Author Topic: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!  (Read 9242 times)


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #30 on: 03 October 2013, 07:38:46 »
And the ammonia cloud is great stuff!

Not really, not if You actually see it. It's the kind of experience that leaves You... speechless.
Good luck with the build :)
« Last Edit: 03 October 2013, 10:04:10 by Kret69 »


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #31 on: 03 October 2013, 10:25:54 »
Not really, not if You actually see it. It's the kind of experience that leaves You... speechless.
Good luck with the build :)

Hehe yeah of course, in real life its not so good

Heres what will probably be the last update for a while since I ran out of paint. Its just the progress of the next piece of terrain aswell as a closeup of some trees not yet finished.
Tomorrow after work im running down to the local Games Workshop store to pick up some paint and some new brushes. Also gonna check out their flocks and whatever else of interest i might find there!
Ive also ordered a can of styrofoam primer aswell as a fresh can of black spray paint which will arrive early next week. It will greatly reduce the time of basecoating both the terrain and soon enough the actual board itself.

This weekend ill be away for most part so I wont find much time for the modelling. Might be good with a break aswell, have been putting alot of time to this these last few days.

Anyway guys, cheers and have a good weekend!

john blackwell

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #32 on: 03 October 2013, 14:40:16 »
I'm very enthused.  I remember making my diorama and the challenges of making the terrain.  It was tough to slog through all those bits and pieces, but the end result is completely worth it.

I think you'll be stoked when you finally have a completed board with the quality you're putting into it.

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #33 on: 04 October 2013, 09:40:15 »
Ok, one final update before weekend.
Got some new colors and pencils and found some nice foliage looking like tuffs of grass that looks great on the wood hexes.
Ive also tried doing the wood hexes green and while it might take away a bit of the realism, it does give the hex a more distinctive look and makes it more accessible for players to overview the field.
And being a boardgame afterall, I actually prefer game mechanics to be clear and obvious.

So NOW, finally, this piece is finished and put on a shelf until I find a good was of applying protective coating.


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #34 on: 08 October 2013, 12:54:43 »
Ok, so ive gotten some work done now and ill start with showing the next terrainpiece.
The images arent very good but they show the overall look of it at least. It does look better in real life though!

Im gonna make 2-3 more pieces of hills/forests, then make some more plain forests pieces aswell as some "rough" terrain.
After that, I might go on with the ravine piece(s).


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #35 on: 08 October 2013, 13:01:59 »
And yesterday I got the styrofoam primer and have gone about painting the board.
On the pics the board is newly inked and still drying so its not finished. Its awaiting some drybrushing and possibly more inking before its done.
I wont be flocking or adding details to the board itself though, I leave that for the terrain.

Also, you can see some areas of the board somewhat distorted. Sadly, I was somewhat careful when applying the primer and these areas seem to have had a too thin layer and the spray paint then chewed through the primer and into the board. Its not as visible in the pics as in reallife, but the good thing is that its not very much and doesnt ruin the overall look or playability of the board!
But for future pieces, ill be more generous with the primer!

john blackwell

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #36 on: 08 October 2013, 14:54:52 »
Oh, that's nice work.  Your board is going to look great when finished.

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #37 on: 13 October 2013, 14:00:49 »
Had alot to do past week and caught a really bad cold that hasnt left yet so I havent gotten as much as id hope done this week but some more terrain is underway at least. These hills/trees will be enough to begin with, they arent done yet as they have no trees and details on the wooden hexes but ill get that done the coming week.

Ill need to start working on the second board segment aswell as making some flat level terrain such as woods, rough and maybe a bunker/outpost or two. Not to forget the ravine i mentioned earlier.
Im also thinking about making some big pieces or single level terrain, plain flat, only to make it possible to build a board that raises/lowers from side to side for some assymetrical playingfields.

I did however get to play a game solo the other day just to get some grip on the rules!
The first round had two funny things happening:
In the first round the Atlas got struck for 20+ damage due to amazing rolls by the opposing LRMs. The mech fell and knocked the pilot unconscious! Thats not a good start!

And then, in the second round, the other teams Catapult caught a AC5 that got through to the engine and ripped the shielding forcing the additional 5 heat per turn! Better then the atlas but still not a good start =)

These kind of things just makes me so eager to get into some real games with friends! I love these unrelenting factors that makes you feel unsafe about every single move to the point where you ask yourself everytime "Is that worth it?".
You dont pop out and take a shot without risking a world of hurt!

If theres any GW people in here, you might have played their old game Necromunda. That was a completely amazing game where everything was so unpredictable, yet not too unfair or randomized. It simply made you think twice about your actions, especially when you had some characters that had been with you for a couple of games as they started being important to you =)

john blackwell

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #38 on: 13 October 2013, 14:49:02 »
That's a great looking board.  It has a very consistent look.

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #39 on: 13 October 2013, 17:56:55 »
I like the look of it.

Would definitely like to play on such board.

Oh, and if this is a dying world - think about an abandoned city in ruins too, perhaps? ;)


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #40 on: 14 October 2013, 03:53:48 »
That's a great looking board.  It has a very consistent look.


One of my goals is to keep it looking like a gameboard. While I adore the high quality and realistic look of many boards others have made, I actually want this to look like its a game, but with detailed terrain and clear visual impressions. A bit like computer rts style terrain.

Kret, buildings is on my to-do list, in fact i want enough to make it possible to fight within a city.
And of course, it will be scarred by war and disaster :)


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #41 on: 18 October 2013, 16:17:07 »
Okay so all current pieces are now finished and tomorrow im having a gameday with a friend, well start off with a game of BT, the first real game for both of us!
So wish me luck! Not that I care about winning, but I hope my friend enjoy the game as I know I will so ill have at least one consistent opponent for the future!
Unless you already figured out, Battletech is little known where I live and I dont think I know one anyone here that plays or have played it =/

Anyway, heres some pics of the board! Have a good weekend y'all!

john blackwell

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #42 on: 18 October 2013, 18:14:38 »
Fabulous!  Great boards for battle!  I hope you both enjoy playing.  I remember my first games.  MY friend and I each used the same mechs, pilots, etc. to keep it equal.  Skill against skill.  I learned a lot about maneuvering and strategy doing that.

Have fun!
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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #43 on: 19 October 2013, 00:33:00 »
Very nice terrain!  O0

Hope you enjoy the game with your friend.

Looking forward to more projects like this in the future!


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #44 on: 19 October 2013, 19:01:56 »
First game done =)
Lots of fiddling through the pages of the rules, lots of missed +1's and a few mistaken rules that lead to an untimely ammo explosion, but nothing that had much impact on the outcome and bottom line is we had a blast playing and learning =)

We pitted 200 tons each against each other, half of mine went into the Atlas which was an issue for me since I had trouble getting it to the action. I got a few rounds of with the AC and some salvos with the LRM, but all in all the Atlas didnt produce as much as id hoped for, mainly because my opponents fairly highspeed force managed to stay out of its crosshair most of the time.
Strangely enough, my most effective piece was the small Spider with its two M lasers. It already proved its worth a few rounds in when, from high ground, it managed to kick the opposing hunchback in the head, injuring the pilot and tipping the mech over!

I lost the game when only my Atlas, still struggling to get into the battle, was my last active mech.
But I had a great time and we both learned a lot.
What struck me the most is how unforgiving and utterly important movement is in BT, much more so then I could ever have imagined.
Several times we moved into a position for what we thought would be a devestating attack proved to be next to useless when the modifiers for movement and cover was added up.
And as we went on, we learned, and as my friend described it it felt almost like playing a form of chess. Positioning your "pieces" was more important then actually firing their weapons since we began to do whatever we could to stay out of fire unless it would be with enough modifiers to make the shots really hard!
Since we only played until one side had lost 3 of its 4 mechs, this could potentially lead to a boring game, but I cant wait til we start putting objectives into the game!

Another thing, which I HAD anticipated to be very important, was initiative. Winning initiative became one of the biggest cheers of the evening!

Im throwing in another image also.
After weve finished BT, we played a round of Warhammer 40k "Kill Team".
My Necrons was brutally mangled under the boots of the Space Wolves, and everything seemed lost. But a stroke of luck, and the fact that a choice to split my troops up early in the game which had initially seemed stupid later proved to be of great importance, the game started turning to my favor.

It all finally came down to a showdown between a handful of warriors, and a few dice rolls...
And when I needed it the most, the Dice fell my way, and I simply HAD to take a photo of it. The pic is a roll "to hit? on 5+ and I cross my heart, that is how the dice fell. I almost yelled "YATHZEE".


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #45 on: 20 October 2013, 17:47:40 »
Just another pic, the second board is on the way aswell as some more terrain!

Also another random pic!
When im not burning styrofoam with the soldering iron, im slowly raising (clever eh) an army of undead for the GW game Warmaster. Every now and then i order a bunch of minis and paint and base them. This is whats done so far, but I got a bunch of minis coming probably this week.


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #46 on: 23 October 2013, 15:03:31 »
Been experimenting with some terrainpieces, and have thrown most of them away as they turned out really bad =)

Below is what was originally intended to be a ravine, now a lava flow. It looks pretty good, and gives a tad of colour to the board, but I dont think it fits the setting too good. Im reconsidering water, to be honest, and it DOES give a bit more tactical depth to the maps.

Ive also tried making some craters, fairly simple process, and might possible be used as markers if not terrain. When I start collecting some premium minis, i might convert some of the introbox ones to markers to show blown up mechs but I cant do that just now!

Overall i realize ive kindof stalled. I think the board needs more natural terrain as hills, forests and such, yet im kind of fixed at starting with buildings and outposts. I know I should finish the pieces that are roughly the same, but at the same time I might need some variety.

I also have a question about buildings.
If I understand correctly, mechs are able to stand ontop of most buildings in BT, and if nothing else at least infantry can enter these hexes.
But how do I make 3d building hexes that can still host the models? I dont wanna make all the buildings hexagonal =)


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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #47 on: 23 October 2013, 15:12:47 »
The ravine is great, with lava too. If You don't like it, try make it ravine with some very small amount of water inside. But it looks really great.

Buildings does not have to occupy entire hexes. They can occupy one hex or more. My HPG for instance:

And an adobe hut:

john blackwell

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Re: Making a Hexboard (or die trying!) +Terrain!
« Reply #48 on: 23 October 2013, 15:34:14 »
If I understand correctly, mechs are able to stand ontop of most buildings in BT, and if nothing else at least infantry can enter these hexes.
But how do I make 3d building hexes that can still host the models? I dont wanna make all the buildings hexagonal =)

I have made buildings that span two hexes.  It can hold to a Heroscape tile like this:

In the end, this one spans three hexes:

A mech can stand on the roof if necessary, but the building does not need to have a six-sided shape.

I hope this helps,
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