Author Topic: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Discussion, Vol. 1  (Read 178961 times)


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1170 on: 18 July 2019, 11:47:28 »
Still curious how they're going to handle adding in 650+ new characters from people that backed star colonel and above. This reward was my primary reason for backing at galaxy commander so I want to make sure it's worth it.

I think that they'll try to fit as many on to the Alpha Strike Pilot Cards as they can.

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1171 on: 18 July 2019, 11:50:45 »
I'm also curious if we can make small suggestions for said character. Nothing elaborate, just pick our faction and/or BattleMech that the character pilots.

It may be a bit out there, but with all these awesome dice options coming out, I wouldn't mind seeing SLDF/Periphery, including Rim Worlds, dice thrown into the mix.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1172 on: 18 July 2019, 11:53:08 »
So, being mostly interested in the IS resculpts (I already have the two current sets), I'm trying to figure out the best way to get the 5 lance packs without totally breaking the bank... I really wish that there was a Company Commander tier after Star Captain.  Basically an $80 tier that lets you pick 4 Lance box's or something like that and qualifies for extras.

Easiest way would be to pick up what you need, and then pick up the rest from a store or online.

I would assume most/all of these packs would be available outside the kickstarter and, that being the case, it does a lot to ease my own finances.

So many little cash

That means first priority on add ons should go to exclusive stuff such as the challenge coins. Stuff like the maps, neoprene maps, museum scale mechs, faction kits, dice sets, map tubes and so on aren't marked as exclusive so I would assume.....ASSUME....and hope they'd be available outside the Kickstarter.

I know I want as much as I can get but just the challenge coins alone would $200+ for a full set.

Then there are the two dice bags, the leatherbound book, and the other exclusives. I assume the daggerstar is free, but I hope they'd have an add on, or maybe even a personalisation option depicting a Clan.

And, of course, further options and stretch goals

"So let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the King of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom, and you're telling me you're completely sane?" -- Uncle Arnie


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1173 on: 18 July 2019, 11:53:27 »
without the character art tier, i think you'll end up as either a filler character in a story or a name on a roster. it's probably going to take years for the ~200 of those they're on the hook for before the $200 add-on

I'm worried it's going to be a side bar saying something like, " and the following soldiers all took part in the battle...." followed by a list of names. 

I think that they'll try to fit as many on to the Alpha Strike Pilot Cards as they can.

That would be much cooler than being in a block of names. Personally hoping for being in a book though. Notable pilot in a TRO would be awesome.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1174 on: 18 July 2019, 11:56:11 »
Bloody hell, they're 10k short of 600k. O_O the problem I fear is that with any more stretch goals, assuming there are any, they might be stretching themselves a bit too far. There's gonna be hundreds of pics to do, as well as the designs and the like. We know Mr Scroggins has done the 3050 invasion era Clan Mechs, and we know he's working on the last of the classic NuSeen and others. But by adding more strectch goals its more to produce and more work for a fairly limited number of folks.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1175 on: 18 July 2019, 12:01:10 »
Bloody hell, they're 10k short of 600k. O_O the problem I fear is that with any more stretch goals, assuming there are any, they might be stretching themselves a bit too far. There's gonna be hundreds of pics to do, as well as the designs and the like. We know Mr Scroggins has done the 3050 invasion era Clan Mechs, and we know he's working on the last of the classic NuSeen and others. But by adding more strectch goals its more to produce and more work for a fairly limited number of folks.

Totally agree. I wish CGL/BattleTech all the success in the world, but at some point you wonder about sustainability and delivering a good product!


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1176 on: 18 July 2019, 12:02:00 »
I'm worried it's going to be a side bar saying something like, " and the following soldiers all took part in the battle...." followed by a list of names. 

your worry is probably justified because i doubt it can be reasonably executed in a time period not measured in years any other way. all the $300 tier promises is that you'll name a character that will appear in fiction or a sourcebook. if one reads that as anything more than the briefest of cameos based on the quantity they have to deal with, one will probably be disappointed with the result. The pilot card gives some hope for more substantial placement, but there are only going to be so many of those

Bloody hell, they're 10k short of 600k. O_O the problem I fear is that with any more stretch goals, assuming there are any, they might be stretching themselves a bit too far. There's gonna be hundreds of pics to do, as well as the designs and the like. We know Mr Scroggins has done the 3050 invasion era Clan Mechs, and we know he's working on the last of the classic NuSeen and others. But by adding more strectch goals its more to produce and more work for a fairly limited number of folks.

I had the same thought about $250,000 ago   xp

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1177 on: 18 July 2019, 12:02:52 »
So, being mostly interested in the IS resculpts (I already have the two current sets), I'm trying to figure out the best way to get the 5 lance packs without totally breaking the bank... I really wish that there was a Company Commander tier after Star Captain.  Basically an $80 tier that lets you pick 4 Lance box's or something like that and qualifies for extras.

You can take the 1$ pledge and add the lances you want as add-ons.


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1178 on: 18 July 2019, 12:03:21 »
Bloody hell, they're 10k short of 600k. O_O the problem I fear is that with any more stretch goals, assuming there are any, they might be stretching themselves a bit too far. There's gonna be hundreds of pics to do, as well as the designs and the like. We know Mr Scroggins has done the 3050 invasion era Clan Mechs, and we know he's working on the last of the classic NuSeen and others. But by adding more strectch goals its more to produce and more work for a fairly limited number of folks.

Yeah, they set themselves a very dense set of stretch goals on the way to the first half-million.

We just have to trust that CGL did all the planning up front so the numbers to line up when it's time for production to start.


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1179 on: 18 July 2019, 12:05:32 »
watching the stretch goals pile up makes me think of a street performer spinning plates. the more money people put in his hat, the more plates he spins. the crowd is wildly impressed by all the plates, but slowly becomes morbidly curious as to how he plans to keep them all going

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1180 on: 18 July 2019, 12:10:41 »
Well, to me, those stretch goals all seems to have been though before the KS, so they must have taken into account what each would represent workwise. (hopefully!  :P)


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1181 on: 18 July 2019, 12:14:15 »
Still curious how they're going to handle adding in 650+ new characters from people that backed star colonel and above. This reward was my primary reason for backing at galaxy commander so I want to make sure it's worth it.

Star Colonels get a canon character.
Based on past efforts, I would assume you'd pick a name and it'd be mentioned....somewhere.

You'd be a Mechwarrior in Genetic Unit A, or a passerby suddenly asked for his opinion on the latest match in S7. Maybe you'd be the father of current hero Hero McHeroic or his best friend  or her mentor or an ancestor.

Or a pet poodle.

Galaxy Commanders are likely to be more involved. They get a character name and MechWarrior custom art meaning we are possibly looking at the next batch of pilot cards....and (possibly) a more involved backstory for a few. Others would probably see their likeness crop up in art, with just a nameplate and no text.

Not quite "generic citizen A" but close.

We also have Hope and Glory IV...the "new channel" to honour the backers...and Hope and Glory I, II and III which will see characters needed for a short story, novella and novel so lots of potential there as well.

Now, personally I'd be happy with a short bio somewhere and I know players don't need to see my ugly mug but there does seem to be a fair few options, but I suspect only a few will be "meaningful" and most of those would be for the Khan's.

"So let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the King of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom, and you're telling me you're completely sane?" -- Uncle Arnie


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1182 on: 18 July 2019, 12:16:04 »
Yeah, they set themselves a very dense set of stretch goals on the way to the first half-million.

We just have to trust that CGL did all the planning up front so the numbers to line up when it's time for production to start.

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1183 on: 18 July 2019, 12:16:11 »
I'm also curious if we can make small suggestions for said character. Nothing elaborate, just pick our faction and/or BattleMech that the character pilots.

It may be a bit out there, but with all these awesome dice options coming out, I wouldn't mind seeing SLDF/Periphery, including Rim Worlds, dice thrown into the mix.

It would be a nice touch, but a bit unrealistic. I don't think it'd be something they can guarantee.

It might be a nice option to have...push a name, faction, era and a short bio and if it can be accommodated, then they might see what they can do.

But with almost 200 GCs and Khan's at just Day 2, even that would be unrealistic. I know I'd like the option of doing so, but I suspect it would be wasted effort. Fun but wasted.
« Last Edit: 18 July 2019, 12:25:33 by Talen5000 »
"So let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the King of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom, and you're telling me you're completely sane?" -- Uncle Arnie


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1184 on: 18 July 2019, 12:16:37 »
Dealing with all the vendors to pull everything together is not unlike Bruce lee fighting an army of Kung fu warriors while also watching your sister’s cats. A plan will make that easier but it’s still a question of how many times, not if,  you’re going to get punched in the face

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1185 on: 18 July 2019, 12:17:42 »
It would be a nice touch, but a bit unrealistic. I don't think it'd be something they can guarantee.
which is what makes me kinda glad i didn't have the budget for that option.. as cool as it would be to canonize my HBS Battletech character, the agent of clan wolverine. :)


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1186 on: 18 July 2019, 12:19:05 »
I talked myself into the +warrior art tier so y’all definitely are getting all of this ugly in your face.

I do not apologize

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Interviewer: Since you’ve stopped making art, how do you spend your time?
Paul Chan Breathers: Oh, I’m a breather. I’m a respirateur. Isn’t that enough?

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1187 on: 18 July 2019, 12:21:10 »
a break down of fiction would be . . .

August-  Proliferation Cycle, 6 stories
Dec 2019-  Founding of the Clans I & maybe II?
2020-  Founding of the Clans III
TBD/August?-  1 Hour goal short story
TBD-  Honor & Glory I, II, III featuring backer characters in short stories
TBD-  H&G IV serial featuring backer character

So . . . FotC III has a opening for you to be named since from what I can find it was never written, the short story goal, while H&G I/II/III/IV will feature a backer as the POV character, there is a good chance for them to be sprinkled in.  I would say if you have a female name, its more likely to be included sooner.

I wonder what sort of bid they would get for  . . . "Be the character whose mech 'accidentally' steps on Malvina Hazen after she ejects from her Shrike."

marauder 648, if you notice the only things promised to be delivered in 2020 is some of the early stretch goals- for instance if you selected the Clan Command Star Box, Inner Sphere Command Lance Box (with Salvage Box), and did a Add-On of the Support Star . . . the Command boxes are going to be what is slated to be pushed out March 2020.  The Support Star along with any other mech boxes from the 210k stretch onward do not seem to be in the same state of readiness and so they might not be available to be shipped when the Invasion Expansion Box, Command Lance/Star, Battle Lance, Striker Star and Elemental Star.

Cubby, more Salvage Box questions . . . is it just Clan or is it also IS?  Will they be from the Invasion Box, Battle Lance & Striker Star if its just from the Clan mechs?

Stretch Goals
I think they are reasonably well thought out, nothing to me is offered outside their wheelhouse EXCEPT maybe the the Tac Case.  So its not like they are offering us faction specific beer steins as a add on, its all either variations of what they currently do (fiction, maps, sourcebooks), what they arrange for Cons (dice, coins, t-shirts), or what they have vendor relationships for (IWM for metal figs, the coin/dice guys).  We already have 'in dev' line art from Scroggins, and authors pinned down on certain bits of fiction so IMO they were already lined up before hand.  I think Spring 2020 for delivery of the 200k & under goals is probably them being conservative . . . and yeah, I may have to wait a bit longer than that for my Support Star box but it will be worth it.
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1188 on: 18 July 2019, 12:25:17 »
Indeed, there's lots of time, a year + :) And yeah if we have to wait, then we wait.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1189 on: 18 July 2019, 12:35:13 »
It would be a nice touch, but a bit unrealistic. I don't think it'd be something they can guarantee.

It might be a nice option to have...push a name, faction, era and a short bio and if it can be accommodated, then they might see what they can do.

But with almost 200 GCs and Khan's at just Day 2, even that would be unrealistic. I know I'd like the option of doing so, but I suspect it would be wasted effort. Fun but wasted.

Oh, I know. It's wishful thinking on my part, but one can dream :)
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1190 on: 18 July 2019, 12:38:04 »
Nearing $600,000... :D :D :D :thumbsup:
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1191 on: 18 July 2019, 12:39:52 »
So for the salvage box mechs, they specify that they are omnimechs, but will the mechs they are picked from be limited to the first couple of sets (So availible early, but fairly limited in types), or every omnimech in the star sets so far (So availible late and entire selection enters roulette) ?


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1192 on: 18 July 2019, 12:41:19 »
I wouldn't mind seeing the Retaliation add-on as its own retail package. Would save money for those of us that only want the minis and save GoAC for the new players.

This. I want one AGoAC box set for the maps, but after that, I just want more minis. I don't need the rest of the stuff.

Yup, folks in my area are telling our FLGS about this and asking if they are getting involved- I want to know so I can plot my add-ons and see about pre-ordering through the FLGS so they know the plastics will sell if they go in.  I still think CGL should let the fans know what stores took the Merchant option so we can appreciate them, I have stopped in at several stores that supported BT during my travels.

I love how much is out there, and I think its going to be set to nicely stock the shelves with the basic era stuff for a while- especially if its set like the Beginners & GoAC to be  self-sustaining.

I know that if I controlled the finances here at work, you can bet your sweet bippy I would have backed this one as a retailer.

However, we got burned by the DUST Tactics Kickstarter, and the boss said, "Never again."
But as soon as SKUs show up on my Distributors' sites, I can guarantee you that pre-orders are going in immediately.


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1193 on: 18 July 2019, 12:42:27 »
One thing that occurs to me as a possible stretch goal is adding faction dice and challenge coins for Comstar, the FRR, and the SIC.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1194 on: 18 July 2019, 12:42:54 »
I won’t mind all the lance/star picks being spread out. Extra packages delivered throughout the year rather than all at once. And more time to paint them all (he says as he looks at the pile of unpainted minis from various games)


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1195 on: 18 July 2019, 12:46:49 »
I won’t mind all the lance/star picks being spread out. Extra packages delivered throughout the year rather than all at once. And more time to paint them all (he says as he looks at the pile of unpainted minis from various games)

This is horrifically more expensive to ship than one box.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1196 on: 18 July 2019, 12:50:51 »
$600k damn we rock


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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1197 on: 18 July 2019, 12:51:03 »
Boom! 600k stretch goal reached. Man, this is something to watch. I'm amazed.
"The Ghost Bears are one big, happy family. I am the crazy, fun loving aunt." - Star Captain Peri Rand.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1198 on: 18 July 2019, 12:52:41 »
Ladies and gentlemen...and battletech players...that's a Longbow.  As well as Great House challenge coin/dice.
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Re: BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!
« Reply #1199 on: 18 July 2019, 12:54:21 »
Ladies and gentlemen...and battletech players...that's a Longbow.  As well as Great House challenge coin/dice.

Marik dice, Marik challenge coin, Marik faction pack... So. Much. Purple.  :drool: