Wait a minute... if Corbett had headed the recall order to go to huntress that def would have been enough to quash serpent. With that success would the clans have tried to absorb the jags rather them let them die?
IF Corbett had headed back to Huntress, then the units that were headed to Tranquil would also likely head to Huntress.
The SLDF would likely have been crushed
The Jags would have had enough forces concentrated to deter opportunists.
The Jags would repair their SDS system. This is reported not just as a SDS system, but a Reagan SDS system.
Beneath this shield, the Jags would have their choice of salvage. Jag techs also have a very good reputation. They might be IS Mechs but thet'd be Mechs.
The Jags, with all this, would likely survive but be knocked back and would lose some outlying territories but in the short term at least they'd be left alone. With a Reagan system in operation, few Clans would have the will to assault Huntress and would hold off pending a formal declaration of some sort.
An Absorption MIGHT still be called but it would go through the official process rather than the free for all which did occur.