Author Topic: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013  (Read 38804 times)


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BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« on: 26 January 2013, 13:23:52 »
BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
(first part)

+++ martian set to mode +x
Home of the Official BattleChats! - Next Chat scheduled for 12 PM (Eastern) on Saturday, 26 January 2013
Topic set by Habeas2 on Tue Jan 15 2013 09:44:28 GMT+0100
<martian>: Hello.
<Mimo>: hi
+++ ChanServ has given op to Habeas2
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<Weirdo>: I'm sure you're all wondering why I gathered you here today...
<martian>: Yes, we are ...
<martian>: ... so tell us.
<Habeas2>: We are gathered here today to bid farewell to the WarShip...
<Weirdo>: Alright gentlemen, everything we've planned, everything we've worked for, it's all come down to one question: How do we kill the Burger King?
<Habeas2>: It was a troubled concept in the BattleTech setting, at once all-powerful, yet horribly nerfed.....
<Habeas2>: After decades of trying to make a go of it, someone finally came along to put the failed notion out of its misery
<Habeas2>: And we are all better for it, though (some of us) we mourn its loss....
<Habeas2>: Amen.
<Habeas2>: That said.....
<Habeas2>: Welcome to the first Live BattleChat of 2013
<Habeas2>: I'm your host. I'm not logging. And we have an hour. Be nice or I boot you out. Yadda yadda yadda.
<martian>: I will save the log.
<Habeas2>: We are now ready to to your questions. Don't everybody speak at once.
<wolfhound_88>: can you give us any hints about the great stuff due out this quarter?
<Drufause>: any eta on the first wave of dark age source books
<Gravedigger>: Hey folks
<Mimo>: what can you tell us about record sheets 3057, when will they appear?
<wolfhound_88>: is there any news about when we might expect fark age books?
<wolfhound_88>: dark age books
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - This quarter? Well, as you know, we hate offering up dates, even estimated ones, because we (okay, *I*) have a tendency to fall horribly behind our own schedules. (Yes; we're always looking into ways to fix that, because nobody is more frustrated about this tendency than we are, but that's another saga.)....
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - That said, expect the second half of the Liberation of Terra Historical to come out soon, followed by Era Report: 3145. Additional PDF products supporting both eras are also expected to come out as well.
<Habeas2>: Drufause - As noted with Wolfhound_88's response, the answer is "soon"
<martian>: Any progress with BV3? When can we expect it in broad use?
<Drufause>: many of us are waiting to find out if the Lyran Alliance becomes the wolf alliance of falcon alliance
<Habeas2>: Mimo - Not for a while yet. Due to technical issues, producing Record Sheet books is a far slower process than we'd like it to be, and it is doubly (maybe even triply) so when the subject includes (or, in the case of 3057, is dominated by) large spacecraft of any kind.
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - See earlier response re: Dark Age books.
<Weirdo>: Speaking of this chat's primary topic, can you give us any hints as to what the next product to contain WarShip stats(fully functional or otherwise) will be?
<Drufause>: Is the man called Devlin Stone actually dead in 3145
<Trboturtle>: Are the Blitzkriegs still on track?
<Habeas2>: Martian - At this time, we are hoping to give BV2 one last chance by compiling and reproducing the entire system with errata folded in. BV3 still remains a possibility in the future, and I still have the proposals lined up, but nobody should be fearing its imminent release at this time.
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Neither. It became the Lyran Commonwealth.
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Liberation of Terra, Volume 2
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Heh. You'll see.
<Weirdo>: Woohoo!
<Garydee>: Any chance we'll see another sneak peak of 3250 this April Fools?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - We hope to continue the Blitzkrieg novellas in the future. That's all I can say right now.
<martian>: How many XTROrimitives are due to be published? One, two?
<Drufause>: are you looking forward to having your writers try to create slug fests between Jupiter's and Dire Wolfs
<Habeas2>: Garydee - I dunno. The discussions of 3250 have taken on a life of their own, and some of the backlash was bad enough that I'm no longer allowing myself to say a thing about it publicly. At this time, there's not even really a game plan for our April Fun project...or, rather, there WAS one, and we all plum forgot it!
<Weirdo>: What upcoming product are you most excited about?
<Habeas2>: Martian - A total of five Primitives XTRos were planned out. I think we've published... 3 so far? So that means two more to go.
<martian>: Thanks.
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Sure am.
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - All of them.
<Drufause>: are you going to let your writers touch VSD/Marik or VSD/Kurita prodigy in the plot
<LordHarlock>: What were sales of the Objectives series like? And what made the series hard to work on?
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Only if it's plot-relevant.
<Drufause>: Are the Black Dragons hiding the truth behind the blackout
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - BattleTech has, right now, 28 years of continuity to slog through--so much so that I have had to start assigning volunteers to just tracking data points like where the factories are, who is building what, where the various regiments are, and so forth. At one point, we needed 100 fact-checkers--and even still the production process would slow down because errors would still get through. No matter how much an expert
<Hammer>: Whats the next Beta Test Part of IO we'll see?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - The process was so laborious that, unfortunately, the writer whose brainchild it was, and who was tasked with basically overseeing much of the work for me, burned out mid-way into the process, forcing a lot of the work to be reassigned. Add to this the fact that, even at its best, the Objectives series would have presented just a snapshot of one point in BattleTech history, and, well....
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - ....the fact is, it was too much work, for too little gain.
<Habeas2>: Drufause - No
<Habeas2>: Hammer - I am not 100% sure, but I think Alternate Era rules may be in the pipeline eventually. Trouble is, there's a LOT of stuf still working its way into that chapter, some of which I really should be writing myself (like the QuadVee construction examples....)
<Drufause>: Is there anything more to the facility the Jade Falcons destroyed on Tomans
<LordHarlock>: As the old saying goes, you have to judge the pluses and minuses. Though I'm shocked about the hundred volunteers since I thought it was closer to fifty, I did enjoy the Objectives series. It's like will probably never be seen again from the sound of it. Sigh.
<Drufause>: I know I loved the Objectives Series as well gives lots of quick data for GM's to plan role playing
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Which one and when?
<Hammer>: Is the hope to still have IO (Understanding that all things are fluid and dates can change suddenly)?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Honestly, the number of volunteers has diminished over time. Let's not forget that except for me, just about everyone we rely on to deliver BattleTech product has something else they should be doing with their life (sometimes even multiple somethings).
<Drufause>: I dont want to out the plot for those that have not read but it is in the battlecorps story 'A wolf in the eyrie' by Philip A lee
<Habeas2>: Hammer - Um, if you're asking whether we plan to cancel IO or something, I assure you, if you hear me say anything like that, I'm just venting. IO's not getting canceled.
<Drufause>: they thought they found iron wombs garded by an unkown merc unit at a hidden base but due to destruction it was inconclusive
<LordHarlock>: Will the Star Adders ever create a warrior genome for the sole purpose of creating "Cunning Plans?"
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Oh. In that case, I don't know.
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - No
<Hammer>: Thanks for the update. I'll hope for Gen Con then
<Weirdo>: Are there any plans to bring the cartoon back, possibly to prime time?
<Aokarasu>: Oh, God, I hope not
<Drufause>: you mean the hit show 'Nashville' is not about Battletech?
<LordHarlock>: Will there be more hints to types of entertainment in the Inner Sphere?
<lost-my-mind>: Don't tempt me, I'm good at making stuff up.
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Not from us, no. But then, the cartoon would fall under someone else's license, I imagine. We just make books.
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Like what, exactly? The odds are,if you can imagine a form of entertainment, and itstechnologically feasible in the BT setting, it probably exists somewhere.
<lost-my-mind>: oops, sorry
<martian>: Have you thought about printing simple map sheets, similar to old map packs?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Yes. Yes we have.
<martian>: And with what result?
<Hammer>: I remember some mention of PDF adventures for ATOW are they still being considered?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Cost-wise, printing mapsheets is now kind of prohibitive, but we are looking into the possibility of PDF publication, so folks can download and print their own mapsheets.
<Habeas2>: Hammer - Yes. In fact, two are already written. We just need to evaluate te budgets and other technical issues about them.
<Aokarasu>: Is there a process that allows a community member to volunteer for playtesting, kinda like signing up for a beta test?
<martian>: Will Duane Loose do some artwork for CGL again? I'm kinda missing his illustrations.
<Habeas2>: Aokarasu - Not at present. In fact, we recently had to cull the review teams to a more manageable size.
<Habeas2>: Martian - That's up to Duane.
<Aokarasu>: Ah, okay
<Weirdo>: Will any soon-upcoming products give us a paint scheme for the Rim Worlds Republic/Amaris Empire WarShip fleet?
<LordHarlock>: Do any of the Clans have renditions of Shakespeare?
<mib_cgpt02>: Anything on novels?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Nothing I can think of.
<Weirdo>: Sad Zug wants to paint OPFOR for SLDF...
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - The Clans aren't exactly known for their literary bent.
<Habeas2>: Mib_cgpt02 - Nope
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - I'm sure the folks at CSO will eventually get around to something.
<martian>: What about the Intro Box set with reworked miniatures? Can you tell us "rough estimate" when it will be out?
<Habeas2>: Martian - No. Sorry.
<mib_cgpt02>: How is the year looking, product-wise?
<Habeas2>: Mib_cgpt02 - If i can just wrestle the schedule to the point where everything we're planning actually happens on time, we have a good 10 print products for this year.
<mib_cgpt02>: great!
<mib_4cpwus>: Since I just logged on, busy working, anything exciting or new come up or should i what for the log on the forums
<LordHarlock>: Will the FSS Golden Lion's class be identified in Field Report: AFFS 2765?
<Habeas2>: Mib_4cpwus - The nearest two products I dare to mention are the second volume of the Liberation of Terra Historical and Era Report:3145.
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Not sure. We plan to reveal what ships the fleet has overall, but name-by-name breakdown is a bit much.
<Gaiiten>: Given the next era (3250), is the development progressing well and as you planned?
<mib_4cpwus>: Will TRO 3145 be coming out this year?
<Habeas2>: Giiten - I will not discuss the next era at this time, sorry.
<Habeas2>: Mib_4cpwus - Yes, if the schedule holds.
<Gaiiten>: Is ok
<martian>: Will Record Sheets for TRO 3145 be out at the moment Technical readout is published? So we won't have to wait for months for canon record sheets?
<Gaiiten>: A question to kickstarting. have you considered to start at least one project using it?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Maybe
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Considered, but for now, we're not planning to use Kickstarter for any BattleTech book projects.
<Gaiiten>: Another of your maybe-consideration: an XTRO Warships?
<Lance>: *shudders*
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - No
<martian>: I am asking because TRO Prototypes is from 2011 and we got RS volume for primary variants only (after months of waiting).
<Habeas2>: Martian - *sigh* The fact is, we do not have reliable software to produce Record Sheets any more. HeavyMetal is hopelessly out of date, and the relentless surge of new tech items and revisions has made it difficult for any third party (most of whom are hobbyists and volunteers doing so without any form of compensation or official sanction) to keep up either. Many RS must now be made by hand, and we have precious few bodies who c
<Habeas2>: all off, print RS books cost us more to produce than they earn us in cashflow, so they drop to lower priority.
<Habeas2>: Martian - I'm sorry to make this about dollars and cents, but that's how RS wind up taking so long: They simply cost more than they make, and the effort involved is still too high to make them cheaper. There is no magic bullet solution to this.
<Gaiiten>: Too bad. There are still some designs being not specified (as the first warships factions made mentioned in Strat Ops, pages 14-17).
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Pre-Age of War stuff will likely remain unstatted for a good long time to come, really. We don't want to encourage people to play in that period.
<Gaiiten>: Oh, why not? I have to say, given my experience, games set in this era are refreshing.
<Gaiiten>: And some of the warship in StratOps are Clan designs made in the Golden Century.
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Because the closer you get to the real-world "modern" age, the less like BattleTech the setting gets. We are not interested in trying to stat the present day (or anything before the present day), and there is nothing terribly interesting to us about the pre-Age of War period. And, frankly, the continuity issues and the "how did modern tech evolve into BattleTech" questions it would create would actually cost more effor
<Habeas2>: Oh! I lost track of time!
<Habeas2>: Final questions, everyone!
<Habeas2>: Nothing? Really?
<Gaiiten>: Can we hope for a product dealing with the Homeclans this year?
Home of the Official BattleChats! - Next Chat scheduled for 8 PM (Eastern) on Saturday, 26 January 2013
Topic set by Habeas2 on Sat Jan 26 2013 19:18:21 GMT+0100
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Nope!
<mib_z3a8if>: How's the weather up there?
<Cateran>: I had a question yesterday, but can't remember it today
<Habeas2>: Mib_z3a8if - Cold.
<Gaiiten>: Short and clear  Thank you.
<Habeas2>: Cateran - Well, you have less than 7 hours to remember before tonight's chat.
<Cateran>: I'll try.
<Habeas2>: Thanks for coming, everyone! See you at 8!


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #1 on: 26 January 2013, 13:30:44 »
Totally missed the fact that there was a Battlechat.

German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

HPG Station - German Battletech News

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #2 on: 26 January 2013, 13:35:17 »
I almost to late remembered so I could enjoy Herb with my questions only for 15 minutes.
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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #3 on: 26 January 2013, 13:36:37 »
Totally missed the fact that there was a Battlechat.


It was fairly standard BattleChat, no bombs falling ...

At least we know we can expect Era Report:3145, hopefully soon.


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #4 on: 26 January 2013, 13:42:31 »
And LoT 2.  O0
Crush yah enumhees, see dem drivun befor you, and hear de lamuntatuns of de veemon!

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #5 on: 26 January 2013, 13:43:32 »
Silly question, but where do the battlechats take place?
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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #6 on: 26 January 2013, 13:45:02 »
No home clan book this year???  So the Ilclan book comes out in 2014 then? ;D

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #7 on: 26 January 2013, 13:45:28 »
Silly question, but where do the battlechats take place?

You can find all required information here.
German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #8 on: 26 January 2013, 13:52:16 »
Missing another one. Thank you for posing this to the blogs.
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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #9 on: 26 January 2013, 13:57:56 »
You can find all required information here.

Ah! Thank you!
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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #10 on: 26 January 2013, 13:58:15 »
Whoops forgot about this.  I missed the afternoon showing and don't know if I can make the evening.

Would anyone mind asking some questions for me?
"What is the next planned Hex Pack"
"It was mentioned that HMP is out of date, do the devs use or have they considered using Solaris Skunk Werks for getting the mech sheets done quickly at least?)"
"are there any planned XTROs to cover the clans pre-invasion?"


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #11 on: 26 January 2013, 13:59:33 »
Will try to remember
German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #12 on: 26 January 2013, 14:29:18 »
GAH missed it!
Well at least IO is still being made and the Record Sheet problem turned out pretty much like most of us guessed.  :-\
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #13 on: 26 January 2013, 18:40:20 »
I wonder if anything new will be learned in the second Chat.  I'm excited that Era Report: 3145 and TRO:3145 is coming this years. 

I hope someone asks what the next XTRO is going to be.   
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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #14 on: 26 January 2013, 18:47:47 »
Will also try to remember that one ;)

Oh and yes: I will log this time and sort the whole thing, as usual :)
German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #15 on: 26 January 2013, 19:14:43 »
<wolfhound_88>: can you give us any hints about the great stuff due out this quarter?
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - That said, expect the second half of the Liberation of Terra Historical to come out soon, followed by Era Report: 3145. Additional PDF products supporting both eras are also expected to come out as well.
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - That said, expect the second half of the Liberation of Terra Historical to come out soon, followed by Era Report: 3145. Additional PDF products supporting both eras are also expected to come out as well.

<Drufause>: any eta on the first wave of dark age source books
<Habeas2>: Drufause - As noted with Wolfhound_88's response, the answer is "soon"

<Mimo>: what can you tell us about record sheets 3057, when will they appear?
<Habeas2>: Mimo - Not for a while yet. Due to technical issues, producing Record Sheet books is a far slower process than we'd like it to be, and it is doubly (maybe even triply) so when the subject includes (or, in the case of 3057, is dominated by) large spacecraft of any kind.

<martian>: Any progress with BV3? When can we expect it in broad use?
<Habeas2>: Martian - At this time, we are hoping to give BV2 one last chance by compiling and reproducing the entire system with errata folded in. BV3 still remains a possibility in the future, and I still have the proposals lined up, but nobody should be fearing its imminent release at this time.

<Drufause>: many of us are waiting to find out if the Lyran Alliance becomes the wolf alliance of falcon alliance
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Neither. It became the Lyran Commonwealth.

<Weirdo>: Speaking of this chat's primary topic, can you give us any hints as to what the next product to contain WarShip stats(fully functional or otherwise) will be?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Liberation of Terra, Volume 2

<Drufause>: Is the man called Devlin Stone actually dead in 3145
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Heh. You'll see.

<Trboturtle>: Are the Blitzkriegs still on track?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - We hope to continue the Blitzkrieg novellas in the future. That's all I can say right now.

<Garydee>: Any chance we'll see another sneak peak of 3250 this April Fools?
<Habeas2>: Garydee - I dunno. The discussions of 3250 have taken on a life of their own, and some of the backlash was bad enough that I'm no longer allowing myself to say a thing about it publicly. At this time, there's not even really a game plan for our April Fun project...or, rather, there WAS one, and we all plum forgot it!

<martian>: How many XTROrimitives are due to be published? One, two?
<Habeas2>: Martian - A total of five Primitives XTRos were planned out. I think we've published... 3 so far? So that means two more to go.

<Drufause>: are you looking forward to having your writers try to create slug fests between Jupiter's and Dire Wolfs
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Sure am.

<Weirdo>: What upcoming product are you most excited about?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - All of them.

<LordHarlock>: What were sales of the Objectives series like? And what made the series hard to work on?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - BattleTech has, right now, 28 years of continuity to slog through--so much so that I have had to start assigning volunteers to just tracking data points like where the factories are, who is building what, where the various regiments are, and so forth. At one point, we needed 100 fact-checkers--and even still the production process would slow down because errors would still get through. No matter how much an expert
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - The process was so laborious that, unfortunately, the writer whose brainchild it was, and who was tasked with basically overseeing much of the work for me, burned out mid-way into the process, forcing a lot of the work to be reassigned. Add to this the fact that, even at its best, the Objectives series would have presented just a snapshot of one point in BattleTech history, and, well....
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - ....the fact is, it was too much work, for too little gain.

<Drufause>: Are the Black Dragons hiding the truth behind the blackout
<Habeas2>: Drufause - No

<Hammer>: Whats the next Beta Test Part of IO we'll see?
<Habeas2>: Hammer - I am not 100% sure, but I think Alternate Era rules may be in the pipeline eventually. Trouble is, there's a LOT of stuf still working its way into that chapter, some of which I really should be writing myself (like the QuadVee construction examples....)

<Drufause>: Is there anything more to the facility the Jade Falcons destroyed on Tomans
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Which one and when?

<LordHarlock>: As the old saying goes, you have to judge the pluses and minuses. Though I'm shocked about the hundred volunteers since I thought it was closer to fifty, I did enjoy the Objectives series. It's like will probably never be seen again from the sound of it. Sigh.
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Honestly, the number of volunteers has diminished over time. Let's not forget that except for me,
just about everyone we rely on to deliver BattleTech product has something else they should be doing with their life (sometimes even multiple somethings).

<Hammer>: Is the hope to still have IO (Understanding that all things are fluid and dates can change suddenly)?
<Habeas2>: Hammer - Um, if you're asking whether we plan to cancel IO or something, I assure you, if you hear me say anything like that, I'm just venting. IO's not getting canceled.

<Drufause>: I dont want to out the plot for those that have not read but it is in the battlecorps story 'A wolf in the eyrie' by Philip A lee
<Drufause>: they thought they found iron wombs garded by an unkown merc unit at a hidden base but due to destruction it was inconclusive
<Habeas2>: Drufause - Oh. In that case, I don't know.

<LordHarlock>: Will the Star Adders ever create a warrior genome for the sole purpose of creating "Cunning Plans?"
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - No

<Weirdo>: Are there any plans to bring the cartoon back, possibly to prime time?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Not from us, no. But then, the cartoon would fall under someone else's license, I imagine. We just make

<LordHarlock>: Will there be more hints to types of entertainment in the Inner Sphere?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Like what, exactly? The odds are,if you can imagine a form of entertainment, and itstechnologically feasible in the BT setting, it probably exists somewhere.

<martian>: Have you thought about printing simple map sheets, similar to old map packs?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Yes. Yes we have.

<martian>: And with what result?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Cost-wise, printing mapsheets is now kind of prohibitive, but we are looking into the possibility of PDF publication, so folks can download and print their own mapsheets.

<Hammer>: I remember some mention of PDF adventures for ATOW are they still being considered?
<Habeas2>: Hammer - Yes. In fact, two are already written. We just need to evaluate te budgets and other technical issues about them.

<Aokarasu>: Is there a process that allows a community member to volunteer for playtesting, kinda like signing up for a beta test?
<Habeas2>: Aokarasu - Not at present. In fact, we recently had to cull the review teams to a more manageable size.

<martian>: Will Duane Loose do some artwork for CGL again? I'm kinda missing his illustrations.
<Habeas2>: Martian - That's up to Duane.

<Weirdo>: Will any soon-upcoming products give us a paint scheme for the Rim Worlds Republic/Amaris Empire WarShip fleet?
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - Nothing I can think of.

<LordHarlock>: Do any of the Clans have renditions of Shakespeare?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - The Clans aren't exactly known for their literary bent.

<mib_cgpt02>: Anything on novels?
<Habeas2>: Mib_cgpt02 - Nope

<Weirdo>: Sad Zug wants to paint OPFOR for SLDF...
<Habeas2>: Weirdo - I'm sure the folks at CSO will eventually get around to something.

<martian>: What about the Intro Box set with reworked miniatures? Can you tell us "rough estimate" when it will be out?
<Habeas2>: Martian - No. Sorry.

<mib_cgpt02>: How is the year looking, product-wise?
<Habeas2>: Mib_cgpt02 - If i can just wrestle the schedule to the point where everything we're planning actually happens on time, we have a good 10 print products for this year.

<mib_4cpwus>: Since I just logged on, busy working, anything exciting or new come up or should i what for the log on the forums
<Habeas2>: Mib_4cpwus - The nearest two products I dare to mention are the second volume of the Liberation of Terra Historical and Era Report:3145.

<LordHarlock>: Will the FSS Golden Lion's class be identified in Field Report: AFFS 2765?
<Habeas2>: LordHarlock - Not sure. We plan to reveal what ships the fleet has overall, but name-by-name breakdown is a bit much.

<Gaiiten>: Given the next era (3250), is the development progressing well and as you planned?
<Habeas2>: Giiten - I will not discuss the next era at this time, sorry.

<mib_4cpwus>: Will TRO 3145 be coming out this year?
<Habeas2>: Mib_4cpwus - Yes, if the schedule holds.

<martian>: Will Record Sheets for TRO 3145 be out at the moment Technical readout is published? So we won't have to wait for months for canon record sheets?
<Habeas2>: Martian - Maybe

<Gaiiten>: A question to kickstarting. have you considered to start at least one project using it?
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Considered, but for now, we're not planning to use Kickstarter for any BattleTech book projects.

<Gaiiten>: Another of your maybe-consideration: an XTRO Warships?
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - No

<martian>: I am asking because TRO Prototypes is from 2011 and we got RS volume for primary variants only (after months of waiting).
<Habeas2>: Martian - *sigh* The fact is, we do not have reliable software to produce Record Sheets any more. HeavyMetal is hopelessly out of date, and the relentless surge of new tech items and revisions has made it difficult for any third party (most of whom are hobbyists and volunteers doing so without any form of compensation or official sanction) to keep up either. Many RS must now be made by hand, and we have precious few bodies who c
<Habeas2>: all off, print RS books cost us more to produce than they earn us in cashflow, so they drop to lower priority.
<Habeas2>: Martian - I'm sorry to make this about dollars and cents, but that's how RS wind up taking so long: They simply cost more than they make, and the effort involved is still too high to make them cheaper. There is no magic bullet solution to this.

<Gaiiten>: Too bad. There are still some designs being not specified (as the first warships factions made mentioned in Strat Ops, pages 14-17).
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Pre-Age of War stuff will likely remain unstatted for a good long time to come, really. We don't want to encourage people to play in that period.

<Gaiiten>: Oh, why not? I have to say, given my experience, games set in this era are refreshing.
<Gaiiten>: And some of the warship in StratOps are Clan designs made in the Golden Century.
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Because the closer you get to the real-world "modern" age, the less like BattleTech the setting gets. We are not interested in trying to stat the present day (or anything before the present day), and there is nothing terribly interesting to us about the pre-Age of War period. And, frankly, the continuity issues and the "how did modern tech evolve into BattleTech" questions it would create would actually cost more effor

<Gaiiten>: Can we hope for a product dealing with the Homeclans this year?
<Habeas2>: Gaiiten - Nope!

<mib_z3a8if>: How's the weather up there?
<Habeas2>: Mib_z3a8if - Cold.

<Cateran>: I had a question yesterday, but can't remember it today
<Habeas2>: Cateran - Well, you have less than 7 hours to remember before tonight's chat.
Oh my brother, with your courage we can conquer,
In your sword I put my trust that you will honor
I will be the higher ground should you concede it
And my body be your shield if you should need it.

I am Belch II

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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #16 on: 26 January 2013, 19:24:35 »
I love hearing about more Warship stuff, thanks Weirdo for asking those questions.
Walking the fine line between sarcasm and being a smart-ass


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #17 on: 26 January 2013, 19:27:55 »
I love hearing about more Warship stuff, thanks Weirdo for asking those questions.


Just finished undercoating a pair of Pintos and a Quixote. The more Warship related stuff, the better  O0


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #18 on: 26 January 2013, 20:02:38 »
Next chat is starting now...
3028-3057 Random Assignment Tables -
Also contains faction deployment & rarity info.


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #19 on: 26 January 2013, 21:35:15 »
[02:01] <@Habeas2> Hi.
[02:01] <Steve_Restless> evenin.
[02:01] <DarkISI> Hi Herb
[02:01] <Speck> Hello
[02:01] <@Habeas2> Welcome to the second chat of the first Live BattleChat day of 2013.
[02:01] <bigal> good evening
[02:01] <@Habeas2> Rules remains the same> Be nice or be kicked. Give everyone a chance to speak. Log at your own recognizance. Have fun.
[02:02] <@Habeas2> Floor's open, Fire when ready.
[02:02] <Nerroth> Hello, and happy new year.

[02:03] <Kamas> I have been ordered by Kit to find out - what can you tell us about the sales figures for XTRO: Kendoggles?

[02:13] <DarkISI> next one from the forums:
[02:13] <DarkISI> Are there any planned XTROs to cover the clans pre-invasion?
[02:14] <@Habeas2> DarkISI - Not at this time.

[02:15] <DarkISI> Final forums question:
[02:15] <DarkISI> What's the next XTRO going to be?
[02:16] <@Habeas2> DarkISI - Currently, it's a toss-up between Primitives IV and Gunslingers.

[02:25] <bigal> Will there be any one hit wonders or small production of mechs,  BA, vechiles, and aircraft in up coming XTROs?  Example "Schwerer Gustav
[02:27] <@Habeas2> Bigal - Most of them are just that.

[02:45] <Sarcasmo> Any plans for an XTRO type armed industrial mechs
[02:46] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Not really.

[02:46] <Sarcasmo> Will those item be covered in a more...mainstream publication?
[02:51] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Various sources have already toughed on this. The latest is the PDF-exclusive revision of TRO: Vehicle Annex
[02:53] <Sarcasmo> Understood. I was wondering if we'd get something with a more in-depth write up, with maybe some art
[02:54] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Art costs. Writing costs. When we perceive fan interest is low, we seriously debate how to present information in its least costly way possible. If that means you just get a Record Sheet or a paragraph of text on the subject, then that's how it works.

Hex Packs:
[02:05] <DarkISI> First of the questions I promised to ask:
[02:05] <DarkISI> What is the next planned Hex Pack?
[02:06] <@Habeas2> XotL - Presently, I believe our next Hex Pack is actually a suport product for Tactical Operations.

Map Tiles:
[03:14] <Circinus_Enquirer> Speaking of the maptiles - any chance of getting one with tiles for gun emplacements and ferrocrete walls so we can convert any map into a Castle Brian?
[03:15] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - It's possible.

Record Sheets:
[02:07] <DarkISI> next forums question
[02:07] <DarkISI> It was mentioned that HMP is out of date, do the devs use or have they considered using Solaris Skunk Werks for getting the mech sheets done quickly at least?)
[02:11] <@Habeas2> DarkISI - Frankly, we are using many independently-made software systems to try and make up for the loss of Heavy Metal as a viable product, but none of the fan-made software systems truly addresses all of our needs at thistime.

TRO VA, revised
[02:19] <Damage> Any hop for a TRO VA record sheet book?
[02:20] <@Habeas2> Damage - Given the difficulties in producing Record Sheets, the chances are rather low.

[02:02] <Steve_Restless> I know the revelation of 3250 has raised quite a clamor(And I think this might calm some of it down), but i was wondering if you would please clarify whether 20 weapons means that in current weapon count, an AC/2, AC/5, AC/10 and AC/20 would be 4 weapons, or one weapon (Autocannon)?
[02:03] <@Habeas2> Steve_Restles - I am afraid that I cannot speak to future plans beyond the Dark Age setting.

ePub Schedule:
[02:02] <Hersh67>  12I saw that LoT2 is underway and you have a 10 product print schedule.  What is the epub schedule looking like?

[02:03] <Nerroth> Has there been any further thought on the Misjump and PseudoTech PDF ideas as of late?
[02:05] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Clarify. Where did I mention those previously
[02:05] <@Habeas2> ?
[02:06] <Nerroth> In one of last year's BattleChats, you mentioned both as potential avenues for exploring places off the beaten path, such as Kaetetôã and Far Country.
[02:09] <Nerroth> MisJumps and PseutoTech were menioned in one of the October 2012 BattleChats:,23997.msg536418/topicseen.html#msg536418
[02:14] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - At this ime, I have some very solid pitches in for Misjumps, and the first PseudoTech book has been written.
[02:14] <Nerroth> I see, thanks. Can it be said if any of them refer to Far Country, or is that still under wraps for the time being?
[02:15] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - No serious pitches for either product covering the Tetaetae have been made yet.

[02:06] <Damage> Any new news on the revamping of BV?
[02:08] <@Habeas2> Damage - In the near term a compiled errata for BV2 will be released as part of an upcoming product. Any all-new BV systems will have to wait until the next edition of BattleTech (whenever that occurs)
[02:08] <Kamas> Will the BV2 errata include all units including aero?
[02:09] <Kamas> As in, will there be a table listing the values for existing units, perhaps.
[02:13] <@Habeas2> Kamas - Maybe
[02:13] <@Habeas2> Kamas - Getting BV for existing units will be the MUL's job.

Upcoming products:
[02:06] <bigal> Can you list the ten products that you maybe  able to print this year?
[02:09] <@Habeas2> Bigal - I'll list some of them: Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol. 2, Handbook: House Kurita, Era Report: 3145, Field Manual: 3145, Technical Readout: 3145, BattleCorps Anthology #4: Fire for Effect, and Alpha Strike

[02:31] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Which is the next product to most likely come out?
[02:32] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Maybe Historical: Liberation of Terra Vol. 2

Interstellar Operations:
[02:06] <Circinus_Enquirer> Mr. Habeas!  Mr. Habeas!  Can you comment on whether the Alternate Eras for Interstellar Operations might include game rules for the effects of the "Fortress Republic" jump-blocking technology in Grand Strategic level games?

Risk Items:
[02:07] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Will RISK items still exist in the dark age or will they be retconned out?
[02:10] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - They are not being retconned, per se, but they may be only rumored tech.

Timber Wolf:
[02:08] <Steve_Restless> can you shed some out-of-character light on the tough treatment the Timber Wolf omnimech seems to be recieving as of late?
<@Habeas2> Steve_Restless - We have more than enough Timber Wolves now. At last check, in fact, I think we now have maybe 6 chassis that all claim to be Timber Wolf/Mad Cat designs. After a while, older models will simply have to retire.

Design philosophy:
[02:15] <Kamas> For the future, will BattleMech development follow an Old is the New New/Project Phoenix mindset of dramatic upgrades and rebuilds to current designs, or is the intent for more brand new designs?
[02:17] <@Habeas2> Kamas - All I can say is that the next TRO will feature a total of 200 units, many of them designs introduced for Dark Age before the Click Dial game was retired, coupled with some all-new units. Stats are still being generated for these.

[02:16] <Steve_Restless> Is the ilClan Book planned as a part of the 3145 era, or the 3250 era?
[02:18] <@Habeas2> Steve_Restless - The ilClan book is set at the tail end of the Dark Age period. I cannot discuss post-Dark Age material at this time. People get too nervous.

Fall From Grace
[02:16] <Circinus_Enquirer> I've recently been re-reading and greatly enjoying Chris Hartford's BatteCorps "Fall From Grace" serial.  What are the prospects of seeing such novel-length serials in the future?
[02:19] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - Novel-length serials via BattleCorps are always a possibility, but they are something that can only be handled by our top writers, because it kind of sucks to get part-way into the series, only to have the writer flake out on you.

[02:19] <Nerroth> While the coreward sector of the Deep Periphery is under an information blackout for the time being, is the same true for the three "new" sectors detailed in ISP3? As in, could any of the 3145 works provide update for the spinward, rimward, or anti-spinward sectors; or are they no-shows for a good while yet?
[02:22] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Most of those regions are occupied by rather tiny and ultimately inconsequentil realms. They have no significant military forces or factory production, and do not interact with many (or, in some cases, ANY) outsiders. This makes them something of a storyline dead-end, presented for flavor only.

[03:30] <Maelwys> Are there plans to detail the Periphery rising at all?
[03:31] <@Habeas2> Maelwys - Who rising?
[03:32] <@Habeas2> Maelwys - You mean the one that preceded the Amaris Crisis? Nope.

[02:17] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Will the Protégé play an important roll in the 3145 era?
[02:20] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - The what? I saw a bunch of bizarre characters here.
[02:20] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> *the protege, accents don't work well i guess

Arthur Steiner-Davion:
[02:23] <Kamas> Have we already seen what happened to Arthur Steiner-Davion without realizing it, or has he been set on the back burner for the 3145 era? 

‘Mech Manufacturers:
[02:24] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Are mechs such as the Exhumer, Gravedigger, Cadaver and Mortis made by the same manufacturer, or is the IS going goth?
[02:26] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Looking at the list, it's a pan-Sphere phenomenon

[02:52] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> There seem to be a lot of mechs being made be unknown, new or mysterious companies in the DA. Is this a conspiracy? :O
[02:53] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Yes. A conspiracy of writers adding more details to a previously under-written segment of history that everyone already complained was "pre-spoiled"

[02:25] <Nerroth> Can it be said yet whose point of view the 3145 source books will be written from?
[02:27] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - The Republic.

[02:26] <Circinus_Enquirer> What factions/forces are planned to be detailed in the 3145 books?  Will it just be the major Houses/Clans, or will the factionettes get summaries?  What about the rebel Senatorial forces that made it off Terra - still an active faction?
[02:28] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - All Great House factions, all major Periphery factions, all Inner Sphere Clan factions, and the most prominent mercenary groups. Not covered: Minor Periphery, Deep Periphery, or Homeworld Clans.

[02:28] <Nerroth> So, will FM:3145 give an accurate account of the present state of the RAF within the boundaries of the Fortress?
[02:29] <@Habeas2> Nerroth – Yup

[02:30] <Nerroth> So, will there be details showing how the Republic has been able to maintain intel on the goings on of the Inner Sphere beyond the walls of the Fortress? (As in, can HPG and black box comms from outside of the Fortress be sent back in?)
[02:32] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Maybe. But, to be honest, details are killing us, so we may stop giving too many of those. Do you realize how demoralizing it is to my writers when they work hard under a strict deadline and risk getting reassigned at the last minute, only to have their carefully laid story disputed by the first fanboy who picks up the PDF?

[03:22] <Nerroth> One thing I was wondering about the 3145 maps we're due to get; is there any particular method they'll use to show which worlds still have functioning HPGs, and which are in the dark?
[03:22] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - No such thing is presently planned.

[02:26] <Trboturtle2> There has been a few complaints that there are a lot of mysteries (Green Ghosts, Clan Wolverine, the missing WOB planets, ect) Are there any plans to clear some of these mysteries up?
[02:28] <@Habeas2> Trboturtle2 - Only when we feel like it. And, honestly, we don't.

Minnesota Tribe:
[02:54] <Circinus_Enquirer> Mr. Habeas!  Mr. Habeas!  My team just stumbled across a major cache of Minnesota Tribe artifacts!  Can Catalyst comment on the large force of Spectral omnifighters now deorbiting and burning for our position?  (That and how come more archeologists and groupies tracking the Minnesota Tribe don't get similarly bushwacked?)
[02:54] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - Peace of Blake be with you.

White Out:
[02:29] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Is there a devious plan behind why the 6 (known) HPGs survived the white-out while the rest did not, or is it pure luck?
[02:29] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Pure luck

Praise for the writers:
[02:33] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> The writers are awesome. I love them.

Christopher Marik:
[02:36] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> How can the inner sphere handle the amount of badassery condensed into Christopher Marik?
[02:36] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Same way it put up with Victor Steiner-Davion and Hanse before him

Era Digests:
[02:37] <Nerroth> It has been said that an Era Digest is planned to cover the first years of the Dark Age (with the proto-factions from the clicky game). Would the Dark Age pre-3145 have any other stories that could get similar treatment, or will the Era Report be good enough a venue?
[02:38] <Nerroth> Say, for example, when it comes to detailing the re-emergence of the Free Worlds League.
[02:38] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - I am not sure exactly what you're asking there.
[02:40] <Nerroth> To put it another way, will the rebirth of the FWL be covered in detail in one of the 3145 books already on the production schedule, or could it perhaps be a topic that a future PDF file could focus on exclusively?
[02:41] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - It would be covered in the 3145 ER and FM.
[02:41] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - SOlo-faction print products have proven to be more costly to produce, so we aren't going to do so many of them from now on.

Federated Suns:
[02:37] <drufause> have you decided how many worlds the FS are going to loose to CC and DC due to the leader being insane
[02:39] <@Habeas2> Drufause - Sort of.

TRO Submission:
[02:38] <Kamas> Will there ever be another submission request for future TROs like the one for Battlecorps members for (I think) 3085?
[02:39] <@Habeas2> Kamas - No. Sorry.

Omni technology:
[02:38] <Vition> omnimechs and omnifighters, are these gradually going the way of the dodo?
[02:39] <@Habeas2> Vition - No.

Fake Thomas Marik:
[02:38] <Circinus_Enquirer> Any chance that the Fake Thomas Marik is actually a real Marik, descended from the illegitimate child of Rhean Marik and Zane Davion?
[02:39] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - No.

[02:39] <Steve_Restless> Are there any details about things being held back, with the hopes that they will some day be covered in novel format?
[02:40] <@Habeas2> Steve_Restless - We are currently operating under the presumption that there will be no novels any time soon, so nothing is being held back for the sake of novel presentation.

Preferred Question:
[02:41] <Steve_Restless> What, if any, is the question you wish that we would ask you?
[02:42] <@Habeas2> Steve_Restless - When you ask it, you'll know.

Era Report:
[02:41] <Kamas> How many pages is the Era Report looking to be, just as far as a rough guess?
[02:43] <@Habeas2> Kamas - It was specced for 160 pages.

[02:41] <Sarcasmo> Does Filtvelt go out in a bang or in a whimper?
[02:43] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - .... That is beyond the present Dark Age.

Clan Protectorate:
[02:44] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Is the Clan Protectorate here to stay?
[02:45] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - .... That is beyond the present Dark Age

Succession Wars:
[02:44] <Circinus_Enquirer> I enjoyed the XTRO Succession Wars Prototypes.  Are there plans for Era Reports/Digests for 1st SW, 2nd SW, 3rd SW, and/or Outer Reaches Rebellion?
[02:46] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - Yes, Yes, Yes, and No.

[03:05] <Xotl> Has it been decided what direction the Third Succession War era product will take?  There's been mention of an Era Report at times, and an Era Digest at others.
[03:07] <@Habeas2> Xotl - Undecided, but likely an Era Report.

[02:45] <Nerroth> One last question for now. There has been a lot of debate on the question of Alexandr Kerensky's choice to launch the Exodus, rather than stay and try to defend the Hegemony. Will the second Liberation of Terra volume shed more light on this fateful choice; and what (little) there was in the Hegemony left to try and rebuild?
[02:49] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - ....somewhat.

Liberation of Terra:
[02:46] <drufause> I know this has not even been hinted at so sorry if its a bomb.  If the Liberation of Terra books series are successful enough will us grongards get something like a short historical series for the 1st succession war so we can see the first set of mass WMD's that were thrown
[02:49] <@Habeas2> Drufause - Yes.

Andery Kerensky:
[02:49] <Circinus_Enquirer> Are there any plans to release fiction covering the fate of Andery Kerensky - either through translation/adaptation of the remaining ClanGrunder books, or with new fiction covering that period and those characters?
[02:50] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - Whenever Randall gets around to it.

[02:54] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Are there plans on revamping or redoing certain rules in time for the DA?
[02:55] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Are you looking for something specific, or shall I give you a very vague answer?
[02:56] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> err - let's go with the vague
[02:57] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Relevant rules and technologies from the Dark Age are being adapted for the classic TW-style game as we speak.

Fan Interest:
[02:56] <Circinus_Enquirer> Where is fan interest generally highest?  (You mention that you deprioritize areas that lack such interest, so according to your data, what is the fanbase clamoring for most?)
[02:58] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - Apparently, they want to play Shadowrun more these days....

Post Dark Age/Writing:
[02:58] <Sarcasmo> What's the most difficult part of writing for the post-DA era?
[02:59] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Honestly? Not being able to talk about it without inciting panic.

[03:01] <Sarcasmo> What do you LIKE about writing for the post DA weal.
[03:01] <Sarcasmo> era. wow, that was horrible spelling.
[03:02] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Having a say in it.

Movie Rights:
[02:59] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Who does have the film rights to this setting?
[03:00] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi – Topps

Mercenaries post Dark Age:
[03:01] <drufause> Seriously though now that Dark Age appears to be returning to Inner Sphere war as the common way of life will we get more Mercenary type forces
[03:02] <@Habeas2> Drufause - ..... That information is post-Dark Age, and I cannot discuss that.

Republic of the Sphere:
[03:02] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Why is the RotS evil?
[03:03] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - They're not.

Faction Writing:
[03:05] <Sarcasmo> what's the hardest faction(s) to wrote for?
[03:06] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Freee Worlds League.

Sales Figures:
[03:06] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Has there been an increase in sales/customers with the appearance of MW:O and MW:T?
[03:08] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Not really. Computer/video games do not have a serious impact on the tabletop game market that we have seen.

[03:07] <Nerroth> In terms of miniatures, do you know if any of the current (or pending) minis are designed using 3D models, or are crafted by hand?
[03:08] <DarkISI> Nerroth: The upcoming Spectral LAMs use 3D printing from 3D CAD drawings
[03:08] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - We produce books, not minis. IWM representatives would be a better ource for such answers
[03:09] <Nerroth> Cool. Would the models then be available for BT artists to use in future book art? (As a point of comparison, some of the new 3D models used for ADB/Mongoose's Starline 2500 minis has been usable for book artists.)

Product Piracy:
[03:10] <Circinus_Enquirer> How much of a concern is piracy for your products and output?  (More the type of having your PDF's posted to filesharing sites than having the cargo ships carrying the crates of maptiles hijacked by Somali privateers)
[03:10] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Enquirer - It is a concern, but not exactly an overwhelming one.

[03:11] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> What was your largest sci-fi inspiration growing up?
[03:12] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Star Wars
[03:13] <DarkISI>  Wonder how many SciFi Writers would actually answer Star Wars to this question
[03:13] <DarkISI> I gues: Quite a lot :)
[03:15] <@Habeas2> DarkISI - Well, he speified childhood. WHen I was in elementary school, Star Wars was the rage. Star Trek was a close second. The big robots came later.
[03:15] <Nerroth> Speaking of big robots, have you been following Transformers: Prime; and if so, how do you rate the series?
[03:18] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Yes, and I like it. I still feel Animated was the best, though. It had some well-thought out plots, good dialogue, didn't take itself too seriously, and gave nods to G1 every chance it had.

[03:12] <Sarcasmo> How are the cats doing, Herb?
[03:13] <Hersh67> Cats are letting him give us an extra half hour.  Guess they're either doing good or are on nip!
[03:14] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - The cats are doing fine. Oscar is presently invading my parents' home, so he can vex his cousin Oliver.

What-If Product:
[03:15] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Which product would you like to publish the most, but cannot due to a lack of interest on our behalf?
[03:17] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Hmmmmmmm. Anything that would take the entire core rulebook series and simplify it to one book, incidentally removing construction rules while we're at it.

[03:23] <Sarcasmo> Biggest thing you wish you could change about the franchise?
[03:25] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - I wish the gameplay could be simplified, perhaps abstracted, keeping the focus on the ground war and 'Mechs, and enabling players to enjoy quickly resolved battles involving large forces with enough time left over for dinner and sleep before going back to work the next day.
[03:25] <Sarcasmo> Oh, so like quick strike
[03:28] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - ;)

Circinus Federation:
[03:18] <Circinus_Enquirer> When the Circinus Federation was masquerading as peaceful farmers, did it have a different flag?  (Spiked ring and skull = not terribly subtle re: "we be pirates")  There was some sort of abstract planet and arrow thing as a watermark in MW 1st Edition.
[03:19] <@Habeas2> Circinus_Federation - The original CF flag was a skull superimposed on three bones arranged in a Y-shape. Subtle never worked for them.

[03:20] <Trboturtle2> Anything new on the con dice matter?
[03:20] <@Habeas2> Trboturtle2 - We'll likely have dice for the cons. And that's it.
[03:21] <Trboturtle2> Hopefully a lot more than last year....
[03:22] <@Habeas2> Well, remember that CGL hits more than one con. IIRC, a lot of dice were bought up before we even made it to GenCon

[03:23] <Trboturtle2> Any new T-shirts planned?
[03:26] <@Habeas2> Trboturtle2 - T-Shirts are a con-exclusive item, and usually decided by art department, rather than line development.

Pride of Davion
[03:23] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Is the Pride of Davion important at all?
[03:24] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi  - To the Davions, maybe

Dark Age:
[03:25] <Nerroth> It's somewhat ironic that the Dark Age has been lying in wait from a BT perspective for a long time, but is now being talked about in light of the looing ilClan/3250 business. Do you still fee lthat the Dark Age will get its fair turn at the wheel, or is there a risk that people will be looking past it to the next gret leap forward?
[03:28] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Since the great leap forward has pretty much been revised away (something about trying to offset panic or something) I think the Dark Age will get its fair turn, yes.

Planet Traps:
[03:28] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> In the "Levlin's List" download the wobbies use talk about "odd jumpships and Planet Traps". What's a Planet Trap? Anything important?
[03:29] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - Nope.

Hidden Planets:
[03:31] <drufause> Was Planet Sterilization just a cover for the WOB to make more hidden
[03:32] <@Habeas2> Drufause - Nope

Rim Collection:
[03:32] <Nerroth> Will the Rim Collection ever get its own flag?
[03:33] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - ..... That information lies in the post-Dark Age setting, and cannot be discussed at this time.

This year:
[03:30] <MITSUBISHI_AUTO_RACER_VROOM_VR> Herb: Do you have any parting comments to get us pumped about the upcoming year?
[03:31] <@Habeas2> Mitsubishi - There's a lot of great stuff coming. You really don't want to be missing any of it....
« Last Edit: 26 January 2013, 21:46:20 by DarkISI »
German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

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"if they didn't want to be stomped to death by a psychotic gang of battlemechs, they shouldn't have fallen down" - Liam's Ghost


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #20 on: 26 January 2013, 21:39:09 »
Timber Wolf:
[02:08] <Steve_Restless> can you shed some out-of-character light on the tough treatment the Timber Wolf omnimech seems to be recieving as of late?
[02:22] <@Habeas2> Steve_Restless - Can't say.

Actually, I got a reply on that. I dont know what the "can't say" was to.

<@Habeas2> Steve_Restless - We have more than enough Timber Wolves now. At last check, in fact, I think we now have maybe 6 chassis that all claim to be Timber Wolf/Mad Cat designs. After a while, older models will simply have to retire.
Шонхорын хурдаар хурцлан давшъя, Чонын зоригоор асан дүрэлзэье, Тэнхээт морьдын туурайгаар нүргэе, Тамгат Чингисийн ухаанаар даръя | Let’s go faster than a falcon, Let’s burn with the wolf’s courage, Let’s roar with the hooves of strong horses, Let’s go with the wisdom of Tamgat Genghis - The Hu, Wolf Totem


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #21 on: 26 January 2013, 21:42:16 »
Thank you :)
German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

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"if they didn't want to be stomped to death by a psychotic gang of battlemechs, they shouldn't have fallen down" - Liam's Ghost


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #22 on: 26 January 2013, 21:44:34 »
[02:03] <Nerroth> Has there been any further thought on the Misjump and PseudoTech PDF ideas as of late?
[02:05] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Clarify. Where did I mention those previously
[02:05] <@Habeas2> ?
[02:06] <Nerroth> In one of last year's BattleChats, you mentioned both as potential avenues for exploring places off the beaten path, such as Kaetetôã and Far Country.
[02:09] <Nerroth> MisJumps and PseutoTech were menioned in one of the October 2012 BattleChats:,23997.msg536418/topicseen.html#msg536418
[02:14] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - At this ime, I have some very solid pitches in for Misjumps, and the first PseudoTech book has been written.
[02:14] <Nerroth> I see, thanks. Can it be said if any of them refer to Far Country, or is that still under wraps for the time being?

I should note that a follow-on comment stated as as of yet, no serious proposal covering the Tetatae has been submitted for either series.

(Here's hoping they'll get a look-in eventually.)


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #23 on: 26 January 2013, 21:47:05 »
Thank you :)
German novelist and part time Battletech writer.

HPG Station - German Battletech News

"if they didn't want to be stomped to death by a psychotic gang of battlemechs, they shouldn't have fallen down" - Liam's Ghost


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #24 on: 26 January 2013, 21:53:00 »
No problem.

I'm glad to see that the Republic is the reference point for the 3145 books, and that we'll get to see what state the RAF will have worked itself into behind the Fortress walls by that time.

(Especially in terms of how their order of battle compares to those of the Wolf Empire and Jade Falcon forces brushing up against the "outside".)


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #25 on: 26 January 2013, 22:31:28 »
The SSW answer obviously begs another question, what does it lack?

I hope somebody reminds Herb that the ideal way to handle a universe with mystery is that to ask a new question you must answer an old one


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #26 on: 26 January 2013, 22:38:03 »
The SSW answer obviously begs another question, what does it lack?

I hope somebody reminds Herb that the ideal way to handle a universe with mystery is that to ask a new question you must answer an old one
Warships and Support Vehicles?
And Protomechs and Battle Armor?
And Aerospace Fighters and DropShips/Small Craft?
No RS is being held up by anything SSW would fix.
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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #27 on: 26 January 2013, 22:53:56 »
Dark Age:
[03:25] <Nerroth> It's somewhat ironic that the Dark Age has been lying in wait from a BT perspective for a long time, but is now being talked about in light of the looing ilClan/3250 business. Do you still fee lthat the Dark Age will get its fair turn at the wheel, or is there a risk that people will be looking past it to the next gret leap forward?
[03:28] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Since the great leap forward has pretty much been revised away (something about trying to offset panic or something) I think the Dark Age will get its fair turn, yes.
GAH! I hope that the revising won't take too long, it sounded exciting.
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #28 on: 26 January 2013, 22:57:21 »
Dark Age:
[03:25] <Nerroth> It's somewhat ironic that the Dark Age has been lying in wait from a BT perspective for a long time, but is now being talked about in light of the looing ilClan/3250 business. Do you still fee lthat the Dark Age will get its fair turn at the wheel, or is there a risk that people will be looking past it to the next gret leap forward?
[03:28] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Since the great leap forward has pretty much been revised away (something about trying to offset panic or something) I think the Dark Age will get its fair turn, yes.

That's got me ticked. I was really  looking forward to the leap forward with the game getting a breath of fresh air and it gets whacked because of all of the whining. "Oh noes it's something new, let's all panic now".  Oh, well.  I do like the Dark Ages so it won't be a complete loss.


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Re: BattleChat - 26. I. 2013
« Reply #29 on: 26 January 2013, 23:02:34 »
Warships and Support Vehicles?
And Protomechs and Battle Armor?
And Aerospace Fighters and DropShips/Small Craft?
No RS is being held up by anything SSW would fix.
Thanks for pointing that out but it should at least speed up 'Mechs and most vehicles and those tend to make up the bulk of most TRO's, so it should save some time and