Author Topic: Warship Race Redux  (Read 92054 times)


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #630 on: 10 May 2020, 20:32:27 »
Heh. Seems they are bored.  ;D
I actually briefly considered buying one. Nice to have something durable to smash into the Davion Front.  ::) *cough*
But man, 2 collars. I couldn't possibly afford the maintenance.
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #631 on: 10 May 2020, 20:43:46 »
... Collars?  None of CC ships have collars?


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #632 on: 10 May 2020, 22:16:16 »
Tech Thoughts:

1.)  Black Box Tech:  Historically, they come in around 2500.  While inferior to the HPG and superceded by it, historically, they have a number of advantages, not the least of which is their trivial (on our scale) size and cost.

2.)  Subcapital Weaponry:  Doesnt happen till late in the OTL, but thats in some ways a game rules/IRL timeline issue.  ‘Guys, what if we made medium sized guns’ is not a radical idea or technology - and I think it would give us an interesting bit of added complexity.  What say you?

3.)  Tech Progress.  Ive now had several players coming to me concerned about tech rates.  Im willing to entertain ideas on that.  My -current- idea is to extend the tech tree  by adding more technologies and breaking some things down into more ‘bits’ - buying us time without changing the rules - and also to give yall more big fights where ships are lost and territory changes hands - to put more pressure on to build warships in this putative warship arms race.  Thoughts?


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #633 on: 10 May 2020, 22:51:16 »
Tech Thoughts:

1.)  Black Box Tech:  Historically, they come in around 2500.  While inferior to the HPG and superceded by it, historically, they have a number of advantages, not the least of which is their trivial (on our scale) size and cost.

2.)  Subcapital Weaponry:  Doesnt happen till late in the OTL, but thats in some ways a game rules/IRL timeline issue.  ‘Guys, what if we made medium sized guns’ is not a radical idea or technology - and I think it would give us an interesting bit of added complexity.  What say you?

3.)  Tech Progress.  Ive now had several players coming to me concerned about tech rates.  Im willing to entertain ideas on that.  My -current- idea is to extend the tech tree  by adding more technologies and breaking some things down into more ‘bits’ - buying us time without changing the rules - and also to give yall more big fights where ships are lost and territory changes hands - to put more pressure on to build warships in this putative warship arms race.  Thoughts?

1) I think that Blackbox tech should be in the slot right before HPGs. To reflect why they never really caught on.

2) subcaps were hinted as revived age of war designs in the fluff. But they are best for pocket warships and we'd need to figure out a dropship solution if we want them to be viable. (I think letting dropships mount 10 (3-7?) times as much armor could work but also having to actually pay the higher of the generic DS price or the design price) we can fluff it as DS use Aerospace fighter armor and not Capital grade armor.

3) I like the tech progress, but I don't feel any real pressure to build ships right now. I feel maintenance pressure is keeping me from building ships because I don't want to box myself into a corner where I can't afford research and I am not taking losses. Mind you I have this turn and next turns R&D planned out then I need to give a long think about my long term strategy.

What I would really like is some non cannon research choices. So that we can take this into more of an AU direction.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #634 on: 10 May 2020, 22:54:55 »

Gene Therapy...

Cause the MoC pleasure circuses need their freaks!

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #635 on: 11 May 2020, 05:50:54 »
  • Black Box sounds like a good addition.
  • Subcapital weapons are on the techtree, no?  On warships, they are mostly a way to implement a "Death of a thousand Cuts" approach, or to murder fighters more efficiently. A dropship is crying somewhere in a corner.
  • More techs seem reasonable. Like non-primitive mechs, advanced materials (to reflect things like reflective armour), artillery cannons, and maybe two-stage development of bracketing.
    I think it would be nice to nice to be limited to one unknown tech a turn as long as the player is above the average for technologies developed between all factions (could be added to the spreadsheet, round up), with extra developments being rolled by the GM - aka, I want to develop two more, I say "development area 1", and log a downpayment, then next turn, the GM rolls a 3-sided die and tells me what I got. That means I can select only one technology I really want. Last iteration, tech progression was too complicated, but now, it's a bit too easy, I think.
    A simpler alternative would be to just gradually raise research costs if you're too far ahead of the curve, thereby giving research a sort of maintenance cost if you want to keep up your advantage. Right now, research has the disadvantage of making it cheaper for everyone else. Relatively speaking, that is a sort of cost, but it has the effect of accelarating the tech race instead of slowing it down.
    Edit: Additional potential techs: some robotics research before Caspar, and another tech to make them jump capable. Interface cockpits. Is there a technology for fighter-based anti-capital missiles? The ones in the rules, I mean.

A few things:
A) Maintenance. I know I've been seen saying a want it a bit more fine tuned and complex, and I'd be willing to tweak a spreadsheet to that effect so players don't need to bother, but let's ignore that for now and keep it simple.
We could have a slightly lower annual cost for smaller vessels, in a simple 3-tier system. Say, 40% up to 300kt, 45% up to 550kt, 50% starting at 800kt. Then several techs could slightly raise the latter two limits. I think this would balance larger, more powerful vessels by a higher upkeep and give smaller navies a better fighter chance.
Alternatively, to keep it simple, just a tech to make smaller vessels slightly cheaper, and another tech that allows shipyards to work on half as many ships that are, say, 8% rounded up above their actual capacity.

B)Dropships and capital conversion:
I feel dropships have no business in combat whatsoever atm - I can create a medium dropship that spends more tonnage on armour than my Kutai class corvettes, yet only reaches a quarter of the protection.
I feel that while the conversion of standard to capital scale works well, the capital to standard conversion is too harsh on those smaller vessels. To take an analogue of the early 20th century - torpedo boats were a thing.
I've been pondering this for a while.
If we go with standard dropships, maybe a 1 -> 20 conversion for capital damage, with an extra guaranteed critical against non-capital targets, could work. Or maybe even 1 -> 50 with an extra -1 to hit for weapons over 1500 tons vs. targets up to 10kt.
Alternatively, we could just change the general damage conversion to such an effect and give fighters an extra damage penalty. Even at just 20 to 1, a small dropship mounting 20 AC/20s in all of it's facings could at best hope to deal 3x 2 Capital damage - against a Warship with no armour.
If we go with custom dropships, we can carve them from solid aluminium, and make the smaller ones extremely fast instead, because they will die to a hit anyways - then the current conversion might work.

c) And this is small because its a bit out there. I think it'd be interesting to have specific weapon configurations be a point of research. Like in the early dreadnought race, the powers involved actually spent quite the bit of design work and trials on getting the turrets right and what not. Could also just factor in some strategic magic dust in the GM room, or affect maintenance. F.Ex. I've been trying to keep somewhat to this by always keeping my NL/45s and NAC/10s in dual mounts, because I imagine that's what they are mounted in and the Navy will want to keep some standards.

... Collars?  None of CC ships have collars?
Ok, maybe I'm misreading the spreadsheet. What does DSC / 2 mean?
« Last Edit: 11 May 2020, 06:01:29 by UnLimiTeD »
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #636 on: 11 May 2020, 06:23:52 »
They mean Ive slept since I designed that thing.  The CA does in fact have two collars.  ;)

A lot of the problem seems to be that people arent feeling pressured by naval taskings/missions/threats from opposing powers.  I own some of this - your likely not feeling much urgency because the impact of your navy on your nation is hard to see.  Things like anti-piracy value (favors speed, sensors, and hull counts) goes into the econ sim.  So does capacity to support colonization and relief efforts.

And Im not letting you beat up your weaker neighbors.  I'll try to put more of a thumb on the 'start war' and 'who to attack' button based on who your Coordinator/Archon/Prime Minister/Congress thinks you can beat up and loot for spare change.  This is to some degree a GM issue as well - I have a hard time getting into the mindset of a feudal warlord who considers war to be the sport of kings and the winner as whoever dies owning the most planets.

Ill try to make the need to have a navy more clear more often (assuming no-one learns the Taurian Lesson, or thinks Id only do that to an NPC power).  I think the answer may be as dumb and simple as having more fights.  Its not called Peacetech, and if losing huge chunks of territory and a meaningful % of your economy with it is the price of losing, maybe people will be more inspired to win this turns fights rather than keep teching and turtling.

Final thought on hull size... 4 Size 1 ships have 4x the SI of a single Class 4, and SI is actually relatively tough.. a 150 SI Class 1 takes 300! Capital damage past armor to hard kill.  Ive had at least one fight change the direction it was going when the smaller ships SI stack came into account.  No, it doesnt entirely pay for the size difference and cost savings, but it is a value.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2020, 08:19:47 by marcussmythe »


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #637 on: 11 May 2020, 08:15:48 »
Okay, this is a super-rough draft of a modified tech tree.

High Notes:

1.)  Blank Spaces!  These are techs that dont do anything, cant be skipped, and dont ever get a discount.  If this doesnt stretch things out enough, Im willing to add more blank spaces. 

2.)  Early Subcapitals!  Because its not a complicated idea, and it allows..

3.)  Worthwhile Combat Droppers!  Generic Combat Droppers will have a starting value of roughly their mass of warships.  This isnt great, but its better than nothing.  Each of the three subcapital weapon techs improve this by 33%, to a maximum of 100%.  Thus a Large Combat Dropper with all three technologies available will be worth (again very roughly) twice its mass in warships in a fight.  This means a 100kt Castrum style combat dropper is about as good as a 200kt warship, and a pack of 5 of them is theoretically on par with a 1MT Warship (though beware attrition.  The 5 of them might rip off the warships armor and send it into 'retreat', at a loss of 3 of their own, while the warship is just needing repairs and will be back...)

If we have to raise the cost of Combat Droppers or do a separate line for them, we will.

4.)  Microconstruction got broken up into multiple techs across multiple trees.

5.)  Black Boxes added.  Useful, cause though they are inferior to an HPG, they are light and cheap and can fit on almost anything.

6.)  Sustainment added.  Newtech.  Each level reduces the maintenance cost of Class 1 warships by 5%, with a decreased effect of 1 level per size class.  Thus Sustainment V would lower the maintenance of size 1 ships by 25%, size 2 ships by 20%, etc.  This is intended to offset SOME (but not all!) of the upwards pressure on ship size.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #638 on: 11 May 2020, 10:09:22 »
Okay, this is a super-rough draft of a modified tech tree.

High Notes:

1.)  Blank Spaces!  These are techs that dont do anything, cant be skipped, and dont ever get a discount.  If this doesnt stretch things out enough, Im willing to add more blank spaces. 

2.)  Early Subcapitals!  Because its not a complicated idea, and it allows..

3.)  Worthwhile Combat Droppers!  Generic Combat Droppers will have a starting value of roughly their mass of warships.  This isnt great, but its better than nothing.  Each of the three subcapital weapon techs improve this by 33%, to a maximum of 100%.  Thus a Large Combat Dropper with all three technologies available will be worth (again very roughly) twice its mass in warships in a fight.  This means a 100kt Castrum style combat dropper is about as good as a 200kt warship, and a pack of 5 of them is theoretically on par with a 1MT Warship (though beware attrition.  The 5 of them might rip off the warships armor and send it into 'retreat', at a loss of 3 of their own, while the warship is just needing repairs and will be back...)

If we have to raise the cost of Combat Droppers or do a separate line for them, we will.

4.)  Microconstruction got broken up into multiple techs across multiple trees.

5.)  Black Boxes added.  Useful, cause though they are inferior to an HPG, they are light and cheap and can fit on almost anything.

6.)  Sustainment added.  Newtech.  Each level reduces the maintenance cost of Class 1 warships by 5%, with a decreased effect of 1 level per size class.  Thus Sustainment V would lower the maintenance of size 1 ships by 25%, size 2 ships by 20%, etc.  This is intended to offset SOME (but not all!) of the upwards pressure on ship size.

I like everything but the empty slots.

But I'll point out that combat dropships still have standard scale SI. So once their armor is gone the die pretty much immediately so 5 Castrums should be equal to a single 500kt warship at the end. Which is the opposite of how warship combat happens.

I'd like to have some jump computer tech. So that we can gain pirate point advantages more often. Ranging from Zenith and Nadar only to Cannonshop.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #639 on: 11 May 2020, 10:12:54 »
I didnt figure ‘spend money this turn to not get anything this turn’ would be popular, but it does slow things down.  Doubling tech costs would have a similar effect, but this was simple.

For the ‘Standard Scale SI vs Capital’ - remember, were dealing with generic droppers, if the generic rules say 5 Large Combat Droppers are as good as a 1MT warship, then they are.  This isnt unreasonable... 5 Castrums vs an equally minmaxed 1MT Warship is a good fight.

What would you want better jump computers to do, mechanically?  How big an effect?


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #640 on: 11 May 2020, 10:55:07 »
What would you want better jump computers to do, mechanically?  How big an effect?

Mechanically they would increase fleet flexibility, dramatically reduce transit times for military vehicles and eventually for civilian vehicles.

At level zero dropping in between the earth and the moon is possible, but that spot is very predictable.

At level 2-3 opening up points between earth, mars and venus starts being an option.

At level 5 dropping in to the trojan and greek asteroids of any planet would be easy.

Also long range transit time gets shorter by a tiny bit eventually leading to a jumping as the crow flies 30 LY jumps to empty systems.

Other things that could happen are using long range jumps to maximize the ECM effects of the jump on targets or even jumping into point blank range of targets.

And when combined with lithium fusion tech you could get to the WoB super jump, or the interconnectiveness unlimited long range jump drives.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #641 on: 11 May 2020, 10:57:21 »
Regarding this turn.

What does ECM give me?

I assume it is things like the Guardian ECM for fighters and the integrated DS and warship ECM systems.

And does Improved ECM lead to Angel ECM or the SLDF SDS Ecm systems?


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #642 on: 11 May 2020, 11:04:30 »
Regarding this turn.

What does ECM give me?

I assume it is things like the Guardian ECM for fighters and the integrated DS and warship ECM systems.

And does Improved ECM lead to Angel ECM or the SLDF SDS Ecm systems?

I figure ECM is the basic things like fighters, and an improved version of the warship ECM systems.  Improved ECM is the gateway for Angel, etc.  (And if you had Improved ECM, and Targeting Computers, and a few other gizmos, that would probably justify society level techs)

Basically if you have better ECM (and ECM includes ECCM, and all other EWAR uses), your going to have somewhat greater accuracy and a similar penalty to enemy accuracy, especially at extreme range.  This will not be a LARGE EFFECT, its not an I-win button the way radar gunlaying in a night fight was in WW2.  But its valuable.

Ill consider adding the jump computers if everyone else thinks they are cool.  And I could probably clear up some of the 'empty' slots by scooting stuff down and cramming Society level tech toys at the end.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #643 on: 11 May 2020, 11:31:57 »
I like the idea to buff dropships somewhat. Really, they mostly just need to be a bit tougher. Though just vaguely saying "they are x% of a warship" might be a little too vague.
What does it mean? They take less damage? They deal more? Harder to hit? Their very presence bends space time to wisk 10% of your armour away into another dimension?
We'd need at least some idea on how to counter them, assuming they are worth countering.
I think we could add an extra tech for it that allows a dropship weight somewhere between medium and large, or maybe just "improved dropship armour" to make them reach their potential.

I personally don't see a problem with empty tech slots. Though I suppose I wouldn't mind that not being there, either. 
Call it "improved lab equipment" or "expanded testing facilities", and you can either pay something for it (maybe half a tech) or wait until  some threshold is reached or whatever happens - thus, players could slow progress a little bit, and the problem would solve itself. Maybe count techs researched in that tree total (all players)? I would still group techs, though. Like, 1 empty space every 3 or 4, and you'd need to have researched at least 1 of those before proceeding. Players should still have a reasonable choice and feeling of progress.

Could also just make tech a little bit more expensive if you research more than 1 per turn.
Jumps...  I thought that was a factor of crew training, and thus, maintenance. I suppose I see no problem with getting an upgrade or two to make it a bit easier, but it should be a risk.

I think we should also move the not yet researched armour improvements down a little, maybe 1 and 2. Also, could we move the Kraken a bit lower and T-op missiles a bit higher?
It's kind of weird to have it available 4 slots earlier than the obvious requirement.
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #644 on: 11 May 2020, 12:22:49 »
I like the idea to buff dropships somewhat. Really, they mostly just need to be a bit tougher. Though just vaguely saying "they are x% of a warship" might be a little too vague.
What does it mean? They take less damage? They deal more? Harder to hit? Their very presence bends space time to wisk 10% of your armour away into another dimension?
We'd need at least some idea on how to counter them, assuming they are worth countering.
I think we could add an extra tech for it that allows a dropship weight somewhere between medium and large, or maybe just "improved dropship armour" to make them reach their potential.

I personally don't see a problem with empty tech slots. Though I suppose I wouldn't mind that not being there, either. 
Call it "improved lab equipment" or "expanded testing facilities", and you can either pay something for it (maybe half a tech) or wait until  some threshold is reached or whatever happens - thus, players could slow progress a little bit, and the problem would solve itself. Maybe count techs researched in that tree total (all players)? I would still group techs, though. Like, 1 empty space every 3 or 4, and you'd need to have researched at least 1 of those before proceeding. Players should still have a reasonable choice and feeling of progress.

Could also just make tech a little bit more expensive if you research more than 1 per turn.
Jumps...  I thought that was a factor of crew training, and thus, maintenance. I suppose I see no problem with getting an upgrade or two to make it a bit easier, but it should be a risk.

I think we should also move the not yet researched armour improvements down a little, maybe 1 and 2. Also, could we move the Kraken a bit lower and T-op missiles a bit higher?
It's kind of weird to have it available 4 slots earlier than the obvious requirement.

I was contemplating having dropships work as per the tabletop rules, unmodified, vs. warships, but also as per the tabletop rules, unmodifed, vs. fighters.  This will make PWS a legitimate threat to warships, but at the same time leave them easy prey for fighters.

But then I was contemplating dealing with all of you wanting to design your custom PWS Droppers.  Probably more than one class for each of you.  And it occured to me that might not be a good time.

In general, PWS would be (relatively) more agile than Warships (usually), and relatively fragile, but well armed.  Think eggshells with sledgehammers.  The classic solution would be range, especially combined with speed, or fighters.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #645 on: 11 May 2020, 12:36:34 »
Added the Jump Computers.  I put them in Miniaturization, because, well, microcomputers, and because thats a tree that gets less love.

As I see other cool ideas, Im down to fill in the blank spots with them, at which point they are not blank spots but regular techs.  But in general it needs to be stuff that wont change the sheets or radically change the game.

I dont think we should move the current 'nearest' armor, Ferro-Lamellor - its too close, and too big a tech, and I'm sure some of you literally planned around it and its availability.

Utterly self-indulgent CC Turn 4 fluff posted.  Crunch will follow at some point.

*looks at THN*


I hate doing THN turns.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2020, 12:39:42 by marcussmythe »

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #646 on: 11 May 2020, 13:02:09 »
Love the Capellan fluff: excellent work!

FYI I am going back to work starting tomorrow: it shouldn’t affect my turns, I’ve got four mostly worked up and should be done in the next couple days baring fluff piece.

I’ll get to reading the tech changes later tonight and I’ll get back to you on them.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #647 on: 11 May 2020, 13:36:35 »
Added the Jump Computers.  I put them in Miniaturization, because, well, microcomputers, and because thats a tree that gets less love.

As I see other cool ideas, Im down to fill in the blank spots with them, at which point they are not blank spots but regular techs.  But in general it needs to be stuff that wont change the sheets or radically change the game.

I dont think we should move the current 'nearest' armor, Ferro-Lamellor - its too close, and too big a tech, and I'm sure some of you literally planned around it and its availability.

Utterly self-indulgent CC Turn 4 fluff posted.  Crunch will follow at some point.

*looks at THN*


I hate doing THN turns.
I planned around getting it next turn. And I still think Ferro-Carbide is too easy to get. But whatever floats your boat.
Btw, maybe have the reduced maintenance techs be Size X + Y kt?
I think it'd be interesting to encourage people to build designs not limited to those sizes, but slightly lower or higher. Or, well, the above yard capability suggestion.

I get you on the dropships. I'd be ok with them mostly being generic designs, though.
Having them work as normal and be customizeable would just lead to them being superior. I think we could add a tech or two to that effect - start them off at a worse conversion (well, better than fighters) and improve them through such a tech.
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #648 on: 11 May 2020, 13:46:14 »
Added the Jump Computers.  I put them in Miniaturization, because, well, microcomputers, and because thats a tree that gets less love.

As I see other cool ideas, Im down to fill in the blank spots with them, at which point they are not blank spots but regular techs.  But in general it needs to be stuff that wont change the sheets or radically change the game.

I dont think we should move the current 'nearest' armor, Ferro-Lamellor - its too close, and too big a tech, and I'm sure some of you literally planned around it and its availability.

I'll start using my thinking for more technology ideas.

I like that FC armor is still close and the LFC armor is so far away. Since the game only the Texas had LFC armor by the end of the SL era.


Utterly self-indulgent CC Turn 4 fluff posted.  Crunch will follow at some point.

*looks at THN*


I hate doing THN turns.

If the Hegemony had an accident then i'm certain that their turns would be much easier to write.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #649 on: 11 May 2020, 13:50:16 »
I get you on the dropships. I'd be ok with them mostly being generic designs, though.
Having them work as normal and be customizeable would just lead to them being superior. I think we could add a tech or two to that effect - start them off at a worse conversion (well, better than fighters) and improve them through such a tech.

I'm just going to repeat my idea, in case it got overlooked, for custom DS but they cost what the rules say or the generic cost. Whichever is greater.

That way if we want to make OP designs for whichever task then we pay considerably more, in some cases, then the generic cost. And we lose the flexibility that comes with generic multi purpose designs.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #650 on: 11 May 2020, 14:01:52 »
I'm just going to repeat my idea, in case it got overlooked, for custom DS but they cost what the rules say or the generic cost. Whichever is greater.

That way if we want to make OP designs for whichever task then we pay considerably more, in some cases, then the generic cost. And we lose the flexibility that comes with generic multi purpose designs.

The problem is, as your GM, I cannot promise I could in any meaningful way keep track of multiple custom DS designs on top of all the warships.  You would be spending time and extra money for something I would forget about, be reminded of, and then have to rewrite a fight to keep track of.  Further, this is a warship design exercise, and I'm not sure Im comfortable advantaging the dropship designers over the non-designers, because not everyone is going to want to design giant combat dropships.

*sighs*  But thats not a 100% no.  If yall all want the darn things, and if they dont blow up the game, and if people will help keep me honest and forgive me when I forget, and IF SMEGISH THINKS ITS COOL, then we will talk about it.

On the other hand, I found my mojo for THN.  I amuse myself, if nothing else.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2020, 14:11:21 by marcussmythe »


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #651 on: 11 May 2020, 14:10:03 »
The problem is, as your GM, I cannot promise I could in any meaningful way keep track of multiple custom DS designs on top of all the warships.  You would be spending time and extra money for something I would forget about, be reminded of, and then have to rewrite a fight to keep track of.

On the other hand, I found my mojo for THN.  I amuse myself, if nothing else.

That's a good reason to avoid extra complexity.

Edit: That is such a perfect THN design.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2020, 14:13:46 by kindalas »


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #652 on: 11 May 2020, 14:31:02 »
That gives me an evil idea for a turn event...

“Some A-hole has convinced $National Leader that $Bad Idea is the next big thing in naval warfare.  You will build 3d6 $Bad Ideas next turn, all other priorities are secondary.”


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #653 on: 11 May 2020, 14:32:15 »
You know, a few events might not actually be such a bad idea.
After all, a lot of earthly naval design was dictated by circumstance.
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #654 on: 11 May 2020, 14:48:37 »
That gives me an evil idea for a turn event...

“Some A-hole has convinced $National Leader that $Bad Idea is the next big thing in naval warfare.  You will build 3d6 $Bad Ideas next turn, all other priorities are secondary.”

I mean, I already did that with the Talwar. Forcing everyone else to make bad decisions sounds good to me.
...Is this just fantasy?
Warship Arms Race III


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #655 on: 11 May 2020, 14:50:13 »
I mean, I already did that with the Talwar. Forcing everyone else to make bad decisions sounds good to me.

Amusingly, I rather like the Talwar.  It may not be good, but its bad with -style-.

It was also much less EXPENSIVELY bad than the Typhoon...


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #656 on: 11 May 2020, 16:19:03 »
You haven't seen my Battleship plans yet
...Is this just fantasy?
Warship Arms Race III


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #657 on: 11 May 2020, 22:02:26 »
I'm thinking about starting a TRO for this game.

If I can get things organized are you guys interested in letting me use your designs?

And if I get organized are you guys interested in expanding your fleet fluff to to TRO levels?

There are a bunch of IFs in these questions.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #658 on: 11 May 2020, 22:04:03 »
Yes, and yes.  Twice on Sundays.

I think the history of the game as we play it will be great fodder for filling out TRO fluff.


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Re: Warship Race Redux
« Reply #659 on: 11 May 2020, 22:07:44 »
Yes and with that exert about Famous Pilots er, Famous Warships and their battles and follies section!

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

