Author Topic: Golden Lion AU Supplemental  (Read 13955 times)


  • Major
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Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« on: 01 September 2022, 20:40:10 »
Historical Timeline and Detail for Golden Lion setting and characters
Third Succession War
2970 – Takashi Kurita is born
2972 – Miyamoto Kurita is born
2980 – Yorinaga Kurita and Ian Davion (the First) are born
2983 – Hanse Davion is born
2986 – Morgan Kell is born
2988 – Candace Liao and Patrick Kell are born
2992 – Romano Liao is born
2994 – Chandreskar Kurita is born
2996 – Isoroku Kurita and Tormano Liao are born
2997 – Theodore Kurita is born
3000 – Riva Allard, renowned NAIS Cyberneticist is born
3002 – Miyamoto Kurita dies in battle against the LCAF on Alexandria
3004 - Katrina Steiner, her husband Arthur Luvon, and Morgan Kell disappear after a failed assassination attempt by Archon Alessandro Steiner
3005 – Morgan Hasek-Davion is born
The Wolf Dragoons arrive in the Inner Sphere and First Prince Ian Davion becomes their first employer
3007 - Katrina Steiner leads a bloodless coup against Archon Alessandro and is ratified the new Archon by the Estates General
3010 – Melissa Steiner is born and her father Arthur Luvon dies of cancer
The Wolf Dragoons enter into the service of Chancellor Maximilian Liao
3013 – Ian Roger Davion (the First) dies in a rearguard duel against Yorinaga Kurita on Mallory’s World after Patrick Kell’s 2nd Battalion is unable to reinforce his position
A badly injured Hanse Davion marries an equally badly injured Dana Stephenson in the hospital after the Battle of Halstead Station
3014 – Ian Renard Davion (the Second) and Photon Brett-Marik are born
The Marik Civil War begins after Anton Marik tries to overthrow Janos Marik. Joshua Wolf of the Wolf Dragoons is killed during this conflict and 'The Black Widow' (aka Natasha Kerensky) is born.
3016 – The New Avalon Institute of Science opens its doors
3019 – Tancred Sandoval and Toshi, the boy who would become Franklin Sakamoto, are born
The Wolf Dragoons depart the Inner Sphere to parts unknown
3020 – Yvonne Elizabeth Davion (the Second, Ian’s sister) is born
The Wolf Dragoons return from their mysterious expedition and are hired by Archon Katrina Steiner
3023 – Corrine Marik, Hohiro Saito Kurita, and Andrew Dennis Davion are born
Kareena Kurita, mother to Isoroku Kurita, dies 'in her sleep'
The Wolf’s Dragoons begin training the Ryuken Regiments for the DCMS after being hired by Coordinator Takashi Kurita

Fourth Succession War
3025 – Candace Allard-Liao’s Duchy of St Ives announces succession from the Capellan Confederation.
Hanse Davion’s AFFS engage in OP: MOUSETRAP aka the Victoria Offensive in support of the 'liberation' of the now St Ives Compact.
3026 – Kanoka, the girl who would become Miya Kibo, is born.
DCMS forces invade the Draconis March forcing the redeployment of AFFS RCTs already engaged in the Capellan Theater. This prevents the SIMC from overmatching the CCAF but dealing it a mortal wound from which it would never recover.
3027 – Yorinaga Kurita’s 1st Genyosha is added to the DCMS rolls to combat the Kell Hounds. Its first combat deployment is to Styx where they very nearly defeated Patrick Kell’s 2nd Battalion.
Omiko Kurita is born
3028 – The Helm Memory Core is recovered by the Grey Death Legion and The Red Duke, Hassid Ricol of the Draconis Combine. Grayson ‘Death’ Caryle, freely distributes it to everyone
The Warlord Greig Samsonov betrays and attempts to destroy the Wolf Dragoons using the Ryuken units they had trained during the Battle of Misery
3029 - Treyhang Liao is born
3030 – The Andurian War of Succession begins with their invasion of the Capellan Confederation.
Kai (Liao-)Allard is born
The Wolf Dragoons settle on the world of Outreach as granted to them by First Prince Hanse Davion
Romano Liao murders her father, Chancellor Maximilian ‘El Diablo’ Liao, in a coup d’état with support from the Northwind Highlanders, loyalist Warrior Houses, and the Thuggees.
3031 – Minoru Kurita, Sun-Tzu, and Feng-Mian Liao are born
The Victoria Institute of Technology, sister school to NAIS, is founded. War demands halt construction but not faculty recruiting at NAIS
3032 – Cassandra and Kuan-Yin Liao are born
3033 – Kali Liao is born
3034 – Isoroku Kurita’s White Tiger Battalion is added as an independent force in the DCMS. It’s first deployment occurs during the Ronin War following the Free Rasalhague Republic’s founding.
Quintus Octavius Allard (the Second) is born
3035 – The Ronin War ends and the Free Rasalhague Republic is firmly recognized by all Inner Sphere powers as an independent nation

Reorganization Period
3036 – Chancellor Romano Liao escalates the war on her sister Candace's separatist St Ives Compact as soon as the CCAF, SIMC, and FWLM halt Andurian Allied forces.
3039 – The Andurian Crisis finally ends with Duchess Catherine Humphreys in prison
The DCMS begins the War of 3039 by launching heavy raids on the Federated Suns’ Draconis March with new technology and a volume of SLDF mechs not seen in ages. The AFFS was not caught off-guard this time and puts up a firm defense and retaliates in kind.
3040 – Melissa Steiner marries Thomas Bradford, Katrina Steiner dies of cancer, Arthur Bradford is born to Melissa and Thomas
Isoroku Kurita becomes Warlord of the Galedon Military District, the most important of the Combine’s posts. Rumors spread that this will serve as springboard to being declared heir.
3041 – Theodore Kurita massively expands his Ghost Regiment project. The DCMS offensive against the Federated Suns ebbs after a string of internal issues.
3042 – Jaime Wolf and The Wolf’s Dragoons move to Quentin at the invitation of First Prince Hanse Davion, Jaime Wolf temporarily abandons Outreach with trusted troops to secure it.
3043 – Theodore Kurita is appointed Gunji-no-Kanrei and chosen heir to the Coordinatorship despite protests from conservative elements within the Combine who prefer his cousin Isoroku. He escalates DCMS involvement in the Capellan Confederation at the request of Chancellor Romano.
3044 – Candace Allard-Liao dies of cancer. The DCMS Ghost Regiments assigned to the Capellan Theater kill the House of Scions and conquer multiple worlds with the Confederation 'to establish order.'

Tormano Liao ends the Capellan Civil War by raising an army with the assistance of the Lyran Commonwealth and Free World's League forcing Romano to surrender the Celestial Throne on Highspire. The St Ives Compact is formally dissolved and returned to the greater Confederation. Tormano Liao grants greater autonomy to the Capellan Confederation's worlds in exchange for a unity similar to the Free Worlds League. A new House of Scions is elected to replace the one killed by the DCMS.

Ian Davion marries Countess Corrine Marik and ascends to First Price of the Federated Suns by year’s end

Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht ‘retires’ and is not replaced by Primus Myndo Waterly

3045 – The Draconis Combine apparently falls into disfavor with COMSTAR. It begins to notably decline economically and militarily relative to the other Successor States from its former position of strength. Coordinator Takashi Kurita quietly demands the Imperial Treasury increase subsidies for state owned enterprises.
3046 – Unable to halt its decline internally the Draconis Combine attempts to negotiate trade deals with other powers. The only big deal to come out of these negotiations is with the Outworld’s Alliance who want access to mothballed strategic Jumpship reserves to add to their fleet. Social discord grows requiring a strong ISF response before it flares into open rebellion on Rift worlds and among the Azami.
Coordinator Theodore Kurita and Chancellor Tormano Liao sign the Capella Accords which will return the Draconis Combine administered worlds to the Capellan Confederation at the Chancellor's request. This quiets the flames of rebellion on the occupied worlds freeing up the DCMS and ISF to handle internal troublemakers.

Princess Sophia is born on New Avalon to Ian and Corrine Davion

Rebuilding Period
3047 - Coordinator Theodore Kurita and Chancellor Tormano Liao negotiate free trade and work arrangements. Skilled workers under threat due to the Draconis Combine's continued economic woes accept temporary assignments in the Capellan Confederation displacing the Federated Suns and Free World's League contractors.
Due to the potential threat from closer Capellan and Combine relations the Federated Suns NAIS and other publicly funded organizations leave Confederation space.
3048 - Capella and all worlds formerly occupied by the DCMS are formally returned to the Capellan Confederation. Tormano Liao moves his Capital and Court to Capella and restores his noble title to the planet.


  • Major
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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #1 on: 01 September 2022, 20:41:09 »
All entries reposted from previous stories

In detail of 3040
Emma Centrella ascends to Magestrix after a coup sees her mother Kyalla Centrella institutionalized
Duchess Catherine Humphreys, the Free World’s League’s “Rogue Duchess” dies in prison of a heart attack.
The Andurian-Magistracy invasion of Romano Liao’s Capellan Confederation ends after a counterattack by the CCAF and the loss of both ringleaders on the opposing side.  A motion to continue attacks on the Capellan Confederation is defeated in the Atreus parliament after an impassioned speech delivered by Mandrinn Tormano Liao.
Corrine Marik begins training at the Allison Mechwarrior Institute on New Olympia.  Her chosen battlemech is the Wolverine 6M “Troubadour” used by her Grand-Aunt Sylvia Marik in the Third Succession War.
The Capellan Confederation Civil War formally begins as Candace Liao’s SIMC with assistance from the Federated Suns fight against Romano’s CCAF, her TDF, and DCMS “allies.”  Raids are common throughout the four contested commonalities (Sian, Capella, St Ives, and Victoria) as well as in the Capellan March on the Concordat Border. 
The CCAF captures the industrial world of Detroit near the Magistracy of Canopus as well as the independent breadbasket worlds of Joppa and Herotitus giving the struggling Confederation a much-needed boost.
Raids from the Draconis Combine to the Federated Suns increase with newer and more numerous DCMS Battlemechs regularly making an appearance.  Dozens of heavy raids and one invasion is repulsed on Quentin although the offensive almost leads to the capture of the Mech factories on planet which would have been a massive loss to the Federated Suns. 
First Prince Hanse Davion’s investments in the AFFS continue to give the Federated Suns an edge but it becomes less of a sure thing in the wake of Theodore Kurita’s at times bloody reorganization of the DCMS.  The Federated Suns and Draconis Combine begin to narrow the technological gap courtesy of the Halstead Station Library and Helm Data Core, sharing and industrial espionage on the part of other successor states begin to rapidly reverse the decline in technology that characterized the last century.
NAIS releases new advances in technology weekly although only some get press conferences.  The Federated Suns Outback begins to feel some of the trickle-down effects of the technological renaissance that is beginning to fundamentally change the Inner Sphere.
Leftenant Yvonne Davion is reassigned to the 25th Lexington Reserve Group (a battalion-sized subcommand of the Kestral CrMM) based out of Fort Ballycastle on Lexington from the 11th Avalon Hussars on Kesai IV after she attracted undue attention by the DCMS.  The Hussars repulse a trio of raids in force and executed two reprisal raids giving the woman invaluable combat experience, but several near misses force the First Prince’s hand.  His daughter resents the coddling and acts out, much to the chagrin of her Commander. 
Count Tancred Sandoval is assigned as the Intelligence Secretariat’s Liaison to Lieutenant General Viviane Petty of the Kestral CrMM.  She coincidentally assigns him to the Lexington Station.  Yvonne Davion’s behavior immediately improves, much to the relief of her Commander.
The ComGuards begin their rebuilding process as COMSTAR hires small mercenary units on long cadre contracts. The Titan Warship Yards around Saturn begin reactivating as the McKenna Yards around Kathil are being rebuilt by Hanse Davion.  Primus Myndo Waterly urges greater COMSTAR “guidance” in the Inner Sphere as the Blessed Order’s long successful OP: HOLY SHROUD begins unraveling.

June 3041
Capellan Confederation Chancellor Romano Liao completes moving the capital to Capella as the St Ives Confederation Armed Forces (SICAF pronounced Psy Caf) move within striking distance of Sian along the new Iss-Pallatine Battle Line in their ongoing Civil War.
Premier Candace Liao speaks out against the latest in a line of brutal combat actions that resulted in the death of her husband and Senior Colonel of the SICAF Justin Allard who was leading the St Ives Lancers against the fearsome Harloc Raiders promising blood for blood.
Romano's on again off again consort Tsen Shang was assassinated on Tikonov while on foreign assignment to Earthworks. While no parties take responsibility rumors fly placing blame with Justin Allard's father Quintus Allard, retired Minister of Intelligence to the Federated Suns. If true it would be a massive escalation with the already embattled Federated Suns.
Duke Tormano Liao arrives on Atreus to once more consult with the Free World’s League that is now facing an increasingly unstable border with the Capellan Confederation.
Dalma Humphries, the new Duchess of Andurian, demands that the League allow her to rebuild the Defenders of Andurian which were decommissioned in the wake of the Andurian Succession crisis resolved less than two years ago or failing that deploy Marik Militia to protect her domain.
Duke Andel Orloff whose worlds border the Confederation is increasingly outspoken in Parliament about the large quantities of Lyran Commonwealth and Free World's League flagged mercenaries flowing toward Westerhand. The mercenaries pursue lucrative contracts for the embattled Capellan states and have drawn high and low ranked units in equal measure. Andel is requesting approval to annex/conquer that world which has declared itself neutral. This is required to better control the flow of arms and men at arms that might become brigands when the bloody war eventually finishes.
COMSTAR contracted mercenaries and ComGuards have deployed to the Federated Suns occupied territories on the Rimward end of the Capellan Confederation. They are there to hold those worlds in trust to whichever side eventually wins the war in the wake of accusations against AFFS occupying forces. Accusations that the Martial General of the AFFS denies claiming pirates and rogue CCAF or TDF soldiers were responsible for the atrocities.
Romano Loyalist’s Capital – Capella
Candace's Reformist Capital – St Ives
Federated Suns Occupation Force HQ – Fort Lee, Victoria

3043 – The Capellan Civil War
St Ives Compact Premier Candace and Capellan Chancellor Romano Liao's Civil War continues to consume men and resources in the fires of war fueled by outside influence and their own hatred for one another. Their brother Mandrinn Tormano Liao's Free Capella, a ‘humanitarian’ non-profit dedicated to housing and caring for refugees and advocating for a swift end to the conflict, operates out of Solaris VII attracting funding through affiliation with the Federated Suns’ charismatic Prince Ian Davion and Lyran Commonwealth’s Archon Melissa Steiner's (self-interested) benevolence. In the Rimward Periphery the Taurian Concordat and Magistracy of Canopus have chosen opposite sides and a new low intensity front has opened in the Fronc Reaches and Aurigan Coalition between the two powers. Each seek to carve up (or be rewarded with) parts of the Rim-ward Confederation presently controlled by Candace Liao’s St Ives Compact.
Within the Draconis Combine Coordinator Takashi Kurita has handed over the role of Supreme Commander of the DCMS to his son, the brilliant heir-apparant Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita. Free to focus on revitalizing his realm knowing its security is in good hands the Coordinator has focused on strengthening the Pillars of Gold, Teak, and Jade rooting out incompetent and corrupt officials with the aid of COMSTAR and in some case allowing the order to take over with tacit permission from Luthien. Theodore’s reforms of the DCMS have created a more effective military force that follows him as opposed to their regional Warlords. Additional recruiting from previously ‘undesirable’ (women, criminals, the poor, etc.…) populations have fostered greater dedication and appreciation of the DCMS throughout the Combine while only marginally affecting its superior quality. However, expansion of Ghost, Legion (Arkab or of Vega), and Ryuken formations has caused friction with the Provincial Regulars and elite Sword of Light.
First Prince Hanse Davion and Wolf Dragoons of Quentin are on a war footing, DCMS forces regularly raid border territories while both Liao sisters have struck supply depots within the Capellan March to ensure a steady supply of material for their own war machines. Taurian border territories have begun to heat up as Thomas Calderon’s revanchist Concordat once more try to reclaim territory that has been Federated Suns since the Reunification War. All while Outworlds Alliance privateers working with Candace operate all along the Draconis March to Sarna attacking Combine vessels but drawing pirate hunting DCMS forces into battle with AFFS garrisons in defiance of both their President and the First Prince.
On Atreus every faction is vying for the Free World’s League to pick a side tipping the balance of power in their favor. With its own internal divisions, the Parliament of Worlds finds itself pulled in many different directions and paralyzed with indecision. Having endured a recent Civil War, the FWLM has no appetite to occupy Capellan space whereas the AFFS and LCAF cannot as they face DCMS pressure on their own borders. Time is running out however as the refugee crisis and border raids continue to escalate in both intensity and scope. Mercenaries and pirates come from as far away as the Oberon Confederation and Hanseatic League to exact their pound of flesh from the carcass of a flailing, failed state. As the Capellan Confederation rots away it threatens to consume the whole Inner Sphere in its death throes.
Premier Candace Liao finds herself under greater pressure on her new temporary capital of Victoria as her sister Romano’s CCAF is aided directly and indirectly by the DCMS’ Genyosha, Ryuken-San and Roku, as well as 2 Ghost Regiments. Within her territory the COMGUARDs protect their own and she is left with merely superior covert forces from her father-in-law, a defensible line starting from Teng and Texlos, an abundance of supplies from Magestrix Centrella, and a Taurian Concordat under pressure from Duke Morgan Hasek-Davion’s New Syrtis Fusiliers. Without additional support from either New Avalon or Atreus what seemed like it would be a quick victory will turn into a long defeat.

Interlude – DCMS Threat Assessment 3046
Compiled by Tancred Sandoval, MI7
Fort Ballycastle, Lexington, Federated Suns
For reference to First Prince Ian Renard Davion
Although I have remained as objective as possible while compiling this report from agencies and allies, I cannot stress enough that the biggest threat to the Federated Suns is also it oldest. This is not merely my father speaking but personal experience and the debriefing of AFFS and LCAF personnel who have engaged it lately. The Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery has only increased in threat while the Capellan Conflict rightfully drew on our attention and resources.
While Theodore Kuritia may have stopped at Capella DCMS governors still control several important CC worlds. Tormano's military cannot, and the Atrean Parliament will not be enough to remove them. At the same time reaching out and striking them will invite a devastating counterattack of which we is still ill-prepisd to negate. Through Takashi and Theodore's reforms of government and Isoroku's experimentation and leadership on the battlefield we is over-matched in most every aspect, except allies, for now.
Key Personalities
Isoroku Kurita, Warlord of the Galedon Military District
We is truly unlucky to have two individuals that embody the Combine's ideals of a Samurai Warrior in our time. Isoroku Kurita and his White Tiger Battalion have served in every brigade within the DCMS across the entire realm. While his cousin redeemed the Legion of Vega from inside most of Isoroku's achievements have been externally facing. He has fought every possible enemy to the Combine from Ronin and Pirates to Skye and Robinson Rangers and the 10th Lyran and Assault Guards, serving both staff and combat command roles.
Each individual Mechwarrior and Pilot is selected from the cream of the crop of the Draconis Combine's reis born Kensai Kami (Sword Spirit) program, restarted by Isoroku himself from fragments of notes about the Draconis Warriors that beat SLDF Gunslingers during The Secret War. His Tigers serve as test pilots for units such as the Shinobi and Mauler. Despite this they show the kind of coordination between combat arms that even our Regimental Combat Teams envy.
Theodore Kurita, Gunji-no-Kanrei
The Deputy of Military Affairs' combat record has proven the inverse of his more threatening cousin. He is indeed perhaps the most dangerous one. According to our best sources he has only participated in several raids. His actions have been more internally facing and more impactful for it. Theodore has cracked the whip inside the DCMS' and Draconis Combine's various agencies shaking them up by either by cashiering out or granting 'The Honor of Wakizashi' to recalcitrant bureaucrats.
It was his idea to offer the DCMS to Romano's forces preserving her realm until it finally fell under the weight of both Theodore's betrayal and Tormano's Jie Fang Legion. We is certain that COMSTAR had provided all the mechs for purchase, at a discount, to the Yakuza and other undesirables. They were then trained under Theodore's own reformed Legions of Vega until they were deployed to support the CCAF.
Now the Ghost Regiments is falling apart. That makes them more dangerous.
We must always remember that one cannot leash a snake.


  • Major
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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #2 on: 02 September 2022, 05:43:25 »
Technological Limits and Adjustments to the Golden Lion AU
Double Heat Sinks don't and will never exists in any form, the closest you get is the laser insulator
(Clan Golden Century) Improved Weapons can be made by the Inner Sphere although they only become used outside of COMSTAR beginning in the 3040s
Triple Strength Myomer always functions as if it is the Industrial version yet does provide the same speed boost at higher heat
Clantech Endo-Steel and Ferro-Fibrous don't exist everyone uses the SLDF standard version (or its more crit hungry prototype)
CASE was never lost
Coolant Pods are Succession Wars tech but not widely deployed due to their explosive limitations
MRMs are Succession Wars tech but their high heat and shorter range limits them to niche applications
Thunderbolt missile launchers are also Succession Wars tech but can't compete with Autocannon's ammo selection
All Physical Weapons exist but are not widely deployed until after TSM becomes a thing
All Autocannon munitions are available in the Succession Wars giving them a useful niche while CASE is capable of protecting the mech from total destruction
Light Autocannons are introduced in the 3030s alongside the LBX types but before their Improved counterparts

Paradigm shifts in design due to these limits
Mechs and Aerospace fighters become lighter, faster, and more focused as a heat neutral ERPPC now weighs as much as an AC/10 and the crit hungry but lighter tech is more useful on lighter weight units.
PPC Capacitors become more common as they can provide a damage boost while still giving a mech time to cool down between shots
Missiles, Mortars, and Ballistics grow in importance as do the vehicles that carry them as everyone must use SHS. This fact encourages the Great Houses and COMSTAR to invest in combined arms


  • Major
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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #3 on: 24 October 2022, 13:02:48 »
Inception and History of the Capellan Restoration Fund (Background for Scars of Victoria, starting 11/22)
While Chancellor Romano Liao surrendered to her brother and was exiled to Brazen Heart in 3044 it took until late 3045 for the fires of war to fully subside within the Capellan Confederation. Peacekeepers from the FWLM, MAF, and AFFS were deployed throughout border territories with the Chancellor’s permission. After two decades of war the treasury was empty, the CCAF dilapidated, and many worlds were in disarray or occupied by foreign powers.
The DCMS Ghost Regiment occupied Capellan Colonies near Terra, including Capella and Liao, were such places. Unfortunately for the DCMS these colonies proved ungovernable and accustomed to constant war even the DCMS’ notoriously heavy-handed approach to ‘control’ was insufficient to dissuade continued hostilities. When combined with the post-war economic collapse and demobilization of the Ghost Regiments these recalcitrant worlds proved an unsustainable drain on Luthien’s finances throughout 3046.

In early 3047 now Coordinator Theodore Kurita invited Chancellor Tormano Liao to Capella where they signed the Capella Accords on April 15th. These accords would make the DCMS the same as any other Peacekeepers in the Confederation’s territory, subject to leaving at the Chancellor’s request. Freed of administrative and policing duties the DCMS set about handling rogue Ghost Regiment forces. Many of these forces escaping the DCMS headed toward to the Taurian Concordat, hunted down by other Peacekeepers, or were incorporated back into the Draconis Combine.

With the most organized resistance forces handled Theodore and Tormano met again on Liao, the new Capellan Capital, and inked more deals between their two realms. Tormano agreed to purchase large quantities of goods and material from a Draconis Combine suffering from a deep economic depression and overcapacity. Meanwhile Theodore offered a worker exchange that would see skilled workers from the Combine employed in Confederation industry (perilously weak after two decades of war) at a steep discount to the League and Federation professionals already in place. Under these terms the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine arrested their economic decline and are poised to see growth for the first time in years.

By late 3048 the Capellan Confederation had requested that all foreign Peacekeepers return to their home realms except when they were employed as security for minesweepers or engineering projects. Two decades of war had seen the massive use of mines and booby traps by all sides. These weapons continue to maim Capellan subjects and dealing with them is central to the largest package of foreign aid given to the Confederation by its neighbors.

Among the many programs the Capellan Restoration Trust supports is research into medical and mine clearing technology through the Victoria Institute of Technology, sister school to the New Avalon Institute of Technology and only research institute in the Capellan Confederation. VIT is staffed principally by foreign medical professionals, engineers, and scientists.

Completed in 3031 the VIT was originally used as a hospital by the St Ives military which is why its first class of graduates had to wait until 3047. Its hospital role is still central to VIT’s identity, and it serves as a hub for research into cybernetic prosthetics and bioengineering throughout the Inner Sphere. Its research labs are tasked with finding new electronic sensors, prosthetics, techniques, or technology to help heal the wounds of a lost generation of Capellans.

In 3048 the Draconis Combine contributed millions of Ryu to the Trust and was accepted (grudgingly by the Federated Suns) into the research programs at VIT. A contingent of Brotherhood of the Dragon physicians and engineers, including Prince Minoru Kurita, from Hachiman Technical Institute were sent all the way to Victoria.


  • Major
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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #4 on: 29 November 2022, 19:03:46 »
The Sahara Reclamation Project DoME/#1
The Department of Mega-Engineering was founded in the mid-21st century from the remnants of the international ICARUS project that created the first commercially viable nuclear fusion reactor. Since this reactor ran on Deuterium (from heavy water) there was sudden requirement to increase the supply of this isotope. Terra’s oceans contain abundant supplies of the molecule, which meant there was a sudden demand to isolate it for power and utilize the energy of its paired nuclear fission reactor.

Now what to do with all the filtered water?

It could be pumped back into the ocean, but Director Dr. Darius Mostafa had a better plan. Use it to green the Saharan desert, finally unlocking the potential of Africa. This project, which would be conducted by a theoretical Department of Mega Engineering, would test techniques to terraform Mars in the process, something which could potentially be on the imminent horizon. To his surprise the endeavor was greenlit and given a budget of billions from a mixture of public-private partnerships and a tight timetable of merely 15 years to conduct phase 1.

Phase One started in 2068 with the first salt-cooled nuclear fission reactor coming online in 2077 located nearby the port city of Calabar in Southeastern Nigeria just in time for the completion of a 1500km long pipeline leading to Lake Chad. This reactor would distill seawater, pump the distillate inland, and provide reliable power for Nigeria.

The heavy water enrichment facility followed close behind in 2080 to stockpile deuterium fuel for the fusion reactor under construction. Once it became operational this facility would consume most of the fission reactor’s output until first ignition in 2082 just eking into the ambitious initial timeline while only just barely going overbudget.
Once the Calabar Thermonuclear Reactor began operation the fission plant transferred its full output to the grid although it still cooled itself with seawater and provided distillate to the pipeline network. With a healthy surplus of freshwater secured and Lake Chad slowly expanding to its ancient boundaries South Sahara saw incredible growth in population and productivity for the continent’s booming population.

Initial success on the Sahara Reclamation Project’s ability to manage megaprojects saw the Department of Mega Engineering becoming an official division of the Terran Alliance. Project Lowell aka the Terraforming of Mars generated headlines throughout the early 22nd Century. Project: DEIMOS aka the development of the Kearny-Fuchida Drive was authorized in 2103 with the first tests in 2107 and 2108 saw the first travel to Tau Ceti by Norm McKenna and its first colonization in 2116 reduced the budgets for Terran projects in favor of New Earth settlement.

However, the Africans came to the project’s rescue with Phase 2 beginning in Tunisia with the less ambitious Inter-Chott’s Agricultural Canal program meant to connect a series of basins from Algeria to the Mediterranean with additional water taken via nuclear desalinations plants in Oran. These canals were dug, and tunnels bored beneath the Tell Atlas Mountains with robotic earthmovers powered by those same reactors.

Additional resources were also provided to add another Lake Chad pipeline running parallel to the original one, halving the refill time and increasing the availability of water for peripheral networks. By the 31st Century six pipelines ran from the Atlantic to that portion of Africa’s interior preserving the flow from the fully reborn Lake Chad through the Southern Sahara while still isolating heavy water for industrial purposes.

It wasn’t until the Age of War in the 24th Century that the Sahara Reclamation Project would see another large infusion of capital from Terran interests. Phase 3 started in Laayoune in Western Sahara with the aim of refilling the ancient Lake Ahmet basin in Southern Algeria providing water to the Hoggar Mountains and so it could serve as a ready reservoir for further projects like Lake Chad did in the southeast.

The Sahara Reclamation Project continued to grow in fits as ecology took over from engineering with the maintenance of Lake Chad and Ahmet consuming its scant budget. Larger projects consumed DoME’s attention for the intervening centuries. Due to its low profile and difficult geography the SRP managed to evade the Usurper’s reign of terror during the 28th Century.

In the 31st Century the Sahara Reclamation Project is, along with all DoME operations in the Sol system, under the purview of COMSTAR’s Chi Branch of Terran Affairs. After almost a millennium the Sahara was green in the winter although the installed flow rates could not keep up with evaporation during summer and periphery channels regularly ran dry.

This humidity stabilized the Sahel and Maghreb although large portions of the Sahara retained their aridity, and the water was of poor quality due to dissolved salts and minerals. Still, it was there so water treatment plants could handle human and livestock needs, and it was safe enough for agriculture. Through a series of locks and canals both Lake Chad and Ahmet can support waterborne trade through the Niger and Benue Rivers to the Atlantic Ocean.


  • Major
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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #5 on: 07 December 2022, 09:14:53 »
Spotlight on The COMSTAR Protectorates
The COMSTAR Protectorates were originally formed in the wake of the Amaris Crisis by Jerome Blake, Minister of Communications to the Star League and first Primus of COMSTAR. These actions were meant to hold humanity’s home world in trust and preserve the last vestiges of the Star League. COMSTAR’s first moves were honored throughout the following Succession Wars for fear of the Blessed Order’s monopoly on HPG super-liminal communications.

We will first focus on the lesser of the star systems protected by the Blessed Order.
Tau Ceti IV named New Earth is humanity’s first interstellar colony world. Although heavily damaged during the Amaris Crisis it has been repaired over the centuries through generous investment of COMSTAR’s abundant capital. Memorials to the fallen dot Conseco honoring those that perished in the liberation of Terra from the Usurper.

As a garden world it serves as a premium assignment for members of the Order from outside the heavily restricted Solar System. A heavily industrialized world only equaled by Earth itself New Earth lacks for nothing but population, with only a third of Earth’s ten billion inhabitants. New Earth houses Corporate Headquarters for many multi-planetary corporations with branches in multiple House Empires. These corporations appreciate the reduced HPG fees and use COMSTAR’s neutral status as a tax haven and to facilitate trade between the Successor States.

Tau Ceti II named Cabot after the first Planetary Governor of New Earth is a resource rich but uninhabitable world. This initially delayed its settlement until New Earthers exhausted their world’s easily acquired mineral resources. Unwilling to damage the colony’s ecosystem they instead built space stations above Cabot and developed mining outposts there. These gradually grew into cities and to this day Cabot continues to provide abundant minerals and many factories have relocated there to be closer to their raw materials.

Tau Ceti V named Zeus is a Jupiter like world settled by Belters exiled from Sol’s Jovian Empire in the 27th Century after a failed revolution against Emperor Henrico III. Further Belter Exiles and House Spacer Migrants have increased the population to tens of millions from less than a million, but it is still dwarfed by its Solar counterpart. A loose Confederation of Belters have sprung up on Zeus’ moons and Tau Ceti’s other Gas Giants but there is little order between them and much discord.

Within the Solar System COMSTAR recognizes six districts all of whom are heavily industrialized and automated almost to the point that they have become post-scarcity civilizations. Only COMSTAR jumpships are allowed to transit into the carefully monitored system with any Sol bound traffic from outside the Protectorate having to cross-load at New Earth.

The Proximal District consists of the planets Mercury and Venus, Mercury serves as a mining outpost with regular crew rotations to Venus where the Aphrodite Project continues its long-term terraforming operation of Earth’s sister world. Slightly more than three hundred million Venetians live on space stations orbiting their hellish world where they utilize CO2 harvested from its atmosphere and the increased solar radiation for agriculture while trading ices from beyond the Belt for foodstuffs and metals.

In addition to trading foodstuffs to Belters the Venetians have a robust tourism industry focused on leisure and agritourism. Imported soils grow fine wines that only rarely make it out of the Protectorate, fresh cut tropical flowers make trips to Terra, and hedonistic parties bring a new meaning to term VD.

Additionally, Aphrodite Station serves as the Merchant Marine and Naval Academy for COMSTAR’s fleets like Sandhurst does for its ground forces. Thousands of cadets from across the Inner Sphere graduate from it every year before going on to serve in vessels throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery.

Ten Billion people live within The Home District spread out between Terra, Luna, and the associated orbital stations of trans-lunar space. Almost all the trans-lunar population are actually earthlings rotated through space stations that house a variety of industries. It would be difficult to describe just how prosperous The Home District is within this short form, but rest assured they want for nothing.

Beyond The Home District is The Martian Belt District which was expanded from its previous Mars only district during the Ceres Revolutions in the 28th Century to punish the rebellious Belters. As humanity’s first planetary colony (The moon doesn’t count) Mars grew rapidly under the Lowell Project and became a major industrial powerhouse. It remains so today but is under complete dominion of COMSTAR, unlike the others who are merely heavily influenced by the Order’s incredible political and economic might. Not much is known of what goes on beneath the Red Planet or within the confines of Ceres and it perhaps better that way.

The Jovian Empire serves as the central authority for Sol’s Belters consisting of thousands of small orbital and groundside stations. Its three billion inhabitants are major suppliers of raw materials, starship crews, and skilled labor throughout the Solar System. While they can stand on their own Emperor Baldric VI accepts that his people will do better by not antagonizing COMSTAR.

Beyond The Jovian Empire is The Rings District dominated by corporate subsidiaries of COMSTAR’S vast Titan Jump Yards. These yards produce 60% of COMSTAR’s Jumpships and all their Warships with the balance being divided between The Home and Martian Belt Districts who principally manufacture dropships. As such COMSTAR wields incredible influence among its sixty million permanent inhabitants typically live and work on Saturn’s lesser moons harvesting ice to be sent to The Proximal District when work at the Yards is slow.

Furthest from the sun is The Trans-Neptune Coalition whose fewer than three hundred million inhabitants (although the true number is unknown) choose to reject COMSTAR’s dominion over the Solar System. The largest colonies are on Oberon and Triton and are minor industrial powers that mostly survive by ice harvesting or making components for the Titan Yards when desperate enough. Many however live in secluded ‘homesteads’ or cultish ‘communes’ cut into icy trans-Neptunian bodies. It is widely believed that the Great Houses have attempted to infiltrate agents into these communities to spy on COMSTAR but ROM hasn’t provided any confirmation or denial as of publication.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #6 on: 04 January 2023, 21:21:28 »
Leader of the Pack, a TMA Inside Access Exclusive
A tan woman with blonde hair in a purple sarong sat across from a salt and pepper haired man in his late fifties wearing a brightly pattered linen shirt. The boat they were on rocked gently as palm trees waved outside. “Hello, everyone out there. I am Amber Wells and today on TMA’s Inside Access where we are live from the ‘Tempest’ berthed in beautiful Tropicana City with Colonel Patrick Kell, or do you prefer Count Kell?”

“How about Patrick?”
He winked at the camera, “Or…Playboy?”
Amber giggled softly, “Patrick it is then.”

“If you insist. I’m just here for the free drinks.”
“Isn’t this your yacht though?”
“Technically it is Morgan’s as far as the port authority is concerned. So, thanks bro.”
Patrick held up a tumbler in his cybernetic hand filled with a clear liquid, muddled mint, and topped with a paper umbrella, “This one’s for you.”

“The Kell Hounds just finished their thirty-fifth anniversary and we just wanted to give you a chance to talk about your very interesting life and career on such an auspicious anniversary.”

“It is bittersweet really; we lost a lot of people along the way, but Arthur Luvon will always be the first. We hope that he would be proud to see what Morgan and I have accomplished with his gift. He and Katrina were taken far too soon for the Inner Sphere, and I think about them a lot. More so now that I’m older, but I guess that’s just the way of things.”

“Do you have any concerns about the future of the Inner Sphere?”
“I always worry about something, presently though we seem to be hitting a dry spell as far as war is concerned. It’s bad for business but I do hope that my son doesn’t have to live through such tumultuous times as I have. Dan and Akira are keeping a steady hand on the Hounds, and I think they will keep doing great work.”

“You are on the record as being outspoken against the Draconis Combine on multiple occasions. Do you think there is a chance they might allow peace to prevail?”
“God, I hope so. I’ve seen enough battle and so have they. I think the next Coordinator won’t be like the previous ones. Although I’m not putting Moonsilver in storage just yet on the blind hopes that he might.”

“One of the questions from our viewers concerns your Thunderbolt ‘Moonsilver’. Where did its name come from?”

“I see we are starting with some softball questions Amber.
Would you believe she was my favorite stripper?”
Amber blushed as Patrick looked out toward the ocean, “I’m not going to besmirch Rewland College of Fine Arts, but some of their graduates lived up to their reputation.”

Amber looked toward the camera, “Steve, can we play that?”
A man's voice came from the other side, “It is live Amber. You asked the question.”

She sat up a little straighter as Patrick winked again at the camera, “Miss Wells, You are going to get nothing but the distilled me. As long as I’m drinking Morgan’s booze, I have no shame.”

“Speaking of your brother Morgan somehow you have managed to start less controversy then he has.”
“Not for a lack of trying. I can tell you some spicy stories, off-camera of course, with names changed to protect the not so innocent. If you know what I’m sayin’.”

“So, Patrick, the readers of ‘The Pack™’ have a couple of questions they posed to Inside Access that have thus far gone unanswered.”

“Love it, got subscription number one. Cannot read enough quarterly gossip about myself. I can’t guarantee answers though, my brother is a very private man.”

“The first of these questions is, who is the mysterious ‘Tempest,’ Megan Kell’s mother? And presumably namesake for this yacht.”

Patrick grinned, “I always love this one. First, I don’t really know, all of that happened while I was excelling at Nagelring.
I do love the theory that it was Kyalla Centrella though, maybe now that she is dead the truth might come out. From personal experience I can tell you that the Canopians are very hospitable to rich mercenaries wherever they can be found together, and Morgan was quite the hunk back then.

He’s still handsome but,”
his smile gleamed under the lights, “I’m his competition and unlike him I’m single.

When it was rumored that it was Katrina,”
Patrick shook his head, “I’ve never seen Morgan so angry. He almost ordered a regimental combat drop on Tharkad Media Associates. I talked him down to a Cease and Desist.”

“Which we are quite thankful for. Courting more controversary however, there are some that think that your nephew Phelan is Jaime Wolf’s son rather than your brother’s.”

“Well don’t go spreading that around very far, Morgan may be semi-retired, but he can still throw down with the best of them and the Kell Hounds have as top notch a legal department as our technical one.

I can assure you that if you knew Phelan and Morgan as well as I do you would recognize the heritage.

The fiercest competition I’ve seen Morgan and Jaime engage was an exhibition of chess boxing to see who would be known as the Inner Sphere’s best Archer pilot.”

“Is there video of that?”

“No cameras, only thousands of Wolf and Hound eyeballs.”
“What a pity! That would make for some great television.”

“It was intense. I can’t tell you who won right now though. You’ll have to buy my book when it’s done.”

Patrick stirred his nearly empty drink, “at some time in the hopefully not too distant future.”
“I didn’t know you were writing a book.”
“Consider this an exclusive announcement Miss Wells. My son, Christian, and I have only just started it.”

“Speaking of your son, Akira Brahe and he came into your life at the same time. How did this come to be?”

“It will be in the book. I’m not ready to tell you everything Miss Wells, but we can certainly keep going.”
Patrick stared beyond the camera, “but someone needs to make more Mojitos.”


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #7 on: 05 January 2023, 00:51:20 »
Patrick Kell is living his life at full speed, let's see how long his semi-retirement lasts.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #8 on: 05 January 2023, 05:58:38 »
That sure reads like a guy who's spend the last 35 years living each day like it's his last. Good take on a mercenary.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #9 on: 24 January 2023, 23:44:08 »
That sure reads like a guy who's spend the last 35 years living each day like it's his last. Good take on a mercenary.

Thanks for that, he's quite the character.

Draconis Diplomacy?
The Draconis Combine has been known for many things throughout its long history, among them are the Kentares Massacre, the Necess Kurita ‘incident,’ the Ronin War of 3034, War of 3039, Betrayal of Chancellor Romano Liao and occupation of her worlds, etc…

However, it has never been known for its…diplomacy.

In fact, the Draconis Combine has never sent an Ambassador to the other Great Houses in its entire history…because to do so would mean that it would consider them worthy of such an honor. An anonymous paraphrased quote from one of the Coordinators went, ‘one does not need diplomatic contact with ones claimed lands.’ Instead, all ‘diplomacy’ was conducted through the powerful Precentor Luthien who directly reported to Precentor Dieron.
The Draconis Combine’s manifold ministries only included two ‘outreach’ ones until 3048.
The Bureau of ‘Hospitality toward New Lands,’ responsible for appointing DCMS Military Governors for ‘liberated’ territories.
The Bureau of ‘Development of Untapped Lands,’ which accept emissaries from ‘lesser tributaries’ in this instance that term refers to the Periphery states which grew to include the ‘Free’ Rasalhague Republic when it ‘was graciously released.’

In the 3048 this was increased to three with the formation of the 'Bureau for Cultivating External Harmony,' covering the foreign missions to the Capellan Confederation and later the rest of the Inner Sphere.

Any non-COMSTAR related diplomacy was conducted indirectly through periphery cutouts operating from ‘temporary’ consulates, typically a dropship of some kind, and are subject to the whims of the Coordinator who is free to dismiss them for whatever transgression he believes.

‘Economic and Cultural Offices’ from other Successor States are ‘allowed’ in Azami sovereign territory where they often must pay tribute and be staffed with Muslim faithful for the ‘privilege.’ These ECOs interface with the Bureau of Interior Comfort and Concerns but are not officially diplomatic consulates. The largest of these is the Dar Es Salaam ECO representing Lyran interests on Rukbat with a matching Azami ECO on Dar Es Salaam reporting to the Commonwealth’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through these ECOs the Azami have amassed a respectable amount of internal diplomatic clout that has along with their fanatic Arkab Legions ensured their autonomy from Luthien’s Coordinator for centuries.

After the ‘Free’ Rasalhague Republic came into and defended its independence it served as the principal conduit for the Draconis Combine’s concerns with Archon Melissa Steiner’s Lyran Commonwealth. For the most part the Outworld’s Alliance served a similar role with the Free World’s League, the Magistracy of Canopus with the Federated Suns although they often had little to discuss with their blood rival, and there was little interaction with the long suffering and pitifully weak Capellan Confederation except through COMSTAR. That is until Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita’s and his Ghost Regiments were ‘invited’ by then Chancellor Romano Liao to solidify her tenuous position at the darkest points of the Capellan Civil War of the 3040s.

This deployment of DCMS forces in force to the League-Confederation border immediately set off alarm bells in Atreus and Tharkad who had long offered their tacit support to the exiled son of the prior Chancellor Maximilian Liao, Mandrinn Tormano Liao. With their full support Tormano Liao removed his sister from power but was unable to reclaim the Capellan worlds including his own title world and later capital, Capella, from the mighty DCMS.

However the late 3040s were a difficult time for the Draconis Combine, their Capellan colonies proved ruinously expensive to occupy, Ghost Regiments went rogue with their weapons, their former prefecture, the ‘Free’ Rasalhague Republic, edged closer to the Lyran Commonwealth growing wealthier with each passing year, Outworld’s Alliance Privateers working for New Avalon had severely damaged their jump fleet during the 3039 Campaign, and the sudden withdrawal of the immense COMSTAR aid to the country dried up.

Then Coordinator Takashi Kurita had made reforms to the always weak Combine economy but it had proved insufficient and he had no solutions. State assets including mothballed jumpships, now underutilized and overleveraged factories, and inefficiently run mines were auctioned off to Outworlds, Rasalhague, and Azami interests. Unfortunately, there were few takers and the economy continued its death spiral until Takashi Kurita’s death in 3046.

Theodore Kurita embarked on a daring new campaign the like of which had never been tried by the Draconis Combine.


Of course, he needed to shape the battlefield in his favor before trying this, an unusual number of high profile individuals connected to Draconis Combine State Owned enterprises…retired to the mountains…forever. Their vast fortunes graciously donated to the Kurita Family Trust, administered by Keeper of Family Honor Constance Kurita.

After this he signed a peace treaty with Chancellor Tormano Liao on conditions that were highly favorable to the Capellan Confederation. Tormano Liao would issue work visas to highly skilled workers from the Draconis Combine while compensating them fairly. Although ‘fairly’ was determined by the nearly bankrupt Confederation’s pay scales, still any work was better than none, and skilled human capital was utilized efficiently, rather than left to atrophy.

The Draconis Combine returned their occupied worlds to the Confederation and DCMS Occupiers became Peacekeepers with an open bounty on the rogue Ghosts still rampaging through the Confederation. Free and unhindered trade in goods, services, and currency exchange would be allowed between their Realms. Billions of c-bills were paid out from the Capellan Restoration Trust, the recovery fund contributed to by the other Successor States, to the Draconis Combine in exchange for discounted goods that kept enough factories open to avoid a total collapse of the economy.

Through skillful negotiation and use of her Family’s Trust KFH Constance and the Order of Five Pillars eked the Combine out of a near famine and breakout of disease on vulnerable worlds by paying Outworlds Free-Traders and Canopian relief workers, previously deployed in Confederation space, to pick up the slack from COMSTAR’s departure.

Following this unprecedented series of events, the Draconis Combine appointed its first Ambassador ever, to Capella and Tormano Liao’s Capellan Confederation. Ambassador Daguchi Yakobu previously military governor of Gei Fu during its occupation and widely regarded as a fair and just administrator. His deputy Chargé d'affaires Ogawa Hideji set up the furthest albeit ‘temporary’ consulate on the, formerly Federated Suns occupied, world of Victoria to support Princes Hohiro and Minoru on the Rim as well as Combine expats further afield than the centrally located Capella.

Given the unfamiliar mandate of Peacekeepers the DCMS and DCA were limited in their ability to conduct their normal offensive heavy operations instead relegated to ‘reserve’ behind the CCAF. This situation strengthened the hands of and enlarged the budgets of the Ministry of the Treasury’s expanded (with the removal of the CSE and DCPA from the Ministry of War) mostly civilian paramilitary forces including the Combine Support and Engineering Corps, Draconis Combine Port Authority, and newly formed Symbolic Assets Security Agency (S2A2) which would provide protection for foreign diplomatic missions and VIPs while not being 'military.'


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #10 on: 25 January 2023, 01:18:32 »
This new state of affairs in foreign relations and state matters must irk many of the officials within DC, a fertile ground for Black Dragons and Comstar.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #11 on: 25 January 2023, 09:00:56 »
This new state of affairs in foreign relations and state matters must irk many of the officials within DC, a fertile ground for Black Dragons and Comstar.

Not nearly as much as when the ISF was subordinated to and dismembered by the Ministry of Justice. Turns out if you try to kill the Coordinator's son, even if he is a bastard, there are consequences.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #12 on: 25 January 2023, 13:09:38 »
Those are some very interesting changes to the Combine. Let's see if they stick. Also it will probably make cooperation with the rest of the IS easier, when the Clans appear.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #13 on: 25 January 2023, 14:08:07 »
When Theodore called Kerai in his office I thought he was just going to off him and have the successor ''put the house in order''. I guess he decided that that there is institution wide belief within ISF that they are law upon themselves and that wide reaching change is needed to bring them under control. On the negative side this means that there are many former and active members that are willing to work towards bringing a more ''reasonable'' Coordinator onto throne and reduced effectiveness in their other tasks, but at least now there is institutional way to curb their enthusiasm in kingmaking.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #14 on: 25 January 2023, 14:34:16 »
Yep well this is a Theodore that killed COMSTAR's Precentor Martial rather than let the Combine become dependent upon COMSTAR's 'graces.'

It certainly is a convenient thing that all of his sons are outside the Combine presently then, isn't it. On completely unrelated business


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #15 on: 25 January 2023, 20:36:31 »
The Four-Fold Fall – Coordinator Theodore Kurita’s Radical Reforms, A Historical
The Draconis Combine exists only for war and has since the era of the Star League. Just the threat of its MechWarrior Samurai challenging their officers inspired the Gunslinger program in the SLDF for meeting them in one to one combat. It has consistently proven itself a scrappy opponent and dire threat that haunts the dreams of the other four Great Houses and Periphery states
Within the already vast Ministry of War, it is easy to lose track of the Internal Security Force which serves as a state unto itself, in fact it is older than the Draconis Combine and has several worlds under its complete dominion. A potent kingmaker and dire foe, the ISF’s exploits are legendary and infamous as should be expected for an institution with more skeletons in the closet than some major worlds have living bodies on theirs.

Entrusted with their own mandate of Draconis Combine exceptionalism the ISF is as often at odds with the Coordinator as they are on his side. The Director of the ISF wields incredible power within the government ministries as officials do not wish to be ground up (often literally) in its machinations with the Coordinator.

It is said, 'Coordinators are human and die, but the ISF is eternal and never forgets.' The ISF ensures that its frightening reputation is constantly refreshed by making examples of those that displease it.

Thus, it was completely blindsided when Coordinator Theodore Kurita demanded the seppuku of ISF Director Subhash Indrahar and that of his son, Ninyu Kerai Indrahar at the Imperial Palace on Luthien in 3048 for an unspecified and because they refused and were shot dead by his Nambu moments later unrevealed reason.

This didn’t go over well with the ISF and their allies notably the 1st and 7th Sword of Light Regiments, who found themselves immediately fighting most of the Otomo, Oberon mercenaries under Captain Ella Grimm, battle hardened and well-equipped from their time in the Capellan Civil War, the 2nd Freemen of the FRR Kungsarme and both An Ting Legions, on-world for ‘training’ operations. Further aiding them were an unknown number of Azami Saurimat and Pillarine Adept assassins, Warriors of House Fujita, and former Death Commandoes or Jie Fang legionaries.

Meanwhile, on New Samarkand the Black Dojo and Internal Security College were on the wrong side of Warlord Isoroku, sworn brother (although they are cousins) to Theodore, commanding both Genyosha regiments, which had been rotated to face ‘the considerable Davion threat,’ his elite White Tiger Battalion, and the Sun Zhang Academy Training Cadre.

The sudden shock of these decapitation attacks and the resulting subordination and dismemberment of the ISF, now under the Ministry of Justice by imperial decree, set it against the powerful judiciary of the Draconis Combine. Unfortunately for the ISF, the newly strengthened (at the cost of the Ministry of War) Ministry of Treasury froze all ongoing contracts and budgets until they were audited as part of the ‘capital controls’ instituted by the Coordinator to help offset the Draconis Combine’s sudden economic downturn by removing ‘wasteful’ spending. This greatly hampered their ability to hide illicit assets and evade detection.

However, the opaque nature of their activities and sheer size of their infiltration into every aspect of Combine society slowed investigations, many DCMS soldiers were killed in duels or skirmishes within their units, at their own hands, and defections to ROM from ISF hard-liners increased throughout the Inner Sphere. It remains to be seen whether the adage of the ISF’s eternal nature holds true,

As another adage states,

‘Though you may sever the body of a burrowed tick, that doesn’t mean its rot won’t kill you anyway.’

ISF post-Reform (3054+)
Covert Ops Division – Now officially known as DEST reporting directly to DCMS High Command

Internal Security Division – Operatives now have judicial oversight but wide ranging law enforcement powers. Most of these are assigned to ‘handle’ big cases against recalcitrant nobles or organized crime. Often interface with the Assembly of the Inquisitor when military graft and corruption become intertwined with the civilian variant.

Propaganda Division – Split between the Bureau of Official Information (Propaganda), Confined Persuasion (Dissident Reeducation), General Indoctrination (Education), and DCMS Indoctrination (Military Education)

Intelligence Gathering and Analysis Division – Now under the Bureau for Cultivating External Harmony (for foreign intelligence), Combine Military Coordination Office (for military and naval intelligence), Committee of Planetary Unity (for domestic intelligence), and others.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #16 on: 26 January 2023, 01:19:21 »
From his talk with Franklin I got impression that calling Ninyu was a decision of moment, albeit with some previous groundwork. Considering all the elements that were in place, it looks that the talk with Franklin was just a cherry on top, giving Theodore impetus to do it more personally than he originally intended to.   
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #17 on: 01 March 2023, 10:21:53 »
A New Central Kingdom – Tormano Liao’s Reforms for a Stronger Confederation

Chancellor Tormano Liao after ascending to the Celestial Throne in 3044 was suddenly in charge of a diminished empire. The Capellan Confederation, already one of the smallest Successor States, was throughout most of the Succession Wars a battlefield of empires without many allies and constantly harried by the AFFS and FWLM. It managed to endue this through the CCAF’s fanatic defense of their motherland and by leveraging its central location and relative weakness between the Free World’s League whose militarism varied between Captain-Generals and the Confederation's bitter enemies, The Federated Suns.

However, there remained the largest lynchpin to their prosperity; trade to the Rimward Periphery and almost all trade between the Federated Suns, Free World’s League, and Lyran Commonwealth needed to pass through it or near it as the Draconis Combine didn’t allow any passage for foreign vessels. Tharkad thus couldn’t allow it to fall and regularly intervened to keep the League in check and diplomatically limit the Federated Sun’s expansionist tendencies to focus them on their blood rivals, the Draconis Combine instead.

This long-standing relationship is why Tharkad, and Archon Katrina Steiner were the first allies the disgraced Tormano sought out after being expelled from the Confederation in favor of his oldest sister Candace who later betrayed her father by succeeding the Duchy of St Ives and calling in the AFFS to back her. During his almost twenty years as an exile Tormano Liao showed himself to be a superb diplomat balancing his warring sister’s disparate needs with those of the Confederation. Free Cappella, his non-profit generously supported by a variety of external interests, supported educational, grant, and relief programs for refugees displaced due to the constant state of turmoil the Confederation experienced from the Fourth Succession until he deposed Romano Liao on Highspire.

Tomano’s ascension speech on St Ives called for the Confederation to be ‘A New Central Kingdom’ and ‘A battleground for ideas rather than armies.’ His actions as Chancellor for the first five years followed what he had learned in foreign capitals. The Troika between the Prefectorate, Chancellery, and House of Scions was reestablished as initially chartered by Franco Liao. Regional ministries reported to a seven member Prefectorate, domestic policy was set, and the judiciary reported to the rebuilt House of Scions, and the Chancellery was responsible for foreign policy and common defense.

Laws were enforced strictly, sometimes even heavy handedly, by planetary and Imperial authorities to preserve internal security. This was deemed a necessary measure by the population as it combated bandits, pirates, rebels, and other organized crime that might threaten their personal or economic security. After being at war for so long any sense of security was welcomed and the Confederation prospered as expat returned from abroad and rebuilt their homeworlds with their accumulated savings.

Economic controls were significantly reduced and movement of people and trade of goods and ideas between regions were allowed once more. Religious tolerance became law so missionaries, mostly refugees converted during their time away, and religiously associated relief organizations flooded the war-torn nation.

With the cessation of hostilities between the St Ives Compact and Capellan Confederation as well as the marriage of First Prince Ian Davion and Countess Corrine Marik new trade routes were established and Atreus, Tharkad, and New Avalon invested immense capital into the Capellan Confederation through the Capellan Restoration Trust plus local taxes and jump transit fees. While the DCMS still occupied a portion of the Confederation the expense of maintaining these colonies burdened Luthien until Theodore Kurita, as one of his major acts upon ascension of Coordinator following his father Takashi’s death, negotiated a trade compact and returned the occupied worlds including Capella to the Confederation.

Embracing the long-time menace but presently suffering Draconis Combine was not widely accepted by the greater Inner Sphere and relations cooled between Capella and the other states. However, the events on Victoria in 3049….


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #18 on: 17 March 2023, 07:48:27 »
Rearming during the Renaissance Period
The Inner Sphere post-Helm Core was rapidly evolving. From 3030 onward to almost 3050 there would be a complete transformation of the Inner Sphere. A shattered Capellan Confederation was becoming whole again under Tormano Liao’s New Central Kingdom (‘XZW’) initiatives and the Draconis Combine, while still suffering from systemic problems, seemed to be on the rebound under Coordinator Theodore Kurita.

A new crop of leaders appeared in the other three Successor States.

Ian Davion, the dynamic First Prince of the Federated Suns replaced his father whose reputation had suffered due to the Victoria War.  His marriage to Corrine Marik and association with Tormano Liao during his travels ensured that the Federated Suns enjoyed favorable trade terms. Many of these however became suspect when Tormano upgraded his relations with the Draconis Combine. The potential for a Liao-Kurita superstate would have isolated the Federated Suns from its partners and no doubt would have led to war.

Long suffering due to a lack of jumpships Federated-Boeing Interstellar, the Federated Suns State owned Aerspace Manufacturer, brought out the struggling Challenge Systems and its smaller competitor Dynamico Limited giving them a larger footprint on Galax, Delevan, and Panpour. Although funding has increased dramatically according to publicly available data and the company is always hiring there hasn’t been a noticeable increase in jumpships delivered to the AFFS and FSN yet. According to their official schedules however both Hanse Davion, former FP-FS, and Jaime Wolf of the Wolf Dragoons have been frequent visitors to the Outback border world of Panpour since they stepped down from leadership positions. 

Archon Melissa Steiner and her husband Thomas Bradford set on a grand reorganization of every aspect of their realm capitalizing on the greater hopes for peace. The Lyran Commonwealth utilized its abundant soft power and capital on projects all the way to the Federation Outback. Due to their wealth and industrial might the Commonwealth began to upgrade its cageworks and cautiously extended loans to Rashpur-Owens around Capella (due to the large number of Draconis Combine expats working in the yards) in a bid for greater connectivity between Successor States, one of Tormano Liao’s ‘XZW’ initiatives. This started something of a tonnage race with the Free World’s League, their largest competition for interstellar trading state who didn’t want to be outcompeted in their preferred domain. This competition was driven even further onward due to the historical animosity between the two realms.

Paul Marik replaced his older brother Thomas Marik as Captain-General who retired peacefully to rejoin COMSTAR. While he returned some power to the League’s member states Parliament retained the largest share of military power to protect the borders from raiders based along the Rim or within the Confederation, which was still too weak to handle every threat.

The LCCC started long duration research and design contracts with smaller firms, this ‘PROJECT: PHOENIX’ encouraged greater experimentation with newly recovered and improved military technologies offering large bounties on anything that could be brought to market. Its most successful project the Radical Cooling System equipped Awesome 8I netted Technicron Manufacturing a hefty fortune. Most of this fortune was invested into expanding the groundside manufacturing footprint for their cageworks orbiting Tamarind.

With the end of the Capellan Civil War the Mercenary Market in the Inner Sphere has dramatically changed as well. While Jaime Wolf was given dominion over Quentin by Hanse Davion in the early 3040s the Wolf Dragoons had returned to Outreach in 3048 under the command of Jaime’s daughter Maeve and her brother MacKenzie.
Once back on Outreach they founded the Allied Mercenary Command as a competitor to the Galatea based Mercenary Review Board with the assistance of other prestigious and deep pocketed mercs such as the Kell Hounds, Northwind Highlanders, and Eridani Light Horse among others. Mercenaries registered with the AMC would get exclusive access to gear from the Dragoon owned Blackwell Industries and Independence Weaponry as well as every type of training, education in all matters mercenary, and legal protections (eventually extending to the Draconis Combine in 3053). All registered members of the AMC were required to post a substantial bond and signed a pledge to abide by the Ares Conventions. Failure to abide by the Conventions would result in a command being registered as rogue and bounty hunters would be sent to bring them to justice.

The Mercenary Review Board did not take this competition lightly particularly after many mercenaries decamped and migrated to Outreach. Unfortunately, several high-profile incidents involving MRB contracted Mercs outed as pirates or other criminals using false names cratered their reputation with respectable worlds. Even COMSTAR’s Public Relations department struggled to contain the fallout after the Capellan Confederations SSB’s investigations into the former Pirate Queen and Rebel Leader Victoria Espinosa found most of her MechWarriors were recruited from mercenaries registered to MRB Westerhand with deeper records of war crimes committed all the way back to Anton’s Revolt and the Reach Wars between the Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat of the 3020s.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #19 on: 17 March 2023, 09:40:50 »
Handheld Weapons – Versatility at the tip of your fingers
While handheld weapons have been experimented with since the Star League it wasn’t until the Inner Sphere Renaissance and importantly the production of Battlemechs equipped with Triple Strength Myomer that they were seriously considered as a reasonable alternative. As more Battlemechs moved into the primary Anti-BattleMech role and away from multi-role combat their secondary weapons were scaled back to improve efficiency.

More widespread adoption of these handhelds to give particularly short-range designs, such as SecurityMechs, the Hunchback, and new Chargers with two hands, some long-range firepower with which to close with the enemy. This adoption also led to a previously unrealized potential of Blue Shot Weapon’s Thunderbolt Missile System. This unitary missile packed the same punch as an autocannon at a lesser weight and although its ammunition was limited in comparison to others that was seen as a positive in a handheld weapon as it would reduce the chance of the enemy turning it against your own forces.

Other missile systems such as Luthien Armor Work’s Medium Range Missile and cheap, retro, but effective Rocket Launchers were also widely utilized as handhelds. Rockets were highly favored for their ambush potential and one-shot nature. Once expended the launcher pod could be discarded with no fear of it being turned against you.
Battlemech designs which had transitioned to longer range weapons at the cost of their SRMs and/or Machine Guns such as modernized Orions, Thunderbolts, and Shadow Hawks could utilize a ‘sling’ loaded version for utility when needed for a mission. Carrying one of these would halve their speed and require the aid of another mech to ready. In some cases, though that SRM launcher was the determining factor in victory particularly in urban areas against infantry.

Anti-Infantry Weapons were the second largest class of handhelds, while SRMs were the preferred heavy weapon for handling infantry for larger Mechs machine guns and conventional flamers were used by lighter mechs tasked with that mission. By off-loading these weapons light mechs could focus their own SRMs on Anti-Mech and Vehicle payloads instead of Anti-Infantry ones.

Many handheld weapon pods were also utilized by SecurityMechs, industrial machines focused on securing industrial installations or policing cities such as Harlech, Solaris City, and Galatea City with large MechWarrior populations and easy access to BattleMechs.

Speaking of Solaris City though handheld melee weapons had been used in its arenas since the Star League but there was a growing interest to apply these devastating weapons to the battlefield. Due to the growing use of Triple Strength Myomer in Battlemechs the power generated by them was dramatically increased and this could be pared with something more formidable than a Battlemech’s own limbs. These often saw use on longer ranged designs such as the Axman 2M or the Black Knight 9. Shields to were sometimes used to provide protection to a design using an ERPPR and capacitor while their main weapon was recharging.

The sheer number of designs that were being experimented with during this time is unknown. However, any decent technical team could assemble a handheld weapon pod in a mech bay or reinforce a mech’s limb to take the force of a melee weapon a few times in combat given a few weeks.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #20 on: 17 March 2023, 12:48:37 »
Now I imagine armored carriers of handhelds following the mechs into battle to allow them change during mission.
Shoot first, laugh later.

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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #21 on: 22 March 2023, 16:40:51 »
Caddies would be the perfect nickname for them.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #22 on: 30 March 2023, 22:34:46 »
I appreciate both of your imaginations and it humors me to think of a Chaffee or similar rummaging through a truck's bed looking for a 'Four-Iron.'


The Blessed Order of COMSTAR is a difficult organization to comprehend for outsiders and even adherents find some of its motives cryptic. However, such would be expected of its turbulent founding by the Star League’s last Minister of Communication and first Prime Administrator of COMSTAR, Jerome Blake, in 2785 following the Amaris Crisis.

When SLDF Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky left with the SLDF COMSTAR was entrusted with what remained of the Star League’s once vast infrastructure. Blake knew how tenuous his position was and hastily but secretively put together TASK FORCE SILVER SHIELD from what little SLDF units remained nearby. SILVER SHIELD seized control of Terra and New Earth from their Great House occupiers.

Overwhelmed by this fait accompli the Great Houses were forced to acknowledge the new organization as a neutral state. They did so with the signing of the Communications Protocol of 2787in order to preserve the hyper-pulse generators on which their imperial authority depended and which only COMSTAR could service and operate effectively. Jerome Blake died in 2819 and was replaced by Primus Conrad Toyama who was responsible for the major changes to COMSTAR’s business and government trappings being replaced by ecclesiastical ones. Toyama’s inaugural speech is the first reference to ‘The Blessed Order of COMSTAR.’

The Blessed Order’s monopoly on interstellar communication and negotiated neutrality rapidly resulted in COMSTAR’s internal currency, the C or COMSTAR bill, becoming the reserve currency of the Inner Sphere. Toyama was busy during these early years as much of the damage from the Amaris Crisis and First Succession War needed to be repaired. This monopoly and their neutrality was first challenged by the Lyran Commonwealth.

Archon Richard Steiner sought to tax the Order’s assets within the Commonwealth like any other business. Incensed by this demand Toyama passed the Exclusion of Tharkad Act, one that would be delivered by Precentor Tharkad before the Commonwealth’s capital was disconnected from the HPG grid. A year later Richard’s son Marcus and members of the Estates General delivered an apology to Precentor Donegal. Three days later Tharkad’s HPG was once more in operation.

This would not be the last time that a Great House was cut off from the HPG Grid, through a mechanism known as interdiction. The first House to suffer the Primus’ wrath was the Free World’s League in response to the FWLM’s bombardment of the Oriente HPG and death of Adept Jeanette Marik in 2837 but it would not be the last. Interdiction is a response that is not taken lightly within the Order and any threat to COMSTAR, or its adherents is treated severely.

Although there have only been three other large interdictions (against the Draconis Combine, Federated Suns/Duchy of St Ives, and Magistracy of Canopus/Duchy of Andurien) there have been multiple short term planetary ones. These often result from some rapacious noble disrespecting the local HPG station. In response the enclave will seal themselves off behind their walls until either the noble’s liege ‘disciplines’ them or off-world MRB contracted mercenaries or COMGUARDS arrive on White Star Jumpships to do so. Enough upstart nobles have had their careers and necks cut short by these endeavors that these have become uncommon in the 31st Century.

Its enclaves were not as troubled by the decline in living standards throughout the Succession Wars. COMSTAR was in fact the largest humanitarian donor during that time particularly in the hard hit periphery with even the independent minded Taurian Concordat accepting their assistance, mostly because Jerome Blake was appointed by a Calderon.

Among the services within their enclave city-states and even beyond are primary, secondary, and specialist schools, universities, hospitals, maintain terraforming and planetary power, water, telecom, and transport infrastructure, provide technical support for all manner of problems, and sometimes they even do so for free, although often with a side of propaganda or influence.

COMSTAR has minority stakes in almost every interstellar corporation and major stakes in the largest fifty which are predominantly based on New Earth. Theirs is the only universal bank in the Inner Sphere, a bank which has helped to finance almost every jumpship built in the last two hundred years. Their White Star Jumpline operates the same number of jumpships as their three largest competitors and offer larger dropships than most of them can operate, reducing shipping costs. The Mercenary Review Board, overseen and funded by COMSTAR, operates on dozens of worlds and served as the central clearinghouse for any gun-for-hire in the Inner Sphere until the Allied Mercenary Command was established by the Wolf’s Dragoons and Kell Hounds.

By the Communications Act local and planetary governments must allow anyone that wishes to test into the Order to do so. According to many anecdotes this has made the organization a haven for rebels and criminals resulting in friction with local leaders. Leaders who not only see fugitives escape justice, but their best minds leave for a life within ‘Blake’s Cult.’

However, once an aspirant is inducted into COMSTAR they become untouchable until they are excommunicated. Such an event rarely happens far more often the dreaded Rho branch will handle things internally with the offender simply ‘disappearing.’

While many new members join each year, COMSTAR, like many insular organizations, grows more organically than from recruitment as its adherents raise families within their home enclave. To the best of their abilities this behavior is encouraged by that planet’s Precentor with access to excellent healthcare and generous allowances. While marriage is encouraged for social stability it isn’t mandatory. Within the Order assignments are handed out at the household level unless there is an urgent need that requires separation and then best efforts will be made to reunite the household as soon as reasonable.

Life within the Order is highly structured and run according to Terran time. Accurate timekeeping is essential to their work and tardiness is not tolerated among the Order and is often punished by forcing the offender to skip one of the two communal meals served each day.

A trend of repeat offenses will involve a set of minders being appointed from the local Mu branch who will carry around a stopwatch and force the offender forward with a bamboo rod until they correct themselves.

Recitations of Blake’s Writings and those of other exception individuals are memorized and repeated daily to reinforce group identity. Everything an adherent learns is either by rote memorization or through constant repetition through apprenticeship until they can recall the task or information perfectly (according to internal ‘guidance’ of course).

Ranks within the order follow a six part hierarchy established by Raymond Karpov, the Third Primus. They are Neophyte, Acolyte, Adept, Demi-Precentor, and Precentor. These titles are followed by the branch identifier of the individual and their years of service at that rank (commonly known as their Grade and expressed in Roman numerals). After twenty-five years the bearer will automatically increase in Rank, but it is possible to be promoted through excellent service, prior education or training, a demonstration of leadership and knowledge of Blake’s Writings, by local need, or through nomination by a Precentor.

Neophytes are those that have been accepted from outside Aspirants or the children born to Adherents. Unlike the other ranks this one can only be held for five years although only children carry it for this long with adult members being rapidly promoted to Acolyte after a year or two of probation and indoctrination.

The acolytes are the lowest members among Blake’s Adherents and serve as apprentices or junior members of a branch. Those that serve and perform dutifully in their assigned tasks will often rise to the rank of Adept within ten years and often shorter depending on local conditions and their personal ability or drive.

Once they become Adepts an adherent is trusted enough to be entrusted with the secret knowledge of COMSTAR. Those with exceptional ability or decades of experience rise to the rank of Demi-Precentor and a select few reach Precentor.

Precentors within COMSTAR are not allowed to nominate their own progeny to replace them to combat nepotism and prevent the Order from becoming like the decadent Great Houses and their feudal fiefdoms. Thus, a Precentor will identify a particularly driven Adept (if young) or trusted Demi-Precentor (if older) and nominate them to take their role upon death or retirement. With the exceptional healthcare provided to its members those selected often wait a long time to rise up to the rank of Precentor unless they find an ‘alternate’ route.

Part two will go into expand into COMSTAR's branches and how they leverage their enclaves to best effect


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #23 on: 05 April 2023, 08:42:31 »
COMSTAR, part 2 | A Blessed Luminous Order
COMSTAR has grown over the years to include many distinct branches that have representatives in each of their Enclave Cities. Prime above all of these are those of Alpha Branch, responsible for operating their Hyper-Pulse Generators. These advanced machines are why the Great Houses and Periphery states respect COMSTAR’s extraterritorial privileges.

To preserve the secrecy of these machines from rival powers each Alpha branch member must undergo rigorous training at their First Circuit world and memorize their portion of an HPG’s operation. There is no instruction manual, except perhaps on Terra, and only these privileged few of the order can comprehend the sacred mysteries of interstellar faster-than-light communication or replicate its miraculous operation. Due to their Prime position many of the First Circuit have come from Alpha Branch.

COMSTAR’s power derives a combination of each of their branches but their control over the C-bill, the reserve currency of the Inner Sphere and Periphery, and investment in interstellar banking is perhaps second to only their HPGs in importance. Phi Branch is responsible for the management of the Order’s foreign currency reserves, trade accounts, investments, insurance, and the oversight of all accounts payable and receivable.

Chief among their concerns is the stability of the C-bill against the House currencies, planetary scrips, and profitable enterprises. Due to their miserly nature Phi branch is widely cast as a villain, but without their oversight COMSTAR would not have achieved as much as it has over the centuries.

Another of COMSTAR’s soft power advantages can be found in the Beta and Omega branches, these branches oversee the Order’s vast network of laboratories and research groups. Beta is responsible for general analysis, particularly of Lostech, and counts many of the Explorer Crps among its number. Through their understanding of the natural and human environment Beta empowers the researchers of Omega branch to come up with novel technologies that can be incorporated within proprietary products sold outside the Enclaves.

Due to their preservation of many of the SLDF’s technologies and the need to maintain and grow their Order COMSTAR operates medical clinics and hospitals within their Enclaves. Kappa branch operates and staffs these hospitals to the best of their ability (funding is highly variable throughout the Enclaves as are the needs of a planet’s population) and provides medical services to not only those within the Order but to outside civilians as well (military personnel, not of COMGUARD or contracted mercenaries, are turned away to uphold the Order’s neutrality) at no cost. One of the slightly controversial sources of neophytes is through adoption of unwanted children, brought to their maternity and children’s hospitals, into the Order. 

Everything that Beta, Kappa, and Omega uncover is preserved by the most monastic and least understood of the Order’s branches. Tau branch listens to and records everything and can incorporate any media into their collections. Many of their number take lifelong vows of silence, content with the clicks and whirls of their databanks or the comfortable quiet of the vast libraries they preserve. Little is known of what manner of secrets they keep, and they prefer it that way.

While Tau collects information it is the responsibility of Eta branch to distribute and teach it to COMSTAR’s adherents. A chance for an advanced education was one of its largest draws for much of the Order’s history. Gifted children from poor or lower-middle class backgrounds with no possibility of higher education were the target audience for Nu branch’s recruitment pitches and if they could pass the tests and were willing to take the vows were inducted into the Order. Advancement within the Order is contingent on one’s educational achievement, according to marketing pitches the reality is not quite as clear cut, so even the most senior of Precentors were enrolled in some program to keep their minds sharp.

Sigma branch, responsible for the Order’s public relations, unlike Tau can hardly keep quiet. They operate the most like normal telecommunications providers and are among the most corporate and localized of the Order’s branches. Interstellar News Network and other COMSTAR affiliated programs were originally only meant for internal consumption. However, for most inhabitants of the Inner Sphere INN and COMSTAR are the only exposure they get to the greater universe. Each enclave maintains their own part-time stringers and journalists like any other news bureau. Due to their zeal in investigative journalism Sigma frequently runs afoul of local governments if they present unflattering stories.

When Sigma or any adherent to the Order runs afoul of a government it becomes the responsibility of Gamma branch. This branch is composed of diplomats, negotiators, and other legal professionals. Throughout the early history of COMSTAR Gamma branch was the principal weapon that the Order would use against the Great Houses short of interdiction. COMSTAR’s ability to process and retain information as well as recruit and train gifted individuals and an almost infinite ability to mobilize money made them absolute nightmares in court against any corporation or planetary lord that found themselves in Gamma’s sights.

Part 3 will discuss the Order's interstellar merchant fleet and the Militant Orders of ROM


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #24 on: 05 April 2023, 11:26:23 »
Due to their miserly nature Phi branch is widely cast as a villain

Nobody in the company likes the accountant
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #25 on: 05 April 2023, 13:51:50 »
+1 to PsihoKekec

COMSTAR part 3 | The Militant Order and COMSTAR’s Direct Power
Jerome Blake was no fool. He knew that as soon as Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky departed the Inner Sphere that it would not be long before the Great Houses would be at war once more. According to legend he pleaded with the general to remain, but Aleksandr would not be dissuaded from his Exodus with most of the SLDF. Thus, it was with one of his first actions that Blake enacted SILVER SHIELD, the liberation of Terra and New Earth from Great House occupation, and the mission to keep them neutral.

From this initial crucible ROM was born, the three branches of COMSTAR with real thorns.

Rho, Omicron, and Mu branches were essential to safeguarding the sanctity of the HPG network, the Order, and thus COMSTAR’s continued survival when other means proved insufficient. Unable to maintain a large military for financial and pollical reasons these were kept small and thus could be oversee by a single Senior Precentor that answered directly to the Primus. A similar arrangement continued all the way down to a local HPG with, the typically Demi-Precentor, ROM answering directly to the planetary Primary.

Much of ROM’s internal workings are classified, particularly the Omicron branch that is responsible for Internal Policing and Counterintelligence. Rho operatives take direct action in the field and Mu mans the walls or operates the security systems and stationary turrets that protect COMSTAR enclaves and keep local Lords honest.

Due to their inheritance of Star League technology ROM units enjoyed a technological edge throughout the Succession Wars. However, due to the discovery of the Helm Core and Great House investments in research and industrial capacity their lead on the Great Houses is becoming more tenuous. This has spurred the Order to increase their own efforts but while COMSTAR might have more resources than a single Successor State it cannot compete with all of them simultaneously.

COMSTAR’s other historical hard power has come in the form of its Mercenary Review Board founded by Jerome Blake himself prior to COMSTAR’s rebranding. The MRB has however come under investigation after the Capellan Civil War as a disturbing number of pirates that were operating in the Rim between the Magistracy of Canopus and Taurian Concordat were confirmed to have been parts of MRB contracted units. Gamma branch has come to the defense of the Board, but the debate has soured the MRB’s previously sterling reputation and given the Wolf Dragoons’ affiliated Allied Mercenary Command on Outreach a rare opportunity to compete with COMSTAR on equal footing.

Following the Readjustment Act of 3035 signed by Primus Myndo Waterly a new power emerged from COMSTAR. The COMSTAR Guards or COMGuards acted and were equipped like an actual military capable of direct action rather than the paramilitary/intelligence agency of ROM. Their stated purpose was to ensure the sanctity of HPG facilities in the Capellan Confederation as conditions worsened following the Andurien Incursion. The end of the Capellan Civil War and mysterious disappearance of their leader, Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht, in 3044 supposedly caused their disbandment.
However, a new COMGuards would appear in 3051 under the command of Precentor Martial Photon Brett. This organization however was plagued by manpower issues, much as its predecessor ROM was, as it proved much harder for COMSTAR’s Nu recruiters to compete with Great House militaries for recruits from outside its enclaves.

COMSTAR had a much easier time recruiting for Delta branch. Delta, previously known as COMSTAR Space Command until that spun off, builds and operates the Order’s vast fleet of jumpships, dropships, space stations, and later Warships.

Delta along with Phi branch was responsible for saving most of the Great House shipyards during the early Succession Wars by providing them the necessary financing and technology to sustain production of at least spare parts to stave off a total collapse of interstellar trade routes and widespread misery.

Much of this outsourced production went to “White Star Lines,” COMSTAR’s merchant fleet, providing a necessary link of humanitarian aid and crucial technology to remote planets throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery that would otherwise not be serviced by Free Traders or seen as low priority by the Great Houses who carefully shepherded their diminishing fleets of spacecraft for military operations.

Despite many being retained for internal use some of these ships were leased out to and operated by independent contractors, often from the Outworlds Alliance or Lyran Commonwealth, on 20-year contracts. This kept Phi branch happy by providing steady income and reliable work for friendly empires. COMSTAR’s dominion of the Belter populations in Sol and Tau Ceti ensured their own ready supply of employees could be sourced from within the Protectorate for secure missions.

Delta has undergone some of the largest changes of any branch within COMSTAR over the past century and a half. The return of Warships in the form of the six Faslane Yardships from 2882-2949 by Primus Marteen and three Dantes in 2935-2941 by Primus York required a major realignment in staffing and funding.

Primus Adrienne Sims shelved her predecessors’ Warship program in favor of her own Explorer Corps. Delta had to respond and they increased the number of long endurance ships and reused the idle Warship slips for Carrack Armored Transports which were constructed throughout the 30th Century while the Dantes and Faslanes were mothballing around Saturn.

Following the Federated Suns’ invasion of the Capellan Confederation then Primus Julian Tiepolo ordered Titan Yards to reactivate the mothballed ship and conduct a survey of the boneyards to see if any ex-SLDF ship could be reactivated. This survey was not completed before his death, but the results were poor. Aleksandr Kerensky had taken the ships most able to be repaired and those that remained would be ruinously expensive to reactivate if they were even within Titan’s ability to do so.

Tiepolo’s successor Myndo Waterly instead approved an expansion of the Dante class to a dozen hulls in 3039 to be completed no later than 3052. Nine ships in slightly more than a decade required a massive salvage operation of COMSTAR’s boneyards of ex-SLDF ships by the reactivated Faslanes and their Belter crews.

The reorganization of 3048, known as the ‘Three Wise Men Reforms’ (for cementing the positions of Precentors ROM, Martial, and Naval) further divided Delta as the Warships and their crews were spun off into an independent COMSTAR Space Command as part of the COM-Guards under Precentor Naval Gregory Zwick. The Explorer Corps, Titan Cageworks, and White Star Merchant Fleet remained within the division however and continued their missions. 


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #26 on: 05 April 2023, 20:37:31 »
COMSTAR Part 4, The Reorganization of 3048
Frustrated by constant strategic upsets with the COMGuards and ROM Primus Myndo Waterly proposed a reorganization of the Order’s security apparatus in 3048 which wasn’t implemented until 3049 or revealed until 3051.

Under these reforms three Senior Precentors would be selected to take command of and implement reforms in their associated organizations.

Precentor ROM Charles Seneca retained his already established role within the Order’s secretive ROM. Increased recruiting of ISF exiles bolstered the ranks of ROM and drew concerns from the rest of the Inner Sphere and condemnation from Luthien. Nevertheless, these individuals, while highly trained, posed their own issues and much of their trained synergy was intentionally broken to prevent cliques from forming and threatening the harmony of the Order.

Photon Brett, a politically reliable, and experienced FWLM MechWarrior prior to his service in ROM was promoted to Precentor Martial and put into command of the COMGuards. He immediately reorganized the command into something that more closely resembled his native FLWM rather than the MechWarrior centric command that his predecessor Anastasius Focht preferred.

Gregory Zwick, an ambitious graduate of Aphrodite Naval Academy (ANA) who along with his brother-in-law Alain Beresick did much of the work in writing the modern book on space combat through experimentation and training of new crews on the reactivated Dante frigates, was appointed COMSTAR’s first Precentor Naval and put in command of the new COMSTAR Space Command.

With knowledgeable people in command and the First Circuit’s meddling minimized the Three Wise Men could begin to implement their reforms. Recruitment and training were the principal concern for all three orders. ROM had preferential access to recruits from the Enclaves and Protectorate who were deemed more reliable and trustworthy. ANA was always filled with disaffected Belters so Delta branch and COMSTAR Space Command had no shortage of recruits.

Unfortunately, that left the COMGuards in a difficult position as they were forced to compete with the Great Houses but without their advantage of patriotic fervor. Many members of the COMGuards had been drawn from the losers of the last war. This put them in competition with the mercenaries that they oversaw in the MRB but without the freedom and status that profession provided. The deactivation of the COMGuards after the Capellan Civil War and rise of the Allied Mercenary Command reduced their stream of recruits to a trickle.

With limited manpower Photon Brett’s COMGuards instead invested in combined arms, advanced technologies, and reconnaissance drones supporting Battlemech and Armored Vehicles with Artillery and Airpower. Roboticization of basic maintenance and repairs reduced their manpower demands but required upgrades and large capital investments. Precentor Martial Brett is trusting that his best efforts to improve the survivability of his command will be matched with COMSTAR mobilizing appropriate replacement equipment. Thus, he is willing to spend money but save lives and trust that the COMGuards could develop enough of a reputation to attract more recruits in the near future.

The Order’s organization of their units remains the same throughout the three branches.
Within the COMGuards a Level I or solitaire consists of a single large vehicle (whether it be Mech, fighter, or tank), SLDF infantry platoon, or battle armor fireteam. These are typically commanded by an Adept and include their associated support infrastructure.

The Level II or demi-Company is composed of six Level Is and commanded by the unit’s Senior Adept.

A Level III or Battalion is composed of six Level IIs and commanded by a Demi-Precentor.
A Level IV or Division is composed of six Level IIIs and commanded by a Precentor.
Presently (in 3051) there is only one COMGuard Level V or six Level IVs and it is commanded by Precentor Martial Photon Brett.

COMSTAR Space Command follows a similar configuration with the same types of level Is.
Dropships are treated as their own Level II under the command of a Demi-Precentor with Adepts in command of their onboard departments. What few Titan or Vengeance carrier dropships the CSC has in service possess two Demi-Precentors on-board, one for the fighter group and one for the dropship itself and are treated as a level III.

Warships are treated as their own Level III but are commanded by a Precentor with Demi-Precentors in command of departments on-board a ship. Attached vessels come under the command of this Precentor.

While no COMSTAR Warships have been deployed as part of a task force in anything other than training a Precentor Commodore would command up to six ships and their attached units as if they were their own Level IV.

Thus far the only Precentor Commodores have been Alain Beresick and Gregory Zwick when they took eight Dantes against one another around Uranus’ moon Ariel during a Fleet Exercise in 3049. The winner of this exercise was Zwick, and he was appointed Precentor Naval shortly afterwards by Primus Waterly, his men also purchased a sequined mermaid tail for his wife (Beresick’s sister) although it isn’t known how she reacted.

Precentor Naval Gregory Zwick operates the CSC as his own Level V.


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #27 on: 06 April 2023, 02:06:05 »
If ComGuard was supposedly disbanded in 3044, does that mean that the Dieron Castle Brian was returned to DC?

Idea of Three Wise Men meeting at one or another Castle Brian gives me entirely to silly mental pictures.
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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #28 on: 06 April 2023, 02:33:41 »
I really like your interpretation of ComStar and how multi-faceted you made it. The prevalence of vows of silence within Tau was a nice touch.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Golden Lion AU Supplemental
« Reply #29 on: 06 April 2023, 04:34:37 »
If ComGuard was supposedly disbanded in 3044, does that mean that the Dieron Castle Brian was returned to DC?

No ROM still existed, the ComGuards are meant to be power projection but defense is still ROM responsibility