If Legacy is anything to go by I think that the possibility of fiction focusing on small units is unlikely going forward.
Yeah, have to wonder how you got that idea . . . we saw none of the regular story units in the book (WD, GDL, KH, DBoG, etc), were introduced to several small bands that likely went bust which was part of the reason the machine passed into other hands. Throw on that we got the KH starter trilogy, the new box sets have fiction for Carlyle's Commandos which was small unit, even the new novellas one had the early POV character being a small merc command.
AnchorDan, we are told quite often the specific scenario books are not great for business- either in overall sales, velocity, or both. Honestly, if you want something along those lines, you might look down in the fan fiction section b/c plenty of fans by what I saw will create and then share. Right now, as a outsider, it seems the business plan is to wrap up the promised era (Dark Ages) and re-order the product line to keep the basics in print- Box Set, TW/BMM, and core TROs like the new TRO Succession Wars & impending TRO Clan Invasion. With that they can keep product on the shelf for folks to get started and from there they can where they want.