And he is a nice guy. I know a writer from The Nerdist who can vouch for it. He and Chris Hardwick, in addition to being one time roomies are both passionate about giving gaming culture the same coverage enjoyed by film and sports.
Good to hear!
Back on topic, and not to beat a dead horse...
Hypothesis for ilClan - The homeworld clans, after all this time out there alone, take Kerensky's dream a little further & streamline it. The clans all either fold in to, or are absorbed in to 1 or 2 clans (probably 2 so there's the ability to trial against each other). They come up with a bunch of new tech from the reavings & the discovery of The Society. Say it's un-developed tech that they prefect. Then, this 1 or 2 clan force launches a full scale invasion of the IS. Either down from the Davion/Capellan/Marik area...or just right through the current IS clans areas.
They demolish all who stand in their way as they are a larger force than the original invasion fleet. They reach Terra, and either are met by Stone, or one of Stones closest people like Redburn...hell maybe Julian reaches Terra on his way to New Avalon & is swept up in this. Whatever person it is...either leads a force against the invading clan (call it what you will, but I believe the Cobras & Adders could easily become one...not sure about the Coyotes & Lions), or ends up using clan tactics against them & calls for a trial of possession (or one is called on Terra & this person defends either way). Whatever homeworld clan it is...becomes ilClan. Some of the IS clans follow in line, others rage against them, maybe even to be annihilated.
Just my thoughts...which I think would be awesome, but at the same time...I'm a Wolf at heart & would love to see them win. I just think that's the "obvious" choice and won't happen. If it doesn't, I'd love to see the Coyotes, Star Adders, or the Cloud Cobras win it (not in any specific order).