Author Topic: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek  (Read 25136 times)


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #30 on: 24 April 2022, 12:40:04 »
5 miles imples nukes... Thermobarics just aren't THAT effective.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #31 on: 24 April 2022, 17:32:07 »
they were spread throughout the was a big mining facility both in diameter and depth lol


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #32 on: 06 May 2022, 20:13:11 »
Chapter Ten
Siegers HQ
March 30, 2787
0745 GST

Lt. Col. Chapman just receive word that the Beast of Terra had completed its mission and was two days out from being back in orbit.  That would enable him to have air superiority for the rest of the campaign.  Counting on that he decided to sit down and starts planning the missions. His first objective was the factory at the coastal city Carilene, this factory made all the sheet metal for the ships outer and inner hauls along with the armor.  If they were lucky there would be some stock waiting to go up to the shipyard that the Siegers could liberate.  First though he wanted to try and thin out some of the enemy’s forces, especially since the Lyran special forces were not due to arrive for 16 days.  So, he order deep patrols that would take them a few clicks from the city to see if they could draw some forces out.  For the next week his unit keep sending out two lances a day moving closer to the city and was successful to some degree pulling some of the enemy away from the city.  This also served a dual purpose for intel about their city’s defenses. 

Siegers HQ
April 9, 2787
1600 GST

The time had come Lt. Col. Chapman gathered his Commanders and told them that tomorrow at 0500 they were going to attack the city move in from the North towards the South where the factory was.  Minimum damage to the actual city was to be attempted, intel showed that most of the civilians had already fled, but Matthew did not want to flatten the city just the factory. The Commanders went away with their briefing packets and met in smaller groups to discuss the overall plan and tweak the little issues to make the overall plan better.  Now that the unit was over a Battalion, he knew that the Lance Commanders knew their guys better than he ever would, the same with the Company Commanders knowing the Lance Commanders under the command their command strengths and weakness.  So, Matthew always gave wiggle room in the final battleplan if one of the commanders had a better idea, as long as the main objective was accomplished he did not care.

April 9th

The ground units moved out from the base with expectations to be at the city in two hours.  The Fighters will launch from the Beast of Terra at 0500 fully loaded with bombs and should be over head by 0530.  Everything was ready, and the march was on, radio silence for two hours meant that finally there was peace in the cockpit for Matthew.
Matthew looked over the battleplans once again, this will be the first time that the Siegers will be moving into battle with four fully operational Companies.  The newly minted Delta company under the command of newly promoted First Lieutenant Dionsio should prove to be an exceptional asset to the Siegers.  It took a lot of convincing by Matthew for Dionsio to give up her Chief stripes, but he had plans for her and needed her to be one of the core officers in his unit.  The unit was coming in from the north and northwest, Alpha and Delta company will push from the north going due south through a lot of residential areas.  Beta, Charlie Companies, and Command lance will be pushing from the west to the south.  The first obstacle was the wall that surrounded the city to keep the natural predators out of the city, really no defense against Mechs or a well-armed military unit.  The unit pushed through the wall with no resistance and moved gingerly through the residential area trying not to destroy buildings if possible.  Alerts went off when they marched up a slight hill to find a second wall with turrets on it.  They instantly started firing taking out a leg of a Bravo Company mech.  The rest of the unit open fired and moved to the left.  Enemy tanks and Artillery fire attacked the Siegers, they were trying to pin the Siegers.  Further east Alpha and Delta encountered the same thing. With the tanks though, there was a Lance of Medium Mechs.  Delta Commander Dionsio moved her unit to the right most of the mechs under her command were lights and mediums she had her three heavies, all Rifleman, sit up on the hill and fire their AC/5 constantly at the turrets while the rest of the unit flanked the enemy tanks and mechs.  Alpha Company was pinned down but was putting enough pressure on the enemy to distracted them from Delta’s movement.  Taking them by surprise the flanking action was a success and Delta took care of the enemy with no problem.
Beta and Charlie company was pushing forward though the second line of defense with only light damage to most of the mechs, Matthew and his command lance led the two companies through the makeshift wall destroying all turrets and tanks that they engaged.  All four companies moved further south passing all the residential areas and into the commercial/business section of the city.  That’s where most of the Combine mech lances decided to make their stand, which was not saying much, only five lances mostly medium but in good condition.  Matthew ordered his unit to spread out in hopes that the Combine forces would have to spread out and not be able to concentrate their weapon fire and it worked the ratio was almost a lance verse a company.  Even though the enemy had the home field advantage they were still out manned, out gunned, and soon dead. With that it was a clear shot to the factory facilities.  Matthew ordered the warehouses to be raided for any parts that the Siegers could use and then burned all the buildings down in compound making sure that the fire did not spread outside of the target area.  The casualties were light eight mechs damage one lost completely and two pilots dead.
After the fire dwindled down Matthew had them put the fire completely out and then set up the new HQ there, with the surrounding area completely burned to the ground, the airport on the eastside, and the city in a location relative to the rest of the factories that basically puts it in the middle for travel time, it made since to move the HQ here.  Initial Intel showed that there was not much resistance on the ground, so seeing five plus mech squadrons had Matthew considering that the Intel was wrong.  He was walking around the area watching his troops set up the temporary tents until the portable buildings were taken down and brought here from the old base, when a smug man on the edge of the secure area was angerly discussing something with one of the perimeter guards.  Matthew got on the radio and asked what the civilian wanted the guard came back and said he was the assistant to the mayor of the city and the mayor demands a meeting with the commander.  After checking with maintenance on the status of his office, he radio back and said for the mayor to be here in forty-five minutes.

Forty-Five minutes later

The Mayor of Carilene was escorted into a tent, how unsavory to be meeting in a tent in the middle of a burnt factory which was all but cleared out.  One thing the mayor thought, was that these mercs whoever they are, were efficient.  He walked up to the outer flap of the “door” and notice the unit emblem, half man half wolf, again he had no idea who these mercs were.  Walking through and up to the next flap of the “inner door” he steps through and saw a well-lit room with a nice rug on the floor a big table to the left with charts and figurines on it.  To the right was a couch and in the middle off to the back of the tent was a desk.  A man stood up in a what the mayor recognized as dress blues for this unit.  Completely white uniform with a high and tight collar.  He had lots of ribbons and medals on his uniform and a yellow rope on his left shoulder.  The man moved around the desk and offered his hand to the mayor.
“Mr. Mayor it is nice to meet you, I am Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Chapman, most people call me Chappy though.  Please have a seat would you care for a beverage?” Said as Matthew pointed towards the couch.
The mayor looked at this well dress officer and realized that this was not an ordinary scum merc, he had to be prior Star League.  He sat down and looked at the commander.
“What can I do for you Mr. Mayor” Matthew said
“Well you can get out of my city and off my planet”
“I am under contract and as soon as that has been honored, we will be leaving.  Until then I promise to keep our footprint to the minimum.”
Matthew brought over the glass of water for the mayor then sat down.
The mayor looked at Matthew and shook his head.
“Your unit is different than other mercenaries I have encountered, I noticed that your unit took extra precautions in the residential area.”
“Yes, and I am sorry for the loss of buildings in the commercial part of the town, I would have prefer just to fight outside the city or here at the factory which was the target of this mission.  Like I said before my unit’s footprint will be kept to a minimum.”
The mayor looked at the commander as if gathering his thoughts.
“What are you doing here? What is your unit called?”
Matthew looked at the mayor and stood up.
“I cannot tell you why we are here or who employed us, our unit’s name is Chappy Howling Siegers, the founders of the unit including myself were part of the 151st Royal BattleMech Division under the Commander Major-General Hayes.”
Matthew motion for the mayor to get up and start walking to the door.
“I have a lot of planning to do so if there is nothing else I need to take my leave from you.  I cannot promise that buildings and civilians will not be hurt during this time, due to not having control of your masters’ desires for battle.  I will though tell you that anytime I can fight the combine outside of a city during this time I will.”
With that he escorted the mayor to the guard outside his tent.
“Please escort the mayor back to his transportation he is leaving the base.”

Matthew went back to his desk to finalize the plans for OPERATION HARVEST sadden that it has come to this, he sent the packet to those players that will be involved through the Siegers secure net.  He sat back in his chair and decided that it was time to get out of the monkey suit and back into battle gear.  He was almost done changing when his attendant burst in.  “Sir, the Lyran detachment has arrived, and all the companies have left for their missions except for Alpha.”

“Thank you Sergeant escort the commander of the Lyran Detachment here when he is ready.”
Matthew looked out to the company of Lyran mechs all mediums all in black ops colors with no indication that they were Lyran regular forces.  The commander exited his Hunchback and greeted the Matthew’s attendant and made a bee line to his tent.
The Lyran Commander enter Matthew’s tent and stuck out his hand as if they were equals, “Hauptmann Erwin Vale here to help you with your task at hand.”
Matthew looked at the Hauptmann and turned around to walk back to his desk leaving the young officer’s hand hanging. Then looking at the officer side glance, “I do not appreciate lack of military bearing, I am the commander of this operation you are here to support you will salute me and show the respect of a commanding officer whether it is here in private or in public.”
Picking up a pad Matthew tossed it to the Hauptmann.
“Here are your first set of orders, scout south of here for 100 miles there is a factory down there somewhere do not engage or destroy just recon and bring the info back to me, you are dismissed.”
With that Matthew turned his back to the Hauptmann, discipline will be established no matter what, even his best friends show rank respect in public.
With this assignment it left the base being defended by three lances Bravo Lance of Alpha Company was still being repaired, so they were down the way at the space port on board the dropship being worked on.  A few hours past, Matthew’s attendant appeared at the door.
“Sir, we have tried to reach you, there is enemy movement towards the city, indications are five tank lances and one mech lance.”
“Alert Alpha Company and my Lance we will move out now and meet them before they reach the city.”
With three Mech Lances out in the open the five tank lances did not stand a chance even with the one mech lance.  While the enemy was completely destroyed there was some damage to the Siegers.  They lost two mechs completely and one MechWarrior was in surgery fighting for his life. The biggest win though was no civilians were hurt and not one building was touch.  They were marching back to the base when Matthew got word that the recon drones where ready for deployment, he gave the recon team the go ahead and hoped that these drones would give them a better idea of the enemy force here on planet.  The thirty drones will take three to six days to map the whole planet.  With radar resistance metal they were almost nearly impossible to spot. Also, he ordered surveillance cams to be placed on the picket line that was 5 miles out of the city that way if the enemy decided to come again they will be better warned.

May 1, 2787
Temporary HQ
Siegers Prime Base

All Company Commanders and the Liaison of the Lyran Commonwealth was at the meeting, after several weeks of mapping the planet, gathering intel, and repairing the mechs that were damage they were ready to hit the other two factories simultaneously so that the enemy could not reinforce one if it was attacked.  The plan was to send Alpha, Beta and the Lyran force to the factory located 300 miles north via the dropship Wolves Trap and then Charlie and Delta Companies would attack the factory 450 miles south via the dropship Conquering Wolves the command lance along with the 4th Battalion Armor Force plus the Aerospace Force would guard the base from any counterattack that would happen.

Wolves Trap
20 miles from target
30000 feet altitude
North Factory

Major Ethan Bruce was in command of the mission, they were supposed to combat drop right on top of the factory and destroy it.  There was a large force of tanks and security mechs on site, but the main goal was the destruction of the factory and all the buildings associated with it.  They were supposed to time the attack with the other force down south, if all goes well there would be one factory left and it was on the other side of the planet.

Conquering Wolves
10 miles from target
40000 feet altitude
South Factory

Major Haleigh Pople was in command of the mission to the south due to the mountain range they will have to drop a few miles away from the facility and move up a steep road.  Intel showed two companies of security mechs a slue of turrets and three squadrons of VTOLs.  The Major was not really worried about this mission though, she was more concern about OPERATION HARVEST and what it would mean to the unit and to her best friend, the commander.

Wolves Trap

Major Bruce was waiting for the combat drop light to turn green; he always hated the wait and the drop was worse since that was the only time he ever felt vulnerable. Finally, the light turned green the doors open the two companies started jumping out of the dropship, into a world of laser fire missile explosions and pure chaos.  Major Bruce landed on top of the main building and started to take out the turrets that were attacking his warriors.  Several of his troops landed on the ground and started to destroy the buildings.  Two other mechs landed next to Major Bruce and was sniping at the enemy that was trying to take out their friends.

Conquering Wolves

Major Pople and the two companies landed without any issues and started the steep climb up to the facility.  The slope of the mountain was greater than the drone intel indicated and even though it was a road that they were moving on the grade of the slope was 15% so the mechs were struggling.  In a hundred meters there was a leveling off, they would regroup and make the final push to the facility from there.  Her alarms went off at almost the same time the ground in front of her exploded.  Another round of explosions at her feet the ground was moving, “Siegers double time they are trying to take the road out!!  Find out where those missiles are coming from.”
Both companies tried to move faster even though they were already pushing their mechs as it was.

North Factory

Major Bruce took aim at the next security guard mech, this was like shooting fish in a pond, no challenge at all.  Moving closer to the edge of the seven-story building to get a better angle exposed him to a barrage of missile fire that he did not expect.  Most hit the building and his lower legs, causing the roof to collapse with him falling into the building the impact pushed him through the floor and into level six, still the momentum caused the mech to break through to the next level finally the mech rested on the fourth level one leg hang over the side just dangling swaying back and forth from the motion of falling three stories.

South Factory

The Siegers located a couple of squads of men with SRM 2 that was firing at the ground.  A couple of PPC shots later from Major Pople and that was the end of the threat.  Unfortunately, they lost 3 mechs down the raven that was created when the ground gave way, luckily though they are salvageable, and the warriors survived.  Major Pople knew now that the enemy knew they were coming so she told her troops to keep their heads on a swivel and moved as fast and as safe as possible. Quickly they moved up the mountain and made it to the plateau which also meant that enemy fire started from the facility.

North Factory

Major Bruce slowly woke up, to static on the radio and all the electronics flashing off and on.  He tasted copper substance in his mouth, the fog slowly lifted, and he realized it was his blood from a head wound, apply pressure to it he looked at his consoles, then his comm equipment.  He must of falling farther then he thought his mech was in bad condition.  Bruce pulled the comm equipment and receded it, powered it back on and got a signal.  Major Dalton Tournier had taken over the mission, good Bruce thought Tournier was a close friend and excellent commander.  He tried to talk but found that his voice was gone.  He tried to get his mech to move, at least sit up but nothing would respond.
All the buildings but one was destroyed all the enemy had been destroyed Tournier looked up at his friend’s mech on the fourth floor of the remaining building.
“Sir, no radio contact with Major Bruce, no movement, to much interference from the steel around him to pick up any movement or noise in the cockpit.  We will need to call for VTOL support if we jump a light mech up there the whole building could collapse, frankly I am surprised it hasn’t yet.”

South Factory

Major Pople two companies were pinned down most of the mechs were plastered against the mountain to stay out of the range of the turrets.  Major Pople had enough so she called back to HQ to order an air strike.
Within thirty minutes two squadrons of aerospace fighter flew overhead rushed past her position and bombed the factory.  They then flew around for another pass this time firing lasers and missiles targeting the turrets that were not yet destroyed.  Major Pople had her unit move out of cover and rush the facility.  Within a few moments it was over, and the factory was burning to the ground.

North Factory

Major Bruce woke up, he had no idea how long he had been out.  His situation was still the same, only there was no weapon fire or any combat noises outside.  He tried the radio, nothing.  Did they leave him thinking he was dead?  Then he heard the thump thump of a VTOL he looked out the cockpit and saw the VTOL come into view and hover over him.  From the silhouette he could tell it was a Karnov, cable dropped from the VTOL, and he could see troops rappel down and land on his mech.  One was looking into the cockpit and Bruce gave a thumbs up.
“Sir, this is Red 4 I just landed on his mech the Major is alive and gave me a thumbs up.”
The other troopers attached the cables to the mech and then rappel down to the ground.  The VTOL then slowly lifted the mech off the platform it was on and brought it to the ground.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #33 on: 22 May 2022, 18:35:20 »
Chapter Eleven
Siegers HQ
May 26, 2787
1205 GST

Almost a month had past since the destruction of the two factories.  Major Bruce had been in recovery the last few weeks and at first it was touch and go if he was going to pull through.  Today was the first day back on duty, how be it light duty, no stomping around in mechs for at least another month.  Which was fine with Matthew, after several convoy attacks and clearing of some of the villages on the other continent by the Lyran force and Delta Company the last factory was at last ready to be destroyed.  The enemy knew it to since intel showed that the commander of the planetary defense had moved what was left of his forces to the factory and not the capital.  Major Bruce walked into the Situational Room, Matthew looked up and smiled “welcome back Ethan.  You are just in time to discuss our plan of attack.”
Major Tournier went over and gave Bruce a pat on the back.
Major Pople hugged him. “Welcome back Ethan.”
“Now Ethan, come look at the battle map, the enemy has concentrated all their forces within the factory……

Wolves Trap
Mech Bay
May 28, 2787

Matthew and his Command Lance with Bravo and Charlie Company were preparing for the upcoming combat.  They had to be transported across the ocean to the other super continent to meet up with Delta Company and the Lyran Black Ops Company.  Alpha Company was going to make the trip in the other dropship and without their commander, Captain Mentis commander of Beta Lance in Alpha Company will be the acting Company Commander for this mission, since Major Bruce was still not cleared for duty.  Major Bruce oversaw prepping the ones that remain behind.  For the last few weeks, the dropship Wolves Desire was planet side, the dropship carried the families of all the warriors.  It was always a moral booster to see family and allow the children planet air.  Now though the campaign was almost over, and Intel suggest that the 7th Benjamin Regulars were on their way to investigate why the Combine lost communication with the planet and its factories.  So shortly after the unit lifts off for the final battle, the rest will be leaving and going up to the flagship.  Major Bruce had most of the commander’s office packed when the commander’s wife, Diana, was seen moving toward the HQ.  Sighing Bruce laid down the folder keeping it open when she burst into the office.
“Ethan what is going on? I demand to know why my ****** husband don’t talk to me anymore, he thinks he is above me or something.  We just got to the planet less than two weeks ago and he is already sending us back up to space.  You’re my friend, in fact I think of you more than a friend tell me what is going on.”
Major Ethan Bruce looked up at his commander’s wife with sorrow such a beautiful woman to be turned into a villain sadden him.
“Diana, as soon as the unit has finished this last battle we are leaving the planet and the system.  That is all I can tell you for now.”
The commander’s attendant walked into the office.
“Sorry to bother you but there is an urgent matter Major that needs your attention.”
Sighing Major Bruce looked at Diana. “Just stay here I will see what’s going on and be right back.”
Major Bruce got up and walked out of the room leaving Diana there all alone.  She notices the file that Ethan was looking at when she came into the room.  Looking over to the door she slowly walked over to the desk and saw it was a top-secret file for an OPERATION HARVEST.  She took out her pad and took several pictures of as many pages she could.  She was almost done when she heard a commotion outside the office she quickly jumps back and Major Bruce walked in.  He just stared at her, and she slowly put her pad in her pocket.
“I got tired of sitting so I was just walking around the room hope you did not mind.”
Major Bruce looked at her again and then finally said. “This is going to take some time might as well leave and finish getting you and the kids ready to go.”
After she left, he looked at his desk and could not remember if he was on the last page of the report or on the first page. Taping his desk, he just stood there wondering if Diana had looked at the classified document or not.

NexGen Factory

The two dropships landed, and the Siegers started off loading their mechs and tanks. The factory was five kilometers away but so far, no resistance.  All three aerospace squadrons were running CAP waiting to be called for air strikes.  With four companies of mechs, one company of Lyran Mechs, and a Battalion of tanks this was the largest force that the Siegers had deployed together.  Moving across the field the enemy came within view.  Regiment of infantry, regiment of tanks, and three mech lances.  The Siegers still out match them 2 to 1 just have to take care of the tanks before they gang up on individual mechs.  Strange that the enemy was meeting them out in the open, this whole campaign had been in the cities or forest or at night always hiding and trying to use cover as an advantage.  The enemy stop advancing the Siegers had gone into a double time march and spread out to form two lines similar to what was used in ancient history of the 1800s.  Still double time marching something in the back of Matthew’s mind was bothering him.
“Siegers full stop.”
Not second later the first land mine went off and took a leg off a Firebee.  A couple more mines exploded causing more damage.  Then the enemy started advancing again.  Matthew had the unit hold the line and concentrate their firepower on the armor.  The Combine’s mechs were all fast and moved around their armor and infantry regiments in attempt to flank the Siegers.  A private in Delta Company happen to catch them out of the corner of his eye and moved his Rifleman toward the enemy mechs and making the call over the battle net alerting everyone what the Combine was trying to.  Matthew had to look at the battle map with the IFF and radar hits to determine where his warrior was.  It was a good attempt Matthew thought to bad for the enemy that his troops were top notch, even the Privates were on top of their game.  Matthew directed two lances to help the private.  Thirty minutes later the battle was over the enemy ground troops scattered their armor and all mechs destroyed.  Matthew ordered a carpet blanket bombing run for the area in front of the Siegers to where all the enemies destroyed equipment was in hopes of taking care of all the landmines.  Once the mines were dealt with the Siegers which still could move, moved at full speed to the left and went to the factory to destroy it.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #34 on: 08 June 2022, 08:56:59 »
Chapter Twelve
Siegers HQ
June 1, 2787
0930 GST

Admiral Luther Weisskopf just looked at Lieutenant Colonel Chapman and looked at him with dismay.  Also on the video feed was Hauptmann Erwin Vale and he just shook his head, “yes Admiral the campaign is done.”
The Admiral sighed, “This operation was determined by Intel to need until January to complete, so how is this possible you took barely 4 months.”
“Sir” Matthew said. “We had the element of surprise; we took down their HPG which prevented them from sending help immediately.  Then the planet militia was the only enemy we had to deal with.  I recommend leaving this area though, there are reports that a full mech regiment with fully manned support regiments are in route we are planning to leave soon, plotting a course to Hesperus II.  I appreciate you taking the time and jumping here to check on our progress.  I will send the full report when we get to Hesperus.”
“Thank you Colonel Chapman, you have restored our faith in mercenaries, or I should say that if we ever need a mercenary unit your unit is first on our list.  Our Jumpship is multiple jump capable so we will be leaving now per your advice.”  With that the Admiral cut transmission and the ship jumped.
“Sir, a dropship is coming up from planet side and hailing us it’s the Special Ops ship.”
Hauptmann Vale face came into focus on the viewscreen. “Looks like my ride left, can I hitch a ride with you guys?”
“Yes, you can, this is perfect to there is a business matter I would like to discuss with you on the trip to Hesperus.” Lt. Col. Chapman said.

Hesperus II
Eleventh Hesperus Guards HQ
August 14th, 2787
0700 GST

Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Chapman stood at attention in the hallway outside of the Guards Commander’s office.  He had heard about this commander when he served in the SLDF but had never met the man.
“Enter Colonel Chapman” said from a voice inside
Matthew entered the room, it was a well establish office with a cherry wood desk and built-in bookcases on every wall, which was filled with actual books.  There was a scent of blackberry tobacco and Matthew notice the butt of a cigar in an ash tray.  Seated behind the desk was an older man probably in his early 60s to the left of him was a gorgeous young woman with brownish hair dark eyes and a muscular, fit body in what looked like a Captain’s uniform.  To the right was the Admiral he recognized from previous communications.  Matthew came to a stop about 3 feet from the desk snap to attention and reported in.
“Lieutenant Colonel Chapman Commander of the Chappy’s Howling Siegers, at your service sir.”
“Colonel at ease I view you as an equal, I have followed your career when you were in the SLDF and now as a mercenary, I was good friends with your father.  In fact, it was I who recommender your unit for OPERATION BANSHEE to the admiral.  I have the items that you have requested and have made living arrangements for your unit and their families.  It’s a hotel that was just recently completed, the owner was more than happy to hold off grand opening for several months to help the Guards out.”
Matthew bowed as a show of respect and thanked the Commander. “If there not anything else I would like to talk to my XO to start off loading my mechs that need repair and get the families and troops situated in the hotel.”
The commander stood up and moved around the desk to shake Matthew’s hand. “No, I think that is it, in a few days I would like to have you and your family over for dinner to meet my family and talk business.”
Sounds good, sir just let me know the details and we will be there.” Matthew said.

Diana Rowat-Chapman looked at the presidential suit that the Lyrans had put her husband and his family in.  Just another sign that her husband had lost it, the whole floor was just for them, unreal and very godlike something had to be done.  She had lost faith in her husband, what he has been doing and keeping secret ever since that mission on Helm.  She went over to the comm suit hoping that her husband IT dept had not blocked access yet, when she saw everything was accessible, she sent a message to her contact with all the information she had on OPERATION HARVEST with the time period that the unit was going to be on planet.  Sitting back, she knew there was no turning back now, her husband was about to come to an end with this mercenary experiment, her and her family will be back on Earth and she will help rehabilitate her husband back into the fold of the new COMSTAR.

Office of General Hayes
Hilton Head Island
South Carolina, Terra
ComStar Headquarters
August 16th, 2787
0700 GST

General Hayes had just walked in to her office and saw that several messages were pending for her, scrolling through the list one caught her eye a message from Adept Morris, of course that was her code name, but this agent was embedded with a unit that Hayes was interested in taking down just because she knew there was more to Helm then Chapman let on, but she could not prove it.
Thirty minutes later Hayes sat back in her chair, Chapman’s unit is on Hesperus, most of his unit is going to be in repair or refit for several months and all his men will be on R/R, even their warships will be gone on supply runs for the Lyrans as some sort of payment.  In the packet was a detail schedule of where and when Matthew Chapman was going to be.  Hayes looked at another intel report about what the Kurita’s armed forces was planning, the chaos on Hesperus will be the perfect time for her and her unit to slip in and take Matthew down.  First order of business was to get there.  With the vast resources of COMSTAR that won’t be a problem, she had plans to make and make them she will.

Hesperus II
Chappy’s Howling Siegers Temporary HQ
September 24th, 2787

Major Bruce walked in the penthouse suite and acknowledged Diana while he continues to walk towards his commander’s office, Diana had other plans though. “Ethan, you have not talked to me since the first day on planet, why? I thought we had something. Diana said.
“I have been busy Ma’am and I don’t know what you mean when you say you thought we had something.  You are my commander’s wife that’s it.”
“Ethan, I am trying to save your life I need you to be careful and not go with him to meetings for a while, stay with me please. Diana said as she grabbed his arm.
Major Bruce looked at her hand that had grasp his arm and pulled away.  “Mrs. Chapman please excuse me.” With that he moved toward the office and his commander. 
“Major, you have an update for me.” Matthew said as the Major walked into the office.
“Yes sir it is concerning OPERATION HARVEST…” the rest was cut off by the door closing. Shutting the door behind him he gave Matthew a nod, and then Matthew turned on the security system.
“We have several meetings spread across the next three weeks, for OPERATION HARVEST.  The six Banshee Assault mechs have been loaded up on the Wolves Trap for now most of our mechs have been repaired and upgraded if needed.  We are still showing our roster 80% in repair though in the system per your order.  The Beast of Terra is due back in three weeks, and we have three elite MechWarriors with their own mechs wanting to join us.”
“Hire the MechWarriors, continue to hire all personnel in the different fields.”
With that Major Bruce handed Matthew the documents in his hand and sat down, while Matthew looked over the papers. He asked Major Bruce if there was any thing else to report.
“Actually there is sir, just before I arrived here I got word from our operative on the charging station that a COMSTAR JumpShip appeared and dropped off an DropShip which is inbound expected land fall around the 8th of October.”
“Excellent, let’s find out where the DropShip will berth and have eyes on it when it lands.” Matthew said. He then switched gears.  “How about the Ball, how is that coming along?”
“Everything is prepped and ready. Invitations are being sent out today to all the top players of the military and political industry here, we will see how many RVSP and then plan accordingly.” Major Bruce said.
“Good, its about time we break out those mess dress.” Matthew said offhandedly.
“Sir, if that is all I have some Officers Performance Reviews to catch up on, if I can?” Major Bruce asked.
“Go, Ethan thanks for everything.” Matthew said.  Bruce then got up and left the office ignoring Diana when he walked by her.

Hesperus II
Grand Ball Room
Capital City Maria’s Elegy
Downtown Embassy Hotel
November 29th, 2787

Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Chapman was standing to the left of the main doors in full mess dress.  The Siegers mess dress was all white with a high collar, on the left breast was all the medals that he had been awarded and then his occupation badge on top of that.  His left shoulder had a yellow rope representing that he was part of the honor guard. On the right side was just his name.  There were different versions of the mess dress for example Major Bruce sported the kilt, and Major Pople had the traditional long skirt on. Which next to him was his three closest friends who also happen to be the three Company Commanders under him.  When a dignitary or high-ranking official was introduced, it was their job to greet them.  During the times that there was no one being introduce they would confer.
“Is everything in place for the meeting.” Matthew asked
“Yes sir, Alpha Company has their orders and are ready to deploy, everyone has been notified what is a stake, so no one is talking.” Major Bruce said.
“Beta Company is ready sir.” Major Tournier said.
“Charlie Company is on standby we will be ready in case all hell breaks out.” Major Pople said reluctantly.
Major Bruce then said.  “We still show for the records 75% of our forces in the shop so if anyone probes the facilities that is the report that will be produced.”
“Good we will update the status of our unit as soon as all the repairs and upgrades are completed, and the Beast of Terra is back in orbit.” Matthew said.
Diana Chapman was just outside the ballroom when she received a message from General Hayes saying they are on planet and ready to grab Diana’s husband at the secret meeting that he will be having with the Lyran Admiral.  She then asked if Diana could confirm the status of the unit.  Diana closed her communication device straighten up and walked into the ballroom.  All eyes were on her for those few moments.  She wore a dazzling blue dress that shimmer with every step she took.  With the three-inch heels and the slit on the side of the dress that reached up to her thigh, she looked tall, slender, and simply amazing.  Even now Matthew’s heart skipped a beat and ached for her love.  Diana reached Matthew and she was happier than usual, she brushed his arm and told him to come find her after the meet and greet, she then walks off toward the open bar.  Matthew grunted then went back greeting the next dignitary.  All the time he kept one eye on his wife watching her as she made her way through his unit talking to every mech warrior in the unit.  Diana made her rounds and from what she could tell most of the unit was still down for repair, something about Lyran red tape bogging down the system with no end in sight.  The night went on, there was dancing, singing, networking, and of course war stories.  The stories went from funny, to unbelievable and then finally sober stories of remembrance for fallen brothers and sisters.  One of the Lyran Battalion Commanders turned to Matthew and asked him. “What was the scariest moment in your military career?” Most of the room quiet down when Matthew looked at the whiskey in his glass swirled it and then took it all down in one gulp.  He then stood up and looked up to the lights in the ceiling. This action now caused the music to stop.  His wife turned around when her companion stopped talking to her and was looking off into the distance.  When she saw what was going on she just shook her head, why is everyone treating her husband like he was the most interesting man in the world and look at him he is eating this crap up.
Matthew walked to the middle of the room and started talking in a very somber and quiet tone, in which everyone had to strain to hear him.
“It was during the civil war.  I was a captain in the 151st Royal BattleMech Regiment, commander of the 101st Company. We had been attempting to cross the Columbia River for what seem like days, high casualties both in our unit and to the civilians in the area.  My mech was beat the hell up, we had just tried storming their forfied position on the other side of the river for the sixth time.  My Battalion commander was lost in that attempt.  The techs had pulled his mech and several others out of the water and used them for spare parts.  With no time to bury or even remove the falling they were left in the mech while it was stripped for parts.  The smell of burnt flesh never leaves your memory, even now I can remember the smell and remember the dead both warriors and civilians just scatter across the area.  Instead of mud it was blood that I was walking through.  The General of the 151st gathered the remaining commanders and ordered what was left of the 151st to push again, I had confronted her in the meeting asking where the fleet was and why wasn’t bombarding the area first. She compared me to my father and basically ignored my request.  Later I found out that was her intent all along, just not the way I had wanted it.  Her and the fleet commander had decided that if they bombarded the fortress now the enemy would just hide so yes, the fortress would be destroyed but the enemy would still be there.  So, they did not order the bombardment until the 151st pushed into the river and the enemy engaged us.  In that moment when the bombardment started, I thought I saw my life coming to an end, I was lucky two-thirds of what remained of the unit wasn’t.  The enemy was completely destroyed, and we won the battle.  That was the day my father nearly killed me from his admiral chair up on the Beast of Terra.”
He let that sink in for a few moments then said, “If you are wondering the warship under my command now is the exact same ship that my father commanded. A few days later after I recovered, I learned of my father’s roll in the battle, even to this day I have not forgiven him not because I don’t want to but because he left with Kerensky and I will never see him or my little brother again.”
Another commander from the Lyran contingent started his story when all the Lyran fleet personnel communicators went off, unnoticed by all Matthew’s communicator beeped too.  All the Lyran personnel made their apologies and left abruptly.  Major Pople walked up to Matthew and ask. “What’s going on boss.”
“Based on the information from our assets and the way the Lyrans just ran out the door, a very large fleet just showed up at the charging station with hostile intent.  Let’s make sure our meeting is still a go.”

Hesperus II
Space Port
Capital City Maria’s Elegy
November 29th, 2787

The DropShip Swift Justice just landed in dock 23A, the dock master waited for the passengers to debark, but no one came out.  He double checked the electronic manifest that was sent to him, It showed a crap ton of cargo but only 12 passengers.  He opened communications to verify when a person came out of the shadows. Jumping in a bit of fright the dock master turned completely toward the individual moving toward him. The lights finally revealed the stranger’s clothes, it was one of those COMSTAR freaks the dock master said to himself, wondering why the man was here the dock master squared up to him and said, “hey you there what are you doing?”
“I am Adept Conner this ship is under the COMSTAR flag, and you will leave now.”
The dock master raised his hands and said, “you don’t have to tell me twice just make sure COMSTAR pays the docking charges.” With that he left.
Adapt Conner radio the DropShip all clear and the doors opened, still in her general uniform because she would be damned if she wore the COMSTAR outfit was General Hayes.  Walking down the ramp she greeted the Adapt and left with him for a brief.

Hesperus II
Space Port
Capital City Maria’s Elegy
December 8, 2787

The city was rioting, news of the space battles between the Lyran and Kurita forces were making waves on all the local news channels.  Embedded news reporters tried to make it more dramatic than it really was.  Matthew was getting all the reports straight from the source though and knew that the space battles had been at a stale mate until this morning.  Reports of several DropShips breaking through the defense in the North, although those reports had not been confirmed yet.  Matthew looked at his time piece at the same time his small convoy pulled up to Space Dock 45B, he was thirty minutes early which was always the standard for him at meetings. That way his six-man security team could canvas the area and make sure it was secure.

General Hayes was on the roof three buildings down with Diana Chapman next to her looking at Matthew’s security team get out of the convoy and start their check.
“Just like you said Diana, your husband is very predictable.  As soon as the other party gets here, we will grab both, to have an Lyran Admiral in custody will prove useful later. You have done a great service to COMSTAR, we will get the info out of your husband no matter what.”
Diana just looked at the General, “what do you mean? Are you talking torture? I did not sign up for that, I wanted you to re-patriot him change him back to just a MechWarrior not a man that thinks he has to save the universe.”
General Hayes looked at Diana and shook her head.  “That is not my goal sorry if I miss lead you, but I am going to break him, you will never see him again.”
Another convoy arrived and what look like an admiral got out of the middle vehicle and went inside, Hayes could not tell what admiral it was their face was blocked by the bodyguards. Hayes started for the stairwell with Diana in toll once she was on the ground level and exit the building, she pulled out her radio. “All Agents execute I say execute the trap now.”
With that teams of soldiers burst into the building General Hayes was right behind them.  Soldiers screaming to put their hands up and not to move, when Hayes moved into the room, she saw three people standing in the middle all with their backs turned away.  Diana slowly moved behind Hayes keeping her eyes on the three men, but something was wrong they way they were standing didn’t seem like any of them would be her husband.  Outside you could hear the stomping of mechs.
General Hayes raised her voice, “We have you surrounded, and I have a company of mechs outside just itching to kill traitors to the new order. Now turn around and pull down your hoods now!”  Hayes was licking her lips in anticipation of getting matthew and torturing him about Helm she will find out the truth.  Slowly the three guys turned around they all took their hoods off to reveal no Matthew and no Admiral.  Screaming Hayes asked where Chapman and the Admiral was and the three just looked at her with a smugness that just made her snap. “Shoot them kill them all!”  Her soldiers raised their rifles and then a voice from somewhere belted out.  “I would not do that if I was you” Then all the lights came on to reveal about 40 men with rifles all pointed at her men and her, and in the middle was Matthew Chapman.
“What the hell, what is this Chapman.” Hayes said.
“Well General Hayes its like this…” Matthew began.
“A year and a half ago I became aware of your past Diana that you tried really hard to hide, I also received word and saw the first transmission you made to Hayes.  I did not want to believe it, largely because you are my children’s mother and I love you very much.  So, I decided to test you.  The first test was a failure on your part and on mine, I did not realize how deviant you could be, I supplied fake battleplans but what I failed to realize is that you were able to get another set of plans, so while the battle with the fake plans worked, the other plans almost killed me and hurt our unit so bad we are still trying to recover.  With that we knew you was against us, so OPERATION HARVEST was placed in motion.  There was two sets OPERATION HARVEST Diana the one that Bruce had in which he allowed you to look at and the second set that never left the secure vault. The second one is what we are operating on.  General Hayes you can go take your men and leave this planet you are not welcome, I know you helped Kurita invade this planet and for that you will pay, but later.  All I want is Diana so that she can stand trial for treason.”
Diana looked at Hayes, “He can’t do this you can’t let him take me.”
General Hayes looked at Matthew and said, you have me out number here, but out there I have the mechs according to the official reports you cannot even field a lance.  So, it is you that will stand down and summit yourself to my rule.”
“No General part of the trap was to trump your trap, The Siegers are fully functional reinforced Battalion and right now they are engaged with your company.”
Almost on cue the sounds of battle started.
The warehouse building was located on the far west side of the industrial part of Maria’s Elegy the COMSTAR company of mechs had taken position in front of the only doors which were on the east side of the building, they were waiting for their General to come out with her prisoner so that they could escort her to the dropship located on the far east side of the Capital.  Adept Trogim Gusev waited patiently in his Omega BattleMech, but something was not right.  This was taking to long, never fully trusting the General because she was an outsider in charge of actual COMSTAR personnel he had decided to bust into the warehouse when his scope lit up with enemy targets all around him, firing on his unit almost immediately.  The General’s trap was actually the Siegers trap. 
“Adept Gusev, this has gone south, make a path for us to the dropship and retreat behind us.” General Hayes order.
“You heard the General protect her and her package.”
The unit started to split half north the other half south as the SWAT team started to exit the building under intense fire, moving east as fast as they could go.  Adept Gusev notice more enemy targets northeast that makes a whole battalion against his Company.  His unit was all elite warriors and all assault Mechs, the Siegers were a mix of light to heavy with a couple of Assaults.  The way the building was and the curves of the streets four assault mechs were able to successfully block the north and south bound road in front of the warehouse.  Several lighter Siegers’s mechs tried to move past the COMSTAR assault mechs, they were unsuccessful and laid on the road destroyed next to the COMSTAR mechs.  Matthew had to destroy part of the warehouse to get his mech through since it was parked on the west side. Once in the clear he was right behind the enemy mechs and let lose his two gauss weapons killing a Rifleman instantly.
“We need to capture the General and Diana they are the top priority.”
General Hayes and Diana Chapman moved with special ops team eight and crossed the first main road into an ally between a few buildings the battle felt like it was behind them, but Hayes was still cautious.
Matthew’s command lance had pushed through the rubble and now was behind the enemy, he wanted to make sure the enemy was badly damage before he moved on. Matthew then called in Charlie Company to move up and block the path to the dropship.
For a while there the COMSTAR held its own and Adept Gusev thought he could pull a miracle out of his ass.  Then a lance broke through the warehouse and lit half his company up in the back both Omegas went down then both Riflemen with the General three blocks ahead of them he called for a slow retreat.
The southern line had broken, and elements of Alpha Company rushed through. Charlie Lance moved northeast and ran into a Chimera and a White Knight, but just before that the lance was able to take out a few squadrons of their special ops teams.
Northern line was still holding but barely thanks largely to the slow retreat and the ability to keep the front of the mechs facing the Siegers.  General Hayes and Diana Chapman were about two clicks from the dropship when the Siegers Charlie Company showed and corner them, taking them hostage.
Adept Gusev mech was beat up but still functional when he learned about the General being captured, he ordered what was left of his men to make a mad dash to the dropship in hopes that the weapons that the dropship had would keep the Siegers from coming after them.
Matthew was happy about the capture of both women, he could of pursue the enemy mechs but decided to let the three mechs still able to move leave, in hopes that they would stay in their dropship so he could negotiate a deal with General Hayes to leave his unit alone.

Hesperus II
Space Port
Capital City Maria’s Elegy
December 10, 2787

General Hayes was still on board the Siegers Dropship secluded from everyone but the core families.  She looked at the 9 families with disgust.
“What are you going to do with me?” she asked
A thin blonde with crystal blue eyes in a captain’s uniform stood up and walked around the table that the nine family members sat.
“General we are not going to do anything to you, we are going to let you go as long as you agree to leave us alone.”
“What are you going to do, kill me if I don’t agree.” Hayes said
This time Matthew moved in his chair and looked at Hayes.
“Why are you after me, I have done nothing wrong, the Siegers are in very good standing with the merc review, other than what ever lies my wife the traitor has spoken what possible reason did you come after me.”
“Helm” was all she said.
Matthew waited for more explanation and when it was obvious he was not to receive one he spoke again.
“Helm? What about Helm we fulfilled our contract to the letter.”
Hayes looked at him. “You know what I am talking about don’t make me spell it out for you.” As she spat
“Not very General like are you Hayes, no I don’t know what you are talking about enlighten me lets put all cards on the table and fix this.”
“Then why kill Major Keller!!”
Matthew looked at the General with sadness in his eyes. “Major Keller was upset that I gave everything to you he rushed me it was him or me, I had no choice but to kill him.  Now I am sorry if you think there was something more, but there was not.  Everything was on the invoice you saw the storeroom yourself.  So please end this unhealthy obsession and move on.”
“I will leave and never think of you again what about Diana?”
“Diana is a traitor, but the panel will decide her fate not me.  They already have heard all the evidence and I told them that she had been an agent of COMSTAR before it was COMSTAR that is prior to her even meeting me.  So, in theory you could argue she was not a traitor but just doing her job.”
“She is to be banned from the unit never to returned and pronounced dead. Take her and if she ever comes near the Siegers or to my children unless they want to see her, I will kill her.”
With that they took the General gathered up Diana and took them to the COMSTAR dropship which was waiting for them.


  • Major
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #35 on: 08 June 2022, 13:20:23 »
So will Hayes really end this feud?
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #36 on: 11 June 2022, 09:18:44 »
That is a most excellent question....


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #37 on: 02 July 2022, 18:11:39 »
Chapter Thirteen
Hesperus II
Siegers HQ
December 15, 2787
1430 GST

The Lyran Fleet was still struggling with the Kurita Fleet and had let some of their dropship slip past the defenses.  Eleventh Hesperus Guards was defending the planet, but even with that Lyran Command had asked the Siegers to help with the defense of the planet.  A Kurita company of mechs was able to break thru the line that the Guards had established.  The Kurita forces heading to the factories, Siegers were task to stop them before they did damage to any of the factories.  Delta Company was sent to a small village just north of the industrial complex to stop the enemy.

First Lieutenant Dionsio was in charge of Delta Company she split her unit into each lance, Lima Lance which was her heavy class mechs moved from the south around the west side of the town.  Julio Lance was the Delta’s light lance and moved from the south around the east side of the town.  The command lance comprises of medium mechs moved into the city in search of the enemy.  The Siegers moved up through and around the village not finding the enemy, but Kurita unit was still northeast of the city and when they saw the Siegers light lance all twelve enemy mechs moved toward them.  Dionsio and her lance snuck through the city and surprised the Kurita mechs as they engaged the light lance.  Private Grigor piloting a Firestarter jumped over the distracted Kurita Stalker and Hammerhand and turned up the heat on both mechs. While Second Lieutenant Nkanen piloting the Black Knight from Lima Lance burst from the trees on the west side of the village and laid down a barrage of lasers into the torso of the Hammerhand.  Private Rosacega moved up and tried to finish the Hammerhand when a Kurita Crusader lit up her mech causing an engine breach in which she had to eject. 

Private Munene was in the dreadful UrbanMech, he was constantly made fun of, and his trash can mech but today he was the man.  He pushed through two buildings and ended up behind an Von Rohrs and with his AC10 he was able to make quick work of that mech saving his commander.  Delta Company had successfully moved their Lima lance to where they were firing on the backside of the Kurita forces, Julio Lance was still distracting most of the enemy and Delta’s lance came out of the town almost perfectly on Kurita’s right flank, because of this maneuver Kurita’s forces had lost seven of their twelve mechs and started to retreat.  Lieutenant Dionsio orders was to keep them from the industrial complex and push them back, not to pursue and destroy so she let them retreat.

Hesperus II
Siegers HQ
December 30, 2787
1100 GST

It has been almost a month since Kurita showed up and about three weeks since COMSTAR left with the General and his wife, Matthew thought.  Lyran High Command had used his unit a couple of times but for the most part their defenses were more than adequate on the ground.  In space though it was back and forth game of cat and mouse neither side really getting an upper hand.  The Beast of Terra was scheduled to be back today, Matthew had no way to contact them prior to today so he was waiting for them to enter the system to update them. 
Matthew’s com system beep showing that he had an incoming message dutifully he sat up straighter and smoothed his uniform.
Admiral Luther Weisskopf appeared on the screen. 
“Colonel Chapman it is good to see you again.”
“Admiral good to see you, surprise you have called what can I do for you sir?”
“I understand that your warship is due to be back soon?”
Matthew looked at the Admiral, “Yes sir it is due back any day now.  With the space battle going on I am surprised you have kept tabs on my ship or have time to talk to me.”
The Admiral actually looked uneasy and said. “Our fleet is on verge of collapse, but we believe so is theirs. I was hoping that I could get you to engage the enemy, surprise them while we make a final push on them.”
“Of course sir” a beep from another communicator showed that the ship just appeared.  “In fact, sir the ship just emerge I can have them here in 18 days.”
“Excellent Colonel Chapman we will draw up the battleplans and forward them to you.”
With that he disappeared and Matthew went to communicate the change of plans for his fleet.

Hesperus II
High Orbit
January 18, 2788
0300 GST
Kurita Fleet
DCS Kee Lung

Tai-sho Pederson the master mind of Operation BROKEN BLADE had success at Skondia just months earlier, but his intel was wrong for Hesperus, they had not expected such a large fleet here and the resistance has been tough.  The space battle has been going on for a month now, both sides playing cat and mouse.  The Lyran fleet had come out of hiding from the other side of the planet earlier today and now both sides were exchanging broadside fire.  To him it looked like that this could be the final battle.  The Lyran commander was not running away this time, which was curious. All pushes to the planet had been stopped except for one in which two regiments were able to make planetfall.  Unfortunately, there was heavy resistance on the ground not only from Lyran defenses but a merc unit that happen to be planet side for whatever reason.  A lot of his ships were damage but so was the Lyran fleet, eventually something will break, and this will be finally over.

Lyran Fleet
LCS Indomitable

Admiral Luther Weisskopf hoped that the back-and-forth attacks had weaken the Kurita Fleet and that the Siegers show up soon.  This ongoing space battle had lasted for almost a month.  What started off as an even battle based on numbers, His fleet had consisted of 100 warships mostly dropships, but he did have six Tharkad Battlecruisers, Kurita had shown up with 115 warships and like him they were mostly dropships, but they did have about 15 capital warships.  Now today the Admiral’s fleet was 39 warships no fighters and most warships were damage.  The Kurita fleet showed up and had 67 warships with a dozen fighters.  The Admiral was starting to doubt his plan, second guessing the Siegers ability specially since they only had two warships and 36 fighters but, they were fresh and had no battle damage.  He hoped it would be the difference, if not the planet would be lost.

0400 GST

Kurita Fleet
DCS Kee Lung
Tai-sho Pederson

Pederson just saw a Commonwealth Light Cruiser explode from his ship’s weapons, ammo explosion took out half the side leaving the ship without power and adrift.  After an hour of this back and forth the Lyran Fleet was still holding strong, several of their dropships were destroyed and now this light cruiser but all the Battlecruisers were still operational, how be it significantly damage.  The sister ship DCS Su Ao was destroyed a few moments ago and Pederson childhood friend, the captain of the Su Ao was presumed dead.  Several of his dropships were destroyed, but his fleet still had an upper hand. He ordered his fleet to push in and break the Lyran’s.

Lyran Fleet
LCS Indomitable
Admiral Luther Weisskopf

Looked across his fleet and saw nothing but destruction, so far, all his Battlecruisers were still functional, but several were badly hurt.  Even when the Siegers show up there may not be a fleet left to save. He ordered his ship to roll and present the undamaged side to the enemy and to continue firing. The comm officer broke in, “Sir message from The Beast of Terra, they have engaged the enemy.” 

The Beast of Terra
Lieutenant Commander Phung

“Fire all weapons Launch all assets lets show these bastards what a real Naval Ship can do.” Commander Phung said to the Siegers Fleet. The Siegers Fleet consisted of a Samarkand Carrier which at this moment carried 50 active fighters, and a Nightwing Surveillance the four dropships were planet side and the jump ship which had no weapons sat at the charging station primed to jump if the enemy tried to attack them.  The Fighters continue to launch one squadron at a time every 3 minutes all eight squadrons and one flight was out and making runs on the enemy capital ships within 30 minutes.

0445 GST

Kurita Fleet
DCS Kee Lung
Tai-sho Pederson

The attack from behind had taken Pederson by surprise they had identified as the merc unit, how does a merc unit have warships and how they ran silent, one simple answer they had to of been former SLDF crew and ship.  He was impressed with how so many fighters were launching off the Siegers carrier when his own was still having trouble launching all of theirs.  The Kee Lung was hit several times and the ship started to tilt losing the center of balance.  Pederson orders a couple of Baron Destroyers to focus on the new fleet and watched a few more Lyran light cruisers break apart.  A Tharkad Battlecruiser moved up and started firing at his ship, hitting the Kee Lung over and over again with Capital PPC and a NAC/30 the ship structural integrity failed, and the ship was gone.  With Pederson gone and the XO killed earlier in the other Destroyer, command was transferred to a junior officer but highest ranking in the fleet Dai-I Monica Yego.  She was not prepared for this type of responsibility; half of the fleet was destroyed in almost two hours of fighting; she knew the enemy fleet was hurting too, however her Destroyer was not set up to take command and most of her bridge crew was hurt or dead.  So, she did what the only thing that came to her mind and called for a combat withdraw.

Lyran Fleet
LCS Indomitable
Admiral Luther Weisskopf

Admiral was grateful that the Siegers finally showed but his fleet was all but destroyed.  Most of his Dropships were destroyed, four of the six Battlecruiser were a drift still with power but will need to be towed back to the space dock to be repaired.  Most of the light cruisers were badly damage, although two of them was pushing forward and took out a couple of the enemy destroyers.  He ordered those ships capable of moving to protect the ships that could not, there was no retreating, and leaving thousands of fellow warriors to die in space.  He had his navigator move the ship closer and in front of the other ships drifting, the enemy though started to act different, and started to move off.  Hauptmann-Kommandant Theissen of the Light cruiser Weissenburg called and said that he believed he just took out their Admiral cause the enemy fleet is retreating soon after his crew destroyed a destroyer.  The Admiral watched as the enemy did seem to be disengaging and pulling out moving outbound of the solar system.

Hesperus II
High Orbit
January 18, 2788
1300 GST

Admiral Weisskopf was sitting in the command chair of a shuttle craft.  There was a slight clang noise from the release of the craft from his flagship, then nothing silence in space was just that silence.  The shuttle moved slowly around his ship, and he was able to survey the amount of damage done.  The shuttle then moved vertical towards the Siegers Warship Beast of Terra, which gave the Admiral a view of two Battlecruisers that were in worse shape than his flagship.  He shook his head and looked at the report his XO handed him prior to leaving the Indomitable, the battle was still going on planet side but with the Kurita Fleet leaving the enemy should surrender soon.  His fleet though, last month before the first shot was fired, he had a little over one hundred ships under his command, now he had forty-three with twenty-one of those needing space dock to become operational again.  Some good news though they were able to capture several of the enemy ships and will be able to either salvage them for parts or refurbish them and add them to the fleet.  Which is why he was headed over to the Siegers warship to share the report.  The shuttle made another sharp turn to avoid some battle damage and the Admiral got his first look at the Siegers warship with the naked eye, all black with most of the windows either tinted or blacked out the only light that was shining was that of the spotlight on their unit’s symbol.  Alongside their carrier was the other warship in their possession CHS Wolfwind  a Nightwing surveillance warship.  For a merc unit it was an impressive sight, the pilot took the shuttle into the recovery bay and landed with a thud.  The pressure equalized and then he was able to leave the shuttle.  The Admiral stepped out of the air lock and was greeted by the commander of the ship Lieutenant Commander Phung.  “Sir its an honor to have you aboard my ship, please follow me to the conference room.”
They moved through the ship, the Admiral took stock and recognized some of the fixtures and designs, this was not just a merc ship.  “Commander, I have been around a long time and have been on SLDF warships, this was a SLDF vessel wasn’t it.”
“Good eye Admiral, yes this was a SLDF and most of us are prior SLDF members that choose not to go with the General and yet chose not to become COMSTAR.  The previous commander of this vessel transported some of the 151st Royal Guards during the civil war, which was the unit our Colonel Chapman was a company commander.”
They entered the conference room, and all sat down around the large rectangle table.
“Now, Admiral, Colonel Chapman is still on the ground helping out in the defense of your planet, he as authorized me to be the voice of the Siegers at this meeting.” Commander Phung said and then she slid the Admiral a plastic-film that showed the authority.
“He has put high trust in you Commander. After the actions of your organization, I decided to give the Siegers a bonus if you are willing and able to accept.”  The Admiral then slid over a CompPad toward her, Commander Phung took it on it was a list of capital ships, three in fact, two ships, were beyond repair but would make some good salvage the third intrigued her, a Baron Destroyer with armor and engine damage but repairable.
“Admiral, this is very generous, it might take us awhile to fully staff it but we gladly accept your bonus.”


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #38 on: 19 July 2022, 16:16:48 »
Chapter Fourteen
Hesperus II
Siegers HQ
February 21, 2788
0630 GST

Lieutenant Colonel Chapman sat in his office looking over the repair reports, all mechs had been repaired and tomorrow was the estimated completion time for the engine fix on the Baron Destroyer. The core families had decided to rename the Kurita ship with a more appropriate Siegers name, so the CHS (Chappy Howling Siegers) WolfClaw was the ship’s new name.  They were very fortunate that the Lyran Admiral gave the Wolfclaw to them, during the last space battle the engines were destroyed, when the Kurita fleet limped out of the solar system several ships were left all in different stages of damage.  The Kurita crew surrendered without a fight.  There were two other ships that the Admiralty gave the Siegers, but they were badly damaged and were turned into salvage.  Still a major award from a grateful planet.  Matthew put that report down when a notification came in showing new contracts were posted.  For the last two weeks he had been looking at new opportunities one that would get him closer to the second to last cache his father left him before moving to their new permanent home.  They just need to get closer to … Matthew could not believe his eyes there in the 100 new contract listing was the one he wanted the one planet in the universe that he had to get to Ballentine.  Immediately he put his bid in and sent it off, he did not care if he lost money on this mission this is where the Siegers needed to go.

High Orbit
Beast of Terra
Conference Room
June 17, 2788

Colonel Chapman looked across the table and into the monitors of those commanders that could not make it in person.
“In two days we will detach our ground force from this warship and head down to the ground.  We will be taking the 1st Strike Wing with us; the 2nd and 3rd Strike wing will maintain defense of our assets in orbit.  This is a Cadre Duty, we are here to train young cadets however, there have been reports of a few dropships landing without permission in unpopulated areas.  With this planet being only a jump away from the active warzone intel has suggest it could be an advance enemy force or scouting party.  Our mission is to train and keep all cadets safe.  Your individual assignments have just been sent to your ComPad, see you planet side.”  With that Colonel Chapman left the room, so that his trusted commanders can work out the finer details. On his way out he turned around and spoke. “I know we have been on this ship for almost six months getting here, and the civilians will have to stay up here for a little longer.  I don’t need trouble down there so make sure all your troops know that there will be a heavy penalty for illegal or unruly behavior while stationed here.  Remember there is another reason to be on this planet, the largest cache of equipment from Admiral Chapman is located here.”  With that he left.

Camtane Peaks
Training Zone
June 24, 2788

Colonel Chapman was in the observation tower, him and his command lance was there to observe the first training exercise with the top three students of the new cadet class.  To the south was the high mountains of Camtane Peaks there was a small mountain pass that allowed for ground traffic which was called Bainmar Gap, named after the explorer, that discovered it.  This training exercise was in the foothills of the Peaks and will prove interesting.  The three cadets are in light mechs: Locust, Hussar, and a Stinger.  The instructors are in four heavy tanks.  Normally the mechs would be at an advantage but this was the first time in a real mech for these students.  Matthew and his team were here to evaluate the training and then implement improvements if needed.  Matthew was concerned about the reports of a Draconis presence, but the Head Kommandant just blew him off, still though Matthew had a flight of Davion fighters and a Squadron of the Siegers on standby just in case.  The mock battle was going well even though they did have live ammo, the computer simulator was doing all the work and was registering the battle damage shutting of systems that it thought would be damage, that way no mechs or pilots would be hurt.

Matthew looked at the clock, about 5 min had gone by and the instructors had the upper hand, but he was impressed in the way the cadet maneuvered their mechs in the hill country, they just lack communication between themselves, everyone one was doing their own thing while the instructors were coordinating and slowly taking the students out. Then from the south a volley of missiles streaked in hitting the LRM carrier which had the lead instructor in it.

“Shit, Siegers we need to go now and protect the students, the four of them rushed down 6 flights of stairs hearing the battle in the background Matthew was hoping they would get there in time to help.  Once he was in the cockpit of his NightStar he radios back to the airport to scramble the fighters, still though they may be too late.
“Move out Siegers protect the students and instructors let’s find out how many of the enemy there are and take them out.” Colonel Chapman said.  He then tried to reach the lead instructor.

Training Zone
Mathew McPaul was the top student of new cadet class he had aced all his exams and held the record on the simulator, he was doing well now for being his first time in a real mech the other two students well they suck he thought, they did not deserve to be here.  He just rounded a hill and had the LRM Carrier in his sight when his controls went crazy proximity alerts went off, he was confused and then he saw it, a few dozen missiles in the air coming at him.  No that is not right they were going to the Carrier almost all the missiles hit that carrier and the wave of the explosion rattle him.  Who is using real missiles damn he thought he then heard the overseer on the radio trying to call the instructor that was in the Carrier, there was no noise or movement from the Carrier.  Mathew saw four mechs into the battlefield with the markings of the mercenary group that was watching the simulation.

The Siegers moved into the battlefield thankfully everyone was ok except for the lead instructor.  The students were scared you could hear it in their radio calls, but at least they were communicating now.  Still too far away to help, Col Chapman called to all the Federated units to hold their ground that help was on its way.

The cadets tried to move around behind an enemy mech but was surprised when it jumped out of the way and landed behind them, with that surprise the enemy Guillotine launch an alpha strike on Mathew McPaul at the same time Mathew fired on the Guillotine.  The Guillotine won that match up and McPaul right arm and left leg was destroyed his mech fell to the ground and he was knocked out.  One of the instructors did land an AC/20 hit on the Guillotine blowing of its right arm.  The enemy Wolverine in turn hit that tank causing engine damage, enough to force the crew out of the tank and run for cover.
Col Chapman saw them on his radar before they announced themselves.
“Command, Wraiths Squadron is lining up for an attack run be advise we have HE bombs and we are planning on using them.”
“Roger that Lieutenant you are clear hot wipe them out.” Matthew replied.
Four of the Six fighters dive bombed the Guillotine and the Dragon around forty HE bombs landed most hit, but it was the Hellcat piloted by the squadron commander Lieutenant Charlotte Meurs that landed all her bombs destroying the Guillotine.

Colonel Chapman took aim at the Wolverine and fired both Gauss cannons at it destroying the left arm.  The Colonel moved a little to the left and fired both Gauss cannons again, this time both direct blows to the center torso destroying the mech.  The Battlemaster piloted by Master Sergeant Sicak fired a PPC hitting and destroying the head of the Dragon.  Colonel scanned the area and saw the last enemy mech turn and run with the precision of an elite warrior Colonel Chapman took his time aimed and fired both Gauss cannons destroying the left leg off the Blackjack that was trying to run away, causing the mech to plant face first into the rocky terrain destroying the cockpit and the pilot immediately.  The three students just stared at what they saw, this mercenary just hit a mech from extreme range and took it out with out a second thought.  Who were these guys Cadat McPaul thought?

Capital City
Training HQ
Siegers Commander Office
June 29, 2788

Colonel Chapman slammed his fist into the top of the desk and looked at the governor and Kommandant of the school. 
“Let me try and comprehend this you want me to take cadets PURPOSEDLY into combat.  Your militia is no match for the elite force that landed in the bad lands, and since you don’t want to change our contract, you are willing to put the students into combat so that my unit will engage the enemy, is that correct?”
The governor looked at Colonel Chapman with distain. “Colonel, what better way to develop them into MechWarriors then have them in combat?  You are being well compensated I expect you to honor your contract and help train our guys in actual combat.”
“Fine, but I am going to log a formal complaint, however we will defend your planet and kick the invaders off your world.”
Colonel Chapman walked out of his office only to spy three new cadets standing at parade rest in the hallway, the lead cadet saw the Colonel and snaped to attention. “Colonel on….” He started to yell out until Matthew hushed him.
“Look I appreciate military customs and discipline, but we are at war, I am in a hallway not going into a room, and I don’t want that while you are here understood?”  All three nodded and then went to parade rest after Matthew insisted.  The Colonel went on to say. “You are all new, is it the plan of the Kommandant to rotate you cadets every time we have a new mission?”  He raised his hand. “Don’t answer that I think I already know the answer.  Look when we go into combat this time it will be planed and all I really want ya’ll to do is stay behind us and practice moving your mechs.  Is that understood?”

City of Benford
Command Center
South Command
July 1, 2788

Commander Abdel was woken out of a sound sleep to his communicator beeping. He picked it up. “Addel here report”
“Sir a large force just emerged from the north mountains and moving aggressively towards us.  They will be here in about two hours”
Addel took a second to process this information, having an enemy force on the planet was one thing but moving against a communication center that only had an armor lance and some turrets as a defense was just too much. “Inform the Governor, and order the evacuation”
Addel got out of his warm bed and started to dress he had to oversee the evacuation, the families of his troops safety was his number one concern, hopefully the Governor can send help with the war going on most of the MechWarriors that were station here had been deployed, this planet was totally screwed if this enemy is a credible threat  he thought.  Twenty minutes later he was leaving his quarters and moving toward the command center when his communication officer called him again. “Addel here I am about 5 minutes away, status.”
“Sir the governor is sending a merc unit to intercept the enemy, but they might not get here in time, so he wants you to continue the evacuation.”
“A merc unit?  You say.  You mean that group that is here to help train the cadets?”
“Yes sir”
The commander shook his head, his life depended on a merc unit that was doing cadre training and not out on the front lines, yay me was all he could think.

Ninety minutes later
Addel watched on the monitor as his people started to move out of the base heading north out of danger.  The enemy was almost to the city this was going to be close.  Out of the tree line to the east came an alert, great he thought what now. He had the satellite pan over to the east and he saw eight assault mechs running at max speed with three light mechs staying behind them.  The mercs he thought, all in assault mechs running with a grace of elite warriors.  Then there was three light mechs trying to keep up and running very awkwardly those Addel thought those must be the cadets in tow.

Colonel Chapman survey the battlefield, the initial report had indicated a massive force moving toward the city. It was six lances of armor vehicles no mechs no aero support and while they still out number his two lances three to one he felt more at ease.  “Siegers break up in pairs and take the armor units down we have to stop them from getting to the civilians trying to leave the city.” The Colonel announced.  Within twenty minutes all the enemy armor was destroyed there was some buildings destroyed and one defense tank, other than that the civilians were able to return to the command center.  Commander Addel watched the whole battle take place and he understood now why his government hired them to train their troops.

Capital City
Command Center
Governor Palace
July 22, 2788

It's been a little over 20 days since the enemy tried to attack whether it was because the Siegers are here and they did not expect that, or they were planning something big Matthew was unsure.  The planetary government was in the process of moving precious metals and water from a off planet site to the Capital, Matthew had let them use Conquering Wolves Dropship for the metals and they had two DropShips that was transporting the heavy water.  Matthew looked at his clock, they should be leaving orbit and moving into high altitude any second.  He decided to head to the TOC and monitor their progress, it has been too silent.
Colonel Chapman sneaked into the back of the busy TOC he did not want to disrupt the tactical genius of his XO, she was already engaged with the dropships and their escorts as they moved down the gravity well.
“Sir!!” a technician yelled.
“What is it sergeant?” Major Pople said as she started to walk over to his console.  Both the Major and Matthew knew that the higher voice and the tension in the voice was not good.
“Multiple bogies baring 211 coming in from the Northwest. The radar is trying to weed out the clutter but looks like over ninety aircraft of various classes.”
“Frack.” Both Major Pople and Matthew said at the same time, they both knew that the militia squadron and the Siegers ground base Attack Wing was not going to survive. She turned around swiftly and looked at her commander.
“Comm, get me The Beast of Terra priority one alert them of the situation have them launch all strike wings ASAP.  Then notify the 1st wing of what is coming and when the reinforcements will arrive.”

Colonel Chapman and Major Pople watched the monitor showing the enemy and friendly forces.  The Siegers 1st wing and the conventional squadron of fighters from the planet militia bravely flew forward and engage a force six times bigger than them while the Dropship tried to make a run to the Space Port on the ground.
The conventional militia squadron was almost immediately destroyed but they were able to take out two of the enemies’ aerospace fighters. First Lieutenant Meurs commander of the 1st Wing engaged the enemy, “protect the Dropships Siegers, until our brothers and sisters come from our warship.” She looked out and saw ninety plus fighters moving toward her and her wing and sighed, and said to herself, “It’s a good day to die.”
A few minutes later her wing and the massive enemy force was in tangled into combat.
“1st Ground Wing, Terra Fighter Group will be there in two minutes coming in from the south.” Captain Dobbis announced.
“Thank you Cap…..”Lieutenant Meurs was saying until she was shot down.
The air battle continued, just south of the capital you could see the explosion and smoke trails from damage ships.  The three Dropships where still on their way down but now fighting off a heavy attack.  Even with the three wings equaling fifty-four fighters the enemy still out number them.  A group of Draconis fighter broke away and went after one of the planets Dropships, minimal weapons they tried to defend themselves.  Captain Dobbis had Teal and Gray Squadrons break off the main formation and make straight for the dropship in attempt to save it.
Civilians in the capital city looked up toward the sky where the air battle was getting closer.  Sirens came to life alerting people to get to cover, since the battle was moving closer to the city fallout was starting to rain down first it was small pieces, then half a plane crashed into a grocery store destroying it.  People started to panic when they saw something big falling toward them.
Teal and gray squadron rushed toward the dropship and even though they were able to destroy a few enemy fighters the ship was doomed the engines failed and the ship started to spin out of control falling faster to the ground.  The dropship landed in a business section on the southside the explosion and shockwave from the engines blowing up cause a square mile of damage, shaking the building the command center was in.
Matthew went outside and saw the destruction buildings were catching on fire civilians running he got on the com. “Lieutenant Bardon, I need your company to deploy to the crash site rescue as many civilians as you can, also rally up the crash team and have them help the locals fight the fires.”  The local militia commander moved up and stood next to Matthew on the balcony, she looked out across the plaza and out toward the crash site, her long hair had fallen out of her bun and was blowing freely with the wind.  “Colonel, may I ask what you are doing out here?”  Matthew looked at the base commander and then looked back at the crash site.
“I came out here to see the damage for myself, I then order my company of P(AL) infantry to search and rescue civilians and since most of my fighters are tied up in the air fighting, I order a team of my crash unit to go out and help fight the fires.”
The base commander glance at the mercenary leader and her eyes soften a bit. “This action has nothing to do with contract, so why risk your guys when you didn’t have to.”
Matthew finally turned completely towards the base commander and spoke. “Because I care about all people and if I have the power to help just one innocent life then I will, because it is the right thing to do.”

The air battle continued the Siegers tried to force the enemy out of the city fly zone, but the Combine was determined to knock the dropship out of the sky. More Combine ships were destroyed but still had the upper hand, until the two remaining dropships landed the enemy tried to dive bomb the now landed ships but was met with heavy AA fire.  The combine retreated their objective was not completely met, but they did down one dropship and caught the capital city on fire.  Colonel Chapman went back inside only to see even more activity than before.  “Major Pople what’s going on?” 
“Sir, we just got word that three of our armor scouting parties have been met with heavy resistance. Hotel lance is close to one, so I am sending that mech lance over to help the 9th Armor Lance. White Squadron is the only squadron that is fully functioning, they are landing right now to load HE bombs and will help the 4th Armor lance.  I am sending the reserve fighters over to the 6th armor lance.”
Matthew looked over the map and said.  “Good job Major, wasn’t the 6th Armor lance protecting a civilian dropship that was grounded in the hill country?”
“Yes sir the dropship is still there, they had some setbacks, but they report the engine will be fix soon.”


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #39 on: 06 August 2022, 20:44:21 »
Chapter Fifteen
Siegers HQ
August 25, 2788
0830 GST

It had been almost a month since that coordinated attack from the enemy from the air and the three land attacks. After the enemy was defeated, they just disappeared.  It bothered Matthew extremely not knowing where the enemy was.  The other objective was just as elusive the Siegers had been here since middle of June and no sign of the cache father had left them. There were only three planets in the system besides Ballentine two were vacuum terrestrial and one was a gas giant, there was also a small asteroid belt.  No evidence of a space dock or space port so far in orbit at any of the planets, no signs of anything man made for that matter.  Last report from his fleet commander was they had finished with the nearest planet named Gomes’s Planet and was moving on to the next planet called Maple River.  Matthew went back to the coordinated attack last month something about it bothered him, how did the enemy know the dropships were coming down the gravity well and knew exactly where to attack to hit the weakest patrol units.  The Siegers were just fortunate enough to have reserve units that could do a quick response and back up those armor units.  After uncovering the spy, his wife. Matthew would prefer not to think the Siegers had a traitor in the unit, but it was possible that the enemy had infiltrated the planet’s militia. He made a mental note to talk to the militia commander at the next meeting.  His assistant knocked on the door and entered, “Sir, Fleet Commander is on the line for you.”
“Thank you Sergeant.”
He tapped a code into the ComPad and the Fleet Commander’s face came into view.
“Captain Phung report.”
“Commander, I think we found it sir.”
“You think? Please explain.”
“Yes sir, there is a low valley on the surface and in the valley, there are several active turrets, we estimate at least thirty.”  There is no sign of any other equipment or weapons that we know of.  That was the last report the scout team sent before they enter what appears to be the kill zone. None of them made it back.  We are on our way back to you, I figured you would want to spin up a mission to take out the turrets and see what there is to see there. We should be in orbit by the 1st of September.”
“Roger that Captain, thanks for the find I will send up a force, we will meet you up in orbit with the Conquering Wolves Chapman out.”
With that he severed the line and went to work putting a force together that would not hurt the defenses of the planet.

Siegers HQ
September 1, 2788
1000 GST

Major Bruce and Major Tournier was outside the makeshift Headquarters watching their commander take off in the Dropship Conquering Wolves with a rag tag 2nd Battalion full of misfits and Greenies, Lt. Col Chapman said it was for experience that the new guys needed some battle time and what better way than a zero g atmosphere and automated gun turrets. The dropship disappeared into the sky, and both went back inside to vent to their coworker and friend the XO Major Pople.
“Haleigh, why is he doing this? I understand why he left you in charge you’re the XO, but Ethan and I should be with him instead of the unproven 2nd Battalion.” Major Dalton Tournier said.
Major Pople looked at them, “You know that the 2nd Battalion will be one of you guys’ command after we fill the 3rd Battalion next year. He wants to make sure that the 2nd Battalion is ready.”
Major Ethan Bruce glanced at the maintenance man fixing the light fixture for the second time in three weeks.
“All the more reason one of us should be up there to protect his back.” he said.

Conquering Wolves

Lt. Col Chapman was sitting on the bridge as the Dropship took off for orbit to link up with the Siegers’s Fleet specifically the Beast of Terra.  The situation on the third planet in the solar system was unknown.  Intel located a base in a deep valley but there was an automated security system that was not SLDF tech.  That left Matthew with three options, first his father used a previous base that was made by the Davion military. Second father used Davion or some other nation’s tech to hide the equipment for whatever reason.  Or third, a third party discover the treasure and placed their own security system.  Whatever the option Matthew was taking the 2nd battalion with him, they will have to destroy all the gun turrets before entering the base to see what was there.  His father did not list what type of ships was mothball here hopefully there was a couple of dropships, his unit was growing and right now after the four months being on Ballentine he would not be able to take all his equipment due to lack of cargo space.  If the Siegers’ fleet gets bigger though, where are they going to get the manning and how will he pay for it.  The dropship just left the atmosphere, a pen floated up off the table in front of him, noticing he grabbed it then looked up to the view screen the Siegers’ fleet came into view, four ships strong normally the ships would stay at the charging stations to conserve fuel, but it seems like every mission he needed them in orbit, and this was no exception.  The Destroyer had been off investigating Gomes’s Planet while the Beast of Terra sat here protecting the unarmed jump ship. The smallest of the ships just poked its head out having been hidden from view, the Wolfwind a Nightwing surveillance ship had just came back from checking the furthest planet of the system.
“Sir a message is coming in for you from Captain Phung” announce the comm operator.
“Pipe her through Lieutenant.” Lt. Col Chapman replied.
“Sir, I just heard from home, they received our communique and are sending additional navy personnel most will be greenies, and all don’t have much experience, but I expect them within a month or two.”  With that the Captain severed the line.  Matthew sat back in his seat and watched as the crew docked.  A few months ago, they had sent a coded message to the home of the Chapman future home aka Devils Breath, communication with the planet is a long process since it was off the books of all the star charts and the HPG was inop on purpose.  Couriers had to receive all messages on Risin and then deliver back home.  Matthew still could not comprehend the extent of manpower, war machines, and network his father had built over the years.  Rumors had existed about black ops and some navy admirals that had side gigs. He wondered what his father really left him.

Siegers HQ

A man dressed in the maintenance outfit left the compound of the joint Headquarters of the Siegers and planet Militia, doing what he always did he got into his transportation and headed to the bar near his house.  Walking in he observed the surroundings.  The bar theme was that of scantily clad women trying to make a buck, being a regular all the girls new him and new to stay away except for one, his favorite.  Ambrosia moved toward him looking like she was the big hungry cat looking to hunt and he was the prey.  Five-foot eight inches in heels she could look him in the eye straight on, her purple color eyes and blue hair just did something to him.  “Hey baby, there is a man in the corner waiting for you” she said as she placed her small hand on his chest and moved slowly down. “Will you have some pleasure after he is gone?”
She knew that he could not resist her, he tried every time but never could. “yes, we will, but first I need to talk to my friend.”
He moved to the corner booth and slid in, placing a small object on the seat in-between him and the other guy.
“Here is what you asked for, it’s very informative.”
The man took the device and then laid an envelope down in its place.
“have fun spending that on her, she is pure perfection.”  With that he left, leaving the maintenance man with enough cash to last all night with Ambrosia.

High Orbit

Beast of Terra slowly powered up her engines and moved out of orbit after the Conquering Wolves dropship docked with her.  Even at full power it was going to take 8 days to reach the third planet, Captain Phong sighed since downtime always meant a thousand questions from her commander about home.  Luckily right now she had duties to perform, and the commander was still on the dropship.  Moving pass the only moon for Ballentine the Beast of Terra lumbered slowly towards the third planet.

Maple River
Third Planet in solar system
High Orbit
Beast of Terra
September 9, 2788

The great warship slowly orbited the rock of a planet why it was called Maple River Captain Phung did not know.  What she did know was her Commander was ready to leave the ship and investigate the base.
“Sir, the area of the base is to hot there are extensive AA guns along with Gauss and LRM turrets all active and already tracking us.  The drop ship will land about 5 clicks from the base good luck and good hunting.”
“Roger that Captain, Siegers let’s roll, fall in line once we leave the dropship remember your training this is a .2 gravity planet so we can move faster and jump further, Chapman out.”
With that the dropship undocked and moved toward the planet.

1st Sword of Light

Jinjiro Kurita heir-designate was sitting at the table with his top advisors, things had not gone badly but they weren’t going as planned either.  The goal was to disrupt the supply lines and kick around some R&R Federated scum.  This Mercenary unit was causing a problem though.  Bigger than initially reported and with an actual fleet of warships Jinjiro was about to call it a day and move off planet.  When his advisor came to him with a report from the spy within the militia headquarters.  This was the time to strike, his unit was divided into two camps one was in a small town called Blospool, the rest was with him camped in a deep raven 50 kilometers from the capital. He looked at his advisor.
Tai-i Chuwon I need to send a message to my forces; it will need to be by messenger I don’t want a transmission to be intercepted.”
“Yes, my lord, what is the message?” Chuwon said.
“I need them to break camp and move here ASAP half of the mercenary unit is off world with their commander the time is now to strike.” Jinjiro said.
“Sir, if I may what about that force that left shouldn’t we be concern where they left?”
“Even though the recording did not specify why he left it does not matter.  Since we have been silent these last few months, they might think that we are broken and took a battalion to another contract, because that is what mercs do, follow the money they have no honor.”
“Yes my lord.” Chuwon bowed and then moved swiftly to prepare for the journey.

Siegers HQ

Major Bruce moved into the CIC it had been eight and a half days since his commander left.  He moved up to Major Pople to ask if there has been any activity, when he notice the same maintenance man working on the same light fixture. In a low voice he said to Major Pople
“Why is that guy fixing the same fixture?”
“It stop working again this morning.” Pople said
“That is too weird, or I am too suspicious specially after what happen at Hesperus follow me but don’t act suspicious.” Major Bruce whispered.
The maintenance man was fixing the faulty fixture again he was thinking to himself that he needed to find a better way to be in here eventually they would get suspicious when he looked down and saw  two Majors looking up at him.  When he turned around to get off the ladder there was the sergeant at arms with his hand on the gun holster.
Major Pople talked first.  “We need to search you and your equipment.”
Major Bruce notice that as the maintenance guy got of the ladder, he tighten his left fist and looked like he was going to make a run for it, so Bruce came up from behind and locked the man’s arms together.
“Oh no you don’t, now what is in that left hand.”
In his hand was a small recorder, Bruce hit rewind then play and heard all he needed to hear.  After five hours of interrogation the maintenance guy gave up the location of the enemy base, at a town called Blospool.

Maple River
Third Planet in solar system
September 10, 2788

Lt. Col Chapman had taken a day to survey the base, being careful not to trigger any of the defense he noticed that there were clusters of gun turrets scatter throughout the compound.  “Beast, Chappy I will need you to spin up the two squadrons load them up with bombs put them on alert we might need them if we get pinned down.  We will be advancing into the compound within the hour. Expect jamming if we need the fighters one of the guys will come back to this location to communicate. Chappy out.” With that he severed the line and then told the 2nd battalion the plan.

1st Sword of Light

Jinjiro Kurita looked on at the eight heavy flatbed trucks each with a mech on them and covered up with an anti-radar blanket.  Jinjiro looked at his most trusted advisor and friend, Tai-i Chuwon and gave him a scroll with his family seal on it. “Get there as fast as you can tell them you are taking command and then move them out to here.  Once we are all together, we will attack the Capital and defeat the mercenary scum.”

Siegers HQ

Major Haleigh Pople, Major Dalton Tournier, and Major Ethan Bruce sat around the table debating on what they should do.
“Look our commander has been friends to all of us for a long ass time, we are friends, he always preaches we are equals, but you are the XO Haleigh which means you are in charge, we have an opportunity to take out the enemy, satellite imagery shows about two company worth of mechs plus some gun turrets I say we take the whole battalion and crush them.” Dalton said passionately.  Ethan looked at Haleigh and nodded in agreement then said, “We keep the armor battalion here and the infantry for protection and continuation of the academy training. Then go and kick some butt.”
Major Pople looked at the intel from the spy and the satellite pictures, “Ok let’s do this.”

Maple River
Third Planet in solar system

The 2nd Battalion broke up into the three companies and got into position, the plan was for delta company move in from the west.  Echo company from the east, and Fox company from the south they were to move in simultaneously and move to the center where the main control unit was supposed to be located.  All the companies were finally in position and Matthew order the unit to advance, the unit moved in and was met with radio jamming and gun turrets.  With an inexperience group such as the 2nd battalion it was difficult to gain ground on the gun turrets.  Matthew and his command lance move forward took a few turrets out Delta was right behind them, but through the burning buildings and smoke took a wrong turn and was headed north instead of east.  Heavy fire took out three pilots of Delta that’s when it always happens under extreme stress and hardship an individual finds peace and bravery deep inside and becomes a hero.  Fire lance was caught by crossfire pinned down by four quad large laser turrets on the right and three dual gauss rifle turrets to the left the lieutenant in charge froze, it was his command and first action that he had seen, the other three pilots were pinned against the wall Private Madilyn Papatamelis sat there in her cockpit frozen, laser fire overhead shook something inside her.  Deep inside her she heard her father voice from when she was a kid encouraging her when she was trying to work out a problem.  A loud explosion shook her back to reality she grabbed the controls of her Zeus and started to move out, the Lieutenant was too into himself to notice. The other two privates looked on confused on what Madilyn was doing.  Madilyn target the three gauss turrets with her LRMs and Lasers moving to her right to avoid the laser fire from behind she dispatched the Gauss turrets without too much damage to her unit, getting into a zone of sorts she spun around and charged the four laser turrets, when the other two privates saw this, they got up and followed her.  Lieutenant Pena remained against the wall frozen with fear.  Private Papatamelis knew what was at stake joining the Siegers during the Rocky contract she had bought into their doctrine; the Lieutenant though was brand new coming aboard just before they left Hesperus, she had never really trusted him.  Papatamelis then notice the other two in her lance following her moving around the corner she spotted the commander and decided to follow him, since he never showed fear.  The battalion took heavy damage but for the most part they fought bravely and slowly took over the compound.  Lieutenant Pena regained conciseness from his panic attack, his lance was nowhere around him.  His radio was not working buildings, walls, and mechs scattered throughout the makeshift streets.  He got control of his mech and started moving cautiously making his way toward the outside of the compound.  The battle was still going on he could see mechs moving through the smoke, in fact he saw the commanders mech with a missing arm moving and firing with six other mechs following him.  The lieutenant made it out of the jamming zone and called the Beast of Terra
“Beast of Terra this is Lieutenant Pena, I am calling in air strikes destroy everything most of unit is gone I might be the only on left”
Captain Phung gazed at the screen not believing what she was hearing, the Col dead, she could not believe that.  With the jamming still ongoing she was not able to receive any data, and there was so much smoke and fire down there that imagery was spotty.
“Lieutenant are you sure of the information, I cannot verify your claims.”
“Just do it, or we will all be dead.”
Col Chapman rolled around the final corner his right arm gone and most of the armor in the head destroyed. The rest of his lance was fairing about the same and another lance had attached itself to his the one in the Zeus had impress him.  She had come around the corner guns a blazing saving his lance and since then she had kept his lance backside free of any problems.   The objective was near but what caught Matthew’s eye was the building just before it, sensors showed gigantic spikes in energy and a frequency output that matched their radio frequency, the jammer he thought, he light signal his lance to destroy the building as soon as they did the comms was up, but not soon enough, the Beast of Terra had just fired its missiles toward the planet, someone had called for a bombardment thinking we were all gone Matthew thought.
“Siegers this is Col Chapman move out of the area double time avoid all conflict the ship has launched bombardment missile!!”
Lieutenant Pena heard the message, then heard the battalion talking over the net it was chaos what had he done, what had he done.

Town of Blospool

Full frontal assault was Major Pople battle plan, heavy resistance was to be expected, but most were tanks and light mechs, going street block by street block was going to be biggest worry. There was a picket line just outside the city, but it was manageable, and the Siegers were slowly taking the enemy out.

Five miles outside of Blospool

Tai-i Chuwon convoy just enter vision range of the battle, he cursed himself for not getting here faster, somehow these mercenaries found out about this town, his lord will not be happy.  His second in command asked what they should do. Chuwon thought about it for a second, two heavy lances were all he had, they could sneak up and attack from behind and allow what is left of the light unit to escape. Or he could turn back and tell his lord that the unit was lost before he got there.  The second option was really a no go since he could not trust his lance mates not to tell.  He turned to his men, “Lets unload our mech we will sneak up behind and attack let the rest of our men disengage and retreat then we will too.”  The moved up closer to an old iron works factory and uncovered the mechs, started them and moved into position.
Major Bruce and his lance was pushing the enemy back into the town.  Major Tournier and his lance were a few meters away doing the same thing they were right in the middle of the offensive line.  The rest of battalion including Major Pople and her lance was bowing into the city making the front line look like an inverted C shape.  Major Bruce and Tournier started to get damage on their backside turning they both notice 8 heavy mechs moving in fast.  “Siegers, we have enemy on our six.”  The weapon fire was getting heavy and Tournier mech was taking a pounding, he repeated his call.  “Again, I say we have enemy on our six I need Beta company to….”  Transmission was cut off, Major Bruce looked over and saw that the head of the mech was taken completely off and laying about 20 meters behind the Omega.  Then the Omega tilted to the side and fell.  The cockpit was still in the head and no evidence that the injection seat was activated.  Major Bruce moved around to the back of the down Omega to get a better look at the head, while dodging and firing at the enemy.  There he saw more than he wanted to, one of his closest friend dead ripped open from mid-section to the head no way he felt that or even knew what happened.  Major Bruce got on the SeigerNet, “Major Tournier is down I repeat Major Tournier is down Beta Company follow Alpha and me lets take these bastards out.”
Major Pople came on line, “Take them out, Charlie Company will take care of the rest of the enemy on the other side of town, there will be time to morn our fallen comrade and friend.”

Siegers HQ

Master Sergeant Evanna O’Curry-Tournier working in the transportation department was in the process of acquisitioning emergency personnel and vehicles to move into Blospool, felt a sense of apprehension followed by great pain and sadness.  This has never happened to me she thought, something is very wrong she finished the order and sent it.  She then pulled up the live SITREP of the battle in Blospool, typically she didn’t listen to the battles but something was up, it was then that she learned her husband and father of her three children had been killed.

Town of Blospool

Major Bruce successfully push back the enemy mechs that came to the battle late.  In fact, looking across the battlefield the enemy has all fled, well what was left of them.  Off in the distance he saw the emergency VTOL making their final approach.  Major Bruce looked back at his friends mech and the severed head with body parts just covering the cockpit, as a MechWarrior you always knew that you were on borrowed time but seeing this made him question his decisions.

Maple River
Third Planet in solar system

All the missiles were coming down to the planet fast Captain Phung was watching the progress, then all the channels across the board cleared of all jamming static, she knew instantly that someone had destroyed the jamming signal. 
“Siegers this is Col Chapman move out of the area double time avoid all conflict the ship has launched bombardment missile!!”
Captain Phung heard the message, then heard the battalion talking over the net it was chaos what had she done, what had she done.
The missiles hit the planet destroying buildings the impact was so hard the surface cracked and caved in at several locations throughout the base.  The Siegers were in full sprint or jump jets at full strength trying to outrun the bombardment. 
Lieutenant Pena sat there in his mech and watched the bombardment fire, smoke, dust from the destroyed buildings and ground spread out across the base, wondering how he was going to live with himself for killing everyone he grabbed his personal blade and looked at it, through tears or sorrow, shame, and cowardness he saw his only way out, he lifted the blade and looked outside one last time.  Through the smoke and dust mech figures started to form, Lieutenant Pena wiped his face and refocus his gaze, yes those are mechs, first one to be identified was the nightstar with two missing arms and damage legs the commander marched on, then his lance became visible, what shocked him more was the next mech one he recognized, the Zeus after that more mechs came through, but he only counted twenty mechs out of the forty that went in, how many was because of the defenses or his doing he did not know.

Next Day

Col Chapman lead the discovery team down a deep shaft toward the air lock, all the after SLDF security system had been disabled all was left was the family code to open the hanger, with the ground giving way on the surface it was yet unknown if there was any damage to the underground base.  Matthew looked at the screen and said out loud, “Well here goes nothing.”
The door opened to a massive hanger some of the light came on and revealed what he had hope for, but also what he dreaded.  Fifteen Warships and Dropships were in the hanger, but damage to most of them happen when the ground gave way, all but one warship was damage in fact, until the repair crews could inspect they would not know what was fixable or salvageable.  Matthew accessed the computer inside the hanger and pulled up a manifest list.
Baron Destroyer X2
Aegis Heavy Cruiser
Wagon Wheel Frigate
Dreadnought Battleship
Vulture cargo Dropship
Dictator Command Dropship
Dictator Standard Dropship
Vengeance Dropship X2
Behemoth Dropship

Matthew looked at the list and the parts that accompany them and shook his head, how in the hell will he man these how can he afford this fleet.  His father was truly trying to make up for his mistakes as a father and soldier Matthew thought.
His communicator beep, “Chappy here”
“Sir, communication from the planet, the Wolfwind is inbound burning fast I request that you come back to the ship to greet them.”
“Roger that Captain”
Matthew wondered why the Nightwing Surveillance ship was coming and why it was burning fast and furious to get here, what happened on the Ballentine to have this happened.
The two warships slowed and match velocity speed with precession of veteran professionals, they docked the airlock open, and Matthew saw  the last person he expected, Evanna, Major Tournier wife.  When they locked eye contact and Matthew saw the sorrow in her eyes, he knew immediately why she was there and what had happened.  He rushed up to her grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into him, all he could say was sorry for a few minutes, then he asked how, she told him.  Matthew turned back to Captain Phung, “I must go back to the planet I will go back with the Wolfwind have my mech and my lance mechs moved to the storage bay on her, please oversee this operation including what is left of the 2nd battalion. Keep me up to date.”  With that he turned toward Evanna again and walked back to the Wolfwind.

Siegers HQ
September 12, 2788
0800 GST

The 1st Battalion, Armor Battalion, Infantry Force, and the 1st AeroSpace wing was all lined up, all flying their perspective colors. The personnel where all next to their equipment in full military honor dress.  Rarely did the Siegers put on a show like this and even more rare was a mercenary unit that had dress blues.  The Siegers’s civilians looked on all being reminded of loved ones that they had already lost or the potential to lose a loved one in the future.  The planet’s government officials were in a place of honor with the Commander of the Siegers, the planet’s civilians were also in attendance to pay respects to a man that helped them defend their planet.  The funeral for Major Tournier had in affect stopped the world from moving.
The Convoy with his body had just entered the military formation, once the convoy got to the front Matthew and Dalton’s wife would have a few things to say and then he was to be placed in status until the unit made it to their final destination.  Ever since it was made known to the unit about the secret planet it was decided all Siegers that died in combat would be held in status until they got to Devils Breath where at that point they would be honored and their wishes of either burier or cremated would be carried out and then they would be put in a place of honor for family and friends to visit them. The percussion continued moving closer to the grandstand where Matthew and the family was situated.  Bagpipes filled the air with a haunting and rhythmic tune as they marched the convoy up to the dropship.  With tears in his eyes Matthew started to talk about his friend Dalton Tournier.

The End


A few months had passed since the funeral of Dalton Tournier, the Siegers were still on the planet having been extended due to the war and what the Draconis Combine tried to do here.  Which was fine with Matthew since it had taken that long to recover the fleet on the third planet, unfortunately only six ships were space worthy the rest was salvage. With the extra crews inbound from Devil’s Breath they will be able to bring those space worthy ships up into orbit then scuttle the base for good making sure nothing else was salvageable.  There were two other matters that needed to be dealt with Matthew thought as the nine founding family members discussed the passing of Tournier and the warships being brought into the fold.
Two personnel sat outside the conference room where the founding members were having their meeting.  One was Frank Chapman, the commander’s son, Frank assumed that his father wanted to spend some time with him since his training session was over for the week.  Frank looked at the other person waiting, Captain Coultrip formerly in command of Charlie Lance now XO to the 1st Battalion Commander Major Pople, Frank looked at the captain in her pristine uniform gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that would make a man melt, he was only fourteen and he had a major crush on her.  Not only was she the best-looking woman in the Siegers in Frank’s opinion. she had the most combat kills second only to his father.  The door open and shook Frank out of his thoughts, “The council would like to see both of you now.” Said the master of arms.
They both walked in and at the front of the table Matthew stood up and went to them.  The door shut and Matthew started to talk.
“I know you two are wondering why you are here, it’s simple.  Frank you are my son and have past every test given to you so I am giving you a mech and placing you in a new form auxiliary unit that will not go into combat but will have you get in a real mech and start live training.  It will be a while before you will be in actual combat, but I need a qualified MechWarrior to run this unit.  Captain, I have chosen you.”  The Captain looked confused and was about to say something when Matthew raised his hand for silence, and then started talking again, “You will not be giving up your status in the 1st Battalion nor combat, you will take the auxiliary unit out and train around your schedule, congratulations the two of you.”  Clapping started Matthew allowed it for about a minute the motioned for it to stop.  “Also, since you are my son and the future commander of this unit if fate chooses you, I will like for you to sit beside me in meeting like these so that you gain wisdom and knowledge.  Captain Coultrip.”  Matthew turned to her and stood at attention.  She was startled but quickly recovered and did the same. “Yes Commander” 
“There is one more thing I would like to do, as you know this council is made up of nine families these nine families will always be the core of the Siegers, but what you may not know is that I have planned on adding three more families to the fold, once in the fold the family will know everything from why we were formed how I knew where to get all this equipment, and the future, meaning what is the vision for this organization.  I want you to be part of the council to be family number ten.  Will you accept this responsibility?”  She thought for a second and then said yes.

Smoke of Dragon
DSMS Dropship
Jinjiro Kurita looked at his friend Chuwan and said.
"Someday we will take our vengeance upon the Chappy Howling Siegers."
"My Lord, I am sorry there is no excuse for my failure I offer my life to you" Chuwan said.
"Nonsense we were outgunned six to one it is I that should apologize for letting my pride get in the way of our survival.  It was very fortunate that we were able to leave the planet."
With that they both fell into silence as the dropship made its way to the jumpship and out of the system.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #40 on: 07 August 2022, 16:51:16 »
Book three   
The Future is Near 
will be up soon


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #41 on: 07 August 2022, 19:18:24 »
 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
awaiting the next part
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #42 on: 08 August 2022, 01:17:52 »
Enjoyed the story so far, looking forward to the next part. :beer:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #43 on: 09 August 2022, 02:01:10 »
Thanks, I really appreciate it. 


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #44 on: 18 August 2022, 21:57:29 »

Capital Planet
Freedom Federation
Office of the Chief of Military Operations
February 3, 3048

General Matthew Chapman sat in his office alone, with almost one hundred reports that needed to be read through.  It has been almost fifteen years of peace for the Federation, there have been little battles here and there.  The Draconis Combine tried to take back four planets eight years ago, but under the leadership of Chapman’s children the Combine was turned back.  His children, they have all be very successful, one more than the others, but when he retires it won’t be one of them that will take over the military, that was too dictatorship like he thought.  Now maybe later in time one of his children will become the head general, but it was a process and right now General Fmaica Affleck former 1st Federation Army commander during the war and lately the March Commander of Rim Alliance March was the next in line upon General Chapman recommendation and Presidential appointment.  Chapman’s Children oversaw different Marches, General Matthew Chapman II was commander of the Dragon March.  General Dustin Chapman was commander of the Outworlds March.  General Seth Chapman was commander of the Central March. General Cheyenne Chapman was commander of the Freedom March she was also the most decorated MechWarrior in the nation.  Even with the success of the Federation, and the peace the nation has enjoyed for years, the recent events of backstabbing and betrayal had Matthew shaken.  Reports from planets in Chainelane Isles and the Elysian Fields were slowly going black, the planets just went offline any ships that jumped to the planets, disappeared no one knew what was going on in that area.  Matthew thought about what his friend Colonel Wolfe had said ten years ago.  At an official function on the planet Devil’s Breath Colonel Wolfe leaned into Matthew and said. “I am impressed with your planet Matthew, the defense capability is second to none I doubt any unit no matter how powerful it is, could conquer it, but the rest of the Federation and the Inner Sphere is vulnerable if said massive force showed up, the rest of the Federation would fall as will the inner sphere.  I would recommend you build your defenses throughout your nation.”  Matthew shook his head, was the large force that Wolfe illuded to up there taking over worlds? Or was it something else.  Matthew glance over at his bookcase reading the memoir’s from his namesake always cleared his head during trouble times so he decided to read some.

Chapter One
Burned down Farmhouse
30 miles from Capital
Buchalter’s Stand City
Eslami Continent
Milligan’s World
February 4 2807

General Chapman sat up against a burnt-out wall looking up at his broken mech, both arms were gone, there was a through and through hole in the mechs torso which was just left of the engine.  With tears in his eyes, he drifted in and out of conscience and thought from his poor mech, to his children, and then finally how everything that had happened in the last fifteen to twenty years had led to this moment.  Vaguely he recognized some kind of struggle and yelling in the background, but he still drifted to the day they landed on the last planet that his father had hidden equipment on before moving on to the Siegers new home.

Bad News
High orbit
Beast of Terra
Attach Dropship
Conquering Wolves
Mech Bays
February 24, 2791

Colonel Chapman looked out into the bay from his cockpit and proud swelled up as he looked upon the progress that has been made in the last five years.  Of course, grudging admitting that if it was not for his dad, they would probably only be a couple of companies with little transportation capabilities.  He was though very proud of his children; Frank was a lance commander now at the ripe old age of twenty and was going into the contract in that position for the first time. Cheyenne just started her trials and little Colina will be fourteen soon, all following in the family business. 
News of Archon Jennifer Steiner death in the assault of Styx was a shock to Matthew, having your Archon leading an assault was never wise. With General Hayes and his former wife out of the picture everything else was relative quiet, sure Matthew thought, every faction is fighting each other but for the Siegers this mission of Garrison duty was the first contract in four months, everyone was ready to be on soil again and breath fresh air.
The announcement was made that the mission was a go and the whole drop ship shook for a second as it detached from the mother ship.  Matthew reviewed the intel reports again while the ship was making it down the gravity well, there had been reports of guerilla combat in the north around the mountain region but other than that this should be an easy contract.  The cache that his father left was in a hidden SLDF base in the middle of the great desert, they would need to proceed with caution and make sure that the local government does not get wind of what the Siegers are truly there for. What worried him was a report from a planet that they had a contract with about year ago, the planet Niles, two weeks ago a mercenary group with brand new mechs landed there with no contract, announcing they were there for just R&R calling themselves the Revengeful Angels, they were seen poking around history archives and recent events, rumors were they pulled all files containing to the Siegers, there was no information on this mercenary group other than the status of their mechs.  The Sieger network could not find much on the Revengeful Angels, so Colonel Chapman had ordered more resources to solve this problem.  The lights in the mech bay turned to a red hue to notify that they were about to touch down.  Thankfully this was just a landing and offloading of troops and equipment.  The local government even agree to an apt complex for the families during the six-month contract.  The Dropship landed and the bay doors open, Colonel Chapman moved his NightStar up and out the dropship and onto the tarmac coming to the spot designated for him he jumped out and was greeted by the governor of the planet.  Shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries the governor escorted the Colonel and his XO to a conference room. 
“Colonel Chapman I will be honest with you, I know your contract is only garrison/relief duty since the 18th Galedon Regulars left for the front lines, but we have a problem that I hope you can fix.” Governor Lee said. The governor took a sip of water and continued.
“There has been some fighting along the region of the Green Mountain range local police and militia have not been able to stop the attacks on supply convoys or destruction of government buildings.  I was hoping that you could use your resources and weed out the pirates or insurrectionist so that the local population can live peaceably.  I saw your outfits records and the reviews from previous employers which all give you high praise. So, I was hoping you will be able to help us.”
Colonel Chapman straighten up his jacket and looked down at the wood floors for a second to gather his thoughts. Then said.
“Yes, of course we will be happy to do that for you.  Tell me, the incidents have been only in the mountain region, and no other places?”
“Yes.” The governor said. Colonel Chapman stood up and walked to the window that overlooked the SpacePort.
“I understand that the mountains are rich in iron and other heavy metals so scanning the area is inconclusive and there are caves and caverns riddle throughout the whole 1500 square mile region.”
“Yes.” The governor said.
“If you allow me, I can put some spy satellites up in low orbit to start mapping the region I would like to do the rest of the world especially the great desert, the north and south pole.”
Colonel Chapman turned around and raised his hand to quiet the governor when he started to object.
“The enemy is illusive it may be a small unit capable of hiding out anywhere it wants, especially the desert region since the mountain region butts up to the eastern edge of the desert. So, I would like to be aggressive and look everywhere for it. There will be three people other than myself to see the data, any military assets that we discover I will release to you, and you can tell me if it is yours or not.  If it is yours, we will delete the data and not share with anyone if that is your wish.”
“Ok, you have my approval, but I think it is a large force because we have yet to encounter the same mechs.  We never have seen more than eight at once its usually just four, but usually the mechs have been different and in excellent condition.” The governor said as he stood up to shake the Colonel’s hand to conclude the meeting.
The Colonel and the XO left the room and as soon as they were outside and in the command car that would take them to the barracks the Colonel said.
“Haleigh, get those satellites and drones up find those pirates but remember our real priority is the SLDF base in the desert.”

Bad News
Conquering Wolves
Mech Bays
March 24, 2791

It has been a month since on station and Colonel Chapman was starting to get frustrated.  Not only have they not uncovered the cache his father left, but the pirates have proven quite allusive.  The governor was getting concerned that he had picked the wrong unit that the Siegers were just sitting on their asses doing nothing.  With the satellites not revealing anything Matthew decided on a different approach and sent lances secretly up and down the mountain range on both sides. In the middle of the night mechs and PA(L) units moved out under cover of flatbed trucks rented from a local trucking company by the next morning all but the farthest northern part units were embedded and waited secretly for the enemy to show itself.

Bad News
Hill Country
Foothills of Green Mountains
East side
March 26, 2791

Colonel Chapman and his command lance was sitting under a canopy with their mechs in the desert, well to tell the truth the real desert was about 20 clicks away, the mountains were a days walk in a mech and there was more hills here than sand.  When the radar got a hit on enemy movement just west of their position.
“Saddle up! Let’s go hunt some pirates.” Colonel Chapman announced.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #45 on: 30 August 2022, 19:45:37 »
Chapter Two
Bad News
Hill Country
Foothills of Green Mountains
East side
March 26, 2791

The enemy was moving towards the mountains Colonel Chapman had four of them on radar, a Whitworth, Commando, BlackJack, and a Titan.  The Siegers out classed them in all ways except for speed, he had his Nightstar his lance mates had a Banshee, Black Knight, and a Battlemaster. Sneaking around the hills the Siegers intercepted the unknown pirate lance and engaged. Colonel Chapman fired both Gauss Rifles at the BlackJack only one hitting the right leg nearly stripping it of all its armor, the Siegers Black Knight piloted by Master Sergeant Sakel callsign Bond hit the enemy Whitworth hard with a PPC and Large laser both to the center torso causing a critical hit on the engine.  The pirates tried to regroup and focus on the mech which Chappy was piloting, but Colonel Chapman remained steadfast planted his feet to get a good target lock and fired an alpha strike on the Blackjack all weapons hit taking the Blackjack’s left arm and right leg off when the mech fell to the ground the pilot was knocked unconscious.  With one mech down the Siegers moved to the next target, that is when the enemy Titan finally came over the hill that was blocking him.  Chappy was focused on the Commando and fired two Gauss with both hitting the center torso destroying the mech.  Sergeant Kemal callsign Hazard piloting the Banshee lived up to his name and went toward the Titan at full speed, ignoring the fast-approaching Banshee the Titan fired an Alpha Strike at Sakel in her Black Knight, taking critical hits on both the engine and gyro Sergeant Sakel went down.  The pirate Titan then turned its focus on Chappy firing and hitting almost everything luckily the NightStar can take a crap load of punishment as well as dishing it out.  Chappy fired both his Gauss at the Titan hitting but only taking armor off the mech.  The Pirate pilot in the Blackjack finally regain consciousness and fired what he could hitting the backside of the Battlemaster, Master Sergeant Sicak was surprised and twisted around to see who hit him.  The Whitworth and the Banshee was locked up in combat with the Whitworth trying to outmaneuver it.  Chappy was still locked on with the Titan doing another Alpha Strike this time the result was perfect, first the right arm was completely destroyed but then all the ammo for the Titan’s SRM system exploded causing the Titan to have a cascading engine failure.  Within fifteen minutes from the time the battle started all four pirate mechs were destroyed two pirate pilots dead and two were capture.

Bad News
Capital City
Old Os
Siegers’ barracks
March 28, 2791

Colonel Chapman hated this part, interrogation specially when the men and women that are being question resist. He slowly walked down the stairs that lead him to the lowest level of the barracks where no sunlight had ever been shined, where screams were never heard, and where blood was never found.
Chappy open the double metal doors and saw two people both chained up neither was hurt badly, the male was to the right of the female.
“Sir! All we have gotten so far was their name, rank, and home planet.  They are pretty discipline for pirates.”  The interrogator said.
Colonel Chapman moved into the room and took a chair from the far side wall dragging it over so that it faced the two prisoners he said. “Its lunch time go eat I will stay here until you come back in an hour.”
The interrogator snapped to attention “Yes Commander” and then left.
Matthew looked at the two prisoners and said. “Looks like you two were worked over pretty good, yet you have given nothing up, very non-pirate.  I wonder who you are and what your group is really doing here?”
The male prisoner bent over and spit out a mouth full of blood with a tooth with it.
“So, you are the commander? Our boss has been waiting for you he has a bone to pick with the great Chapman and also has a few surprises, now kill us or leave us alone we will never tell you anything.”
Matthew looked at the prisoner curiously and tilted his head to the side, the prisoner noticed and said. “What the ****** you are looking at?”
“What I am looking at I don’t know, but I do know that you just gave me more information in the last two minutes than you did a whole night of getting your face smashed in, interesting.” 
With that Matthew stood up went to the door and banged on it, when it opens it was new man.  “Continue where the first one left off; they will break soon.”  With that Matthew walked out.
Colonel Chapman was walking up the stairs thinking about what the prisoner said, it must be someone from his past, some one that wanted to cause harm or embarrassment to him.  His first thought was General Hayes but Hayes was a female so unless she was disguised as a man then she was out, same thing for his ex-wife.  Slowly Matthew moved through the hallways of the barracks, what about the Revengeful Angels, Matthew thought as he continued to walk through the halls toward the front door.  Unless they split their force there was no way to get here from Niles in two weeks, so he put them on the back burner for now.  Bursting through the front door Matthew found himself in the courtyard where there was several meticulous groomed flower beds and bushes with seats scatter throughout the scenery.

Bad News
Green Mountains
The Great Cavern
The Cacodemons Base of Operations
March 28, 2791

The Great Cavern was a wonder that you had to see to appreciate it.  There was the main cavern that was a mile long and about 400 yards wide with off-shoot tunnels that led to smaller caverns.  This was a perfect location to hide out with the heavy metals in the mountains no one could detect the mech activity.  In the first off shoot to the left sat a tall older man whittling away at a piece of wood waiting for word on the lance he sent to destroy a food convoy, they were ten hours late, His unit calling themselves The Cacodemons was a very tight run organization with all pilots having achieved elite status, so this was very unacceptable.   
His XO showed up at the entry point of the Cavern.
“Colonel reports have been confirmed Echo Lance has been destroyed and two pilots have been taken prisoners.”
Bad news thought the Colonel but not terrible, his vengeance will be soon.  “Have all the units pull back to the base lets get prepared to fight the Siegers on our terms.  What about the last shipment? Was it delivered?”
“Yes sir without problems or issues it was leaving the planet when the Siegers was coming no issues whatsoever.”  With that the XO did an about face and left the Colonel to his hate.  I will kill the cub and the rest of his followers no matter what he thought.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #46 on: 08 September 2022, 09:00:07 »
Chapter Three
Bad News
Siegers Barracks
Base Ops
April 15, 2791

Colonel Chapman looked at the intel reports, there was nothing absolutely nothing.  Which was kind of good news, since the initial battle with the pirates there has been no activity.  Five convoys of various food and spare parts have been shipped via flat beds with little security and none have been attacked.  Something was wrong Matthew’s gut was screaming at him, but he could not figure it out, why did the pirates disappear, why did the prisoners act like veteran warriors, how does their leader know him.  These were the questions spinning around in Matthew’s head. 
“Sir, 1st Armor Lance has reported that they may have found the SLDF base.”
“Sergeant put the vid feed up on the overhead monitor please.”
The monitor came to life, desert forever was what the Colonel saw initially Then he saw what the Armor Lance had seen two square dark stones poking out of the side of a sand dune.  Slowly the unit got closer until they were almost on top of it.  The men got out of the vehicle and the video feed coming from the vehicle the Colonel watched as his men started to move the sand away from the dark stones.  Within an hour these were revealed as pillars. The men kept digging and the Colonel order a VTOL to carry him to the site.
The VTOL circled the camp site Lieutenant Colonel Chapman saw that the great door was almost entirely uncovered. Chapman was notified by the pilot that they were landing, closer the VTOL got to the surface the faster it was swilling up the sand in a mini sandstorm, warriors that were out of their vehicles covered up their face and shielded their eyes until the VTOL shut down.  Lieutenant Colonel Chapman walked up to the door and saw it needed the family code in order to open so he imputed.  The sound of the door unsealing and beginning to open shook the ground.  Typically, there was always the smell of stale air when he opened the door to these caches, but this time there wasn’t, something was wrong.  He made his way into the building, lights flickered on in the entry way a huge monitor flickered on and the unit symbol for the 2991st Royal BattleMech Brigade popped up on the screen.  Matthew bypassed the monitor and moved down the hall till he was in front of the main hanger doors.  Opening the doors, the lights came on, there was nothing in the hanger, well that was not absolutely true.  There was a huge hole in the far south wall and a monitor set up right in the middle of the hanger.  Matthew walked up to the monitor and saw a note that said play me.  Major Pople and Major Bruce was standing next to him when he hit play.
A silhouette of a person appeared, the lighting was too dark, and Matthew looked at his friends both shook their heads answering the unasked question of can you see the face.
The silhouette started talking Matthew could almost place that voice.
“Hello Chapman, leader of the infamous Chappy Howling Siegers I just wanted to let you know I have all the equipment from this SLDF Cache, I have been watching you ever since Helm, revenge is sweet cold I must say.  I know you think daddy left you this stuff but it’s the SLDF equipment.  At first, I thought you was just an ****** but then your little group got big fast then I knew.  Your daddy was really a traitor to the General.  He had too of left you other cache that was stashed without the knowledge of the General that I did not know about initially. So, I investigated and watched finally found this before you.”
Then the silhouette moved closer to the screen and said. “Cub, I will destroy you on this planet.”
Right at that moment all three of them knew who it was Colonel Booker, the last time they saw him was on Helm when he was screaming for revenge as they left the planet.
“This is how it will go down, you have a big force it would only be fair to fight to my size of force my Company against your Command company, fight to the last man standing. If you win you will deserve the items you daddy left you, if I win, well you will be dead, so it won’t matter.”
Matthew’s two friends were off to the side shaking their heads no trying to get his attention.  All Matthew you could say was. “Time and place Colonel we will be there.”

Bad News
City of Mountain View

The Siegers were on the south side of the city most of the town folk had already been evacuated, Matthew hoped that the town itself would not get to damage.
“Ok Siegers listen up, this is a last man standing no retreat, no relief we fight, they fight until there are no more mechs moving is that understood.” 
Everyone understood and said so. Matthew then said. “Move out.”
The Siegers split up Major Pople and her lance went to the west and slid around the town to find no targets.  Major Bruce took his lance through the town and Colonel Chapman slid to the east of the town. His lance just past the tree line when they received multiple radar hits of the enemy company. All on the east side and coming towards them.
Colonel Chapman fired his main long-range weapon his two Gauss rifles moving toward his right hitting an Archer, his lance mates fired their PPC but with little effect.
“Siegers, Chappy the enemy is all on the east side make haste please.” Chapman said over the company net.  He swapped over to the lance and net and said. “I got the Archer ya’ll pick your targets but hang back until the rest of us get here.”
Chapman saw that the rifles had recycled so he took aim and fired again, the Archer was 25m closer and what a difference that made, both Gauss hit the Archer’s head and took it out. 

Bookers unit

Colonel Booker company move down through the mountains and into the foothill before them was a small town called Mountain View, which was todays battle the day he will have justice, the day he kills all his former students.  He was a little sad that one had died in combat a few months ago, only because he wanted to do it.
“Cacodemons, lets destroy this unit take all their heads each kill you get is another 5% booty to your personal account. Move to the east side the Siegers leader tends to go to the east when coming up to a city, He always wants to save buildings.”
Vedanga pilot of an Archer piped up and said. “Can we destroy the buildings too just to piss that guy off?”
Before Booker could answer the same pilot spoke again. “Contact four mechs on the east side…shit that Nightstar just hit me with two gauss returning fire and moving closer.” 
The pilot for the Ostroc and Guillotine open fired on a Sieger Black Knight and took out its right leg.  The Archer was getting pounded by the Siegers Nightstar when one of the Gauss shots hit the head taking out the pilot and mech.
The Siegers Lance slowly backed away from the Fallings position which infuriated Booker. “The Nightstar is Colonel Chapman’s machine you can damage it, but I want the final kill.  They are retreating follow them full force and be mindful of the other eight mechs they will be coming out or around the city any moment.”
Colonel Chapman knew his lance was in trouble and had them back up more, it looked like the whole enemy company was coming down on them with one single purpose disposing him.  Matthew Nightstar was taking massive damage he had already took out another Archer and was focusing on a Champion when the other two Siegers lances finally came out of the city and hit the Fallings hard from the flank.  Matthew took cover in the trees and alpha strike the Champion while he watched the mech fall another one took its place, well actually two both were Warhammers.
Colonel Booker just watch that pub take out yet another one of his men.  “Sgt Henry you are with me our target is the Nightstar.” Both his Warhammer and the sgt. Warhammer moved to intercept Colonel Chapman’s mech.
Major Pople finally got through the city and started attacking firing all weapons at a Galahad.  Her lance was close behind her and Major Bruce’s lance was in front of her.  The battle continued Major Pople Atlas was taking heavy damage and her lance was in bad shape, but the enemy was down six mechs, so it felt like they were winning.
Colonel Chapman looked at the battlefield the numbers were still pretty even, but his unit was taking a beating. His mech had lost all its armor on the right side, thankfully the trees were protecting him a little bit he saw that Pople had fired on a Galahad and he did an alpha strike destroying the mech with a head shot via his two Gauss rifles. 
Colonel Booker rounded the corner and finally had a clear shot on his former student. Firing his PPC and medium lasers he hit Colonel Chapman’s center torso but most of the energy was blocked by the trees.  Colonel Chapman felt the hit and turned to his right to see where the weapon fire game from, and he saw a Warhammer coming straight for him. Knowing that his old commander loved Warhammers he was pretty confident that this was Colonel Booker. Moving to his right to get a better firing solution he was hit again with a PPC taking off his left arm and losing one of Gauss rifles.  Colonel Chapman oblivious now to everything else around him danced with Colonel Booker both mechs moved with the grace of professional ballroom dancers.  With his one Gauss rifle and medium lasers Colonel Chapman was able to strip Colonel Booker of all his armor in both legs and completely destroyed his left arm.  Both Colonels moved in closer nothing else matter around them even the other combatants stopped to watch their bosses go after it.  With Colonel Chapman being trained by Colonel Booker both were connected and bonded like no other enemy can be.  Eventually it came down to one shot almost fired instantly from both Colonels.  For Colonel Chapman it was his last round of his Gauss Rifle, for Colonel Booker it was his PPC. Both hit the center torso both engines had critical hits and went into catastrophic damage both mechs auto ejected their pilots one lived one was killed before the ejection took place.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #47 on: 08 September 2022, 19:13:09 »
Leaving us on a cliffhanger. :thumbsup:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #48 on: 09 September 2022, 08:40:01 »
I am trying  lol


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #49 on: 15 September 2022, 05:33:08 »
Cliff is crumbling and fingers are slipping here ...  >:D :drool:


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #50 on: 16 September 2022, 14:42:44 »
Chapter Four
Bad News
Mountain View City Hospital
April 20, 2791

Slowly he opened his eyes and immediately regretted that action.  The sunlight was beaming into the room and his head started pounding.  Trying to sit up a person that was sitting off to the side of the bed jumped up and pushed him back down.

“None of that, just lay back down I will raise the bed up for you and give you some ice.  The person did as she promised and a few moments later he was chewing on ice.
“Wha…What happen? How is the unit? Is the Colonel still alive?
“There is enough time for that later, you just need to rest and get better.  The unit is intact and waiting for your return, the Colonel well the Colonel is dead.  Looks like the last weapon exchange you two had killed him before the system ejected him.  For you, well you suffered some internal damage and a head injury but other than that you are fine, you just need a few days to recover.”

Major Pople was on a cliff overlooking the Dropship that was loading what was left of the Siegers command company plus all salvage that the Dropship could handle.  She hated leaving right now but duty calls and life goes on in a life of a mercenary unit.  Master Sergeant Sicak came up to Major Pople. “Sir, all the enemy dead have been buried, our dead are in status per your order and placed aboard the ship.”
“Thank you, Sergeant let's, get out of here and repair our mechs including the Colonels” Major Pople said.
“But, Major he..”
She cut him off “I want it fixed first thing when the techs get it.”

The Colonel was having lunch, his first real meal since waking up in the hospital, when he heard the familiar sound of a dropship taking off.  Slowly he got out of bed and went to the window, catching the dropship and the unit symbol on the side he wonder where they were going.  Proudness swelled up inside him because he knew that if he had died the unit, his unit the Siegers would continue.  The door to his room open and it was his daughter, he turned to her. “Cheyenne where are the Siegers going?”
“Papa they are going back to the capital to repair and salvage as much as possible word around the water cooler is ya’ll took a beating, but the Cacodemons lost everything.  Once Colonel Booker was confirmed dead what remained of them went berserk.”
Matthew shook his head. “What about the cache? Did we find it?”
Cheyenne looked sad and said, “No Papa everything was wiped clean nothing was left at the Cacodemons compound word from the techs that were there is the last of the equipment found at the SLDF warehouse was shipped out four weeks ago.”
He failed, as soon as they completed this contract they were going to head to their new home.  Where he will see what kind of equipment and manpower was there and make changes to the structure of the Siegers.  Right now, though he was tired of the fighting and would be nice to find a safe spot for R&R.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #51 on: 16 September 2022, 16:54:17 »
Win some, lose some ....


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #52 on: 16 September 2022, 18:19:03 »

that was a real short chapter  i did not even realize that until i posted it. sooooo another chapter
« Last Edit: 16 September 2022, 18:20:51 by mchapman1970 »


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #53 on: 16 September 2022, 18:30:17 »
Chapter Five
Zenith Point
Bridge of The Beast of Terra
August 5, 2791

Zenith Point station at Risin was usually quiet.  A few jumpships per day would come and go typically just passing through to the next system, occasionally there was cargo ships coming and going to, but for all intended purposes this was a sweet gig thought radar specialist Lee.  His radar came alive.

“Sir, five ships are emerging just left of the station.”
The dock controller looked down at the radar station and said.
“Please Identify the vessels specialist Lee.”
Lee could not believe his eyes or his equipment he never thought he would see a formation of warships in his life.
“Sir I show an Aegis Heavy Cruiser, Barron Destroyer, Samarkand Carrier, Nightwing Surveillance, and a Liberty Jumpship.”
The Dock Controller could not believe what he heard.
“Specialist Lee that can’t be right double check your data”
The Dock Controller thought at first is this an invasion force? Risin is too far away from any battlefront and OurWorld Alliance has not gotten involved with this Inner Sphere war either, it has to be something else, but just in case he turns to his left.
“Fighter Control please put all squadrons on standby and get ready to launch the alert fighters. Weapons Control standby for solutions target the Aegis first do not fire until they show aggression.”
Communication Specialist turn toward the Dock Controller. “Sir message coming in from the ships that just arrived putting it up on main screen.”
The first thought the Dock Controller had when the screen came alive and showed a man in uniform, he did not recognize, but what he did see was that this guy had been through a lot.

“Zenith Station this is Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Chapman on board the Beast of Terra.  We mean you no harm and we are just passing through, as soon as we are fully charge, we will leave.”  With that the screen went blank.

“Well that was rude.” The Dock Controller said. “Specialist Lee can you identify what unit that is.”
“No sir they are not transmitting any Identification.”
“Go to visual.”
“Yes sir.”
The Dock Controller looked at the five ships all painted black no markings other than a half man half wolf symbol.
“Sir, there is a shuttle leaving our dock looks like they are going to the ships that just appeared.”
The Dock Controller was now starting to get upset, no one was following procedure.
“Who gave that shuttle authorization to leave the station?”
The fighter controller turned around to face the Dock Controller.  “Sir they had been preauthorized to leave the station at this time.”

A figure stood in the observation lounge of the charging station and looked out across space and noticed the symbol on the warships that just emerged.  The symbol of the Siegers.  The figure took note and filed a report.  From this planet there was only seven planets that they could jump to.  Operatives on those seven planets will have to be on the lookout.

Bridge of the Beast of Terra

“Sir, there is a shuttle leaving the station and requesting authorization to come aboard.”
Colonel Chapman nodded and said. “Give them permission I will go down there and welcome them aboard.”

Shuttle Craft

The passenger looked out the window he recognized the Beast of Terra but this was the first time he had seen the other warships that Matthew had acquired.  Even with the last failure he knew that Matthew’s father would have been proud of his son.  The shuttle approached the warship and docked.  Moving to the back of the shuttle the bay door open and he exited.  Clearing the engines of the shuttle he turned and saw the welcome committee.  He recognized the man in the middle even if he had gotten older and looking tired.  Knowing that Matthew would not know him, he walked straight up and put his hand out to shake his uncle’s hand.  “Hi Uncle, its Damir your nephew, I am also the CEO of Chapman Corporation.”
Taken back Matthew shook the hand of his nephew and said.
“Last time I saw you it was back on earth after the civil war, you were just a little kid.”
“Yes, then we left but your father and mine wanted a Chapman to stay at Devil’s Beath and keep everything running smoothly. So here I am.”
“Well, nephew it is good to see you.  I am looking forward to seeing our new home and resting a bit.  I am sure all the families will be happy to.  Are there enough accommodations for everyone?”

Damir shook his head yes and then said. “Yes, in fact your timing could not have been better just last month we finish the base housing for the family units and also the single living spaces.  We expanded our base just outside the capital city of Lara City and are almost done with the expansion of the training grounds on another continent 1000 square miles that consist of desert, hills, and grassland.  The trees we have planted are still relatively young so that will be a few years before that type of biodome can be used for training.”

Colonel Chapman was very pleased with this. “Sound like paradise, like a mercenary unit’s dream.”
Damir shook his head in a non-committal way. “You may be disappointed, there are a lot of folks that even though they are loyal to the Chapman family they are fearful of a military ruling party.  They want to be able to live their life and decide for themselves if they want to serve in the military, they are afraid that once you get there, the military will take over and force everyone to serve.”
“Who is in charge now?  Is there a governor, president, prince?” Matthew asks.
“Nope just me and the Board Members of our corporation.”
Matthew stroked his newly grown beard, which was just really more than stubble but less a beard at this point. “That will not do.  If we are to live up to the Chapman dream and instill it in the next generation then we have to be willing to lose control somewhat.”  Matthew stepped back and showed a gesture meaning to walk with him.  They started to walk the corridor Matthew continued. “For the time being the military will stay under a Chapman commander. I would like to keep a Chapman as the CEO and Chairman of the company, but we need to have free elections for the civilian government.  We should set up a local militia to incase there is trouble and the Siegers are off world. Even though the governor of the planet would be elected and whatever other officials we need I would want in the charter that the military commander and the Chairman of Chapman Corporation will always have a seat in cabinet as advisors to the governor.”
“I think the civilians will like this move; it should help ease their worry.” Damir said.  The two kept talking about the business and family matters as they continued to the bridge.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #54 on: 26 September 2022, 17:14:51 »
Chapter Six
Zenith Point
Bridge of The Beast of Terra
August 9, 2791

The fleet was fully charge and ready to make the final jump to their new home.  Colonel Chapman was sitting at his standard station. Captain Phung commander of the fleet was in the captain’s chair, and Damir Chapman was sitting at an unused sensor station. For the majority of the warship crew they came from Devils Breath, but none of the warriors had, and none of the families had, all of them were excited about this jump even Colonel Chapman. Damir turned his chair and looked at his uncle.
“Sir, are you ready to see your new home.”
“Yes, as are all the Siegers I assure you.”
Damir moved his head slightly to give eye contact to the captain.  “Captain, you know what to do please execute OPERATION HIDDEN HAND.”
“Roger.” The captain said then switched on the fleet comm. “Attention Siegers Navy we have been cleared to commence OPERATION HIDDEN HAND.”
She then asked the communication tech to hail the charging station and notify them that they were leaving and thank them for service. She looked at Colonel Chapman and said.
“With the automatic security systems at the nadir and Zenith points we go in at a stable pirate point which is just outside the D1F1 asteroid belt. At which point we will have 2 minutes to notify the two military space stations our identification before they launch an attack on us. Even though they know we are coming the protocols must be met.”
She then swapped to the fleet comm. “Execute jump in three, two, one.”
All ships emerge from the jump in the distance Colone Chapman could make out the planet, it was a small ball right now but shining brightly in space to the port of the ship he saw the asteroid belt and directly in front was a massive space station the Colonel was speechless this station was bigger than battle station Epsilon that orbited Earth. Colonel shook off his awe and heard Captain Phung announced to the space station that they were friendly.
“Helm plot a course to Devil’s Breath and place us in high orbit.”

Devil’s Breath
Bridge of The Beast of Terra
August 11, 2791

Colonel Chapman was in his stateroom when he received the call that they were approaching their new home.  It had taken almost two days from the asteroid belt at full burn now the journey was almost over.  He put on his service shirt and moved out to the hall and made his way to the bridge.
The door to the bridge slid open and the personnel were busy, so he slid into his station and waited.
“Sir we are approaching the secondary satellite Achelous II.” The helmsman called out.
Captain Phung looked at her screen then up to the helmsman. “Adjust course and put us into high orbit.”
With that Colonel Chapman saw the screen change and the planet come into view.  The sight was almost unreal, it looked like Terra with green and browns for the land masses and greenish water for the seas, which covered 65 percent of the planet.  The only thing different was that in the middle of the biggest ocean there was a dark spiraling cloud.
“What’s that?” Asked Colonel Chapman.
His nephew looked at him.  “That is the reason why the planet is called Devil’s Breath.  Every month or so the volcano on the island erupts and spews out lava and smoke for about three days and then stops until the next time.  So, the founder of the planet seeing the regular activity named the planet Devil’s Breath.”
The ship continued to move around the planet in order to enter high orbit the world spun clockwise as the ship went counterclockwise until they were overhead the main continent. The ship slowed down so that Colonel Chapman and all personnel that were looking out a viewing window or monitor could see the continent and the capital city that could be seen from orbit.  The whole fleet continued around the planet until they arrived at their final destination Space Dock Alpha.  The dock was enormous several warships were docked at various docking stations and other ships were at stationary orbits.  Colonel Chapman turned to look at his nephew, which upon noticing the Colonel’s stare.
“We build warships here about one a year for our forces and we build several dropships a year mostly civilian to sell on the market, but, if need be, we can easily convert to military designs if needed.  We currently have about a dozen warships mothball on our military base on the moon.  I have all the details on everything this planet has accomplish or is working on at your office on planet.”
Several weeks passed and Colonel Chapman was just scratching the surface of the planet, the war machine, and Chapman Corporation.  He had reorganized the Siegers into three regiments, although none of them were at full strength, in fact in reality they were no more than three reinforce battalions, but with three units he could have them do multiple contracts in different regions either under the Siegers name or a different name in order to grow and keep an eye out for opportunities to become better and stronger.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #55 on: 29 September 2022, 13:26:15 »
If you can a dark spiralling volcanic cloud from geostationary orbit of an earth-like "garden" world then sorry, but no garden world: with that much volcanic dust in the atmosphere the plant should be at least on the coolish side ...


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #56 on: 30 September 2022, 16:43:35 »
how many volcanoes have erupted here on earth in the last few years.

17 new eruptions in 2022 on earth 69 total eruptions

in which you can see from space

so, it is what it is, it's a story...i read a series that the ships had singularities, or time travel and other planets can be strange compared to earth....
But I really do appreciate your comment and will take that under advisement the next time I write about it.


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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #57 on: 06 October 2022, 15:08:07 »
Chapter Seven
Devil’s Breath
Operations Building
General Chapman Office
September 8, 2806

General Chapman was sitting at his desk looking over reports from his three regiments that were out on missions.  He realized that it has almost been sixteen years since making it to this planet.  Alpha Regiment was under the command of his long-time friend Colonel Pople, Beta Regiment commander was his other friend Colonel Bruce.  Both had been with him from the start now, twenty years later the unit was stronger than ever. Charlie Regiment was under the command of his oldest child Frank Chapman, Cheyenne and Colina were both Battalion Commanders in Charlie Regiment as well.  All three Regiments were registered under a different name than the Siegers for security reason.  Everyday Matthew worried about his children, but they were all adults and really good MechWarriors so there was that.  He got up from his desk and went to the window, the view was spectacular, his office was at the top of a forty-story building and was sitting on the far east side of the capital so he could see almost the entire city.  Getting a glass of orange juice, he moved back to his desk and picked up marked current intel and began to read the reports of all the activity in a 300-light year radius to the planet he was on. There was a knock at the door.
His aid came in holding the remote to the view screen. “Sir, there is an urgent message from the governor of Milligan’s World”
Matthew wondered what his good friend Duke Roynad needed; the governor face appeared on the screen. “Matthew, I hope this reaches you in time, I have tried contacting the Alliance military office, but they are ignoring me, and no merc organization has answered the call to help us, you and your connections are this planet’s only hope.  A unit landed two weeks ago and started to raze local villages around their LZ, they have almost destroyed most of the militia and I have order what’s left to fall back to the capital.  This unit is flying under a merc banner I don’t recognize but moves like a well-trained house unit, so I don’t know if it is the Combine doing this or what, I just need you to find a unit that will help us please.”
The screen went black, and Matthew sat back in his chair. Alpha and Beta was too far away, and Charlie was in transit back home, all that was here was his command battalion and three aerospace wings. He looked at his aid, “Have Charlie Regiment divert to Milligan’s World and notify my Command Battalion, the 11th 12th 13th Defense Wings to mobilize, and get me Admiral Phung, I will need her to spin up a transportation to take us.”
Admiral Phung looked at the aid. “Are you freaking serious? Most of the fleet is out with the other regiments.  I have his personal warship and the three dropships that are assign to him, but with the three extra wings I will need to bring up some reserves and shuffle some people around.” The aid looked at her and said. “That’s what the General wants, and he wants to leave in eight hours.” With that she saluted did an about face and left the Admiral’s office.

Draconis Combine
Capital Luthien
Coordinator Chambers
Jinjiro Kurita
October 8, 2806

Coordinator was furious, how the Federated Suns launch another offensive was beyond him.  Reports from the battlefields is that they are still crying ‘Remember Kentares’ which happen more than ten years ago, he just did not get it to him the massacre was justified they killed his father.  He was just looking at the Federated Suns offensive reports when a new one came in about a troublesome merc unit on his border near Outworld Alliance when a visitor was announced, someone from COMSTAR.  The COMSTAR person moved into the chamber and the coordinator could not tell if it was a girl or boy.
“Coordinator Kurita my name is Adept Morris I humbly ask for an audience with your greatness on an urgent matter that I think will benefit not only COMSTAR but your realm as well.”

Office of General Hayes
Hilton Head Island
South Carolina, Terra
ComStar Headquarters
October 8, 2806

General Hayes still refused to change her title even though most of the military might of COMSTAR had been absorbed into the protection of all HPG and COMSTAR. The assets she still was in control of was the highly illegal and secret black ops for Jerome Blake.  She at one time had eight divisions under her command now she only had three Divisions. One of the reinforced Regiment from Division Three, a regiment calling themselves Revengeful Angels, was currently doing a Black Ops mission.  They were on special assignment in the OutWorlds Alliance region, going on for eleven years now, hopefully they will finish their assignment soon.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #58 on: 14 October 2022, 16:05:54 »
Chapter Eight
Milligan’s World
Nadir Point
Beast of Terra
November 7, 2806

The fleet emerged from the jump Admiral Phung checked the board all ships was there in formation.  The fleet she put together was of course the flagship a Samarkand Carrier named Beast of Terra, an Atres Battleship named Scopolamine, and two Vigilant Corvettes named respectively Belial and Iblis.  General Chapman was disagreeable about the number of ships he had wanted a small contingent but eventually yielded to her expertise. Speaking of the general, he and his war council were currently in the conference room. She turned on the intercom. “General the jump was successful all ships accounted for no welcoming party at the Nadir, we will be there in a little over eight days.”  With that she ended the communication.  Colonel Coultrip looked at the general, “she seems pissed”
General Chapman looked at his battalion commander. “Yeah, she is not happy with this mission, how fast we left, with no intel.  Speaking of which with Charlie Regiment not getting here for two more weeks once we get into range, I want to pick a place to land and build a FOB pull the gun turrets out of mothball and overlap their firing arch we need to have a completely secure base within a day.  Once that is done, we can send most of the CE grunts back up to the ship for safety.  Until we can establish solid intel about the enemy force, I don’t want us to rush into a situation we cannot get out of.”

Milligan’s World
High Orbit
Siegers Fleet
November 15, 2806

General Chapman was up on the bridge looking at the planet, from space almost every planet looked peaceful.
“Sir, there is no communication from the militia headquarters or from the Governor’s palace.”
Matthew looked at the Admiral and gave her a nod. Then she turned to her navigator.
“Bring us into a closer orbit launch our satellites let’s get a better view of the planet.”
“Yes sir, with this size of planet we will have a better pic of the whole planet in four hours.”

Four hours later

The view from the satellites and local broadcast system was not painting a good picture. The capital had fallen, the militia was routed and scatter, the Governor was not listed among the dead nor was he listed alive.  From what they could tell it was a big merc unit, but the majority of the regiment was on the continent called Esiami where the capital city was located.  The smallest of the landmasses on this planet looked untouched so the General ordered the Siegers to land there and build the FOB.

Milligan’s World
Paschike Continent
Plains of Forever
Siegers FOB
December 18, 2806

General Chapman was touring the site. So far, he was pleased with only being on the ground for three weeks the CE personnel already had the blast shield up around the four dropships so they can come and go without hurting anything or anyone.  Temp walls around the perimeter were up and the permanent ones were being started.  A dirt runway for the fighters was finished, right now only two squadrons could be housed but with the Beast of Terra in stationary orbit about the ROB the rest of the fighters could be down to help within 30 minutes. HQ, DFAC (Chow hall), M.A.S.H. and the Gym was in portable hard billets.  Gun turrets should be in place within the next three days with the harder permanent walls completed within a week. So far there was no signs of enemy movement and still no communications established with the planetary government.  Today, the General ordered a few sorties to fly over and find the enemy no word yet on that operation, but it had just started, so Matthew told himself to be patient.

Milligan’s World
Paschike Continent
Plains of Forever
Siegers FOB
December 20, 2806

After a few days of sorties, destroying some supply lines and a few mechs the reports from the pilots state that the enemy were loading their dropships.  General Chapman ordered high alert and hoped that the walls would be ready if those dropships were coming here.

Milligan’s World
Revengeful Angels FOB

The colonel was pissed at her aerospace fighters they took way to long to figure out where those bastards landed, they had almost four weeks to set up a defense and not only that they had already been harassing her supply lines and troops.  This was it she will take the battle to him and destroy him.

Milligan’s World
Paschike Continent
Plains of Forever
Siegers FOB
December 24, 2806

This was it General Chapman thought, the time had come to face an enemy that far out numbered him, and with Charlie Regiment delayed due to engine issues the Siegers here won’t have any reinforcements for a few more weeks.  Off in the distance the signs of the enemy came into view seven no make it eight dropships coming toward them, as they approached the Siegers base General Chapman could identify the dropships, several Dictators and a couple of Colossus.  With a thud they all landed just outside the Primary wall about 200 meters from the river that almost completely surrounded the base.  Colonel Chapman picked this sight for its defensive capability.  Just on the edge of the plains there was a river that forked into the only lake for about 100 miles, meaning the base was easily defendable specially after the walls were put up.  The south wall was still under construction, so he sent three mech lances there to defend it.  Expecting an immediate attack Chapman braced for artillery or aerospace bombing, none of that happen.  The unmarked white dropships just sat there, unsure what the enemy commander’s play was, General Chapman went to the comm suite and called Admiral Phung
“General I notice that the enemy landed near you, how can I help?”
“Admiral launch the fighters have them land here and get refueled and stand alert here.”
“Yes sir, Launching now.  We will move the fleet into position for orbital bombardment if you require it.”  With that she cut the transmission, General Chapman did not blame her for still being mad at him, after this mission he will make a point to smooth all the tension between them.

Milligan’s World
Paschike Continent
Plains of Forever
Revengeful Angels Command Dropship
December 25, 2806

The Colonel was infuriated, she was in charge of destroying the Siegers but evidently not the mission as a whole.   General Hayes for whatever reason has put an hold on the mission so here the entire regiment sits across from the Siegers just waiting for the General to release them.

Office of General Hayes
Hilton Head Island
South Carolina, Terra
ComStar Headquarters

General Hayes was sitting behind her desk, but Blake was standing and pacing her office.  Leader of COMSTAR, Blake had other things to worry about than some black ops mission on an insignificant planet thought Hayes, but here they were, him giving her a lecture about her duties and it was time for her to step in line with the new rank and the new system.  SLDF is dead COMSTAR is her future blah blah blah.  She had to tell her force to standby and wait just as they were about to start the attack.  Hayes knew her commander on site was upset, she would be too if she was in the same situation.  For whatever reason Blake stuck his hands in the cookie jar and now she had to find a way to unstick his hands before the prey got away on Milligan’s World.

Revengeful Angels Command Dropship
January 1, 2807

A week has passed, with orders to not fire unless being attacked both sides just sat there.  The Colonel of the Angels was getting impatient she needed to attack, she did find it infuriating that the Siegers were hiding behind a wall any attempt to do an intel run met with disaster.  There was no way of knowing how big of force was there and what type of equipment they had.  All she really knew was he had several wings of fighters that came from the Beast of Terra, which was really good news for the surprise she had if she got approval to attack.  Of course, she was doing the same thing, by not allowing any of the Angels off their dropships.

Siegers FOB
January 1, 2807

General Chapman was looking out towards the enemy dropships, still no movement, no communication, nothing, were they waiting on reinforcements like he was, or was this all an elaborate ruse to get him and most of the forces off their home world.  Worried that it was the later he called up to the Beast of Terra, Admiral Phung was unavailable at the moment so he asked the comm tech to put in a call to the home world to verify everything was ok.

Beast of Terra
Low Orbit

The comm tech got off the line and looked at the Admiral, she almost felt sorry for him being in the middle of the General and her, almost.  She did realize that she needed to get over it before something bad happens.
“Send the message back home if the General is worried, we all should be worried.”
“Sir, I have been getting odd radar signals coming from the fifth planet.” The radar tech announced.
“What do you mean odd signals.”
“They are intermitted one moment they are there and the next they are not and when they are there it's not long enough to identify the source.”
The Admiral nodded her head and said. “Send a probe let's see if we can find our mysterious radar sighting.”


  • Captain
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Re: Chappy's Howling Siegers--battles based off of MekHQ/MegaMek
« Reply #59 on: 15 October 2022, 18:21:09 »
Another cliffhanger, i wonder what's on the 5th planet. :thumbsup:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

