Author Topic: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg  (Read 15604 times)


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #30 on: 06 July 2015, 22:41:14 »
Oh man, I remember doing an MotW for this oh... seven and a half years ago. And I found it!

Starting flashback!
Mech of the Week: BTZ-3F Blitzkrieg

It seems to have been about a week, so I’ll punt this quickie MotW up.

Coventry Metal Works presents… The Blitzkrieg

Coventry Metal Works has a truly hit or miss mech design department.  When they hit, you get the Hauptmann, when they miss, you get the Hollander, and when they get drunk, you get the Blitzkrieg.

The Blitzkrieg was designed after the 3058 Falcon Incursion where the Hollanders deployed on Coventry put out a less-than-stellar combat performance.  Thanks to some salvaged Clan Jade Falcon class 20 boomsticks and some ultra know-how from the FWL, the Lyrans figured out how to build class-20 Ultra Autocannon.  Next thing you know, they go nuts and build a 50-ton mech around it.

The Good

Right, let’s start off on a bright note – The Blitzkrieg is as advanced a mech as you can get pre-TW.  It uses Endo, Ferro, and an XL engine to give the mech the groundspeed of a Jenner – 7/11.  It’s not going to outrun a Black Lanner, but it’ll pull away from almost anything the Falcons field besides that and the Fire Falcon.

Next, unlike some mechs, the Blitzkrieg sports an enormous 4 ton ammo bin in its right torso feeding the gigantic Ultra-20 autocannon mounted in the left torso.  (Although, going by the artwork, the A/C should be center-mounted, much like a Marauder 3R’s AC/5)

And you know what? That’s it for the good news.  It’s a running 7/11 UAC/20.  Now, you might be asking how this is better than a UAC Saladin at this point.  Well… The Blitzkrieg carries more ammo, only requires one mechwarrior instead of three crewmen, carries more armour, uses legged instead of the vulnerable hover movement mode, and has an ejection seat.

The Bad

Let’s move on to the downsides of the Blitzkrieg.  First on the list is a huge, ugly, glaring flaw.  The fluff brags about the Blitzkrieg sporting double the armour of the Hollander.  What a load of spin.  Armour is compared to the chassis’ practical limits and the volume and intensity of incoming fire.  Just because it’s somewhat less sucktastic compared to its predecessor is no reason to celebrate.

So how bad is it?  6.5 tons of IS Ferro-Fibrous armour gives you 116 points or protection.

Code: [Select]
Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          8     
   Center Torso:             16         17     
   Center Torso (Rear):                  5     
   L/R Side Torso:           12      13/13     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              4/4     
   L/R Arm:                   8      10/10     
   L/R Leg:                  12      16/16   

As you can see, incoming enemy fire is going to start going internal almost from the get go.  And make no mistake, as a 7/11 Ultra-AC/20 platform, incoming enemy fire is likely to be intense at the best of times.

Another bad has to be the cost.  All those advanced weight saving technologies, big-assed engine, and humongous gun drive the cost up to just short of 10.8 million C-bills worth of gear.  To put that in perspective, for the same resources, you can either spring for a half dozen Ultra-20 Saladins, or more amazingly, a base Hauptmann chassis (minus weapons).

The ****** ugly

The Blitzkrieg does not have CASE.  Okay, not relevant from a pick-up-and-play standpoint, but if you had it, you could at least salvage that BFG for installation somewhere else, or drag the carcass off the field to cannibalize for parts.  As is, the ammo bin is one enormous self-destruct charge, ready to turn your valuable autocannon into metal confetti.

The likelihood of that happening is extremely high, by the way.  You see, the Blitzkrieg’s right torso has… 3 crits of XL engine, 4 crits of ammo, and then 5 crits of Ferro.

Speaking of ugly, this ranks up there as one of the ugliest mechs out there

Some mechs badly need to be euthanized

No arms that I can see, odd rear-biased weight distribution…  Now, the fluff says that the Hollander was disliked for its inherent instability among other things, but I’m not sure how the Blitzkrieg is better.  The fluff mentions counter weights and careful balancing of the ammo systems, but come ON…  Also, VTOLs and ASFs are treated to a brilliant bull’s-eye target on the top of the cockpit…

What do I do with this thing?

Well, first off, you must come to terms with the fact that the Blitzkrieg is nothing less and nothing more than a one-use weapon, much like a Saladin without the painful motive crits.  The things are almost like ground-bound cruise missiles – able to bring a catastrophic amount of pain to one target if you maneuver it well.

My personal suggestion is to avoid taking the Blitzkrieg unless you have a large enough force to afford a one-shot unit.  I would suggest company-sized games or better.  Next, as Templar Coyote notes, they work best in multiples; a pair, trio, or even a full lance to ensure that your gamble doesn’t go down because of one unlucky crit.

Finally, I would prefer to hold them in reserve, waiting for either an opening to blast a distracted enemy, or sacrificing them to buy time for other units to either finish off an opponent or withdraw from an untenable situation.

Another possible use is as a fast flanking unit using cover to surprise the enemy’s sides or rear or to ambush units already in the thick of the fighting.  No matter how you use it though, expect your Blitzkriegs to be destroyed or badly mauled whether they win or lose.

A glimmer of hope?

The deployment fluff mentions that because of cost overruns and delays, only a trial lance had been sent to the Twenty-fourth Arcturan Guards on Barcelona, and that production was not scheduled until 3061, with the FWL having the option of buying up to 25% of output.  Maybe, just maybe, they’ll have fixed some of the machine’s flaws.

My personal take on it is that you have 3 aspects:

High ground speed
Good ammo endurance
Good armour

Of which, you can only pick two.  Opt for a 6/9/6 movement curve, and you’ll be able to greatly increase armour and add CASE.  Dump a ton of ammo, and you can improve the armour a bit, perhaps adding CASE as well.  Alternately, you could change to a LB-20x and 2 or 3 tons of ammo, freeing up two-three tons for CASE and armour.  You lose the double-tap, but it would make for a much deadlier ‘finisher’ mech.

Flashback complete!
« Last Edit: 06 July 2015, 22:47:54 by chanman »

Savage Coyote

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #31 on: 06 July 2015, 23:09:55 »
Haha oops.  Well, it didn't come up in my searches for the unit and it was funny to see my old avatar (Templar Coyote) commenting on it.  Guess I've always had a soft spot for it!


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #32 on: 06 July 2015, 23:13:48 »
That long ago, it was at least one previous iteration of the boards.  You weren't stepping on any toes. O0
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #33 on: 06 July 2015, 23:48:37 »
Haha oops.  Well, it didn't come up in my searches for the unit and it was funny to see my old avatar (Templar Coyote) commenting on it.  Guess I've always had a soft spot for it!

No worries, I never reposted it on this iteration of the boards and it was due for a refresh after all  O0

Liam's Ghost

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #34 on: 07 July 2015, 04:48:33 »
My first run ever using the blitzkrieg, it brought down a warhammer, victor, and marauder in quick succession without being touched.

Then the following round it skidded through a building and blew up.

Ever since, I've adored the blitzkrieg for its ability to be unbelievably dangerous for everybody involved. I have trouble imagining a reason why you would want to not have the throttle wide open or the gun not spraying shells as fast as possible. I feel the only way to truly improve it would be to increase the level of irresponsible danger inherent to it by somehow making it go faster and/or hit harder.

Or maybe give it stealth systems. That could work too.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #35 on: 07 July 2015, 15:54:17 »
I have used the Blitzkrieg on a couple of occasions and have yet to have it disappoint me. I use it as a follow up hammer in larger games --- at least a company or more of mechs. Once I have softened up a target with LRM or other ranged fire, it is extremely vulnerable to a fast pass by a Blitzkrieg. Even assault mechs, like the Pillager, Thunderhawk, etc.....  become extremely vulnerable.. once they have taken a few Gauss hits, or some LRM fire, you can force breaches. You do want to wait for the Blitzkrieg to get at range 14, having moved it as much as possible to keep the TMM high, and then you rush in. The 11 hex straight movement will give you a +4, and you can pull out just as fast, in the next turn, as long as you provide cover and support, with your other units on the field, and being a mech, it has decent survivability. Just don't try and rush a cluster of assault mechs alone.

On a side note, it also has one other surprise --- the Ultra AC/20 has a medium range of 7, and a long range of 10. Most people assume that it has the same ranges as the venerable AC/20, and I have seen people park a mech at range 10, on one, hurting their own TMM, because they forgot it has that one hex difference. If they give you such a golden opportunity, please instruct them on that error. I had a guy with a Fafnir once pull that off, stopping at 10, and leaving himself with a TMM of zero, thinking he out-ranged me, when coming one step closer would have given him that +1. Having moved a full 11 that turn, I did have a +4, and even though he had a 3 gunner on his mech, I had a paid for a +2 on mine..... and while he ended up needing an 10 to hit me, 3+2, range, +1 walk, +4 TMM..... I only needed a 8, 2 + 4 for range, +2 for run, and 0 TMM ...... So, while I was hit with a single ER Medium he got a double tap, and ate two 20 point hits..... both of which breached already damaged torsos, right and center.... destroying engine, and hitting one of the Heavy Gauss.....

I bring that up because you are carrying the damage of an assault mech, with the speed of a light..... and while you only have the armor of a low end medium, if you play it like a light mech, aggressive slashing attacks, you can make an effective unit out of it.... just never let it get bogged down, and avoid areas where you can get boxed or risk skids, as those are dangerous at your weight, with the light armor. Just remember, once you use it effectively, even if just once..... your opponents will forever treat it as a high priority target... although that also presents opportunities.

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #36 on: 07 July 2015, 18:43:23 »
I'm glad I'm not the only the only one that likes the ugly fast mugger/ assassin!
Their is no problem Jump Jets and an assault class auto-cannon can't handle.


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #37 on: 07 July 2015, 20:32:51 »
I'm glad I'm not the only the only one that likes the ugly fast mugger/ assassin!

Of course not. It may be a one trick pony, but it's a fun trick. O0


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #38 on: 07 July 2015, 20:52:25 »
Of course not. It may be a one trick pony, but it's a fun trick. O0

It always ends specularly for at least one and sometimes both sides too!


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #39 on: 08 July 2015, 06:59:30 »
You know refitting a captured HAG on this frame might be fun...
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #40 on: 08 July 2015, 07:10:55 »
I think you could fit a 30 with 4 tons?
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Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #41 on: 22 October 2023, 17:32:13 »
I just realized this is one of the few niches the clans don't have an equivalent. Moving 7/11 with a pair of 15+ pointers is something no clan mech I'm aware of does. Plenty of 6/9 clanners with big hits, but none have the last two MP.

edit - OK, I just found a linebacker, shadowcat, and shadowcat III that do something similar using masc/supercharger. My bad.. I'll still defend the purity of the blitz for not using heavy lasers, not to mention the BV.

You know refitting a captured HAG on this frame might be fun...

I would not respect it the same way. A 20-depth hit is worth a lot more than 30 damage in 5 point clusters. Same reason why, post nerf, the legionnaire is nowhere near the same terror class as the blitz.
« Last Edit: 23 October 2023, 01:04:07 by Greatclub »


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #42 on: 27 October 2023, 01:51:24 »
I just realized this is one of the few niches the clans don't have an equivalent. Moving 7/11 with a pair of 15+ pointers is something no clan mech I'm aware of does. Plenty of 6/9 clanners with big hits, but none have the last two MP.

edit - OK, I just found a linebacker, shadowcat, and shadowcat III that do something similar using masc/supercharger. My bad.. I'll still defend the purity of the blitz for not using heavy lasers, not to mention the BV.

I still wouldn't count any of those, since they're really 6/9 mechs that can occasionally boost their speed if you want to risk crippling the mech, not something that actually moves 7/11.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #43 on: 01 November 2023, 11:11:45 »
Many years ago, doing a Megamek game with several other forum-goers on the old Ishiyama maps, the rules were to bring any IS assault and medium (one of each), last man standing wins.

At one point, Redshirt's Battlemaster went up a loop in a corner of the map, and at the far end of it- around the corner from where he could see it- was my Sirocco. (I like using unusual stuff!). So... the Sirocco moved up into brawling range, and I asked via the in-game chat if he'd ever seen one of these in a game before. "No.", he replied. On-cue, I moved my Blitzkrieg (the Ultra model) at blinding speed up the other side of the tunnel into brawling range behind the BLR. "What about these?", I asked. (His reply cannot be repeated here due to the censor filters)

Suffice to say, the Blitzkrieg excels at stuff like this- that speed, combined with the massive threat the cannon provides, make it an expert at zipping up into even the most powerful target's rear and tear it a new one. The move mod to hit it in reply is usually too high to get reasonable return fire on it, and if it loses init the next turn it just toddles away to safety and preps for the next assault. Wonderful Mech if you use it carefully- it's a very niche unit, but man, it is GOOD in that niche.

(Side note, I took second in that Megamek fracas, with the Sirocco finally dropping to a Stalker.)
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #44 on: 01 November 2023, 14:46:55 »
One of the weird advantages of the mech is the low BV. You can fit a gunnery 2 pilot and it is not that expensive. Doing that you get the ultimate flyswatter. The UAC/20 can OSK 35 tonner mechs and can do a number to all light mechs.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #45 on: 02 November 2023, 10:34:33 »
One of the weird advantages of the mech is the low BV. You can fit a gunnery 2 pilot and it is not that expensive. Doing that you get the ultimate flyswatter. The UAC/20 can OSK 35 tonner mechs and can do a number to all light mechs.

That really is an unsung advantage- you don't expect a meth-Hunchback to have BV as low as that, but not having jump jets (or armor) does a number to keep that number low.
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
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Savage Coyote

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #46 on: 08 November 2023, 13:15:45 »
With all of the Rec Guide units coming out I toyed around with "what if" Lyran "upgrades" and ended up with like, a 7/11/7, armored component clan ERPPC + capacitor, shoulder turret, near max ferro-lamellar, IS XL, C3s, and IS Targeting Computer.  Could easily switch to clan components but wanted to have some drawbacks.  Nothing official mind you, just an exercise in Dark Age/ilClan advancement. Also got rid of the XL Gyro which was annoying to use back in the day but I had to make weight back then.
« Last Edit: 08 November 2023, 13:25:34 by Savage Coyote »


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #47 on: 08 November 2023, 15:46:08 »
Well, that would be pretty deadly.  Though I'm not a fan of the capacitor.
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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #48 on: 09 November 2023, 12:45:09 »
With all of the Rec Guide units coming out I toyed around with "what if" Lyran "upgrades" and ended up with like, a 7/11/7, armored component clan ERPPC + capacitor, shoulder turret, near max ferro-lamellar, IS XL, C3s, and IS Targeting Computer.  Could easily switch to clan components but wanted to have some drawbacks.  Nothing official mind you, just an exercise in Dark Age/ilClan advancement. Also got rid of the XL Gyro which was annoying to use back in the day but I had to make weight back then.

The cheddar is strong with this one.  :shocked:
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
+Crow T. Robot+


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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #49 on: 09 November 2023, 13:14:29 »
The cheddar is strong with this one.  :shocked:

Sounds like a Pack Hunter fed a steady diet of Mecha Growth Hormones  :shocked:

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #50 on: 17 November 2023, 18:02:34 »
The cheddar is strong with this one.  :shocked:

It's CMW, they should probably have more luxury vehicles than they do. These are the same guys who will build you a custom Hauptmann out of Clantech if you give them a couple hundred million Kroner.

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Re: `Mech of the Week: BTZ-*F Blitzkrieg
« Reply #51 on: 30 November 2023, 13:24:37 »
The cheddar is strong with this one.  :shocked:

Oh no doubt.  I also have a Stealth Thunder Hawk running around my files that seems... wrong? :D