says the guy who has Klingons in his avatar. A true Klingon would admire and desire a woman like Bangladesh Dupree. :P
If it's made by a spark, I highly doubt there's a 'gentle breeze' setting.
Every once in a while things make sense.Don't let these moments alarm you. They pass.
Come to think of it Othar reminds me of what Carrot might have become if he was directed towards life of adventurer, instead city guard in Ankh Morph.
All endothermic life forms are inherently heretic!
"F'TAGN to FOGLIO"I kinda want to visit this library, and I kinda really don't.
for those trying to figure out if it is a reference ot something: haven't been able to find a "diet of krakow" IRL, so probably not a reference to anything directly..