Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109386 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #360 on: 14 December 2021, 16:28:59 »
The Hands of the Goddess will be sending the following units:
Archer Bravo
Main Gauche Alpha
Maxim Bravo
Warrior vtol

If someone else has something else for eyes-in-the-sky, I can also send my Piranha as an alternative for my Warrior.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #361 on: 14 December 2021, 20:52:46 »
Intercom chirp
“What is it?”

“Sir, I have a problem that’s developing. I think this is over my head.”

“What’s the problem?”

“It seems our asset with the pirates has blown her cover. They have her locked down. I don’t know how much she has told them.”

“I see. Well, as luck has it, we have some assets in the area. I’ll have them dispatched there to talk care of your problem.”

“Thank you sir. What should we do with them after the mission?”

“If they survive, we will review what is left. I will figure it out after the debrief.”

“Sir, I can take the Mercs with me to provide Fire support. We do not need them for the mission.”

“No, we will stick with the plan. We will swap out the Mercenaries. We know that the onside security has reported the Mech units to the Militia Command. The response force will be informed of this, but when they initiate combat, they will find out that the force they are up against is not the force that they are expecting, thus giving us the advantage of surprise. This will cause distrust, and THAT we can use to our advantage.”

“As you say sir. I will have the Mercs move off to LZ. By his Word.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #362 on: 14 December 2021, 21:13:15 »
Phoenix Dao encampment. A Confederate Class dropship lands a kilometer away. Two Battlemechs, two VTOLs, and one vehicle will exit. The dropship takes off to go to a new location.

“All units, this is Talon Leader. Okay, we are hear to get our people back and on the dropship. That’s is all!!! The infantry will fan out and approach from the Northeast. The light Battle Armor will provide Fire support to keep away the brave and the stupid. The medium Battle Armor will enter the compound and spring our people and escort them to their mechs. Talon two and myself will keep the heavies from coming out to play.”

“Sir, we are only two light mechs. How in the hell are we going to keep them from getting out and stopping us?”

“We drop the cave opening right on top of them, that’s how.”

“Roger that!”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #363 on: 14 December 2021, 22:03:01 »
Kiah's hammers will be sending
owens ow1 with squad of elemental
dragon drg1c
bandit hovercraft f with 2 squads i s grey death ba-laser
manteuffel attack tank with is ba laser


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #364 on: 14 December 2021, 22:20:39 »
0220 Phoenix Dao encampment. The sounds of battle sound through the halls. A muffled bang and the door falls down and hits the ground. A Nighthawk Battle Armor fills the doorway.

“Lai Chou San. You and your personal shall follow me to the mech bay where you will get in your mechs and pilot out to a waiting dropship. Is that understood?”


“Follow me.”

The escaping mechwarriors follow the Battle Armor to the bay and as they start climbing into the cockpits of their mechs the alarm sound. The defenders start to press the attack. First to move is the Wasp. As he starts heading to the entrance a squad of troops set up a squad portable SRM Launcher and takes the shot. The missle hits the Wasp in the leg spalling armor

“Damn, I’m hit! Someone take that launcher out!”

“Keep your cool Fenn, I got this.”

The Stinger raises its arm and starts shooting its machine gun at the squad. As the squad starts taking casualties, a Commando raises its arm and lets loose a volley of missiles at the Stinger just missing it and hitting the scaffolding. On its right, an Urbanmech starts to move.

“Um, guys, this is starting to get hot! An AC 10 round whizzes by the Wasp What do we do?”

“Stryker Lance this is Talon. Pilot out of the cave, take a Bering South by Southwest for three klicks and get on the transport. We got your six.”

“Roger that Talon. Lance, hop to it, we’re outta here.”

As the Catapult started to head out, the Thunderbolt and Warhammer level their primary weapons. The Warhammer shoots first, one PPC shot cutting into the Catapult torso. The Thunderbolts Large Laser hits the same torso, opening it up. The Catapult stumbles.

“Talon, we can use that help now. One more hit like that and I’m going up like a Roman Candle.”

“Just get out of there as fast as possible. We got this.”

As the Commando tries to get around the Catapult to get to the damaged torso, three medium lasers slam into it.

“We got a Mongoose out there at the mouth of the cave. Reading another light class mech. Possibly a Mercury.”

“All Phoenix Dao, this is Exquemelin, take them all out. Starting with that traitor Lai Choi.”

As the Wolverine, making sure that the Catapult clears mouth of the cave, takes a pot shot at the Warhammer, just missing the head. It then turns around and engages it’s jump jets, clearing the cave mouth.

“Talon two, the package is clear, bring it down.”

“Roger Talon.”

Then the Mongoose and Mercury fire at the cave mouth, collapsing it just as the Urbanmech is about to clear the mouth.
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #365 on: 14 December 2021, 22:55:36 »
“Exquemelin to Ching, come in.”

“Ching here, what is it Alex?”

“We just had a jailbreak. Someone just busted in and got San and her crew out. We don’t have any idea where they came from.”

“You let her ESCAPE!!!”

“She had help. Battle Armor and Mech support. They overpowered the guards, escorted her and her crew to their mechs. Covered them while they powered up. We engaged what we could. I even got a good shot on San, but as soon as she cleared the opening, they dropped the cliff on us. Caught Reed and her Urbie. Buried it. Bent the laser and dinged up the armor. She’s pissed but alright. Good thing that trashcan can take a hit. We got the mechs with hand actuators cleaning it up so we can get out of here, but I’m sure they are long gone.”

“When England and I get back we are going to have a long talk about this”

“Before you start passing judgment, you should see the security footage. They had Battle Armor pinning our people down. They had mech support outside waiting for them to come out.”

“And you had what??? Damn near a company of mechs? You couldn’t handle a few battle armor and a couple of mechs?”

“With Battle Armor running around insid and San and her lance up and running? No we couldn’t stop them. This was a professional and well thought out operation. It was the middle of the night and most of us were asleep. We were lucky they wanted to bug out or it could have been a lot worse.”

“Like I said we will talk when I get back. We are almost on site, so this will have to wait. Get the base squared away, and double security. Who knows what can happen next.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #366 on: 14 December 2021, 22:58:36 »
“Sechs to Drai, your package is on the way. ETA 20 minutes.”

“Drai to Sechs, Roger that.”
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #367 on: 15 December 2021, 22:55:28 »
Fuka is called into Euron's office.  The young tech/mechwarrior is confronted by Chao, a man she recognizes as one of the Goblin commanders and a Chinese woman with bleached blonde hair she's never met before.  Euron and Alannah Harlaw are present behind the desk.

"Good," Euron says.  "Now that everyone's here, we can begin.  Fuka, I'd like you to meet Amy Zhao, formerly of Barrett's Fusiliers and commander of our Partisan Lance Command vehicle. Amy, this is Fuka Hiyami."

The blond woman nods to Fuka.  "So you're the girl who's been in the spotlight lately.  It's a pleasure the finally meet you."  She offers her hand and Fuka shakes it.

"Likewise, Zhao-dono."  She looks to Euron.  "Does this mean that-"

"It does, Mechwarrior Hiyami."  Euron responds.  "You'll be sortieing for the first my Crow's Eye."

Fuka straightens up and salutes.  "Y-yes, sir!"

"Master Sergeant Zhao will be in charge of the mission to defend the power plant that's about to come under attack." Euron explained.  "Your two objectives, Mechwarrior, are to defend the plant and to defend the Master Sergeant's Partisan.  I expect both to be unscathed by the end." 

"Wait."  Chao raises his hand.  "Why is she in charge and not me?  I outrank her, after all."

"Because, Chao," Euron looks at him.  "She's got the C3 Master system and you've got the slave.  You're going to be spotting for her."

Chao looks indignant.  "So, I have to stick my neck out, with no stealth armor to boot, to spot for her slow-as-sh*t tank, while the fangirl here gets to stay behind in your 75 ton death machine, safe and sound?  This just seems like a bad plan."

"Hey, look at it this way."  Says Avi Spencer, the Goblin commander.  "If you deafen them with your mega-sound system, they won't be able to hear themselves think, let alone shoot back at you.  And if things get too crazy, you can always call for help.  I'm sure someone will respond, if they can hear you over that cacophony of noise you love to broadcast."

"My music is a thing of beauty and culture, Avi."  Chao fires back.  "Just because the galaxy is full of uncouth philistines doesn't mean it can't be appreciated."

"Enough."  Euron ends the conversation.  "This is the plan.  Plus, we're not going in alone.  The rest of the GSF will be there.  Chin up, Chao.  I'm sure you can upstage Ching Shi's Raven pilot with your superior model and music appreciation.  Dismissed."

The assembled group leaves except for Fuka, who turns back to the Colonel.  "Thank you for trusting me with this mission, Colonel.  I won't let you down."

"You'd better not, Mechwarrior."  Euron exclaims.  "Remember, that's my 'Mech you're driving.  Show her respect, and she'll do the same.  And don't you dare wreck her, or this will be be your first and last mission, plus you're gonna have to fix her all by yourself."

Fuka gulps before snapping to salute.  "Understood, sir.  Mechwarrior Fuka Hiyami, proceeding as ordered, sir!"

OOG: Anthony, the Ironborn will be sending: The 5M Marauder, Crow's Eye piloted by Fuka,  the Raven, Boom Box, the Lance Command Partisan (the one with the C3 Master), and Goblin Delta with its infantry platoon.
« Last Edit: 15 December 2021, 22:58:59 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #368 on: 16 December 2021, 02:11:25 »
“You need to keep an eye on your back. If the Boss lets you go you know many of the others around here will be looking to collect.”
“Let them try. Most of these …. MechWarriors are nothing. Most are only good for pushing unarmed civilians around and looking tough.”
“True for some but some do know what they are doing and have the hardware to back it up.”
“Look this rock only has two people that I might have a problem with and I will deal with them at the proper time.”
“You may want to re-think that. Some of the locals can make you wish you had not landed on this rock. As for Vicky and Max if they come after you they will be harder to deal than you think. If they come at you together you will not win that one. You just might want to keep that head of yours on a swivel they may not be all that good in your book but the numbers are not on your side.”
“You over estimate the talent out here.”
“No! You under estimate to many of them!”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #369 on: 16 December 2021, 06:18:05 »
  You may want to get the latest issue of Shrapnel (#7).


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #370 on: 16 December 2021, 20:32:57 »
Bullsh*t flag on the play! Shrapnel 7 hasn't been released yet. Otherwise I would have it and finished reading it already.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #371 on: 17 December 2021, 06:15:27 »
It's in the Catalyst store.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #372 on: 18 December 2021, 17:39:47 »
“OK now that your team has been reported, get to the LZ ASAP.”
“Roger that we are on our way.”

“Get you ammo loads filled and repair any armor damage.”
“We are good to go.”
“I said fill the ammo bins and repair any armor damage. You will do as told. NOW!”
“We are needed to fill this mission. We don’t have the time to play around.”
“You forget your place. I command this mission not you. You will need to be at 100% for the mission. NOW DO AS ORDERED!”
“We are wasting time.”
“Yes by you not complying with my orders.”
“Look I used half of my ammo to get out so it will be good to take the time. Not like the place is moving.”
“Yes but the security forces will be here soon and I would rather not take the time. We get in take what we want and move out.”
“Your plan might work if the GSF was just in one location. They have bases in many different locations and will get here at different times. If you try and take them on with un-filled ammo bays and the armor damage you have you run the risk of them forcing a prolong fight that you cannot win. If you strike hard and at one point you will get the mission done.”
“Very well, repair the armor damage and fill your ammo bins.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #373 on: 19 December 2021, 04:10:48 »
"30 minutes to LZ, everyone get strapped in."

Aboard Crow's Eye, Fuka's heart is racing as she goes through the final checks before landing.

"Hey, Hiyami..." Chao's voice cuts over the radio.  "Remember, this isn't a simulation anymore, got it?  You're about to go face to face with some of the most vicious killers on this planet.  They will NOT go easy on you and there are going to be real bullets and beams coming at you out there.  If you freeze for even a second, people WILL die and it will be YOUR fault.  Do what you're told when you're told to do it and we will get through this.  Also, listen to what music I play.  It's not just random stuff I play because I feel like it.  Some of it is code for what we should do or what the enemy is doing.  Your onboard warbook has a list of what it all means.  Oh, and don't be offended if I play "Bloody Kentares".  That's for the Black Dragons, not you."

Before Fuka can respond, Amy added her voice.  "OK, that's enough outta you, Chao.  You're going to scare the poor girl to death.  Fuka, don't let Chao's words get in your head.  He's just as nervous as you are."

"Damn straight I am." Chao interjected.  "Going in with the varsity team like--"

"QUIET!" Amy shouted.  "Trust me and trust in my orders.  That's all you have to do, Mechwarrior."

"H-hai, Zhao-sama!"  Fuka responded as confidently as she could.  "I won't let you down."

"Good."  Amy said.  "Now power up, we're about to land."

Fuka keyed the activation sequence.  "Enter final code phrase."  The computer prompted.  Crow's Eye's code phrase was originally "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.".  It had been reset so it would respond to Fuka's chosen words.  She had picked something similar to honor her new family.  She said it aloud.

"Suzaku, who was dead but has risen again, higher and brighter."

The 'Mechs systems activated, Crow's Eye was awake and ready for action.  Fuka smiled.  Let's go prove ourselves, karasu no me.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #374 on: 19 December 2021, 20:52:24 »
OK so next mission will be on 01/30/2022.

Next up we will be making the time jump to 12/68.

Keep your eyes on this as lots will be a happening  >:D

Now on to the show.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #375 on: 19 December 2021, 20:54:33 »
“Just why did you divert MY ROM unit from the mission I gave them?”
“They were sent to recover one of your units that were held but governmental forces.”
“What are you talking about? All of my units are accounted for.”
“Even the one you let stay on with that she witch you hired?”
“They are keeping track of said she witch.”
“True, until they had their cover blown. Your she witch had them locked up.”
“What? How? They would have contacted if they were in trouble.”
“When one is placed in shackles one is not given the chance to make a call for help. One member of that group did get off a quick message that one of my people picked up.”
“One of your people? How do you have anyone near that unit?”
“My people are looking for ways that you can do your mission better. I do remember informing you of this. My operative picked up the call and your ROM unit was the closest unit that could be of help so I ordered then in. Simple mission for them and they did it well.”
“Next time I would like to know you are using my people before the mission. After all we are working for the same reasons.”
“If I need to use some of the people in the unit you command I will try to inform you. Do keep in mind that all of us are doing Blake’s will and we all work for that end.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #376 on: 19 December 2021, 20:55:06 »
“So with the information from the last few missions the GSF has shown that Kusonoke and Nakazawa are working with the Kokuryu-kai. What are you going to do with this information?”

“Nakazawa is a big problem in the south and needs to be dealt with. Their working with the Kokuryu-kai setting up road blocks and plus other things we will find out about as we pressure them, they need to be shown that these actions will not be taken lightly. Kusonoke is a problem much closer to home and can cause many problems also.”

“Well Nakazawa are Dai Ichizoku and Kusonoke are Ichizoku. Each has friends in Parliament.”

“Parliament can only do so much. Stripping them of title and lands is one of the biggest things but if them do go full on Kokuryu-kai they will be a major problem. We can limit access to money and equipment they have but if the Kokuryu-kai step up and supply them we will be hard pressed to deal with them with the other problems we have at this time. With all the troubles in the Inner Sphere the Kokuryu-kai will have problems bringing is supplies for them. We will have to move with care and speed.”

“So who are you going to deal with first?”

“Well it is time to drop the hammer on Nakazawa first. As Dai Ichizoku they are the larger problem. We must show all that working with outsiders that are not looking out for the best interests of Nejiro will cost more than you could have ever made with these outsiders. Then Kusonoke will get what they have asked for. Then any others that need to will get what they have coming to them. Unless we have hard prof on the WoB supporters, then they go to the top of the list.”

“What about the Militia?”

“I want to keep the Militia out of this as much as possible. We do not know if any other Dai Ichizoku or Ichizoku are working with the Kokuryu-kai. We only know of these two for sure, what others are working with the Kokuryu-kai we need to find out. Others have to be working with them they have been able to do too much for just these two being the only support they have.”

“So what do you want Sho-sa Josef to do?”

“Have Sho-sa Josef start to get the members of Nakazawa and Kusonoke removed from active duty also members of Rhee and Maximovna as they at the very least are letting Word of Blake use Yasei no Sogen as a safe haven if not fully supporting them.  Until we know how these people well act they cannot be active duty. I know some will not be happy about this but this is how it has to be until we know if they are putting Nejiro first. Until new information becomes available they cannot be trusted.”

“We are still working to see if any of the clans are working with/for the Kokuryu-kai and Word of Blake. This will make things more difficult for the militia to do its job as they will not know who to trust if bandits raid us while the GSF is dealing with local problems.”

“I understand this but it has to be done for the good of Nijero. We can use some the DCA troops that have been on world, they have shown that they are not under the sway of the Kokuryu-kai. Once we know what the Marines who just got into system are going to do then we may have more troops to deal with our problems. So far only the command staff is known Kokuryu-kai.”

“We now have to find who these Ronin are with. The rescue and escort forces did a very good job of making sure we do not know who the one that sent them out was. If they can rally the other Kokuryu-kai they will make things much worse than they are now.”

“I would like to get Ellis out of my way but the slime is not helping. He is walking a fine line and soon he will get what is coming to him very soon.”

“We do not have the information to prove that your cousin Ellis is supporting any of our problems.”

“I know this and am already working on it.”

“We also have to keep a closer eye on the Word of Blake supporters.”

“This is also a work in progress.”

“Last off we still need to find who is helping the Jaguar bandits.”

“Yes but the other two are much bigger problems and need to be handled first.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #377 on: 19 December 2021, 20:56:02 »
“Sir you were correct the GSF’s response time was faster than previous times.”
“I noticed that over the last few missions they have had forces in place faster.”
“Do we know if they have moved units? Are they spreading out more?”
“This I do not know at this time but will look into what is happening. We will need to keep an eye on them for now.”
“As you command sir.”

“Sir one of the strike team prize crews spotted a DropShip not far from the last mission site. It is not one that belongs to the DCMS,ComStar or Phoenix. It is painted Blue and Gray, the colors of the Saganami’s.”
“Did they get an ID on the class?”
“No sir. The sensors on the vehicle were not working and the crew did not recognize the ship design. They only reported it was spheroid in shape.”
“I will have to task Sechs to find out about this.”

Nejiro News 1
We have just gotten word that the production vehicle plant south of Bridges was raided by bandits. We will keep you informed as we find out more.

Hilo TV3
Units of the GSF have responded to reports of a raid on the vehicle production site south of Bridges. As we find out more we will let you know.

Reports of a raid on the vehicle production plant south of Bridges are filtering in. As more information on this happens we will keep you informed.

The Tarawa Times
The main news groups are running another story of a bandit raid at one of the Governors vehicle production sites. These sites she forced to be finished and have only so far had more bandits come to our world. This why Rhee-sama and Maximovna-sama have not gone along with this idea, they knew that these sites would only bring trouble.

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
These are the things that show how your government fails you. They have Sell Swords that do not do anything until things happen. That is if they are not the ones making these things happen so they keep getting money.

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
Once more this wonderful world falls prey to bandits. Why because your leaders do not care. They like many others just look out for themselves. These bandit raids hurt you the people of Nejiro they force you to take shelter while this Governors Security Force stumbles around.

“I am offering you employment not a free ride. You will be paid for your services.”
“That is what one of your other friends said and we are still on this rock.”
“Well I am not like my friend. I do not go back on my word. The services I will ask for will not be easy but will pay well.”
“What about support? We lost that.”
“Arrangements can/will be made. I am not looking for long term service. I will offer jobs one at a time and you do not have to accept them. I do have others providing services. I understand you will want to test the waters.”
“So how are you going to show that you won’t screw us over like you friend?”
“First off I will pay for the first service up front. Second I will pay half before and the other half when the service is done. I am sure that you will not take payment without doing the service. Third I will help find you transport.”
“Not that we have much choice in this, so what do you want us to do?”
“Simple be at this location at this time. I am sure you will know what to do when you are at the location.”
“OK but we are low on tools.”
“As I said things will be provided. Go to this location and you obtain your tools. I will deduct the cost of said tools from you payment.” 
“We can work with that.”

“I was told that you are the person to see about tools. This is my credit account”
“Tools I have. Just let me check your account. Ah yes I was told you would be by. So what are you looking for?”
“This is a list of what we will need for the job.”
“Well looks like you have some major work. Some of these I have but not in the quantity you are looking for.”
“We don’t need the full set right away. We can start with what you have and when you get more finish our work.”
“Very well, if you will follow me.”

« Last Edit: 20 December 2021, 11:35:24 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #378 on: 19 December 2021, 20:57:05 »
Off to one end of the spaceport the 565th and 268th have a security perimeter setup and are having the different units from the DCA Marine regiment pass security checks. After each unit is checked they are loaded on to transports so they can go to the different training stations they will be using. After all the Marines have been screened the crews of the DropShips will then be screened as well.

Nejiro News 1
We have a report of someone attacking civilians east to Quezon. When we get more on this we will let you know.

Hilo TV3
News of some civilians being attacked east to Quezon has been reported. Not much other information is known at this time. We will be following this story.

We are following a story of civilians being attacked east of Quezon. As more information comes in we will let you know.

The Tarawa Times
More stories of the people of Nejiro being attacked. What is the GSF doing? They are here to protect the people are they not?

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
News outlets talk of civilians being attacked outside of Quezon but the government does not say a word. The GSF does not offer any information on this story. So is this just a story or ….. is the Governor and her sell swords up to things? One wonders.

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
We are seeing stories that some civilians have been attacked outside of Quezon. No official word has been given. So is this a false story or is someone trying to hide something. Interesting the ComGuard was not asked to help with this. They are so close. We will keep an eye on this to see what is going on.

“See, what did I tell you. Very nice of them to show us the back door.”
“So what do you want to do now? Walk in?”
“Not at this time. First we need to make sure that the ones I am looking for are here.”
“So what …. we just sit here?”
“No we use some of your toys so we can watch the full story. Then when we know that they are on site we figure out the best way to deal with them.”
“OK so I will get the sensors in place. We cannot go back to the cave you are using because at that range they will track the signals.”
“So what do you want to do? Setup a new safe haven?”
“Not if I have a choice. We keep moving. If we sit in one place they will find us and that will be bad for our health.”
“I am glad that you did listen to your teachers. Nice to know they did not waste their time on you.”
“If I had I don’t think you and would be having this fun time together.”
“True. So let us get to work.”

“Sir we have some new workers. They stopped by the shop to pick up some tools.”
“Good, we are moving along well.”
“They worked for our other company. They will work for us but I did offer better terms.”
“That is not a problem. As long as they work we will have no problems.”
“I am sure they will. If not they will not like being unemployed.”

Nejiro News 1
We have seen a large force of DCA Marines land at the Spaceport and know that they are on world for training and refit. We welcome these proud members of the DCMS. We at News 1 hope that the time spent on Nejiro helpful for them in the future.

Hilo TV3
Reports are in of a large group of DCA Marines on world for training. May the Dragon look after these fine warriors.

We at HBC have talked with the commander of the DCA Marine unit that is on world for training and he has informed us that his unit is looking forward to the training and other actives that Nejiro has to offer.

The Tarawa Times
News of a DCA unit landing is all over the news. We at the Tarawa Times wonder at the timing of this unit’s arrival. Why are they here? Is it training as stated?

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
DCA Marines have landed for training. This is what the Governor and her press have said. Why now? Why at all? The DCA has training camps much closer to home. To send a Marine unit this far out for training makes no sense. Unless she has called in some favors from her DCA friends.

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
We have seen many reports that DCA Marines are on world for training. These reports have not told us how long they will be here “for training”. With all the different raids of late maybe she has called for help from her DCA masters. Maybe she is looking to make this a Combine world if not in location but in name of her overlords. Good people of Nejiro you need to keep a close eye on these “troops in training”.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #379 on: 19 December 2021, 20:58:43 »
To: Major Franks, Captain Bonanno, Major Cranson and Colonel Grayjoy.
From: Elisio Aguiar Tekeda
Re: New Contracts

Commanders we thank you for this past years’ service and will now be starting with you new contracts. Once more thank you for your service and may your new contracts be as well served.

Elisio Aguiar Tekeda
Liaison Officer GSF

Nejiro News 1
We have it from good sources that the original units of the GSF will be staying with to provide for our security. We look forward to them keeping our world safe.

Hilo TV3
News of the units of the GSF extending the contracts to stay on world is getting out. We are happy that they will be staying here and looking after our fine world.

Many news groups are reporting that the original units of the GSF will be staying on Nejiro. Most people that have been asked are happy that they will be staying on world and help the militia keep all of us safe during these times.

The Tarawa Times
Word around the planet is that the governor will be keeping the mercenary troops of her GSF, how will this work for us?

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
Look the Sell swords will be spending more time on your world. It looks like the government needs propping up. They want to keep the sell swords so they can stay in power. For a year these sell swords have done nothing more than playing warrior and collecting money these leaders need to keep these hired guns. Fake battles staged for the news groups that are in the pocket of these so called leaders to make you good people feel protected. If real trouble does come here these sell swords and government will cut and run.

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
So the toy soldiers will be staying here on Nijero. These mercenary troops that tell you of great battles with enemies that none see. These people who only want money will be your protectors or will they be here to protect your bad leaders from you when you understand that you are the ones that are being used. Good people of Nijero ask and true protectors for this world will come and keep you safe. They help you keep what is yours.

To: Major Franks, Captain Bonanno, Major Cranson, Colonel Grayjoy, Tai-i Roads, Kapten Bjomsen and Colonel Bosche.
From: Elisio Aguiar Tekeda
Re: Small units for detached service

Commanders due to reports from the other stations in the system all GSF units will need to supply a small unit to help with the security for these places. Said units will need one (1) Battlemech, one (1) armored vehicle, one (1) infantry unit and one (1) unit of your choice. This unit you supply will be off world for three (3) months. At the end of this time a new unit will needed to replace it. This will be necessary until Word of Blake, Kokuryu-kai forces and Jaguar Bandit forces have been defeated.
You will want units that can operate with minimal support as they will be away from your main bases of operation.

Each force will have a small fire base that it will operate from. These are small facilities and part of these units duty will be to provide security for said base.

We will send supply ships to these bases on a bi-weekly basis.

Two of the sites are on large asteroids that do not have an atmosphere on the surface. The areas that need security are underground and do have minimal atmosphere. Units for these stations should be picked with this in mind.

All stations are from 0.9 to 1.1 normal gravity.

Units that will be assigned to the asteroid facilities should utilize light battlemechs due to the tunnel size. Also battle armor and units with omni abilities would be of use at these sites. Direct fire weapons will be of the most use. Last off very heavy weapons are not recommended as the damage they can do can cause breaches to the surface.

All stations have a small security force. These security forces are a platoon of infantry with support vehicles.

We will need your units on station starting the new month.

The six stations that need the extra security are:
1) Mine (Asteroid)
2) Mine
3) Research Lab
4) Farm
5) Power Station
6) Research Lab (Asteroid)
7) Power Station (Asteroid)

Security Force
Asteroid Facilities
Goblin Medium Tank      x   4
Foot Infantry Platoon Laser   x   1

Other Facilities
Goblin Medium Tank (LRM)   x   4
Foot Infantry Platoon Rifle   x   1

I will need your unit rosters ASAP.

Elisio Aguiar Tekeda
Liaison Officer GSF

“Sir one of my contacts just found out that the GSF will send some small units to deploying with the security forces of some major facilities is the system.”
“They will be deploying parts of the GSF to different parts of the system to provide extra security? Then we will make sure that the keep these units at these sites. We will need to contact some of the local free lancers and put them to work.”
“Yes sir.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #380 on: 19 December 2021, 21:34:19 »
So I will need the list of units going to the new stations. I will also need a list of who is going to what station.
« Last Edit: 20 December 2021, 03:00:27 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #381 on: 20 December 2021, 11:36:23 »
“Our people have finished the sweep of Camp Kaki. They took care of the items that were placed around and in the camp.”
“Good how long before we can place a new unit in the base?”
“We will need to replace the power generator and transformers. The artillery did a number on them. We will help repair the ‘Mech gantry but the unit stationed will need to replace the gear that was destroyed.”
“This can be done.”
“I know that it is no longer my job but I will offer that the Hands stay at Haken so they can repair the damage they took and train with the other units at Haken.”
“I was already thinking of that. What unit do you think we should have at Kaki?
“My first choice would be the Ironborn. They have shown that they understand what need to be done and do it. My second choice would be Road’s Warriors. They can work in and from an isolated base.”
“If we were to move the Ironborn the people of Hilo will not be happy. They have taken to them, that and we have a new on world unit and a unit that Hilo has not had much contact with. If we move Road’s unit grandmother will have her defense unit cut way down.”
“Both of these things I have had in mind. Having Road’s unit move will be a smaller problem as they can still respond if grandmother runs into problems. Having Three GSF units around Hilo will help with keeping that area safe. Having the unit that the people of Hilo have been dealing with and that has shown interest in them is the better value.”
“So if you see the value of keeping the Ironborn at Hilo why would they be your first choice to go to Kaki?”
“They have been the most self-sufficient and combat reliable of the GSF units. Road’s people have been very helpful and have shown that the trust we have given has not been misplaced is why they are my second choice. Unit size is also why. The Ironborn have a larger force. Last off grandmother has made a target of herself and may need the extra help.”
“Nejiro militia can be sent to help grandmother with her defense plus she just added to her own force. As I pointed out Road’s unit can move to help grandmother and we know they can work together. He will be in a good place to intercede if others try to move from the coast also again.”
“True on all accounts, and a I said it is no longer my job. In the end you will need to make the choice. I also know that you will get different recommendations from Aguiar.”
“I will as always keep your ideas in mind when I do make my choice.”
“Before I forget we do have an ace in the hole to help grandmother or should I say a phoenix.”
“Very true.”
“We do need to talk about my trip. Things are getting interesting and we have new tourists.”

“Well looks like someone has his shorts all twisted.”
“If you are speaking of the extra security patrols I have to say yes.”
“We will be working on this a lot longer then we first figured.”
“Correct. If we rush this we will not live long.”
“So now it is time to setup a few fall back places.”
“Correct. We will need to set some false ones as well. We will need to keep them on edge.”
“Well I spotted a few places that will work for both ideas. This way.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #382 on: 20 December 2021, 11:37:02 »
At the spaceport a group of around 250 people are talking with the customs officers.
“We know that you just landed. But we need your travel papers.”
“We look for Crash. Crash help paperwork.”
“I am sorry but you cannot leave this area until we check over your papers. Can you give me some more information on why you are here?”
“We come work for Crash.” Looking to the others and talking with them in a different language.
“OK you are here to work but we still need your papers.” Looking to the other officers and speaking Japanese. “This is not going well at all.” Switching back to English and the person that she has been talking with. “Can you tell me who you are going to be working for?”
“Crash. We work for him.”
“What company does he run or work for?” Looking to the other officers who are typing away on the terminals they are at. All shake their heads no. “If you can give me more information on this person so we can track him down?” She looks at the officers behind the people she is talking with and they give her the sign that they have some heavy cargo. She looks over the data base once more. “We also need to get documents for all of your cargo.” Looking at her co-worker and speaking Japanese. “This is going to be a long day. His English and mine are just not cutting it.”
“Crash …. he one of your commanders. He fix, he all.” He looks at one of his fellows speaking Greek. “My English and hers … Wow.” Looking back at the customs officer. “Cargo, Crash fix too.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #383 on: 20 December 2021, 16:43:14 »
"The six stations that need the extra security are:
1) Mine (Asteroid)
2) Mine
3) Research Lab
4) Farm
5) Power Station
6) Research Lab (Asteroid)
7) Power Station (Asteroid)"

Does anyone have a preference?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #384 on: 20 December 2021, 18:35:26 »
"The six stations that need the extra security are:
1) Mine (Asteroid)
2) Mine
3) Research Lab
4) Farm
5) Power Station
6) Research Lab (Asteroid)
7) Power Station (Asteroid)"

Does anyone have a preference?

Before anyone goes they have 7. No the last two are on the same rock. Just different locations on said rock


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #385 on: 20 December 2021, 21:50:40 »
Before anyone goes they have 7. No the last two are on the same rock. Just different locations on said rock
The six stations that need the extra security are:
1) Mine (Asteroid)
2) Mine
3) Research Lab
4) Farm
5) Power Station

6) Research Lab (Asteroid)
7) Power Station (Asteroid)"

are the research lab and the power station for the last asteroid assessable to each other via the tunnels or completely separate from each other?

keep in mind also that those going to the asteroids need to be light and that direct fire is best per our liaison officer's memo

will the sites have medical for any injured and a place to repair any damage sustained?

how will the different gravity effect our personnel will they need time to acclimate? (going to and returning from)

i am looking at what i have to possibly fit the requirements the long time away concerns me i have alot of cadets in rides now so gunnery and piloting will not be very good for whom every i send

for #'s 2,3,4,5 which are not on asteroid's what is the surrounding terrain like for each , this will effect what can go there we do not want to send things that can not navigate the terrain 


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #386 on: 20 December 2021, 23:53:04 »
The six stations that need the extra security are:
1) Mine (Asteroid)
2) Mine
3) Research Lab
4) Farm
5) Power Station

6) Research Lab (Asteroid)
7) Power Station (Asteroid)"

are the research lab and the power station for the last asteroid assessable to each other via the tunnels or completely separate from each other?

They are not close. Each site is large and can handle heavy equipment. Yes they are connected by tunnels but said tunnels are to small for heavy equipment. People yes, PA(L) and light battle armor yes. Nothing larger.

keep in mind also that those going to the asteroids need to be light and that direct fire is best per our liaison officer's memo


will the sites have medical for any injured and a place to repair any damage sustained?

Yes they do as they have civilian and militia at all of them.
Now they are limited in what they can do. Think small local hospital.

how will the different gravity effect our personnel will they need time to acclimate? (going to and returning from)

i am looking at what i have to possibly fit the requirements the long time away concerns me i have alot of cadets in rides now so gunnery and piloting will not be very good for whom every i send

The gravity is only a little off standard so no ill effects. Main reason why they are in use.

for #'s 2,3,4,5 which are not on asteroid's what is the surrounding terrain like for each , this will effect what can go there we do not want to send things that can not navigate the terrain

These sites are all on the same world. Like the ones that are on the same asteroid they are not close to each other why each needs a security force. Once out of the work area the terrain gets very difficult. Here Mechs and battle armor can go but other ground units will have problems. VTOL craft are the best choice for air units unless you want to make runways for fixed wing aircraft.
Each site has room for a small spheroid dropship 
« Last Edit: 21 December 2021, 02:08:50 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #387 on: 21 December 2021, 00:01:54 »
Kapten Bjornsen sighed as he looked out of his office window over the compound below. "Nat, we need to secure more high speed vehicles and some crews for them. I'm thinking of getting a pair of Saladins. The local militia may have a couple of crews that may be tempted to join our illustrious unit. We're just a tad top heavy in that area. Also, we need to secure pilots for the two mechs in our mechbay. Post a couple of flyers in the infantry barracks, see who bites. Hopefully we can get one or two good pilots out of them."

Quartermaster Quist nodded, "Will do. Sir, we need to talk about the communique that just came in from Kiah's Hammers. It seems they want to do another group order. This time, we're in a much better financial situation. I think we should focus on ammo and armor, like we did last time, just greater quantities, and some Ferro-fibrous mech armor as well. The Sleeper guns have been a big hit with the troops that have gotten them so far. Now, we just need to wait for production capabilities to catch up. The final point of business is simple. Who are you sending to the detatched assignment? I think that volunteers would be best. We can put that out to our unit commanders and see who applies."

SjalBrenna speaks up from his shadowed corner, "Once we can integrate some local assets ito our intel gathering capabilities, we can work on personnel extractions relatively peacefully thanks to the Sleeper guns. I should really try to make inroads with the local militia and with other locals. Once we can suppliment our SIGINT with HUMINT, that'll give us a more complete picture out here. Sir, I also think that we should secure a couple of VTOL transports for quick deployment of our Kobolds in squad strength if need be for 'Special Missions' or at least one Heavy Hover APC for that. "

Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #388 on: 21 December 2021, 02:18:41 »
“How did your mission go?”
“It went well. Both groups worked with each other and did what was needed. Four of the troopers were taken but even if they talk they do not know anything of use.”
“They might be a problem.”
“Not at all, they are from the groups that are no longer in system. They have no idea of the new locations we have in place. If anything they will make the Government waste time.”
“Well than keep working with them.”

“I want you to keep an eye on our new help.”
“I do not like how they are doing things. I feel like we are being used by them.”
“I will do my best.”
“Just watch them nothing more.”

“We are now free to do more than just recon.” Looking at the others. “We are to keep them off balance but not to force a larger response. Our mission is to keep them tied down. We will only go into direct battle if it works for our overall mission or we have no other choice. We will do our best to keep a low profile. We will help the others with the mission they have but we will also use them to further our mission.” Looking at each member of the team. “Does anyone have a problem with these orders?”
As one they answer “NO SIR.”
“Good then we will finish up with our work at the site and then move on to the other sites to ready them.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #389 on: 21 December 2021, 13:54:56 »
OK so I sent everyone what they have in the bank as of the end of the month. 07/68

this gives you 08/68 to place the order. Time is moving fast so you have to move.

Need everyone to get your supply order in ASAP so it will not run into 09/68 before it gets ordered.

when I post things for 09/68 it will be 09/68.
« Last Edit: 21 December 2021, 14:00:31 by shadhawk »