AToW pg. 215.
The battle armor weapons table lists shots/bursts for each weapon. How is carrying additional ammunition for BA weaponry handled (Missiles excepting, TM handles those)?
As indicated on p. 214, that is shots per magazine. TechManual covers adding ammo beyond the standard magazine.
It also lists ordinance type, does this mean I can use any of the stuff on pages 282-284 in any of the BA weapons that have such a listing?
AToW: pg. 216-217
Under battle armor melee attacks it states you use the appropriate skill for the melee attack being attempted stating that you use Martial arts for punches kicks, etc, and the table on the preceding page give modifiers to the Martial Arts skill rolls. The record sheets for Battle armor in both AToW and AToWC both list Manipulators as a weapon with the skill as Pilot/BattleSuit, though. Which of those skills do you use when making a Melee attack in battle armor?
In melee, you use Martial Arts. The Skill is needed when doing other things with the manipulator the GM may need to adjudicate (like pulling an injured baby out from under fallen debris without accidentally tearing its arm off....)
Additionally are the manipulator modifiers cumulative or per arm.
The factor only those applicable to the limb conducting the action. If you have a battle claw on one hand and an armored glove on the other, you use the armored glove modifiers only when using the gloved hand, and the claw modifiers only when using the claw hand.
How are the AP and BD values calculated for kicks?
Kicks apply all the applicable modifiers for chassis type, chassis weight, and other features. Since they are not manipulators, they get no fancy manipulator modifier.
Does the BA Myomer Booster change any of these values? (I would assume it would since it gives a +2 to damage done by swarm and leg attacks in TW scale, but AToW doesn't mention it as far as I can tell)
Yup. Not mentioned, so we'll need to consider the errata.
With that, can we get some AP/BD values for the equipment available to BA in TacOps.
How do reactive and reflective armor affect the BAR values of battle armor at the personal scale.
Anything not given special AToW stats would basically be ignored for modifiers, so reactive and reflective BA armor would have no effect.
[/quote]How long can battle armor operate without being recharged (and how and with what are they recharged), and how do Power Packs (TM pg. 268) affect the operating time? The fluff in TM lists a 24 hour operating time with clan power packs adding 12 hours and IS packs adding 10, but fluff != rules, so and official ruling would be appreciated.[/quote]
Here, fluff is good enough for rules. That's your operational time: 24 hours standard, +12/+10 for Clan/IS Packs.
Again, fluff != rules, but the fluff for jump jets (TM.pg 257) says BA jump Jets are chemical based which would imply they have limited fuel. Are there any rules that would reflect this on the personal (ie. AToW) scale? If so, how much additional distance does each fuel tank (TM pg 255)
Nope; no extra rules. Feel free to take it up with the GM.
How are squad support weapons treated in AToW (TM pg. 270, TW pg. 229)?
They weigh a 50% of the weapon's mass on IS suits and 40% on Clan suits, presumably to represent the entire squad carrying parts of the weapon, and trooper 1 fires the weapon. This is all well and good for TW scale compact, but how does it relate to AToW personal scale combat? Would I treat the weapon in the mount as a crewed weapon? (and how many crew would it take?)
Battle Armor-mounted support weapons use only one trooper to fire. For simplicity, the player can keep the squad together in close proximity to use the weapon, but that's really a GM's preference.
Are there any limitations to carrying around infantry weapons? TW rules states that BA can put any light or medium weapon in the AP mounts (the AP mount massing 5kg for construction purposes) and any BA with armored gloves can carry one light or medium weapon in its hands. While any sane GM would tell the players 'no'; as far as I can tell, there are no rules saying a Tornado can't carry around a Support PPC in its hands.
If your GM allows it, it's his own damned fault.
AToWC pg 57-60 BA crits.
Hits to armor have no effect but are not rerolled. Do you still mark off the slot struck and re-roll future hits to that same slot, or are all hits to those slots containing armor ignored even if a slot has already been struck?
They can't be critted, so they don't get marked.
If a BA takes a Hand/Manipulator hit on an arm with no manipulator or armored glove, is the hit counted as an operator hit?
Slots not occupied with a component are treated as an Operator hit. In the case of hitting a Hand/Manipulator slot on a unit that has no hand/manipulator, I'd call it an empty slot.
It states that each hit to the leg actuators reduces the MP of the suit by a quarter. Can four or more hits make a suit unable to move or is there still some minimum movement? If a BA can be rendered immobile, what effect, if any, do the fifth and sixth leg actuator hits have?
Just to confirm, does the BAR of the suit have no effect on the damage sustained by the trooper for operator hits?
Four slots immobilizes the suit, yup. The extra slots just mean its easy for this to happen. BAR has no effect on Operator hits in these rules because they are armor-penetrating criticals.
How are critical hits to Detachable weapons packs and detachable missile packs treated if the DWP/DMP has been jettisoned? If it hasn't been jettisoned, will critical hits affect the ability to jettison it later (or make it automatically fall off)?
Treat them as empty slots until jettisoned. Hits have no effect on the jettison feature.
According to pg 61, Space Operations Adaptation makes the target number for an armor breach 12 instead of 10. Does the roll revert to 10 if the Space Armor Operations Adaptation takes a critical hit?
Since the item is destroyed by the crit, yes.
Page 57 states that all suits PA(L) and BA have 12 hours of life support and an Extended Life Support increases this to 24 hours (so active time is doubled). If the Extended Life support takes a critical hit, is the life support duration halved or is it reduced by 12 hours? As a side note, can the air supply be extended further?
That's up to how much your GM wants you to suffer, and no.
If a Suit has an ELS on it, but takes a hit to life support, will the ELS function as a back up life support system, or is it just more air tanks and scrubbers, and the trooper will suffocate anyway?
Yup. He's a goner.
Does a sensor hit also disable the effects of additional sensor equipment (Active Probe, Heat Sensors, Improved Sensors)
It also states that IS BA have 4 medipacks and clan BA have 4 LSSUs. I just want to confirm that these units do not, in fact, actually prevent an injured character from bleeding out, they merely reduce the detrimental effects of such a situation until such time the character dies from their wounds or finds proper medical care. Speaking of which, the limb blown off effect includes a stuf, but medipacks and LSSUs negate stun.
Yup. Still bleeding. Good thing Clan suits have HarJel, huh?
On a side note, would it be possible in future printings, to add a row of bubbles for tracking the armor condition of a suit to the Battle Armor Squad COmbat Record sheet in AToW and the Advanced Battle Armor Combat Record sheet in AToWC? Even infantry weapons have the potential to reduce the armor value of the suit.
Maybe, but you can also just keep adjusting the armor value line itself as well.
Thank you,
- Herbert Beas
Catalyst Game Labs