Author Topic: A Warrior's Family  (Read 47777 times)


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #330 on: 11 February 2024, 04:09:19 »
Chapter 115

Roweyna cursed as she stood in front of the soldier near her and grabbed the grenade. With a hard tug she pulled the grenade free but the pin stayed on the snap link. Roweyna let the spoon slip free. The soldier realized too late what she was doing and yelled "Grenade" as she tossed it behind him and at Shafer and a group of the ComStar soldiers.

Roweyna grabbed the Soldiers vest at the shoulders, kneed him hard in the groin and pulled him over her as she pulled them both down to the deck. There was a deafening explosion and she felt the soldier slam into her as they slid across the deck.

Roweyna tried to get out from under the dazed Soldier, but he recovered too quickly. He pinned her down as he looked over his shoulder and saw his injured comrades. "You bitch." He yelled as she put his weight on her and balled his fist to punch her face.

Roweyna saw the first blow coming and managed to get her left arm up to deflect some of the force, but he quickly straddled her and sat on her chest as he raised his hands to rain down blows on her. She put her hand under his chin and tried to push him off, but he was too big and strong. As she tried to free her right hand she felt the cold hard handle of a knife. Without thinking she pulled it from its sheath drove it hard into his armpit. Her attack cost her a punch in the face, but as the Solider tried to bring his left arm down it was stopped by the knife's hilt, and he drove it further into his heart and lung. The soldier let out a sick wet cry as he tried to reach for the knife, but his armor prevented him from reaching it.

He tried to use his left hand to extract it but Roweyna reached it first, "Please, allow me." She cruelly wiggled and twisted the blade as she pulled it out. Blood gushed from the wound as Roweyna worked the knife free. The soldier must have been in shock or knew that he was dying because he didn't resist as she pushed him off. He didn't struggle as she rolled him over, pulled his laser pistol from its holster and got to her feet.

The aerobay was in complete disorder. The mercenaries were crouched behind stacks of mech and aerospace armor they had strategically placed. A couple of the ComStar soldiers had fallen back to the bay's entrance and were keeping up a steady rate of fire so the other Soldiers could retreat.

Henry had one of the ComStar engineers in a half-headlock and was using him as a human shield as he tried to move away from the ECM suite. Lucas and the other male engineer were dead on the floor. One of the Soldiers was dragging his friend who had been severely wounded by the grenade and three other soldiers were protecting Demi Precentor Myers as they tried to get her out of the aerobay. Shafer fired blindly as she ran for the door.

Demi-Precentor Tempes stood over Smythe's dead body. His cane had concealed a sword that was now out and the tip of it was buried in Smythe's neck. Tempes had Smythe's arm out-stretched and painfully hyper extended. He stood tall as he carefully pried the detonator out of the dead man's hand while making sure not to trigger it.

Roweyna aimed the laser pistol as she walked and demanded, "Give that here."

He gave her a sideways glance as he continued to work. She pulled the trigger and felt the safety prevent her from fully pulling the trigger. Tempes smirked knowing exactly what had just happened. Roweyna fumbled with the pistol for a moment, found the safety and disabled it.

Tempes turned to look at her as the safety made a loud audible click. Roweyna stopped a few paces from the Demi-precentor as she raised the weapon, "Don't make me repeat myself." All firing seemed to stop and Roweyna could feel all eyes on her and Tempes.

Tempes let go of Smythe's arm as he held up detonator. "Now, now, shouldn't you be concerned I might drop this? I'm actually curious if this is truly armed." He looked around the room and considered the fact no one had shot him as evidence he was indeed working with live explosives. "I fundamentally hate you all, but I have to give you credit for the inventiveness you find to manage to survive." He glanced over at Anastasia, "You especially."

"I'll not ask again." Roweyna said.

With one fluid move Tempes pulled the sword cane from Smythe's neck, took a step forward, and rested the sword on her shoulder. Roweyna knew the blade was directed at her neck. "I suggest you don't." Tempes said ominously. Roweyna kept the laser pistol aimed at his heart.

"Stop this." Myers said as she strode toward Rowyena and Tempes. She was still flanked by soldiers. "You're going to get us all killed."

"Demi-Precentor Myers, We'll have this situation under control shortly." Tempes said as he and Roweyna continued to stare each other down.

"The Veil of Light bridge is reporting an Excalibur class drop ship shadowing us just outside of weapons range. I want that ECM device installed before we engage them, and certainly before we begin the process of recharging the K-F drive." As Myers spoke Roweyna noted a tinge of anger or fear in her voice.

"That would be my father." Roweyna said, "Ye have his property, employees, and daughter. Short of returning them I'm not sure how yer going to discourage him from bird dogin' ye while vectoring St. Ives or AFFS or, quite frankly, any available aerospace force on to yer warship."

"That would be foolish." Tempes said "We have a warship."

"We do, but my orders" Myers gave Tempes a suspicious look, "insisted I take only a minimal crew, and get you to this system as quickly as possible. We don't have a complete crew, or a fighter wing, and the majority of our weapons are missiles and autocannons. If anyone chooses to play the odds…"

"Oh for a warship, ye can bet every successor state will play the odds." Roweyna goaded.

"…They could wear us down quickly. We're stuck here for a damn week, that a long time for several states to marshall their forces."

"My offer still stands." Roweyna said, "Ye let us go, keep yer ECM system, we leave the system, and we never breathe a word of any of this as long as ye don't weaponize the MRB." Roweyna offered.

"You know entirely too much to be allowed to live. Now that I have this," Tempes held up the detonator, "you have nothing to negotiate with. Lay down your weapons and surrender."

"If yer tellin' me we're going to die no matter what." Roweyna nodded at the laser pistol. "My mercenaries and I will make a grand last stand and manually trigger those explosives."

Henry held up a maxi grenade as the engineer he had been using for a human shield slumped to the deck. "Say the word mum."

"Stop this." Myers demanded, "You have my word you will not be harmed."

"Your word?" Tempes asked.

"I am captain of this jump, ah warship, and my authority is supreme." Myers said to Tempes then turned to Roweyna, "I swear by Blake's name that I will personally ensure none of you come to any additional harm."

Roweyna could feel Tempes slightly adjust the sword on her shoulder and she wondered for a moment if he wasn't about to strike down Myers. Smoothly he took the blade off of her shoulder and took a step back so he was between both woman. He lowered his sword so that the blade's tip pointed down and barely rested on the deck. Roweyna understood he could easily strike either her or Myers with almost no warning.

"You should re-examine your orders Demi-Percentor, as you will find that I have the final authority for this operation." Tempes said.

"I'm starting to suspect those orders were a forgery, and once we return I intend to report all of this to our superiors." Myers replied.

Roweyna could sense the change in Tempes posture. Myers was one step, or more precisely one word, from a lethal sword slash. She noticed several red dots on Tempes chest.

"Demi Precentor Tempes." Hap said loudly and clearly, "We'll lay down our weapons when you and your men do the same." Roweyna could see Hap and Anastasia standing behind the armor sheets and had their weapons trained on Tempes. Mags was sitting on the deck and had her back to the shipping container brig. Joker was putting a bandage on her shoulder, but Mags had a Needler pistol pointed at Tempes.

Tempes raised a questioning eyebrow, "I still hold this." He held up the detonator. "If you're desire is to die-"

"Like Roweyna said, if you're telling us we're going to die one way or another, I assure you we all die together." Hap said.

That's unnecessary." Myers said. "Ms. McFinnigan, Roweyena was it? I want you to contact your father and tell him to dock with our warship. We will guarantee your safety but he and his crew will have to promise to not report our position or assist anyone with locating us."

"I don't recommend that." Tempes cautioned.

"I want the ECM suite installed as soon as possible." Myers said, "Where are my engineers?"

"Didn't survive the fire fight." Henry replied gesturing to the yellow clad corpses near him. He was kneeling next to Lucas's body trying to do what he could for his deceased crewmember.

Myers looked mortified, "how are we going to get the ECM mounted and online now?

Tempes sighed, "These were your only engineers?"

"We have an acolyte, but she doesn't exactly inspire confidence." Myers said.

Tempes turned to Anastasia "I assume you can get this system hooked up."

"It's highly likely, but I would need the assistance of someone who can read Russian or Chinese. However, why would I?

"Because if you don't, I'm going to murder every member of this Mercenary company." Tempes said.

"I don't believe I should enable your warship to jump into a system, destroy vessels and defense platforms without detection and then move to a location where it can't be found to recharge and thereby move into another system and repeat the process."

"Do you think I'm joking when I tell you I will kill every member of this crew?" Tempes nearly shouted.

"I think you're going to kill us no matter what. Therefore-"

"When I'm done executing these mercenaries in front of you, I'm going to take this vessel back to our base. I'll find techs that can get the ECM connected to the ship, and then I will take you to Hazelhurst and make you watch as I nuke it from orbit. After I've turned everything you love about your homeworld into ash and craters I will maroon you on the surface so you can die a slow painful death of starvation and radiation poisoning among the surviving people you condemned to death."

Anastasia's shoulders slumped as she holstered her laser pistol, "I can't allow that either."

Myers gave Tempes a horrified look, "Blake's will is that we reunite mankind into a civilized society that achieves greatness through cooperation, the preservation of knowledge, and the pursuit of peace. I won't allow this either." Myers looked at Anastasia, "Child, trust me as I assure you that your work will only be used for peaceful purposes that further the greater good and brotherhood mankind."

Anastasia kept her eyes on Tempes, "forgive me if I'm skeptical. "

Myers cleared her throat, "I certainly don't want to diminish your free will, but we have little time. Ms. McFinnigan you will contact your father and have your mercenaries disarm these explosives. Young lady, Anastasia was it? I have an acolyte that can read Russian…she is an engineer and will assist you. I want this device online as soon as possible. Tempes, sheath your sword."

Tempes remained unmoved, "How do you think this will end? We just give these mercenaries a ride to another system and send them on their way and alls well that ends well?"

"No. The Explorer Corps has discovered several Star League era sites out beyond the Draconis Combine. There has been some discussion about how to use and protect these sites and I think I can advocate for a very long term garrison contract."

"I doubt father is going to agree to being abandoned on some barren rock out beyond the periphery."

"Your father should know his options are quite limited." Myers said reproachfully. "Get your people to work." Myers turned to Tempes again, "Demi-Precentor Tempes, put that weapon away."

"It's hard when I'm still holding this." He held up the detonator.

"If you're going to complain about it, you shouldn't have insisted on keeping it." Anastasia said.

Tempes looked incensed and stared at her coldly. After a moment he glanced around the bay, "Shafer, come here and make yourself useful."


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #331 on: 11 February 2024, 11:50:21 »
I know I should not complain (MOAR! MOARRRRRR!) but lots of mild editing is needed. That said...

Holey Fuq. Mr. Tempes talks an aweful lot like a 6th of June-type of Comstar member...
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #332 on: 13 February 2024, 20:54:14 »

Talking about a situation.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


  • Sergeant
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #333 on: 16 March 2024, 14:10:14 »
Chapter 116

Anastasia followed Demi Precentor Myers as she led her through the warship. Anastasia, like her crewmates, had been forced to surrender her weapons and remove her armor and tactical vest. She was wearing her black coveralls. The shoulder patches for the McFinnigan and Sons, and the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth were still on her coveralls as well as her name and rank badge. She still had a few personal items in her pockets, but she was for all intents and purposes a prisoner. Anastasia was also carrying two large manuals for the ECM devices.

"Demi Precentor, Ma'am, what will happen to the crew of the Phaidin?" Anastasia asked.

"If it's up to me I'd confine them to their drop ship. This vessel has limited facilities for holding captives, and my crew is too limited to guard anyone. Though I suspect Demi Precentor Tempes may prefer to keep everyone somewhere he can see them. His cadre of agents probably need something to do anyway. Before you ask, the crew of the Excalibur drop ship will stay on their vessel, at least for the time being."

The two women walked in silence for a moment.

"Demi Precentor Tempes believes you're a technical expert and have proficiency with lostech," Myers said. "May I ask how you gained your knowledge? I've heard New Avalon's Institute of Science has access to a digital library of Star League era data, however you seem young and, as I recall, they've only had that data for a few years ."

"I had a genius father who could seemingly teach himself and me anything. He could reverse-engineer any technology he could find, and replicate it. Often, he could even improve it. He encouraged my innate curiosity and desire to learn."

"That sounds wonderful." Myers smiled, "The day is coming when Blake's goal for a reunited mankind will be realized and we'll need smart young women like you to help restore the star league and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. Have you ever considered joining our holy order? We could take your natural talents and skills and put them to great use. Great use for the greater good."

"I don't think so."

"Perhaps you should speak to your father. He sounds like the sort of man that would encourage his clever daughter to make wise choices."

"He was…until he was killed by members of ROM."

Myers stopped and looked Anastasia in the eyes, "That's absurd ROM stopped…that's not something ComStar does."

"And yet Demi Precentor Tempes just threatened to brutally massacre an entire planet all because I didn't want to help him potentially threaten other systems. Which brings up the next fact that we're standing on a war ship. It seems contradictory to claim your order's goals and aspirations are peaceful when we're preparing a warship for conducting clandestine operations, particularly if nuclear weapons are going to be involved."

Myers started walking again, "Tempers were running high, and I suspect Demi Precentor Tempes rarely has anyone tell him no." Myers snapped, then sighed, "However, I can understand your perspective, and there is no excuse for Demi Precentor Tempes comments, and I wasn't pleased with his outburst. I'll speak to him."

"I wouldn't speak to him alone. " Anastasia said.

"I'll keep my own counsel on how I interact with my peers." Myers replied.

"You mentioned you had a significantly reduced crew, but it appears that Demi-Precentor has at least a squad of heavily armed men. He's a dangerous man that may use-"

"Yes. I'm very familiar with his men, I was in the middle of the same fire fight that you were in."

"Do you have a personal security detachment?"

"I realize our ranks may be simple and difficult to understand when compared to your military's, but I'm captain of this vessel, Leftenant. You should treat me as you would a Sr. officer in your own Navy."

"Yes ma'am." Anastasia said realizing she likely over stepped multiple lines of military professionalism and decorum, but at the same time Myers seemed too trusting of Tempes.

They walked in silence for a few minutes before they came to the engineering section. There were several adepts and acolytes working at various stations. A large man with short curly brown hair seemed to be in charge. When he saw Demi-Precentor Myers he approached her."Ma'am, you need help?"

"Chief Engineer Adept Reilly," Myers greeted him, "This is Leftenant Anastasia Calahad. I need you to find Acolyte Corvus and have her work with the Leftenant to get the ECM installed. They are also going to need a few able spacemen to move the ECM from the Leopard to the engineering section."

Reilly nodded, "Yes Ma'am." He glanced around and looked downthe passageway. "Where is our comms section? Where's adapt Jones and adept Rayburn?"

"Demi-Precentor Tempes and his adepts…there was an exchange of weapon fire, and Adept Jones and Rayburn…Blake has willed that Jeremiah and Michael cease their labor."

Reilly whistled. "Damn. The comms section was already thin and running double duty for sensors and avionics, of course all our sections-" Reilly stopped himself. "Adept Jones and Rayburn were worthy adepts and laborers in Blake's work. They will be missed. They have earned their rest and Blake's peace."

"Peace of Blake." Myers said in agreement. "Can you spare any engineers from other sections?"

Reilly scratched the back of his head, "Propulsion team is struggling, because they've never worked with engines of this scale. My team and I are trying to make sure the battery is good, and we're prepping for the recharge operations. According to the log this is the first time this vessel has jumped in centuries. Power distro keeps chasing down weird anomalies, and Sub-systems and weapons team-"

Myers nodded impatiently. "I understand all hands are engaged, and not enough hands to go around. Take the Leftenant to the comms stations, and introduce her to acolyte Corvus. I need the ECM installed and operating as soon as possible."

"Aye Aye Ma'am." Reilly leaned in closer and half whispered, "She's one of the mercenaries, right? Is she a prisoner, or how should we handle her? I don't really have anyone to spare to guard or babysit-."

"I promise to not cause problems." Anastasia said, "It's been made evident that any misbehavior or noncompliance from me will have significant consequences for my friends or home world."

Myers shook her head, "I appreciate your willingness to assist us, and I'm certain you understand that on a space vessel we all have collective responsibility to keep the ship operating. That said, I will not allow Demi-Precentor Tempes to harm you, your colleagues, or your home world."

Anastasia was unconvinced but she politely nodded, "Thank you."

"On that note, I need to have a long talk with my fellow Demi-Precentor. I also need that system online without delay, give the Leftenant and acolyte whatever assistance they need."

"Ma'am, Acolyte Corvus isn't exactly…have you talked to her for any length of time?"

"Acolyte Corvus has some of the highest technical marks I've ever seen. I had to quickly gather this crew, and I chose her because of her technical abilities. From what I understand she'd be an Adept if she'd put forth more effort." Myers said. "If Demi-Precentor Tempes is correct about the Leftenant, they should have no problem with installing this equipment."

"Yes Ma'am, I'll get them moving." Reilly motioned to Anastasia. He led her through the engineering section. As they walked Anatasia could feel the eyes of the crew on her. She felt conspicuous as they all wore similar white or yellow coveralls with various piping and accouterments that had a vaguely military look about it.

Anastasia and Reilly came to a juncture of passageways that had a large column. It was like a tower that stretched up several decks, and an access ladder led down several more. Multiple cables and conduits ran into the tower, and Anastasia could see this was probably the nexus of a great many electronic systems on the warship. She also thought it might even extend outside the ship's super structure and be part of the vessel's antenna array.

"Acolyte Corvus." Reilly called out, "Where are you?"

A woman's head appeared over the tower's second deck railing.

"Come down. I have a task for you."

A young woman in white coveralls came down the ladder and approached Reilly and Anastasia. She was short, and had blue eyes and blonde hair. Her coveralls had few embellishments and as near as Anastasia could understand she was a very junior or low-ranking member of ComStar.

"Acolyte Corvus, this is Leftenant Calahad, she'll be assisting you in installing the Electronic Counter Measure. This was the equipment you were briefed that your section would install once it was delivered. Do you remember the briefing?

As Reilly spoke Corvus simply nodded. Anastasia couldn't determine if her look was patronizing or if she was a simpleton.

"Right well, Adept Jones and Adept Rayburn suffered some misfortune and they are no longer with us. So Calahad here is going to help you, do you have any questions?"

Corvus simply shook her head.

"Acolyte Corvus?" Anastasia said, "Hello, my name is Anastasia. We've been tasked to install an experimental ECM device." She held out the technical manuals she was carrying, "These manuals contain the instructions we'll need to perform the install. I'm told you can read Russian?"

Corvus nodded again as she took the books that Anastasia offered her. She seemed to be ignoring both of them as she opened the top book and began examining the contents.

Reilly turned to Anastasia, "The Skipper told me to give you whatever you needed, so, what do you need?"

"The ECM is still on the Leopard dropship. It's located in a transportation container in the port aerobay. If you could send a detail to bring it here, that's the first step." Anastasia answered.

Reilly nodded, "I'll get some of the boys to bring it here. How long do you estimate this will take?"

"There was an appendix that appeared to describe how to install the equipment, and I believe it stated 36 hours."

"You 'believe' it's states 36 hours? The appendix 'appears' to describe? Are you a technical expert? Do you know how to read?"

"These manuals are written in Russian and Chinese, which are two languages I can't read. However based on the diagrams and formatting it looked like installation instructions. I can understand numbers, math, diagrams, and symbols. I just can't read the specific details."

"The details you actually need install the system."

"I apologize, I can only read English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German. Can you read Russian or Chinese?"

"We're not talking about me here." Reilly said.

"No we're talking about someone who can be helpful." Anastasia said as she felt her annoyance grow. Acolyte Corvus looked up from the book and looked at Anastasia curiously. Anastasia thought she saw a hint of a smile.

"Be careful, Leftenant." Reilly threatened.

"I apologize." Anastasia said, she felt annoyed with herself for again overstepping the bounds of military professionalism, decorum, and good manners.

Anastasia took in a deep breath, "The fact remains, I need the help of someone who can read Chinese or Russian. I also need someone who understands this vessel. However, to go back to your original question, I doubt this equipment was intended for a warship, and from my understanding the equipment has to be installed in different sections of the vessel. Therefore, I suspect 72 – 80 hours is more realistic estimation."

"Skipper said without delay, I read that as you got 10, maybe 12." Reilly said.

"Where was this appendix?" Corvus asked.

"It was in the back of the second manual. After the OV graphics."

Corvus switched books and quickly flipped pages, as she quietly said "after the operational viewpoint graphics." She stopped and nodded quickly . "Yes. You're correct about the 36 hours and the installation guide calls for a team of 5 techs."

"I'll talk to the Skipper, make sure she understands this may take some time, but I don't have any techs to spare." Reilly said. "Start figuring out where you want that equipment brought." He turned and walked away.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #334 on: 16 March 2024, 14:10:57 »
Chapter 117

Anastasia watched Adept Reilly leave, and then turned to find Corvus staring at her. "I'm sorry about your crew mates." Anastasia said as Corvus continued to stare. "Do you need a moment?"

This was the first time Anastasia really got a good look at Corvus. She was the same height as Anastasia, slender and Anastasia would have guessed they were the same age. Corvus had thick blond hair that she wore long. Her hair was mostly down but there were a few random braids among the thick chunky curls. Corvus's blue eyes were large and it looked like she was perpetually surprised.

"A moment for what?" Corvus asked. Her voice had an airy almost sing-song quality to it.

"We're you close to your crewmates, Adept Jones or Adept Rayburn?"

"Not really. Adept Jones was always talking about the will of Blake and insisted on performing useless hand gestures and other pointless rituals instead of just doing what needed to be done. I was ambivalent toward Adept Rayburn until I was told he wanted to get into my pants."

Anastasia nodded, "Yes, I've seen members of your order waste time on their pseudo-religious and superfluous actions when they could just turn on a system, or press a button. I also find that annoying."

Corvus nodded politely as Anastasia spoke.

"I've also experienced male co-workers like Adept Rayburn that allowed their carnal desires to cloud their judgment and make professional interactions difficult."

Corvus stopped nodding, "I'm not certain that was my problem." she seemed lost in thought, "Adept Jones said that adept Rayburn was 'trying to get into my pants'. I told him I was indifferent toward cross-dressing, but I didn't tolerate stealing, and was concerned that he would stretch out or ruin my clothes. That may seem trivial to you, but the order only issues new clothes once a year."

"'Get into your pants' is a common idiom for a desire to…copulate."

Corvus tilted her head to the side, "That actually makes more sense, and explains his general rudeness and cold demeanor after I spoke to him about cross-dressing and thievery." Corvus was quite for a moment than added, "I feel I should warn you, that I have been told I take things too literally."

Anastasia understood what Myers meant when she said that Corvus "didn't inspire confidence", but she was all she had to work with, "Acolyte Corvus-"

"Please, Anastasia, call me Victoria."

"Victoria, if we could, I think we need to figure out the most efficient way to install the ECM equipment. I worry that if we take too long Tempes will hurt me or my friends. Perhaps you could help me go over these manuals while we wait for the equipment to arrive."

Victoria nodded and led Anastasia to a small shelf-like table built into the tower. They poured over the manuals and Anastasis was pleased to find that Victoria could easily read the manuals and most of her assumptions were correct. After several minutes Victoria looked over at Anastasia. "I don't believe you have anything to worry about."

"You think this will be a simple install process?" Anastasia gave her a skeptical look.

"No. This is quite complicated. I was referring to your safety. I know enough about this crew to assure you, you and I are the only two people here that could hope to perform the tasks listed here."

"Noted." Anastasia answered. She was starting to sense that Victoria liked her, so she risked asking, "Victoria, what were you told about the current mission of this vessel?"

"Very little, honestly. I'm not considered a true believer, which is fine because I'm not. However, this means many of my questions are viewed as disingenuous or as things that should be obvious, so that annoys my superiors. Recently I've just stopped asking questions and tried to just do what they ask. This strategy also seems to annoy them, and periodically I've misunderstood their intent."

"I can see how that would happen, especially when you take things literally."

"That said, ComStar actually needs technical experts. As much as they wish their weak-minded rank and file could actually run a Hyper Pulse Generator or maintain a ship like this, they just aren't up to the task. That makes them compelled to work with the few people they find like me."

"I suppose no amount of religious indoctrination can replace an education in the science and technological disciplines. Does that mean most of the engineers on this vessel are like you?"

Victoria shook her head, "No, most of them are just smart enough to do their job, and content to repeat the sayings or asinine philosophies of some dead man or woman when they're prompted. Depending on who's around they may even do a few of the rituals."

"Suddenly, I'm even more surprised anything in ComStar works."

"Most of the systems on this ship are built around a 'square plug goes in square outlet, blue round connector connects to slightly bigger blue round connector' design philosophy. It's nearly all shapes and colors. Most routine operations are almost self-explanatory, and the acolytes are taught that if they are using significant force or things don't match up they should ask an Adept or Precentor. The HPGs are similar."

"Do the Adepts and Precentor's receive advanced technical training?"

Victoria laughed a light airy laugh, "Not in my experience. If anything they received advanced religious indoctrination. Honestly, if Blake was such a visionary you'd have thought he'd have foreseen that writing his meandering journal of philosophy and mysticism would do more harm than good. Of course his predecessors are to blame as well, especially Toyama."

"So you're saying Blake's religion has reduced the inheritors of the prime circuit into intellectual children waving their hands in meaningless ceremonies before matching colors and fitting shapes into holes?" Anastasia paused, "Except for those violent once in ROM."

Victoria's whole demeanor changed as she smiled and her eyes brightened. "I think you're the first person to ever truly understand me." She pulled Anastasia away from the comms tower and into a nearby alcove between two bulkheads, "Can I ask you something?"

"I suppose-"

She stared at her for a moment, then leaned out to look up and down the passageway. She looked Anastasia directly in the eye, "Do you constantly feel like everyone around you is an idiot?"

"Yes, I mean no." Anastasia shook her head. Victoria was starting to make sense to Anastasia. The patronizing looks, the distance from others, and social awkwardness. Victoria was like her, extremely intelligent capable of understanding great technology but struggling to interact with the people around her.

Anastasia was initially surprised as she assumed ComStar's education system would be the best in the inner sphere, given their access to high technology. She'd anticipate that if she could get past the religious exterior she'd find some of the brightest minds in the inner sphere. Of course, her experiences should have told her differently. ComStars education apparently focused primarily on the teachings of Blake. Any advanced technical education was accidental or done at extreme effort by the scholar.

Anastasia realized she didn't necessarily have time for this but she needed to handle Victoria carefully, "Victoria, Demi Precentor Myers said you had this highest technical acumen she'd ever seen."

"Given what I've seen of Comstar's best and brightest I'd warn you it's a low bar."

"That's fair, centuries of war has hurt education systems throughout the inner sphere. However you and I had the benefit of good education and have been able to intellectually thrive and flourish."

"You might have, my parents were anthropologists that were killed by some odd tribe of periphery cannibals they were studying. My grandfather then gave me to Blake's holy order because he thought they were actually lizardmen that controlled the galaxy. He was convinced they wore human skin masks and the robes were to hide their lizard bodies."

Anastasia had to process all of that. If it was anyone else she'd have thought that was a joke, but Victoria looked so sincere. She had thought she'd found a kindred spirit, now she wasn't so sure. Perhaps it was a joke. "Why did he force you to join Com Star if he thought they were actually a duplicitous race of lizard alien overlords disguised as humans?"

"He was dying and he told me the lizardmen were extra-dimensional and would reward us both in the afterlife." Victoria said plainly like it was obvious.

Anastasia didn't know how to respond to this. Victoria's antisocial behavior may have less to do with her intellectual abilities, and was either the result of a very traumatic childhood, and there was a real possibility she had a tenuous grasp on reality. She wished Hap were here, he seemed to instinctively know how to handle people.

She tried to think how Hap would treat her. He generally assumed or expected the best out of people, "So, your grandfather was insane, or perhaps he didn't want to deal with you, but was too kind to be honest with you."

"That may be partially correct." Victoria nodded, "If I'm being fair, I was young and very inquisitive, though I never felt he was kind nor unwilling to be brutally honest."

This felt more relatable, and Anastasia wanted to keep the conversation here, "I know my grandmother found my overly inquisitive nature to be tedious, however once she grew weary of telling me that all my questions were un-lady-like she'd send for my tutor."

"Questions weren't exactly encouraged by the Adepts who instructed young children in ComStar's schools. What was encouraged was reading Blake's work until your brains turned to mush."

"That sounds like more of a punishment than anything to invigorate learning and curiosity."

Victoria nodded, "It was a punishment. I read Blake's writing so much that there was a time where I thought that they had reanimated Blake's head and were keeping it alive in a jar so it could reveal new 'words of wisdom'. However, eventually I was taken to see Blake's body in state. Also if I had thought about it I would have realized ComStar didn't really have the technology or the people smart enough to make it work. It should have been obvious they were just making things up and attributing it to Blake."

"Was Blake's reanimated head another of your grandfather's theories?"

"No. Why?"

It was obvious to Anastasia that her and Victoria had some distinct differences. Curiously she found she liked Victoria, but Victoria's literal view of things, and ability to imagine almost impossible things probably caused her a lot of problems. Anastasia was certain where the theories of extra-dimensional lizard men and reanimated heads in jars were just theories or true beliefs. She wouldn't be too concerned but the lives of people she cared about depended on Victoria.

Anastasia nodded back to the passageway, "We should go back to the main juncture and wait for the men that are bringing the ECM equipment."

"I'd rather stay here and talk. This is the first time in a long time that I've had a conversation with someone who didn't want to tell me about the word of Blake or some other ignorant thing from their imagination. What do you do for fun?"

"I read a lot and I enjoy logic puzzles." Anastasia said as she repositioned herself so she could at least see the juncture.

"Logic puzzles? Like the ones where you have to work out the grid with the patterns of 1 thru 9?"

"Yes. Those are my favorite." Anastasia stared at the juncture trying to will someone with some equipment to show up. She tried to remember back to the prisoner of war training and methods for avoiding Stockholm syndrome. For a moment she realized that stockholm syndrome worked both ways, but there was a innocence and naivety about Victoria and the very idea felt immoral.

"Do you ever get very drunk and try to solve the puzzles to see what it's like for the idiots and normal people?'

"No. What?" Anastasia was again focused on Victoria.

Victoria barely let her answer, "No. Why would you? You don't need to know what it's like to be them, because you're significantly smarter and you don't need them to be your friend."

Anastasia was starting to sense that Victoria had a lot of disdain for people that weren't as smart as her but she was also extremely lonely. Anastasia understood that too, "I do struggle with interacting with some people," Anastasia replied, "however my husband-"

"Wait. You have a husband? Is he a genius like us?"

"Not exactly." Anastasia could see the disappointment from Victoria, "You and I have rare intellectual skills and talents." Anastasia and Victoria might not be alike, but Anastasia was coming to the uncomfortable realization that her and Victoria exhibited some similar antisocial behaviors. "Although I'd submit we're not exactly unique in the galaxy. You'd find your peers, at least intellectually, in some of NAIS's R&D programs." She'd also find quirky intellectual peers with a similar disdain for people they considered less smart than them.

"If your husband isn't a genius, why'd you marry him?"

"Foremost he loves me, and puts up with my…foolishness." Anastasia was starting to wonder just how insufferable she was. Victoria wasn't exactly a mirror, but she knew they weren't too far removed either. "Harold also has other talents, for example he tends to get along very well with others, which is a talent I lack."

"Oh, so you do want to relate to other people, even if they are all stupid."

"Well some days they seem to be in the majority." Anastasia said before she could stop herself. "Victoria we should go and wait for gentlemen that are bringing the ECM."

"I suppose." Victoria said as she led Anastasia back to the juncture near the comms tower.

Anastasia was relieved to see several of the crew members carrying boxes and two of them even had one of the larger pieces of the ECM between them. She then became anxious as she saw Demi Precentor Tempes swiftly marching up the hall toward them. Adept Reilly was struggling to keep up with the Demi-Precentor.

"Acolyte Corvus, explain to me why you think it will take over 30 hours to install the ECM device." Tempes said as he came down the passage way.

"Demi-Precentor, sir, she's not-" Reilly said as he tried to catch up with the Demi-precentor.

Victoria's head tilted to the side as she regarded the Demi-Precentor, "I believe I agreed with Anastasia's assessment that this would take over 70 hours."

"Unacceptable." Tempes said as he came to tower over both the young women, "I need this installed immediately."

"Even if we had five techs I doubt it will take less than 40 hours, allow me to show you-" Victoria grabbed the binder and started to flip pages. Tempes used his cane to knock the binder out of her hands and across the passageway.

"I don't care about the complexity of the task." Tempes turned on Reilly, "Did you know this task requires more technicians?"

"Violent men with the mentality of children." Victoria grumbled as she went to collect the manual.

"Uh…no, sir. If I had known how many techs were needed…" Reilly said as he tried to answer Tempes.

"I've brought this warship out of moth balls explicitly to have it equipped with this ECM. Do you understand that?

"Yes, sir. I'll do, but it's the fact that-"

"Perhaps I could be of assistance." A wizened old adept walked over, "I see two acolytes here, but it sounds like you have a significant task that will require wisdom and experience."

"Uh. Adapt Gallen-"

"Please brother William, ranks have no place when there is work to be done."

"Brother James, I'm not sure this is the job for you." Adept Reilly said.

"Blake wisdom allows us to accomplish all tasks." Adept Gallen replied nonchalantly.

Reilly looked concerned as Adept Gallen walked around the ECM equipment and started to motion to the men carrying equipment and indicated they needed to place it in a very particular pattern.

Anastasia glanced over at Victoria. She had the ECM manual clutched to her chest and was looking placid, and emotionless. "Is this normal?" Anastasia whispered.

Reilly grabbed the arm of one of the acolytes as he passed "Fuentes, need you to help out with this detail. I'll let your boss know you're not coming back to the power distro team till this is done."

"I don't know, sir, none of this equipment is up to Comstar's standards. There doesn't seem to be color-coding for the cabling. It's going to be impossible to install, and I don't believe it will work. I've heard it was made by the Capellans."

"My boy, we just need to believe and trust Blake's wisdom." Adept Gallen said as motioned to Acolyte Fuentes to stand near him.

Victoria leaned over to Anastasia and whispered, "This happens every time we are asked to do something non-standard or that the crew is uncomfortable with. Some olde tech comes around talking about Blake's wisdom and doing weird things, while the young acolytes complain that it's outside their training and it won't work. Eventually it all comes back to Victoria to figure it out, so yes, this is normal, it's an average Thursday afternoon."

"Come daughters, let us ask Blake's blessing over these gifts that we have received." Brother James waved to Anastasia and Victoria that they should join him and Acolyte Fuentes.

"Not you." Tempes snapped his cane up and blocked Anastasia's way.

"Demi Precentor, do not threaten that acolyte." Adept Gallen said.

"She's not an acolyte," Tempes said as he to Anastasia motioned with his cane, "She's an uninitiated outsider that serves a successor state. She has no interest in Blake's will, nor will she ever."

"Not with that attitude. Allow this one to know the grace and mercy of Blake and his vision, and see if she doesn't come to desire his purposes." Adept Gallen said.

"I need a word with 'this one' first." Tempes grabbed Anastasia by the arm and roughly pulled a few paces down the passageway. "You will ensure this equipment is installed as quickly as possible or I will start cycling mercenaries through an air lock."

"You've saddled me with a woman who may be delusional, an acolyte who has clearly never done anything as complicated as this, and an Adept who has put himself in charge because he believes your dead prophet will somehow guide us. How do you honestly expect me to install this equipment in a timely fashion without real assistance?"

"Fear." Tempes said coolly. "If I think you, and the people you have so little faith in, are taking too long I'll start by expelling your husband into the vastness of space."

"Meet me half-way, among the McFinnigan crew is an aerospace tech-"

"No." Tempes said.

Anastasia glanced past him to watch the rest of her detail..

"Look, none of this makes sense and we all know acolyte Corvus is madder than a bag of cats." Acolyte Fuentes said.

"I don't know why you're collecting cats in a bag and antagonizing them, but I am annoyed that you can't seem to follow simple instructions." Victoria sighed, "I'll try again, we need to connect the main processing unit here, and then the power amps will go half-way and at the top of the antenna tower. The multiplexer Adept Gallen is sitting on-"

"Are you following any of this brother James." Acolyte Fuentes asked.

"I believe Blake may be guiding her. We should follow where he leads, through her. I also just learned that I am sitting on a multiplexer. Tell me child, how does it plex multis?"

Anastasia glanced back at Tempes, and drew in a deep breath. Before she could speak he looked at her coldly, "I've already answered your question, if you'd like to try my resolve we can see how well your coyote handles the vacuum of space."


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #335 on: 16 March 2024, 16:50:43 »
Thank you! I was missing this :)


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #336 on: 16 March 2024, 19:59:16 »
This seems less and less like an Authorized operation from Comstar...
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #337 on: 17 March 2024, 03:25:20 »
Yep. Tempes/ROM (maybe Waterly?) definitely took things on their own hands. This is not first circuit authorized stuff. 

What I am less sure is how the McFinnigans are pulling out of this mess. Unless Corvus allies with them and Anastasiaq and her tamper with the sensors appear like the ECM is working when it is not...

Or the system does not work properly, of course.

Because a working ECM warship is a far departure from canon that I do not see very fitting at this stage.
« Last Edit: 17 March 2024, 06:06:01 by Elmoth »


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #338 on: 18 March 2024, 09:37:20 »
Nice see this back
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #339 on: 22 March 2024, 20:40:49 »
How the heck have I missed this until now???


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #340 on: 23 March 2024, 15:46:46 »
How the heck have I missed this until now???

In your defense I'm a very irregular updater and when I do post it's lot of content. I suspect many forum members see my work and intend to read it later (when they have time and the mental energy for a couple thousand words) but by the time they get to it the other, more dynamic, threads get their attention. Also because I tend to update once a month, this tends to get buried. Which is the nature of forums. 

I also started a few years back so catching up to this point is a real time investment.

I really do appreciate everyone that takes the time to read this work, and indulges me in how I've been pushing it out. I don't often respond to the comments because I'm worried I might reveal too much (this story is not as "made up as I go along" as it may appear), but the comments are greatly appreciated.

My thanks to all of you that have been reading and enjoying A Warrior's Family.   


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #341 on: 23 March 2024, 16:25:03 »
I suspect you're right on all counts there, thanks!

If I had the time, I'd offer to help you copy edit, but things are a little busy right now.  Your storytelling is otherwise top notch, please keep up the good work!


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #342 on: 24 March 2024, 06:38:06 »
I've been reading the story since I cam across it, with permission been archiving it on the Fanon Wiki.  It's enjoyable story.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #343 on: 24 March 2024, 15:02:00 »
I've been reading the story since I cam across it, with permission been archiving it on the Fanon Wiki.  It's enjoyable story.

I've appreciated you, Outsider7724, and I suspect a few others work on that. Thank you.


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Re: A Warrior's Family
« Reply #344 on: 03 June 2024, 19:25:40 »
Somehow I missed this

You throw Selina out the airlock, Megs will gut u like a fish.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"