Author Topic: Teaser for a proposed...thing.  (Read 141279 times)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1290 on: 28 January 2020, 17:01:12 »
In the Annals of English Literature, the book is held up as exactly what you do not want to write, if you want your professors to like you.  This book made its author one of the wealthiest men on old Earth, and financed his descendants for somewhere close to the next two centuries of vigorous intellectual property lawsuits.
This is the part that is going to make me giggle every time I read it...  ;D


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1291 on: 28 January 2020, 17:02:52 »
So, when are the Colons putting out their own remake of “Planet of the Dead”? ;D

Though I’m also hearing the song “Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job” reading the background for it.  Particularly the final lines of the last verse, “I make more money that my big brother Bob.  He’s got a haircut, got a REAL JOB!”


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1292 on: 28 January 2020, 18:33:50 »
How much of her father’s genetic augmentations, if any, did Amanda inherit?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1293 on: 28 January 2020, 18:37:09 »
50%?  ??? ::)


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1294 on: 28 January 2020, 21:02:23 »
50%?  ??? ::)

Recall Elizabeth's genetics aren't exactly stock either.  Cholman's at least in earlier drafts was the result of attempts at some genetic mental improvements that had some very bad side effects.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1295 on: 28 January 2020, 21:18:52 »
a better question is how much Cylon she is, since they used Cylon genetic sequences to fill some of the gaps caused by removing the bits that enable Cholman's.

qc mech3

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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1296 on: 28 January 2020, 22:59:53 »
What's Nathan and Liz bloodtype? BSG stated that cylons were type O like Amanda...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1297 on: 29 January 2020, 00:01:31 »
What's Nathan and Liz bloodtype? BSG stated that cylons were type O like Amanda...

Trueborns are pretty much ALL Type O, with 'green' rejection spectra.  They'd almost have to be, it's the sort of basic improvement the Eugenics programme wouldn't overlook.  "Universal Donor/recipient" would be one of the very FIRST things they'd re-code human beings for when developing warriors, because it simplifies medical treatment and lets the Clan make maximum use of every liter of blood, blood supplement, cloning tankage...

So it would be expected the child of a Trueborn pairing would be green, or at worst, yellow on the rejection spectrum.  This also serves a bit to conceal the Cylon genetics used to 'fill gaps' in Amanda's DNA where the damaged sequences  responsible for Cholmann's were removed pre-utero.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1298 on: 29 January 2020, 12:47:39 »
Stop 4, SLS Zughoffer Weir, Officer's mess...

Liz looked about ten pounds lighter, but she was stable enough to join the evening meal, and share a bottle.

In this case, a bottle brought from Kowloon.

"Ijero Wine, warmed." she said, "this being early spring back home."

"Um, what is the status between  you and Nathan?"

"Married." she said, "We kept the wedding small, which upset absolutely none of my in-laws, though Nathan did have to fight a couple of Trials after."


"Possession for his bloodrights, one challenging for possession, one challenge to retain it when a Star Colonel from the rebuilt Falcon Guards visited Hue."

"Not the only two!" Nathan grinned.  Amanda was miraculously asleep on his shoulder.  "Seat taken?  I also had to defend against a trial of abjuration from the bloodhouse, seeing as i was seized from the clan entirely and shacked up with a spheroid woman.  The vote was nine-to-one in the Bloodhouse, and as the defender, I took it solo, which saved an enormous amount on resources."

he hefted their daughter into a chair converted from an acceleration couch that wasn't needed anymore, and buckled Amanda in, before sitting next to her. 

"I bet that went over like a lead balloon."

"Oh, there are still warriors in the Falcon Touman who swear they are going to kill me next time." he grinned brightly, "Though none of the ones defeated in my trial will try again.  there is something humiliating about being left alive by a man you are desperately trying to kill over a perceived insult."

"I told him he shouldn't leave live enemies behind, but does he listen? of course not."  Elizabeth's tone was a fairly good mockery of a stereotypical nagging wife.  "Instead, he invited them to the wedding."

"Lucky for both of us, only a couple of my old comrades showed up." Nathan noted.

"Nathan, how did you get our daughter to sleep?" Liz asked, shifting the subject.

"Well, today we learned to play Pyramid with some of the Colonial personnel in the fighter wing."  he explained.  "Or rather, she learned, and then had to teach me.  when I 'felt tired' she kept playing with them...thus, I got to watch my little girl try to out-play people who have been playing that game since they were her size, and being she has her mother's stubborn streak...she kept trying until she won."

"so she won?"

"no." Nathan said, "Their rest period ended.  We played Chess for a few hours afterward, and I ran her through katas and calisthenics."

"And then she was tired out?"

"no.  THEN I made her do homework, and it was the homework that tired her out." He said, "just in time, too.  I begin to empathize with my Falconer on Ironhold."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1299 on: 29 January 2020, 12:57:17 »
This is what they mean when they say "May your children be just like you".


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1300 on: 29 January 2020, 13:02:53 »
the mind of liz and the endurance of a trueborn. yeah, she'd be hard to keep up with.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1301 on: 29 January 2020, 14:41:22 »

One thing to hate about Her Grace, she shows up, kicks the anthills, and leaves.

"Mister Doerntz, I wouldn't do that if I were you.  we can talk this out, you're just making it harder on yourself."  Exhibit One, Stephen Doerntz, up until this morning, wealthy and connected real-estate developer hailing from Tharkad.  Nagelring class of '31, ten year honorable mention, highest rank achieved Hauptmann in the Adutant's corps, out by '42 and into a job with Doerntz, Wentworth and Sykes of Coventry.

this is a man who's never fired a weapon in anger...and maybe that's why he's so ****** dangerous right now.

Nothing he did up to this moment was actually illegal.  Unethical maybe, underhanded, crooked as you can get, but nothing illegal until he pulled a weapon on my investigators and took the office hostage.

In the old days, we'd already have a bullet in his crown.  If I were Lohengrin, he'd be dead with half the room, and the casualties would be memorialized in the press as heroes.

It isn't the old days, and I'm not with Lohengrin.

"Get bACK!!" he shouts at me.  The Sternsacht nine is shaking.  shake like that, and we have a dead hostage.

I stop, bring up my hands, "Now let's think about this, Mister Doerntz, no reason for this getting worse, right?  Now you've got yourself a problem and it looks like there's no way out, am I close? only that's not the case.  what's got you so frightened my man?"

"I...I'm not afraid!!"

"Sure you are. You've seen the video.  She's not here.  It's you, and me, and...these folks? just us."

"you've got a hit-team moving around here, I know how this works!"

"Do you now?" I ask him, "You sure? because I ain't bluffing, Stephen.  Long as you don't fire that weapon into any of these good people here, you can still walk out of this, it'll be tougher, but you can still walk out in one bit, instead of many.  You might even skate on a light sentence, we can maybe make a deal. What's got you rattled, Steve? Let me help  you, and everyone here gets to go home tonight, with a story for their grandkids?"

it's taken me four hours of this to get into the room.  Voorhies has this guy on thermal, with a sniper rifle and he can make the through-shot, but a dead suspect is worse than a live witness.

"You won't believe me!!" he spits, the girl he's got arm on, she's maybe twenty and hasn't got training except as an intern.  she's terrified, and if he ends up brain-spunk all over her peach silk blouse, she's going to be a traumatized twenty-something.

"come on, now, Steve, You know us better than that-my job is to find the Truth here, it's a requirement that I keep an open mind, hear all sides, and right now, if you're telling me your story, nobody's getting shot.  not you, not me, not...Kari? yah, not Kari.  so let's get with the talking, hey?"

I knew something was fishy about this whole situation, he's not afraid of us, he's looking for an assassin somewhere nearby.

Motion detected, ninety seven meters northwest and up.  the overlay lenses show me what the recon team's picking up, High density EM signal, scattering indicates rudimentary stealthing.

"You talk, and you're safe." I tell him, "safe as houses, but you have got to let them go, Steve."

"I'll never be safe! not from them!!"

"I give you my word. Tell me what's after you, Stephen." I tell him, "And we'll get you out of this fix."

promise them salvation, promise anything to get the hostages free, do whatever it takes to prevent bloodshed.


Okay, a little bloodshed, but I keep my witness alive...or at least, I keep him from dying immediately.  he's still rattled and frightened and armed, he's still got hostages.  this can still go bad.

"I want assurances!"

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1302 on: 29 January 2020, 15:50:27 »
Whoops. Loki out looking for a little something-something? Or ROM, maybe?


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1303 on: 29 January 2020, 17:12:39 »
My money's on Manei Domini ROM with that description, and even more on Liz's folks.  They've dealt with toasters before...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1304 on: 29 January 2020, 17:52:25 »
Toasters are wobbies and the Centurions, too. It's not that easy when the derogatory term can be used for two distinct groups of 'people'.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

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As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1305 on: 29 January 2020, 18:01:44 »
I think Centurions are harder to deal with than anything the WoB can put together, so I figured they were a "lesser included case"...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1306 on: 29 January 2020, 21:02:19 »
i'm guessing that the Wobbies will end up with some other epithet than toaster or toaster worshipper.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1307 on: 29 January 2020, 21:04:24 »
I bet they get lumped in with the cylons after the first atrocity...


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1308 on: 29 January 2020, 22:28:03 »
MD would probably be considered an enhanced skinjob
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1309 on: 30 January 2020, 11:03:17 »
New Circe Shipyard, after 3 months in transit...

"It's nicer than Boojum." Liz commented, "Your ancestors grabbed the right equipment."

"The terminal  and assembly systems are.  We're still short a few key infrastructural items."  Commodore Ferry said, "We're well outfitted for retrofits and refits, we can do maintenance, but..."

"but you need fabrication capacity for when the spare parts run out." Liz said, "I can see that."  Duchess Ngo was standing, anchored to the outer hull in a work-suit.  "I think we can work on that, I brought some designs for fabrication equipment with me."

"We've got a lot of that."

she chuckled, "Then you're needing help prioritizing?  I see plenty of Olenstien structures, but your yard's missing some of the real basics-not the tools to make the gear, so much as the tools to make the tools to make the gear.  I run an infrastructure company, those look like Masterson presses out there."

"We salvaged those from the Cyrannus system."

"Yeah, figured that.  I'm taking notes on what we can offer, Commodore, not just what was on your buy-list, but the stuff you need to make the things on your buy-list worth having.  I ought to have brought more than one systems engineer with us, This is a nice facility, but I think we can definitely expand things and improve your industrial output."

"The Protector's going to want to know how much that will cost."

"Of course she will, and so will her successors." Liz said, "I am not in the business of ripping off my investments.  Your nation is an ally of mine, screwing your allies gets you shafted, but I'll need more than the raw numbers i've been reading up on to really work out a good strategy here."

"You've never discussed your endgame, Duchess."

"It's simple enough, Commodore.  the Three-P's Deal; Peace, Prosperity, and Progress."

"We are at war."

"Doesn't mean you can't have peace.  'peace is not defined by the absence of conflict, it is defined by the presence of justice'." she said firmly, "Even in war, a Just society is a peaceful one, while an unjust society will have no peace no matter how long they go between external enemies.  This view really is something though."

"that's...not your reputation."

"Commodore, I live in an unjust society." she told him, "we're slowly changing that, and maybe by the time Amanda is in her sixties, we might be a few degrees closer, you can't have justice if you don't have enough people striving to create it.  The first step, is to begin taking the first step-I killed people I personally liked, because they were perpetuating and propagating injustices while profiting from them.  I didn't have anything personally against Ryan Steiner except that he was funding the murder of civilians to push an agenda.  The man was actually charming when I met him at one of Maggie's parties."

"Do you regret it?" he asked.

"Every day." she replied, "I would regret it even more if someone else had to carry it, it's neither right nor fair to make someone else live with the guilt, it would be unjust to stick someone else with it.  'just following orders' is anathema to a just society.  You can not simultaneously have justice and have blind obedience without moral consequence, this is what Nick Kerensky failed to grasp-he thought by rewriting society he could rewrite the morality hard-coded by evolution."

"I didn't realize you were an evolutionary ethicist." Ferry mused.

"The blood on my hands kinda makes that one a hard sell, doesn't it?" Liz countered.  "Societies that evolve naturally tend to have common ethical constraints built into them if they want to survive-this is because ethical, or just behaviors tend to be better for survival. The Clans of Kerensky have an artificial morality that is propped up by their breeding programme, without it, they would have torn themselves to shreds in a few short years.  Your lot actually escaped that by adopting a more naturalistic format-families instead of creche's, a natural flow of advancement not dependent on ritualistic combats, open to anyone so the cream really does rise to the top, and a reasonable system of justice that emphasizes finding the guilty over public punishment to keep the shit from also rising.  Many in the Houses, and of course, your former colleagues in the Clans, focus so much on punishment they don't bother with ascertaining who really is guilty, or even if there really was a crime."

"You don't think you can do better than we have." He hazarded.

"Nope. I could learn a few things from your man Lampkin, but that leaves the other two P's.  Prosperity, and Progress, and those two, if addressed seriously, result i the fourth 'p'.  Profit.  There are two ways to profit; constructively or destructively.  I strongly prefer the former, but it takes longer and I don't expect to reap it in my lifetime...but Amanda, or maybe her children, they will.  Destructive profit is nearly useless to me-it looks big and shiny, but in the longer term, it's poverty by comparison.  Stolen wealth, whether officially stolen, or taken by stealth, runs out, created wealth, creates more wealth."

"created wealth?"

"Progress.  Scientific progress, social progress, societal progress, it's why the Industrial Revolution had to wait for the collapse of Feudalism on old Earth." Liz explained.  "We're in a dark age, Commodore, centuries of leaders seeking destructive wealth instead of creating new, getting rich off carnage and driving mankind into poverty and ignorance, the only way out, is to build our way out, which is why the economic aid package I intend to offer your leaders is going to be what it is.  Victor will be absolutely horrified, so will Marik, I think maybe Pryde or Liao will grasp what I'm trying to do."

"Liao? the Cappellan-"

"Candace, not her nephew." Liz clarified, "He might grasp some of it, some of the root concepts, at least-his conversations over messenger have been revealing, but he's also saddled with a system that relies on destructive wealth, and is founded on basic injustice."

"Back to justice again, what do you mean by it, at the root?"

"Taking personal responsibility and accepting the consequences no matter how personally dire or painful." Liz sighed again as the ship slid into the dock.  "only a responsible person can be free, only a free person can be just, only a society of just people can be truly prosperous."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1310 on: 30 January 2020, 11:56:39 »

"your first lesson, Duchess MacAulliffe."  Margaret Doons has visited Arluna in the past, mostly the beaches off Madrid, as a working vacation.  While not as developed as the hospitality on Hot Springs had been before the Clans came, Arluna's nude beaches provided her with endless eye-candy and a means to distract customers and suppliers during tense negotiations.

At those times, she hadn't even considered what life had to be like, on the rest of the planet.  Standing in the burnt remains of MacAulliffe Farm, she got a good, close look.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Debra walked up to the ashen pit where her family home once stood.  "Rebuild." she said, "It's mahn. Ah Cain't oughta leave et lahk thes."

"And the men who did this?"

Debra looked at the four graves dug into the back yard.

"Ah knows what ah wanna do." Debra said, "but they's in th' law-system now, cain' have justice if it's just us.  if'n ah gits a speshul deal, it hurts ever'body, an' in th' long-term, this heppens 'gin."

"When the system fails?"

"Try 'gin, fahnd th' failuh, fex et, stop it from happ'nin gin to sommat else."  Debra said, "that's what's raht, not what ah Feels."

my god, Liz, you picked the right one.  "very good, Debra." Margaret said, "you've internalized the difference between the 'rule of law' and the 'tyranny of man'.  It took Elizabeth losing her best friend and two murders to grasp that."

Debra glanced side-eyed, "Ah know." she said, "Ah 'member daddy talkin' bout thet."

"we need to work on your diction and pronunciation, Debra, we've got time before you must be presented to the Archon for your swearing in...I presume you wish to spend that time here on Arluna?"

"Yes'm.  ah cain't afford t'be an absent landlord."  Debra said, "Ah ain' one'a th' Diegos or Degaurds."

"very true, but you are yet a minor and effectively 'Duchess in waiting', and while I like rustic as much as the next pampered noblewoman, I prefer network connectivity and access to updates, so for the time being, while your home is being rebuilt, we will be staying at an estate on Lake Corazon', and you will begin learning how not to be eaten alive by your peers in the peerage."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1311 on: 30 January 2020, 15:44:04 »
Dinh's Rock Bar, New Circe...

"you've heard?"  Dr. Trinh asked.

"Who hasn't?  Elizabeth Ngo, her own damned self, with our Duchess as a kid."  Riverson was on enforced 'out time', down on the surface, a place he didn't spend much time these days.

On the stage, a Caprican girl was crooning a song about Aphrodite and Hephaestus, backed up with the owner's band.  "It's a ****** trip, from Boojum  to here."

"Don't you wonder what she's like? I mean, with things so different this time?"

Riverson snorted.  "People don't change their nature."

"She's bringing her husband."

"Great, so we'll have to worry about assassins in every corner.  You remember who she married in our timeline, right?"

"A Jade Falcon..."


"She married him in this timeline too-only she took him from Marthe Pryde in a trial of possession." Trinh said, "Which is kinda romantic..."

"It's insanity.  Think, a Trueborn clanner here." he shook his head, "That's going to pull the paranoid crazy right out of the paintwork."

"I think you're wrong." Trinh said, "Are you going to go see her?"

Riverson studied his drink instead of looking up.  "Yeah." he said, "I'll see her speech, along with anyone else watching the Teevee.  They're not the same people the were in our timeline.  I'm curious what all has changed, without the Flu, but Duchess Amanda's still a kid. Is she going to be the same iron-hard bitch she was as Commodore Ngo?  what does the kid look like when she gets our age, Trinh?" he sighed, "I want to see it, but she's five now, no way to tell where she'll drift between the kid and the woman who ordered a massacre of thousands to save millions...the better question is, how is our buddy Singer taking the news?"

"Singer's under control."

"Better be.  He was on the ground during that op, he had to follow that order, is he going to see the child, or the Duchess, the one the press called the Archon's butcher after Kwangjong-Ni?"

"Singer's stable, Riverson. He knows she's not the officer that ordered that-not yet, maybe not ever."

"You better make sure, Trinny." Riverson said.  "I, for one, will watch on the telescreen from a distance, because I was one of the people who cheered when Amanda Ngo was gunned down, and I'm not sure I lose it and see a chance to kill Stalin before he became Stalin."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1312 on: 30 January 2020, 18:18:55 »
"You better make sure, Trinny." Riverson said.  "I, for one, will watch on the telescreen from a distance, because I was one of the people who cheered when Amanda Ngo was gunned down, and I'm not sure I lose it and see a chance to kill Stalin before he became Stalin."

Well, damn.  On the one hand, Amanda Ngo. On the other, a much more stable and decent environment to raise a child in... if Liz and Nathan live that long.

Oh, and Riverson? "I do believe in butterflies! I do believe in butterflies!"


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1313 on: 30 January 2020, 18:21:47 »
WOW!  :o

I still want to see Liz talk to the other timeline's Seether...  ^-^


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1314 on: 31 January 2020, 01:31:08 »
"It's simple enough, Commodore.  the Three-P's Deal; Peace, Prosperity, and Progress."
Giving me flashbacks to SLA Industries and their Three Ps Contract (Progress, Prospects and Prosperity).  :'(
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1315 on: 31 January 2020, 11:39:27 »

Her Grace, the Duchess of Kowloon, was totally 'in character'.  From her silver-capped cane, to the simple black suit, she could have stepped off the pages of a number of political diatribe sites.  Liz hadn't 'updated' her 'look' since her teen years-no lace, no visible makeup, no visible jewelry beyond a simple wedding band and a pair of tastefully small stud earrings.  In the Commonwealth, her minimalist style was like a shout from a gauss rifle among her noble peers, peers who constantly strive to out-do one another in displays of intricacy and wealth.  Even her hair, worn under a hat for the walk to the Capitol building, was loose and shoulder length.

However, Liz did give in to a few things to stand out here, where the culture was NOT visibly laden with excess.  The hat's a top-hat, with a scarf wrapped at the band and down to provide a bit of neck protection,  and it is an almost garish gold-and-red like Kowloon's national flag.  as a sop to the local climate, the skirt reaches mid-calf, and partially covers a pair of low-heel boots polished to a high sheen and outfitted with buckles and reinforcing 'ring' straps in a style once termed "Engineer" boots, and her suit jacket extends at the rear to mid-knee length.

Unmistakably Ngo style, with some embellishments to stand out.

she needn't have bothered.  at just a bit over 1.6 meters, there are local children who stand taller than she does, and so, the top-hat helps add a bit of needed stature. (For readers on Filtvelt, Liz Ngo is Five feet, four inches tall only if you add the one and a half inch rise from her shoes.  'Petite' is the rule-she is...proportional, though with her predominantly asian features, she would be ageless if not for the gray streaks in her hair and the habit of walking with a cane.)

The man walking with her, well...Nathan Roshak's departure from Clan Jade Falcon has changed his wardrobe somewhat.  In this case, a shift from the uniform of a Trueborn Clan Warrior, to that of Kowloon's Ground forces Militia.  In this case, the current pattern. Khaki and dark (almost brown) green with a cut similar to images from the mid-20th century's American military, including a tie.  the Gold and black-border braid indicates 'mechwarrior branch, the lack of ribbons or medals is deliberate-since entry into Kowloon's service, Nathan Roshak's only been deployed a few times, and Her Grace instituted a hard rule that only combat deployments or recent (within the last 5 years) combat deployment ribbons may be worn with the Militia's uniform. (a move directly contradicting standard LCAF and AFFC practice of 'good boy badges'.)

he does have a few.  His right shoulder showing the combat patch of the 172nd volunteers regiment, marking a combat action at Newtown Square against a group of Jade Falcon warriors who decided to go rogue in protest after the Annihilation was cancelled by the Grand Council.  (Marthe Pryde let the 172nd, as an SLDF flagged unit, have first call on the suppression as Roshak had blood kin involved and a reaving of the bloodline would be...'Unfortunate'." the rogues were put down, but their blood legacies were retained.  an act of pragmatism.  If Jade falcon had to do it, they would be obliged to carry out an internal Trial of Annihilation and a Reaving at a time when First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion was calling for mobilization of additional forces to fight the Cylon threat.)

Between them their daughter, Amanda, whose attire was more or less about accepting that curious five year olds will get dirty and into things they ought not to.  As any wolverine from the Zug could attest, getting the Ducal Daughter to look graceful like her mother is a fool's errand.  Stout canvas bib-overalls over a tan woolen shirt and a bright orange (blaze orange) raincoat, stout ankle boots and red, rubberized slip-ons, that's the ticket.  (that,and heavy treatments of stainguard along with a plentiful supply of wipes to deal with the inevitable 'finding a mud-puddle to play in', or 'finding some dangerous local lifeform to harass and either make friends with or terrorize as only a small child with no apparent sense of fear can manage.)  In the Colonial city-state, Amanda Ngo would hardly stand out, but here, among the rest of New Circe, she would be considered 'small for her age'.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1316 on: 31 January 2020, 12:01:54 »
"You better make sure, Trinny." Riverson said.  "I, for one, will watch on the telescreen from a distance, because I was one of the people who cheered when Amanda Ngo was gunned down, and I'm not sure I lose it and see a chance to kill Stalin before he became Stalin."

Wait, what? Has the piece that has this event been reposted anywhere? The last repost on the list posted to SB...five years ago, wow...was Sweetness and Light. Is there a better list somewhere, because this fic has had my undivided attention and I would love the opportunity to re-read the older stuff so I can understand it better.
The Things I Do for Love...

Do not try to apply real-world logic to Battletech.  Naught lies there but madness and ruin. - moneylovingogre4hire

That's fine, then.  I've been waiting since 2014 or so, what's another year?  Time laughs at all things, but BattleTech laughs at time.  Then launches a trial of possession for it. - rebs


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1317 on: 31 January 2020, 12:54:41 »
Wait, what? Has the piece that has this event been reposted anywhere? The last repost on the list posted to SB...five years ago, wow...was Sweetness and Light. Is there a better list somewhere, because this fic has had my undivided attention and I would love the opportunity to re-read the older stuff so I can understand it better.

It's actually an extrapolation on what kind of situation comes fro having to sustain a massive quarantine over decades.  Put simply, some policies will be unpopular, some will be horrific, because it's either that, or let another outbreak happen, but that doesn't mean even the guys carrying out those policies aren't going to hate the person in charge with all their hearts.

The short form, is that to keep the quarantine functioning, Duchess Amanda had to do a lot of nasty things.  (this is actually hinted at in Liam's Ghost's current piece).

Kwangjong-Ni happened because amanda tried to loosen restrictions when she first took over after her mother's demise.  This killed millions of people, so she reversed and went too far the other way for a while.  In the public discourse, the person in charge often bears the blame, in this case, taking a bullet, which surprisingly didn't kill her, but did leave her somewhat unwilling to go back into the gravity well (since that involves a wheelchair).  Point being, a lot of people (including people in her service) saw her as a tyrant and were happy to see her shot by an assassin (or would-be assassin).

Point being, by 3090 we're only about 23 years into martial law.  This tends to breed an understandable resentment.  This has also been (so far) avoided.  Riverson, Trinh, Singer, Seether etc. came back from a very, very, very dark future (though not as dark as the future shown in "...and I feel fine."  it's close, but it's also minus the influence of supernatural horrors from beyond space and time. the evils they faced were entirely mortal scale evils-cosmic scale, but not supernatural.)

This go'round, things (thus far) are a lot less horrific (thus far)...
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1318 on: 31 January 2020, 15:57:12 »
Protector Vaun's office...

"you've actually got a really good setup, your predecessors knew their business." Elizabeth explained, "if I were rating what I've seen in these reports, and what I've observed, in around fifty years, you'll be..." she waggled a hand, "About on par with what we know about the Homeworld Clans.  You're still under a billion people, with most of a heavy manufacturing base and a secure system-a little extra work and you'll be in that 'paradise spot' where you effectively are on the cusp of post-scarcity as long as the raw materials hold out."

"That's very flattering.  I didn't really realize we were that close, I mean, it doesn't feel like it."

"That's because the voice in the back of your mind-the smart voice, is reminding you of two things:" Liz began, "one, your resource base is finite and two, Nobody ever gets to post-scarcity, Societies discover new things they're short of, or they implode.  I give yours about thirty years before you hit the first serious stress riser."

"you said fifty-"

"I did. You break past that first cultural stress fracture and you'll make it fifty years, assuming you don't go turtle again.  to put it in perspective, Nick Kerensky took less than three years to hit crisis point after Operation Klondike, his solution was to invent an untouchable external enemy-something I ascertained after getting to look at his journals.  If he hadn't turned on your ancestors as viciously as he did, his social experiment would have collapsed of its own weight about the time he started slipping up-which he was when he went after Clan Widowmaker.  There would be no 'Clans', just a bunch of colonies that didn't have a good balance of male-to-female for a healthy population, and a declining tech base since without a unifying ideology they'd be at each other's throats with real weapons.  You got lucky the same way my ancestors did...only with nicer real estate.  Problem is, you can only hold on to that for so many generations, and even with your population growth, you're going to hit the bracket-point in thirty years.  Break past it, and you'll be at Cusp for post-scarcity in fifty, and then it's up to your descendents to keep it going.  Your braket point is local resources.  you don't need manufacturing equipment, you need resource extraction equipment."

"Mining gear?"

"And farming machinery...and farms, and farmers." Liz clarified.  "You're too distant for reliable immigration, which makes it easier to hand pick who comes and who stays, even with your long-jump drives, it took a very long time to get here, you can keep mixing the batter in  your iron womb project and that's a hell of a force multiplier, but it's still a limited population." she counted off.  "Everyone native here looks like you-a tall supermodel.  You're tweaking out the defects, thing is, what happens with guided evolution?"

"Guided evolution...speciation? post-humanism?" Vaun shook her head, "That's kind of nuts."

"Not really. I was aiming for Domestication.  Take a purebreed dog, put him in a cage with wild canines, could be any member of Genus Canis, really, even foxes or ferals.  what happens to the purebreed?"


"Yeah, you know what happens, It's like in a book of good farming, eh?  So you have your wild-strain, the Colonials, but there's only forty something thousand of them, and it'll breed out, especially once their kids enter the iron womb project to produce your next batch of colonists to harvest resources to drive your buildup.  Give it ten generations, and 'munchkin' will genuinely be hate-speech, because there won't be any."

"And that's a crisis point why?"

"how well did the Cylons cope with their first contact with Clan Wolverine?" Liz asked rhetorically.

"Not well!"

"Right, they're already at crisis point. it's why we have two generalized groups-the Cylon Imperium, and the Cylon Republic.  There's a third group on Kowloon, they've mutated."  Liz explained, "Not just body, but mindset.  as beings of what amounts to pure thought, mental changes are as fundamental to Cylons as physical changes are to humans.  We've got resulting physical changes following the mental, but it's more like the speciation is accelerating.  I've got a Centurion in a loving relationship with a Raider.  They're practically married, but based thousands of kilometers apart, I doubt either one has physically ever seen the other outside of a networked online game and social media space.  They're changing us, we're changing them...same is happening here, but slower."

"The Clans."

Liz nodded, "Marthe Pryde figured it out-they aren't sustainable as they were when they invaded, they can't win the culture war-eventually they would end up being assimilated into Inner sphere culture by default-Her and Vlad and Kabrinski and that Novacat guy, they worked it out, did the math.  That's why they're trying to integrate now to avoid the nasty shock later.  You all, brought yourselves with this teensy population base, back into the realm of mankind.  do you have a plan?  If you don't, you better start working on one now, before you wake up and discover you've domesticated yourselves and the next big-bad hasn't."

"So do you have a plan?" Vaun asked..

"Hells no.  I'm making it up as I go along, because I am not qualified to make a plan, at least, not for you. YOU are qualified to make a plan, maybe, or someone here, is.  Best I've come up with, is doing some corruption cleanup and starting a university with the objective stated goal of pursuing knowledge and disseminating it in the widest range possible without worrying about if it's dangerous first.  As I had put in bronze at the front door of the University;  'We have lost so much knowledge we don't have names for what we've forgotten'.  I meant it, mean it, mean to do something about, what I can do is help fill your toolbox...or the toolbox for whoever's stuck in that chair after you retire."

"what would be your first suggestion?"

"Recruit Belters." Liz said, "send an envoy to the Metis Coalition, make overtures to the California Nebula, open trade with NIOPS, and get some belter families to move in, because convict labor is sloppy and sets a bad precedent for your future-ask the Cappellans who's richer, them, or the Lyrans.  That gives you a whole super-stack of tools you don't even know you need, and spreads things out so a single rock moving at .5C doesn't obliterate your whole civlization.  Second would be opening settler recruitment in trusted systems...or do what the Belters in the Boojum did, and make a habit of emulating The Folk."

"The Folk?" one of Vaun's advisors asked.

"Spacers with no home system, they kind of act like a back-door diplomacy between concentrations like Ross or NIOPS...or Boojum, with other Spacer/Belter communities, they also 'rescue' refugees and threatened peoples, adopt 'em in, and so on, mostly to keep their lines 'threaded' as they call it, or healthy, but it also gives them insights and keeps their tech and knowledge up to par.  Make Friends with the Folk if you haven't already, and grow your society out here, find worlds and build, one disaster and it's all over right now, that doesn't have to be."

"How do you know about The Folk?"

"My Great Aunt Thanh, she ran off to join them. It's in grandfather's diaries, I got confirmation from Alicia Li that she did it.  Vanished somewhere this side of Davion main concern in all my dealings is to foster growth for a potential customer.  to do that, I need to know what you need to have, and what you want to be able to have."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Teaser for a proposed...thing.
« Reply #1319 on: 31 January 2020, 17:55:41 »
At least Vaun's listening...