner Sphere, Bannister Cameron, a direct descendant of the Cameron Bloodline and a blood relative to the last First Lord has ascended to the leadership of the Star League Protectorate.  This act neither the Great Father or Founder could ever have though possible.  Out actions in the future could be directly against a member of the Cameron Bloodline, I wonder what are your feelings on the matter?”

   “Nothing changes” Nathan Fedladral Khan of the Wolf Clan said quietly “we came to place Clan order on the Inner Sphere, Cameron is not a Clan Bloodhouse.  This Cameron has openly said he would oppose us in combat in support of the Inner Sphere’s own sham Star League.  The Cameron house failed the Star League; the Kerensky’s saved our people and brought lives to our Clans.  We cannot deny the history of change, a Cameron or not.”

   “I agree” Diana Pryde, new Khan of the Jade Falcon Clan said quietly the two strongest Crusader Clans still remaining together despite the changes in leaders.

   “As do I” Khan Canin Rosse of Clan Nova Cat said quietly, the Nova Cats had taken no territory in the Inner Sphere but their dealings with the Federated Suns and its allies were well known at this table.  “We are the Clan, they are the Inner Sphere.  This Cameron is no First Lord, and even if he was able to take that position, he is no leader of mine.  The Nova Cats stand as a Clan of Kerensky, we make our own destiny.”

   “A Cameron or not, the Inner Sphere is of little problem to us.”  Khan Lynn McKenna said rapidly, the Snow Raven Khan obviously agitated by other events.  “Recent actions within the Homeworlds have become rash to the point of wasteful, the recent destruction of Lum is proof of the madness that is spreading.  Our people are no longer safe.”

   “I agree, my traders have already begun to pull the last Sea Fox assets from the Homeworlds, the Clans there have become resentful of our place in the Inner Sphere.”  Hanna Coston, leader of the Sea Fox Clan said.

   “Can I suggest that should the Clans call council that we” James Cobb, Khan of the Hell’s Horses, said raising his hands taking them all in “vote together to block any attempt to call for the abjurnment or annihilation of any Clan present, at least until we remove required assets from the Homeworlds.”

   “Such as a Newgrange Yardship from the Lum Shipyards?”  Diana Pryde asked accusingly knowing what had spurned the Goliath Scorpion anger against the Ravens.  “Tell me Raven how long did it take your people to prepare that ship for independent operations?  And when were you planning on informing us of your possession of the craft.”

   “We have always had access to the ship; you will all be granted access to it once we have moved it to Quatre Belle Shipyards within the Raven Alliance.”  Lynn McKenna promised.

   “I will stand by any Clan here that is wrongly accused of actions within the Homeworlds that they did not commit.  But if you cross a line, you will lose my vote.”  Canin Rosse warned, around the table the Wolf Khan and Sea Fox leaders nodded their heads agreeing “it is clear to me that the Homeworlds have moved from the path that we are on, we should make sure that we are not swallowed by their troubles.”  He said wisely around the table the other leaders nodded in agreement.

   “Seyla” they all chanted together in agreement.  Should the Homeworlds Clans go to war against them, they would be ready united as one.

Hope you enjoy and hope you had a good New Year
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #444 on: 01 January 2013, 17:57:11 »
The homeworld clans vs the inner sphere clans.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Growing up is optional.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #445 on: 01 January 2013, 21:28:25 »
Cameron is now the leader of the Star League Protectorate...only one more step to go before First Lordship....

Interesting...most interesting....

Still, I thought this particular Cameron had no political aspirations? Did I miss something?
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #446 on: 02 January 2013, 02:11:23 »
'Some men are born to greatness, some have it thrust upon them' or words to that affect.
Commandant Otto Maurus, ARWH-1Z ArcHammer, Maurus' Minutemen
Captain Obadiah Sykes, OSR-5FCR Ostroc, Second Filtvelt Citizens Militia

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius
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Lord Harlock

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #447 on: 02 January 2013, 13:36:35 »
'Some men are born to greatness, some have it thrust upon them' or words to that affect.
Cameron is now the leader of the Star League Protectorate...only one more step to go before First Lordship....

Interesting...most interesting....

Still, I thought this particular Cameron had no political aspirations? Did I miss something?
'Some men are born to greatness, some have it thrust upon them' or words to that affect.

I think Stormcrow has the right of it. It's possible that Cameron was just placed on the ballot, and he had no real campaign. 

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #448 on: 02 January 2013, 15:02:50 »
Pretty close the Liberty Duke died of so called "natural causes" Bannister was swept along by the Liberty Population initially then when the Protectorate vote came up he sorta just ended up thrown in with the rest not even realizing he was at the fore of the pack until the end.

A short April and May

Rim Association Expansion
Former Free Worlds League
21st April 3086

   Several months since their last move against independent worlds of the former Free Worlds League, and with no reaction from any of the major FWL states, the Rim Association moves again against its independent neighbours in a string of assaults led by the Liger Warriors and mercenary commands hired by the Association they take the worlds of Ghaziabad, Karachi, Mankova, Gallchina and Bismark within a single week capping off the month of April with the annexation of Bayindir and Tellman’s Mistake.

        For most of these worlds is it the first time they have been under the heel of a larger power since the fall of the united Free Worlds League giving the Rim Association occupation forces and mercenaries plenty of work to do on these planets.  Fortunately there is little in the way of resistance that is worth sending additional forces to any of the planets.

Grand Council Meeting
Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
30th April 3086

   “This session is called into order.  There are talks of Abjurnment and Annihalation.  These matters have grave consequences for all the Clans, take caution when discussing them.”  Loremaster Dagmar Lahiri said bringing the Grand Council into session.  The room was nearly half empty every single one of the Inner Sphere and Periphery based Clans choosing to attend via HPG Link from the planet Tukayyid.  The homeworlds based Clans had already raised objections over this but over the last thirty years it had become nearly common place for at least one of the Clans not wholy based in the Homeworlfs to attend virtually.  “Khan Andrews of Clan Steel Viper has the floor.”

   “Thank you Loremaster.  Clans Snow Raven and and Goliath Scorpion have brought a great loss to these Homeworlds.  The Lum Shipyards is a massive loss to our ability to maintain our spaceborne vessels.”

   “Clan Goliath Scorpion was merely attempting to stop the Snow Ravens from removing this capability.”  The new Goliath Scorpion leader Khan Colin Yeh said quietly

   “Indeed, Clan Steel Viper completely supports the actions of Clan Goliath Scorpion, for the Snow Raven’s to have robbed us of resource goes against everything that supports the Clans.”

        “Those yards were Snow Raven property, crewed by Snow Raven men and women.  It should have been to upto the Snow Raven Clan for how they were used.  Instead Clans Steel Viper and Star Adder conspired against the Ravens launching attacks of each other within days.  The Ravens had no option but to retreat how they did.”  Khan Canin Rosse of Clan Nova Cat pointed out from his position on Tukayyid.

        “And what we have salvaged from Lum is still available for Clan use, our Shipyards in the Quatre Belle system will soon be fully operational capable of servicing vessels of many Clans.”  Lynn McKenna said from her position near Canin Rosse.

        “Half a galaxy away!” Khan Garet Sainze of the depleted Fire Mandrill Clan almost shouted

         “Any WarShip or JumpShip can make the journey, our Clan’s do all the time.” New Jade Falcon Khan Diana Pryde pointed out.

         “My fellow Khans I see a stalemate…” Khan Nathan Fetladral of Clan Wolf said smirking as he did “I have been given permission by all the Clans within this room to say we will not support any action against Clan Snow Raven.  And any action taken will result in direction action being taken in defence of Snow Raven assets still in the Homeworlds.  If you want us to return to the Homeworlds in force and cause you all issues to worry about, we will accommodate you we are leading the Clans of Kerensky by example by holding our ground within the Inner Sphere despite the fall of the Smoke Jaguars and the retreat of the Star Adders and Steel Vipers.”  Fetladral said intentionally trying to rile the two snake Clans leaders.

         “You don’t even live here!”  Khan Brett Andrews shouted losing his temper.  "You can't even bring yourselves to turn up to simple council meetings!"

         “But at least I can speak properly” Khan Nathan Fetladral quipped noting Andrews blatant use of a contraction within the Council Chambers.  In the eyes of all but the most liberal of Khans Andrews had just invalidated much of his argument by a simple vocal mistake.

         “My apologies” Andrews said quietly retaking his seat.

         “Perhaps other issues” Loremaster Lahiri said quietly “Khan Goliath Scorpion perhaps you could explain what happened to your former Khan?  This chamber was unaware of the change?”

         “Killed in action on the world of Huntress yesterday along with two Clusters of Clan Goliath Scorpions finest warriors as we fought to control all of that world.”

         “She was aware of this meeting Quiaff?”

         “Aff, her unit was already engaged.  Areil Suvanov believed in leading her force from the fore, as a true warrior of Kerensky should.  She died a warrior’s death and led her forces to victory over Clan Star Adder’s Tau Galaxy.”

        “A Galaxy that fought to the last man, we have heard nothing from the unit?”

        “There is nothing left of the unit to hear from Khan Star Adder.  They fought bravely but were overwhelmed.”  Khan Colin Yeh reported, the Star Adder leaders looked angry but knew there was little they could do, few Clans had any assets on Huntress since the fall of Clan Smoke Jaguar seeing little potential for the world other than the SLDF Garrison which remained within its own enclave for almost the entire year round.

Bridge, Starliner One
Matsuida, Matsuida Prefecture
Military District of Midway, Draconis Combine
2nd May 3086

   Jumping from the An Ting system of the Federated Suns into the Matsuida system of the Draconis Combine should have been a straight forward event however as soon as the Starliner One entered the Combine system anti-avoidance alerts activated and other alarms sounded.  Sitting just off the jump point was a triangular shaped vessel the Starliner One’s military grade sensor suite, had fortunately never been removed or cleared since its time as the Blake’s Vengeance, immediately identified the vessel as a Tatsumaki-class Destroyer of the Draconis Combine Admiralty.  Fortunately the five hundred thousand plus WarShip was not moving in on them or attacking straight away instead Captain Conner Kitsch decided a different approach “This is the Starliner One, we have been given clearance to pass through the Combine to New Samarkand as part of our journey.”

   “This is Dedication of Duty, we shall be your escort and will transmit you jump coordinates for your journey.  Do not deviate from the planned course and there will be no problems. This will be your only warning.”  The WarShip commander ordered not even identifying himself, Captain Kitsch had been warned by Duke Richard Brannson X that this journey would be full of interesting developments; he guessed that this was just the newest one.

Commanding-General’s Office
The Fort, Ecol City, Thorin
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
10th May 3086

   Noticing a growing discord within the SLDF troops Commanding-General Archer Christifori had come up with a plan to hopefully bind his troops closer together without starting another war.  As Thorin was mostly a Star League world these days, and because of the University Construction Project, the world had two HPGs so as Commanding-General he commandeered one for this important message.  Ordering it Linked to the Solaris VII Primary HPG Archer sat down in his office and looked at the real time image of Lieutenant-General Jerry Wagner commander of the Third Brigade of the First Division “Bolton’s Rangers” the unit had served the Free Worlds League between the fall of the First and the rise of Second Star League but had rejoined very soon after.  It was a Veteran command and Solaris had been very quiet of late which made the unit perfect for rotation.  “Jerry how are you doing?”

   “Good sir, the gaming season is wrapping up so mostly police actions for our troops.  But all in all very quiet, I assume this isn’t just a social call?”

   “Negative General, I need your unit for a mission”

   “The Rangers are always ready sir.”  Jerry said proudly

   “Don’t volunteer for something until you know what the mission is” Archer said smiling “no one ever tell you that?”

   “Not an option in my family sir, a mission is received and you carry it out.”  Jerry replied quickly making it clear there was no way his Regiment wouldn’t be completing their mission.

   “Jerry, recently there was an attempt against the Coordinator of the Combine’s life.  We’ve volunteered our services of two Regiments to help keep order in the area of the attack and investigate for further trouble.”

   “Something my unit can do sir, we’ve had plenty trouble with Isle of Skye Independents on Solaris the last few years.  Draconian ones won’t be that different.”  He said confidently Bolton’s Rangers was a Free Worlds League unit almost as much as an SLDF one despite its storied history.  Archer knew they had dealt with their fair share of insurgencies in the Free Worlds League and in fighting against the Capellan Confederation but the Draconis Combine would be something completely different for them.

   “General, I’m sending along with your unit two others the Third Royal BattleMech and its support units and the Seventy-eighth Special Operations Battalion.”

   “Sir, we’re happy to take the Killer Bees, their previous experience in these operations are well known.”  Jerry began naming the Seventy-eighth by their nickname “but the Fourth they’re a bunch of kids…” He complained but trailed off as he saw Archer’s mood darken slightly.

   “Lieutenant-General” Archer began reminding him of his full rank “the biggest problem that unit has is lack of experience.  Working with you and the Killer Bees will help it along.  We need to bind the SLDF together not drive it apart.”

   “Understood sir, we will do our best.”

   “I’m sure you will Jerry, I have full confidence in the Rangers.”  He said cutting off the link he needed to break through some of the SLDF’s miss conceptions, if he had to annoy some people doing it he would.

Chemical Extraction Plant
Riverton, Antallos
Raven Alliance, Periphery
12th May 3086

   It had been a quiet night on Antallos, exactly the kind of night each warrior serving the Snow Ravens hated.  Ever since the initial pacification of the world by Clan Snow Raven it had been this way.  Most of the warriors stationed here were long past their prime, Antallos had been a pirate world with little interest from the nearby Draconis Combine when the world fell to their forces.  Ever since the fall of the world the Snow Ravens had begun to clean up of the surface and atmosphere of Antallos which had for centuries been the target of military action.

   The small settlement of Riverton in the northern hemisphere had been selected for the positioning of a Chemical Extraction Plant.  Situated on the Coast of Boogerlong Lake, which itself connected to the Sea of Green, the plant’s sole duty was to clear the water and air of pollutants.  Once the amount of pollutants got to a certain level a DropShip would arrive and remove them from the planet never to trouble the world’s 5 million plus inhabitants.

   MechWarrior Stacy was forty-two years old; by Clan standards she had no bloodname or rank and was going nowhere assigned to the Twelth Garrison Cluster of Gamma Galaxy.  Her Omen BattleMech was brand-new design but it was far from the best Clan Snow Raven could produce, a standard non-OmniMech unit weighing in at eighty-five tons it was armed with a variety of medium ranged laser, autocannon and missile weapons.  Nearby a pair of newly deployed Nuberu Anti-Aircraft Tanks, a pair of Nova Cat manufactured SM1 Tank Destroyers and a couple of points of conventional infantry rounded out the defence force.

   The first strike came in the early hours during her patrol Stacy’s assault Mech had been smashed by an LRM and laser barrage from the air from a Buccaneer-class DropShip that had identified as the weekly supply ship.  Her assault Mech damaged Stacy had turned her guns to the air as had the Nuberu’s throwing barrages of LB-X Autocannon fire into the air.  As they fired into the air a company of BattleMechs charged on the ground, both Nuberus became the target of a Longbow and an Atlas while Stacy became the target of a Victor BattleMech that seemed to be carrying an artillery piece in place of its standard autocannon.  The paired SM1 Tank Destroyers had become target of nearly a lance of BattleMechs, the fifty ton Hovercraft a seen as a serious threat by the enemy force.

   Forging ahead into the enemy’s fire Stacy tried to become a target for all the enemy forces bringing fire from all directions as she tried to defend the vehicles and infantry forces serving beside her.  Despite not being a leader of her Clan or a Bloodnamed warrior MechWarrior Stacy fought like she was possessed by the Founders of Clan Snow Raven firing in multiple directions she broke every Clan dueling rule engaging enemies in multiple directions.  Her efforts were not enough however the Nuberu Anti-Aircraft Tanks were first to be destroyed even with their four autocannons turned on ground targets they were still no match for a BattleMech assault.  Concentrated fire from the two SM1s tore an arm off the Longbow knocking the Support BattleMech to the ground but even that was not enough, the Atlas charging had crushed one under its massive left foot while the second had been crushed by a Heavy Gauss Rifle slug from its torso weapon.

   Stacy turned her lasers into one Mech, her autocannon at another Mech and missiles at a third engaging everyone within her forward arc.  Arms spread wide weapons firing everywhere Stacy stood like a Clan hero of old but even one Clan assault Mech piloted by a driven Clan warrior was not enough to turn the tide of this particular battle.  The return fire from nearly eight BattleMechs tore into the armour of the BattleMech obliterating armour, structure, weapons and engine.  Stacy fought to control her BattleMech but it was too late the Omen had taken too much damage and was falling forward out of control crashing into the ground.  Stacy survived the fall but her Mech was damaged beyond repair the last thing Stacy remembered seeing was a strange looking Mech carrying a massive chain run up towards her Omen and kick the cockpit, the already damaged cockpit crumbled under the impact and the MechWarrior inside was crushed to death.  At least she had received a warrior’s death fighting for her Clan.

   The pirates made short work of the conventional infantry which formed the last line of defence of the extraction plant before connecting massive hoses to the storage tanks.  The Buccaneer-class DropShip was in fact the Red Raider, DropShip of Vance Razek the former ruler of Antallos, the ship had been missing since the fall of the world.  Once loaded the ship blasted away from Antallos chased by Snow Raven aerospace fighters but the DropShip had too much thrust and too much firepower for them to shoot down.  Antallos did not warrant a WarShip in its defence, with the fighters unable to catch them the Red Raider had a clean run all the way to a waiting JumpShip before escaping the system with over one thousand tons of hazardous materials.  As one final insult to the Snow Ravens once they had reoccupied the extraction plant and begun to bring its systems back online an explosive charge detonated within the factory spreading further lethal materials throughout the Riverton enclave causing further problems for the Clan leaders of the world.

Thirteenth Star League Games
Star League Stadium, Solaris VII
Star League Protectorate, Lyran Commonwealth
20th May 3086

   On the world of Solaris VII MechWarrior Tamara Nova Cat felt like a Clan Warrior once more as she battled in the Thirteenth Annual Star League Games.  It was a battle of skill, warrior and machine locked together in combat.  Her Sphinx BattleMech had taken a pounding but somehow the Wild Geese Techs that had accompanied her had kept the seventy-five ton machine standing.  Colonel Sandy Reich had said as long as she brought home the top prize she could extend her leave from the Wild Geese as the Regiment continued its rebuilding efforts from the losses taken during Alisande Faulkner’s revenge raid into the Free Worlds League.

   Twisting and turning through the weapons fire Tamara made the Sphinx dance like it was lighter than the air surrounding it.  Laser blasts crossed the Star League stadium as another opponent fell, across the stadium another Mech was falling to another warrior’s fire.

   With those Mechs destroyed it left only Tamara’s Sphinx and one enemy Mech remaining a heavily modified Grim Reaper BattleMech.  The fifty-five ton Mech was so modified even the enhanced scanners of Tamara’s Clan Mech struggled to identify it as a Grim Reaper.  Tamara knew the pilot of the Mech was a former member of ComStar who went by the name of Einar she also knew the medium Mech carried Clan weapons and additional armour than the chassis was rated for.  Fortunately the Mech was badly battered and its Long Range Missile bays were empty reducing the Mech to two lasers on its right arm.  Tamara’s own Sphinx was badly damaged its left arm and the large laser house there hung useless after taking a shoulder and upper arm hit while half her torso mounted medium lasers had shorted out.  Fortunately she still had one large laser and five medium lasers at her disposal; her Mech was bigger and faster than the Grim Reaper.

   Cutting to the right she blasted with her remaining large laser concentrating on the Grim Reapers right side as the lighter Mech tried to close to bring both its weapons into range.  Tamara almost laughed at the thought, at this range the two Mechs were evenly matched, should the Grim Reaper close the firepower advantage of her torso lasers combined with the arm laser put the odds massively in her favour.

   The Mechs continued to close dancing between the laser blasts, it was like an augmented Clan Trial of Position with the crowd surrounding them screaming for victory.  Despite everything Alisande Faulkner had tried to teach her Tamara still found herself missing that life in so many ways but now she was a Wild Geese pilot and she would do her Regiment proud.  Continuing to close Tamara saw the targeting recticle go green for all the Sphinx’s remaining weapons and pulled the trigger seeing three medium lasers and the large laser all hit their target and the Grim Reaper blossom into fire.

   Excess heat caused by the firing of her lasers sent the temperature in the Sphinx’s cockpit skyrocketing but Tamara hit the override intent on keeping her Mech functional for as long as possible.  She needed not to however over the tannoy she could hear a familiar voice congratulating MechWarrior Tamara on her victory at the Thirteenth Star League Games, she knew the voice it wasn’t any of the normal commentators who had spoken over the last few days instead it was Colonel Sandy Reich commander of the Wild Geese.  Who had traveled all this was to congratulate her, any thoughts of a return to Clan life were banished in nearly a second of hearing the Colonel’s voice, she was already home.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7833
  • Not Dead Until I Say So
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #449 on: 04 January 2013, 19:40:28 »
Into June, starting with something spectacular (I wish my courses started like that), then showing Bannister Cameron uncomfortable.  Please not I haven's read Surrender Your Dreams so if "Custos" seems off let me know, also with no Republic they are going to have a little different path.

Lyran Commonwealth Naval Training
Port Sydney Naval Yards, Alarion
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
2nd June 3086

   The massive gravity deck aboard the space station spun at a relatively comfortable 0.9G as the class of cadets sat down for the opening lecture of the year.  Among the cadets was Duchess Jessica Steiner newly completed a physics degree she had now chosen to follow in the footsteps of her father and grandfather and join the military.

   Entering from the left of the room the class Kommandant Arturo Toretto stepped in front of the Class.  He was a retired veteran of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces having piloted aerospace fighters early in his career he had moved onto DropShips and then JumpShips.  “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to piloting school one-oh-one.  Each of you are going to be challenged both academically and physically over the next three years, you will study, you will live, you will even breath aerospace fumes before you are even allowed within a cockpit of a fighter.”  He said walking from one edge of the student group to the next “everyone will meet the standards required by this school or they will be dropped from this course no matter, who they are or what family they belong to.”  Jessica knew he was on about her, although there may have been one or two others he had taken a jab at.  “Some of you will fail, I am afraid that is the nature of this course.  Some of you may be hurt or even die.”  He said letting that hang in the air for several moments “we pride ourselves on running a safe environment for our students but accidents have unfortunately been known to happen, space is a dangerous place.”  He warned them all “others will graduate and never progress beyond being a pilot of an aerospace fighter, some will never want to progress further than that lofty position enjoying the thrill of pilot and machine locked in deadly combat with an enemy.”  He said raising a small control pad to his hands “but one or two of you may decide that despite the freedom of piloting an aerospace fighter you would prefer to pilot something a little larger and perhaps even rise to the command of such a craft.”  He said pressing the button suddenly the massive clam-shell doors that made up the portion of the wall opposite the students seats began to move revealing massive windows out to space.  To keep these exposed all the time would be highly dangerous but they did give spectacular visions out to space “behold the pride of the Lyran Commonwealth Navy the Mjolinir-class Battlecruiser Snow Fire.  One of only three such craft currently serving within our naval forces you will see the heavy battle damage along her port side which was caused by the Clan Jade Falcon vessel Falcon’s Nest.”  He said allowing them to look at the massive 1,350,000 ton vessel one of the largest WarShips ever constructed it carried more firepower than a combined BattleMech Regiment and carried enough aerospace fighters and DropShips to dominate an entire solar system it was magnificent despite the damage which had been caused to it, infact it was perhaps more impressive because of the damage showing it had fought for its nation and sacrificed so much.  “To even come close to that vessel, you will have to work hard, study harder and show that you want it, otherwise you will wash out and I will be sorry you ever stepped into this school.  Now lets get started ATTEN-TION!”  He shouted at the top of his voice, all the cadets snapped to a salute all still looking at the massive WarShip docked at the shipyards, each filled with hope, pride and desire.  Among them Duchess Jessica Steiner, heir-apparent of the Lyran Commonwealth knew one thing, in her heart she believed the future held for her a WarShip command.

Major-General Bannister Cameron’s Office
Second Armoured Cavalry Division’s Base
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
19th June 3086

   The one thing that Bannister Cameron had always hated was paperwork unfortunately being a Division commander he had always had paperwork, his father had said the Cameron family runs on paper and it wasn't because people lay it at our feet.  Being attached to a Special Operations unit testing the Blackwasp AM Drone Fighters had added to his paper work which more often than not was system updates and additional testing.  Now that the Second was at the forefront of the new Star League Defence Force and the higher powers of the new SLDF had an almost unhealthy interest in drone technology.  It seemed they had forgotten the damage drones and automated SDS systems had caused during the time of the first Star League, Bannister had meant to speak with the current Commanding-General about the SLDF’s interest but so far he hadn’t had the chance, too much paperwork.

   Since becoming Governor of Liberty he had had the additional paperwork of a world to contend with and now he had the additional work leading the Star League Protectorate.  Not to mention the growing amounts of what Colonel Kincaid called “fan-mail” his being a pure-blood Cameron had spread word throughout the Inner Sphere and many saw him as their savior.  More than one letter demanded that he become leader of the Star League not by democratic vote but by the power of Succession and birthright.  He hated it, none of these people understood, he wasn’t a politician he was barely managing the Second Armoured before Liberty got involved and now the Protectorate it was a mess.

   It was late and he was still in his office there was a massive storm outside with the ocean’s swelling and causing damage to some of the Second’s facilities.  Colonel Kincaid had already coordinated the Division’s troops into disaster relief teams who were working to counter the damage done.  The Fifth Light Infantry Brigade was already deploying infantry detachments and engineers across the planet to provide assistance Bannister was left with his paperwork.

   There was a knock on the door “how many times Andrea, you do not have to knock.”  He called out if anyone was going to knock it would be Andrea Kincaid.  The door swung open to reveal a tall broad shouldered man with blonde hair that had begun to go slightly grey.  “I am sorry; I thought you were someone else.”  Bannister said raising to his feet his hand drifting towards his regulation sidearm.  “Visiting hours are long over, if you wish to meet with me you should come during the daylight hours.”

   “I am aware General; however my appearance during the day would not serve you or me very well.”  The figure said entering the room slowly in the better light Bannister could see he was nearly seventy perhaps eighty years old from his size he thought the man may be a Clan Elemental warrior.  The Clans were an entirely different challenge for Bannister Cameron many saw his allegiance to the new Star League as the darkest betrayal against them and against Aleksandr Kerensky.  “I am Custos Paul” he said softly “my people are descendant from the original Star League, we have been cast off from the people we once sheltered with and now wish a new home.”

   “There are many worlds out in the galaxy Custos, I cannot home everyone.”

   “General, my people are well armed and well motivated if we wished we could take a world to call our own.”  Custos said Bannister was unsure if it was a threat or not.  “But we do not wish war General, we wish to work towards a better future.  My people number perhaps four hundred souls, we would like to occupy Mopelia Island.”

   “Mopelia Island is a dead zone has been since 3079 since the biological attack.  Nearly forty thousand lives were lost on that world.”  Bannister said surprised by Custos Paul’s idea “no-one else has been willing to go there despite the biological damage being cleared, much of the city is still in ruin destroyed during the riots.”

   “My people are aware of the situation” the Custos said he must have seen Bannister’s expression change then clear “we were not responsible for the attack on that island.”

   “Which unit of the Star League did you saw you were descendant from?”  Bannister asked changing the subject.

   “I did not, my people descend from multiple units of the old League that banded together and tried to form a new civilization.  Unfortunately that did not work out for us.”

   “I will have to consider your idea Custos, and there will be a price to your acquisition of the island.”  Bannister warned Custos Paul just nodded “come back to me in six months and I will tell you what my decision is.”  He promised the shadowy figure remained standing for several moments before nodding leaving as quietly as he had come.  Bannister sat back down behind the piles of paperwork but did not pick up any of the papers; this new problem could cause more issues in the long run.

Capellan Confederation Expansion
Former Free Worlds League, Inner Sphere
21st June 3086

   The former worlds of the long defunct Duchy of Andruien become part of the Capellan Confederation as Armed forces loyal to the Chancellor land on the worlds of Ryerson, Xantha III, Ingonish, Villanueva, Leyda and Cursa creating the new Andruien Commonality.  Leading these forces is the new Capellan OmniMech the Culverin, a newly developed Heavy design carrying stealth armour.  Built on Grand Base by Earthwerks the seventy-five ton OmniMech like the smaller Men Shen before it is an exclusive OmniMech for the Capellan Confederation.

   Although there is wide condemnation against the Capellan actions for destabilizing the area Chancellor Naomi Centrella points out that the worlds targeted by the Capellan Confederation were all former Duchy of Andruien worlds, and that with the creation of the Andruien Commonality the area would be more stable.

The Culverin comes from Fan Project TRO 3063 one of my favourite designs from that product
« Last Edit: 04 January 2013, 19:47:13 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

