So far, there seems to be agreement that the higher barrel ACs are OK as is.
This is clearly false.
An AC/20 is 14 tons. With 3 tons of ammo, you're looking at 17 tons total. And that plus movement just about uses up your initial 10 SHS you get for free with a fusion engine in 3025.
What else could you do with that tonnage?
17 tons will get you 7 Medium lasers and 10 SHS. For the small price of going slightly over on the heat scale you've nearly doubled your damage and you've eliminated any worries of ammo explosions. You can operate deep behind enemy lines more or less indefinitely as long as you have the basic spares needed, and you can take every shot that presents itself every time. 12s to hit? Why not? Nothing to lose but heat.
Crits don't matter in 3025, so we'll ignore them.
All the AC 20 has to offer by comparison is the ability to concentrate all that damage in one spot. But over the course of many fights, that just doesn't matter. If the 20 points does not end your enemy's ability to make war upon you, it doesn't matter.
Also, if that AC/20 gets critted? You're useless. Might as well go home. Same applies if you lose the location where you mounted it.
So yea, the AC/20 is a trap. The math proves it. I can't find the quote now, but i recall finding something in one of the Merc books saying that a savvy commander wouldn't sacrifice the punch provided by ammo-dependent weapons for the ease of use that energy weapons have.
So where's the punch?
I am not so sure about the whole AC doubletap thing, to have a weapon jam permanently on the battlefield totally negates any positives.
The low heat for small ACs any......way compensate for their weight. No CliffNotes needed.
As for your laser solution. Minimal and unobtrusive. Perhaps better, -2 at long range and -1 at medium, full up damage at short range.
I do not agree that SRMs are useless at all, leave them alone. The only way to make SRMs obsolete is to make LRMs with no minimum range ( ::) looking at you Clan LRM 8) ).
I agree that the lighter ACs present more of a problem, and that the heat doesn't even pretend to balance things.
I also agree that nerfing energy weapons further would be a good idea.
But I don't get why you like SRMs. What can you do with them (in 3025) that a few Medium Lasers can't do better? A SRM 2 is 2 tons with the ammo, and does 2 points of damage to one location on average for 2 heat. Why? A SRM 6 is 4 tons with ammo, and does 8 points to 4 locations on average, for the cost of 4 heat. 2 ML with 2 SHS give you 10 damage to two locations for the same overall heat.
In vanilla play, missiles remain competitive with energy weapons precisely because of their crit seeking ability; they're simply better at it than their weight in energy weapons. LRMs also throw indirect fire capability in on top of that.
You think so? Let's compare. 3025 doesn't really have long range energy to speak of - only the PPC comes close. 1 LRM 20 is 10 tons plus 3 tons of ammo, so 13 total. It generates 6 heat. So you could mount two of them for 25 tons (one of the ammo bins can be shared and you'll still get 15 shots each) plus 2 tons of SHS. 27 tons total.
That will get you 2 PPCs, 10 SHS, and some leftovers. Hrm. You have a point. LRMs are competitive in both total damage and critseeking. Interesting!