Author Topic: BattleTech Long Island II  (Read 174759 times)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #480 on: 07 May 2019, 01:21:53 »
hey gang

hope you're all doing well

bloody Beito, 2nd marine div and lvt2's, that porkchop.  As opposed to porkchop hill in korea.

umm... anyone know what variant of hatamoto the angel of death is? or who drives it?

and the bar conversation between the 2 bounty hunters... that was in my restaurant, was I present when that occurred? might want to attempt convo with the bounty hunters.

I'd also like to know if we can get a sensor read on the bounty hunter mechs so we know what we might be dealing with protecting grandmother

As for my response force to help the Arkab Harid (also, is it Arkab or Arkad? have seen it posted both ways now and don't want to spell it wrong)... the mostly repaired owens and the avatar... although I saw nothing about a ride for my guys...

and shadhawk, finally sent the rest of my answers... but they don't show up in my outbox, for some reason... please let me know if you didn't get them and I will try again

« Last Edit: 07 May 2019, 01:32:37 by Crash99c »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #481 on: 07 May 2019, 01:46:16 »
It's Arkab Harib

I forgot to add: NO DROPSHIP FOR YOU! You have to walk :D
« Last Edit: 07 May 2019, 16:57:30 by ogremage »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #482 on: 07 May 2019, 10:41:00 »
hey gang

umm... anyone know what variant of hatamoto the angel of death is? or who drives it?

it is in the post  ^-^

and the bar conversation between the 2 bounty hunters... that was in my restaurant, was I present when that occurred? might want to attempt convo with the bounty hunters.

yes they were in your restaurant. as for a confab not so much as they both have things to do. what your staff may have picked up now that is something different.  >:D

I'd also like to know if we can get a sensor read on the bounty hunter mechs so we know what we might be dealing with protecting grandmother

do you want to mess around the customs area with bounty hunters 'Mechs?

As for my response force to help the Arkab Harid (also, is it Arkab or Arkad? have seen it posted both ways now and don't want to spell it wrong)... the mostly repaired owens and the avatar... although I saw nothing about a ride for my guys...

your unit is the first on the DS. you are not as far from the space port as the others so a quick hop to the DS is no big thing.

and shadhawk, finally sent the rest of my answers... but they don't show up in my outbox, for some reason... please let me know if you didn't get them and I will try again


got them  :thumbsup:


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #483 on: 07 May 2019, 10:43:21 »
Eagle’s Tears

Why are you here?
The governor gave us a good contract, and is much more trustworthy than your average employer, the location is far enough from the FWL that we don't have to worry as much about shooting at folks we used to work with and the job of protecting citizens from bandits is very rewarding.

Why was your unit picked?
You'd have to ask the governor about that; I'd like to think that she saw our capabilities and found them to be ideal for what she was looking for.

Rate of pay for unit?
I'm sorry, I cannot discuss contract details.

Are you planning on extending your unit contract?
Depending on the governor being satisfied with our work and asking us to renew, yes, we feel that as long as the majority of the population sees us as friendlies instead of an occupying force then this is a good world to continue working on.  That being said, it all depends on whether or not the governor is happy with our service and whether or not we get offered any contract that fits our needs better.  At this time, the unit preference is to remain here if asked.

Can we have access to battle footage?
That is up to the Governor; I see no reason not to release segments that do not contain classified information, but that decision must remain the Governor's.  Any BattleROMs released would be done so through the Governor's office, not directly from the Eagle's Tears

History of unit? and Unit, personnel bonafides?
The majority of us are from the 13th Marik militia; When the WoB began to take things over in our home we saw the handwriting on the wall and decided that we would not remain in a service where we would most likely have ended up shooting at fellow FWL soldiers.  Most of our families went through that at the turn of the century, and don't want to be part of that again.  We were originally formed as an Op-For unit for the Knights of the Inner Sphere to practice against C3 formations; as such, we were picked personnel from throughout the FWL military so that they could get the best training possible. 
          I still have many contacts and friends within the Knights, as do many others in our unit.  Our decision to leave the FWL military was not an easy one and we mostly still feel as if we are Free Worlders first.  The name "The Eagle's Tears" stands for our continuing links to the FWL philosophy and love for our home, and yet the loss we feel at having to leave because of conditions there.  That being said, our departure was amicable and the Knights and the Captain General were helpful when we formed our unit.  They even offered us a contract, but as I said before, the reason we left was to make sure we would not be part of any FWL vs FWL fighting, so that was not a good fit. And even though we are not Knights ourselves, we see our unit as protectors of the innocent very much in tune with the philosophy of the Knights.  That is why this contract was such a good fit.  It was impossible to turn down a chance to protect the citizens of this world from outside depredations.

Are you answerable to our military code of conduct?
Within our unit, the FWL UCMJ (universal code of military justice, for those of you unfamiliar with the acronym) is the law and philosophy we follow, along with the ideal of protecting innocents.  I have not seen any conflict between this and the DCMS Code of Conduct, nor do I expect to.  If however, some conflict occurs between these two codes, I will discuss the ramifications with the Governor and her liaison officer and legal staff to determine the correct course of action at that point to adhere to the spirit of the code and protect the people of this world as best we can.

Who do you report to, what is your chain of command, operational orders, guidelines?
We report to the Governor through our assigned liaison officer; the broad scope of our orders are to protect the populace. 
For anything more detailed, I refer you to the Governor's office for that information.

How did you feel entering the Hilo Power Plant?
Infuriated that we couldn't get there in time to save the work crew

Impressions, thoughts, theories about what happened there?
It looked like a professionally planned attack.  We are still trying to find out exactly who was responsible, and fully intend to bring them to justice.

How did you capture Caesar?
The Eagle's Tears were not present at the engagement in which Caesar was captured, we were at the alternate predicted drop point for Caesar's forces to protect that location from him in the event he chose to strike there.  We extend full congratulations to the units present at his capture, and the excellent work they did to bring the notorious pirate to justice.

How did it feel to capture Caesar?
As I stated before, we were not actually a direct part of the operation in which Caesar was captured;  we are proud to be associated with the units responsible however. It is good to have been a part of the larger plan to protect this world from his depredations.

What are the objectives of the GSF?
The protection of the people of this world.

Do you work with the GSF, How do you work with the GSF?
It is my understanding that we are considered an ancillary unit of the GSF and as such, work with the rest of the GSF under a very well understood set of conditions.   As with any group of units with different operational methods and styles, there are always rough spots when such units attempt to integrate into a larger force.  Time and hard work have significantly reduced those issues;  we hope to complete efforts to resolve integration issues in the near future.

Tell us about your reaction to the protests?
We are glad to be on a world where people have the freedom to speak out with things they are dissatisfied with.  That being said, we are saddened that our actions and purpose have been so misunderstood by the people who are protesting against us.  We also wonder if those protests might be the result of agitation by groups who do not wish for the Governor to be successful in protecting this world from harm.  Personally, I would ask that the people with concerns speak with their elected officials in hopes that any concerns might be quickly resolved rather than hold protests which have the possibility of resulting in violence.

Do you really have Clan personnel working in the GSF, how does that happen, are they in combat with the GSF, did they have anything to do with what happened at Hilo General Hospital?
I believe that there are clan bondsmen in some of the other GSF units, although not in the Eagle's Tears.  As with any bondsman, it happens when a clan warrior or tech is captured in battle and the opponents think that he or she is honorable and capable enough to be allowed to serve in their unit.  It is my understanding that clan warriors consider this to be a significant honor; they will do everything within their power to bring success to those who make them their bondsman and will go to great lengths to avoid dishonoring the person or unit that holds their bond.  To my knowledge, as long as they are provided with the information necessary to prevent any misunderstandings bondsmen are invariably a great asset to those they serve. 
In regards to the incident at the hospital, no-one in my unit was present at the time so I have no first hand knowledge of the situation.  Therefore I would refer you to those who do for an answer to that question.  However, I do feel it is not a good idea to assign blame without proof, so I would suggest that you not act as if a bondsman was responsible until you have proof that they were.  I am a firm believer in the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" because I have seen many occasions where a good person has had their life ruined by false accusations.  Whoever is responsible, I am certain that Hilo's law enforcement agencies are working hard to bring that criminal to justice.

Many people have objections to the GSF, what is your reaction?
As with any new thing, change makes people nervous.  Misunderstandings occur and people get upset.  They have every right to voice their concerns as citizens of this world.  If they did not have that right, or felt that they were at risk if they voiced their concerns, this would be a police state and I for one would not be willing to serve a government that did not allow that voice.  The fact that the Governor does allow such freedom of speech is a major reason we found the contract here to be a good one for our unit.
My personal feeling is that if the people who dislike us are willing to spend the time to find out the facts about our mission and get to know us as people, instead of considering us a force to be opposed they will find that we are doing our best to give them a chance to live without the fear of military aggression against this world and learn to accept us as such.

What is your opinion of the Kokuryu-kai?
Have you ever heard the term fascist?  More of the same by a different name.  The best interest of the people of this world are not even remotely a concern to such people; all they wish for is power for themselves, and they are willing to say anything and promise anything to get that power.  I would think twice about believing that they will even pretend to keep their word once they HAVE power.

Are they behind actives on planet?
Remember what I said earlier about "innocent until proven guilty"?  The Governor can provide a better answer to that question once the facts have been established.  If they are proven to be behind any of the unrest or violence here and the Eagle's Tears are asked to bring them to justice we will do so.

What are your plans to react to the rise in pirate actions?
Our plan is to prevent pirates from harming this world to the best of our ability.

What do you know about what is happening in the Combine?
Unfortunately, we don't know any more than the general population here on that subject;  we've all seen the same HPG messages for public dissemination and deplore the horrible violence and waste of human life that has occurred. 

What are your thoughts / opinion about Outreach?
I've lost friends in that Atrocity.  I fear that this is only the beginning of a horrible new wave of violence without any constraints at the hands of zealots who care nothing of how many they kill or how many worlds they lay waste as long as they get their way.  These people are the same ones who created the conditions in the FWL that led to the formation of our unit and our departure from that part of the inner sphere.  My worst fear is that they will bring their destructive, controlling ways here to this world.  If they do, our unit will do everything in our power to prevent such a disaster; we're through trying to live and let live with regards to such monsters.

How is your restaurant doing?
     I'm glad we've moved on to a more amenable subject.  Have you tried us out yet yourself?  We're doing quite well and are humbled by the wonderful response we're getting from those who have given us their patronage.  We've even had a few requests to discuss franchises in other cities and establishing an air race series based upon the race we sponsored for the festival, but those discussions are still in early stages as of yet.  What do you and your audiences think of those ideas?

If I might add a few things before we conclude this interview...  I would like to ask that anyone who does have information which might help in reducing unrest or preventing any attacks on fellow citizens provide that information to the Governor's Office or local law enforcement so that she and they may take appropriate action to prevent such incidents from occurring.

Also, we are always looking to hire new personnel, anyone interested please contact our offices to set up an appointment to find out if our unit is a good fit for you.

The Eagle's Tears as a unit wishes to thank the Governor and the population of this wonderful world for the opportunity to serve them.
Anyway, I hope these answers have given you and your audience a better understanding of our unit and our hopes and goals for the betterment of life for all here on this world.  Anytime you have more questions for any of us in the Eagle's Tears, please contact us and we will be happy to answer them to the best of our ability.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #484 on: 07 May 2019, 15:22:35 »
I would've talked up the menu so more. ;)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #485 on: 08 May 2019, 12:03:04 »
hey gang -

Jim, talking up the menu (aka boasting about ones-self) is not a thing to do in combine society.  Asking if one has eaten there is sufficient; once they've had a taste they'll be hooked  :brew: :beer: :thumbsup:

Ogre, thanks about clearing up the name issue.  as for the mechs walking... if they have to walk, they won't be there to help you savkepoo :runaway: - you sure you want that? besides, when did you start channeling the soup Nazi? :laughing_skull:

Shadhawk - couple of things... 1) missed the bit about the pilot being unknown... but still don't see a variant described in either of the posts discussing the hatamoto... just says it's pearl white, moves smoothly, belongs to the isf and is hard to detect.  Closest I can come up with is the 28tr or the chi shin, neither of which seems right... is there a variant I don't know about from the books?

2)  okay, restaurant staff meeting and security tapes reviewed to see what info can be gleaned with regards to the bounty hunters :fine_print:

3)  was kinda hoping the GOVERNOR'S customs people could do the scan and forward the info... they can do so, it is within the rights of customs officers to search for contraband.   C:-)  It would help if it comes down to fighting them.

4)  glad to hear I've got a ride  :wheelchair:  Still, wish my Wolvie were up and running already, this is the 3rd mission it would have been great for if still mobile but can't be used.  Ah well, such is the result of inattention by the techs

look forward to seeing all on the 26th
« Last Edit: 08 May 2019, 12:08:06 by Crash99c »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #486 on: 08 May 2019, 14:13:41 »

Shadhawk - couple of things... 1) missed the bit about the pilot being unknown... but still don't see a variant described in either of the posts discussing the hatamoto... just says it's pearl white, moves smoothly, belongs to the isf and is hard to detect.  Closest I can come up with is the 28tr or the chi shin, neither of which seems right... is there a variant I don't know about from the books?

No see that is the problem. Any that for shot at by this one is not around to tell about it.

2)  okay, restaurant staff meeting and security tapes reviewed to see what info can be gleaned with regards to the bounty hunters :fine_print:

Something for a face to face

3)  was kinda hoping the GOVERNOR'S customs people could do the scan and forward the info... they can do so, it is within the rights of customs officers to search for contraband.   C:-)  It would help if it comes down to fighting them.

Yes the have scanned them. Time is why the crew does not know what they are.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #487 on: 09 May 2019, 22:10:21 »
When Charles shows up on the 26th someone do a DNA check to make sure it's really him and not an imposter named Thomas. :D
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #488 on: 10 May 2019, 21:29:18 »
Billboards on the main road to the Mushashi Estate ask why a family loyal to the Dragon would work with Sell Swords.

Sorry for the delay on this response, I was unclear on a couple of things, and forgot to post this in a timely fashion.

Days after the billboards go up on the road to the Musashi estate asking that question, and after Miyamoto's sports car is towed back to the estate following a single car accident in which it went off the road and struck a barrier, billboards inquire what manner of person would anonymously ask a question of honor on a billboard?  The billboards are there as long as the first billboards remain with that message.
« Last Edit: 10 May 2019, 21:34:19 by ObnoxiousTwerp »


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #489 on: 11 May 2019, 09:58:50 »
Sorry for the delay on this response, I was unclear on a couple of things, and forgot to post this in a timely fashion.

Days after the billboards go up on the road to the Musashi estate asking that question, and after Miyamoto's sports car is towed back to the estate following a single car accident in which it went off the road and struck a barrier, billboards inquire what manner of person would anonymously ask a question of honor on a billboard?  The billboards are there as long as the first billboards remain with that message.

The battle of the billboards  :thumbsup:

Next up burma shave  :D ;D ::)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #490 on: 11 May 2019, 13:27:04 »
 :lol: :lol: :clap: :wheelchair:
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #491 on: 11 May 2019, 15:33:56 »
Yes, well, between outraged grandchildren (Miyamoto wanting heads and Shiro just wanting to blow up the billboards, or fight them directly), and Bully being amused by the original billboards, Grandmother DID feel she needed to respond appropriately. (You know, for Grandmother...)


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #492 on: 11 May 2019, 16:31:58 »
I have an absolutely crazy and novel idea. If the weather is appropriate why don't we play outside the next time I come down. All demo team member limitations aside, there is NOTHING from CGL restricting us from doing so. We move a table or set up a "table" outside grimm in 1(ONE) parking stall, marking it off with "police line", warning signs that say "MINEN"(MINES in German). Better  exposure for piquing interest for new and old players. Lessens overstimulation for those of us who are likely to combust. 8)
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #493 on: 12 May 2019, 15:45:04 »
Taking up a parking spot may anger the other businesses and put Brothers Grimm in a bad position.  For our purposes, getting a table in the main room might be a better bet.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #494 on: 12 May 2019, 17:52:02 »
Personally I think I am the only non vampire in the group. :D  :fine_print:
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #495 on: 13 May 2019, 08:58:50 »
I have an absolutely crazy and novel idea. If the weather is appropriate why don't we play outside the next time I come down. All demo team member limitations aside, there is NOTHING from CGL restricting us from doing so. We move a table or set up a "table" outside grimm in 1(ONE) parking stall, marking it off with "police line", warning signs that say "MINEN"(MINES in German). Better  exposure for piquing interest for new and old players. Lessens overstimulation for those of us who are likely to combust. 8)

I understand they why but the only to do this would be out the back side of the store and that does not work. also mother nature what are her plans for said day  ::)

Taking up a parking spot may anger the other businesses and put Brothers Grimm in a bad position.  For our purposes, getting a table in the main room might be a better bet.

main reason why it would not work out.

Personally I think I am the only non vampire in the group. :D  :fine_print:

as the one that works 2nd shift don't pick on the night ones .... we are just different  >:D


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #496 on: 13 May 2019, 09:04:15 »
showing up all over Nejiro


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #497 on: 13 May 2019, 15:24:34 »
It looks like the crowd is extending their arms in a Nazi salute.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #498 on: 13 May 2019, 17:58:37 »
It looks like the crowd is extending their arms in a Nazi salute.

An just reaching for their peace of Blake  >:D


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #499 on: 14 May 2019, 16:23:06 »
An just reaching for their peace of Blake  >:D

They're giving out pieces of Blake?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #500 on: 14 May 2019, 17:03:15 »
They're giving out pieces of Blake?

Yup. With frosting and coffee


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #501 on: 19 May 2019, 22:03:27 »

ComStar AP News Service

[Majors] "I'm here on the grounds of the former Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht's winter home, located in the Free Rasalhague Republic on the planet Orestes. We arrived in-system only a day ago and were met by the Combine delegation, which had arrived only a few hours before us. With Precentor Martial Victor Steiner-Davion, his sister- and FedSuns Regent- Yvonne Steiner-Davion, Duke Tancred Sandoval of the Draconis March, and now the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine and his heir, nearly all the leaders who gathered for the fateful Whitting Conference last month are now gathering for a new summit.
"It is New Year's Eve here on Orestes, but as we speak, the mood is anything but festive. In the house behind me, one can only imagine the weight of the conversation, as the rulers of half the Inner Sphere discuss recent developments on Tharkad and beyond."
[Camera moves to the left and zooms in on a mansion half hidden behind large cypress trees and a Partisan AA tank. Majors continues in voice over]
[Majors] "Communication with several worlds in the Chaos March have been lost. Of greater concern, in addition to the continued loss of contact with the Lyran capital and our leadership, are the scattered reports of civil unrest on Luthien."
[Camera pans back to Majors]
[Majors] "So the question on everyone's mind is, are these events isolated incidents? Or part of a grand conspiracy to neutralize the Great Houses? Is the Captain-General involved in some way? We know he met with Victor and the others on the 'Invisible Truth' behind closed doors just before they left the Tharkad System, but he did not accompany them here to Orestes. While they deliberate, we wait. Hopefully they can make sense of the rumors and reports and help the citizens of the Inner Sphere sleep better at night with their actions and decisions."
"This is Derek Majors, reporting from Orestes For TBC News, 31 December 3067.



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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #502 on: 20 May 2019, 18:57:44 »

From: Colonel Euron Greyjoy, Ironborn on Nejiro
To: Victarion Greyjoy, Alannah Harlaw, Tyr Blacktyde, currently on Wei; Tristan Botley, currently on Zion

Cc: Recent News, Developments and Solutions

     As I'm sure you and the other family heads have noticed, matters in your part of the Inner Sphere are becoming more and more dangerous.  The failure of the Third Whitting Conference, the destruction of Outreach, the loss of communications with several worlds of the Chaos March and the actions of the Word of Blake here on Nejiro and elsewhere have brought me to the determination that it is no longer safe for the families where they are now.  Therefore, I am requesting that you conduct an exodus of sorts here to Nejiro.  Over the course of our tenure here, I have acquired new 'Mechs and vehicles to rebuild our military forces as well as opened a successful business to provide us with a non-military action oriented income.  I am prepared to wire whatever finances are required to acquire the needed transport for all of you so we can reunite everyone here on Nejiro.  I will await your response, though I know communications may be disrupted between here and Wei.  Please respond as quickly as you can in such a case.  We have a chance at a new life here, and I intend to take it.

What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger!



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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #503 on: 20 May 2019, 19:01:29 »
OOG: Anthony, send me the amount of the bill of the above message so I can pay it on the next game session.



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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #504 on: 20 May 2019, 19:34:30 »
What is the date in-universe?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #505 on: 21 May 2019, 02:39:46 »
yesterday :D
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #506 on: 21 May 2019, 04:15:07 »
What is the date in-universe?

Current campaign date is 3068/2/15


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #507 on: 21 May 2019, 10:36:17 »
OOG: Anthony, send me the amount of the bill of the above message so I can pay it on the next game session.


are you covering the cost both ways?

have you seen the interview questions I sent by PM?


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #508 on: 21 May 2019, 15:15:36 »
Current campaign date is 3068/2/15
Thank you.


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Re: BattleTech Long Island II
« Reply #509 on: 21 May 2019, 15:17:51 »

From: Colonel Euron Greyjoy, Ironborn on Nejiro
To: Victarion Greyjoy, Alannah Harlaw, Tyr Blacktyde, currently on Wei; Tristan Botley, currently on Zion

Cc: Recent News, Developments and Solutions

     As I'm sure you and the other family heads have noticed, matters in your part of the Inner Sphere are becoming more and more dangerous.  The failure of the Third Whitting Conference, the destruction of Outreach, the loss of communications with several worlds of the Chaos March and the actions of the Word of Blake here on Nejiro and elsewhere have brought me to the determination that it is no longer safe for the families where they are now.  Therefore, I am requesting that you conduct an exodus of sorts here to Nejiro.  Over the course of our tenure here, I have acquired new 'Mechs and vehicles to rebuild our military forces as well as opened a successful business to provide us with a non-military action oriented income.  I am prepared to wire whatever finances are required to acquire the needed transport for all of you so we can reunite everyone here on Nejiro.  I will await your response, though I know communications may be disrupted between here and Wei.  Please respond as quickly as you can in such a case.  We have a chance at a new life here, and I intend to take it.

What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger!

Have you seen the Battletech wiki entry on Wei?  That may affect your timetable.