Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141229 times)

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #810 on: 12 January 2020, 10:25:48 »
*hands Tex a beer*
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #811 on: 12 January 2020, 10:46:45 »
She's also aware that the powers of the Inner Sphere are really, really experienced at making wholesale slaughter-the very thing Nick's rules of warfare were meant to prevent, and they have a history of doing so, especially when united, and finally, the last game changer, is that the Star League has been reformed.  a mutant, evil, dark star league from her perspective, but it means infighting and mutual suspicion aren't going to be working to the advantage of the Clans when, not if, this new Star League, with thousands more factories and a vastly superior population base to send, come knocking with attack ships that can be on top of your bases or capitals before the detection grids even hint they're on the way.

And when you said this, my mind went to the Pollux Procolomation and the "Reunification" War that Ian Cameron kicked off to inaugurate the First Star League.  It'd be highly ironic for the Second to follow in the footsteps of the first with a similar move against the Clans.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #812 on: 12 January 2020, 11:13:40 »
Friday Morning, Kiribati Island Meeting chamber...

"How did it go?" Nathan asked.

"No discipline problems from our  people." Morgan Icaza commented.

"I meant, did you...with one of them?"

Morgan shook his head, "We discussed literature and watched the double sunset.  She was charming and articulate, but when it finally comes to blows, no match for one of us I think."  He regarded his long time friend and commander, "You might have some problems, and Harper would need to fight augmented.  Given that I saw Her Grace wandering the grounds yesterday with her robot guards, you must have really hit a nerve or two."

Nathan sighed, "I have that effect on women."

"What effect?" Harper asked, taking her seat.

"Making them ridiculously angry and inarticulate." Morgan answered her over Nathan's shoulder, "I am often surprised at your ability to tolerate him."

"We are not coupling." she said, "that may have something to do with it-no attraction.  I prefer my men to be taller, and I guess the Star Colonel has a type and I am not it, quiaff?"

"Aff." Nathan said, "No offense, but..."

"I get that a lot." she said, "hence my preference for a...meatier sort of man, one who is less...thinky...or a girl with nice curves...or both, for stress relief purposes."

"well, you are out of the running, Morgan." Nathan said.

"No loss to either of us...well, some loss, but not very much."  Morgan said, "I will simply have to content myself with girls impressed by my erudite nature and refined tastes."

this made Nathan laugh out loud as the Wolverine officers arrayed into their seats.

"I could kill them all..." Harper said.

"Not yet, not here." Nathan said, nodding to the armed Coast Guard personnel in the upper galleries, the Centurions and armored personnel on the ground floor, and finally at the other guests.  "We have clear field of fire on our position, and I suspect for every visible guard, there are several in concealment with precision weapons."

"because that is how you would do it, quaff?" she asked.

"No, it is because it is how anyone with the volatile mixture in this room would do it." he answered.  "our hostess is far from stupid."

Morgan nodded, "Even if she were, her people are not."

Additional screen displays were lowered from the ceiling.

"how would you do it?" Morgan asked.


"How would you assassinate them?"

"Somewhere else." Nathan said, "I am no fan of disposable operatives, so somewhere else."

Stewards entered the room, pushing carts.  the smell of food filled the air.

behind them, Elizabeth managed to stalk while limping and needing a cane, like a holovid villain.  "Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed of an oversight, it is currently zero six three zero AM local time, and you are here without having had breakfast.  Per the Guestrite tradition, I have an obligation to provide housing, food and air to guests...housing has been provided, but this is Jump Day, on this date the very first Extrasolar jump-ship was flown out of the Sol system, beginning the first era of Colonial Exodus from the Sol system.  Jump Day is kind of a forgotten holiday, mostly remembered among Rockjacks, Spacers, and Belters, but maybe it is one that should be remembered, that first flight, is why we are all here, now."

Harper leaned over, "The guestrite she mentioned, that is a Belter thing, mostly extinct among the Clans, but we also do not have Belter or Spacer communities...except among the Snow Ravens it is unobserved. she did her homework."

"Fully a third of the Kowloonese population in this star system are Rockjacks or Belters." he murmured back, "She is reminding everyone here.  Food is also a major part of their culture on this world, not eating insults the host, regardless of how you regard the other guests."

Elizabeth waited for the food to be served.  "Also, today is the anniversary of the beginning of the Dinh Diep uprising of 2729..." she lifted a glass, "We eat in defiance of Amaris, who tried to starve us into submission, and in celebration of the heroes of Dinh Diep, and in memory of the fifteen million men, women and children burned to death by the SLS Belleau Wood, who fired in violation of the Ares Convention, to keep a boot on our necks and food from our tables.  Death to the Rim Worlds, Death to slavers!" and drank.

"Eat." Nathan hissed.

Harper reluctantly poked at her food, before remembering her instructors' words in sibko; 'never skip a chance to eat, sleep, or shit.'

The food was good.  peering up, she saw and was comforted to see the Not-Named were having similar reluctance with their meals.  fine, I will eat to insult you.

after a few moments, she found her eyes locked on the eyes of a woman across the floor, a Wolverine officer with naval tabs, who apparently came to the same conclusion, creating a sort of staring and eating contest between them, each devouring portions with more intensity.

I eat your heart you bitch..for Dehra Dun's sake and memory, I devour you...

of course, the second course is when the spicy heat of the first really hit, and between the two, it became a contest to eat more without taking a drink to ease the burning their mouths.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #813 on: 12 January 2020, 11:28:49 »
of course, the second course is when the spicy heat of the first really hit, and between the two, it became a contest to eat more without taking a drink to ease the burning their mouths.
Oh, please tell me they're stupid enough to reach for a glass of water  >:D
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #814 on: 12 January 2020, 11:30:31 »
The food was good.  peering up, she saw and was comforted to see the Not-Named were having similar reluctance with their meals.  fine, I will eat to insult you.

after a few moments, she found her eyes locked on the eyes of a woman across the floor, a Wolverine officer with naval tabs, who apparently came to the same conclusion, creating a sort of staring and eating contest between them, each devouring portions with more intensity.

I eat your heart you bitch..for Dehra Dun's sake and memory, I devour you...

of course, the second course is when the spicy heat of the first really hit, and between the two, it became a contest to eat more without taking a drink to ease the burning their mouths.

You know if Harper wins the Wolverines are going to escalate and break out the Hákarl.  ;D
"A dread fear rests deep in the heart of Clan Coyote that one day a lawyer will arrive on Tamaron talking about intellectual property rights, the Mercury II and the Coyotl omnimech and this will herald the end of the Clan as the Not-Named sue their asses into bankruptcy for patent infringement" - The True History of the Clans (Dark Caste Press: 3050)

Hunted Tribes - Hotpoint's Battlestar/Battletech Crossover Series


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #815 on: 12 January 2020, 11:35:05 »
I can't wait to see which one chokes first...  >:D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #816 on: 12 January 2020, 12:34:02 »
a bit later...

"well I have to wonder if they even feed you people." Elizabeth quipped, as Stewards cleared the dishes away and provided Ca'phe and chilled Red Tea.  "The time is now Twelve-hundred Star League Universal ship's we get to have our collective indigestion.  The tea will kill some of the burn, but the creme in the coffee works faster."

The videoscreens lit.

"Khans, is your connection clear?" Elizabeth asked.

Marthe Pryde displayed three meters tall from chin to forehead nodded, "Aff.  Your connection to our network is...clear."

"And Prince Victor, is your connection also clear?"

"The conferencing is clear, Duchess...god, you look like hell."

"Had a seizure this morning." she said, "My apologies to you both.  it is now noon, the Jade Falcons have requested this, as you both are aware, I am wholly and unconditionally against it, but rank has its privileges."

"How are you doing, Elizabeth?" Victor asked, showing concern, "If you had a seizure this morning-"

"I am dying, but it won't be today." she said, "I can still do my job, Highness."

"I still think you should be at NAIS, getting treatment."

"Not your call yet, highness." she answered, "To business?"

"Clan Jade Falcon recognizes the strength and effectiveness of the people of Kowloon."  Marthe said, "We recognize and acknowledge the defeat of the Beta Warship Star, and graciously accept the kind offer of repatriation for our captured warriors with the understanding that the Kowloonese people have not yet accepted the wisdom and rightness of the Way of the Clans.  We do, however, also recognize this world as being of significance.  We demand a presence there, and are willing to fight to have one..." she paused, "A permanent presence there.  The City of Hue, on the Southern Continent, is an adequate prize and suitable site for our Embassy to the reformed Star League.  We will demand the right of Safe Conduct, or Safcon, for all Clan merchant Traffic and a reasonable garrison.  this safe conduct guarantee will cease, naturally, at the end of Duchess Elizabeth Ngo's lifespan, at which time we will defend our enclave from any and all challengers to our continued presence there.  This is if our challenge is accepted by the Federated Commonwealth government, and provided, of course, that the Clan's forces win the trial."

"And if you lose?" Victor asked.

"reasonable terms, please." Marthe said, kicking the ball back to Victor.

"If you lose, the Jade Falcons will not attack Kowloon until the lapse of the Truce of Tukayyid, regardless of Kowloon's location, and you will pledge to act to prevent other clan forces from attacking this world." Victor said, "Fair? you win, we can't kick you out until Liz is dead,which is the better part of twenty years from now, if we win, you, and the other Crusader Clans, have to wait twelve years before trying to take the planet."

"Condition, no nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction for either side, and we will bid away our Naval assets." Marthe said.

If Victor accepted, that was going to be bad.

"I accept that." He said, "Ground and aerospace fighter assets only."

Liz cringed, trying to keep her mouth shut.

"No use of civilian facilties." Marthe said, "No fighting in urban or inhabited areas.  The battle must happen only in areas free of the risk of civil casualties or infrastructural damage.  the battle must not take place within the city."

Liz grit her teeth.  "how about the canyon system marked as 'Minsky's folly'?" Victor suggested.

"Tempting, I was going to suggest the Ia Drang Plateau's southern flats, away from Highway one." Marthe said, countering Victor's suggested ground, which favored close quarters fighting that negated many Clan range advantages, with an area almost custom tailored for fast moving, long ranged fights favorable to the Clans.

"I am not sure we will agree on that one." Victor said it firmly, "Liz? you live there, where do you want to fight?"

"Deep orbit, but you two bid that option away." Elizabeth said grimly.  "I'd say a sea-fight, but the Clanners don't have wet navy, there's the Xiao Loc islands in the western ocean, naval.  Maybe the rainforest region around New Saigon, between the coast and the mouth of the Little Yangtze?"

Marthe and Victor both studied maps off screen.  "Hmmm varied terrain types, low population density..."

"Or the Ben Hoa proposed academy site, we've got ranges with monitoring gear." Liz added.

"I do not have that one on my map, Nathan?" 

"North shore of Golden Lake, western side of the river, variable terrain, some forest that is in the wet season." Nathan Roshak explained, "Close to where the old Star League garrison was during the twenty-seven fifties."

"Found it..." Marthe looked up, meeting the camera, "I think the Ben Hoa site is acceptable...provided wet naval assets over fifty tons are not involved-I have seen briefings of the Coast Guard's Maritime capabilities, including bombardment ships."

don't agree, you're pulling my teeth.. Elizabeth seethed.

"I think we can forego wet naval operations." Victor said.  Elizabeth openly facepalmed.  "Provided you commit to a reasonable force size, Liz, how are you set for your ground forces militia?"

"I have one, lousy, company of trained 'mechwarriors present." Liz groaned, "Everything else is...conventional forces."

"Over invested in your maritime force, didn't you?" he chided.


"what about your Panzergrenadier project?" Victor asked.

"The ones who aren't already reporting to AFFC Inarcs are still in workup." Elizabeth admitted, "I kind of focused on not letting enemy forces land."

"Well..I guess I will have to send help.  Katherine will be arriving in a few hours with the reconstituted Fourth Royal Guards RCT under the command of Leutnant General Daniel Russell.  Khan Pryde, is Monday morning good for you?"

"Monday morning is adequate." Marthe stated, "query, 'Katherine'?"

"Rear Admiral Katherine Morgan Steiner Davion, my sister, commanding a warship squadron, will be acting as transport for the Fourth Royal Guards, they're a Veteran rated unit based on the training and the sister units we used to build them up.  Russell is a veteran of the Wolf front."

"Adequate." Marthe said, "One regiment versus Nathan Roshak's cluster?"


"That business is complete, I think I want to see the rest of this, and chime in as the AFFC's representative to this...diplomacy?" Victor suggested.

"I will as well, acting on behalf of my fellow Khans." Marthe said.  "About that...I see you have some guests from the Not-Named..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #817 on: 12 January 2020, 12:59:59 »
Did Liz not brief Victor ahead of time??  ???


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #818 on: 12 January 2020, 13:08:49 »
someone is playing the long game.... or he is a football bat at hockey game.   


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #819 on: 12 January 2020, 13:10:36 »
I really think Liz could have just nuked them in orbit.  That jump in, nuke 'em, jump out tactic is a killer.  Honestly, she erred in letting them on planet at all.  They would have been easier to control at a Rockjack facility.

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #820 on: 12 January 2020, 13:36:24 »
I really think Liz could have just nuked them in orbit.  That jump in, nuke 'em, jump out tactic is a killer.  Honestly, she erred in letting them on planet at all.  They would have been easier to control at a Rockjack facility.
She's looking to win the war, not a single battle
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #821 on: 12 January 2020, 13:53:23 »
How much fleet would the clans really have left if she wiped out this wave, though?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #822 on: 12 January 2020, 13:58:19 »
How much fleet would the clans really have left if she wiped out this wave, though?

Quite a bit... I came across a good dozen-plus Potemkins alone, looking up where the Belleau Wood might have gone, and they still have most of the old SLDFN ships in mothballs. 

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #823 on: 12 January 2020, 14:29:14 »
Quite a bit... I came across a good dozen-plus Potemkins alone, looking up where the Belleau Wood might have gone, and they still have most of the old SLDFN ships in mothballs.
Trained crews might be a problem, even if they call up Merchants
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #824 on: 12 January 2020, 14:30:24 »
more hilarity...

"Rumors of our annihilation were...exaggerated."  General McEvedy stated.  "Yes, we survived. NO, I won't break operational security to tell you where, but as you can see, we are not exactly helpless."

Elizabeth leaned back in her chair, and lit a cigar.  here it comes

"And your relationship to Kowloon?"

"Possible future customers." Liz announced, "we just have to finish making arrangements.  You gotta know the drill, I need the necessary permits from the Federated Commonwealth for tech transfer and there's a currency stability issue to work out-Their money isn't recognized in the banking system here, and ours isn't recognized on their side."  she blew a smoke ring, and then started coughing violently, killing the image she apparently was trying to project and replacing it with a sick girl playing grown-up. "Cough! how..cough did dad...coughcough smoke these things??"

"you're not supposed to actually inhale, Liz." Victor advised.

she crushed it out on her palm, "How in hell do people like these things??  anyway, they're here as business.  speaking of which, no, you can't have my citizens." she looked ill, and let the unfinished stogie hit the gym floor.  "They might not be human, or entirely human, but they're citizens and I don't condone trading in people like...commodities.  People are not objects."

"You have certainly given orders that caused deaths." Nathan observed before the two seniors attending by remote could interrupt, "you have even taken lives yourself."

"Never without good cause." Liz said seriously, "And unlike you, I'm only allowing this because I don't have a choice."

"you would rather just kill, and kill and kill wastefully?" he scoffed theatrically.

"IF I had my preference, Star Captain Nathan Roshak, your clans would pack bag-and-baggage back to where your ancestors left and send a trade legation instead of an invading army, and I wouldn't have to host a diplomatic reception with people that remind me of the Elbar Declaration every time I look at them!"  she snarled, then went into another fit of coughing.  "Gustavus Adolphus said, 'I will wage no war that is unjust, and I will not end a just war except in victory'."

"Wise position..." Marthe said.

"Okay, want to know what the sick, dying little girl who's your current chew-toy thinks is a just war??" Elizabeth snarled, "I saw Natalie Breen's little speech when she stepped down as Khan of the Steel Vipers, I got the names of the people she was going to hunt down and murder for merely being related to those folks over there." she pointed at the Wolverines, "They've been warned, I have people watching out for them, not because I have any love for the deserters who abandoned us.  That shit happened a long time ago, generations are gone, I can't hold you Clanners responsible for an act of barratry, desertion, dereliction of duty and treason.  It's not your fault your ancestors chose abandon all of us, chose to go ahead and light humanity and let the rest of us burn. I could no more do that, than hunt down Chivington's descendents for Dinh Diep."

she straightened, "What I can do, is judge you for your people's actions in the now." her eyes burned, "An entire people have to live in hiding for something their ancestors may have done.  even the worst tyrants in our shared history stopped at the third generation, this is like, thirty generations later, and you're not only talking about it, you're actively hunting down people with indirect relation to continue your purge, your 'annihilation'...your GENOCIDE." her head snapped up, and her cane fell to the side.  "you can't justify it, you people, you venerate Aleksandr Kerensky, and I've hd time to read a copy of your Remembrance, Khan Marthe Pryde,  the Clans shit on the memory of Aaron DeChevalier and Aleksandr Kerensky with every breath that this 'annihilation' policy continues, and I have the proof of this."

it was actually shocking to some in the room, and even Victor didn't have a clever quip.

Elizabeth straightened, and walked, not with a limp, but with fire.  "Your people, General McEvedy, I don't care what you did, or what they say you did, your people have been wronged.  My ancestors fled Southeast Asia to escape the horrors of Pol Pot's Year Zero, and to escape China's oppression of ethnic cultures and to escape the Communist butchers, and my ancestors fled Israel when it was h anded on a platter to the Pan Islamic forces by the Terran Alliance in exchange for cheap germanium and oil.  Their relatives that did not, were worked to death in slave camps, and killed wholesale in death camps, while the rest of humanity looked away."

she shuddered. "and my ancestors fled North America, because their faith, native to that place, was deemed a threat to the Global order.  most of the ones who remained, were forced to recant, or killed in 'incidents', labeled racist even with non-european blood.  This is Kowloon, my people remember. we do not forget...but we can forgive, and if we could not, we would be monstrous indeed for most of the human race would be our enemies if we could not.  a 'just war' would see that...atrocity levied against the present generation overturned, for that would be worth the lives that would be spent."

She stared defiantly at Nathan Roshak, "But I can't have nice things." she said, "So I will settle for one thing; The Wolverines have come, they will come again, and I will ****** annihilate, as in destroy, without conscience, any force that comes here to kill them without a just, and present cause. I will practice war to the knife, and not from a boardroom.  I will fight you in the wastelands, in the streets, on the seas, in the space between stars to stop it.  I will do so because of this."

she reached to her briefcase, and held the document up, "Because of this, I will do this thing. Some burdens do follow from one generation to the next.  The last time the 171st took the field, it was violating the orders of the Archon, they waged war in reply to Jinjiro Kurita's attempted genocide at Kentares IV, because they believed in this. They rode to the aid of an enemy state, to stop a genocide, and they almost made it. how could I do less?  especially with so many more 'honorable' others refusing even to look or consider?"

"but you don't even want to talk." Nathan said.

"I don't have the choice." Elizabeth countered.  "I will not look away at what your people condone.  I will not stand aside and pretend it isn't happening, that it will end without someone, somewhere standing up. Your people plan the deliberate murder of strangers who five years ago did not know you even existed, for something that happened two hundred and fifty years ago and more. Your ancestors worked people to death for the actions of some of their government, you sterilized civilians and worked them to death and call yourselves moral, honorable? you have gone so far as to gene-test prisoners to see if there is even a tangential relation to these..'wolverines' and then sentence those strangers to death for the crime of existing. Clanners? you disgust me on a deep and fundamental level...and not for your gaudy fashion sense.  My brother was wrong, he was taken in by your advanced medicine, but with what I know now? you could present me the cure, and I would reject it. It is better to die of what is killing me, than to live, knowing that I was or would ever be a part of what you people are doing."

she held up the document for the cameras, then laid it on her desk.  "Genocide, is exactly what your people are still doing."

« Last Edit: 13 January 2020, 02:41:24 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #825 on: 12 January 2020, 15:14:59 »
talking about a fish to the face!!!

JA Baker

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #826 on: 12 January 2020, 15:19:27 »
Liz uses The Truth!


It's Super Effective!
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #827 on: 12 January 2020, 15:30:52 »
A little early to make that call yet, I think...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #828 on: 12 January 2020, 15:48:25 »
[out of story]
{borrowing the voice of Texicus for this.}

"The following confrontation is brought to you by Katfight brand liquid Ethanol, Bidgecreem skin care products and Regro styling gel.  also by the Johnson and Fuchs family of medical supplies!  Also by Fiesta Pail!"

[/out of story]
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #829 on: 12 January 2020, 16:27:08 »
of course, there are consequences...

"YOU BITCH!! HOW DARE YOU?!?"  Star Captain Dorothea Harper was out of her seat and in front of the table.  "You? you know nothing of war, of Justice! THEY Started it! they nuked Dehra Dun!!"

"Harper-" Nathan started to say.

"No. I will not-this-no, I demand this right! I will make you eat those words!! Right here, street urchin, right now!!"

Liz raised a hand, "Let her." and kicked her walking stick to the side.  "You guys do this with witnesses? fine.  bring it."

the Star Captain's first kick connected, with the sound of breaking bones-but she didn't get a chance to follow that up.

for the next several seconds, the two were almost a blur of violence, violence punctuated by screams, the sound of blows landing, cloth ripping, and more bones being broken. Somehow, maybe through sheer fury and raw fight, Elizabeth came out on top in the furball.

"Cough!! EAT IT!!"

The black-clad Elizabeth, coughing blood, through missing teeth, was on top of Star Captain Deborah Harper, fist wrapped around the Clan aerpilot's ear, screaming, "EAT IT!!" and her other hand, maimed, shoved something brown and foul-the dropped cigar, into the older woman's face, while grinding the side of that face into the hardwood flooring. 

"EAT IT, I've had enough, ENOUGH!!" Liz screamed it through a face that had seen injuries that would put most grown men into shock.

and Harper was struggling. failing. flailing.  elizabeth stopped shoving the cigar into her foe's face, and pummeled into the Clan warrior's kidneys instead.  The stream of invective tumbling from Elizabeth's blood-soaked, swollen lips, was almost musical, vicious, a rant with punctuation only made with coughs of blood from a punctured lung.

Harper stopped struggling.  She was unconscious.

or maybe dead.

Liz kept pounding, cursing, and coughing.

"Elizabeth, stop."  Daphne Rowe, wearing her LCAF dress blues (Still authorized on this side of the Realm) interrupted things, and the spell was broken.

"Jack, Nick, help me with her please?"  Daphne said.  The cylon guards came, and lifted their duchess bodily off her would-be punisher.

"Someone get a corpsman.  Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand by?  Star colonel, you wouldn't happen to have a medic with you?"

a pair of Jade Falcon Medtechs arrived with portable diagnostic equipment.  "We are going to need a surgery, stat!!"

"right this way." a local officer said, "Post hospital, d'you guys need gear?"

"We have our own, but a clean surgical theater...and some supplies from the ship."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #830 on: 12 January 2020, 16:30:29 »
In front of her khan, too...  ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #831 on: 12 January 2020, 16:48:21 »
In front of her khan, too...  ::)

To be fair here, we're talking about a fist fight between an Aeropilot phenotype, and a small framed, asian teenage girl.  it's about as even as you can get in terms of physical stats.  It came down to a couple factors;

1. Liz is in Stage Two-means she's got a delayed shock reaction, and an extreme pain tolerance because she hurts all the time. Mix with the personality and you've got a fighter, who will be undoubtedly uncomfortable for a longer than normal time, but hard to incapacitate with injuries, powered by days-to-weeks of suppressed rage.

2. Harper isn't.  she's normal.  her first kick would have at least made a normal person rethink what they were doing.  her mistake was picking a brawl with someone who wouldn't go down and might not even react to broken bones.  the modern equivalent might be seen as picking a fight with someone on PCP.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #832 on: 12 January 2020, 16:51:56 »
except I think Liz is on stuff that is far stronger than PCP
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ChanMan: "Capellan Ingenuity: The ability to lose battles to Davion forces in new and implausible ways"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #833 on: 12 January 2020, 16:56:45 »
I never imagined it was fair.  I can't believe Harper watched the video of Liz at 11 and still picked that fight.  Pilots aren't supposed to be that stupid...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #834 on: 12 January 2020, 17:07:03 »
To be fair here, we're talking about a fist fight between an Aeropilot phenotype, and a small framed, asian teenage girl.  it's about as even as you can get in terms of physical stats.  It came down to a couple factors;

1. Liz is in Stage Two-means she's got a delayed shock reaction, and an extreme pain tolerance because she hurts all the time. Mix with the personality and you've got a fighter, who will be undoubtedly uncomfortable for a longer than normal time, but hard to incapacitate with injuries, powered by days-to-weeks of suppressed rage.

2. Harper isn't.  she's normal.  her first kick would have at least made a normal person rethink what they were doing.  her mistake was picking a brawl with someone who wouldn't go down and might not even react to broken bones.  the modern equivalent might be seen as picking a fight with someone on PCP.

3.  Elizabeth doesn't do "restraint".  Or more to the point her violence is binary, either off or full on.  If she decides it comes to a fight, there is little holding back against combatants.  Maybe some pre-agreed rules, such as the Ares Conventions.  Harper never set any explicit rules.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #835 on: 12 January 2020, 17:10:16 »
"You know, Liz, you really have an anger management problem."  Penny said, sitting on the end of the bed.

"Tell me about wait, don't." Liz said, "you actually would."

"Hey, I'm just the hallucination in your head." Penny said, "you're the one who decided it was a great time to have a girl fight in front of the guests after insulting their history, culture, and way of life."

Elizabeth's side hurt.  "How bad did she get me?"

"Well, you won the fight, they had to put the Clanner in ICU." Penny told her, "Closed head brain injury.  You might've rewired her thinking meat."


"You were trying to pound her head through fifteen centimeters of hardwood floor.  she was out and you kept at it." Penny said, "Pretty sure that falls into 'extreme' levels of hostile.  Nice to see you've reconciled with Daffy, speaking of which...remember, I'm not here!"

Daphne stepped through the doorway, and then was next to Liz.  "Hey...she ****** you up pretty good, lil'bit."

"kinna d'servd 't." Liz slurred through the wires holding her jaw shut, "wha'bou' 'er?"

"Oh, comatose." Daphne said, "Neck injury, closed head concussion, they're going to have to rebuild her jaw too, assuming the brain swelling goes down and she wakes up.  Prince Victor's threatening to have you bodily dragged to NAIS for treatment, and Dr. Huyn is concerned there might be problems with your medications."

'n'th clnnrs?" Liz asked.

"The Falcons aren't contesting the outcome of that little 'trial of grievance'.  you won in their eyes, the Wolverines? We're still not sure what they think, they're not sharing.  Freaked out the Kobolians though, not sure that's a good sign."

Liz moaned disappointed sounds.

"Evelynn's taken over running your little diplomatic meeting.  she's got all your, you need to rest and heal."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #836 on: 12 January 2020, 17:13:04 »
Evelynn's a much better choice to run a meeting...  :)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #837 on: 12 January 2020, 17:13:35 »
I never imagined it was fair.  I can't believe Harper watched the video of Liz at 11 and still picked that fight.  Pilots aren't supposed to be that stupid...

Take an otherwise reasonable and intelligent person from a competitive background, and push their buttons hard enough and often enough, and see what happens...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #838 on: 12 January 2020, 17:16:32 »
Still, I would have expected self preservation to enter the equation...

Speaking of equations, jokes about Kai aside, the falcons didn't seem at all curious as to WHO might be in that brand new formation coming to trial...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #839 on: 12 January 2020, 17:37:10 »
post audtorium...

"...and here, this is Lizzie getting kicked out of boarding school for the last time."  Henry wore civilian clothing, on the screen, Elizabeth was brutalizing a boy many times her mass.  "She's always had a little bit of a temper."

"How old  was she when that happened?" a Wolverine Naval officer asked.

"Eleven." Henry said.  This was him 'helping' his sister.  The vid had been a hit with his fellow cadets at Blackjack, and many times with some of his fellow Falcons.  "The boy was fourteen and repeating a grade after a year's suspension for bullying at his last school, the Robinson Junior Prep.  Groningen was his 'last chance'...  funny enough, Liz was kicked out for bullying him."

"She...was bullying him?"

"After the fight, she was suspended for two weeks, and when she got back, apparently she was accused of running a campaign of terror on the guy. Last I heard, he is back Fed-side.  You have to remember, that was a few years ago."

"Do you believe the allegation?" someone else asked.

"Not really. Liz is either hot or cold, or at least, that is how I remember her as a child." he explained, "Either she does things all-the-way, or she does not do anything at all.  If she says she will fight and kill anyone who comes to harm you here, that is exactly what she will do...but she did tend to beat both my brother, and my father, when we would play strategy games...and she tended to beat me.  All she needed were the rules and basic moves and she would find ways to either win or make losing so costly to the winner that she might as well have won."

"You told the Jade Falcons all of this?"

"Sure did. you can see how well that worked." Henry said in an ironic tone.  "I've got a kind-of-girlfriend over there, still with them. one of us Blackjack cadets.  Shel isn't really like Liz, but if things were different, they'd get along I think."

He got up from the stool he was using, "So...that's maybe stuff you didn't know about my Sister, now you do."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

