Suggest : Record Sheets: 3050 Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 297
Might be what your looking for. Sure it's a custom one off, but in the day and age of this era, great minds think alike. And more importantly, it's not only a custom , it's canon legal custom!
And I'd like to replace my dropship suggestion to
She'll give you the ability to make your own vessel complements.
AND not only that, a plot line and a background of how you got it as well.
Back to TO&E...
I still say a pair of Badger C's with two Points of Infantry, one Foot ( I'm suggesting Clan Space Marine here) and one Elemental BA. Space Marine for the cross-trained boarding / security. For your Badgers would a pair of Prime be something you'd use? ( ERM and SSRM4 )