Author Topic: Battletech Long Island  (Read 164710 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #150 on: 29 November 2011, 22:15:39 »
Hey Guys -

Sorry I missed the game the other weekend, but sis's birthday came first.  No matter how infuriatingly boring and irritating and... well, you get the point.

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!

couple of things...

1) So it looks like we're really going to be able to get ogre playing over skype? Glad to hear it! ( just so long as you don't bloody backstab me again....) [##]

2) jim, what happened to posting the campaign ideas?

3) dgraz, the more the merrier!   (and guys, on the job training includes air support... )

4) so when's the next game?



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #151 on: 30 November 2011, 13:29:38 »
Well, a multiplayer game isn't the best way to learn a game, especially when you're doing created scenarios where having a basic understanding of what units can do what really helps.....and now you may have someone playing over skype?  That's way too much going on for just trying to pick up a game. 

Also, weekends are 50/50 for me - I work every other.  I don't want to start investing in a game that I might get to play once every three months.  So if there really isn't an option for other times, I'll probably just pass.  Thanks anyway.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #152 on: 30 November 2011, 16:23:05 »
Crash, ask and you shall receive...

Valentina: 5th Galedon Regulars vs. Gamma Galaxy

Each strategic turn represents one full day.  Strategic movement is determined by the walking speed of the slowest element within the unit.  Movement on hexes adds 1 MP.  Infantry unit can travel more quickly on the train and depart anywhere along friendly track. The train has an MP of 12.
Once the original 100,000 BV is allocated, each side will randomly choose 1 unit for every five already chosen of the same type and weight class using the RAT from FM:U.  The Ravens will use the second-line table and the Combine will use the ā€œCā€ table.  Warriors will have veteran skills. Five kills raises either gunnery or piloting 1 level.   An assist is considered half a kill.  A kill can be divided into two assists or a single kill.

Eight hours of maintenance or reloading can be done once per day.  Repairs and scrounging will be done according to the rules in Strategic Operations.  Each mech or vehicle gets a crew of techs.  Skills will be rolled using the table on p. 273 of Total Warfare.  Tech skills can be improved only at the beginning of the campaign by spending BV points as if they were a point of standard Clan elementals.  If a railroad link off the map is un-occupied by Combine troops, there is a +2 to scrounge rolls for the Raven techs.  If the Combine controls either line, there is a +1 for Combine techs (to reflect that their logistical infrastructure is not in place as well as the Ravens).

When two opposing forces enter the same strategic hex, they detect each other.  Infantry used as scouts can remain hidden.  Units moving through a city hex will be known to both sides (police for the Ravens, partisans for the Combine). If the path of opposing units cross each other, the gamemaster will have to determine if they crossed at the same time.

If the Combine can hold the spaceport uncontested for two strategic turns, it can bring in a Leopard dropship with 4 units randomly generated using random unit generator table in TW and RAT in FM:U.  The dropship will have four veteran repair crews corresponding to units it carried.  For every two turns that the Ravens have uncontested control of the airfield, they may operate two randomly generated fighters (a total of 10 can be fielded).
The spaceport will have full combat unit repair facilities, and ten clan mech repair crews.  All dropships will have shut-down engines unless controlling players announce otherwise at the start of a strategic turn. Remember that fuel is being burned if the engines are kept warm.

These are of course subject to the approval of the players.
« Last Edit: 06 December 2011, 16:54:32 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #153 on: 30 November 2011, 17:34:46 »
Well, a multiplayer game isn't the best way to learn a game, especially when you're doing created scenarios where having a basic understanding of what units can do what really helps.....and now you may have someone playing over skype?  That's way too much going on for just trying to pick up a game.

the games are no all that set in stone and if I know someone is looking for one on one I am on hand to do so.

the skype thing is to get a friend that is now out of state in the game. we are working on this part.

Also, weekends are 50/50 for me - I work every other.  I don't want to start investing in a game that I might get to play once every three months.  So if there really isn't an option for other times, I'll probably just pass.  Thanks anyway.

I also work odd weekends so if you let me know when you are off we can shot for then. durring the week is hard for all of us due to the face we all work durring the week.

as the others have said you are more then welcome to play.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #154 on: 30 November 2011, 18:14:53 »
I also work odd weekends so if you let me know when you are off we can shot for then. durring the week is hard for all of us due to the face we all work durring the week.

as the others have said you are more then welcome to play.
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone.  If I can work out to be there when you guys are playing I'll try to be there. I know you usually do Sundays, and my wife usually works on my Sundays off so I have my kids.

I know everyone is extra busy this month (both my daughters b-days, and mine, are in Dec.) so I can try to work on a weekend in January.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #155 on: 01 December 2011, 16:48:11 »
Campaign rules have been modified.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #156 on: 01 December 2011, 22:36:36 »
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone.  If I can work out to be there when you guys are playing I'll try to be there. I know you usually do Sundays, and my wife usually works on my Sundays off so I have my kids.

I know everyone is extra busy this month (both my daughters b-days, and mine, are in Dec.) so I can try to work on a weekend in January.

hope you can make it. if you want and they want to bring the kids .... we need the next gen  O0


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #157 on: 01 December 2011, 22:51:49 »
hope you can make it. if you want and they want to bring the kids .... we need the next gen  O0
Hah. Two girls. One is five (this month) and reminds me of me.....we definitely don't need that around. The other is 13 (again, this month) and mom already has her calling me a geek.

So when's the next meet?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #158 on: 02 December 2011, 22:33:19 »
looking to Jan .... this month has a lot going on  ::)


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #159 on: 06 December 2011, 16:55:43 »
I modified the rules for the campaign.  I increased the BV to 100k.  50k only allowed me to field a binary with support elements.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #160 on: 08 December 2011, 19:19:14 »
so who is on what side? need to know so I know were to spend 100k bv  [drool]


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #161 on: 09 December 2011, 16:35:46 »
Crash want to be the Combine and I want to be Ravens.  It's up to you and Chris to figure out the rest.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #162 on: 12 December 2011, 17:04:04 »
  Have you and Chris decided which teams you are on?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #163 on: 13 December 2011, 01:51:39 »
Hey Gang -

dgraz, would love to have you play... come on down! 

SO...  a few [legal] things about the campaign...

1) what exactly is the RAT and FM:U?  I seem to be drawing a blank for what they are...
2) why do you want techs to cost the same as elementals?  We had values we could use for them (which werent as much) in the groton campaing by using bmrv's or combat engineering vehicles
3) is the combine dropship for EVERY 2 strategic turns, or just a one time thing?  (I really think it should be every two turns if you can get as many as 10 extra fighters...)
4) the spaceport repair crews... are they ONLY for the clan??  that seems to be a bit of an imbalance
5) why can't tech crews improve on the number of sucessful repairs like the mechs can for kills?
6) why aren't tech skills equal to the vehicle or mech's skill level instead of randomly rolled?
7) why can't the train carry heavy equipment like vehicles and mechs? trains to carry extra heavy loads in real life. we could have them take a strategic turn without moving for loading and another for unloading to reflect tieing things down and safing things and then getting them combat ready again
8 ) is the 100k bv bv1 or bv 2?  I would prefer bv2 since that is listed on the unit generator on the cbt homepage
9) does the bv limit include resupply like ammo and replacement parts?  if so, are those listed anywhere?  if not, we should consider using a cbill cost, since that is listed in the mechwarrior books and in TW
10) the extra bonus for ravens for scrounge doesn't seem right... after all, the combine held the planet for a LONG time before it was captured... and most citizens would probably try to help push the invaders out any way they could... my feeling is that the scounge bonus should be the same for both.
11) how are we working the blind strat map movement so that we can keep track without the opponents finding out?
12) are we using unit special abilities?
13) are we assuming an uncontested drop to the planet, or do we have to plan for space combat?  (if so, we need a much bigger lump sum of bv specifically allocated to spacecraft, or it will be way too little)
14) will field expedient combat units be allowed (i.e. partisan or collaborator units using modified agromechs, vtols, vehicles, aero, etc. ) and will they be included in the 100k bv, or will we have a mechanism for creating them?
15) do we have to start with book variants only, or are we going to allow custom mods in the original bv?
16) if we start with book var's only, are we going to assume a custom mod is no more than having the parts and a tech crew making a successfull set of rolls to pull parts and install the mods?
17) will we have random civil events like the ones in the mechwarrior books to have to allocate forces to deal with, or not?
18) with unit detection, will we be making sensor rolls and such, or is it automatic?  my feeling is it should be rolled so we can have ambush situations or missed combats and such... makes things a bit less predictable
19) are we going to allow multiple combats in the same strategic turn, or only one at a time?
20) will we have a mechanism for recruiting new pilots/crews from the population to replace combat losses?

have more questions, but that's enough for the first round of discussion...



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #164 on: 13 December 2011, 18:27:09 »
1) RAT= random assignment table   FM:U= Field Manual updates
2) Could you point me to a publication and page?
3) We could do it for every 2 strategic turns, with a max of 10 extra units.
4) The crews for the combat units would likely be clansmen.  The Combine techs evacuated when the planet was taken.  There will be native repair crews for the dropships and aircraft, but they would be at a disadvantage when fixing mechs.
5) I'm open to suggestion. 
6) We could do that if you wanted.
7) Sounds good.
8 ) BV2.
9) Normally, that stuff is handled under scrounge rolls.  Give us more detail on what you want to do with this and we can all vote on it.
10) The Ravens have set up a logistics system to handle their needs since winning the planet.  The suppliers that the Combine relied on have been retooled or management might be afraid to help them if they can't evict the Ravens.  Also, it was mentioned that after the Jaguar annihilation, the Combine was having problems getting back their old possessions.  It seems that the people of the occupied worlds enjoyed greater relative freedom under the Clans than they did under the Dragon.  We could vote on the point.
11) It looks like Shadhawk will be the GM, so we'll PM him with our movements and then when contact is made, he'll announce it in this thread.
12) I don't think there was anything notable for either side.  You can make suggestions.
13) Uncontested drop. Would you prefer a single Overlord or 3 Unions?
14) It would make things too complicated.
15) Book variants, although omnis from either side can make minor changes.
16) I'm good with that.
17) I think it's going to be complicated enough as it is.
18) We should have to make sensor rolls with infantry/battle armor, but not the bigger stuff.
19) I see no reason why we shouldn't have multiple battles.
20) The entire campaign may only last a few weeks, which really isn't enough time to train someone.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #165 on: 19 December 2011, 01:58:08 »
Hey Guys -

'precieate the info, jim..  so, on to more questions/comments...

first, follow on responses to the previous stuff:

1) is this table the same as the one in total warfare, or no?  if no, can you forward me the info on the table?  Also, these units were in addition to the 100k bv, or replacing some of it?

2)not really... we had decided in the groton campaign that the bmrv and combat engineering vehicle crews would count as repair techs with repair skill levels equal to their gunnery... so the repair crew effectively cost the vehicle bv multiplied by the skill level mods from the table we were using.

3) sounds good

4)  if the spaceport and/or airbase are captured, can the facilities be used by the capturing player's techs to get the improved rolls from the better equipment?

5) since repairs are more common than kills, how 'bout every 10 successful standard repairs... where simple repairs (omni pod switches, armor replacement, ammo reload, etc.)  count as 0.5 standard repairs, (standards are things like swapping out a broken weapon for a new one or repairing a single damaged slot on a weapon),  difficult repairs (such as actuator replacement, repairing weapons with more than one damaged slot, etc.) count as 2, and complex repairs (engine, gyro, sensors, life support, customization, limb replacement, etc) count as 3.  the breakdown of complexity was very well defined in the mechwarrior rpg books, we could use that as the guideline.

6) that would be my preference, would make it much easier to keep track... as long as we can use better techs to try to make the repairs if the dedicated crew fails and the better techs are free to work on it

9) would prefer to have dedicated resupply and depend on scrounge rolls for stuff I don't have replacements for rather than just use scrounge for everything.  would also allow us to have the opportunity to mess with the enemy's logistics (i.e. take their stuff >:D) all the ammo and components had bv1 numbers in total warfare in the unit construction section;  would think they had equivalents somewhere.  maybe it's in the 3rd book with the construction rules?

10) I would say the combine would have agents in place one way or another, and so have the ability to get stuff just as well as the ravens...  we should get shadhawk to weigh in on this one, since he will either be playing or gm'ing as per 11)

12) didn't the sourcebooks have unit bonuses?  coulda sworn we had used such stuff in the groton campaign... or was that Shadhawk's custom bonuses?

13) uncontested drop good... would prefer a few fortresses or some of the more mission specific dropships from the 3057 book  instead of the overlord or unions if possible...  could we set a specific bv for dropships and distribute that as we see fit?  I get the feeling you'd be better off with that option as well

14) Awwwww..... you mean I can't take a 50,000 ton container ship and make it the offshore LRM carrier/arty battery from hell? ::)

15) define "minor changes"... especially seeing as how you will have the ability to have an force composed entirely of omni's (although you might be better off with some of the garrison types)

16) we'll have to define exactly what goes into customizations once we get the basic stuff out of the way so we know exactly what is involved when it comes time to try to do it.

17 & 18) I would like to have the option to set ambushes and stuff, but I guess I can understand your not wanting to make it too complicated

19)  O0

20)  would also reduce paperwork, so I guess that works

On to the NEW questions...

21) I seem to have forgotten... what year are we setting this?  and will we be using the date of the publication they are printed in, or the date deployed mentioned in the fluff in the descriptions to determine which units are allowed?

22) victory conditions...  we haven't defined them... is it last mech standing, last unit standing, a percentage of the map controlled, a set destroyed BV amount? 

23) capturing enemy equipment... if done, can we use it?  if so, what is mechanism?  do I need to use techs/pilots trained on clan equipment (since draco's can use some omni's and clanners have non-omni equipment) or will regular techs/pilots make repairs/pilot the captured equipment at penalties?  also, how many strategic turns would it take for familiarization on the equipment?

24) are all special ammo types in play, or do you want to restrict certain types?  I'd prefer if we both have access to all types allowed

25) arty...  will we be using offboard arty?  if so, will we be using the abstract rules for engaging it, or actual mapsheets?

26) aerospace assets...  will we allow to have free reign (i.e. offplanet engagements, LAF, ground attack) once the game starts, or are we ruling any of those out?

27) airfield/ supply depot/full combat base construction...  yes or no, and what will be required mapwise and timewise?  Would really be quite annoying if I have to work out of dropships till the bloody spaceport is captured

28) unit org...  do we have to fit unit org rules, or can I mix and match things?  (in other words, can I make this unit a kampfgruppe, or does it have to be a strictly structured battallion or whatever?

29) fuel consumption... you mentioned that idling drops would be burning fuel...  would be good... but can we tank in extra fuel, how will it be stored, can we get more on-planet from a refinery or something? (would make a nice objective to make things less lemming like)

30) also fuel...  can aerial refueling be done, and if so, what will rules be for it?  the old aerospace rules allowed it (iirc) as if a ton of fuel counted as a ton of bombload and it took 1 turn of level flight with a successful piloting roll to hook up, one per ton of fuel transferred, and one to disengage.  will look in some of the more recent books to see what they say, but I don't have strat ops, so you should check if they mention it there if it isn't in tac ops

31) allowable units:  are we using any mech/ vehicle/ aero/ infantry available in the inner sphere/ clans, or will it be restricted to those mentioned in the master unit list as being available to draco's and ravens?

anyway, it's 2 am...  that should be enough for tonight. 

« Last Edit: 19 December 2011, 02:01:39 by Crash99c »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #166 on: 19 December 2011, 17:29:30 »
1) You can use the one in TW.
2) I'm fine with that.
4) When you say equiptment, do you mean repair equiptment?  If so, it should probably take a day or two to familarize with the layout.
5) Okay.
9) I think Strat Ops simplified all of that so that you only have to make scrounge rolls.
10) We could have all the players vote on it, or we could roll 2D6 against each other.
12) They did.  There wasn't anything special for the Ravens.  Do you have the book for the Combine?
13) What BV should we have for dropships?  I will try to shoot down your reinforcements. >:D (Sorry.)
15) Minor changes could involve swapping a medium laser for electronics, or an ER medium laser.  I has to be something with fewer crits.  Maybe one or two weapons per mech.  Also, I would disagree with any ammo-based weapon where the weapon is in the arm and ammo in the torso.  The complexity of the ammo feed system would require a design team at a factory.
21) 3082.  This is a cannon battle.  Unfortunately, some designs I'd like to use haven't been fielded at this time.  Use the date deployed in the MUL.
22) I haven't decided on that.  Fighting to the last man will get the commander executed by the top leadership.  Maybe if you're down to 1/3 of your strength and the enemy is above 40%?
23) I see no reason why not.  There will be a penalty for repairing that equiptment as per Strat Ops.
24) I see no reason for restriction.
25) I don't know.  The problem with offboard is that it may complicate things considerably and take so long to land that it won't hit anything.
26) Since the Ravens are so aerospace heavy, I think we should give them an aerospace star and assume all the other fighters are dogfighting each other elsewhere.
27) I was thinking that each side gets a mobile fieldbase or two.
28) Warfare always requires a certain amount of ad-libing.  I think both sides should be allowed flexibility.
29) There are fuel tanks at the spaceport.  I suppose you could bring in some on reinforcement dropships.
30) Dunno.
31) I think we should use what is available to the faction in the Master Unit list.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #167 on: 19 December 2011, 23:06:27 »
Hello again -


4) equipment = repair bays, docking equipment, loading facilities, and defensive emplacements.  so we saying 2 strategic turns, yes?
9) since you seem uncomfortable with keeping track if repair equipment, fine, we'll use strat ops..  just one problem... I no have copy yet, so will need to have some time to look it over
10) fair enough
12) no, but shadhawk does... I looked at it before setting up the unit for the last scenario we ran and it had modifiers
13) bv's are listed for drops in the MUL and in - just not sure if there are bv2's for all of them
15) fair enough, although I still want to be able to swap configs on the fly for omni's once we start
22) speak for the ravens... in the combine, is death sentence either way #P
25) not always true about the not hitting anything, depends more on target movement and number of tubes firing or whether there's tag or not; I would like to use it if possible
26) dream on you get an aero star to use with impunity...  [wildandcrazy] I will have enough aero to contest, and am tired of not getting aero combat into the game.  You will have a perfect strategic map to use for LAF combat, and ground attack can be pulled off even by outnumbered forces if they are operated properly. 
27) fine, but what about making an airfield or something? 
28) good deal
30) we talk more about it once I get a chance to look for the info again
31) fine, just wanted to know where we stood on it.



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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #168 on: 20 December 2011, 17:28:47 »
4) Yes.
9) I can help out with that.
13) As long as we all use the same source, it should work.
15) Sounds good.
22) Considering how badly hit the Combine defense industry was hurt, I don't think they want the regiment getting wiped off the rolls. #P
25) We'll talk it over.
26) We'll have to discuss that as a group.  We may need to roll on that one too.
27) That'll have to be another group decision.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #169 on: 22 December 2011, 15:50:24 »
Heya, there. Any room for one more in the campaign? [drool] and what time do you usually start playing on sundays?


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #170 on: 22 December 2011, 16:54:26 »
There is always more room. 1pm is normally our start time.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #171 on: 23 December 2011, 20:50:23 »
Hey Guys -

Would love to have you join us, maranthain O0

as for the aero thing...  Jim, there's no way in the world I will agree to letting you rain death and destruction on my head with impunity with 10 bloody omnifighters, especially when I can get aero too, and was planning to bring a lot of it as a matter of fact.  There's no reason whatsoever that we can't use a map on the side for LAF combat, and resolve ground attack as it happens. 

The book rules are sufficiently mature that there should be relatively few problems (most probably being a result of us not being totally familiar with the rules).  I would suggest that the best way to resolve things would be to run a game of LAF aero before we start the campaign to re-familiarize ourselves with the aero rules, then run the campaign with full aero.

Other than that one glaring difference, we seem to have resolved most all of the issues I can think of at this time, with the exception of how you're getting the map to us before the game starts so we can plan things out. 




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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #172 on: 24 December 2011, 08:16:02 »
Shadhawk said that for the next game, the forces we brought to attack the WOB will be the forces that we will use to defend against the WOB.  I would prefer a game where we are all fighting on the same battlefield.  Since you missed out on the last one, I think we should be playing with your forces.
We can distribute maps at that game and work out final details.
I wanted to use aerofighters for the Ravens because that is what they are known for.  In fact, a third of their garrison forces are fighters.  But now that I think about it, since the Combine is the attacker, they would anticipate this and gather up all the fighters in their realm to take on a few Raven garrisons.  We could drop the fighters altogether, or keep them, but if we drop them, both sides get an equal number of possible reinforcements.


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #173 on: 27 December 2011, 05:05:10 »
Where abouts' in the LI do you guys throw down?Just woundering How close to Stoneybrook?  ???
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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #174 on: 27 December 2011, 07:42:57 »
10 minutes south of you.  The store is called Brothers Grim :!/pages/Brothers-Grim-Games/8926341998?sk=info


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #175 on: 27 December 2011, 07:59:24 »
Heh,,,I'm a lil'further than that.I get down there a couple times a year to see my in-laws.we stay for a week or so,so wife n' kid can hangout.Figured I'd check out the area for something to do,more along my lines that is.Keeps me from hanging out too,also good to know a new game store.   >:D
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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #176 on: 27 December 2011, 19:13:11 »
we always have room for more  O0.

the way things look Devondra will be DCMS and I will be CSR.
I will be helping Devondra with force layout  >:D

I will be looking to kick things off late Jan. got to talk with the boys at Grim for the date.
ya I would like to et the last battles finished, that is if you all want too.

for the aero bit I say a couple of games to get a handle on the rules then the full blow out  ^-^


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #177 on: 30 December 2011, 11:58:35 »
Hey gang -

I hope everyone had a good christmas... 

St. george, would be happy to have you drop in to play [cheers]

Devondra, glad to see you will be playing on my side  O0

As for the game next month, I would be happy with either a combat using the strike force I never got to use or an aero game, slight preference on the aero so we can get a handle on it and use full aero for the campaign.   (besides, I will prolly use most of the stuff from the other game in the campaign anyway)

Also, one more thought on the campaign - since we have already decided to use regular mapsheets for the ground combats, if we run out of time before we finish a game we can write down hexes, speed, damage and facing and pick up where we left off the next session.  If we do that, we might be able to get rid if the strategic turns entirely and just run map time.  Just a thought, but since it might be too much detail to keep track of for everyone's enjoyment, would like to know what you guys think. 


P.S. - HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (and death to the wobblies!) [cheers]


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #178 on: 30 December 2011, 12:18:53 »
Personally, I don't like the mapsheets.  I like the 3-D effect and terrain variety.  We could always take a picture of the positions of the terrain and units and print it for the next game.
By the way, Devondra mentioned that she wanted to play Steiner in the next campaign.  What would be everyone's preference for their adversaries?
« Last Edit: 30 December 2011, 12:21:27 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island
« Reply #179 on: 01 January 2012, 17:22:11 »
OK so I stopped by Grim and we are on for 1/22/12.
so what do we want to do? vote people  O0

Aero Game .... work out bugs with aero
Ground Game .... WoB vs You