So, if you get the Automated Reply after using the "Contact Us" form, does that then tell the System that they've Responded to us about our problem, so that they don't need to have an actual HUMAN reply to us about it? ??? Placed an order on 24 November, still have no Response from any Human about it. I've used the "Contact Us" form TWICE, and got the Automated Reply each time, then nothing else. xp I've emailed them once, and got nothing at all in response. (Yes, I used the "" address.)
Had an issue with a SR E-Novella last year, eventually got help from someone at their FB CGL Page. That however was for a digital item, and I doubt the same guy could help with a Physical item. :(
I Love the Company, and I KNOW that the people (Brent, Loren, Randall, Ray, etc) ALL care about the games they make. But Loren SERIOUSLY needs to get someone working in their Customer Service Department. :-\