Author Topic: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok (Complete, Comments welcome)  (Read 35926 times)


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #30 on: 09 December 2017, 02:13:18 »
Wonder who they'll mix Victor's DNA with..

Jennifer Winson-  for a Cameron-Davion mix?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #31 on: 09 December 2017, 10:16:07 »
Someone has to champion the bloodhouse first, the the possibilities are endless


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #32 on: 09 December 2017, 10:56:21 »
Why? Just make it a Winson bloodname with Victor's DNA tossed in.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #33 on: 09 December 2017, 23:00:20 »
The Message


Princess-Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion feels confined by her status and while she keeps high spirits she is constantly second guessed by Bishop Sortek and the Dukes Sandoval and Hasek who attempt to sideline her and wait until Arthur is ready to be First Prince.  Yvonne retains Ran Felsner as an adviser and leans more on Jackson Davion while pushing away Tancred Sandoval, Bishop Sortek, and Dan Allard who her brother had assigned as advisers.  She listens most to her sister Katherine on Tharkad, regularly discussing matters with her via HPG. Tancred and Bishop begin to keep secrets from her but as the acting legal ruler of the Federated Suns there is only so much they could do, they certainly couldn't cut her off without there being a major problem. 

Warrior Cabals stir in the Crucis March as LIC agents whip them into a fury forcing Bishop Sortek to leave frequently with the Davion Guards to deal with them.  The opposition press nicknames him “Bloody Bishop” and every act fueled more defiance and calls for vengeance. 

The Draconis March is rife with rumors claiming that Omiko Kurita has a child with Victor Steiner-Davion and that he will marry the Snake Princess when he returns after saving her realm from the Clans.  James Sandoval demands answers from Tancred and Theodore as to the veracity of those rumors. 

The Capellan March is idling as their Duke is away and while his wife and son are holding down the fort, LIC agents have secured the loyalties of the AFFS' Warship Commanders at Galax.  St Ives is bracing for something as more CCAF activity is detected and that is never a good sign, forcing even more of their economy to be devoted to the SIMC. 

The Federated Suns is currently in the midst of a recession nearing depression as the succession of the Lyran Alliance sank large amounts of economic optimism and trapped capital in the Alliance.  Draconis and Capellan March Militias are on high alert, uneasy with the Confederation's increasing strength and eager to launch strikes while elite troops are away.

First Lord Sun-Tzu Liao utilizes all the prestige associated with being First Lord to launch his Xin Sheng nationalism program declaring that the Confederation would be reborn into a greater power.  He starts negotiations with the Magistracy of Canopus, Aurigan Coalition, and Taurian Concordat for some manner of alliance trading access for materials and security.  All three leaders are interested to varying extents but the Coalition is undergoing a major internal problem and shelves the option until later.

Unrest comes to a head in the New Colony Region and Chaos March as various powers vie for control (“Davion” sponsored separatists in the NCR, “Capellan” guerrillas in the Chaos March).  The Draconis Combine remains wary as more reports come in that the Ghost Bears are increasing in strength while large portions of their best forces are away.  The DCMS is still in the midst of rebuilding from it's near destruction at the hands of the clans, having to trade heavily with the FWL in order to fill out their TOOs before LAW can catch up.

04/27/3060 09:17 Location – The Triad, Tharkad, Lyran Alliance

Archon Katherine Steiner was busy running the affairs of the Lyran Alliance, the latest reports from the SLDF were encouraging but heavily out of date.  She sent her condolences to Duchess Kym Sorenson-Hasek for the death of her husband and Katherine's cousin Duke Morgan who had been killed en route, but the DRUM relay was slow, taking nearly a month to get word back.  Unless of course you used the Clan's HPG system which could shrink it down to a few days but as far as she knew she was the only one that got direct clan transmissions courtesy of Katya who was still in the Inner Sphere even if Vlad and Mariaelle were in the homeworlds.

Katherine's primary concern was the impending launch of the Yggdrasil Mjolrnir Battlecruiser from Alarion, she had sunk massive amounts of Kroner into building up the LAAF's Fleet assets and it would soon come to fruition.  Having experienced the awe inspired by Warships she knew these would give her fledgling forces a psychological edge while General Esteban and her officers honed their physical edge into something truly terrifying.  As long as COMSTAR continued to provide them with Compact K-F cores she wouldn't need Vlad to trial the Snow Ravens for them.  Coventry Metal Works was close to being truly overhauled although Duke Bradford continued to prove his disdain for her reign, she had slowed the rebuilding process due to that very attitude. 

Additionally all of the Lyran combat academies were adding Naval programs and Battle Armor training was being added to Basic Training throughout the Alliance. The Alliance Military-Industrial complex couldn't make enough of the stuff to satisfy the LAAF's desire for the technology.  She was even looking to acquire licenses to produce the Wolf Trap Battlemech from House Kurita through Rasalhague connections to LAW while commissioning several new programs with Defiance and Bowie Industries (Uziel, Cobra, Defiance, and Razorback).  Her wishes to upgrade the Aerospace forces required assistance from the Outworlds Alliance as there were not enough Academy trainers in the Alliance for her ambitions.

While writing a message to President Avellar her Loki courier entered the office, he was dressed like every other professional civil servant in the palace, poorly.  However, Kobin Diras was not a man to underestimate, intensely loyal to Loki he could kill a man fifty ways with just the pen in his pocket.  He carried a medium-sized manila envelope, utterly plain in appearance, in his small satchel along with a H&K 597 Machine Pistol.  “Archon I bear a message from GARM, I know nothing else”, Katherine eyed the envelope intently and concerned, “leave it on the desk Herr Diras, you are dismissed”, he bowed slightly, “I hope you have a pleasant day Archon” before turning and leaving her office.  She pressed the “secure room” button in her desk and a series of jammers and locks activated as the curtains drew down.

Removing the smaller foil-sealed package from the larger envelope she disabled the immolation charge built into the holder.  From it she removed a verigraph and pressed her thumbprint into it, the blocky metallic print appeared on the thick paper.

White Wolf

Your Prince has come and gone and now joins the ranks of the 800.  His example is an inspiration to even the Warriors of Kerensky.  Though he fell his end was swift and glorious and he leaves us victorious.  He has shown that the Inner Sphere is not beyond redemption.  It is a honor to live in such a Golden Age and a deep sadness to have lost such a noble exemplar.


Katherine was stunned and re-red the note again and again.  Her brother was gone and it was only a matter of time until the rest of the Inner Sphere knew.  She didn't know how much time; days, weeks, months? Would Focht try to keep this low key until they returned to not cause disruption, let the Inner Sphere revel in its success before revealing the steep price it paid for victory.  Vlad had given her advance warning which was helpful but still difficult to deal with.  She triggered the burn capsule in the note and tossed it into the secure disposal bin where it consumed itself. 

NO!  Now Yvonne was trapped as Princess-Regent two more years at least until Arthur could be First Prince, damn your selfishness Brother.  This would crush her, she already was straining under the pressure and they never let her do anything anyway.  What would they do now?  There were too many unknown factors and she would need to come up with a plan to deal with the fallout.  She sincerely hoped that Vlad didn't kill her brother, even as deep as the Wolf conditioning went she still was a Steiner-Davion inside and he would need to die if that was the case. 

She was really hoping Victor would just come back the hero and she could just hand him the Alliance recognizing that he was now worthy of it.  She didn't care who was Archon-Prince of the Federated Commonwealth as long as she still controlled the Lyran worlds.  Failing that she already had a plan in place to fight him for it or flee to Tamar if her support evaporated, either one was acceptable though she didn't want to fight him. 

Would Peter come back if he could?  He was the only stronger candidate but she could deal with him if necessary.  Arthur was impressionable but she wasn't quite sure how much of a grip the Sandovals had on him already, she could pull strings but it would be difficult to do with him so far away.  Yvonne was solidly on her side but she couldn't count on much support from the other March Lords they would have to be more forcibly convinced.

However, she could deal with any of this today and canceled the rest of her meetings for today choosing to took the next day off due to “fatigue”.  Boarding her private KR-61 she was transported to the Royal Hunting Lodge.  It was a quaint structure comparatively and built in the middle of a vast wilderness preserve near a series of hot springs, the facilities included a stable, in house vintner, and smaller cabins scattered about the preserve and since it was spring wildflowers were growing in the meadows.  The Lodge was a place for simple luxury and seclusion the only more remote place she could be was on her yacht; but she preferred to use that for private business purposes, she never brought work out here.

04/28/3060 06:38 Location – Royal Hunting Lodge, Tharkad

Archon Katherine woke up face down on the heated wooden floor, her mouth was dry, and her head hurt.  Attempting to stand she got to her knees before falling into a richly upholstered chair.  Her vision was blurry but she blinked several times and looked at herself, her nightrobe had come undone and there were small scratches and bruises on her arms and legs.  As her vision cleared she looked upon the parlor, picture frames were broken, various items smashed, including a couple of crystal bottles curious she grabbed the one nearest her.  “Skye Spirits Select 3017, Archon's Reserve”, damn that was expensive brandy.  Her Grandmother would have killed her if she knew it had been wasted this way, she couldn't have gotten blackout drunk on Acrux Avanti or something cheaper.  Even when she lost Hanse or Galen she hadn't lost control like this, Victor was gone and though she did feel numb it didn't numb the raw emotions she still felt. 

She staggering rose and went to the bathroom suddenly having the urge to vomit.  Summoning a maid Katherine haltingly rose and went out to meet her, “I'm sorry Mara”, the older woman had grown into one of Katherine's friends over the years, grateful that they had someone that could truly appreciate this place,  “It's not a problem Archon.  We can get this squared away in no time”, Mara looked over the Archon, she was an utter mess and pitiful sight, “Shall I draw you a bath?

That would be nice, and coffee”, Katherine put her hands on her head which ached, “black, leave the pot.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #34 on: 09 December 2017, 23:17:03 »
Nicely written.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #35 on: 10 December 2017, 13:22:09 »
04/24/3060 00:01 Location – Hall of Ice, Hector, Kerensky Cluster

The Bloodnamed of Clan Ice Hellion were gathered at Hector to elect a new Khan, their previous one the Asa Taney having fallen fighting the treacherous Nova Cats.  The Hall of Ice was an impressive structure built during the Golden Century and it had fared as well as their small clan throughout history.  It's winged buttresses were elegant and it's light gray structure mimicked an Ice Hellion lying in wait.  Since they were such a small clan they had slightly less than 500 people in attendance many of their blood-names having been Reaved during one of the two Hellion Civil Wars so nearly all of the bloodhouses were below 20 and some below 10 active counts, the only one at 25 was Cage, the founder's bloodname.

The saKhan Weilland Cage was the favorite to succeed Khan Taney but a challenger emerged from the Hellion's atypical Delta Galaxy, Star Captain (Ale)Xander Drake nominated by his abtakha Ghost Bear Star Colonel.  As the commander of the only Supernova Trinary in the Touman, the Elemental was well respected despite the disdain most of the Trueborn had for infantry.  He had won many trials during the Hellion's Fury Campaign nearly ten years ago and was one of the more charismatic Ice Hellions.  During the past decade he had been sent to Clan Goliath Scorpion, where he danced the scars and participating in the Circus Honorae, and Clan Fire Mandrill's Mattilla-Caroll and Mick-Kreese Kindraa as part of joint development efforts winning a Cage's Clasp in the process.  He stepped forward from his position in the balcony standing a head taller than the assembled Mechwarriors. Unlike other Clan Elementals he was a Hellion and traded bulk and brute strength for speed and grace, built more like an NFL corner or professional soccer player than a Linebacker.  A testament to Prapa Drake, founder of the Bloodhouse and a Pentathlete at Sandhurst later serving as an infantry officer in the 72nd SOG who fought against the usurper.

“You dare to challenge me Star Captain Drake?”

“I do saKhan, I am the superior candidate.  Under your command Beta Galaxy has lost many excellent fighters to the hated Wolves due to your lack of Vision.  You were unfit to command that Galaxy and you are unfit to command this Clan.  I on the other have grand plans for the Hellions that will earn us the respect we so richly deserve.”

“We shall let the Bloodhouses decide”

Star Captain Drake won by a narrow margin (219 to 213), saKhan Cage issued a Trial of Refusal over the results, First Blood. Khan Drake slashed him across the throat killing him and in the process drawing first blood.  Star Captain Joan Norizuchi of Beta Galaxy succeeded him as saKhan and the Hellions were mobilized to take Londerholm (under Norizuchi and Beta Galaxy) and Huntress (under Drake using Alpha and Delta Galaxies).

04/27/3060 Location – Grid 8-37, Huntress

Commander Sarah Jol of MIM Active Response Team GOLDLEAF carefully picked her path through the overgrown jungle.  The rest of her team followed loosely keeping alert to avoid Smoke Jaguars of the two and four legged variety.  She swatted away at the alien flies that buzzed past her ear and flew into her curly brown hair, sweat poured over her caramel skin unable to evaporate due to the humdity.  Since Major Danai Centrella and General Victor Steiner-Davion had died her unit had to revert to their secondary orders, grab as much as you can and don't tell anyone.  The Magistracy of Canopus would likely only have one chance to go to the Clan Homeworlds and there was a wish list given to her by the Magestrix for things to acquire there. 

Their recently acquired Anhur transport had landed 20 kilometers south-east in a small glade to not attract attention to their true target.  Her unit had captured multiple technicians as isorla and interrogated them to find any easy targets.  A Hellion Flurry unit was operating in the area no doubt looking for the same remote research outpost they had been told about.  Since the Great Refusal Huntress had become a free fire zone between five different clans and remnants of the Smoke Jaguars that managed to evade the 2SLDF's forces.  Her platoon had to be cautious sub-machine guns and grenades would do nothing to a Clan Elemental Point or a single Protomech.

Nearby Hellion Khan Xander Drake jumped out of an Anhur and used his Hellbat's Jump Jets to land softly on the spongy jungle floor.  The Hellbat was a new design developed to support Scorpion Seekers, it could carry a Machine Gun or Active Probe and had a built in vibro-blade that could easily be swapped out for some other useful tool, Improved Jump Thrusters gave it more mobility that standard Elemental battle armor but he wasn't going to risk leaping through this mess.  It had plenty of armor to deal with anything he encountered here and the remainder of his Command Point were outfitted in standard Hellion Elemental Armor (which removes the SRMs and some armor to replace the small laser with a cERSL).  With the Active Probe nothing would catch his unit by surprise.  A point of Donar Attack Helicopters was orbiting the area while he went down to investigate the intercepts his force had regarding where the Roc Protomech scientists were located.

Khan Drake and Commander Jol arrived at the site, initially the ARC Team had their weapons leveled against the Elementals that did the same but the commander met in the middle, there were more important things to do then waste some spheroids.  Following Clan Honor Commander Jol issued a Trial of Possession for the site allowing her to leave with as much as she could carry on the Anhur.

Sarah Jol watched as the Khan of Clan Ice Hellion who were well know for their love of speed and hand-eye coordination got out of his armor.  She figured he was an Elemental but was surprised when a fairly normal sized man walked out, he had dirty blonde hair and blue-green eyes, his skin was pale from spending so much time out of the sun.  “Aren't you a little short to be an Elemental?

Commander, I am an Ice Hellion we are kilo for kilo the best fighters in the Kerensky cluster.  I am willing to accept your challenge.  How will we decide the winner?

The MIM operative was no stranger to hand to hand but this man was a Warrior born and bred for it.  His thin tank top and shorts revealed many scars from duels with other clanners so she decided on something she knew better than he did.  “The Trial will be decided by the most exquisite test of skill in my homeland, Rock, Paper, Scissors.  I win if I beat your throws seven times and you win if you beat me five times.

The Khan couldn't hide his curiosity, he was a bad bluffer that was good, “What are the rules for this “Rock, Paper, Scissors” I will not accept a challenge using some stravag nonsense that I do not understand.

Her ARC teammates barely contained their amusement as their Commander explained the rules and allowed the Khan some practice throws, allowing him to win more than he lost.  When they called the official trial a MIM operative and Elemental were the judges.  Sarah beat the Khan and her unit was allowed first pick of the research center.  Meanwhile the Canopian Intelligence Officer continued to converse with the Khan gathering intelligence about the Home Clans along the way.  She showed him the meaning of “quickie” while the rest of her platoon was working.

The Anhur was called over and a landing zone was cleared to allow the Magistracy operatives to leave with a pair of Harpy Protos, a group of pilot trainees, four scientists, and copies of the data banks and interface modules used to create the direct interface. 

The Ice Hellions called in a C-7 Dropship (Confederate Cargo Class) to begin loading up the tooling and other necessary infrastructure to build Protomechs taking it to Hector under heavy guard from the CIH Cage's Pride, McKenna Battleship.  Rock Paper Scissors and Quickie were both rapidly added to the Hellion Clan Lexicon upon the Khan's return. 

06/17/3061 Location – MIM HQ (“Mirror Palace”), Crimson, Canopus IV

Commander Sarah Jol returned for debriefing at HQ, their captured Smoke Jaguars and their material were sent to Selene Station (A MIM Black Ops Station) in the Niops Association for investigation and reverse engineering.  Magestrix Emma Centrella and the Directors of the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry were the only ones invited to this very secure meeting.  Commander Jol went through all of her experiences and had a video documenting the Clan Elemental Phenotype's “prowess”.  All of it was very interesting but the Magestrix had to classify the video as ULTRA TOP SECRET, CMDR Jol asked why and the Magestrix responded, “Girl, if I let that video out among the other MIM Commanders I will have to fend off demands to return to the Homeworlds and bring back specimens.  We have more important things to do.”


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #36 on: 10 December 2017, 13:36:55 »
 So now we have MoC going to build Proto Mechs..........I have never been fond of Proto, the short life span of the pilots for one.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #37 on: 10 December 2017, 17:05:03 »
Hellions in the Magistracy... the mind boggles.  Good thing she didn't get a bondsman.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #38 on: 11 December 2017, 00:48:46 »
Well at least the Ice Hellions gained some intimate knowledge of the MOC.
The Khan will always remember the quickie more than Rock,Paper,scissors. }:)
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #39 on: 12 December 2017, 17:03:45 »
Once more I have to say
"Bravo, Bravo"[/b]
Well at least the Ice Hellions gained some intimate knowledge of the MOC.
The Khan will always remember the quickie more than Rock,Paper,scissors. }:)
Well he is Clan so maybe not..  it was just a quickie..  Now the other hand the Magistracy, this will well remember it when that tape leaks >:D
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #40 on: 12 December 2017, 23:58:57 »
08/18/3060 04:52 Location – Tamar Starport, Wolf OZ

The Tamar Starport was incredibly busy, Khan Vladimir Ward had returned from the Homeworlds with Materiel and Castemen from the Home-worlds, and Warriors gained from the Harvest Trials.  Brightly lit Lion, Union-C, Confederate, and Mule drop-ships were parked as close as safe, Wolf Patrol and Elemental Guards wormed their way through watching for sabotage and managing the numerous Laborers and Technicians working to unload their cargoes.  The Wolf Factors were working around the clock to find places and allocate resources to the new arrivals and nearly one million tons of Cargo, even with advance notice and planning it was a logistical nightmare.  Dozens of C-1 Dropshuttles were scattered about, their bulbous tops emerging from the permacrete like mushrooms carrying all manner of goods from the three Warships (CWS Provider, Bloody Fang, and Dire Wolf) that orbited Tamar.  Khan Ward had decided that the Inner Sphere would be more hospitable to Clan Wolf and begun preparations to transfer the whole Clan there; ready to pounce on Earth when the Truce ended.

The newest arrival was different, rather than the Crimson and Steel Grey of the Wolves this one was a White, Gold, and Blue K-1 Dropshuttle marked with the Archon's Crest.  Khan Vladimir Ward and a group of Wolves walked across the still warm permacrete and stood a safe distance from the small craft.  The Dropshuttle's bay door opened up and Archon/Star Commander Katherine walked off toward Khan Ward followed by a small entourage.  She was wearing the red leather jacket that Vlad gave her two years ago with her uniform underneath.  Her once golden hair was now streaked with copper and brass, an unfortunate side effect of her Davion parentage, and she kept it in a short ponytail.

“Welcome back to Tamar, White Wolf”

“It is good to be back among the pack, Vladimir.”  Katherine looked around at the massive star-lift operation taking place, “You have been busy while I have been away.”

“You have been away a long time.  I am sorry about your trothkin Victor Katherine.  He died gloriously but The Great Refusal should have never taken place, better to have allowed your people to properly annihilate Smoke Jaguar.”

Katherine looked Khan Ward dead in the eyes, “You didn't kill him did you?”

“I did not, his foe was Lincoln Osis, late Khan of Smoke Jaguar.  Victor could have killed him from afar but was goaded into closing and engaging him with his sword.”

“Good I might never be able to forgive you.  I was always afraid his courage would win out over his cranium.  May we get moving Khan? I only have two weeks before I am missed.”

Katherine was first forced to retake her Trial of Position to maintain Warrior status, having literally only one day as a Wolf Warrior before leaving to return to Tharkad.  She used a Stormcrow to defeat an Adder and Viper/Dragonfly being bested by a Summoner, she retained her Star Commander Rank and silenced protests that the Khan was to close with a soft freeborn whose codex was bare. Fortunately Khan Ward's critics never realized she was the Archon of the Lyran Alliance or there might have been very difficult questions asked.  She still had to settle some Trials of Grievance before they were satisfied, defeating her opponents unaugmented.  Katya demanded she be debriefed to ensure there wasn’t a sudden change of heart that might have led to hostility toward the Clan. 

Vlad took Katherine on a tour of the new construction that had taken place, the War College of Tamar was now fully repaired and older trueborn sibkos just transferred from the Homeworlds were busy on its practice grounds.  They showed great promise and the War College’s facilities were now nearly on par with those in the Home Worlds.

A new Genetic Repository was being constructed in the former University of Tamar, technicians were rapidly working to bring it online.  The first new Trueborns in the OZ would be six months away and the whole program would be in the Inner Sphere within three years, the sibkin produced now would be too young to take part in the next invasion but they would grow up in the ilClan. 

Vlad had reduced his hostility to freeborn replenishing the ranks of his Touman, having witnessed a Freeborn kill the ilKhan, Hellion Freeborns fight him to a draw, Kai Allard-Liao fight him to a draw, and one particularly lucky one becoming a Khan even if it was over the False Wolves.  The Harvest Trial warriors were young Trueborns and would have to serve as the leading edge of a new Invasion. If all went as planned perhaps the Jade Falcons would be weakened enough that he could finally get his revenge and absorb them instead of the other way around, taking Terra would not be an easy feat even with the Lyran Alliance as an ally and there was plenty of Glory to be shared.

The Star Port had been expanded, new equipment had to be manufactured in the OZ and added as most had been damaged when Clan Wolf took the planet. It needed to be ready as there were going to be large quantities of men and material flowing into it for years to come.  Khan Ward had strengthened the Wolves’ alliance to the Hell’s Horses and they would soon join Clan Wolf in leaving the Home Clans and their isolationism behind. 

The Clans’ destiny was in the Inner Sphere; they could no longer hide and wait to be destroyed by the Successor States piecemeal.  Katherine was impressed with the way things were going but the Wolves were known for planning ahead even the Crusaders.  Perhaps Vlad actually took some of Ulric Kerensky’s advice to heart and mellowed with his responsibilities as Khan while maintaining a sharp edge capable of defending the Wolves rightful place at the top.

08/23/3060 21:48 Location – Khan's Palace, Tamar

Star Commander Katherine and Khan Vlad had been expecting to spend every night together, in fact Katherine was eager for the opportunity.  She still couldn’t place what drew her to the Wolf Khan but it was heartily reciprocated, they were both equals in the partnership even if on paper they should be enemies.  Their nights together were not quite as intense as the first time, she was much more balanced now than she was after ten weeks of hell.  It was pleasant but manageable, both doubted they would have been able to walk if they could even sustain that amount of passion for two weeks.

Before turning in for the night Katherine grabbed a data-chip from her pants which were now lying on the bed.  The couple were standing intimately close to one another still reveling in each other.

“Vlad I have something for you.”

“What is on this?”

“I had the University of Tharkad and Nagelring Archivists pull up as much as they could from Aleksandr Kerensky’s time there, including some of his writings.  It’s incomplete but I want you to have it.  I added a few other things that might interest you as well including a very extensive Star League and Succession Wars historical.  I figured it would give you something to do while you are stuck on a starship between the Homeworlds and here.”

Khan Ward tentatively took the offered data-chip unaware of how to receive a gift politely and placed it into his personal Noteputer.  “Thank you Katherine, I have never received anything like this before.  I am not sure what to say.”

“You are welcome…while we are here, I have something really important that I need from you.”

“What could you possibly need from me that you cannot get in the Alliance?”

“I need a Legacy Vladimir, with my brother gone it is only a matter of time until someone moves against me.  I need someone to carry the Steiner-Davion name on for me and only you can give me that because I can’t do it anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“I cannot have children naturally anymore.  Which means that I cannot continue the dynasty and might be enough cause for my enemies to remove me as Archon.  As much as I would love to spend the rest of our days together I do not want to lose what I have worked so hard to get.  The Iron Wombs can give me a chance to protect myself.”

“You want a sibko?  The Scientists would never allow that.  It is one of the few things they can veto even the Khan on.”

“I do not need a whole sibko, just eight spots, mix them in if you have to as long as I can determine the timing. I need a few quickly though, they can be ours...  I know you only have one Steiner-Davion sample but it should be enough for your scientists to work with.”

“That is not entirely true Katherine.  I do not want you to be upset because it is a great honor but I have your brother’s DNA as well, taken from his body as it lay in state within the Wolf Enclave of Zolotaya Gora on Strana Mechdy.”

Katherine slapped Vladimir hard across his cheek, YOU WHAT!  Is THIS (pointing to her mostly nude body) just some weird science experiment for you! I’ve never felt so violated.”

Vlad grabbed her hands to avoid a slap again, no doubt that would bruise, “That’s not it at all.  I have never been so honored to be among such promising individuals, surely this is a time of destiny.  We stand poised to win one last time and begin a new Golden Century after the ilClan, whatever form it takes, reclaims humanity’s home-world.  Everything is coming together, the Clans have created a Second Star League and returned to the Inner Sphere just as it was foretold by Kerensky.”

Katherine growled as she tried to escape his grasp, “Let me go Vlad!”

“I cannot.  I have grown quite fond of you Katherine and it will pain me to see you leave next week, you are so close but so far away.  I will help get your Legacy and I want your help to get Terra or allow me to die trying so that another Wolf might, I do not even care if it is a False Wolf.  The goal I seek is Clan Wolf as the ilClan…and if possible you at my side.”

While still tense Katherine relaxed slightly and was released, “You really mean that?”

“I do”


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #41 on: 14 December 2017, 00:18:22 »
The Return of the King and St Ives War (3060-61)

Isis Marik narrowly escapes the Blackwind Lancers and is let go by First Lord Sun Tzu Liao. Heartbroken and in tears she runs away to the Palace of Summer Winds on Luthien, home to her friend Omiko Kurita, unwilling to return to Atreus after spending so much time away.  Sun-Tzu begins courting Magestrix Emma Centrellas' daughter Naomi and solidifies her realm's assistance to the Confederation.  In the process Sun-Tzu has to reposition some forces to check the now former Allied Free Worlds League.  Insurrections rage across the New Colony Region even as Magestrix Centrella and Protector Calderon plan a summit on Detroit concerning the Trinity Alliance.   

SLDF Peacekeepers occupy the St Ives Compact despite George Hasek II's protests, Yvonne as Princess-Regent refuses to allow him to launch an unauthorized action to support St Ives especially against the Star League.  As far as she, Katherine, and the Star League are concerned right now the SIMC was the aggressor.

INN Update

Precentor Martial Anastasious Focht and the rest of the Task Force has returned with heavy hearts from the Clan Homeworlds.  While news of The Great Refusal and death of Morgan Hasek-Davion was released the full casualty list had not.  When the Task Forces returned to Luthien on March 15th the sheer scale of devastation was revealed. 

General Victor Steiner-Davion perished during The Great Refusal fighting against the Jaguar Khan Lincoln Osis in single combat.  His family Archon Katherine, Princess-Regent Yvonne, and Leftenant Arthur Steiner-Davion have called for a month of mourning. Their fallen brother is be buried on Tharkad at the end of the Second Whitting Conference in November. 

His body will remain on Luthien for three months, then go to New Avalon before returning to Tharkad so that all may pay their respects to him for his noble sacrifice. 

Archon Katherine despite her succession of the Lyran Alliance has decreed that she will not condone any demonstrations that celebrate his death.  He died protecting the Inner Sphere from the Clans and is deserving of respect from even his enemies.

Second Whitting Conference

Archon Katherine Steiner-Davion has been with her fallen brother and the rest of her family since it landed on New Avalon in June on the anniversary of the Battle of Coventry. Despite what Bishop Sortek, Tancred Sandoval, or George Hasek thought; she had a right to share her grief with her brother and sister.  Her reception on New Avalon was cold and met with many protests from her critics, regularly requiring her Diplomatic Guard personnel to break up crowds so that she could pass. 

Returning to Tharkad, a pall was cast over the entire conference, there was much less enthusiasm and everyone wore black armbands to show solidarity to the sacrifice of so many.  Duchess Candace Liao's requests for intervention against the Confederation were voted down; although the 2nd Star League did vote to withdraw the Peacekeepers from the St Ives Compact and classify the issue there as an internal Liao problem rather than a foreign invasion.

The vote for new First Lord came down to Coordinator Theodore Kurita and Archon Katherine Steiner (-Davion).  Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht resigned and appointed the Commander of the Com-Guards 2nd Army Alexander Crocus in his place who voted for Kurita. 

There is no Gala celebrating the Archon's birthday this year, the Royal Ballroom instead hosted the fallen Victor Steiner-Davion dressed in his 2nd SLDF uniform with his katana.  The room always filled with mourners and an honor guard of 10th Lyran Guards, 1st Crucis Lancers, and 1st Genyosha stood in silent vigil.

11/28/3061 10:07 Location – Cathedral of the Heavenly Host, Tharkad City

The Cathedral of the Heavenly Host was built during the reign of Richard Steiner nearly 300 years ago, Modeled after the ancient Cologne Cathedral on Terra, its Gothic spires are just as majestic as the original, which still stands today even after the Amaris Crisis.  The whole edifice carries a solemn weight, its intricately carved stones having witnessed too much tragedy.  A light dusting of snow covers the ground and the guard is heavy, the LAS Yggdrasil loomed above almost visible to the naked eye, having sped across the Alliance following its launch ahead of schedule, all three Royal Guards regiments, and Polizei from across the Alliance were on high alert around the Cathedral. 

An Honor Guard of all five Successor States and COMSTAR served as Pallbearers.  A seat was left open for Peter Steiner-Davion in case he showed up for his brother's funeral but it remained empty, a solemn testament to loss.  The Church, capable of holding two thousand comfortably was packed with dignitaries from across the Star League and the service was being recorded and broadcast throughout the First Circuit courtesy of COMSTAR, at no charge to the Lyran Alliance.

Archon Katherine was to give the final eulogy and it choked her up.  The last time she had wanted to be in a church was her wedding day, nearly five years ago but it felt like ages.  She had avoided them since then, afraid her many sins might suddenly burst forth in some divine revelation; so that she might face her judgement in hell like she deserved.  Too many good, noble people had been taken instead of her, every casualty of the Clan War was more worthy then she believed herself to be and so many had fallen, or were fated to fall before it was all done. 

As she walked up to the lectern she saw Omiko Kurita weeping in her black kimono sitting next to the rest of the Kuritas.  Katherine was envious and angry at them; they knew her brother better than she did and that was wrong. 

Her eulogy was filled with praise for her brother’s deeds but only in the third person.  There were precious few first person anecdotes she could deliver and that made it even sadder, because there would never be any more.

He was gone forever

“May he rest in peace and the Inner Sphere strive to be worthy of his sacrifice”

Victor Steiner-Davion was put to rest with a 21 Gun Salute and a Broadside from the LAS Yggdrasil in orbit above, the shells streaking across the clear night sky of Tharkad like shooting stars before fading with a fiery thunderclap


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #42 on: 14 December 2017, 15:18:47 »
that really changes thngs up for sure and you really make this kat much more human then the witch in cannon. this means thier is no civil war or at least not lead by victor and i wonder how omi lives in this time line and how this will effect the black temper tamram after this and if peter comes out of hiding nay time soon.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #43 on: 16 December 2017, 13:40:39 »
This will be an Atypical update that will get filled in with POV fiction but here is the rough modified time line for the next several chapters

St Ives War (3061-62)

Star League Peacekeepers withdraw, Candace and Sun-Tzu Liao are now engaged in heavy combat.  Canopian forces bolster the CCAF while George Hasek II and Tormano Liao sponsor mercenaries and provide covert support. 

SLDF Commanding General Photon Brett-Marik provides no aid and since COMSTAR wishes to remain neutral neither does Precentor Martial Crocus.  Both are bound to abide by the Star League’s decision even if they would like to steer things in different ways neither has sufficient pull to get away with it.

Prince’s Champion Bishop Sortek covertly approves of the George’s intervention in the St Ives Wars but cannot overtly do so and contradict the Princess-Regent whom he continues to see as a puppet of her sister, Katherine.  The Princess-Regent holds to the Star League’s decision on the matter preferring to remain out of a war with the Confederation.  She does however send humanitarian aid and decontamination teams in after the Black May attacks under FedCom colors and backs Candace Liao in providing autonomy and better terms to St Ives in the Peace Accords, or else.

Capellan March Militias are put on high alert ready to be deployed for defensive purposes.  The Black May attacks occur, Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao and Prime Minister Candace Liao round up Thuggee cells before they can hit their targets, still 100,000 people die.  Kali Liao is imprisoned on Highspire by her brother after a War Crimes trial on Atreus.  Sun-Tzu sends the Warrior Houses out to deal with her cult throughout the Confederation and assigns Mask and MIM teams to round up any other chemical weapons the Thuggees might have. 

Protector Jeffery Calderon dies on Detroit and the new Protector Grover Shraplen throws Concordat Forces in on the side of the struggling CCAF and MAF, mobilizing more battalions to the Commonwealth border.  Now faced with a hostile power gathering on his border Duke Hasek has to reduce support to the SIMC.  Without Duke Hasek and Tormano Liao’s support Sun-Tzu regains control of the St Ives Compact, his Aunt Candace remains Duchess of St Ives. With both unable to gain the upper hand over each other they sign the Peace Accords in June 3063 too late to participate in the Regent’s War.

Combine-Ghost Bear War
8/19 “DCMS” Forces Attack Skye, “Lyran” Forces attack Imbros III and Yorii

9/21 1st Skye Jaegers attack Ko and the 15th Dieron Regulars in retaliation for their raid on Skye, they stay for two weeks but only take moderate damage

10/18 DCMS forces attack Draconis March planets and are repulsed by Tancred Sandoval and Arthur Steiner-Davion and the Militia and Line Regiments there.  Duke James Sandoval demands an explanation from First Lord Kurita and plots a counter attack.

10/23 First Lord Theodore Kurita annexes the Lyon's Thumb despite private protests from Archon Katherine, she puts the newly reconstituted 1st and 16th Skye Rangers on high alert fearing another bold move to abuse the First Lordship (just like Sun-Tzu did with the St Ives War).

11/19 Alshain Avengers attack Ghost Bear's capital world of Alshain

11/31 Five front line Ghost Bear Galaxies and Two second line ones attack the Draconis Combine in retaliation for the Alshain Avenger's actions, striking worlds all along the border of their Occupation Zone.  The Irece Prefecture now under the command of Clan Nova Cat "bears" the brunt of the assault while Ghost Bear opportunistically grabs up some of the former Smoke Jaguar OZ promising faster rebuilding under the Ghost Bears than DC.

12/6 Arthur Steiner-Davion “assassinated”, Black Dragon Society claims responsibility

12/22 Draconis March strikes Draconis Combine Worlds during Operation:SAND DRAGON, Duke Sandoval's initial strike goes well not realizing that the DCMS has pulled back to fight the Ghost Bears.


01/17 Isis Marik sends an HPG message to her “father” Captain-General Thomas Marik begging “papa” to help because she is scared the Ghost Bears might come to Luthien after dealing with Irece.

01/19 In an Emergency Meeting of Parliament Captain-General Thomas Marik delivers a stirring speech to rally aid for the Draconis Combine.  Summary - “If this 2nd Star League is so weak as to allow a member to fall to a clan and thus fail in it's the entire purpose.  We should be ashamed of ourselves and will have no one else to blame when the Clans come for the Free Worlds League because they won't stop until they are destroyed.”

02/17 Archon Katherine orders the new 1st and 16th Skye Rangers, 2nd Royal Guards, and 11th Lyran Regulars to retake the traditionally Lyran worlds of the Lyons Thumb as DCMS forces are withdrawn to fight Ghost Bear.  She promises aid to the Combine after her current operation is completed, Katherine allows the Marik Task Force to pass through the Alliance and use its recharge stations under watchful eyes.

02/21 First Lord Theodore Kurita activates the 2nd SLDF to fight back the Ghost Bears, the DCMS unable to fully contain the two front war it is currently fighting. Ten worlds have fallen and Clan Nova Cat is bottled up and fighting for their lives in the Irece Prefecture as the Ghost Bears refuse Zellbrigen to the abjured clan. 

03/11 Commanding General Photon Brett-Marik arrives on Luthien with two Thera Carriers and their escorts, as well as six Marik Militias before moving into the operation area.

03/17-31 Battle of Irece, CGB Ursa Major and a Naval Star engage the 2nd SLDF (FWLM and Nova Cat) Task Force, the battle is indecisive with most of the ships able to jump under their own power afterwards, Marik and Nova Cat Aerospace casualties are high.  The ground battle consists of four Ghost Bear Galaxies vs 2 Nova Cat Galaxies, 2 Marik Militias, and 2 Ghost Regiments.  It was hard fought but ultimately the Ghost Bears accept Hegira and keep only eight worlds (former Smoke Jaguar ones of little importance). 

Regents War

12/10 Prince's Champion Bishop Sortek confines Princess-Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion to Castle Davion “for her own protection.”  The Davion Brigade of Guards is put on high alert to ensure no one takes advantage of the chaotic situation.

12/17 Archon Katherine unable to reach her sister for more than a week demands answers from Prince's Champion Bishop Sortek.  He informs her that her sister doesn't want to talk to her.  Unbelieving and suspecting treachery she rallies a massive Task Force to Skye.


2/11 While still on Skye overseeing preparations for the attack on New Avalon Archon Katherine Steiner receives an HPG transmission from her sister.  She has been effectively imprisoned in Castle Davion by the Prince's Regent, Katherine demands that Bishop Sortek release her.  He claims that Yvonne is a Steiner puppet and will never allow the Federated Suns to succumb to foreign agents.  He rallies loyal patriots to reject the Commonwealth and return the Federated Suns to it's prior glory, he can't kill or remove Yvonne though or risks losing support.  Task Force:FALSE DAWN begins their trek to New Avalon, the Regency War begins with low scale skirmishes between Anti-Commonwealth and Pro-Commonwealth forces.

4/12 Katherine put flowers on her brother Victor's grave for his birthday.  Apologizes for and confesses all her misdeeds to him knowing she is about to embark on a very dangerous path.

4/17 Yvonne loyal periphery forces (including two regiments of Warrior Cabalists) take up position on Remagan under Colonel Raymond Marsin, holding until the Lyran task force is in place.  Pro-Commonwealth forces seize Kathil and Galax under the command of the Admirals in charge of the warships built there and their marines, both planets are blockaded to ensure no forces can reinforce New Avalon.  Pro-Commonwealth forces seize supply dumps to ensure the winding down St Ives War continues to wind down and George II doesn't throw in against Katherine trying to make his own play for the throne.

5/7 Katherine having taken a staggered command circuit returns to Task Force:FALSE DAWN in the Markesan system.  She delivers Yvonne's prerecorded message to the public circuit giving her the regency and demands Bishop Sortek resign and stand down.  He has until she makes it to New Avalon to comply.

6/2-19 The Regency War comes to a conclusion with the Battle of New Avalon and destruction of the Davion Brigade of Guards and death of Marshal Bishop Sortek in combat.

6/24 Katherine Steiner-Davion becomes the Archon-Princess(-Regent) of the Federated Commonwealth with an act of the FedSuns High Council and Lyran Estates General.  Former Princess-Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion becomes Grand Duchess of the new Periphery March with an understanding that if she wishes to return to her former title she may.  The planet Minette is chosen for the new March Capital and the Archon-Princess announces a broad increase in Outback development partially paid for by seized assets of those that supported Bishop Sortek.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #44 on: 16 December 2017, 17:09:58 »
8/17/3052 14:37 Location – First Prince's Office, Castle Davion

Katherine Steiner-Davion was walking to her father's office after spending the morning on the practice field for the NAIS Equestrian team.  While she was still in the process of getting her education at NAIS Victor was on New Avalon sharing his experiences from the Clan Front at NAMA, Tukayyid still being very fresh in the minds of the Inner Sphere. 

Katherine had enjoyed this rare time with her brother whom she almost never saw, both of them having been kept far apart for most of their formative years.  She was also enjoying the time spent with her brother's very handsome friend Hauptmann Galen Cox with whom she had struck up a romantic correspondence (the steamier parts of which were privately couried on bonded transports, COMSTAR didn't need to know about her love life).  Her professors had actually noticed a change in her performance and made a comment of it, which was shrugged off, some distraction wouldn't hurt her.

Victor would take a break from whatever he was doing at around 15:00 every day, then both of them would have afternoon tea/coffee together with their father discussing current affairs.  Hanse liked to play both of his older children's minds against each other and point out pros and cons to a course of action.  They would eventually run the largest interstellar empire in the Inner Sphere, he wanted to make sure both of them were prepared for the great responsibility they would bear one day, hopefully a day long in the future.

That day was unfortunately short in coming, Katherine walked into her father's office and saw him slumped in his chair.  Initially believing he was taking a nap, something that was a frequent occurrence, she quietly crept up to him.  He normally could sense she was near and would wake up to her great surprise but that didn't happen.

“Dad, Dad.  Wake up Victor is going to be here soon.” No response

Concerned, maybe he put in to many hours last night, he was normally a light sleeper.  Katherine pushed his shoulder, “Come on Dad, wake up”, she pushed harder “This isn't funny Dad, wake up!” Nothing

Panicked she grabbed the phone on his desk, “Emergency, Code Blue, Prince's Office”, Castle Davion's internal alarm system triggered and called for a medical response to the Prince's Office.  Katherine checked Hanse, he was still warm but had no pulse. Victor rushed in on her trying to perform CPR on her father quickly followed by the Castle's EMTs who took it from there. 

It was too late though, First Prince Hanse Davion had passed less than an hour ago. 

18:48 Castle Davion Infirmary

Katherine was still in shock, “If only I had been there sooner, maybe...”

Victor while also grieving had seen death before, just never this close, “Don't do that to yourself sister. He was gone when you got there...sometimes it just has to happen that way.”

“But...”, Victor put his finger to his sister's lips, “No, look Katherine I'll take it from here.  Go find Yvonne, she is missing and the castle staff is concerned.”

Their youngest sister Yvonne was only 13 and had spent nearly her entire life in Castle Davion with her father.  Hanse having a wider stable of advisers and more experience being First Prince than his wife Melissa had being Archon insisted his youngest daughter have a more stable arrangement than the middle children.  Hanse and Melissa also wanted to protect at least two of their heirs should the Clans keep attacking so Arthur and Yvonne were predominately raised in the Federated Suns far away from danger.  This unfortunately left Yvonne without a mother raised by maids and she gravitated strongly to her older sister as a result.

Katherine was still grief-stricken but Victor had given her something to focus on instead of their father's death.  She asked her little brother Arthur if he had seen Yvonne but he was still upset and hadn't seen her that day.  Peter was on Tharkad at Nagelring, Victor was dealing with other matters, her little sister had to be in the Castle somewhere but it was a big place.  Yvonne was a big fan of hide and seek, regularly finding hidden passageways that had been lost to generations of Davions, she was also small.

She started in the girl's room, which was painted rose with pictures, some self-made, of horses and sunrises (her room faced East because the staff didn't want to wake her up in the morning) on the walls.  The dresser was open and partially emptied and she had taken snacks from the Kitchen according to the staff.  Several pictures were clearly missing from Yvonne's desk and Kat opened one of the drawers to find a recently written note.  It was a raw and sad poem from a mourning daughter to her deceased father and it hit Katherine hard.

21:29 Sub-level 3D

Katherine had spent hours looking for signs of her sister, she had gone into every secret passage that she knew.  There were others but her adult body couldn't fit into them like when she was Yvonne's age.  She had to get a Class U Passcard in order to continue her search having walked through most of the public portion of the locked down Castle.  It gave her time to come to grip with her emotions but she was afraid Yvonne might have hurt herself.

In one of the many utility tunnels under Castle Davion Katherine heard a girl crying, following the noise she came to a large pipe long since abandoned in place. Katherine couldn't see around the bend or fit but spoke into it,  “Yvonne, please come out”

“I don't want to!  Just leave me alone Kat”, Katherine sat down, her back against the white concrete wall in which the pipe was anchored, gray sweatpants settling on the cold floor, “I'm not going anywhere Yvonne.”

After about twenty minutes of crying and talking, Yvonne crawled out of the pipe, her clothes were dirty and she was cold and wet.  Katherine gave her sister the sweatshirt she was wearing and they shared a long hug. 

“It will be alright Yvonne, we can get through this together, I'll always be here for you”


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #45 on: 17 December 2017, 13:28:16 »
Nicely written
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #46 on: 17 December 2017, 20:27:43 »
10/22/3065 22:33 Andrew Davion Memorial Spaceport, Avalon City, New Avalon

Archon-Princess Katherine Steiner-Davion and her daughter Morgan arrived at New Avalon at record speed.  Katherine couldn't take more than one jump per day because of her TDS, again the medicine had gotten better but it still wasn't pretty.  Morgan did not though, the Wolf Scientists having removed that particular weakness along with others during her creation on Tamar. 

It was good to be the Leader of the Federated Commonwealth and thus capable of putting together a twenty Jump-ship Command Circuit in place across the increasingly stable Chaos March, slowly the AFFC was reclaiming loose worlds lost during Guerrero, Loki and Rabid Foxes joining in to deny the Word of Blake a new Terran Hegemony. 

Her Monarch drop-ship FCS Princess of Avalon landed at the Spaceport occupied by the 19th Arcturan Guard and 4th Royal Guards.  The New Avalon Grenadiers locked down her route to Castle Davion, Dark Blue Fenrir's with Dual Grenade Launchers and Cavalier Battle Armors were holding back protesters waving signs while NAG Riot Police maintained the crowd.

“Mommy, why are those people mad?”

“Not everyone loves your Mother Morgan, some of them are unhappy about all of the things I broke last time I was here.”

“What happened?”

“I saved a Princess from a Castle”
, Morgan looked at her mother incredulous, “No you didn't”

“Oh I did Morgan, ask your Aunt about it”

12/06/3062 04:19 Location – Castle Davion, New Avalon

Princess-Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion was sleeping, she had long moved into the First Prince's apartments although she never used Hanse's Office, to many bad memories.  She was however eager to move out wishing for a change of scenery, maybe somewhere in the nicer planets of the Outback far away from all the responsibilities thrust upon her. 

When her brother Arthur completed his five years of service in the AFFC he would be First Prince and she could do something different, she just wasn't sure what that was.  She was scared for his safety hearing about the DCMS incursion but was relieved when Arthur told her he was unharmed.  Yvonne had tried to talk him into taking an assignment on New Avalon or Argyle or somewhere safer but he was adamant about staying in the Draconis March.

Yvonne was roused by one of the castle staff, who respectfully stayed out of her room though yelled into it. “Princess something terrible has happened that requires your immediate attention.”  Yvonne got up dressing quickly, if it was something terrible that required her personal attention rather than Bishop's it was bad and she was dreading it.  “What happened?”

“I'm sorry Princess, this just came in from Robinson.”  Turin pressed a data chip into her holo-viewer

Prince Arthur Steiner-Davion stands addressing the people of Robinson concerning the threats posed against them and speaking of what kind of First Prince he will be next year.  A small explosion engulfs the stage as the camera cuts out.

“What! no, not Arthur, Why?”

“I'm so sorry for your loss Princess.”

12/8/3062 Location – Castle Davion

Yvonne had taken a few days to deal with the loss of her brother.  She still couldn't believe he was gone, was still expecting a message from him in his goofy voice like old times.  It unfortunately got easier but she wanted it to feel worse.  Arthur and her were so close but she had already been to so many funerals with Steiner or Davion on the tombstone.  Yvonne didn't even have a body to bury, at least Katherine had Victor's corpse to lay to rest, all she had were memories.  She had already attended the state funeral at the Cathedral of New Avalon, her brother's death flag now was encased in the Princess-Regent's quarters.

Katherine had offered to come but Yvonne turned her away for now. She was the Princess-Regent for real now, there was no one else, and that actually made her feel worse than the loss of her brother.  Despite all the the help her sister had given her she was going to have to find a way to deal with it herself.

Intelligence Secretariat Tancred Sandoval walked into the Office of the Princess-Regent, it had once been her room as a girl but now was a fully furnished office, mostly with an eclectic group of leftovers and painted a pale green but it still had a great view of the sunrise.  Since he had been trusted as an adviser to her by Victor Yvonne had been growing more accustomed to the work of First Prince, there was no training like on the job training.  Her desk was made of Mahogany and Cherrywood, she sat behind it in a high backed chair looking very small in comparison wearing a cream and pink dress that neatly complimented her shoulder length auburn hair.

“Count Sandoval, please sit down”

“Certainly Princess, what did you want to discuss?”

“Tancred I am concerned that your father will overreact to my brother's death, he treated him just like a son and both of you were as close as brothers.  I want you to go to Robinson and make sure your father doesn't do anything rash.  I don't want to start a war with the Draconis Combine while there are so many questions left unanswered, I already have one rogue March Lord.  You will leave tonight understood?”

“Of course Princess, my agents are working diligently to answer all of these questions.  I would already have been en route to make sure we don't miss anything were it an option but I can't make the Jumpships run on my time.”

“Tancred, Please report anything you find that can be verified immediately.”

“Certainly, I'm sorry for your loss. This must hard for you, if you need anything else please ask.”

“Thank You Count Sandoval, but that will be all for now”

Count Sandoval departed the office, Yvonne triggered the room security systems, they read green, no signal would depart this cage and the door was locked.  “You may come out now Nikolai”

A false door opened on the far wall, out of sight for anyone but Yvonne, momentarily breaking the security grid but quickly closing and resetting it.  Nikolai Makari was wearing a very fashionable wool suit that complimented his handsome Slavic features looking every bit the wealthy Free Trader.  In reality he was a former Tikonov Cheka agent sent to assist Yvonne by Katherine and thus the left hand of the Princess-Regent whilst Marshal Jackson Davion was the right.  Though officially he was a trade inspector, working for one of the many faceless bureaucracies that inhabited the ministries at the base of Castle Davion, he was very multipurpose.

“Good evening Nikolai, what word do you have from our fellow travelers?”

“Good evening Princess, I'm afraid I haven't got enough sources in the Draconis March to give you a better picture.  My focus has been elsewhere as I believed your brother had it under control. 

Otherwise Sun-Tzu and Candace are close to coming to an arrangement ending the St Ives War. Duke Hasek has been forced to pull back or risk it becoming a bigger meat grinder.  I'm not sure how he will take your brother's death but he has bigger problems if Trinity and St Ives keep fighting.  He will nevertheless maintain the border and prevent Sun-Tzu from getting to adventurous especially in the Disputed Territories.”

“Nikolai I want you to go undercover with Tancred to Robinson, investigate what happened parallel him.  I would like you to keep an eye on the Sandovals for they have long coveted the Throne of New Avalon and tried to influence me and my brother to that end.  Had James a daughter no doubt she would be betrothed to Arthur, as such Tancred has attempted to seek my hand these past five years.  If you find anything verifiable that this is some Sandoval conspiracy to seize the throne...well there are other Sandovals that might be more amenable though it would be unfortunate to lose such a valuable retainer.”

“Understood Princess”


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #47 on: 17 December 2017, 23:04:57 »
She's learning...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #48 on: 19 December 2017, 00:07:23 »

The Black Dragon Society claimed responsibility for the bombing but questions still remained and dark rumors spread.  There was no body, the explosion was small, the holovid cameras had cut out frames before the explosion completed.  There were too many unknowns but nevertheless Duke Sandoval swore swift and terrible retribution for the attack.  Yvonne had sent both Tancred and Nikolai out to make sure he didn’t do anything rash but it left her with few even unreliable allies on New Avalon.

Yvonne was grateful that her sister had sent Nikolai as a seed for her own personal network.  In the few years she had worked with him they managed to build a network of “fellow travelers” and engaged in an influence operation to rally the slumbering Warrior Cabals in the Outback.  Those idiot noblemen gladly martyred themselves to make Marshal Bishop Sortek look like a bastard. 

It was a double win, he looked like every bit a warmonger but still dealt with a possible future problem especially since Battlemech production had increased dramatically over the past thirty years. After all it was the Davion Brigade of Guards (currently commanded by Bishop) that killed the Cabals the last time they made themselves known nearly a hundred years and four First Princes ago.

20:17 Princess-Regent’s Office

Yvonne was watching the rising moon after a long day of work, to many things needed to be done and even though she had once been a heavy sleeper there was scant time for sleeping in.  She normally would have retired to her apartments by now but taken to long a lunch break.  While the Ministries, whose lights were rarely off, were responsible for all the day to day she still needed to provide guidance to them.  A loud knock on the door broke her out of her concentration, no one should be here right now.

“Who is it?”

The large door opened to reveal Prince’s Champion Marshal Sortek in his Garrison Uniform followed by a squad of infantry.

“What is the meaning of this Marshal Sortek?”

“Princess, I would apologize but I believe it is the right thing to do.  Yvonne Melissa Steiner-Davion, you are under arrest for conspiring with Enemies of the State.  If you go quietly, we will allow you to remain in Castle Davion under guard, for your own protection of course.”

“What!  How dare you?”
Yvonne stood up from her chair, “I am the Princess-Regent of the Federated Commonwealth a title I did not seek but was given to me, one that I would be eager to shed in fact, and you are supposed to be my Champion.”

“I am not your Champion Princess, I would have been your brother Arthur’s but I am Victor’s Champion and a Champion for the people of the Federated Suns.  As such I believe you are far too close to the usurper Katherine Steiner and have been compromised by her malevolence.”

“What proof do you have of my sister’s supposed malevolence?  The Lyran Alliance is prosperous and strong while the Federated Suns wastes its strength on War while the Outback starves.  It would be lucky to have her as a Ruler, I am lucky to have her as a sister.  You may cover your actions with alleged justice but this is nothing more than a coup.”

“Very well Princess, off to the New Hebrides for you then”

“It shall be a short vacation then.  This will not end well for you Marshal Sortek”

“Lieutenant help the prisoner pack, she won’t be back in Castle Davion for a long time”

12/12/3062 04:39 27km NNW of Villa Azur, New Hebrides

The Rapier Destroyer NASDF Bonaparte cut through the stormy Emerald Sea, it's sleek prow easily parting the churning waves.  Yvonne Steiner-Davion had spent the past two days aboard it, fitting considering she was currently en route to her own exile.  Officially her absence was the result of the “protective measures” put in place to ensure that she was safe.  Bishop Sortek may be a fool but he didn’t have proof for his accusations or he would have made them public.  He just wanted to rule like Victor had let him before he made her Regent, to think that her brother had trusted the man so surely as to make him his Champion. 

With Arthur now gone and her allies away attempting to prevent the Draconis March from starting a war there was never a better time for a coup.  She only wondered what he told Jackson or how long he would keep her in exile until she committed “suicide”, grief-stricken at the loss of her brothers and estrangement from her beloved sister.  He may be a bloody bastard but she didn’t think he was that bloodthirsty.  Regardless she was going to have to do something, Katherine would come but she needed to make sure it was sooner rather than later.

Her quarters were spartan, formerly those of the third officer because that was the smallest independent room there was.  Fortuntely they hadn’t handcuffed her during this journey but the door was locked and guarded by a squad of unarmed but highly trained 2nd Necedah Jump Infantry.  She couldn’t overpower them and the ship was traveling in radio silence so she couldn’t make contact with Jackson or any of her friends even if she did somehow sneak out.  Having been abducted in the night she wasn't even sure where she was going but she hoped it wasn't Breaker Bay, the underwater C3 center that was one of the last fallback points for the New Avalon SDF.  There was no escape from there.

12/17/3062 Location – Skye, Lyran Alliance

Archon Katherine Steiner landed at the Inverness Military Starport in the Claymore LAS Blue Molly 7, the assault dropship was a pleasant change of pace from her Monarch.  It was sleek and deadly something she was increasingly trying to become and make her LAAF forces into. 

She was on Skye because something was going on in the Draconis Combine but the Coordinator refused to speak of it.  Expecting trouble she posted the Ygg and her escorts to Port Moseby, capable of responding to a situation within two weeks.  Even the LIC lacked answers, the Combine was a difficult place to operate and while her intelligence service could best anyone given time the ISF and O5P were equally capable when they worked together.

Being on Skye also put her closer to New Avalon, while her sister insisted she was all right after the death of their brother Arthur she hadn’t spoken to her in more than a week despite sending many messages.  Normally Yvonne would respond within a day or two, something was wrong she just didn’t know what.  To that end she sent messages to Jackson Davion, as well as Ardan and Bishop Sortek, they could not deny that she speak to her sister even if it was through proper diplomatic channels.

Returning to the Villa where she was staying she checked her inbound messages on the house’s console.  Jackson replied that her sister was fine just under protective measures for her safety.  Ardan had not seen her of late but sent his condolences for the loss of Arthur. 

Bishop on the other hand said that Yvonne refused to speak with her.  Suddenly her pattern recognition kicked in, the secret to keeping an operation undercover is to make sure everyone is on the same page.  Yvonne would never refuse to speak with her and with Bishop Sortek as Prince’s Champion he was the second in charge of the Federated Commonwealth.  That meant that he had done something to her.

She sent a message to her General of the Armies Maria Esteban on Tharkad

“Green Light Operation FALSE DAWN”


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #49 on: 19 December 2017, 01:13:02 »
I thought better of Ardan...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #50 on: 21 December 2017, 02:32:05 »
01/19/3063 09:27 Location – Parliament, Atreus, Free Worlds League

The League Parliament Building is a massive structure, it’s Neo-Gothic brightly polished chrome pillars were covered in purple eagle banners.  All the Representatives were in town for the annual session and Atreus was bright and busy with the Affairs of State.  Two days ago Thomas “Marik” had received an urgent message from his “daughter” Isis currently staying on Luthien, officially as a representative. Unofficially she had spent such a long time away from home that she didn’t wish to return after Sun-Tzu Liao tried to kill her and sent her away, a move that Thomas found reprehensible despite the fact that the young woman wasn’t really his daughter.  Nevertheless he had spent the past two days digesting it and figuring out what he should do.  The League had a long tradition of not getting involved in other nation-states business but some things needed to change in this new world.

As he walked along the hallways leading to the Hall of Lords itself, he could just order what he wanted but chose this time to make a statement.  He wanted to rally all the League together in order to ensure the Second Star League wasn’t just paper, the Free Worlds League had grown too powerful to be content with dealing with itself.

“Fellow Citizens of the Free Worlds League, I come bearing grave news this day.  I have received a message from my daughter on Luthien informing me that Clan Ghost Bear has launched a large and fearsome strike against the Draconis Combine. 

My daughter fears that they will not stop and will instead restart the invasion and take Luthien either by force of arms or orbital bombardment.  At the same time the military adventurists of the Federated Commonwealth have attacked the other side of the Combine.  She has implored me personally for aid against the Clans and I am willing to offer it.”

Prince Kirc Cameron-Jones shouts out, “What should we care for the Dragon?  You would have us send our military to fight their wars.” Other MPs nod and mumble in agreement

“You know that I may deploy the FWLM at my pleasure Duke Cameron-Jones whenever I deem it necessary to respond to a crisis.  What I really want is to know how deep Parliament’s commitment to the Whitting Accords is?  If our faith in this Second Star League is so weak as to allow a member to fall under a clan then it has failed its purpose. 

You may not believe in it but I do. I strongly believe that the Free Worlds League must step up in order to be recognized as the power we truly are.  No longer shall we face ridicule from the other Successor States over our divisions.  We must instead look to our strengths, our freedoms, and our own people. 

When the Clans come to Atreus or Tamarind or Regulus, who shall we call upon to aid us?

The Capellans? 
The Canopians? 
The Commonwealth? 

There is no doubt that the Clans have designs beyond Terra, they seek to enslave the whole of the Inner Sphere.  I shudder to think of Clan Warriors using the Lyran or Combine’s war machines, factories, and resources to give them the strength they need to accomplish this goal.  We saw what they did to the DCMS and AFFC in the initial wave, these were the best armies in the Inner Sphere. The FWLM hasn’t fought a real war in a generation.  We won’t stand a chance against such a juggernaut alone.

Then there is the chance that others come to reinforce them?  You have all seen the intelligence reports of the Homeworld Clan's strength, if they see weakness the whole of them will strike anew, Truce of Tukayyid or Great Refusal be damned.  The only thing that holds them back now is their own sense of honor but honor is such a fickle thing.   

We must strike them now!  We sell the Draconis Combine weapons, time for us to have courage enough to put men behind them.  If we do not then our sons and daughters should be afraid of the Clans for we have failed them.”

02/15/3063 Location – Hanger 517, New Glasgow Military Reservation, Skye

Archon Katherine Steiner had seen the press reports from Atreus and Luthien apparently the Dragon stirred the Bears up into a frenzy and Duke Sandoval started a fight with the Draconis Combine.  Her own task force was almost completely ready to act, all 15 Regiments of the Jaeger Brigade, 5th, 6th, and 7th Donegal Guards, 3rd Royal Guards, and another three regiments of mercenaries from Galatea and Outreach were beginning their trek across the Chaos March.  The Jaegers were already ahead in the Chaos March, she had sent them forward with the Yggdrasil and its escorts to Tikonov to establish supply depots there in the event this turned into a longer war.  Thus far she was impressed with the tenacity of the new officers, they would serve her LAAF well in the future, time for their true baptism of fire.

She was ecstatic that Yvonne was still alive and unharmed as of four days ago; she knew sending Nikolai there would pay off.  Bishop Sortek had isolated her in the middle of the New Hebrides, very clever such a position would be difficult to find and potentially assault.  Her LIC operatives already in position were spreading propaganda and provoking demonstrations that Yvonne and the Privy Council oust Bishop though it was very difficult for anyone not a First Prince to dismiss a Prince’s Champion, in fact it was unheard of, another byzantine mess of the FedSuns Succession Law.  The good news was that her influence agents had the Admiralty on her side, sometimes all it takes is a budget line to sway someone. 

Nikolai was working his magic in the periphery to give her another force to fight the Davion Guards Brigade.  She wasn’t too picky when it came to that they were mostly support for the LAAF units.  No matter how many forces she had the Guards are the crack elite of the AFFC and they’d be on their home turf.  They knew almost every aspect of the New Avalon Self-Defense Force and she knew this was going to be one hell of a fight if they all stayed loyal to their commander.

As she was walking along the tarmac to the hanger in front of her one of her aides ran towards her with a noteputer.

“Archon, message from Commanding General Photon Brett-Marik”

“Play it”

“Archon Steiner, I am informing you that we are sending a large task force of FWLM Warships and Jumpships through your territory.  We are here to stop the Ghost Bears and not cause problems.  The FWLM and DCMS would both appreciate any aid you might be able to offer.”

“Sophie please send this response / You may utilize the recharging stations at no cost but I regrettable cannot provide any other aid to you at this time.  I shall of course consider the Coordinator’s requests once the current situation has passed as a good member of The Star League.  End dictation

Additionally please inform Admiral Moretti that a large Marik force is coming through and I want them carefully escorted through Alliance Space to ensure there are no problems, also inform Marshal Regis that CRYSTAL CHAPEL is approved and may launch immediately.”

“Right away Archon”

She never through she’d see the day that the Free Worlds League did anything good for the Inner Sphere.  Not that she though saving the Dragon was a good thing, they had long since run out of good faith in her mind despite Theodore's attempts.

She passed the Union-X “Avalanche” that was to be her ride to New Avalon, It was a magnificent vessel only slightly larger than the long used Union transport and it was serial number 003, the Shipil Yards here rushed to fulfill demands from the Jaeger regiments for a better combined arms transport.  She had even told Duke DeGrange that if it performed well, it might even become the new production standard in the Alliance Military with a commiserate bonus of course. 

This would be it's first full combat operation but she trusted the Lyran Military-Industrial Complex to deliver results and they had never failed her yet. Walking into the reinforced hanger she saw the fruits of their effort, eight mechs stood painted in White and Blue marked with a distinctive crest of a White Wolf howling against Dark Blue Background.

An Uziel Prime (2 PPC, TAG, 2 SSRM2), 2 Hollander IIs (40t, GR, 3 ERML), 2 Falconers, a Cobra II (45t 6/9, CASE, 2 LRM15, 2 ERML), Thanatos 5S (ERLL, LRM15, 2 ERML, MPL, GECM), and Barghest 2T.  Within the same hanger were a pair of Rapier 300s and Lightning G15Fs and 20 suits of Fenrir Mark II Armor (10 points of armor, improved sensors, still heavy payload) as well as their operators. {META - Conveniently a Clan Trinary}

The hanger door was secured by one of the battle armor operators, a smallish darker skinned man that would not be out of place in any Lyran Armor company.  Another that fit right in with the Skye Islanders came forward, “The White Wolves of Tamar await your command, Star Captain”

Katherine smiled remembering something about Wolves using Lyran war machines to take over the Inner Sphere in Captain-General Marik's speech to parliament.  The Wolves were on the hunt and they would take over the Inner Sphere one Successor State at a time.

Starting with New Avalon


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #51 on: 21 December 2017, 09:16:03 »
Very nicely done, Vlad has style.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #52 on: 24 December 2017, 13:33:31 »
Archon's (Secret) Order #5731002

As Archon, I authorize the Lyran Intelligence Corps to found a shell company utilizing state funds to commercialize Clan technology.  Additionally, I authorize the immediate reconditioning of the Kwongjong-Ni Diplass Technologies factory (VCU# 4896-8763), commissioning of eight Ballard Cargo Submersibles from Tatyana Transoceanic, and their transfer to Clan Wolf in exchange for a 20% cut of the factory's production.


Signed Katherine Morgan Steiner-Davion, 4 April 3059

LAAF Procurement Priorities Fiscal Year 3061-3064

Norse-Storm and Blackstone – End procurement of Norse-Storm's Hunchbacks, authorize funds to retool for Indigo chassis and subsystems.  80% of Blackstone's Thunderbolts will be purchased by the LAAF, half will be sent to the Indigo Group for refits, 20% may be sold on bid.

Coventry Metal Works
End all Blitzkrieg, Hollander, Scarabus, and Vulcan production, the LAAF will no longer purchase them. 
Scarabus tooling will be sold to Solaris Champion Foundry. 
Increase Hollander II volume by 37%, Firestarter FS9-H by 12%, Copper by 33%
Transfer of Battle Hawk from Defiance to Coventry
Phoenix Hawk PHX-3S by 21%, Black Hawk KU by 18%, Dart 4S by 35%
Accelerate deployment of Stiletto STO-4B production model. 
Export Omni 175s to the Combine for Panther PNT-10LAG production. 
All Hunchback lines to retool according to Indigo Type II specs and volume transferred to them for refits. 
TharHes is to purchase Magna 350XL engines at 5% premium for Barghest and Falconer production.

TharHes – Increase total Fenris Mark II volume by 20%, double training staff, Increase Falconer runs by 25%, Barghest by 15%, transfer 30% of the Crusaders to the Indigo Group for refits.  Retool Sloth line on Eutin to Fenris Mark II.

Accelerate Uziel Omni development, expect prototype by end of FY3061, mainline production by FY3064
Increase Cobra order by 17%

Axeman, Hatchetman, and Berserker tooling and rights to be sold to Solaris Champion Foundry.
Volume transferred to license built Wolf Trap WFT-2Ss (LB10X, SRM6, 2ML), open ended contract
Mothball tooling of the Patton and Rommel tanks as well as the Sentinel and Assassin Battlemechs

Increase Archer production with the spare 280s, LAAF will increase it's order 8%
Sell the 260s to TharHes, Earthworks, and Blackstone
Use the 240s from the discontinued Vulcan (Coventry) and Sentinel to increase Manticore Type II (PPC, LRM15, SRM6, Ferro), Demolisher Type II (AC20, LB20X, 6 tons ammo, Ferro), and Schreck Type II (2 PPC, RAC/2 with 2 tons ammo, Ferro) tank numbers, open ended procurement

StarCorps Son Hoa– Increase Warhammer production, the LAAF will increase order volume by 13% priority supply from extra Defiance 280s

Shipil Shipyards
Accelerate Union-X development

Bowie Industries
Increase Hercules/H2 production by 5%
Marauder volume increase 8%, transfer excess to Indigo Group for refits


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #53 on: 24 December 2017, 15:39:49 »
I may have missed something, but who is the Indigo Group?
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #54 on: 24 December 2017, 16:01:37 »
Indigo is the code name of the Shell company she just ordered


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #55 on: 26 December 2017, 10:57:27 »
10/27/3065 10:38 Location – Castle Davion, New Avalon

Grand Duchess Yvonne Melissa Steiner-Davion arrived from Minette, the new Periphery March Capital, aboard her drop-ship, the Intruder-DG FCS Outback Renegade.  Rather than taking the ground route she arrived with a squad of Redtail VTOLs (Hawk Moth on a Yellow Jacket Chassis, fusion engine) bearing the insignia of the 1st Outback Legion HCT.  Archon-Princess Katherine, Morgan, other close friends, and ground crew from the New Avalon Grenadiers stood nearby as the choppers set down outside Castle Davion. The dust was minimal considering it was a verdant field but the wind was tremendous before the thirty ton helicopter's blades finally came to a stop.

The lead chopper's canopy opened up and Yvonne hopped out followed by her co-pilot, she looked almost comical dressed in the tan coveralls of the Outback Legion with a Hauptmann chevron and the Ducal Crest of Minette.  As the Grand Duchess of the Periphery March, she was responsible for almost everything spinward in the Federated Suns including portions of the Draconis and Capellan Marchs.  Most importantly she was not a Regent any longer, Katherine stacked her advisory board heavily, and had given her an ample budget with the goal to bring the Outback up to the standard of the Golden Worlds. 

She removed her helmet showing her auburn hair and let it down from it's bun. “Hello Katherine, it's been so long”

“I am happy to meet you on much better circumstances than last time I came to New Avalon sister.  I was surprised when you said you wanted to be an Air Cavalry officer but am impressed.  Our brothers would have been so proud to see what a fine women you've become.”

Yvonne passed her helmet to one of the ground crew and gave her sister a hug.  The rest of the flight went off to their barracks as Yvonne went back for her bag.  The rest of her stuff would follow eventually.  “Now who it this young lady?”

“This is Morgan, my daughter”
, Katherine pushed her forward a bit, Morgan having hidden behind her while the helicopters were landing.

Yvonne was stunned, the look on her face something between curiosity and shock, “You have a daughter? When? Who?”

“She is adopted but it is a long story. Say hi to your aunt Morgan”

Morgan stepped forward to the stricken Yvonne who knelt down looking at the young lady, “Hello Aunt Yvonne.  Can I fly in your helicopter someday?”

“Maybe when you are bigger.  Hello...Niece”

“We should get going you two, I'm sure the Grand Duchess has many things to discuss.  And Morgan you need to work on your Halloween costume.”

11/17/3065 11:19 Location – Castle Davion, New Avalon

Grand Duchess Yvonne and Archon-Princess Katherine Steiner-Davion sat in one of the many parlors of Castle Davion.  Both were dealing with the after-effects of Katherine's birthday gala last night and into the early morning.  They both were having an early lunch there were too many duties they needed to perform to have more than a few hours together most weeks.

"Katherine it has been a pleasure spending this time with you while you are on New Avalon as part of the Accords.  I truly don't envy the job, I am much happier on Minette than I ever was on New Avalon as Regent."

"Thank you sister, when you leave in February I will be crushed.  After everything we had to do to get together, it pains me ever time we part."

"You have been avoiding something big though.  Who is Morgan?  I want to know, she looks just like you."

"As I said before Yvonne, she is my adopted daughter that I kept secret to protect her.  I don't want to keep her separate anymore, I just feel terrible for her when I am away even if I leave her in the best of hands.  Mom and Dad kept us separated for our own protection but we all know how that ended up.  I want a better childhood for her where she can be a kid before she has to be a Princess.  Dad said we were all children of destiny and his greatest gifts to the Inner Sphere, too much pressure on a young person don't you think?."

"Where did you get her though?"

"Her mother is a clan orphan, I don't know about the father.  The Lyran Commonwealth is filled with sad and wretched children Yvonne, it's terrible.  I set up a Trust in Galen's name to resettle displaced people from the Clan Occupation Zones. I wish every night that we could have had a second chance, he just wanted to build a legacy of good deeds, peace in the Inner Sphere and all that, but forces beyond my control keep it in Chaos and cruelly took him from me."

"Speak of Chaos Katherine, I need you help.  The Outback is under attack but I don't know who we are fighting.  They hit and fade so fast it's not like any Pirates anyone has ever seen before.  They call themselves "Liquid Rage" and I don't know if I can fight them off alone."

The Outback Legion
1st HCT Minette “Duchess' Guard”
2nd HCT “Bloody” June
3rd HCT Woodbine “Wastelanders”
4th LCT “Feral” Filtvelt
5th LCT  Firgrove “Outriders”
6th LCT Chirkof “Crusaders”
7th LCT Anjin Muerto “Men at Arms”
8th LCT Kilbourne “Champions”
9th LCT Tsamma “Terror”
10th LCT Point Barrow “Bastards”
11th LCT Remagen “Rogues”
12th LCT Perdition “Rangers”
14th LCT Islamabad “Messengers of Shiva”


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #56 on: 28 December 2017, 00:41:24 »
Clan Ghost Bear has run roughshod over the ill-prepared Nova Cats and Draconis Combine, Seven Galaxies of their Touman have rampaged all the way to Irece. The Ghost Bear’s Delta, Sigma, Rho, and Tau Galaxies along with the CGB Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, White Fang, White Claw, Ursus, and two Valkyrie Clusters stand poised to take the Nova Cat’s Capital World.  The Alpha and Beta Galaxies of Clan Nova Cat as well as portions of the 4th Arkab Legion and 1st Light Amphigean Assault Group bolstered by the 6th, 15th, and 23rd Marik Militia and FWLS Sardis and Santorini with their escorts standing opposed to them. 

The remaining DCMS and Nova Cat Warships have taken heavy damage from Ghost Bear strikes and their commands are in a state of disarray with most units reinforcing Luthien and its nearby worlds while Nova Cats were raiding occupied worlds to give themselves as many advantages as possible until the DCMS and SLDF can turn the tide.

03/14/3063 Location – FWLS Sardis en Route to Irece

SLDF Commanding General Photon Brett-Marik paced around the holo-display in the Sardis’ Combat Information Center, his gray 2nd SLDF uniform had purple epaulets where five 3d stars were mounted.  He had spent the entire trip coming to terms with what was about to happen. This was going to be a historic battle regardless of outcome.  Not only had the FWLM sent out it's first expedition ever but it was on an immense scale whose outcome would ripple throughout the Inner Sphere. 

He pulled his hand through his raven black hair, there were so many inbound contacts.  The Sixth, Fifteenth, and Twenty-Third Marik Militia would reach the planet two days before the Ghost Bears but the Warship fleets of the FWLM and Ghost Bear matched velocities and would arrive at the same time.  Khan West had prepared the battlefield knowing this would happen as much as he could.

While the FLWM and Nova Cats had some of the largest collections of Aerospace fighters in their respective peer groups this still wouldn't be easy.  The fact that both Thera Carriers were here was stunning testament to that reality.  Photon hoped his Uncle's trust in him was warranted because no one had deployed that many Aerospace and Warship assets since the First Succession War.  His were large boots to fill; his predecessor Victor Steiner-Davion was a legendary figure that had led the SLDF against the Homeworlds and died in the process.  While he had never know the man he knew him to be a honorable man even if he was half Elsie. 

What a twist of fate that the next joint Star League operation was led by the Free Worlds League to save a Clan not kill one.  Based on his current situation reports they seemed to fight similarly enough to the FLWM and since they already had integrated portions of their clan into the 2nd SLDF he knew that it was possible for them to work together and thus stop this incursion cold.  He certainly didn't want Clan Warships orbiting Tamarind better to fight them far away but on friendly territory.

His Adjutant Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Kunti entered the CIC,

“General Marik, here is the latest force reports according to the Ghost Bear Galaxy Commanders.”

“Thank You Colonel, Any word via the HPG”

“Afraid not Sir, I think this is our operation to win or lose.  The ComGuards have deployed to Luthien, the Commonwealth is fighting on the other side of the Combine, the Elsies have reoccupied several worlds in the Lyons Thumb but I'm sure you didn't expect Katherine to come to our aid.  Sunshine is still dealing with his family drama, only the Eagle stands with the Cats and Dragons.”

“What a strange world we live in Colonel”

“Ay Sir, I will get back to the battle plan we are drafting with Nova Cats and DCMS forces on planet.”

“Thank you Colonel, I will review these and then join you”

General Marik looked over the reports, “How the hell did we get ourselves into this situation?”

11/22/3062 Ghost Bear Hall, Alshain, Ghost Bear Dominion

What was once the Prefecture Capital of the Alshain Military District has been re purposed by Clan Ghost Bear.  Fortunately most of the worlds still retained enough Rasalhague flavor that the Bear's didn't need to engage in heavy demolition to remodel portions of it into what they needed.  Beneath the White and Red Stone Prefecture Capital is a a bunker equipped with all manner of holo-projectors within which every Ghost Bear Galaxy Commander and Khan was gathered from Alpha to Zeta including the Valkyries and the Warship Captains who joined from across the Dominion via HPG.

Delta Galaxy Commander Roberto Snuka was the first to speak, “Fellow Ghost Bears we must make a strong statement now that the Draconis Combine has attacked our Capital.  While you Khan Jorgensson have received a message from the Coordinator claiming it was an unsanctioned attack.  We all know the perfidy that these spheroids engage in.  Surely you will not let such a bold attack go unchallenged lest we suffer from more “unsanctioned” raids in the future.”

Khan Jorgensson wasn't in the mood for this Neo-Crusader nonsense but at the same time there were plenty of Ghost Bears that would see him as weak for allowing Alshain to be attacked without retribution.  Even now Ghost Bear Mechwarriors were cleaning up the few remaining Avengers on planet and technicians were salvaging components from the remains of DCS Dragon's Last Tear.  “We will not Galaxy Commander Snuka, the Ghost Bears did not start this fight but we will send a message to the Inner Sphere that we are not to be trifled with.  In time they will come to realize that we are here forever the Dominion is our Den and the Ghost Bears protect their Den.  Make sure they remember that Galaxy Commander.”

David CGB

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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #57 on: 28 December 2017, 23:05:26 »

  “We will not Galaxy Commander Snuka, the Ghost Bears did not start this fight but we will send a message to the Inner Sphere that we are not to be trifled with.  In time they will come to realize that we are here forever the Dominion is our Den and the Ghost Bears protect their Den.  Make sure they remember that Galaxy Commander.”
agreed, much better response then in cannon
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)


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Re: My AU, Katherine, White Wolf of Ragnarok
« Reply #59 on: 31 December 2017, 22:54:08 »
03/17/3063 14:39 Location – FWLM Sardis Combat Information Center, Irece

Admiral Fontini looked over the battle-space linked in real time with the Aerospace Operations Center about 200 meters away from him no less than four several armored bulkheads.  Non-essential portions of the Thera Carrier were depressurized and the whole crew was wearing their armored spacesuits, purple and gold uniforms awaited damage control orders as the Flight Crews launched the battle group.  Even this room was armored as heavily as a battlemech, unlike the clans FWLM Warships didn't have exposed bridges; no need for Flag Officers to look out at nothing.  Rear Admiral Dubravka came in on the comms “Admiral the Ghost Bears have begun their approach to Irece.  All of our battle groups are en route to attack the Warships and provide air cover against those Valkyries.  The Nova Cats' Aerospace Force is launching from their bases as well.”

“Thank You Admiral”, The Admiral as commander of this space battle grabbed the handset and keyed in on the whole Battle Groups' encrypted comm channel, “All Formations this is Admiral Fontini. As you all know the Inner Sphere is watching us, lets give these Ghost Bears hell; watch your six, and fly the Eagle proud.”

With that 320 Marik Aerospace fighters aided by 14 AWACS/EW Small Craft and 60 Nova Cat Fighters launched against 380 Ghost Bear Fighters.  The FWLM Sardis and Santorini as well as their Eagle Frigate Escorts and their attached Avenger Assault Dropships were positioned in a sphere of flak and the Ghost Bear Naval Star did the same with their Carriers, gathering around the CGB Ursa Major Battleship as it began powering up its' heavy Anti-Warship weaponry, the two Theras did the same.  Admiral Fontini saw purple contacts ooze across the distance to engage the Ghost Bear's escort fighters.  “Go get em boys”

Star Commander Svend breathed easily as his Batu Omnifighter raced between dogfights with the Marik fighter squadrons, his point-mate located nine low and doing the same.  His Point was homing in on one of the Marik EM-597 ("Ghostbird") Small Craft that was jamming this portion of the attack area.  He ably dodged a portion of an Eagle Aerofighter which had been torn asunder by the massive auto-cannons of a Ghost Bear Xerxes, the wreck was leaking coolant and molecular hydrogen into the vast emptiness of space joined by so many others, Eagle, Bear, and Cat alike. 

Warships threw out vast clouds of flak at nearby fighters and Capital scale lasers and Gauss slugs traversed the distance annihilating anything in their path.  The middle was filled with one of the largest Aerospace battle in the history of the Inner Sphere.  Even in the vast emptiness of space Irece's planetary perimeter was filled with hyper-sonic death. 

Svend neared his prey and locked on with his Pulse Lasers, coherent light drilled into the armor of the small craft as he took three shots from a laser mount on the spherical craft, melting armor off his wings.  Before banking off he TAGged it for an incoming Arrow 4 flight unleashed from a point of Jengiz fighters.  The six missiles followed the targeting beam and blasted the Marik craft, massive impact holes damaged critical systems and shut down the primary reactor.  Emergency retrorockets attempted to arrest it's velocity for S&R purposes blowing pieces of purple Ferro-Aluminium armor into the Batu's canopy's armor shroud but Svend kept flying on, there were more targets to seek.

Lieutenant, S.G. Sona Svoboda vectored her F-92 Stingray fighter through the crowd, her RADAR flight assist allowing her to avoid debris that could damage her Aerospace fighter as it searched for another target.  Her wing-man had been lost fighting a Jagatai so she had paired up with a reinforced squadron of Rievers, Eagles, and Lancers aiming to take out one of the many Carrier drop-ships that formed a sphere of death around the Ghost Bear Warships. 

Carrier Valkyrie 10-6 loomed large in their HUDs and had apparently called in their battle group to scatter the Marik fighter craft even as it's gunners attempted to deal with the incoming threat.  The Riever pilots were loaded down with rocket pods and thus mostly helpless in a dogfight.  “Flight Green-63 to local support we are making a run on 10-6, clear the space around us, we can take that carrier down in this pass.”  The other fighters vectored out to attack the Kirghiz and Sabutai fighters that were forming up for an attack run on the dropship hunters. 

LTSG Svoboda jammed the stick into a tight roll, her G-suit barely preventing her from blacking out as she shot her airframe's weapons into the thrusters of a Kirghiz throwing the craft into a spiral as the intact unit flared up and spiraled out of her immediate target sight.  She compensated and melted armor on the dorsal body and the gees ripped the port side wing off the heavy fighter.  Green-63 fired off their 400 rockets, heavy auto-cannons, and other missiles into the Clan Carrier.  The missiles blossomed into silent orange explosions which buckled armor plates and ripped the fuselage of the vehicle to pieces.  The Carrier's Harjel system attempted to seal the holes but a pass from the remaining fighters wrecked the drop-ship which lost power and continued on it's course dead.  She looked over her Airframe's status, she was close to bingo fuel and adjusted heading, back to the Santorini for repairs and rearming.
“Red-26 to Santorini, I am returning to the carrier” 

“Affirmative, Red-26 take out a few Ghost Bears on the way back if you don't mind.” 

“Roger Santorini”   

37km NW of New Barcella, Fire Base Aerie

Commanding General Photon Brett-Marik sat in his Orion Battlemech at Firebase Alpha-25 with the Third Battalion of the 23rd Marik Militia outside Barcella Beta's Factory along with the 88th Striker Trinary.  Photon looked over the down-link from the Nova Cat's signals stations, the Ghost Bears were pushing hard but the Nova Cats fought like lions to protect their new Capital.  The Marik Militias while mostly composed of Green troops were steeled fighting alongside them and giving a good showing of themselves against the battle hardened clanners. 

While he couldn't see the battle raging overhead he could see Admiral Fontini's reports, they were already at 20% casualties but were holding back the Ghost Bears with manageable damage to the Theras and their escort ships.  He didn't expect that battle to last much longer, someone would have to give up eventually and the Theras were tough.

Something showed up on his mech's sensor feed, two Trinaries of Ghost Bears were approaching fast, “Laser-Four to all friendlies in Grid 13-93 Two Trigs approaching fast, get ready for them”  Force Commander Nicole Wang's Lance of Awesomes took up firing positions in the shallow river that girded the Beta facility.  The 88th Striker's mechs formed up ready to take the fight to the Ghost Bears.  General Marik sealed his cockpit's armored cowling, momentarily darkening the interior before he put on his helmet and powered his Orion up to combat power, the external sensor feeds projected a picture of his surroundings onto the neurohelmet's display. 

“Laser Four to all Friendlies, engage at will”

