Author Topic: MotW: Legionnaire  (Read 11768 times)


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MotW: Legionnaire
« on: 07 October 2016, 13:58:35 »
Wolf's Dragoon JumpShip Doomgiver
Unnamed System, In-Route to the Draconis Combine
July 18th, 3138
Major John Rider
Begin Recording:

Okay everyone, during the many weeks that we will be en-route to the Draconis Combine, each one of you will be receiving technical and tactical briefs on the latest and greatest intel on the Federated Suns.  Whether that means profiles of current Davion commanders or their latest 'Mechs coming down the lines, you lousy mucks will be sitting your asses down for an hour a day listening to one of your commanding officers getting you up to speed.   

Don't like lectures? Then quit, there's nothing stopping you. Anybody? That's what I thought...

With that, today, we are going to discuss one of the most common 'Mechs employed by the forces of House Davion.  The Legionnaire.  This 50 ton Mike Foxtrot is nothing to scoff at.  The most common variant you will encounter is the LGN-2D.  It sports one weapon, and one weapon alone.  A single Mydron Model RC Large Bore Rotary Autocannon.  That's a RAC-5 for those of you who don't speak astech.   
And now, you think to yourself, 'I've faced off with RAC-5 armed 'Mechs before, that thing can't be a big deal'.  And I will tell you that you are wrong.  Very wrong.  In two very big ways.

First up, the targeting computer. That means that foxtrot autocannon, which is already spewing three times the lead of an ultra cannon, is spewing that lead accurately.  When you get hit with a wall of lead at nearly half a click, I bet my lousy salary that it was a it was a Legionnaire that hit you.   

Secondly, those buggers are fast.  Very fast.  120km/h fast. So when you spot a Legionnaire on the horizon, expect it to be spewing lead in your face very soon.  And don't forget those weaponless arms.  That means those nasty little claw-like actuators will be tearing the armor right off your 'Mech while spewing lead in your face.

The next person who giggles at my use of the word "spewing" will be cleaning the head for the rest of the voyage. I know I use it a lot, but I happen to like the word.

On top of all of this, the 'Mech is coated in 9.5 tons of good old fashion Star Guard II armor, not shabby at all for a medium 'Mech, and that represents 90% of the theoretical maximums.  The center torso can survive an AC-20 blast while the side torsos can handle gauss rifles and still have a thin layer of armor left.   The legs have even more armor than the center torso, while the arms have just a little less than enough to survive that aforementioned gauss shot.

All of this rounds out to make a very solid trooper that will be a thorn in our sides for the majority of our battles.  And this is just the 2D variant. 

The next variant available, though extremely uncommon, is the 1X scout variant.  It drops the RAC down to a RAC-2 and adds a Beagle Active Probe, two ER Medium Lasers, and a half ton of armor.  Less damage but still an equal threat.  The extra armor has been spread pretty evenly throughout the 'Mech, adding just enough to handle an LBX pellet in almost every location.  Though not actively in production, this variant will appear in scout lances, providing a long range threat in addition to scouting your position.

And now you 'Mech jocks are thinking, okay, well, as soon as those RACs jam, I am home free.  And that may be true on occasion, but the FedSuns isn't known for honor duals, and they will likely not be alone.  Even if one steps aside to unjam that cannon, you know there are going to be 3 more 'Mechs waiting near by to pound you down.  And we haven't even gotten to the problem child variants yet.
The next two variants were introduced around the same time.  One is more of the same, the other is Sierra your pants bad. 

First, we have the 2XU.  It is a straight swap of the Rotary Autocannon for a Class 10 Ultra Autocannon.  It may have an overall lower damage potential than the 2D, it hits harder and, given the average use of RACs, has a similar average damage output.  The 2D is going to sand off your armor while the 2XU will just blow holes in it.  Both will make you equally dead. The real downfall of the 2XU is the removal of 3 tons of armor, reducing the amount to a measly 6.5 tons, or about 55% of maximum.  Only the center torso and legs can surive a gauss round while the arms will lose all of their armor with a PPC hit. 

The second variant is an ultra-mobile artillery platform.  That right ladies and gents, the 2XA variants mounts an Arrow IV system.  Though it escews a ton of armor, it can lay down artillery fire for nearly two minutes before running back to the supply base for a battlefield reload. Put 4 of them in a lance and you have missile hell for a long, long time.  And if you happen to find them, they will likely run away and start dropping missiles on your head again.  Their speed combined with those launchers is what nightmares are made of. The armor change isn't a big deal given that the XA wants to stay away from direct combat.  Armor is down on the arms and legs while the center torso get a bit more.

So now we come to a one off and a "final form".  The one off is an amazing feat of engineering only made with the help of the Clans.  Luckily, only a few of these were made.  The "final form" is a full realization of the Legionnaire, and likely the hardest to kill.

The Legionnaire LGN-2X1 MUSE Fire takes the 2D to the extreme with some big changes.  Part of the famous 'Project MUSE', the 2X1 was meant to showcase the best tech the FedSuns had to offer. First, we have the cockpit, which is now torso mounted.  Ironically,  this means placing the cockpit on the 'Mech's back, where a traditional head would go, but it provides a lot more protection compared to its standard placement.  Next, it drops the targeting computer to account for the heavier cockpit and a pair of ER Medium lasers.  Now we are onto the big changes.  Clan made Reflective Armor and a Clan made RAC. Both of these make for one scary Mike Foxtrot.  Take your favorite large lasers and PPCs and now make them half as effective.  That is what reflective armor does to you.  It neuters your lasers.  And given that lasers tend to make up most of the firepower of the lighter machines that can keep up with these speedy buggers, it gives them a huge advantage.  The armor coverage is the same 90% as the 2D, so it has a hell of a lot of laser killing plate on it.  Now, the Clan made RAC is even scarier than the armor.  Take that lead spewing monster of a gun and then extend the range by nearly 50%.  That's right, it will reach out and touch you at the same range as LRMs.  Think this is a powerful design?  Well, Achernar BattleMechs also did, and with that, they introduced the final realization of the 2D, the 2F.

The 2F Legionnaire takes the 2X1, removes the Clantech, and makes that little demon a reality.  Gone is the Clan made RAC, in is the standard Mydron from the 2D.  Similarly,  the Clan made Reflec armor is swapped for the same amount of locally grown plates.  That's it.  So it still will neuter your lasers and it is still damned fast, but it doesn't have the reach of the 2X1.  The only reprieve you will ever get in this case.

The last variant you will see on the battlefield is the 2K.  This takes the mobility of the Legionnaire to the extreme with adding both Jump Jets and MASC.  That means this thing blows past the 150km/h mark while being able to jump over 200 meters.  And though it follows the one big gun concept first laid down by the hollander, it is nothing to sneeze at.  The 2K mounts a single tarcomp assisted ER PPC.  This thing will hide, shoot you to hell, and then as soon as you spot it, jump away to a new sniper nest and repeat the process.  2K pilots don't like to get in brawling range, they rather just run circles around you and fill you with charged particles.  Armor is the same as the 1X variant.

So now, you ask, how do a I kill it?  That is a multi-sided question that requires some actual thinking.  Normally, if you ask new recruit they will tell you to "shoot it until it dies".  Well, that is true.  It is always true.  But how do you shoot it?

The Legionnaire is fast.  And some of the best ways to kill fast units are pulse lasers and precision autocannon ammo.  The autocannons are better suited to the 2F variants to counter their reflective armor, obviously.  Use of thunder ammunition for your LRM launchers will also help restrict their mobility, and combined with proper use of terrain, will provide you with a solid advantage.  RAC equipped Legionnaires  will need to take breathers to unjam their cannons.  And they have to slow down to do it.  This is also a solid point in time to strike, and it is recommended that a lance join together to hit a jammed Legionnaire. Finally, the 2K sniper variant does not mount reflective armor, so it may be vulnerable to counter-sniping and fast, pulse equipped 'Mechs that can keep up with that bugger.

I know a few of you actually have a Legionnaire as your primary ride, and more of you may be taking them as battlefield salvage as this campaign with the FedSuns draws on.  As such, we will also go about tactics to use while piloting these little abominations.
Almost all Legionnaires require similar tactics, with the exception of the 2K variant.  Run fast, hit hard.  Don't expect to be firing every chance you get, but rather when you can close yourself to within 90 meters of your enemy.  It will keep you out of range of melee weapons (especially important for the reflec equipped 2F variant) but still provide you plenty of accuracy to drop the hammer on your enemy.  Then, continue your dash to safety, and then pop out and repeat.  There is plenty of ammo to run the autocannon with, 20 salvos at half rate and 10 salvos at full rate.   The main differences are the 2K and 2XA variants, where you want to stay farther from the battle.  The with a 2K, a MechWarrior should never get within 300 meters of an enemy mech.  Snipers gotta snipe.  The 2XA should never see what it is shooting at, and is nearly defenseless, so keep away from any enemies and run if needed.

And there you have it my lowly underlings.  A complete overview of the nasty little bugger those Fedrats love to use.  If you check your noteputers, you'll see all of the technical specs that the WolfNet spooks have cooked up for you.  I expect you to review it, and I can guarantee you that you will see at least one Legionnaire in your next simulator runs.   

Now, let's talk about the next most common 'Mechs in the FedSuns, the Centurion..."
« Last Edit: 08 October 2016, 08:21:55 by Stinger »

Tymers Realm

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #1 on: 07 October 2016, 14:30:59 »
Well this is a interesting way to do a MotW article...

And even after looking up this Mech on sarna, I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around a 50 ton, 7/11/0 w/a RAC/5 TC'ed.


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #2 on: 07 October 2016, 15:12:29 »
Well done, that was a fun read. It truly is the little beast that could, especially under the old TC rules.
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #3 on: 07 October 2016, 15:31:27 »
A nice looking and highly focused design. In its standard form.

Don't care at all for the others. The BAP version is kinda OK but ultimately i'd rather have a dedicated recon (commander) platform like the Raven or Phoenix Hawk, or a command 'Mech like the Black Knight. Other variants are meh, you gain something, you lose something, usually ruining the core idea of relative simplicity in the process.
A version with nothing more than a straight armor swap to Reflec or Reactive might be OK, or some form of Ferro to add CASE II if possible would be nice.

Just about the only way to really improve the design would be to use a Clan-spec XL engine and/or Clan-spec RAC/5 (if it fits, unsure about the crits), or add Interface Cockpit. All changes would go to munchkin territory (within the design's limits, if not overall in BTU) to be honest, so i don't expect them to happen officially. Nor are they needed really.


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #4 on: 07 October 2016, 20:23:36 »
Didn't the protagonist in the second Dark Age novel pilot a Legionaire that had swapped out the TC for medium lasers?
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #5 on: 07 October 2016, 20:32:26 »
Didn't the protagonist in the second Dark Age novel pilot a Legionaire that had swapped out the TC for medium lasers?

Technically yes, but it wasn't includes for a few reasons. First, with it being a 100% unique unit, it didn't align with the briefing writing style I used. Second, the variant is not included in the MUL. Lastly, thr variant actually lines up nicely with the 2F.

Do you think it should be included?


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #6 on: 07 October 2016, 20:58:34 »
No, I was just checking to see if I was remembering correctly.  There's no reason to include novel-only variants if they haven't got record sheets.
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #7 on: 07 October 2016, 21:06:31 »
No, I was just checking to see if I was remembering correctly.  There's no reason to include novel-only variants if they haven't got record sheets.
Raul Ortega variant did have a Record Sheet for it.  It was in the Record Sheets: MechWarrior Dark Age I.
It had 3 medium lasers in place of the Targeting Computer, while retaining rest including the RAC/5.

However, for some reason that variant and the Tassa Kay Ryoken II variants were not given NEW record sheets or added to the MUL.
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #8 on: 08 October 2016, 00:10:27 »
I remember that variant and rather liked it. The TComp is nice, but having guns to fall back on when you jam the big gun or run it dry  makes up for the -1 to hit.


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #9 on: 08 October 2016, 01:44:33 »
To be honest, I'm surprised that it wasn't a factory config of the mech.
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #10 on: 08 October 2016, 02:00:06 »
this thing must figure in the nightmares of many a scout Mech pilot.

did 1 of the Isle of the Blessed Legionnaire prototypes mount medium lasers? I seem to remember something like that, but I may be conflating it with the aforementioned Ortega variant (which is great BTW).


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #11 on: 08 October 2016, 02:49:30 »
As I said the last time the Legionnaire came up for a MotW:  butt-ugliest 'Mech design ever introduced to the BT universe.


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #12 on: 08 October 2016, 06:00:23 »
this thing must figure in the nightmares of many a scout Mech pilot.

did 1 of the Isle of the Blessed Legionnaire prototypes mount medium lasers? I seem to remember something like that, but I may be conflating it with the aforementioned Ortega variant (which is great BTW).

Pretty sure that was the 1X variant - smaller main gun, but you get some back up lasers.

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #13 on: 08 October 2016, 06:30:13 »
An excellent write up of a very mean little attack dog of a Mech.  This things the Blitzkrieg's lil brother and basically does the same kind of role. Run around going dakka dakka.  But where as the Blitz runs at you screaming before letting rip with the UAC-20 the Legionnaire is more a skirmisher and harasser, as you said, darting in and out of range to let rip.

Thanks for the in character write up too!
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #14 on: 08 October 2016, 10:12:18 »
I like the Legionnaire. I have since I first saw it way back as a clicky player. The look of it is so industrial and the enormous gun just makes it look so intimidating.
The BT loadout took me a bit by surprise. I did not expect 7/11 with an XL engine. Nor did I expect a TC. It certainly does make it an interesting beast. But I like it.
An interesting Mech to compare it to is the Legionnaire's little cousin, the Blade. I can see both of those being used in conjunction.


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #15 on: 08 October 2016, 17:09:17 »
Nice fluffy article.  O0
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #16 on: 08 October 2016, 20:27:46 »
I like the Legionnaire. good speed and armor packing one hell of a gun.

Always thought it should look more like the Hunchback it's still a better sight than the Blitzkrieg. 
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #17 on: 09 October 2016, 11:22:26 »
The Legionnaire is a pretty solid design and reflective of the FedSuns national identity for ACs.  The mini is pretty well done and I think a decent adaptation to BTU from the MWDA click-mini though spots on the arms seem very thin.

The fiction in Isle of Blessed was pretty entertaining, I do want to see if the prototypes can actually fight their way through that battle but I have never gone further than planning out the scenarioes for MM.

As much as I have wanted to, I never got to use it more than once or twice in MM and I think only once on table.  The -2D is a design that makes more sense under the old RAC/TC rules, not sure it makes as much sense under the new rules since its a pretty big chunk of weight on a medium design.  I prefer it over the Blitz for the simple reason it can un-jam and it will get overlooked while the 20pt boomstick of the Blitz does not.  Its a great striker/skirmisher and I would love to use it as such.

I have also wondered from time to time what the Clan Protectorate or Wolf Empire might do with Legionnaires that end up in their hands . . . and with a TC built into the frame a cluster of HMLs is what comes to mind. 
Colt Ward
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #18 on: 09 October 2016, 11:33:10 »
The -2D is a design that makes more sense under the old RAC/TC rules, not sure it makes as much sense under the new rules since its a pretty big chunk of weight on a medium design. 

Having started with BattleTech closer to 2012, I am naive to how they used to work. Care to elaborate?

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #19 on: 09 October 2016, 12:02:16 »
I forgot it the first time I used one on the table, and maybe others can check me but . . .

I think you could place all the 5 point hits in a single location when you rolled, I am not sure the -1TH applied in that situation.  Downside is IIRC the RAC/5 also started out with 1/2/4/6 . . . no 3 or 5 shot bursts.
Colt Ward
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #20 on: 09 October 2016, 12:37:42 »
Yeah, you could pretty much fire off a six-shot burst from the RAC and place all six (assuming they all hit) into the same location on the target. Which means a 30-point hit, basically. Now look at the Jagermech, with TWO RAC-5s, able to strip 60 points from a location with one shot... it was a very necessary nerf, for sure.
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Colt Ward

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #21 on: 09 October 2016, 13:02:53 »
Well, I agree the 30 points if the whole burst hits (SRM6 table after all) but the 2nd RAC on that JM7-F should have been hitting a 2nd location . . .

 . . . the one time I could have used this, I forgot about that ability in the heat of the moment on the table.  It still did some decent damage just spread out.

I think it sort of balances however because if you try for a 30 pt hit you are using up a lot of ammo and stand a higher chance of jamming.  Might be a bit overpowered but I think it had some offsets . . . then again, like I said I forgot about the ability and I was never on the otherside b/c it did not work that way for RACs in MM.
Colt Ward
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #22 on: 09 October 2016, 13:29:08 »
Well, I agree the 30 points if the whole burst hits (SRM6 table after all) but the 2nd RAC on that JM7-F should have been hitting a 2nd location . . .

Nope, pre Total Warfare TC rules meant that you could send both bursts right to the same location.
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Colt Ward

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #23 on: 09 October 2016, 13:45:19 »
Lol . . . ok!  Any other unit than the JM7-F with a TC & 2 RACs though?
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

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"Greetings, Mechwarrior. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Daoshen and the Capellan armada."


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #24 on: 09 October 2016, 15:30:11 »
IIRC there's a Templar config with twin RAC/5+TC.

Anyway RAC+TC was no more problematic than any other weapon+TC. Aimed shot for pulse/cluster weapons was banned because clan LPLs have too much range.

Instead of fixing pulse laser ranges R/UACs got hit by the nerf bat... #P

Colt Ward

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #25 on: 09 October 2016, 16:05:52 »
Yeah, that was a named variant . . . the C with the 3 RAC/2 had no TC.
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #26 on: 09 October 2016, 17:44:24 »
Anyway RAC+TC was no more problematic than any other weapon+TC. Aimed shot for pulse/cluster weapons was banned because clan LPLs have too much range.

Instead of fixing pulse laser ranges R/UACs got hit by the nerf bat... #P

Pulse+TC was nerfed because it was a broken combination for how accurate the attack was.  Rapid Fire +TC was nerfed because A) it didn't make sense (accuracy and long burst of a rapid-fire, high-caliber gun are things that don't go together) and B) TCs with Ultra 20s and RAC 5s were broken.
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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #27 on: 10 October 2016, 01:15:16 »
Well done article.


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #28 on: 10 October 2016, 02:27:31 »
Anyway RAC+TC was no more problematic than any other weapon+TC. Aimed shot for pulse/cluster weapons was banned because clan LPLs have too much range.

Instead of fixing pulse laser ranges R/UACs got hit by the nerf bat... #P
Multi-shot ACs and aimed shots did not and should not go together the way they did pre-nerf, it really was unthinkably overpowered.

Coming into the board game post-nerf, IMHO RACs + TC still remain attractive and I'm glad to deploy 'em without munchkinism on my conscience.


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Re: MotW: Legionnaire
« Reply #29 on: 10 October 2016, 11:28:06 »
Multi-shot ACs and aimed shots did not and should not go together the way they did pre-nerf, it really was unthinkably overpowered.
It was exactly as overpowered as using aimed shot with 2+ weapons of any sort. If your argument is game balance then you should be arguing that no unit should be allowed to make aimed shots with more than a single weapon.

Note that I have no problem with the fluff - I thought it was pretty silly that pulse lasers were allowed to make aimed shots from the start! And cluster weapons doesn't make much more sense. ::)

