Author Topic: Periphery Rising  (Read 27860 times)


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #30 on: 21 December 2016, 12:55:16 »
Hello all!!!! o/

I'm sorry there hasn't been a lot posted here, been working on my youtube page, and real life comes first. But I do have a gift for you all. This is a simple map of the inner sphere and periphery. I'll be posting more in the new year. I would like to hear your thoughts on the IS in the map.  O0
Until next year!!!!!
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #31 on: 21 December 2016, 23:04:22 »


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #32 on: 24 December 2016, 09:25:53 »

well, i needed to give you guys something.  ;D O:-)
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #33 on: 09 February 2017, 12:00:36 »

The Society of St. Andreas has origins that are similar to the Feifdom of Randis. Only where the Feifdom emerged as a knightly order in the spinward reaches of the Inner Sphere, the Society’s path took them in both literally and culturally the opposite direction. Throughout human history religious movements have predicted the end of the world, and have quickly fallen apart after the Armageddon they expected never materialized. Conversely, the Society of St. Andreas is a Catholic religious movement that felt they had seen the beginnings of the Apocalypse and have hidden themselves away to ride out humanity’s slow death rattle. Located nearly 250 light-years more distant than the Marian Hegemony capital, Alphard, the Andreans colonized a bland world of black colored vegetation and dull colored animals circling a dim red star. The star they dubbed St. Andreas—in honor of their society name—while the world they settled, and its twin moons, came to be known as St. Timalin, St. Chaeryl and St. Daniel (respectively).

YEAR 3140 (Real BT Time)
-Refugee's from the Inner Sphere appear in the St. Andreas system, after the fall of all HPG stations. None stop but bring news of what is happening in the Inner Sphere. There is limited interaction with them, but those who do come in contact with those fleeing the Inner Sphere, start considering if their leaders are truly doing whats best for them.
-After several years of seeing so many people escaping the Inner Sphere, members of the current government consider expanding to nearby worlds, in order to safeguard the nation, and their positions. Word of this gets out to the common people on ST.ANDREAS,St. Timalin, St. Chaeryl and St. Daniel. Groups of those who came in contact with the refugee's start asking the leadership what's going to happen to them. How are they going to colonize new worlds? How will they build/ obtain Jumpships, Dropships and other colony building technology? How are the common people, who already know so little of the universe, going to do all this?

YEAR 3149 (Real BT Time)
-Small disturbances begin to happen on the moons, then the planet. The government starts cracking down on those who question their authority.
-The colonies on the moons rebel and declare themselves independent nations. A civil war breaks out within the SSA. Those who want more freedom and knowledge, against those who want things to remain the same, with them in power. This civil war is low-scale, with little damage to the colonies themselves.

YEAR 3153 (Real BT Time)
-THe civil war ends with the current Prior General surrendering to the masses. A new government is put in place that puts the people first, and everything else second.
-A UKNL trade ship enters the system, discovering the SSA. The SSA sees the UKNL as a possible threat to the nation, and tells them to keep their distance from their space.

YEAR 3166 (Real BT Time)
-The SSA obtains several scout class jumpships from the STELLAR EGYPTIAN KINGDOM, allowing them a chance to colonize new worlds, and to give those fleeing the Inner Sphere a new home if they need one.
-Several worlds are marked as possible colony worlds. The only problem is that the current government is very cautious. More focused on the worlds they're currently living on.

-While surveying an uninhabited system with no habitable world, a SSA survey ship discovers a cashe of Star League era small arms and vehicles stored in an underground base, located on a moon orbiting a gas giant. They also found trillions of C-bills in rare gemstones, gold and silver bars. From what they gathered from the computer AI, an official in the Terran Hegemony had stashed all this to start his/ her own nation when the TH fell to Stefan Amaris.
There were those inside the TH government working for or with Stefan Amaris. With this, the SSA starts to buy more of what they need, and starts to pick which worlds would be best to colonize.

-The URAL UNION offers the SSA to join them to form a much larger nation, one that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL. The SSA flat out refuses the offer and tells the UU that it wants no part in starting a war.
-An alliance between the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UNITED KINGDOMS OF NEW LEVANT, who also rejected the UU's offer is created. Despite not liking each other, mutual defence against the UU is needed.

-The UU invades the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UKNL. The "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
-Year 1: The UU attacks "ENLIGHTENMENT" and "SAMSON" of the UKNL. As well as St. Andreas. St. Andreas falls, but is freed by UKNL troops. "ENLIGHTENMENT" falls. "ENLIGHTENMENT" is freed but "SAMSON" falls. "GOLDEN PLATE" falls. "JIBRAIL" falls. "NEW LEVANT" is attacked but the UU retreats.
-Year 2: St. ANDREAS falls while "SAMSON" and "GOLDEN PLATE" are freed. "JIBRAIL" is freed. St. Andreas is freed again. "TRIPPERTAI" is taken by the UKNL. "TYUMEN IX" is taken by SSA.
-Year 3: "SCALLOP" is taken by the UKNL. "JIMJOM" is taken by the UKNL. At the UU's capital, "URAL II", the UKNL and SSA demand that the UU surrender, and stop attacking them. The UU agrees. ***This causes the URAL UNION to fall into civil war, fracturing it into two new nations, the TRIESTE DOMINION, and the TATARS ASCENDANCY.
-The SSA agrees to a trade alliance with the UKNL.
-The SSA starts to rebuild.

-The SSA starts to prepare for a science colony on a world they've deemed suitable for them.

-A science colony is established on a world that has benn deemed capable of supporting the SSA.

-News of the TRIESTE DOMINION building their forces up reaches the SSA, but its too late to do anything, or let the UKNL know this. The SSA prepares for another war.

-The TRIESTE DOMINION invades the SSA. The UKNL sends help to free the SSA. The second "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
Year 1: *NOTE: This war only last 1 year, and only takes place on St. ANDREAS. For 11 months battle rages on St. ANDREAS. Eventually the TD leaves the world with only 45% of what they sent. This is due to the TATARS ASCENDANCY overtaking the TD on some worlds.

-A strange ship with a sword painted on it, is seen at the edge of the ST.ANDREAS system. After it leaves, after some communication with the UKNL and the MH, it is determined that the ship belonged to the Word of Blake.

SSA Defence Guard: apx. 3 regiments

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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #34 on: 26 June 2017, 09:56:38 »
Hello all! Sorry for the long wait, had creators block for this. Plus real life comes first. I'll update this soon. I have 2 worlds that go with the UU that I'm still working on. Despite that I wanted this to go up now. Enjoy!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Inner Sphere-Periphery Rising:

Over a hundred years ago the worlds of "TRIESTE", "URAL II" and "KHANLIG IV" were colonized mainly by former CC and LC citizens escaping the wars. Since they never really interacted that much before, things were going pretty well. After a few decades they formed the URAL UNION. Decades later they decided to try and increase their size by convincing the SSA and UKNL to merge with them and take the fight to those who forced them to leave their homeworlds. This failed and it led to the first "Freedom" war. Before this, there was a faction of the UU government that was against the expansionist views of the current leadership. After losing the war, there was a call for the current leadership to step down, and for the nation to have an election. A year after the war, the "Uniter", it's "leader", was assasinated. The pro-war faction blamed it on a pro-peace member. The thing is, the person they're blaming, doesn't even exist. There is no person with her name ANYWHERE. This event lit the fire that was just starting to spark. Now the UU is spit between 2 factions- the TATARS ASCENDANCY (pro-peace) and the TRIESTE DOMINION (pro-war). The former capital and 3 other worlds are continuously fought over by both sides. At the moment, interaction with the former UU is not recomended, unless you can defend yourself properly against those who are desperate enough to grab at anything they can. Both splinter realms have the same government as the UU did. A Republic-like setup, with the Uniter as the head of the government.

YEARS- -87
-The worlds of "TRIESTE", "URAL II" and "KHANLIG IV" are colonized mainly by former CC and LC citizens.

YEARS- -83
-Contact with earchother is made in the "JIMJOM" system.
-An "alliance" is formed between the three worlds.

YEARS- -71
-The URAL UNION is formed, with "URAL II" as the capital.
-Refugee's from the IS arrive in UU space, and settle new worlds.

YEARS- -59
-The world of "BETA ZONA" is discovered to have an unusually large core, making the world somewhat difficult to live on. Dispite this, the world is

perfect for farming.

YEARS- -37
-Raiders from the periphery plague the UU. The UU suspect its the MH, and even say it's them to its people, regardless of what both the evidence and the MH say.

YEARS- -12
-The UU starts to increase its military to an invasion-level size. Being upset with the constant raids from an unknown group. The UU still thinks its the MH.

-An aggressive government is now in power, looking to punish the MH for its raiding.

-The UU offers the MOC, Saurian Colonies(only 3 worlds at this time), the worlds of "MIZUCHI" and "AH TABAI" to join them in forming a larger nation, one
that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL.
-The MOC, Saurian Colonies, the worlds of "MIZUCHI" and "AH TABAI" refuse the offer. Upset about this, the UU becomes more isolated from others.

-A pirate band flying the MH banner attacks "KAZAN". They're pushed off the world, but half its population is dead. The MH denies any involvement, stating that pirate group is doing the same thing in their space. The UU refuses this and blames the MH still.

-The URAL UNION offers the UKNL and the SSA to join them to form a much larger nation, one that could swallow up the MH and parts of the FWL. They both flat out refuses the offer and tell the UU that they want no part in such stupidity.

-The UU invades the SOCIETY OF ST. ADREAS and the UKNL. The "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
-Year 1: The UU attacks "ENLIGHTENMENT" and "SAMSON" of the UKNL. As well as St. Andreas. St. Andreas falls, but is freed by UKNL troops. "ENLIGHTENMENT"

falls. "ENLIGHTENMENT" is freed but "SAMSON" falls. "GOLDEN PLATE" falls. "JIBRAIL" falls. "NEW LEVANT" is attacked but the UU retreats.
-Year 2: St. ANDREAS falls while "SAMSON" and "GOLDEN PLATE" are freed. "JIBRAIL" is freed. St. Andreas is freed again. "TRIPPERTAI" is taken by the

UKNL. "TYUMEN IX" is taken by SSA.
-Year 3: "SCALLOP" is taken by the UKNL. "JIMJOM" is taken by the UKNL. At the UU's capital, "URAL II", the UKNL and SSA demand that the UU surrender, and stop attacking them. The UU agrees. ***This causes the URAL UNION to fall into civil war, fracturing it into two new nations, the TRIESTE DOMINION, and the TATARS ASCENDANCY.
-The UU is now in a state of civil war. The world of "TRIESTE" is the capital of the TRIESTE DOMINION. The world of "KHANLIG IV" is the capital of the TATARS ASCENDANCY.

-The worlds of "TRIPPERTAI", "SCALLOP", "JIMJOM" and "URAL II" are split by the TD and TA control-wise. Most of the fighting happens on these worlds.
-The raiding from the still unknown raiders stops.

-The civil war slows to a crawl, with very little fighting taking place. Peace is very possible now.
-Peace talks start taking place on all contested worlds between the TD and TA.

-The heads of both the TD and TA meet on "URAL II". An unknown dropship crashes into the building where the peace talks were taking place. Both leaders are killed. The peace talks fail. The fighting starts again.

-The TRIESTE DOMINION invades the SSA. The UKNL sends help to free the SSA. The second "FREEDOM WAR" begins.
Year 1: *NOTE: This war only lasts 1 year, and only takes place on St. ANDREAS. For 11 months battle rages on St. ANDREAS. Eventually the TD leaves the world with only 45% of what they sent. This is due to the TATARS ASCENDANCY overtaking the TD on some worlds.

-On December 31, at 11:59pm (Earth time), a nuclear explosion happens on "TRIESTE", "KHANLIG IV" and "URAL II".

UDF (Pre-civil war): 7 regiments

Trieste Faction: apx. 2 regiments

Tartars Faction: apx. 2 regiments



URAL II: System position:3 of 5 Population: 14,451,900
Slightly smaller than Earth.47% water. Mountainous world. Atmosphere breathable, and is shared with URAL I. 2 continents that ring the planet, and meet at the equator, forming the planets greatest mountain range- The World Ring Mountains. Highest lifeforms are birds. The climate is strange due to it being in a double-planet orbit, and due to a giant ring of dust and gas between it and it's star. It ranges from very cold, to very hot. Its orbit is irregular due to what many think was a gas giant that was destroyed long ago. This is what the gas ring was once. So the flora and fauna have evolved to survive such harshness. The north and south poles hold the majority of the liquid water. It's in a double-planet orbit with a super-Earth class planet called Ural I.

URAL I: System position:2 of 5 Population: 0
4.5 times earth size. 27% water. Mountainous world. Atmosphere breathable, and is shared with URAL II. The planet is just one big rocky landscape, so no continents of any kind. Highest lifeforms are bacteria. Its climate is just as strange as URAL II. The planet should have more advance life on it, but it seems that life chose URAL II instead of URAL I. Due to this, URAL I is a sanctuary planet. No one is allowed to set foot or go near the planet without direct approval from the URAL II government. Before the war, there was a discussion on whether they should try to terra form and introduce new life to the planet. Whether this discussion ever starts back up is unknown.

TRIESTE: System position:3 of 7 Population: 7,111,429
Earth size. 67.8% water. Half wasteland, half ice world. Atmosphere breathable. The southern half is where most of the water is located, in the form of one, giant ice sheet. The northern half is a cratered wasteland. An E.L.E took place here in the form of an asteroid bombardment. Whatever life that existed in the north was wiped out from this. This also shattered the ice that covered the northern half of the planet. Up until around 40 million years ago, TRIESTE was covered from north to south in ice. Most live near the wasteland-ice sheet border, where life has started to retake the wasteland. Highest lifeforms are plants.

KHANLIG IV: System position:1 of 13 Population: 4,999,104
1.5 times Earth size. 62% water. River world. Has several mountain ranges across the planet, from when there were continents of any sort on the world. Atmosphere breathable. Highest lifeforms are reptiles. The reason for no continents on this world is unknown, but dispite that its the perfect world for farming. Making it very valuable. The only problem with this, are the "Titans". Animals that are gigantic in size, and more or less control the world. Human activity is limited due to them. These "Titans" are the Dinosaurs of this world, just bigger.
« Last Edit: 02 October 2017, 21:54:24 by GeminiBull »
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #35 on: 13 July 2017, 13:41:27 »
Inner Sphere-Periphery Rising:


The 3 worlds of the ALASH CALIPHATE were settled by refugees from the AZAMI WORLDS in the DRACONIS COMBINE. Why they would travel so far from their homeworlds, they refuse to speak about and quickly change the subject. Whatever made these refugees leave the AZAMI WORLDS, it was bad enough for them to travel so far. The CALIPHATE worlds are dry worlds not unlike their homeworlds. They trade whatever they make with nearby worlds, and remain on good terms with the PURE STAR WORLDS. As with the PSW, the AC tends to keep itself isolated from the rest of humanity. Just not as much as the PSW. Each world is an Emirate unto itself, with the High Emir as the head of the CALIPHATE.

YEARS- -17
-Refugees from the AZAMI WORLDS in the DRACONIS COMBINE settle on the worlds of JINN, ALASH VII AND KAABA.

-The ALASH CALIPHATE is officially formed.

-The UKNL worlds starts trading with the ALASH CALIPHATE.

-The AC encounters an Pure Star Worlds ship just outside its borders. After a lengthy discussion, assuring the PSW that the AC is trying to stay out of IS problems, and is pro-periphery, the PSW believes them to be honest and trustworthy.
-The AC and PSW begin trading.

-more refugees from the AZAMI WORLDS, and surrounding planets, arrive at the ALASH CALIPHATE.

-While searching for a WoB ship that was seen around the ALASH CALIPHATE, FWL forces encounter a fleet of combat jumpships in an uninhabited system. This unknown force believes the FWL forces were sent to attack them. A short battle ensues in orbit of the systems only planet, a gas giant. The battle ends in a stalemate. The FWL contacts the other fleet, stating they are not here to attack them. The unknown fleet states that the FWL is in the territory of the Pure Star Worlds. The Inner Sphere is not welcomed here, and for them to leave this region of space immediately. The FWL fleet returns to the ALASH CALIPHATE to warn them of the PSW. The AC already knows about them and are on good terms with them. The PSW only distrusts the IS realms, not the periphery realms.

AC Militia: apx. 1 regiment

« Last Edit: 17 July 2017, 20:32:52 by GeminiBull »
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #36 on: 21 July 2017, 19:50:12 »
Hello everyone!!!! I know it's a long time coming, but I'm working on the tech mentioned in my stuff here. Well, I already have it done on paper, I just need to put it on my PC. I'm thinking of making it its own forum thing. So soon you'll know what the tech is, including the mechs and stuff.  So expect it sometime soon. I'll post a link to it here too. ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #37 on: 29 July 2017, 22:08:04 »
Ok guys, here's the link to my tech-

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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #38 on: 25 September 2017, 15:02:17 »

Inner Sphere-Periphery Rising:

The PURE STAR WORLDS is an oddity. It has isolated itself from everyone but the periphery nations. It rejects any offers by IS powers for trade, or even their presence in their space. And yet they promote refugees to come to the PSW. Despite how far it is from the IS, it has had a population boom unlike any other periphery realm in this part of space. It has also somehow obtained the rights and technology to build the first gen. IS omnimechs, as well as 2 new assault omnimechs- the Conqueror(80 tons): based off of the Awesome, and the Dreadnought(100 ton): based off of the Atlas. It is rumored that they also have warships. How many is unknown, but the fact that a lot of what they produce goes to an unknown factory within it's borders. This also applies to its dropship, jumpship, battlemech, vehicle, aerospace fighter and battle armor factories. The PSW clearly has a larger defence force than what they show. What they plan to do with this firepower is unknown, and those realms around it should be very concerned. The PSW has a Semi-presidential system of government.

NOTE: This nations history is unkown even to its allies. The PSW has made it very clear that NOBODY can know about its true history. Not until the PSW is able to fight off the invading IS forces. Also, the PSW sits on the outer edge of what would be called, the near-periphery. It's considered to be within what I call the near-deep periphery. Its true founding would be its "unofficial" founding.

YEAR 3069 (Real BT Time)
-Leaders of the Antithesis Creed deside that it was time to move most, if not all of its followers out of the LA/LC, and the rest of the Inner Sphere, and into deep space, away from the WoB war on humanity. With the war going on, it should be reletively easy to have themselves "disappear", and secretly leave known space.
-word of this move is sent to all Antithesis Creed bases throughout  known space.

YEAR 3073 (Real BT Time)
-The world that would be known as "PURE SOL IV" is settled by Antithesis Creed members that had left the LA/LC.
-More transports from the LA/LC arrive at "PURE SOL IV", with some heading to another planet called "ZACATZONTLI". It was discovered by one transport group on its way to "PURE SOL IV".
-Antithesis Creed members from the FWL arrive at "ZACATZONTLI" and "PURE SOL IV".

YEAR 3075 (Real BT Time)
-What would become The PURE STAR WORLDS is founded on "PURE SOL IV".
-Antithesis Creed members from the DC arrive at "PURE SOL IV" and "ZACATZONTLI".

YEAR 3077 (Real BT Time)
-The worlds of  "ELKUNIRSA", "PHANES", "DIONYSUS", and "HESTIA" are colonized by Antithesis Creed followers.
-A battle between PSW forces and several WoB ships takes place above "ZACATZONTLI". The WoB forces are all but destroyed. One WoB jumpship manages to escape.
-Antithesis Creed members from the FS arrive, and settle on "DIONYSUS" and "HESTIA".
-Antithesis Creed members from the CC arrive and settle on "PHANES" and "ZACATZONTLI".

YEAR 3084 (Real BT Time)
-With the exception of those who stayed behind to spread the Antithesis Creed within the IS, and the members of the Inheritors sect, who's whereabouts are unknown, the majority of the Antithesis Creed members have arrived at their new homes.
-The PSW starts a covert plan to steal as much technology and information on weapons from the IS powers.
-The PURE STAR WORLDS is "unofficially" founded.

YEAR 3087 (Real BT Time)
-With its war on humanity lost, WoB survivors encounter PSW ships near "ZACATZONTLI". Yet again the Wob forces are forced to escape. Achieving nothing, but confirming the Antithesis Creed followers of what they believed in. With this victory the PSW also gains a damaged warship, and several pocket warships that didn't make it to their transports in time. Power to the warship was knocked out long enough for PSW troops to enter the ship, and gain control of it.

YEAR 3093 (Real BT Time)
-An Interstellar Expeditions ship arrives at what would be known as Refuel base Gamma, very near the PSW. By sheer luck the PSW is never contacted by the IE. The PSW efforts to hide itself by every means possible seemed to have paid off.

YEAR 3099 (Real BT Time)
-The PSW manages to obtain, and start the production of the first generation IS omnimechs, including all needed technologies.

YEAR 3121 (Real BT Time)
-Members of the Inheritors who claim they're from the Aquila Rift, arrive at "HESTIA", claiming that not only did they find a former RWR outpost in there, but it was outfitted with every type of factory you can think of. They've been hard at work repairing, and improving it over the years. They're willing to share what they make with the PSW. The PSW agrees. *****The Inheritors exact location is still unknown, and they refuse to tell anyone the location of their base.

YEAR 3147 (Real BT Time)
-The PSW starts producing its own omnimech designs: the Conqueror(80 tons): based off of the Awesome, and the Dreadnought(100 tons): based off of the Atlas.

-The PURE STAR WORLDS is "officially" founded.

-The PSW ship encounters a Alash caliphate just outside its borders. After asking the AC questions, the AC assures the PSW that it is trying to stay out of IS problems, and is pro-periphery.
-The Ac and PSW begin trading.

-While searching for a WoB ship that was seen around the Alash Caliphate, a PSW fleet encounter another fleet of FWL jumpships and warships in an uninhabited system. The PSW believes the FWL forces were sent to attack them. A short battle ensues in orbit of the systems only planet, a gas giant. The battle ends in a stalemate. The FWL contacts the PSW fleet, stating they are not here to attack them. The PSW fleet states that the FWL is in the territory of the Pure Star Worlds. The Inner Sphere is not welcomed here, and for them to leave this region of space immediately. The FWL fleet returns to the Alash Caliphate to warn them of the PSW. The AC already knows about them and are on good terms with them. The PSW only distrusts the IS realms, not the periphery realms.
-The FWL marks the PSW as a bandit kingdom.

-The PSW reaches out to the BEEHIVE CLUSTER COALITION for trade, and mutual support against the FWL, who has labeled them both as bandit kingdoms.
-The BCC agrees with the PSW, and they begin trading with each other.

PSW Defence Force: 12 regiments? Total strength is unknown.
Warships: 2? Total strength is unknown.




Data on PSW planets is unavailable. Only locations of its worlds, and the borders of the PSW are known.
« Last Edit: 02 October 2017, 21:55:41 by GeminiBull »
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #39 on: 11 August 2018, 09:23:34 »
Hello everyone!!! I'm back. Sorry for such a long delay in updating things here. RL stuff. I'll be posting things here again soon. So just wait a little longer.  ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #40 on: 22 October 2019, 10:37:15 »
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo...........................yeah. Hey there. o/ I know, I know. I am sorry. Real life stuff prevented me from continuing on working on this. But I will be getting back to this soon. This time I mean it. If nothing shows up for more than a month, spam this place until I post something. You have my ok on that.
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #41 on: 22 October 2019, 20:26:24 »
Well all understand real life as much as we hate it
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #42 on: 05 December 2019, 14:47:48 »
I'll have something done this month for here. May not be much, but it'll be something. I promise!!!
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #43 on: 23 December 2019, 16:41:31 »

Inner Sphere-Periphery Rising:


-Those who are brave enough to go far beyond human occupied space past the Joradian Cluster, can pick up strange radio signals that are to track down. Some have been radio signals coming from rare stars. Others from strange planets in normal-looking star systems. Why these signals are found here are still unknown.

-In between the Tartars Ascendancy and the Marion Hegemony, during the first FREEDOM WAR, the then Ural Union encountered worlds controlled by a militaristic farmers group. Not much is known about them, or their exact location. All is known is that they control at least 7 worlds, and seem to hate the MH quite a lot. Why is unknown. The UU was forced out of their "territory" by threats of being nuked.

-Somewhere near the Malador Star Cluster, and Star Cluster 814, there's a nation with a culture based on an ancient writers creation, Cthulhu/ Cathuuluu/ Cuthlutoo. There are inconsistent names for this. This is based on reports from several pirate bands in the area, who have encountered them and escaped from them. From the reports, they seem to be trying to increase its population to a very large size.

-During an exploratory mission into the Eagle Cloud Complex, something akin to shed skin was discovered there. But apparently this was nothing but a rumour... or so we were told. Some pirates have stated they've seen something similar to shed skin in there too.

-There has been some movement within the Vul Rift. Several transport jumpships keep travelling to and from the rift. When asked what's going on there, they say a group of colonists are trying to start over in there. But that's all. No information on who the colonist are, or where exactly this new colony is. The jumpship and dropship crews refuse to say anything more. Even the jump coordinates are deleted.

-At some point during the WoB jihad, some Blakests were overheard discussing about an unknown Star League base located in the Cygnus Loop. It's apparently heavily defended by drones that are more advanced than expected, so it might be a weapons research station. Whether this is true or not is unknown. How or why this discussion was heard is also unknown.

-Strange ships have been spotted in the Perseus-Cepherus Cloud Complex. They look like older designs, but different.

-The Alexandrian Covenant has been encountering traders that have alterations to their bodies. Some have strips on their skin, and some with spots. It's unkown why they have these just yet. All that is known for now is that these individuals come from between the Perseus-Ceperus Cloud Complex, and Star Cluster 1108.

-There have been unconfirmed sightings of "space animals" around the Death's Gaze Cluster, Star Cluster 1108 and Nebula D77. due to these places being so far from the inner sphere, they cannot be verified easily.
« Last Edit: 23 December 2019, 16:48:12 by GeminiBull »
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #44 on: 28 March 2021, 19:16:42 »
Hey there all who still come here. Yeah, I know it's been a while. I'll be posting something new here, and in the Periphery Rising: New Technology thread. Still working on some of the things for both. The tech stuff will be posted first. This will be mostly mechs some of the periphery factions produce and use. So expect it to be posted some time this week.
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #45 on: 30 March 2021, 11:50:42 »
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #46 on: 30 March 2021, 13:39:16 »
Patience is a virtue!

Take as long as you need nut not longer as required  ;D


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I am who I am. I am what I am. Deal with it. Have a nice day! XD


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #48 on: 09 May 2021, 21:18:06 »

Inner Sphere-Periphery Rising:


-TC invades Aea with Corps I(3RCT) and III(3RCT), 2nd(2RCT) and 4th(3RCT) Taurian Pride, 1st(3RCT) and 3rd(2RCT) Calderon Guard, and 6 merc. commands of battalion strength, fighting the estimated 3 Level IV's of WoB forces. The fighting is fierce and takes place all over the world, lasting 2 full years.
-WoB resort to using WMD's near the end of the battle for Aea. All surviving WoB forces are defeated, or end their own lives. Aea remains a dead world due to the WMD's that were used. The TC salvages whatever technology they can from the planet while they were still on the world. TC salvages roughly 4 battalions-worth of war material(mechs,fighters,vehicles,etc). The invading forces loses 75% of its total strength during the invasion. All WoB forces, bases and supporters are destroyed/ killed.
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #49 on: 03 June 2021, 16:29:09 »
Quick question for all who come here: do any of you know where i can get a builder program like ssw, heavymetal, etc, that currently "work", for things like battle armour, infantry, conventional fighters and all things aerospace (fighters, small craft, dropships, jumpships, warships, space stations, etc) ?
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #51 on: 04 June 2021, 20:27:30 »
Megamek Lab will do the trick

Megamek Lab. got it. thank you for letting me know. there was on online builder i tried, but it stops working and not letting me get record sheet or tech readout-type thing. so I'll give this a shot!
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #52 on: 11 September 2021, 17:41:45 »
Hello everyone. Sorry for the lack of stuff here. Health issues suck. Anyways, I will be posting some new stuff here in the coming week. It will deal with the Marian Hegemony, so be ready!!!
I am who I am. I am what I am. Deal with it. Have a nice day! XD


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #53 on: 11 September 2021, 18:58:46 »
The Marians are always a welcom sight.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #54 on: 16 September 2021, 18:33:49 »
As promised, here it is, more info on the Marian Hegemony. I originally started doing this for the Taurian Concordat, but then switched to the MH for all of you here. Now this is not complete yet, still have some things to add, like new Battle Armour. But due to my own health issues, I'm posting this now just in case my health issues prevent me from posting anything again. Later on I'll post a complete version here. You can check out the tech thread for this foe some of the machines you see here as well.

FYI, TechWizards, LTD. is a canon company. Its mentioned in the pre-Jihad Periphery source book.


L/M/H/A= Light/Medium/Heavy/Assault
A= Armour
E= Equipment
G= Weapons
V= Vehicles
F= Fighters
M= Mechs
SC= Small Craft
SDS= Space Defence System
D= Dropship
J= Jumpship
W= Warship

Marian Hegemony Companies New Products


Alphard Trading Corporation: Battle Armour, BattleMechs, Vehicles, Weapons
Planets: Addhara, Alphard, Illyria, Leximon, Perdition

A Tectum Stabilitas (Ferro-Fibrous) (mech/vehicle L) YR.40/Alphard
A Tabula Augmentum  (Ferro-Fibrous) (mech/vehicle M) YR.40/Alphard
A Mons Fortitudinis (Ferro-Fibrous) (mech/vehicle A) YR.40/Alphard

G Defiance P5M Medium Pulse Laser YR.4/Alphard
G Defiance A-1 Small Laser YR.9/Alphard
G Defiance D5S Small Pulse Laser YR.18/Alphard

V URANUS URBAN AA CAR (55T) YR.13/Addhara, Alphard, Illyria, Leximon, Perdition
V FULCRUM (AR-LML) (50T)YR.15/Alphard, Leximon
V J.EDGAR (RL)  (25T) YR.17/Alphard, Leximon
V J.EDGAR (RL 25) YR.18/Alphard, Leximon

F -SD1b Ironsides (65T) YR.19/Alphard, Illyria
F -200 Rapier (85T) YR.22/Alphard, Illyria
F -201H Rapier (85T) YR.29/Alphard*
F -D50 Thunderbird (100T) YR.17/Alphard,Illyria
F -D50H Thunderbird (100T) YR.18/Alphard*

M -2H LEGIONNAIRE (50T) YR.21/Addhara
M -2H VULCAN (40T) YR.17/Addhara
M -H CENTURION (50T) YR.10/Alphard
M -H2 CENTURION (50T) YR.23/Alphard
M -H4 CENTURION (50T) YR.27/Alphard
M -H6 CENTURION (50T) YR.39/Alphard
M -7H WARHAMMER (70T) YR.29/Alphard
M -9H SCUTUM (60T) YR.23/Alphard
M -9D FIREBALL (20T) YR.4/Addhara
M -9A SCARABUS (30T) YR.11/Addhara
M -3M CRONUS (55T) YR.17/Alphard(Salvaged several -3M's on Gibson, leading to them being produced on Alphard. Still obtained rights to prevent lawsuits)

Hadrian Mechanized Industries: Aerospace Fighters, Vehicles, Armour
Planets: Pompey, Rodney

A Hadrian Plating Alpha 1,2/Beta 1,2/Gamma 1,2/Delta 1,2 (mech/vehicle) (Standard) YR.50/Pompey
A Hadrian Molds Epsilon 3,4/Zeta 3,4/Eta3,4/Theta 3,4 (mech/vehicle) (Heavy Ferro-Fibrous) YR.61/Pompey

V MYRMIDON 3060 (40T) YR.9/Pompey
V GLAIVE MED TANK 3066 (45T) YR.16/Rodney
V SURCULUS STRIKE CRAFT (25T) YR.12/Pompey, Rodney
V Mortar Carrier(SRM Carrier) (60T) YR.14/Pompey, Rodney
V ASSAULT RIFLE CARRIER (60T) YR.16/Pompey, Rodney
V HEAVY LML CARRIER (60T) YR.16/Pompey, Rodney

F  CORAX OMNI (30T) YR.21/Pompey
F -133E ROGUE (40T) YR.16/Pompey
F -166H ROGUE (40T) YR.16/Pompey*
F -HDb Hammerhead (75T) YR.10/Pompey
F -D Guardian (Conventional Fighter) (20T) YR.6/Pompey
F -LB-X MechBuster (50T) YR.6/Pompey

SC S-7A Bus YR.22
SC K-1 DropShuttle YR.22

M -10K2 PANTHER (35T) YR.7/Pompey
M -11H PANTHER (35T) YR.27/Pompey
M -30 ASSASSIN (40T) YR.41/Pompey
M -30H ASSASSIN (40T) YR.57/Pompey
M -3R CRUSADER (65T) YR.59/Pompey
M -33H CRUSADER (65T) YR.66/Pompey
M -2H GOLIATH (80T) YR.31/Pompey
M -22H GOLIATH (80T) YR.71/Pompey
M -H4 SPARTAN (80T) YR.63/Pompey

Hegemony Aerospace LTD.: Fighters, Dropships, Jumpships, Warships, Space Stations
Planets: Alphard YR.19

F -3Tb Trident (20T) YR.20
F -1D Centurion (30T) YR.20
F -133L Rogue (40T) YR.20
F -133H Rogue (40T) YR.20*
F -27 Samurai (50T) YR.20

D Gazelle YR.27
D Leopard CV YR.27
D Intruder YR.27
D Union YR.27
D Avenger YR.27
D Triumph YR.27
D Excalibur YR.27

SDS Bastion YR.87

J AQUILLA Neutral/Defence/Offence YR.23
J Merchant YR.25
J Invader YR.25

W PLEBEIAN (Corvette) YR.36

Marian Arms Incorporated: Battle Armour, BattleMechs, Vehicles, Weapons, Armour
Planets: Alphard, Horatius, Rodney

A Marian Arms Standard 2/4/6/8 (Standard) (mech/vehicle) YR.55/Alphard
A Marian Arms Ferro S./R./L./H. (Ferro-Fibrous) (mech/vehicle) YR.15/Alphard
A Speculum Imaginem A1(L)/A2(M)/A3(H)/A4(A) Reflective Armor (mech/vehicle) YR.47/Alphard

G Great Caesar Class II/V/X/XX Ultra AC YR.13/Alphard
G Harvester 4K/6K SRM (standard) YR.15/Alphard
G Doombud MML-3/5/7/9 YR.3/Alphard
G Defiance Model XII Medium Laser YR.20/Alphard
G Nova Roma Assault Rifle L/M/H YR.5/Alphard
G Ortus Excandescunt Binary Laser Cannon (Blazer Cannon) YR.18/Alphard, Horatius
G Magna 200P Small Pulse Laser YR.19/Alphard

E CherrySeed Bullseye TAG YR.20/Horatius
E Cyclops-Beagle Sensory Probe Beagle Active Probe YR.20/Horatius
E CherrySeed Cloak Guardian ECM Suite YR.20/Horatius


M -4H CAESAR (70T) YR.30/Alphard, Horatius
M -5H COMMANDO (25T) YR.11/Alphard
M -200H MERCURY (20T) YR.23/Alphard, Horatius
M -3H SPECULATOR (45T) YR.24/ Alphard, Horatius
M -4H SPECULATOR (45T) YR.24/ Alphard, Horatius
M -5H SPECULATOR (45T) YR.24/ Alphard, Horatius
M -5H THUNDERBOLT (65T) YR.24/Alphard
M -9H ALFAR (55T) YR.45/Alphard, Horatius
M 10-H CENTURION (50T) YR.10/Alphard, Horatius
M -H2 CENTURION (50T) YR.23/Alphard, Horatius
M -H4 CENTURION (50T) YR.27/Alphard, Horatius
M -H6 CENTURION (50T) YR.39/Alphard, Horatius
M -5H MARAUDER II (100T) YR.29/Alphard
M -6H MARAUDER II (100T) YR.41/Alphard
M -7H1 MARAUDER (75T) YR.32/Alphard
M -3-MH ORION (75T) YR.36/Alphard
M -6S TOXIC SALAMANDER (80T) YR.27/Horatius
M -3MA TEMPEST (65T) YR.17/Horatius(Salvaged several -3MA's on Gibson, leading to them being produced on Horatius. Still obtained rights to prevent lawsuits)
M -X1H BRIGAND (25T) YR.17/Alphard
M -6H DERVISH (55T) YR.16/Alphard

NewStar Computers: Communications Systems, Targeting-Tracking Systems
Planet: Addhara YR.27

E NewStar Black C3 Computer (Naster) YR.34
E NewStar Black C3 Computer (Slave) YR.34

E O'Reilly-2920  Comm
E O'Reilly-3009  Comm
E O'Reilly-3048  Comm
E O'Reilly-3002  Comm
E O'Reilly-2986  Comm
E O'Reilly-3041M Comm
E O'Reilly-3049M Comm
E O'Reilly X2930 TT
E O'Reilly X3063 TT
E O'Reilly X3071 TT
E O'Reilly X3056 TT
E O'Reilly X3016 TT
E O'Reilly X3071M TT
E O'Reilly X3051M TT

Wide-Shot Weapons: Weapons
Planet: Horatius YR.9

G Screaming Crow Group-3/6/9/12 (Laser Missile Launcher) YR.10
G Black-Hound Light Cannon Snub-Nose PPC YR.19
G New Delta Bolt-2/4/6 SRM YR.43
G Lata Iaculat Laser S/M/L (Standard) YR.29
G Magna Lata Shot Laser S/M/L (ER) YR.33
G Pulsus Wide Iaculat Laser S/M/L (Pulse) YR.39
G Boomstick II M-Pod YR.66
G SperryBrowning Light Machine Gun YR.9

TechWizards, LTD.: Mechs, Equipment
Planets: Baccalieu

E Tek BattleCom (COMM)
E Dalban HiRez (TT)

E Deprus Swarmshot AMS
E Lexington Ltd. Lifters (Jump Jets)
E Hermes 400XL (Engine)

M -2H WHITWORTH (40T) YR.24/Baccalieu
M -10H AWESOME (80T) YR.40/Baccalieu
M -4H GRIFFIN (55t) YR.27/Baccalieu
M -1B MERLIN (60T) YR.17/Baccalieu
M -1C MERLIN (60T) YR.17/Baccalieu
M -H2C MERLIN (60T) YR.22/Baccalieu
M -1A9 CHARGER (80T) YR.15/Baccalieu
M -2A2 CHARGER (80T) YR.15/Baccalieu
M -9H CHARGER (80T) YR.29/Baccalieu
« Last Edit: 26 September 2021, 15:34:02 by GeminiBull »
I am who I am. I am what I am. Deal with it. Have a nice day! XD


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #55 on: 21 February 2023, 17:39:08 »
Hello everyone, original poster here. Yeah, its been a LONG time since I last posted things here. My health was jumping up and down a lot, so I couldn't really post much here. And with my health as it was back then, I wasn't really motivated to do much of anything. But my health has improved greatly since then, and I feel more motivated to do thing here again. I've been playing BattleTech The Game (Steam) a lot recently, and just got the game exclusive Bull Shark mech. So yeah, I'm working on things again, and hope to post some of it here soon. Most likely going to be updated maps, since I've been working on the main map a lot. Felt like it needed more detail on it. Sorry for such a long wait.
I am who I am. I am what I am. Deal with it. Have a nice day! XD


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #56 on: 21 February 2023, 19:55:01 »
real life gets us all, we'll take what we can as you can produce it

now i have to go back and reread this
Wolf wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies, his fangs locked on the throat of his opponent.


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #57 on: 22 February 2023, 15:47:46 »
glad to hear you are back to this...   :thumbsup:
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #58 on: 06 March 2023, 18:23:07 »
Hey there! No, it's not a map, but something for the Marian fans here. Enjoy!


ADV: Advanced (3060+)
STD: Standard(3040's/3050's)
SW: Succession Wars

Marian Armed Forces: 16 Battlemech Legions (apx. 22 regiments/2400 mechs)

I (1) Legio {The Praetorian Guard}

Tech Level: ADV

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Prima Auxilia Alphardensis (1st Alphard Auxiliary Legion) (1 Legion)

-Ala Alba (White Wing) (ASF) (1 wing)

II (2) Legio {The Caesar's Own} (Continually fought delayed actions during the FWL's push into the MH. Half the weapons and equipment in the Legion

are from the FWL)

Tech Level: ADV

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-II Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-II Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-II Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

III (3) Legio {Sentinels of the Reaches}

Tech Level: STD

-Prima Cohors

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-III Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-III Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-III Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

IV (4) Legio {Imperial Legionnaires}

Tech Level: STD

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-IV Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-IV Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-IV Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

V (5) Legio {Wheel of Fire} (Rebuilt again after being destroyed in the HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War)

Tech Level: STD

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-V Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-V Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-V Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

VI (6) Legio {The Caesar's Cavalry}

Tech Level: SW

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-VI Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VI Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VI Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

Cohors Morituri {Cohort of the Dead}

Tech Level: STD

-Cohors Morituri (1 Cohort)

-Auxilia Ripariensis Infantry and light armor) (1 Maniple)



VII (7) Legio {Hunting The Fallen} (Was all but destroyed in the HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War defending "Spike", but failing to fully stop them. Just slowed

them down enough to buy time) [Before HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Prefers to set ambushes

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-VII Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VII Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VII Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

VIII (8) Legio {Those Who stand} (Half destroyed in the HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War taking back "Rodney") [Before HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: SW

Tactics: Has many heavy battlemechs, using their size to act as a running wall.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-VIII Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VIII Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VIII Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

IX (9) Legio {Wings Of Hunger} (Half destroyed in the HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War taking back "New Rome") [Before HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Prefers hit-and-runs.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-IX Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-IX Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-IX Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

X (10) Legio {Rolling Cries} (Half destroyed in the HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War) [Before HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: SW

Tactics: Balanced overall. Can switch tactics depending on the flow of battle.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-X Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-X Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-X Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

XI (11) Legio {Everyday Romans} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: SW

Tactics: Basic fighting tactics.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-XI Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XI Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XI Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

XII (12) Legio {Shadow Cohorts} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: ADV

Tactics: Prefers night-time fighting.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-VII Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VII Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-VII Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

XIII (13) Legio {Non-Peacekeepers} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Disorganized fighting to confuse the enemy. Very accurate weapons fire.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-XIII Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XIII Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XIII Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

XIV (14) Legio {Jester Warriors} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Prefers jump-capable mechs. Prefers rough terrain fighting.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-XIV Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XIV Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XIV Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

XV (15) Legio {Swimming In The Mud} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Very energy weapons based. Can wage guerrilla wars longer.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-XV Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XV Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XV Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

XVI (16) Legio {Legion Of Nothing} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: SW

Tactics: Filled with the least-capable soldiers. Tactics are mainly just running around, trying to stay alive. Somehow has earned a reputation of

never losing anyone, but having all weapons and equipment badly damaged.

-Prima Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Secunda Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Tertia Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quarta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-Quinta Cohors (1 Cohort)

-XVI Prima Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XVI Secunda Auxilia Legio (1 Legion)

-XVI Caelum Wing (ASF) (1 wing)

Ordo Vigilis Legions (1 Cohort) (Not part of the MHAF)

I (1) Ghost Legio {Concealed Dagger} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: hit-and-run, head-hunting.

II (2) Ghost Legio (1 Cohort) {Clothed Shield} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Traps and ambushes.

III (3) Ghost Legio (1 Cohort) {Shrouded Spear} [After HEGEMONY-LEAGUE War]

Tech Level: STD

Tactics: Mobile fire support.
I am who I am. I am what I am. Deal with it. Have a nice day! XD


  • Corporal
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Re: Periphery Rising
« Reply #59 on: 25 March 2023, 11:31:01 »
I am who I am. I am what I am. Deal with it. Have a nice day! XD

