Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 327619 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #660 on: 29 April 2014, 16:56:10 »
Hey Dragon Cat, quick question:  Shadow Hawk LAMs?  Did you make new version of them so they're not flying bricks with no AirMech modes?  An Improved Screamer LAM with twin 5-ton bomb bays be cooler than the original SH LAM prototypes.  :P

How about this one?
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #661 on: 29 April 2014, 17:05:53 »
Great update
And so the chaos begins and we are powerless stop it.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #662 on: 29 April 2014, 17:12:56 »
Thanks for that, Dragon Cat.  It interesting twist in the design.  Hope SSW gets update to handle LAMs.

Looks like the WoB is starting to make their sneaky moves.  Hopefully it won't turn super ugly like the Jihad did.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #663 on: 30 April 2014, 03:22:34 »
Seems that the Wobbies are about to strike back.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #664 on: 30 April 2014, 13:18:08 »
Fun update.  O0

James Tanaga


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #665 on: 30 April 2014, 13:28:53 »
 :) I'm just happy for an update and looking forward to more updates especially with the periphery powers!

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #666 on: 30 April 2014, 17:18:17 »
Thanks for that, Dragon Cat.  It interesting twist in the design.  Hope SSW gets update to handle LAMs.

Looks like the WoB is starting to make their sneaky moves.  Hopefully it won't turn super ugly like the Jihad did.

Not sure if you've seen or read this
(my thanks to Knightmare for making it look good)

But one of my motivations behind this timeline was my initial dislike for the Jihad (although that dislike disappeared as the war went on and the excellent material continued).  At the same time however my timeline will not have a "Jihad" as far as the canon timeline - it will however have quite a bit of fun and twists.

It's also not quite the Word of Blake the Inner Sphere has to deal with... its the Manei Domini  >:D

EDIT: Reply 666  >:D
« Last Edit: 03 May 2014, 09:12:52 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #667 on: 03 May 2014, 09:16:10 »
Grand Melee, Rosse Bloodline
New Barcella, Nova Cat's Den
3rd February 3091

   After a successful campaign on Davetal III Grayson Nova Cat had been recalled directly to New Barcella.  With the recent casualties in combat on Davetal III, the lost Nova Cat WarShips and the combat on New Aega there were plenty of vacancies in the Nova Cat bloodhouses.  Like his sister weeks before Grayson Nova Cat sees off all others to become Grayson Rosse, some are unhappy with this freeborn's elevation, something won in victory could not be taken away.

   On the seventh of February Grayson Rosse wins a second victory, this one a Trial of Position, for the rank of Galaxy Commander.  To stop any immediate Trials of Refusal to Grayson's position or name Khan Canin Rosse orders Grayson Rosse to take command of Upsilon Galaxy on Davetal III with the Lucian Carns, an Anna Rosse-class Battle-cruiser, for support.  Along with Grayson's new command his former unit the 450th Assault Cluster transferred with him now under the command of newly Bloodnamed warrior Star Colonel Katrine Rosse, Grayson's long term rival within the Clan.

Radstadt (Conqueror-class Battle-cruiser)
Nadir Point, New Barcella system
Nova Cat's Den, Periphery
8th February 3091

   At the Nadir point the Nova Cat Conqueror-class Battle-cruiser Radstadt was flanked by the WarShips Ranger, a Lola III-class Destroyer, and the Mastiff, a Drake-class Corvette, beside them were six JumpShips carrying three Cluster's of Alpha Galaxy and the Luna, a Bug Eye-class Surveillance Craft.   Oathmaster Sonja Rosse and Galaxy Commander Zane Carns had been briefed personally by Khan Canin Rosse.

   The Khan explained that he'd experienced a vision of a Nova Cat and a Fox near the Sea, both had traveled far together but that time had come to an end.  Now they would travel the same path but on different routes.  He also explained that there was evidence found by the Watch that Clan Sea Fox had supplied the Taurians with the majority of their Clan technology which had caused Clan Nova Cat and the Star League Defence Force so much trouble.  Khan Rosse ordered that Oathmaster Sonja Rosse personally ends Clan Nova Cat's involvement with Can Sea Fox.

Stewart Offensive
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Former-Free Worlds League
9th February 3091

   In an unauthorized campaign Duke Leonard Stewart leads the Stewart Home Guard Regiment in a three pronged attack on the independent worlds of McAffe, Sheridan and Gannett.  With a Battalion deployed to each planet they quickly overwhelm the local militia forces Duke Leonard Stewart showing off his new SHD-X3M Shadow Hawk LAM during the battle.  On Marik and Atreus the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth's leadership wonder what steps that Leonard Stewart is willing to take to extend the Stewart's family influence in their nation.

Royal Visit
Davion Royal Palace, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
13th February 3091

   Returning a visit that Duchess Danai Centrella-Davion made in 3091 Edre McEvens, younger sister to Danai, travels from the world of Fronc to New Avalon visiting her sister's home.  During the visit Danai also meets Captain Emma McEvens, Edre McEvens daughter and Danai Centrella-Davion's neice, who acts as Edre's head of security.

Masterston Memorial Spaceport
Regulus City, Principality of Regulus
Former Free Worlds League
20th February 3091

   An Aqueduct-class Liquid Transport DropShip plunges from the sky after two of it engines had failed during landing, the  forty-five thousand ton DropShip smashes into the tarmac, scattering debris and its liquid cargo across the spaceport.  As Regulan City emergency personnel attend to the crashed ship   the twenty-seven thousand tons of liquid explodes into fire.  These fires highly reactive to the atmosphere of Regulus and the fire ****** used by the emergency personnel causes several explosions causing hundreds of casualties.

   As further emergency crews react across Regulus Colonel Michelle Cameron-Jones, commander of the First Cameron-Jones House Guard and wife of Prince Titus Cameron-Jones, activates the defence regiments of Regulus to assist emergency crews.  As she is moving to her BattleMech a sniper targets Michelle Cameron-Jones severely wounding her with their first shot.  Eight more members of the House Guards are killed trying to reach Michelle before the sniper uses their last shot to end Michelle Cameron-Jones life.

SLIC/Watch Operation
Samantha, Hyades Union
Taurian Concordat
24th February 3091

   Since the fall of the Davetal system the Star League Intelligence Corps and Clan Nova Cat's Watch had been pouring over information about who had been behind the attack on Althea's Choice, New Aega and behind the formation of Omega Six.  Continuous intelligence had pointed to Taurus and an office close to the Protector of the Taurian Concordat, Marshal Cham Kithrong.  The Marshal had been against Nova Cat operations in the Fronc Reaches and Filtvelt Coalition but they had nowhere near the firepower to oppose them.  Intelligence supported a theory that Cham Kithrong had planned to use the SLDF's considerable resources to oppose the Nova Cats and force them out of the Periphery.

   With the Taurian Concordat's long history with the Star League Defence Force well known Star Colonel Sandra Rosse, commander of the Nova Cat's Third Watch Cluster, and Colonel Larry Moss, commander of the Eighty-Third Special Operations Battalion of the SAS Division, had come up with the attack plan without involving the Taurian authorities.  Slipping into the Taurian system on civilian ships they had landed three squads of Battle Armour from the Eighty-Third and two Points of Battle Armour from the Third Watch Cluster onto Taurus.

   Moving through the Taurian capital of Samantha City the Nova Cats and the SLIC personnel set-up across from the Taurian Command.  “That is the most secure building in the entire Taurian Concordat.”  Larry Moss pointed out looking at Sandra Rosse, neither was a Battle Armour trooper by their original training but because of their units purpose they had cross-trained and neither planned on missing this arrest.

   “Aff, however this man must pay for the blood on his hands.”

   “He will but we need to ensure collateral damage is kept to a minimum.”  Cooper said looking at Sandra Rosse “non-lethal weapons unless absolutely necessary.”

   “Our armour should protect us from the small arms fire.  However should we need to use lethal force we will.”  Sandra Rosse said forceful Cooper nodded.

   “Shift hand-over is in four minutes, we strike then, Baron Kithrong is in his office.  We isolate it and capture him before security can react.  Once that is done we will inform Taurian authorities”  Cooper explained.

   “And should they oppose us?  The Taurians will not be happy that we have launched this operation on their soil.”

   “The rest of the Eighty-Third and Third Watch will be entering the system soon, if they arrive before we secure Kithrong he will have time to destroy any incriminating material he has” Cooper pointed out.

   The minutes passed quickly while the Nova Cats and the SAS troopers prepared for the assault all were dressed in advanced Battle Armour suits but the Taurians had BattleMechs, Armoured Vehicles, Battle Armour and Infantry units in far larger numbers.  With their timetable so tight Speed was more important than stealth so when they were ready a point of Nova Cat Slyph VTOL Battle Armour suits left the roof of the building flying over the perimetre fence bombing the defences.  Immediately after the rest of the Nova Cats and SAS troopers charged through the breaks in the fences caused by the bombs immediately crossing the perimetre the Battle Armour launched into the air smashing through the windows of the building.

   Immediately the Taurian defenders mobilized attacking the SLDF and Nova Cat forces fortunately the immediate response forces was made up of conventional infantry forces armed with weapons that could do minimal damage to the Battle Armour units.  Knocking troopers to the side with their additional mass and speed smashing through internal doors as they went the SLDF/Nova Cat units quickly secured the whole floor that they had entered on including Marshal Cham Kithrong's office and the marshal himself.  “What is the meaning of this?”  He shouted at the faceless black Nighthawk Power Armour suits facing him their weapons were pointed at him.  “Do you know who I am?  You will all be imprisoned for this!”

   “Neg, Marshal we will not” Sharon Rosse stated her suit stepping through the others the Nova Cat insignia on her black suit's shoulder very visible.  “You are going to pay for everything that you have done.”  She promised him Kithrong did not reply instead he dived towards his desktop computer the troopers beside him reacted quickly restraining the Taurian Marshal against the wall their massive bulk stepping him from moving again.  “I would have been disappointed if you had not tried something Marshal, this is over.”

   “It will only be over when your Clan is dead.”  Kithrong promised

   For the following twelve hours there was a tense stand-off as the Taurian Concordat military reacted to the SAS/Nova Cat operation.  The Taurians had threatened the “invaders” with complete destruction should they not turn over Kithrong and all their weapons however no attack came.  Sharon Rosse and Larry Moss kept their forces on alert even as Cham Kithrong's interrogation and the analysis of his files began.  Protector Erik Martens-Calderon arrived on the site of the stand-off as morning began to break he informed Colonel Moss that he had been in direct communication with First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion and that the Taurian Concordat would be cooperating with the SLDF Investigation fully.  He also informed the Protector that the SLS Mopelia Island and another unidentified WarShip had entered the system backing up the operation.  Two WarShips was probably not enough to breach the Taurian Concordat's defences of the Hyades Cluster however they were a clear message to the Taurians that the SLDF meant business.

   In the following weeks of interrogation on Taurus Cham Kithrong admitted to the formation of and funding of Omega Six under his orders.  He also admitted to hiding the unit from the Protector and using the unit for his own objectives.  In an attempt to justify his position Kithrong explained that he saw Clan Nova Cat as the greatest danger to the Taurian Concordat since the first SLDF and the Reunification War his goal was to turn the current SLDF against Clan Nova Cat however he had not anticipated the First Royal ComGuard Brigade's reaction to the Nova Cat attack.  The deployment of two Taurian Concordat Regiments to support the SLDF had been intended to show the Taurian Concordat's continued support for the SLDF and attempt to draw further SLDF units into the battle.  Analysis of the Baron's computer records and those in the Davetal system backed up Kithrong's statements and pointed confirmed information the Nova Cats possessed on where the Clan technology had come from.  Once the Nova Cats and SLIC had gained all they could from Cham Kithrong he was remanded into Taurian Concordat custody at the request of the Taurian Concordat Protector who had stated that Kithrong would now face the Taurian Justice system for the use of government funds without authorization.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #668 on: 03 May 2014, 19:43:12 »
Regulus is feeling the love from the Wobbies.
The TC is feeling the love from the Nova Cats and the SLDF.
It looks like the Sea Foxes are next. :D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #669 on: 05 May 2014, 00:02:53 »
Days off great for writing when you have nothing planned

Border Extension
Rim Association, Periphery
4th March 3091

   Following years of support from the Rim Association the independent worlds of Sharqah, Howrah, Wilkes and Lengkong all announce they have chosen to join the Rim Association.  Rim Association armed forces land on each of the worlds securing them these actions bring the Magistracy of Canopus and Principality of Regulus into shared borders with the Rim Association.

Border Skirmish
Matsuida, Draconis March
Federated Suns
10th March 3091

   A border skirmish erupted in the Matsuida system as the Draconis Combine's Musashi WarShip Flotilla entered the system.  The FSS Pegasus which had been based just off the Nadir point immediately assaulted the Draconis Combine WarShips with its forward Naval Particle Cannons causing heavy damage to the DCS Dragon's Lair, an Inazuma II-class Corvette, disabling the craft long enough for the Columbia-class Battleship to turn and engage the Corvette with its Kraken Telescopic Capital Missiles finishing off the smaller vessel.  As aerospace fighters and DropShips from the other vessels of the Flotilla engaged the Pegasus and her air wing the Federated Suns WarShip had no choice but to turn and move away from the jump point surrendering control over the access point to the system.

   Using the Pegasus' massive Rolls Royce Kraken engines the crew successfully keep the remaining Draconis Combine WarShips at maximum range while causing increased damage with its multiple Naval lasers and Kraken missile launchers.  For eight days the Pegasus fought a cat-and-mouse battle with the Draconis Combine vessels taking further damage the entire time.  Arriving in orbit over Matsuida in the evening of the 18th the Pegasus slipped behind the planet covering the WarShip from the pursuing Draconis Combine vessels and the incoming ground forces.

   While the Pegasus was behind the planet the AFFS unit on the planet, the First New Avalon Guards RCT, completed their evacuation.  Coming around the planet the FSS Pegasus led the DropShips by a distance immediately the ship started with several Heavy Particle Cannon shots from its forward batteries causing severe damage to the DCS Pride of New Samarkand, a Kyushu-class Frigate, as three blasts struck the front of the ship.  The Pride of New Samarkand returned fire with several Naval Autocannons and Particle cannons tearing into the Pegasus alongside the Pride the DCS Musashi opened fire on the Pegasus with its Naval Particle Cannons Capital Missiles, Naval Gauss weapons and Naval Lasers tearing into the mighty Federated Suns Battleship.  Normally against one of these ships the Pegasus would stand a chance of fighting toe-to-toe against these craft but together the Columbia-class Battleship took a severe pounding from the Combine vessels.

   As the Pegasus slipped past the Combine vessels its commander Fleet Admiral Blaine Webster rolled the vessel to present its upper hull towards them firing its Kraken Capital Missiles and large bore naval lasers in defence.  Behind the Pegasus the DropShips of the First New Avalon Guards RCT scattered behind the battleship's bulk trying to avoid incoming fire.  Further weapons fire struck the rear of the Pegasus cutting the vessel's acceleration as one of the ship's massive engines exploded under the intense fire.  The massive one and a half million tonne WarShip's thrust was cut to virtually nothing fortunately the ship had already built up significant forward momentum which brought the crippled vessel out of range from the Draconis Combine vessels which chose not to pursue the retreating AFFS forces.

   Rendezvousing away from the planet the Federated Suns forces met with JumpShips and quickly left the system abandoning Matsuida to the Combine.  All three remaining Draconis Combine WarShips in the system were badly damaged requiring weeks of repair but they were also fully operational which was far more than could be said about the Pegasus.  The Columbia-class Battleship entered the Igualade system, with the First New Avalon Guards RCT, the Battleship immediately sent out a distress call reporting multiple hull breaches and with many systems compromised too badly to operate or completely destroyed and with over half the crew being reported as dead or missing.  On hearing of the Pegasus' condition the AFFS redeployed the FSS Latha Paschel from Thestria to support the vessel and ordered the FSS Intrepid, the Fox Block III-class Yardship, to move to assist the vessel from the New Syrtis system.

Public Announcement
Denbar, Sian Commonality
Capellan Confederation
16th March 3091

   In a public announcement that reaches across the Capellan Confederation and into the neighbouring realms on ever state and commercial HPG communication relay system the Capellan government announce the capture of Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao and the remains of the First St Ives Lancers on Denbar.  With two WarShips in the system there is little to no hope of the St Ives Compact being able to recover her.  The Star League requests to put observers on Denbar however the Capellan Confederation refuse access.  As the message spreads the message passes to the Lucian Carns, Grayson Rosse's WarShip, passing through uninhabited systems of the Taurian Concordat, the vessel escorting Nova Cat supplies to the Clan's Davetal III base.  Feeling a debt of gratitude to Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao for her help in negotiating the crisis on New Aega Grayson makes a decision and changes the WarShip's course for Denbar.

Space Control Tower, Saginaw,
Midway, Oshika Prefecture
Military District of Midway, Draconis Combine
20th March 3091

   For ten days the DropShip had been a spec on Saginaw's Space Traffic Control Radar, it had followed its directed course, now however the ship had drifted from its course.  “Red Buccaneer, Red Buccaneer, this is Saginaw Air Traffic Control you are off course are you declaring an emergency?”  Space controller Shinjori Watson called on the radio turning to his fellow controller “raise the military perhaps their communications have failed if we could get some fighters in the air they could guide them down.”

   “Their current course is taking them towards Lackawana City” Olivia Pierce said looking at the screens “if they crash into a built up area then they could cause hundreds of people.  We may need to force them into the bay.”

   “It won't get that far, if we can get to them then we can stop this before something drastic has to happen.”  He replied changing several controls focusing on the Buccaneer-class DropShip the ship was a cargo craft with minimal armaments and up until now had followed every procedure on entering the Midway landing pattern.

   “I have an answer from Midway Aerospace and Interstellar Institute (AII) they have a pair of Oni 2Xs in the air.  They are sending them on an intercept flight” Pierce replied.

   “In the air?”  Watson snapped “why are they flying in our operating area without our clearance?”

   “Probably testing their new toys."  The Oni 2X was well known as a test-bed fighter for using stealth armour on aerospace craft they had been in testing on Midway for weeks.  "AII reports the Oni are inbound from the north-east call signs Beast-One and Beast-Two.”  She reported “we still don't have them.”

   “Red Buccaneer, this is Beast-One, on Channel Three please respond” the pilot of the lead Oni fighter said as they approached the incoming Bucaneer type DropShip.  The DropShip was almost like a huge aircraft with a long thing body and wide wings.  The ship continued forward towards the city of Lackawana without reply “Beast-One, Beast-Two, we'll come up alongside her left wing see if we can get some visual combat.”

   “On you're wing” the other pilot replied.  The two Oni fighters swung out wide, far beyond the Buccaneer's flight path.  Moments later weapons fire erupted from the Buccaneer gauss rifle and extended-range laser fire tore through the air into Beast-Two tearing the medium aerospace fighter to pieces.  “EJECTING!”  The pilot screamed as the fighter fell to pieces around the pilot moments later the pilot shot clear of the stricken craft.

   “Beast-One to control Beast-Two is down in sector twenty-two!  Consider the Red Buccaneer to be hostile, I want a full scan of that ship and its systems.”  Beast-One's pilot ordered spinning away from the cargo DropShip as lasers, gauss rifle fire and long range missiles filled the air.  The ship had many, many times the weapons a normal Buccaneer had all revealed as panels slid away whatever the DropShips mission was today Beast-One bet this DropShip was a former pirate craft.

   “Beast-One we are tracking Beast-Two ejection, it looks like a clean break.”  The controller reported “scanning DropShip...” he continued “Beast-One, Red Buccaneer matches the sensor profile of the Red Raider run by Razek's Band of pirate forces off of Antallos.”  Confirming Beast-One's suspicions.

   “They were wiped out years ago by the Ravens!”  The pilot shouted avoiding further fire from the renegade fighter “they are putting on the speed!”  He said moving around the DropShip as it accelerated “I'm engaging” he replied moving into the DropShip's rear arc hoping to find less firepower.  As he moved Beast-One powered the Oni's forward Binary Laser Cannon and loaded the Medium Range Missile system readying his fighter to engage.  Targeting the DropShip he triggered the forward laser and missile system cutting into the DropShip's armour but causing no internal breaches “stronger armour than standard I am barely denting them, they are heading into the city!”

   “Understood, further assets raising to support!”

   “It's too late!”  The pilot shouted as there were two small explosions on the DropShip's lower hull “they just blew the cargo hold!  I'm seeing some sort of liquid falling into the southern bay area!  Repeat a liquid compound has been dropped into the bay!"  He called out the warning as the DropShip continued towards the city "Red Raider is dropping altitude!  They are heading for Lackawana General Hospital” the pilot reported his fingers frozen off the firing triggers as he watched the three thousand-five hundred ton vessel's left wing tear through the middle levels of Lackawana General Hospital's tower block.  The remains of the DropShip spun out of control smashing into further buildings causing massive amount of fire and secondary explosions.  “Control this is Beast-One, I can confirm impact with LGH and the buildings around it.  I can see six major tower block fires catching on we will need emergency crews to the area there is going to be massive casualties!”  The pilot said orbiting the crash site seeing the liquid draining into the bay area “we will also need a marine chemical containment unit for the bay!”

   For the next few days the people of Midway and the greater Draconis Combine reacted to the attack with initial estimates of twelve to fifteen thousand casualties as one of the tower blocks damaged by the crashed DropShip crumbled to the ground within hours of the initial crash.  During the mop-up operation the marine containment unit confirmed that the chemical agent introduced to the Lackawana bay was lethal to humans and had infected the local drinking water extending the crisis.  Midway as capital of the Military District of Midway needed additional resources to contain the chemical spill which threatened millions of life across the planet, the additional resources spent on Midway caused friction across the District.
Governor's Office, Central Ecol City
Thorin, Star League Protectorate
27th March 3091

   This office was the last office Archer Christifori had wanted to be sitting in.  He was a BattleMech pilot he had served the Lyran and Federated Commonwealth armies before joining the Star League Defence Force.  He would have been happy with command of the SLDF's First Royal Regimental Brigade “Morgan's Lions” he thought quietly remembering the easy days when he was a simple Brigade commander.  After things had spiraled out of control with Morgan Hasek-Davion selecting him as the man who would eventually replace him.  Even as Commanding-General Archer had enjoyed his life it was one of service and travel, there was plenty of paperwork but that was balanced out by the feeling that he was making a difference, and plenty opportunities to pilot his BattleMech.  Katya had been involved with Intelligence and they at least had time together now, even with her mustering out of the SLDF, they were distant, disconnected to each other.  He hoped that once she returned to Thorin they could have some time together, time he would only get if he could clear the massive amount of paperwork connected to being Governor of Thorin.  This was was post, an office, he never really wanted but the people had called on his service and Archer Christifori could not turn down the chance to serve.

   Standing at the windows of his eighth floor office looking over Ecol City Archer could see three VTOLs traveling directly towards the tower.  As they closed Archer could see them switching position continuously, someone on those craft was very important, as they closed Archer realized that the helicopters were Cavalry Infiltrator variants.  Because the First Royal Division looked after his Penetrator BattleMech Archer knew that the unit did not have any such unit, nor did the newly raised First Thorin Guard Regiment or the First Thorin Training Battalion.  The aircraft painted in SLDF greens turned directly towards the building he wondered what exactly was going on, he did know that two SLDF DropShips had landed during the night and that he had been sent information on the reasons for their unconventional entry into the system which had been via a pirate point near Thorin's moon.  The three aircraft thundered over the building although not a pilot Archer guessed that they were on a landing approach, if they wanted him they knew where to find him he thought, as he turned back towards his desk and his paperwork.  Before he could even reach his desk a few feet away the doors burst open “Honey I'm home!” Katya Christifori burst out as she stepped through the doors passed two stunned guards.  Archer was fixed to the spot for several seconds before taking several rapid steps grabbing his wife with his arms raising her off the ground as he turned her slowly.

   “When did you return?”

   “About an hour ago”

   “The DropShips?  That's quite a short-cut...” Archer began thinking that the JumpShip pilot had to be the craziest in the Inner Sphere to jump that close to Thorin just to get Katya home.  He knew that couldn't have been the only reason.

   “Don't worry, Governor, she didn't make those decisions alone” Victor Steiner-Davion said entering the room behind Katya passed the still stunned guards.

   “First Lord, welcome to Thorin, you could have warned us we would have set-up for you.”  Archer explained releasing Katya turning to Victor.

   “The reason behind us not sending word ahead is the same for us using a pirate point.”  Victor said stepping into the room the two doors closed behind them.  Victor moved over to Archer's small drinks cabinet selecting three glasses “I'm sure you don't mind?  It's been quite a trip.”

   “Of course, sire” Archer said moving behind the desk Katya selected a comfortable green sofa and flopped down onto it the Governor seeing just how tired his wife was the last location he had for them was back within the Federated Suns after final operations were complete against Omega Six.

   “We took a string of JumpShips through the Federated Suns and Star League Protectorate.”  Victor explained handing Katya a drink “being First Lord, First Prince and having some Steiner blood in me helps at times.  Those who were not bound to service answered to the call of cash.”  He added before handing a drink to Victor before sitting down opposite Archer.   “Archer, David's death” Victor said quietly speaking of the reason for his visit, Commanding-Admiral David Natale's death, “was not a tragic accident, as it's been reported, the SLIC have been over the Shining Claw with a tooth comb” he said looking directly at Archer “David was murdered.”

   “Murdered?” Archer asked stunned looking at Katya who nodded.

   “Assassinated is the polite term, but it was little more than a murder cold blooded and unprovoked.”  Victor said taking a sip of his drink passing the details to Katya.

   “Investigators are working their way through the crew of the Shining Claw however they are coming up blank twenty members of the Frigate's crew are now confirmed to have been killed by the initial blast and injuries sustained.”  Katya explained “the running theory at present is that one of those killed was responsible for the attack.”

   “A suicide mission?”  Archer said out loud surprised that such a thing could happen on a Star League WarShip.

   “It would appear so” Victor replied “with the troubles throughout the Free Worlds League, Capellan Confederation and along the Federated Suns and Combine borders there is yet more trouble.”

   “The Star League was created to protect the Inner Sphere but the Inner Sphere doesn't seem to want to protect itself.  We cannot put out all these brush fires.”  Archer said angrily.

   “I have not even asked you yet and already you are thinking like a Commanding-General.”  Victor said smiling Archer glanced at Katya who nodded her agreement with the idea.  “It will be a temporary assignment Archer until the crisis is over and we have a better handle on what is going on in the Inner Sphere.”

   “I'll do it sir, on a condition” Archer said Victor glanced at Katya in surprise then straight back at Archer “you authorize Katya's reinstatement as my aide” he said his wife smiled warily “we've been separated enough over the last few years.”

   “Just when I was looking forward to an early retirement” Katya said drinking from her own glass in a mock salute to her husband's idea.

   “I'm not against it Commanding-General” Victor said raising from his chair Archer did the same “congratulations again.”  He said shaking Archer's hand the new Commanding-General nodded there were others in the SLDF who deserved to be considered for this position however if David Natale's death was in fact an assassination Archer knew that he'd need his wits around him.  If the Commanding-General was a target, on the Star League's Flagship, who next?  The Division commanders in their sleep?  The First Lord on their throne?  Someone had declared war on the Star League and Archer was determined to see them fail.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #670 on: 05 May 2014, 00:55:52 »
so galaxy commander Ross to the rescue? I wonder what else you have in store for the nova cats?  [drool] very nice update


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #671 on: 05 May 2014, 01:27:45 »
Well the Nova Cats wanted some combat experience.
The Capellan's are good for that. }:)
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #672 on: 05 May 2014, 04:22:38 »
Teliscope Operated Missiles?

Some new tech you've brought in?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #673 on: 05 May 2014, 12:34:06 »
Teliscope Operated Missiles?

Some new tech you've brought in?

No it should be Kraken Teleoperated missiles.  Pegasus was refit with them in 3073.
« Last Edit: 05 May 2014, 12:36:04 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #674 on: 05 May 2014, 19:38:09 »
Nicely additional update, Dragon Cat.

Funny thing, when i glanced at the threat at first, i saw
Quote from: Dragon Cat
No it should be Kraken Teleoperated missiles.  Pegasus was refit with them in 3073

I had think there for second.  :D . o O (How hell do you get a Karken into a Pegasus hover tank?!?)
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #675 on: 05 May 2014, 22:35:20 »
plots plots and more plots, tushay!  O0

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #676 on: 06 May 2014, 04:20:38 »
How hell do you get a Karken into a Pegasus hover tank?!?
Duct-Tape. Lots and lots and lots of Duct-Tape.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #677 on: 07 May 2014, 02:59:13 »
Nicely additional update, Dragon Cat.

Funny thing, when i glanced at the threat at first, i saw
I had think there for second.  :D . o O (How hell do you get a Karken into a Pegasus hover tank?!?)

the warhead might fit

Duct-Tape. Lots and lots and lots of Duct-Tape.

No that's what they need to fix the Pegasus  ;)

For now time for another update

Galatea General Hospital
Galatea City, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
2nd April 3091

   After a six hour labour Elizabeth McCarron gives birth to a surprisingly healthy, three week pre-mature, baby boy at Galatea General Hospital.  Elizabeth and her husband Malcolm Hague name their child Grant McCarron to carry on the McCarron name.  With Grant's birth there is an heir to the McCarron Armoured Cavalry Mercenary Command which now stands at two full regiments.  The unit which had fallen from its previous size during their troubles with the Capellan Confederation were finally beginning to see the fruits of their own labour with their own estate on Galatea and an option to pick of contracts from across the Inner Sphere.

Border Skirmish
Genoa, Ruchbah PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
5th April 3091

   With increased raids from Capellan Confederation, and an unidentified force, the First Ceti Hussars RCT had been redeployed from Achernar to the worlds of Zurich, Genoa and Nanking.  Separating into three Combat Commands the RCT would deploy three Combined-arms Regiments to each of the worlds to shore up the local militia forces already on planet.  Leftenant Fredrick Davion, despite Vice Admiral Elias Briggs initial worries about him, had been assigned as a lance commander with three other BattleMechs under his command.

   The Leopard-class DropShip transporting Fredrick Davion and his lance down through Genoa's stormy atmosphere towards the capital city of Columbus rocking as they went.  “Leftenant, it appears there is a battle ongoing on the surface between the militia and an unknown force.”

   “Have we been given tasking orders?”  He asked from the cockpit of his Rifleman.

   “The Colonel is directing the Combat Command to the local spaceport” the pilot replied.

   “Do we specifically have tasking commands, Captain?”

   “Negative, Leftenant” the pilot replied

   “Then I want you to drop us near the militia, we've all got jump jets, we'll drop and reinforce their position until the rest of the unit are organized.”

   “Leftenant that will leave you very exposed” the DropShip pilot said Fredrick knew the pilot was talking about his name more than his abilities.

   “Pilot, I'm here to do a job, get us down there.  It's my call for ground operations.”

   “Yes, sir, prepare for insertion.”  The pilot called out he given Fredrick a chance which was all he could do.

   “All right people the pilot is dropping us near the militia line” Fredrick said switching to the lance channel “we are going to shore up the militia and disrupt this attack.”

   “The four of us?”  One of his lance mates called back.

   “Only for a few minutes no-one takes any chances they don't need to take.”  He said moments later the DropShips doors opened and the green lights along the sides of the doors lit up.  “Go, Go, Go!”  He called out stepping his Rifleman several steps forward the Mech cleared the bay doors and dropped into the air Fredrick cut in his jump jets slowing his Mech's fall immediately.  The Mech dropped through the air landing heavily on its sturdy legs a few short moments later immediately Fredrick raised his BattleMech's arms turning towards the first enemy Mech he could see a seventy-five ton Lao Hu.  Fixing on the Mech he opened fire with both Hyper Assault Gauss Rifles at the same time the two massive Clan-built weapons roared to life shaking the entire Mech as they rapidly fired dozens of gauss projectiles into the heavy Mech shaving armour arms and torso section of the Mech.  Immediately after he cut in his Mech's four extended-range medium lasers burning away more armour off the enemy Mech forcing the pilot back.

   The Lao Hu twisted its torso towards the Rifleman Fredrick looked at the range and smiled he was out of range for the enemy Mech's main gun a massive assault autocannon.  The Lao Hu opened fire with its long range missiles peppering the Rifleman with minor hits, moments later the warrior triggered his laser system as well but the shot went wide.  Fredrick smiled a primal smile, this was what he had trained for, all those stories his father had told when he was younger.  Moving his Mech quickly to the left he kept his Mech's arms, and his two rifles, trained on the Lao Hu as soon as the weapons were reloaded he triggered them again cutting away more armour off the Lao Hu.  Moments later the enemy Mech was struck by a stream of pulse lasers and medium range missiles which tore into the Capellan Mech, one of the pulse lasers tore through the cockpit of the Lao Hu killing the pilot Fredrick looked at the side and noticed the Gallant BattleMech of MechWarrior Chloe Feore “Thief” Fredrick said quietly.

   “All's fair in love and war El-Tee” the MechWarrior replied before a gauss rifle tore through her Mech's left side tearing off the Gallant's arm throwing the Mech to the ground.

   “Chloe...”  Fredrick called out looking at the Mech “Chloe” he repeated as the Mech began to get back up slowly “you read.”

   “You're not rid of me yet.”  She said quietly

   “All right!”  Fredrick called out “you fall back, I'll cover” Fredrick ordered the other MechWarrior turning on another Capellan design this one an old Raven light Mech.  Targeting the Mech with all four of his medium lasers Fredrick tore the leg off the light Mech with three successful hits to the right leg.  The Raven tumbled to the ground and stopped moving.  “Two down” he said looking around he spotted a Regulator II Hovertank immediately he fired one of his gauss rifles but the stream missed tearing up the ground the Regulator returned fire smashing the Rifleman's torso tearing up the Mech's engine shielding Fredrick felt a rush of heat before pulling the rifle trigger again this time tearing into the side of the Regulator puncturing the hover skirt in several places dropping the medium weight craft to the ground as it was unable to maintain the air pressure with the damaged skirt.  Two small wheeled vehicles shot past Fredrick's Mech twisting to see them he noticed they were both Kruger Combat Cars bore the colours of the First Ceti Hussars RCT both opened fire with their turret mounted laser systems burning more armour off the Regulator “more kill thieves” Fredrick said chuckling before watching the Regulator's turret spin tracking the Krugers.  A single shot struck the front of one of the Krugers.

   “A little help Mechboy?”  The the Kruger driver called out he could hear the panic in her voice the Kruger was a newly deployed scout tank, based off a design that had been out of production for decades, it wasn't designed for battle line operations like this one.

   “Of course” he called back out triggering his lasers burning through what remained of the Regulator's armour shutting the tank down.

   “Thanks Mechboy how about we set them up and you knock them down?”  The driver suggested

   “Sounds good Tanker let's go.”  He said

   “Hey!  Tankers are big, slow and ugly I'm none of that” the driver replied cheekily as the Krugers both shot off although one of them was badly damaged the drivers were obviously planning on relying on their speed to keep out of harms way and Fredrick's back up fire to get them out of trouble.

   As it turned out the partnership worked very well with Fredrick and his remaining two lance mates keeping in contact with the Krugers for several hours as they engaged the Capellan raiding force before the Mechs needed to fall back due to equipment failures and ammunition shortages.  Even as the Mechs were falling back the two Krugers were heading to another assignment Fredrick didn't even know their names but was very thankful for their timely arrival the new vehicles, and their drivers, had certainly proved their worth as had Fredrick Davion.

Raid in Force
Tamarind, Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey
Former Free Worlds League
11th April 3091

   Unknown raiders painted in the colours of the Lyran Guards, but matching no known Lyran unit, assault Tamarind causing massive damage to several storage areas.  The attackers are immediately attacked by the Heart of Blake Mercenary Command which was made up of former Word of Blake officers.  The attackers turn away from causing trouble instead turning fully on the Heart of Blake by the time the First Tamarind Guard Regiment arrive the Heart of Blake are no more their Mechs and vehicles lay strewn across the battlefield.  The mysterious raiders trade long range shots with the Tamarind Guard as they retreat intentionally turning their guns on any unit of their own that falls.

SIS Candice Allard-Liao (Newgrange-class Yardship)
Warlock, St Ives Compact
19th April 3091

   Deep within the remains of the St Ives Compact the SIS Candice Allard-Liao, a Newgrange-class Yardship, launches the SIS St Loris, a new Kai-class Destroyer, which had recently been finished inside the massive vessel.  Given the St Ives Compact's depleted fleet the St Loris moves immediately to the St Ives system to shore up defences,however, even as the ship arrives the crew are still screwing down the last nuts and bolts.  The Candice Allard-Liao jumps soon after the St Loris has left the system arriving in the Tantara system and begins construction of a Union-class Pocket WarShip type of DropShip as the St Ives Compact attempts to crash build a naval force.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #678 on: 12 May 2014, 18:42:24 »
Into May

Ghost Bear Staging Area
Buckminster, Orestes District
Rasalhague Dominion
3rd May 3091

   Following the attacks by the Draconis Combine on the worlds of Gram and Shimosuwa the Ghost Bears of the Rasalhague Dominion had staged the entire Beta Galaxy on the planet of Buckminster.  As Beta Galaxy prepared for operations against the Draconis Combine a Quetzalcoatl Scout-class JumpShip jumped into the system near the planet deploying twelve aerospace fighters which immediately began to burn towards the atmosphere.

   As Ghost Bear aerospace fighters of Beta Galaxy rose to engage them the lead fighters intentionally engage multiple targets creating an instant melee.  Between these dueling fighters the last two craft, a pair of heavily modified Ironsides CX-19s, dive through the fight instead of engaging the Clan fighters they dive to the surface.

   Once under one hundred metres the two fighters skimmed the planet's surface until they reached Beta Galaxy's main base of operations.  The two fighters immediately opened fire with their seven Short Range Missile Launchers the warheads flew over the entire base exploding over the ground forces covering the base in an A-232 chemical nerve agent the fighters then flew over the capital of Buckminster showering the city with the same warheads before being shot down by ground air defences.  Although the Ghost Bear Aerospace Fighters and other automated defences were able to destroy the rest of the attacking aerospace fighters within hours nearly two hundred thousand men, women and children including the vast majority of Beta Galaxy were dead.  Their deaths were immediately attributed to the A-232 detonations as were the thousands of other casualties in critical condition across Buckminster.  From across the Rasalhague Dominion there is widespread rage at the attack however the Ghost Bear Khans order Buckminster cared for before any revenge is taken.

Capellan attack
Vestallas, Capellan March
Federated Suns
9th May 3091

   Escorting three JumpShips the CCSS Chancellor's Pride, the Capellan Confederation's sole Thera-class Carrier, jumped into the Vestallas system deploying several DropShips including three Lung Wang P3 Pocket WarShips.  The system formerly held by the St Ives Compact was now held by the Federated Suns and defended by the FSS Melissa Davion and the FSS William Davion and the First Kittery Borderers Regiment.  Both Federated Suns Avalon-class Cruisers were damaged from the previous battle for the system however that stopped neither from moving into the engagement supported by several Arondight Pocket WarShips and a Vengeance Fighter Carrier the two Avalons started by volley firing Killer Whale capital missiles.  Unfortunately as the Capellan vessel was capable of carrying three Aerospace Fighter wings which were acting as a point defence for the Carrier and the DropShips as they closed on the planet meaning few missiles were getting through.  As they closed DropShips charged towards the planet landing two entire Regiments of Capellan Mechs.  With the two Avalons taking significant damage from the fighters the ground force commander ordered a general retreat from the world, however, even as they were evacuating the planet the Borderers were taking mounting losses.

   As they reached orbit the William Davion exploded from within as its capital missile magazine was breached by Capellan weapons fire shattering the Avalon.  The Melissa Davion continued to hold the line against the aerospace fighters and DropShips while the ground forces retreated from the planet however the vessel took mounting losses as the Capellan Confederation force continued to attack.  Unable to jump clear before the ground forces were clear the Melissa Davion suffered hit after hit until the Avalon could take no more the Capellan Confederation fighters continued to press their attacks even as the Melissa Davion's crew began to abandon ship the cruiser rolling out of control.  The majority of the First Kittery Borderers JumpShips jumped clear of the system before the Capellans could fall on them however they remained in system just long enough to witness the FSS Melissa Davion's final journey an uncontrolled spiral that took the Cruiser straight into the sun.

   With House Davion driven from the system the Capellans began to reassert themselves on the world and launched raids against Scituate, Gurnet and Weekapaug keeping the Capellan March on edge.  Following the loss of two Avalon-class Cruisers to massed fighter attacks and the continued trouble with the FSS Sarah Davion, the Avalon Block II prototype, the AFFS High Command orders that once the three Avalon Block I-class vessels under construction are completed production of the class is halted until further notice.  The owners of the McKenna Shipyards of Kathil, the producers of the Avalon-class, immediately begin to intensify work on repairing the bugs in the Sarah Davion's systems to make the ship suitable for AFFS Naval operations while the Duke of Kathil Petyr VanLees begs the Hasek family for help with reversing the High Commands decision reporting that the McKenna Shipyards could loose valuable expertise to other shipyards should the Avalon yard be shut down permanently.

Command Bridge, RMA Kirsten Marik (Eagle-class Destroyer)
Augustine, Rousset-Marik Alliance
Former-Free Worlds League
15th May 3091

   A week before an unidentified Black Lion-class WarShip had entered the Augustine system at the Nadir Jump Point.  The ship, painted in black, had immediately began to make a burn towards Augustine ignoring hails from the Nadir Point jump station and from nearby JumpShips.  As it had traveled in system the Battle-cruiser had deployed four DropShips, all Union-class, and had continued to ignore any attempt by the local population to communicate.

   The RMA Kirsten Marik, the Rousset-Marik Alliance's only Eagle-class Frigate, had been dispatched, along with a squadron of six DropShips, to intercept and stop the Black Lion by any means.  Standing within the command bridge of the vessel Kapten Michela Hunter watched as her WarShip entered weapons range with the Black Lion.  “We give them one last chance to stand down.”  She ordered “this is the RMA Kirsten Marik to unidentified Black Lion you are entering restricted space.  Reverse your course immediately or be classed as hostile.”  She said glancing at the communications officer who shook his head, no response.   “Fine, Black Lion is considered to be hostile paint with ECM!”  She said raising her voice.

   “Defensive ECM just went fully active on the Black Lion!”  One officer called out “we have aerospace fighters launching from Black Lion and all DropShips.  We are being targeted with hostile scans.  Incoming capital missiles!”

   “Return fire with forward cannon and Lasers!”  She responded even at this range they might get lucky and cause damage to the bigger WarShip.  “Anti-Missile defences to engage missiles as soon as they come into range.”  She ordered as she saw her vessel's naval lasers miss their target.  Moments later the Black Lion changed its facing slightly as the Kirsten Marik's Naval Gauss rifle shot slammed into the side of the ship tearing open the armour.  A cheer rang for a moment just before the Eagle's Anti-Missiles defences kicked in five of the ten enemy missiles were torn from the space around the Frigate however that still left the other five.  One White Shark missile completely missed passing by the WarShip harmlessly burning out the other two White Sharks and two Barracudas did not plowing into the six hundred-and-twenty-five thousand ton WarShip.

   Even deep in the WarShip Michela felt the WarShip rock heavily under the impacts she knew her ship couldn't take many of those.  “Prepare a second forward salvo.  Naval autocannons in support, as soon as we fire turn our port armour to face them.”  She ordered the gunners did not have a chance to line up their shot however as Naval autocannon fire from the Black Lion began exploding all around the WarShip blasting at the space around them causing damage to the Kirsten Marik, the DropShips around her and their aerospace fighters.  “What the hell?”  She shouted “how can they be hitting us that accurately at this range?”  She demanded

   “They are bracketing us!”  The officer reported the original Star League had developed the technology using multiple Naval Autocannons to “bracket” an enemy target calculating where it could be in the time and firing cannons to all possible locations.  It was less damaging than direct fire but made weapons far more accurate at range.

   “Do the same!  Return fire” she ordered the Rousset-Marik Alliance had gained that same technology from the reborn Star League Defence Force although her crew were not experianced in using it there was not time like the present.  The Kirsten Marik's forward bays opened fire this time the forward gauss rifle missed completely.  Two linked autocannons caused a little damage to the charging Black Lion while the Eagle's Naval Lasers burned gouges in the Battle-cruiser's port armour.  Something along the ship's seven hundred-and-seventy metre long hull exploded as a weapon was destroyed but the ship continued to close.

   “They are rolling!”  The helm officer reported as the Kirsten Marik began her own turn as both ships attempted to bring their broadsides into play.  Both ships would be presented with fresh armour and loaded weapons.  Looking at the range ticking down Michela knew that all her ship's broadside bay would be ready to fire unfortunately she knew that the Black Lion's weapons would also be ready.  Even as she called on the weapons crews to fire she saw on the Kirsten Marik's holotank and on the external high-resolution cameras she saw the Black Lion's massive broadside bay unleash their full potential.  Sixteen Naval autocannons tore through the Kirsten Marik's armour and hull as if the Eagle-class Frigate was an ancient sailing vessel on Terra the ship's entire structure was shaken to the core as the Black Lion's gunners pounded them with not one but two volleys the second volley also took in the Eagle's escorting DropShip and fighter force virtually wiping them all from space in a matter of minutes.  What was left of the Kirsten Marik and her crew would have barely registered on the Black Lion's sensors as the ship slid past the destroyed WarShip on towards Augustine.

   Two days later the WarShip arrive in orbit of Augustine several DropShip rose from the surface to engage the Battle-cruiser but they had no chance against the massive vessel as its array of autocannon and missile tore through ship-after-ship as it settled into orbit.  Even as Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik issued a general surrender and a plea for mercy the Black Lion's guns opened up again releasing hell on the surface of the planet.  Targeting first the Rousset-Marik family home the Black Lion's guns then indiscriminately tore through Augustine's capital city and the continent of Kabuko destroying the worlds HPG, its industry, spaceports, military bases and government buildings.  For eighteen hours the bombardment and aerospace fighter bombings continued until the Battle-cruiser moved out of orbit heading deeper into the system.

   From the planet's other continents military units belonging to the Seventh Free Worlds Legionaries arrive to find The Krushers Regiment and the First Rousset-Marik Militia destroyed in their bases unable to retaliate against the orbiting target.  At the nadir point the recharge station crew dispatch the limited relief personnel they have available and they send JumpShips to nearby systems to call on aid however it is not until the end of May when really support personnel arrive from the nearby Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, the Oriente Protectorate and from the SLDF.

   Across the world people tell stories of the “Night the Sky Fell” as homes, families, units and lives were shattered.  With no clear indication the Black Lion even left the system many of the local population demand to be moved to nearby systems or leave to join relatives elsewhere.  In the ruins of the Rousset-Marik family home Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik is found dead along with her husband deep within the house in a specially built bunker that had been designed to survive such an attack but failed when tested for real.  Their twenty-three year old daughter Duchess Quinn Ana Rousset is nowhere to be found within the ruins or on the wrecked planet.  Without a functional government the Seventh Free Worlds Legionaries declare martial law.

Invasion debrief
Council Chambers, Lesnovo
Rim Association
29th May 3091

   It was a cold day on Lesnovo, the capital of the Rim Association, winter was gripping the world tightly and even the best heaters and insulation could not completely counter.  General Trent Higall wished he was in a BattleMech cockpit instead of here the Council Chambers of Lesnovo seat of Duke Raymond Brewer-Cameron-Jones.  The Duke was an old man now pushing into his eighties he had so far refused to pass over leadership to his son, Ethan, although the Rim Association believed in many voting freedoms here on Lesnovo leadership would still be inherited through family.  The world belonged to the family and with it leadership of the Rim Association was likely to follow.

   Today who was in charge did not matter so much as the topic recently the Rim Association had come into conflict with the Magistracy of Canopus as Rim Association forces had assaulted the worlds of Glevakha, Rohinjan, Payvand and Ayn Tarma all former Free Worlds League held systems that had fallen to the Capellan Confederation and then the Magistracy of Canopus.  On Payvand and Glevakha the Liger Warriors and troops from the recently joined Twin Sons systems had led the battle and although successful they had sustained losses more so than the Rim Association was willing to accept.

   “General Higall, I hope you are well?”  The Duke began Higall immediately stroked his goatee it was a habit he'd developed he knew the goatee had far more gray hairs than colour now.

   “I am well” he replied

   “General, our recent combat with the Magistracy of Canopus has some of our analysts a little worried.”  Higall remained quiet “on the worlds of Payvand and Glevakha we sustained heavier than expected losses especially within the Liger Warriors and the First Twin Sons Regiment.  Considering their superior training and the technology we would have thought the opposite, considering the defenders were little different on those worlds compared to the other worlds.

   “Aff, but the objectives were achieved.”  Higall said slightly annoyed that his people were being questioned.

   “You don't sound surprised Trent” the Duke said “mind explaining that?” he said raising his hand directing Trent Higall to sit down.

   “Neg, I was not surprised.”  Higall said quietly sitting opposite the Duke “the warriors involved in the recent battles were the oldest of the Liger Warriors and some of the oldest of the former Smoke Jaguar warriors from the Twin Sons system.”

   “If they are that old then surely they should have been retired, we should not have been endangering our people with them in combat.”

   “They were no danger, Raymond, no danger except to themselves.” Higall snapped.  He said looking at the man he was not Clan he could not understand “these warriors were too experienced and still too combat capable in a cockpit to be replaced.  They were Clansmen to their very bone and they were tired” he said “when this chance to fight with honour and quite possibly die for what they had sworn to defend I could not turn them away.”  Trent admitted he wished in some ways that he could follow them but he knew that the Liger Warriors, their culture and the families that had grown from them needed protection even now.  “They took our Clan technology that had deteriorated more than the rest but was still combat capable and they fought longer than any other unit on each planet.  We allowed them to die like Clansmen which is their last wish.”  He explained Higall realized the Duke did not understand “they were the last who wished such a service, your decision to liberate the lost Free Worlds League worlds from the Magistracy was the excuse they needed and saved us internal issues on the Twin Sons.”

   “So these men and women wanted to die?”  Raymond said quietly “and you are fine with their losses?  You sent them knowing they would not return.”

   “I honoured their last wish” Higall said defiantly “I would have done so again if required of me.”

   “I cannot support your choice Trent.  However I also know that replacing you would be a mistake you still have much support throughout our armed forces.”  Raymond said “I want to know if you have any more of these hail-mary's planned, give me a chance to speak with those warriors, I need to understand it.”

   “You will not understand” Trent said quietly “but I will involve you in the future, if you can live with saying goodbye to people on their own terms Quiaff?” he said every now and then Trent used the Clan terms it was all he had left of his upbringing Raymond Brewer-Cameron-Jones understood some of them after working with Trent Higall for so long.

   “Aff, General, I will try.”  He said agreeing to learn to understand.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2014, 17:38:49 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #679 on: 16 May 2014, 09:35:01 »
Cracking read, thanks for doing this, can I ask what (if any) the chances are of the Free Worlds League getting back together?


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #680 on: 16 May 2014, 17:09:04 »
Cracking read, thanks for doing this, can I ask what (if any) the chances are of the Free Worlds League getting back together?

   ID prefer Clan Widowmaker make a comeback :P lol But nicer

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #681 on: 20 May 2014, 04:56:34 »
Cracking read, thanks for doing this, can I ask what (if any) the chances are of the Free Worlds League getting back together?

I'm glad you have enjoyed it so far, it's written to be enjoyed.  I really don't like giving away future story lines.  All I can say is the Free Worlds League is not dead and buried yet.

   ID prefer Clan Widowmaker make a comeback :P lol But nicer

Long dead and buried  O0

This month (and probably the next few) is a long one so they are in multiple parts.  The way I'm approaching the Manei Domini is they are hard hitting, but short burning, units so let the chaos begin.

Manei Domini Attack
Northwind, Star League Protectorate
3rd June 3091

   As if to show that the Free Worlds League were not the only nation that would pay for what had happened to the Word of Blake the world of Northwind, home to the famed Northwind Highlanders Mercenary Brigade came under direct assault from a unit painted all in white wearing a Blood Red Triangle Shaped Emblem with a winged sword under a crescent moon.  The unit using unknown advanced BattleMech designs and Star League-era Royal designs lands near Northwind's capital city of Tara. Instead of defending their landing site or moving to engage the Highlander Regiments on planet the unit abandoned their DropShips instead heading directly into the city of Tara and began opening fire on anything that moved causing hundreds of casualties and millions of C-Bills worth of damage before the First Kearny Highlanders Regiment arrived to engage the attackers.

   The other two Regiments on planet the Robert's Rangers and the Northwind Hussars moved to secure routes in and out of the City of Tara allowing civilians to escape while the First Kearny concentrated on the enemy force.  In the former-Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth the Second Kearny Highlanders and the Northwind Renegades began to make moves to return to Northwind.  The Second Kearny had recently ended its contract with the Oriente Protectorate and had been in negotiations to extend the deal before hostilities broke out on the unit's Homeworld.

   For more than a month the Battle for Tara, as the fight becomes known, destroys the vast majority of Tara until Northwind is declared safe on the 18th July 3091.  The attack causes more than five hundred thousand civilian casualties, the destruction of the Northwind Military Academy, severe damage to the Northwind Highlander's command complex The Castle and billions of C-Bills worth of damage to the planet and its economy.

   The First Kearny Highlanders are virtually destroyed in the Battle for Tara while the Northwind Hussars lose nearly a full Battalion and their commander Colonel Loren Jaffery as the unit was securing the enemy DropShips suicide charges primed by the crews of two ships explode taking the Highlanders with them.  The remaining two DropShips surrender without a shot fired but the damage is done.

   In the ruins of Tara the Highlanders find several “Drone” BattleMech, others completely lacking cockpits but not through combat damage and others which appear to be of an OmniMech design that has never been seen before.  Little of the salvage the Highlanders take is worth putting into battle but the Highlanders plan to study it and learn from what attacked them for themselves.  Due to the destruction of the Northwind Military Academy's main campus the Highlanders move all prospective cadets to the Aerospace Training Annex on the Halidon continent for basic training while forming the First Northwind Training Battalion for advanced cadets.  Fortunately for the Highlanders Cosara BattleMechs Factories escaped major damage during the fighting for Tara allowing the mercenaries to recoup some of their material losses each of the Highlander regimental commanders and Clan elders realize that Northwind's future defence needs to be shored up drastically and that each Regiment needs to begin to contribute even more to their Homeworld.

Manei Domini Raids
Sian/St Ives
Capellan Confederation/St Ives Compact
9th June 3091

   Following the attack on Northwind the Manei Domini do not waste further time in launching their next attacks.  Striking from the hidden world of Obeedah a Division worth of Manei Domini strike at each of Sian and at St Ives.  These troops are intent not on conquest but on causing massive casualties on both worlds.

   One of the units carrying an insignia with a red triangle and a flaming sword with the number '41' strike at Sian.  Slipping past Sian's WarShip defences the unit lands not far from the Forbidden City one of the unit's DropShips, a Federated Suns built Camelot-class Command vessel, immediately fires Cruise Missiles into the city firing volley after volley into the Forbidden City.  Each warhead carried an incendary warhead causing massive fires across the Capellan Capital.  Even as Capellan forces move to engage the raiders the Chancellor, Dao-Shen Liao is reported to be missing, the Capellan's Red Lancers and Dynasty Guard fly into a rage as the fires burn the Forbidden City fully engaging the Manei Domini force.  Although fully manned by cybernetically enhanced warriors the Manei Domini unit was no match for the two enraged Capellan regiments and they are quickly overwhelmed.  Even as they are torn to pieces the Manei Domini troops intentionally step into fire intended for the Camelot allowing the DropShip to maintain its bombardment of the Forbidden City.  As the unit falls the Capellan's Aerospace fighters launch full strike missions against the Camelot bombing the DropShip until it is nothing more than smoking ruin.  The battle of Sian is over in eighteen long hours but the damage caused by the initial attack and the resulting fires would take years to repair and the death-toll is numbered at over eight million civilians.  Chancellor Dao-Shen Liao is found alive and well within the Forbidden Palace's secure bunker.

   The attack on St Ives launched at nearly the same time as that on Sian strikes at the heart of the St Ives Compact, the Allard-Liao residence.  Slipping onto the world as a mercenary command Rimmon's Ravagers looking for employment the Ravagers are built exclusively around SLDF-era BattleMech designs with not a single design built after the fall of the first Star League the commander known only as Rimmon claim's the unit found an SLDF cache during a mission with Interstellar Expeditions beyond Magistracy of Canopus space.  With Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao still in Capellan Confederation hands on Denbar in-term leader Duchess Kuan-Yin Allard-Liao directs Colonel Cassandra Rubinsky nee Allard-Liao commander of Rubinsky's Light Horse Regiment to assess them for employment.

   Cassandra who had refused to take Melissa's position is still dedicated to the St Ives Compact and agrees, as a precaution she moves her Regiment into position around the visitors, she then takes her command Battalion to the Ravager's landing site.  Without even allowing the Rubinsky's Light Horse warriors near their DropShips Rimmon's Ravagers open fire on the St Ives Compact battalion killing Cassandra Rubinsky, and her company, in the opening weapons volley.  As the Command Battalion retreats in disarray the other three Battalions of the reinforced Regiment fall on Rimmon's Ravagers from all sides as instructed before by Cassandra.  Although they are able to destroy the raiding force the Ruibinsky's Light Horse are reduced to two operational Battalions and lack an experienced commander losing not only their commander during the battle but also the executive officer Bernard Cassary completely crippling the unit.  Colonel Tamas Rubinsky, Cassandra's husband and head of the St Ives Compact military is a broken man following the attack and unable to fulfill his duties further crippling the St Ives Compact.

Further Attacks
Former Free Worlds League
12th  June 3091

   As Chaos reins in the Capellan Confederation and St Ives Compact further attacks occur on Atreus, Regulus and New Olympica as the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, Principality of Regulus and Star League Defence Force attempts to oppose the attacks.  Duke Leonard Stewart who, along with his Home Guard Regiment, had just secured the world of Bainsville for the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth sees an opportunity for more fame and an opportunity to bring the Commonwealth more under his sway lifts his Home Guard from Bainsville to Atreus to counter the fighting on the fighting on the former capitol world of the former Free Worlds League.

Manei Domini Attack
Arc Royal, Arc Royal Theatre
Lyran Commonwealth
17th June 3091

   “Colonel, we need to strike at the Jade Falcons or the Wolves, Kell is offering decent rates for it.”  Major Shorty Sneed said.

   “For a raid and the Kell Hounds get some of the salvage.”  Tasha Snord protested she wanted to get the Snord's Irregulars back on the offensive ever since the Crimond battle with the Wolves the mercenaries had been on the defence within the Arc Royal Theatre.  The unit wanted to get back on the offense but no-one credible seemed to want to hire them as they lacked recent combat experience following a series of garrison contracts.

   Suddenly high in the air a group of explosions occurred in succession followed by a series of sonic booms as aerospace fighters and DropShips dived into the atmosphere.  “No-one comes into Arc Royal like that” Sneed pointed out.

   “Only those looking for trouble, they are heading to the training fields” Tasha said with a wicked smile “time to show Kell we are worth all the salvage have the Irregulars mount up, we're going to war.”  Tasha said marching towards her Mech.

   “That doesn't seem very profitable?”  Sneed pointed out marching after Tasha.

   “Maybe not but it will prove a point.”

   Nearly thirty minutes later the Snord's Irregulars were assembled as two battered DropShips moved to land on the training grounds Colonel Natasha Snord opened a frequency to her entire unit.  “Irregulars we have taken out hits in recent times, but today we prove our might, today the Inner Sphere remember that once our unit was a feared one.”  She said as a pair of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) aerospace fighters strafed the landing DropShips.

   “Snord's Irregulars, this is Star Colonel Daphne Vickers of Clan Wolf, you are ordered to stand down.  This is our territory to defend.”

   “Neg” Tasha Snord replied in the traditional Clan way, her unit had fought against Clansmen and counted many within their numbers for her to know how to deal with an angry one. “Irregulars full assault, today we fight for our future.”  Tasha Snord opened fire with her Spartan's weapons across the firing line the Irregulars opened fire together causing massive damage to the DropShips and the forces they were deploying.  The entire two battalions of Snord's Irregulars struck with overwhelming force one of the already damaged raiding DropShips exploded as the Irregulars pumped weapons fire into the ship.  Other units within Snord's Irregulars targeted several Mechs and Battle Armour units that had made planet fall knocking them down nearly instantly.  On either side of the landing area aerospace fighters belonging to Clan Wolf (in-Exile) strafed the raiders lines.

   “Snord's Irregulars fall back immediately you have proven your worth.”  Vickers reported as the fighters banked away from the battle “your unit has done well.”

   “Vickers move your units into flanking positions and we end this fight now if we let them slip past us now they could cause significant civilian casualties!”  Tasha Snord shouted

   “Do not think you can give me orders mercenary!”  Vickers stated “if you continue I will meet you in a Circle.”

   “Well I ain't a Clanner but if you really want me to kick your ass to next Sunday I happily will” Tasha  snapped “now move your damned troops into position now!”  She shouted seeing Shorty Sneed's Lancelot crumple to the ground alongside her “Shorty!”  She screamed but there was not response, her Mech took several hits staggering it several steps backwards.  “Vickers what is your answer?”

   “We are moving into position” Vickers confirmed “but you will face me in a Circle after today.”

   “Gladly” Tasha answered continuing to fire on the invaders.  From either side of the Irregulars and from behind the invaders Clan Wolf (in-Exile) BattleMechs and Combat Vehicles assault the invaders crushing what remains of the invading force rapidly.  Following the battle's end Khan Phelan Kell as Grand Duke of the Arc Royal Theatre hire the Snord's Irregulars for raids against Clan Jade Falcon and allow the Snord's Irregulars to take salvage from the raid on Arc Royal making up for some of their losses.  Unfortunately for the Irregulars and Tasha Snord her long time friend and executive officer Major “Shorty” Sneed succumb to his injuries sustained during the battle for Arc Royal.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #682 on: 20 May 2014, 05:04:19 »
My thanks to James Tanaga for his continued work with the Fire Mandrill remnants

Unidentified Assaults
Denbar, Capellan Confederation
18th June 3091

   Two days had passed since the Capellan WarShip CCSS Tikonov had exploded near the Nadir Point.  The Tikonov-class Carrier which had previously been damaged fighting against Federated Suns WarShips in the Vestallas system however it had been completely unprepared for the assaults from an unidentified black coloured WarShip which immediately gone on the attack with a series of Heavy Naval Particle Cannon, Naval Autocannon and Naval Laser fire.  Between the Tikonov's initial report of an intruder in the system and the Denbar ground tracking systems losing contact less than an hour had passed.  The Tikonov's support DropShips and surviving Aerospace fighters had scattered with the ground teams expecting a blood bath as the WarShip hunted down each remaining craft.  Instead a worse nightmare had come true as the WarShip pushed in system.

   Before landing on the world the WarShip had settled into a stationary position over the capital city of Denbar a wide-beam broadcast had been sent to the planet “this is Galaxy Commander Grayson Rosse commander of Upsilon Galaxy of Clan Nova Cat.  I declare a Trial of Possession for Melissa of the Allard-Liao bloodline.  You will surrender her to me or face the consequences.”  He had ordered before DropShips began descending into the atmosphere carrying three Clusters of Nova Cats. Grayson had sent his Galaxy's other units to the Davetal system under the Command of Star Colonel Katrine Devalis, his great rival, she had disagreed with his choice something that had not surprised him.

   “Galaxy Commander, you have no authority over Denbar, your actions are already a declaration of war!  Withdraw immediately or face the consequences.”  The commander of the Fourth Liao “The St Andre” Lancers Li Ming Ortega had replied even as Nova Cat units dropped through the air.

   Grayson Rosse was not a stupid man he'd listened to his father many times and knew how the Inner Sphere acted and fought.  As the Fourth Lancers had replied the powerful sensors on the Lucian Carns, his WarShip, had pinpointed the location of the transmission.  Even as Nova Cat OmniMechs and Elementals dropped through the air OmniFighters from the Lucian Carns straffed the Capellan base killing the Fourth Lancers commander and her command lance in a dedicated strike, not the most honourable tactic but an effective one.

   The Nova Cat air raid had rallied the Capellan defenders more than expected despite not having an active regiment commander the battalion commanders gained control quickly.  The experienced Nova Cat Clusters, the Nova Cat Rangers and Nova Cat Renegades Cluster, engaged the Capellans in a running battle with Grayson leading the fight while the less experienced unit, the 201st Assault Cluster, was held in reserve protecting the Nova Cat landing zone.

   The two opposing forces fought for nearly six hours over Denbar until Grayson Rosse reached the Capellan Confederation base eliminating the last defenders.  In all the Nova Cats had lost nearly six full Trinaries of troops the entire Nova Cat Rangers had been destroyed while the Renegades were heavily under strength.  The 201st Assault Cluster had been pulled from reserve to assist in finishing off the Fourth Liao Lancers.  Arriving at the base in time for Grayson to witness Melissa Allard-Liao give birth to the pair's son, a son that Grayson never knew she was expecting, their happiness is cut short as a sniper shot cuts down the Nova Cat Galaxy Commander feet from Melissa Allard-Liao.  The Nova Cat counter-attack is devastating destroying the entire building that the sniper had been based from killing the more than a hundred people to kill a single person.  The instant brutality of it shocks Melissa Allard-Liao as much as Grayson Rosse's death so close to their reunion.

   Rapidly evacuated from the planet Melissa Allard-Liao, her newborn son and the remains of Melissa's unit are taken back to St Ives the Nova Cats following Grayson Rosse's last orders.  Arriving on St Ives on the 29th June the arrival of the Lucian Carns is a massive surprise for the people of St Ives who are still reeling from the attack on St Ives by the Manei Domini, the return of their Duchess is seen as a massive boost to their morale as is the presence of the Clan forces.  Unfortunately for the people of St Ives the remains of Upsilon Galaxy and the Lucian Carns have no intention of staying in the system once Melissa is safely on St Ives the Nova Cat vessel jump clear heading straight for New Barcella to answer for their actions.  The WarShip avoids contact with other units and inhabited systems ignoring all calls from St Ives or from any of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns units it encounters during their journey home.

   What Grayson Rosse had planned for himself and the unit was unknown he would have returned to New Barcella only to face a barrage of Trials and challenges he could not have survived.  Upsilon Galaxy's actions following the loss of their commander clearly shows that the unit had no intention remaining within the Compact instead their reasons and actions are left unanswerable due to the death of Grayson Rosse.  Regardless St Ives found the boost they needed in their darkest hour two days after returning to St Ives Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao reestablished as leader of the St Ives Compact announces her newly born son and heir as Lucian Allard-Liao, named for the WarShip that brought them home, to the people of St Ives.  When questioned about the child's father Melissa replies that the man she loved died saving her and their child ending any further questioning.

Fire Mandrill Scout Mission
Finmark, Periphery
20th June 3091

   These Fins bargained well, Cassandra thought to herself as she led her trinary supernova back to its assigned DropShip, one of many Fortress-class DropShips her kindraa had taken a liking to since she became its leader. Just over three months ago, she left All Dawn with her trinary supernova and the newly built Nineteenth Striker Cluster led by Star Colonel Brian Tanaga to this dusty, barren world.  Finmark had once been the capital of a Province of the Rim Worlds Republic but the years had not been good to it.  For weeks, she negotiated with the surviving locals, nearly ten thousand who fought everyday for survival but had twenty ancient, but well maintained Rampage assault BattleMechs at their disposal. They had finally reached an agreement, the Fins had completely refused to allow her possession of the BattleMech factory at first, she had been informed by the Rim Collection leadership to remove remove the factory from the world as Finmark was too far away properly defend.  Unfortunately the locals didn't plan to allow themselves to be robbed nor did Cassandra fancy tangling with their defence force finally they had agreed to being resettled along with their factory to a world within the Rim Collection.  They would retain rights over their factory and like her kindraa, they would provide services to the Rim Collection, in the form of supplying BattleMechs and maintenance facilities for their position.

   The President’s Council would have to vote to officially accept the agreement, but Cassandra knew they would accept it, for it meant getting a supply of decent assault BattleMechs for them. And us, she thought. Her Kindraa would provide the necessary technology to update the BattleMechs to a modern standard, though she knew she would have to fight Jerold Danforth on that sharing their technology likely wouldn't be popular.  Thinking of the man reminded her she had been forced to leave him in charge of their primary enclave on All Dawn. She had wanted Star Admiral Theodore Albiev to remain on All Dawn in her absence, but with him being needed to command the exploration of what was once the Timbuktu Province and also helping to negotiate various worlds into the Rim Collection with Ambassador Robert Strauss, that meant the crusader warrior she long despised but respected was in charge until she returned from this mission. Her lover, Loremaster Jacob Faraday, and his Sixteenth Assault supernova were on a training exercise with the First Rim Lancers on Gillfillan’s Gold trying to foster further relations with the Rim Collection while the other units had remained on All Dawn as protection for their civilians.  Cassandra had ordered a solid defence remain on planet at all times and for them to use any and all tactics to provide what remained of their Kindraa Jerold Danford had not liked the "Any and All tactics" orders but he understood them, at least she hoped he did.

   At least I was able to see how Star Colonel Brian Tanaga commands the Nineteenth, she thought. A logical thinker, the young Star Colonel did well, keeping his warriors in line while keeping the removal of the ancient Rim Wourlds Republic BattleMech factory smooth. A task that would be nearly completed in a few days, she thought. A task well suited to the new cluster.  The Nineteenth and its sister clusters, the First and Seventh Striker clusters, were conceived by Star Captain Lysa Djerassi to help protect and patrol the newly rediscovered worlds and member states of the Rim Collection without weakening their units much, though it meant stripping apart the Kindraa’s Specialist Cluster and keeping its battle clusters at two supernovas in strength. Each cluster held a trinary supernova of OmniMechs and Salamanders, two specialist trinaries, and an independent star of OmniFighters. Assigned their own Odyssey-class JumpShip and their necessary DropShips, including a Titan Monitor, meant the three striker clusters would be highly mobile units.

   Halfway to the DropShip, her radio crackled to life. “Kindraa Leader, two JumpShips, escorted by a Samarkand II-class Carrier, just jumped into the system by the zenith jump point. Be advised, we have identified them as belonging to the dezgra Rhinos,” Came the voice of Star Commodore Malcolm Lynn, the commander of the CFM Resolute, the flagship of her kindraa’s naval forces and their primary capital ship, who sounded confused. A few moments went by, than his voice returned. “Kindraa Leader,they now call themselves Clan Stone Spirit. Also, all three monitors that were guarding the zenith jump point are now in combat fighting the carrier. Their DropShips are making a beeline towards Finmark. Advise you prepare defensive positions as the monitors are unlikely to defeat a vessel the size of a Samarkand, quiaff?”

   Lovely. “Aff,” she spoke out loud. “Make damn sure that damn carrier does not get into range for an orbital bombardment. We do not need another York to happen, this time against us, quiaff?”

   “Aff ovkhan. You can count on that,” was Malcolm’s reply the Resolute was a bigger badder ship than the Samarkand II any day of the week but Cassandra did not like this, what the hell were Clan Stone Rhino or Blood Spirit or Stone Spirit WHATEVER!!  She almost shouted, what were they doing out here?  She thought her Kindraa safe from such threats could there be a well equipped Clan near her own?

   She shook her head and switched channels to connect to all her commanders on the ground and in the air. “Alright, everyone. Change of plans. Damned Stone Rhinos, Stone Spirits, whatever they call themselves now, just showed up and want to pick a fight. Someone get the Fins on the comm. We likely will need their help. And tell them to move their asses if they want off this world, quiaff? Star Colonel Brian Tanaga, I want our DropShips planet side to get as close to the factory as possible. Hopefully, that will dissuade them from orbital bombardment if the carrier gets into position to do so. Quiaff?”

   As her fellow warriors replied their affirmations of their orders, only one thought came through her head. Just need to stall them long enough to get the factory and the Fins to our JumpShips. Easy quiaff?

   Three days later, her thoughts became a reality. The Stone Spirit carrier Major Spirit had destroyed the first two Titan Monitors with relative ease before the last Titan Monitor gotten close to the carrier causing some telling damage before being caught by the Carrier's defence fire.  The Titan Monitor had no chance once under the guns of the WarShip its commander had tried to ram the bigger vessel but the Major Spirit's gunners were too fast and had gunned the DropShip down.  For now, the Major Spirit was playing a game of tag with the Resolute while the remaining Titans and Titan Monitors had stationed themselves with her Kindraa’s JumpShips or were helping with aerial support.

   The Stone Spirit DropShips, meanwhile had managed to land close to the factory. Closer than comfortable, if she were to be honest with herself right now. Already, Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga’s abundant air support was making havoc for the Spirits, and, soon, the artillery. Unfortunately, with roughly three clusters of ground forces available to them, Cassandra knew it would be a tough battle ahead. Three battle tested clusters versus barely two clusters. Fortunately, her unit and the Nineteenth were classed as elite unites and judging by the way their aerospace forces fought and the Mechs identified, Cassandra hazard to guess she was fighting a mostly green to regular force, with possibly a veteran trinary or two thrown in. Still, this will be a fight for the ages, she thought, for quantity held a quality all to itself.

   And here they come, she thought to herself, as the two lone Fortress-class DropShips she had on the ground opened up. Roughly fifteen hundred meters away, she thought. Her radio came to life. “Star Colonel, Defender Wing is in position. Over.”

   He’s anxious, she thought. Lovely. “Aff,” she answered the Fin instead, trying to calm the man. “Keep to the plan, Commander Takala.” Her plan was simple. While the Nineteenth, with the BattleMechs from the Fin’s Defender Wing, would hold the line at all cost, with the air support and artillery fire hopefully inflict enough damage to fight them off, her supernova would create a distraction, hopefully leading enough away and buying time for the factory to finally be evacuated. Defeating them was very unlikely at this point until the Resolute was on station and that could was not possible at this moment. They only needed another hour before the factory and the civilians would be evacuated onto the DropShips and be able to evacuate off the planet.

   Thousand meters away now. All around her, Mechs with long rang weaponry opened fire; the Stone Spirits doing the same. As the battle progressed and the Stone Spirits neared, she could see just how dilapidated some of the Spirits equipment was. Half she considered barely fit for combat duties. The other half however would have pit the Stone Spirits on par with any front-line Clan OmniMechs.  She guessed the barely functional wrecks were piloted by the older warriors and that the Stone Spirits despite being cast out of Clan society were throwing their older warriors at their enemies as cannon fodder in traditional Clan form.  The artillery barrage was causing some telling damage on these units cutting them away quickly this had two effects first it allowed her people to target the real threats... second it opened her own people to those same units.  Immediately that was shown as an Adder off to her side was torn to pieces by an enemy Shadow Cat's Gauss Rifle she watched her pilot eject as the light OmniMech disintegrated but it was hardly a nice image.  Immediately she returned fire she saw several others join her in their desperate defence cutting the Shadow Cat down in a hail of fire.  The medium OmniMech fell to the ground and did not get back up.

   Finally, the artillery fire left off, signaling the Spirits finally reached the eight hundred meter mark. The dezgra Spirits and her forces soon were engaged in fierce combat with one another the Stone Spirits not showing they cared engaging in physical attacks with her own units.  Now was the time, she decided. Clicking on her radio to all frequencies, she spoke. “This is Kindraa Leader Cassandra Faraday to dezgra mudbloods. Are there any true warriors amongst you? I ask, for I only see surats trying to behave like freebirth babies on their first day of training.” Near-instantly, heavy fire rained on her position. I got their attention, she thought, as she led her trinary of mechs away from the fighting into the poisoned grasslands, nearly two full clusters of angry Stone Spirits behind her and her warriors.

   “Commander Takala. Change of plans. Bring your Defender Wing along my flanks. We will encircle those that did not follow the Kindraa Leader. Do it now,” she heard Brian Tanaga ordered the Fin over the radio. Slowly, she and her trinary led the roughly two clusters of Stone Spirits away from the main battle, all the while humiliating the Spirits over the radio, keeping just out of firing range for the most part. She and her trinary did well until she noticed the Stone Spirits stop and start to turn around realizing their mistake.

   This is it, she thought. “Well you look at that. The mudbloods are running away like scolded children to their mother’s teat. Beth, I told you they were babies,” she chuckled through the radio, knowing full well she was on their radio channel.

   “Aff. Though from here, it looks like they just shit themselves. Whew! They stink. Yup they are most definitely the rugrat patrol. Aww. Looks like they need a bath. Pity they rather return to mommy then play in the water, quiaff?” On any other day, she would have berated Beth and kicked her down to help with the Technicians for a week or two for her words just now. Today though, she picked Beth specifically for just being herself. And by the sudden turning around of the enemy, it worked.

   “Kindraa Leader, permission to charge and teach these surat babies how to be proper Clan warriors,” this came from Star Commander Jeffrey. Major ouch to their psyches, she thought with a feral smile. Her entire trinary seemed to be full of themselves and for once, she let them.

   “That’s it you damn ****** monkeys! I, Star Colonel Tanya Furey of the Eighth Stone Guards declare a Trial of Grievance for your words today, Kindraa Leader. Will you stay and fight as a PROPER warrior would? Or run like annoying little children like you have been for the last forty minutes,” the voice of an exacerbated and angry old woman called out over the radio.  Furey was a Jaguar Bloodname, the Jaguars had been dead for decades Cassandra knew that the Stone Rhinos had many Smoke Jaguars in their number, before that Clan's destruction, but she wondered just how old was this warrior?

   Cassandra Faraday allowed herself a feral smile. “I guess I am an annoying little child compared to you, am I not? Grandma?” Instantly, her trinary mates started laughing over the radio and the old woman, whose pride had been battered for nearly an hour, cursed her. As the laughing died down, she called out into her radio. “Fine Grandma. This young girl will teach an old bitch like you some new tricks. Shall we dance?”

   “Seyla,” cried out the furious old warrior and soon thereafter a Predator, most likely a gift once from her own kindraa from a time long passed by, separated itself from the crowd of Stone Spirit mechs looking at the Mech Cassandra swallowed heavily despite everything they had been through today and in the battles before the heavy Predator looked in excellent condition its two Autocannons looking very deadly. “We fight here. Now. With no interference. And no running.”

   Now it was her turn to accept and so she did. “Agreed. Seyla.” As she said the last, a smirk came across her face, and so she added mischievously, “Grandma” her only hope today would be to keep the woman angry, and Jaguars were always angry.

   As the trial of grievance started, her radio crackled, startling her. “Zeta-two here. Factory is secured and all civvies on-board and accounted for, both ours and the Fins.”

   “Copy that,” she answered to the star captain commanding the DropShips as her BattleMech was hammered by autocannon rounds from the Predator.  Thinking for a second, she then spoke to him. “Get those DropShips in the air now.” Without bothering to hear him confirm her orders, she switched to the frequency of her own DropShips. “Nineteenth Striker and Defender Wing, pull out now! I say again! Get the hell off this rock as fast as you can!”  She called out before her Mech was hit again this time by the Predator's lasers she returned fire seeing her weapons causing heavy damage to the Stone Spirit Mech's left hand side.

   Before either Star Colonel Brian Tanaga or Commander Takala could confirm her last order, the Predator’s returned fire again its main weapons reloaded autocannon fire slammed into her Summoner and smoke filled her cockpit. As she fought to control her battered Mech, maybe she had gotten this warrior too angry, she felt pain in her abdomen. Looking down for a brief second, she could see blood flowing and her screen showing she had taken the round directly to her cockpit, shredding it and key electronic systems her targeting system was already showing the effects cutting out intermittently.  Twisting her Mech's cockpit she fired as her Mech moved she was beyond lucky to not be dead yet, though she doubted she would live beyond this battle, what with the amount of blood she saw and the feeling of blood she felt trickling into her mouth.

   The Predator warrior's next shots thankfully missed targeting the Stone Spirit Predator in response, she fired all her weapons in an alpha strike. Surprisingly, the second line heavy battlemech turned at the last second, allowing its barely damaged right hand side to soak nearly all the damage with minimal damage to any other system. Crap, she thought to herself, as the lighter battlemech turned to once again face her with its weapons.  It's two autocannons leveled at her.

   Just as quickly, she activating her Mech’s jump jets, raising the heat to beyond the safety limits. She was unlucky, though, for again even in the air her Mech came under the enemy’s autocannon fire, this time tearing off the left leg of her Mech, sending her tumbling to the ground when she landed.

   The landing made her spit out black blood. Still, she battled as best she could against her own Mech, willing it to get up, even as her body started to shut down due to her injuries. Just as she forced her battered Summoner up in a sitting position, only to be hit again, this time her humanoid OmniMech was slammed in the "mid-rift" area knocking the Mech backwards as her armour was cored by the impacts.

   Her radio crackled to life then, allowing her to hear her trinary mates try to fight and defend her breaking the Circle of Equals, what had she said "any and all tactics" she thought.  Had her people begun down a path that would eventually end what they were?  What they had been created for?  She didn't know, but she did know that she would not see it, her star mates actions had dishonoured themselves but that did not last long as the Stone Spirits likewise broke the Circle in response cutting down her entire Trinary in a hellish display of concentrated fire.  As blood started pouring from her mouth, a new voice sounded through the radio. “Kindraa Leader, the Nineteenth and the Fins Defender Wing are on our DropShips and heading to your position. Over.” Star Colonel Brian Tanaga announced.

   Switching to the general frequency used by her Kindraa, she forced herself to speak through the pain using the last of her energy. “Neg Star Colonel, my trinary is dead and I soon will be joining them. Tell Star Colonel,” she paused, spitting out blood from her mouth. “Tell Jerold Danforth, I leave the kindraa in his hands, will you?”

   “Kindraa Leader, repeat the last,” came the hesitant voice of the younger Star Colonel.

   “You heard me. And tell him and the others. We need the collection. And they need us,” she managed to whisper the last at last succumbing to her injuries.

   Minutes ticked by, slowly, until finally Brian Tanaga was brought to his senses. “Acknowledged,” Star Colonel managed to get out. Switching to all frequencies, he spoke. “All friendly forces, I am assuming command until I am relieved by Star Commodore Malcolm Lynn. Star Commander Su, get us to the Resolute as quickly as possible. Over,” he bit out. Switching frequencies to the one the Stone Spirits used, he spoke determinedly and angrily. “Clan Stone Spirit. You have won a great victory today and snatched our noble leader away from us. Take heart and celebrate, for the next time. Next time will be your deaths.”

   Two days later, the JumpShips of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga, escorted by the Resolute, jumped from the system, abandoning the dead world to the Spirits.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #683 on: 20 May 2014, 05:07:00 »
Kingdom of St Jamis-Liao
Andruien, Kingdom of St Jamis-Liao
22nd June 3091

   With Sian's HPG destroyed and the world out of contact with the Inner Sphere due to the Manei Domini attack Prince Cameron St Jamis-Liao chooses the moment to make his move landing on Andruien, the former Free Worlds League province capital.  As soon as his forces land on the planet the Prince's destroy the Eighth Liao Lancers which had recently been formed on the planet as the first Liao loyal unit raised on the world.  Prince Cameron announces that the system of Andruien and the nearby systems of Shiro III, Conquista, Lurgatan, Sadurni, Shiba, Niomede and Principle have all left the Capellan Confederation to form the Kingdom of St Jamis-Liao.  He announces the formation of the First, Second and Third Armies and opens recruitment to anyone from any member of the population from the worlds that have joined.  He goes on to announce the creation of the Kingdom of St Jamis-Liao navy based around the Sgian-dubh, the Bi Shou-class Corvette that had gone AWOL to join his cause when he began his campaign against House Liao, and two Essex-class Destroyers of unknown origin which are named the Cameron and the Kali after his parents.

   Using the HPG on Andruien Prince Cameron St. Jamis-Liao sends messages to Oriente, St Ives, Canopus, Taurus, Fronc and Regulus offering peace to each of his new nation's nearest neighbours while Sian is out of contact.  He neglects to mention to any of these nations, or his new nation's population, the presence of a Manei Domini unit on Andruien which lands away from the hype of Cameron's arrival and slips into the background.

Capellan Raids
New Aragon, Axton PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
26th June 3091

   Following the loss of contact with Sian and a reported Clan attack on Denbar Capellan raids against the Federated Suns Capellan March had intensified.  The First Ceti Hussars had been redeployed to New Aragon, Halloran and Algol to shore up defences.  Among the Second Combat Command Leftenant Fredrick Davion again engaged the Capellan Confederation raiders.  During the course of the battle Fredrick's lance again encounters a group of Kruger Armoured Cars and again combines with them extremely well with his lance destroying eight Capellan Mechs and six vehicles during the AFFS defence against the raids.

Atreus, Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Former-Free Worlds League
28th June 3091

   With heavy fighting reported on Atreus the Second Royal Black Watch Regimental Brigade, under the command of Lt. General John-Paul Jones, which had been en-route to New Olympica to shore up SLDF defences there is redeployed to Atreus to assist the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  The unit comprised of a BattleMech Regiment, three Armour Regiments, two Battalions of Battle Armour and an air wing is a significant reinforcement to the former Free Worlds League capital and it is hoped the unit can end the fighting there.  The unit lands on Atreus in the evening of the 28th hooking up with local defences.

Hope you enjoyed, more to come
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #684 on: 20 May 2014, 11:44:42 »
 ;D  Yay!  Let CHAOS reign!!!!!   great update!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #685 on: 20 May 2014, 19:40:41 »
Entertaining indeed.  Without the Master directing this runaway locomotive, it will be interesting where this heads too.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #686 on: 21 May 2014, 02:03:20 »
Cry Havoc and let slip the Manei Domini. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #687 on: 21 May 2014, 17:52:19 »
Cry Havoc and let slip the Manei Domini. >:D

   Oh this is so IT!  O0 :D >:D }:)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #688 on: 21 May 2014, 23:06:55 »
Kingdom of St. very "humble" of him...  ::)

Reminds me of the Republic of Dave from Fallout 3...crackpot dictator with delusions of grandeur and a healthy dose of crazy mixed in.  :D

Appreciate all the updates man, always look forward to them when they come.

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #689 on: 27 May 2014, 17:59:14 »
Entertaining indeed.  Without the Master directing this runaway locomotive, it will be interesting where this heads too.

Directed in one direction - at those who stopped the plan (and the Master's raise to power) - although anyone who gets in the way and the chance to sow destruction is a free target.

Kingdom of St. very "humble" of him...  ::)

Reminds me of the Republic of Dave from Fallout 3...crackpot dictator with delusions of grandeur and a healthy dose of crazy mixed in.  :D

Appreciate all the updates man, always look forward to them when they come.


Son of Cameron St Jamis and Kali Liao - says enough... and I may have been a fan of, and taken inspiration from the above named title and character.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3